Solace, and finally, Peace. (...

JUNK_Y4RD tarafından

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uhh :3 "How does it feel to have created the first EVER scary mary x reader fanfic?" im going mentally insane. Daha Fazla

Lesson One: Endurance

I forgor :3

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JUNK_Y4RD tarafından

Solace, and finally, peace.

Unlabeled reader (implied to be queer + Afab)/Scary Mary

Part 1, yipeee

What the fuck.

You'd only wanted to go camping with your friends, it'd been a trip all of you had been planning since the start of high school. To celebrate graduation and the new stage of your lives (to college and so on), all of you decided, to hell with it—Let's go on that dumbass camping trip! You guys spent months preparing for it, getting the right equipment, training in case something goes wrong and setting up plan B transportation in case something happens. It'd been planned out well, all of you would camp out for a few days, see nature and explore, like regular people. Then, you'd check in at a resort and rest for the last days of the trip. The reason this trip was planned out so well was...because of the last trip. When you were all just going into highschool—you all went and met up at your friends house for a sleepover...only to meet Scary Larry. Everything just went downhill from there. You were only high school juniors when it happened. Suddenly nothing felt normal, you were getting injured left and right with a lack of supplies. Thankfully, everybody survived and you'd worked to defeat him together much to the dismay of the cat and his minions. You'd all put that and the uneasiness of the situation behind you—so that you and your friends could have some well deserved fun. And, for god's sake—finally feel normal again.

Worst mistake of your life. Never again.

Yeah, your friend's (Milos) "brand new temu car" just happened to randomly break down in the middle of a life threatening storm, leaving you and your friends without shelter. Sure, you would've stayed in the car, but you all were afraid it would burst into flames when it started literally smoking. You wouldn't put it past temu to sell a car like that. How your friend even get the fucking car? From temu??? For 20 dollars??? You didn't know and you didn't WANT to know. You guys aren't the smartest people, clearly. At least you knew to seek out some type of shelter. But of course, it just HAD to be a crime base, connected to—of course—the same crime you'd witnessed years before. And, this was undoubtedly more terrifying.

You only went to the gym because you were bored, and it seemed like something to get your mind off your almost dead phone. It was rather dark in the place, had to have power, you realized looking at the treadmill that appeared to be on. Then, the power suddenly turned on and you almost put yourself on a shirt by almost dropping the equipment. Thankfully, your friend, Milo was there to keep you from doing so.

You both laughed it off hesitantly and you continued to work with the weights while Milo ran on the treadmill...both of your phones were dead. Apple and Android both suck, sadly, no one wins here. The rest of your friends were attempting to either pull open the door to a strange room or explore the place. You and Milo just had the same idea, the two of you functioned like that. You didn't get much time to think on this as the large screen in the middle room suddenly shut on, a video being played on it.

Your heart sank to your ass as the video finished. You and Milo slowly turned to look at each other as the clock started to countdown.

What the fuck.

And—-was that older woman on the screen pretty as hell or were you delusional?

You didn't have time to dwell on it.

It took you all a few seconds to regain composure but upon seeing the clock you all immediately grabbed your bats, rushing to the door. All of you breathed heavily, all nervous and batshit scared as you heard the noise of the car pulling up. Somebody was coming in, and apparently, they weren't taking any excuses. The men came in wearing suits and a seemingly playful theater mask.

Yall immediately jumped them.

Seriously, you don't know what overcame you and your friends. But, to have your highschool graduation trip ruined by all this bullshit had all of you fuming and those poor men had to pay for it. All of you, seven in total, had knocked those men out within a few minutes.

Two of your friends, Kylo and Archie, went up to what looked like a battle arena. You and Milo didn't assist them, those two were already deadly on their own. You loved them, but they could probably bring down the entire secret services as a whole and put an end to the planet. While your other three friends finally pulled open those doors, revealing a kitchen. You all rummaged the drawers for supplies, only successful maybe half of the time, but you were grateful regardless. Speaking of drawers, there'd been drawers all around the place.

Oh boy.

And, Kylo and Archie seemed to be knocking out those guys at an alarming pace. Your friends Armani and Milan were attempting to free an old man from said arena, which you decided not to ask about. Alder, a kind soul, went out to hopefully find help. You felt bad leaving them on their own, but Alder insisted. Didn't stop you from watching them leaving though. Maybe you should do something too, so you slipped out of the shelter quietly, with your bat in hand. Determined to find something to help your friends.

Was that....a dog house?

