LOVE UNTOLD an Arrange Marria...

By MelissaEonnie

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Y/n and Hyunjin are both royalties in a modern world Y/n doesn't have a choice, this is your purpose you eng... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 11 pt.2
Chapter 11 pt.3
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42: Alternate

Chapter 12

1.1K 27 6
By MelissaEonnie

It's been a week since the camping activity happened, they all return to what they originally doing plus the activity that is given to them each week. Some of them visited their own palace to pass some time and just return to the Hwang palace to proceed with the activity. 

"where's Hyunjin again?" you ask her assistant who's now standing at the front door of the palace 

"he doesn't want you to know for the mean time princess y/n" she answered 

you don't have any choice and just take that answer as it is. You've been doing your royal duty as usual, and more than often without Hyunjin. You just simply read some papers, visit organizations, and take language lessons.

"I already finish my duty for today and it's just 4pm, what should I do?" you thought of visiting Kkami today but decided not to.

A light suddenly lit in your mind, you quickly walk outside the palace and head in the garden. Hoping that Minho will also be there, it's been a while since you went here and have a conversation with him. 

As you continue walking you finally arrive at your destination and you smile when you notice that Minho is here

"Ahem!" you cough to get the attention of Minho

"who's that?"- Minho

"It's me! Y/n! long time no talk, just passing by and thought that I should visit you." you sit down on the bench facing the canvas Minho's been working on

"Hey! you're right it's been a are you?" -Minho

"well..I'm fine and I thought I wouldn't see you here today because the palace is almost empty with princesses and princes and figure that you may gone to your palace too" you explained while closing your eyes and breathing the fresh air

"I already visited on our palace last week and I'm not going to go back soon. How's your camping?" he ask while still putting details on his work

"you know what? I remember now! there's this guy--what's his name? I forgot! but his voice sounds like you but your name are just different"-y/n

"oh? how so?" -Minho

"get this! there's a person within our group wrote a message to me and I'm figuring that it's Kim's partner but I don't want to assume." you open your eyes and hold your chin like you're thinking deeply

"what does the message said?" Minho stop what he's doing and you can see on his shadow that he's now sitting waiting for your response

"I still have the paper in my pocket, you can read it" you stand up and reach the paper to Minho, after a minute reading the message he give it back to you

"what a mysterious guy" Minho said while chuckling

"anyway..let's forget about have you been lately with yourself?" you ask him and you're now playing with the flowers and plants in the garden

"getting better..I still struggle with myself but I'm getting know what I mean" you just nodded at him. It's basically about the problem he's been telling to you about  his mental health issues like panic attack and insomia at night. 

"for me..I don't know if I'm getting better...maybe lately I notice that I'm getting interested again about the things I really love doing when I was a kid and a teenager, I thought it's already gone. I'm thinking about taking a lesson about taking care of a nurse?" you said hesitantly 

"wow..that's a big dream you have there..taking that path needs a lot of hardwork" Minho response and continue his work 

"I know right? it's unusual for a princess to take a liking to that..many of us expect us in engineering field, fashion, architecture, medical, lawyer, agriculture, arts, and even cosmology..but I'm not going to enter college again--people don't normally know about this" your conversation is getting deeper as you both keep on exchanging.


"each one of us take college right? and it's not uncommon to us to take two or more courses..well..I just had one" you said proudly and comfortably 

"what did you take?" Minho ask without judgement 

" I what I've said earlier..nursing..I want to take baking as well but I thought that I can bake even without taking that" you said to him..this explains why you can easily spot that Hyunjin is not feeling well with travel, you can easily notice the signs. 

"you must be really smart Y/n"-minho

"me?hahaha no!" -Y/n

"you finished that course, I heard that many royalties who take medical path as their choice often chose any other pre-med course except nursing"-Minho

"stop making me feel better about myself Minho! haha" trying to brush off what he's saying because you always thought that every path you take and choose is always lame and no one will take interest to that.

"then stop thinking that your choices are bad" he said with a serious tone, you stop in whatever you're doing and look at the back of his canvas that is covering him

"so..should I volunteer?" you ask's about going on a medical mission that was given to you the other week and you've been thinking about it. You're just going to one of the low places in the Hwang Kingdom and treat people

"if that what's your heart wanted" you take a deep sigh with his remember this mission because of the duties you're taking as a princess in the palace for a week and you've been reading a lot of children being sick and the shortages of workers.

"you're really the best, can't wait to see you personally soon. It's your loss if you will not see me as well" you said jokingly and you both laugh.

"before I forgot I have my baked cookies's my gift to you" you handed him the box full of cookies 

"thank you y/n..I don't have anything to give you right now, is that alright?" you can sense the shyness and worried tone of his voice

"pfft--you don't need to, okay? you already given me your gift from the very beginning just by listening..oh! just one thing I would like to look at the thing you're working on with your canvas okay?" you said while nodding to yourself.

"you will"


"1 2 3 *click*" 

Hyunjin and Kim is together right now outside the palace, they're at a coffee shop disguising themselves up so no one will notice who they're. 

"we're really look cute together!" Kim said while giggling, Hyunjin on the other hand couldn't keep his eyes off of Kim. 

"we surely do, and we will soon" Hyunjin path her head and smile

"yah! Hyunjinniee don't do that my hair is becoming messy" she pouted her lips and Hyunjin find it cute and funny at the same time that's why he pinch her cheeks 

"stop doing that also Kim I couldn't help myself but to pinch that" Hyunjin said still looking deeply to her eyes

"hmp! I just hope that one day we will be able to do this without hiding ourselves" Kim out of the blue open that topic again

"just wait for it a bit..we're not in a hurry, we're still young" Hyunjin respond to her until his phone ring

"Prince Hyunjin, princess y/n is asking where were you many times..what should I say?" his assistant Luna is calling him, Hyunjin instructed her what he should do with y/n, and the call ended.

"what's that about?"-Kim

"Just y/n"- Hyunjin said shifting from a unknown atmosphere between them

"do you think that she already fallen to you? make sure she's not!" Kim cross her arm and continue pouting making herself cute to Hyunjin

"I don't can't blame me right? since the beginning many princesses like me, that goes to you as well since many princes would like to take your hand" Hyunjin smirk with that 

"you're right! just make sure you're not falling to her"-Kim

"hmm" -Hyunjin

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