You cautiously approached the dog house, the various signs made you feel a bit uneasy but you pushed on until you heard a ferocious growl. You shiftly turned around, hammer in hand in case you really needed to defend yourself. Only to see a tiny white dog, you immediately put your hammer back on its holder. You wouldn't need it. You and the dog awkwardly stared at each other before it moved up to you.

You looked at the dog who sniffed your pocket wearily. You raised an eyebrow and took out the meat from your bag and offered it to the dog. The dog sniffed once more, and gently took it off you. As if it—he was trying not to offend you. You looked at the empty bowls, Twado, the bowl said. The dog was skinny and a bit malnourished, but you could tell he had a lot of fight in him. A tiny soldier perhap, he didn't move when you raised your hand to pet him. You caught sight of his tiny tail wagging as you did so. What a sweetheart, you thought, knowing damn well this dog may have been capable of tax evasion. And judging from the various scars on his body, he'd been through way more than that. Was that an open wound? You moved closer to get a better look at his bleeding paw, he'd gotten stuck in a trap. Poor puppy.

"Poor thing." You muttered, looking at the storm. "Can I pick you up bud?" You asked, squatting down to get on eye level with the white dog. Twado, the puppy, seemed to understand that your intentions weren't bad and he let you pick him up. You carried him back to the base, he needed medical attention, but you couldn't afford it, none of your friends could. Not after spending a combined amount of your spare high school savings on the resort.

And your heart ached, you couldn't help him yourself, so you placed him safe with Milo and went to find Alder.

"There," Alder said, patching up Twado's paw. "Good as new, you're lucky we found you before that wound got infected, especially with the rain!" Alder said. He was thankfully a veterinarian, he was the only one who actually delivered on that promise in your 3rd period class.

Okay good, Twado was safe and fed, resting with the old man Milan and Armani had managed to save. His name was Pete, but since you guys had saved him—you guessed he considered you all family. As he called himself Uncle Pete, rather than just Pete. So, you guessed you had a cooler uncle now. Meanwhile, you found Alder talking to a big burly cartoonish man while Twado rested. Detective Bradley Beans, as he was called, he was a sweet and gentle man from what you could tell. Humongous though, perhaps he could be labeled a gentle giant, as the man was 6 feet tail and rather wide.

Kylo and Archie had made a lot of money fighting those guys, especially with what seemed to be a powerup making them drop more cash. And each of you got a split of 150 dollars for the armor, with the help of Uncle Pete. You opened the box next to the machine and found some supplies. You didn't really need the food but you were thirsty so you took the water. It appeared to be normal until you drank it. That shit tasted like tar water, straight ass and suddenly you were filled with all the energy in the world.

Never again.

You missed your phone, you could've been listening to Odertari right now.

Well, time to workout.

Wave 2 wasn't as stressful as Wave 1, you'd knocked those bad guys out and used their cash to get a better weapon. A hammer popped out the machine, making a chiming sound, which you thought was cool. Twado apparently thought it was called too, you showed him the hammer as he appeared under a few piles of blankets. He was so small you'd realized, what a sweet boy. You were the strongest of your group, and you had a decent amount of supplies so that was cool. You shared most of it with your friends though, without a doubt, because you guys were friends.

Wave 3 however, got all of you injured in some way. The big man was no match for the dream team, and Twado with his injured paw, didn't fight, as you wouldn't let him. You turning around to Twado and not paying attention to the guy seemed to make him angry. Therefore, you got knocked aside by his crowbar, losing some of your supplies along the way. It was a pretty nasty hit to your side and you landed really bad on your arm, bruising it. The armor stopped most of the damage, so you thankfully didn't completely break it. Archie came behind him and knocked the guy out using a broom, and Milian really made sure he stayed down. Armani collected the cash off of the men, and bought out the supplies. While Alder checked over Twado, who looked ashamed. The few of you only had mere minutes to respond and patch up the wounds of each other before the screen flicked back on. Your ribs hurt so bad, and so did your poor arm. Suddenly, everything completely shut down, the doors were closed, and the main one was held by lasers. Thankfully, all of you were still in the main room.

That same woman, who you now can confirm is known as Scary Mary appeared on the screen and—-oh my god. Her voice was angelic even though she seemed so angry. Her skin was pale, and her hair a few shades of gray. But, her eyes, oh her eyes...were an emerald color. One that shined through the screen, she had what appeared to be a party eye mask on. She also had a long beautiful dress that went down to her feet, a rose on the side, and white heels to top it off. God, she was perfect, and you didn't register anything Scary Mary was saying. As your eyes were locked on the screen, you felt a blush on your face and tears pricked your eyes, although it probably wasn't that noticeable. You wouldn't ever question how or why this woman chose the path she did, all you knew was that you'd love for her to kiss you. For her to bend down and get that gorgeous lipstick all over your face as she placed several kisses on your cheeks. While she placed those noble hands of hers on your waist. You felt so hazy, so soft, like if your heart fluttered any harder it might have just flown out of you. It made you feel warm, undoubtedly so, and god—you loved the feeling. You felt a drop in your stomach as she left the screen.

Twado looked at you with the utmost shock and disappointment as he watched the blush move across your face. And right then and there he knew he had a problem on his paws. Twado wasn't the only one who already knew. Your friends knew the moment they saw her on the screen, and they side eyed you as you attempted to defend yourself.

"Hear me out—-" You pleaded.

"Absolutely not." Kylo said, the entire group responding with something similar. "Pride month is over, stop being queer." Archie muttered.

Twado watched this interaction and shook his fluffy white head. And, he looked at you, attempting to get the message across—

'I know what you are.'

Oh no. Even Twado knew.

Fuck. You thought as the hatch door slid open. Yeah, you're completely screwed.

The stairs made you remember one of the reasons why you didn't miss being in school. The stairs, you may have been out of breath by the time you reached the end but after a good energy drink it was all washed away, literally. You did attempt to grab the handle but you flinched due to the stinging pain in your arm. Your ribs throbbed whenever you breathed. You hissed and whimpered as you sat down at one of the white tables, the pulsing in your arm didn't stop for a while. Twado padded over to you in worry, laying down next to your feet, attempting to comfort you. Once you were good to go, and the door in the white kitchen had been unlocked. You all padded to the door, and it didn't take long for you guys to figure out where the batteries were. The most stressful part was walking across the bridge, you couldn't carry Twado with your injured arm. Thankfully, Milo picked him up gently and gave him to Uncle Pete and Detective Bradley—who soon...disappeared?

You all walked across the bridge, it was dark on the stage, then the lights suddenly flashed on. And, you were standing right in front of Scary Mary. She was fucking huge, at least 3 feet taller than you. (You're only 5'3, guys I just saw an eagle outside! Stay safe!) You sputtered and blushed at Scary Mary as Kylo pulled you back behind them protectively.

"So we finally meet, you seven have broken into my base, and caused me a LOT of trouble. You wanna know what happened to Scary Larry? Well he was weak and we fixed him!" She spoke, clearly agitated by your group's actions. "Now...let me get a good look at you."

You all turned to each other, confused as to who she was speaking too. Archie was about to speak but suddenly stopped, and everybody looked at him hesitantly. Alder started to shake. Then, one by one, you felt it, her voice in your head. She was surveying you all at the same time, getting into her opponents head. And for once, you prayed she couldn't read your mind. Especially when it was so jumbled from the pain, speaking of the pain, where'd it go—?

"You've trained well, wouldn't expect less considering you were in the gym all that time. You have plenty of food, in fact, I'm impressed by your supplies.. You have a hammer—clearly you've done your research. And—you've assembled a full npc team, perhaps this fight may be harder than I thought. Perhaps if you live long enough, I'll reward you, I see the way you look at me dear. Let's see if you can stay focused."

Oh no. You had adhd. Your ass was NOT staying focused. Suddenly the bridge behind you crumbled and you all moved onto the wood platform, grasping your items tightly. It only took three heartbeats before you and Scary Mary's minions started beating the shit out of each other. It only took you a hit or two to knock those guys out. It didn't take very long for you guys to defeat them. And, you felt your heart drop as you realized you'd have to fight the women in front of you. Speaking of Scary Mary, she jumped incredibly high into a rock. (Which was strange enough but she did it in heels??)

She pulled out a gorgeous wooden violin, it was old and the wood was smooth and polished. You could tell she took care of it well, but what REALLY surprised you was when she placed the crowbar on top of the strings. It had to be made out of some unique material, it was gold and all. The notes she played were soft and sturdy; it sounded like music to your ears...because it was music...god you were bad at describing things. However, It seemed to put you in a trance; at that moment she seemed really heavenly, almost out of this world, like a divine being.

"Let's start with a warm up." She spoke, her voice felt warm as it washed over you.

What you didn't expect was for the moment to be ruined by lava to start pouring out of the fucking pipes. You quickly made it over, dragging Alders hand behind you as you ran. The lava continued to flow in different patterns, somehow not burning the surface??? You couldn't help but get a few good looks at her, you loved the violin. In fact, your favorite song had a violin in it. Once that was done and over with, Scary Mary jumped back down.

"We will begin slowly..." Scary Mary said in a polished tone as if she was actually your violin teacher. God, she was hot. That tone, her composure, and she was twirling around like an angel...twirling like an angel...wait she was twirling your way—!? You quickly moved out of the way as she swung her crowbar.

"Impressive." She muttered softly before pulling herself backwards, continuously spinning, occasionally she knocked your friends out of the way, but most of the time she came your way. No matter where you went, it seemed she was trying to take you out first. Perhaps it was a bit evil of her to use your feelings against you, but then again, she was a literal crime boss. You probably shouldn't have expected anything different, but your heart couldn't stop yearning for her affection, regardless of how many times she swung her crowbar at you, barely missing you. You almost tackled into a rose plant and just narrowly avoided the spikes that seemed to just randomly appear. She stopped, seeming to hunch over, you turned the key on her back.

One more, she jumped on the rock and spread the lava, a little faster this time. Which most of you had trouble keeping up with, she was still playing that same beautiful song on her violin and you frowned when she stopped. Eventually she jumped back down, the way she walked was a bit snooty as you heard Kylo mutter, but you thought it fit her perfectly. Elegant and proud, and just so beautiful.

"Let's move...a little faster!" She chuckled, speeding up her various attacks. You and your friends had to constantly push each other out the way so that one of you didn't get impaled or stuck in the thorns of the roses. Again, she stopped and Milian turned the key on her back.

"You are weak." She snickered, and you shivered, a blush continuing to cover your face. Her voice wasn't the only attractive thing about her, but it sure as hell was a leading aspect. "You won't survive this." She muttered as lava poured from the pipes at an alarming rate, there were no pauses nor breaks in between. You didn't get time to even dwell on her violin, nor the music played by her orchestra on the stage. Wait, orchestra? Had there been a soundtrack playing this entire time?

By the time you'd done a full 360, you and your friends were exhausted from all the running. The lava had only gotten faster, and you had to rely on one another to shove yourselves in front of each other. You all survived nonetheless, you had to slow down due to the pain in your ribs unfortunately, panting from the recent attack as Scary Mary jumped back down. She showed no signs of slowing down and you knew the fight would only get harder from here on.

"Time for your final dance." She smirked, looking you directly in the eye. Yeah. You were dead. If she didn't kill you herself, then your heart probably would, considering your heart rate was incredibly high. She swung herself in your direction at a speed that you concluded could not be human. You couldn't dodge to the left side because spikes had appeared there, nor could you dodge to the right because of the rose plant. Both would kill you if you got in its path, and you felt yourself start to hyperventilate. The last thing you heard was your friends screaming out to you, before you were knocked to the ground.

When you woke up, you weren't on the wood block, and for a second—you contemplated if you had died. Your friends were nowhere to be seen, you wanted to call out for them, but you couldn't form the words. Suddenly, you were hyper aware of your surroundings, you couldn't move your hands as they were tied together. Your arm was still in so much pain, at least whoever did this had the decency to tie your ropes loosely so you could shift in them. However, your thoughts were cut short by the sound of clicking heels. You tensed up as the door knob unlocked, the door opening with a creak. Scary Mary stepped in, her green eyes shining in the dimly lit room. You immediately shook upon seeing her, the expression see was giving you made your stomach flutter, in spite of that you still felt terrified. But with beauty like that in front of you, your brain couldn't quite focus on the fact that said beauty might want to kill you.

Now you were trapped with the very same dangerous women that you couldn't stop admiring.

"We meet again." She purred, her eyes darting over towards you. "You gave me quite the fight, and I'm sure you would've continued too had I not trapped you. Maybe it was rather mischievous of me to do so." Scary Mary stated, her gloved fingers brushing up against her golden crowbar. "You can't exactly blame me though for wanting to keep you~" Holy shit. No fucking way, oh my god, oh my god—You had to break eye contact with her, your body warming up at an alarming pace, almost as if you had a fever. "Think of it my way," She spoke, walking towards you. "You're strong and oh so smitten with me. The perfect pet. I just can't wait to break you in." She whispered, using her crowbar to lift up your chin, the eye contact made you whine and attempt to look away. Nonetheless, she was firm, not breaking eye contact until you were panting.

"You're perfect. Time for lesson number one," Scary Mary vocalized, removing her crowbar from your chin. "Lets see how loyal you truly are darling~" She purred once more. As she did so, you realized how tall she truly was, towering over you. It didn't aid your heart nor your growing arousal.

Oh shit. 

Okumaya devam et

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