By veroollio

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hello to everyone who reads this! i do not do requests. i am simply using this as a way to get my specific ca... More



46 0 0
By veroollio

(hello! before reading, please read this book's description. let me reiterate that if you notice any issues or problems when it comes to the characters i'm giving headcanons to, PLEASE tell me. thank you!)

(extra note: if you comment some form of sarcasm or joke, please use tone tags, i suck ass at telling whether someone is being serious or not. thank you! /gen)

(ALSO!! trigger warning: mentions of death and murder. also, i mention sex briefly at the end, but i keep it short.)



- Henry is a little crazy, let's be real here. it's probably teetering on canon, but i want to give a little HC that Henry became a product of his past and he doesn't have good coping mechanisms for his trauma and depression (i think the depression might be canon due to TheMaskedChris's OEOEO animation meme with Henry/Eteled.)

- jealousy and envy is very common with Henry. i believe he may be very insecure with himself, alongside gaining depression, and maybe projects a little if he lashes out at others (to me it seemed like he was projecting slightly when he called Austin "garbage"?). he certainly doesn't like others being "better" than him, that's for sure.

- going into Eteled territory here, but i believe after he died, he felt more at peace because he stopped looking like his human self (again, pretty sure he had some major depression and insecurities). he seemed more chilled than how everyone described Henry (especially Austin) after becoming a mii.

- he's very good at keeping secrets. if all the office had about him were rumors and maybe his schedule, then he knows how to hide himself from the world. he probably has a diary/journal that he vents into, but with a cover that masks it as a popular book that'd be unsuspecting if anyone ever searched his house.

- related to the previous headcanon, i think Henry is a little paranoid. just a little.

- Austin was likely not the only one Henry killed. i don't know if Morris has a kill count over 5, but he seemed confident enough to kill Austin IN THE OFFICE and get away with it (which he was able to do, as Austin's brother was only able to piece it all together some time after Austin and Henry are both dead. can't catch a killer if the killer dies too, right?). Henry doesn't seem that stupid, either, so he definitely knew what he was doing.

- has some dark humor to him. any time Henry cracks a joke it's going to unfortunately be at a bad time and he says some shit like "when they said break a leg, i don't think they meant it like that". he could obviously say worse but i'm not a big fan of writing that kind of stuff out.

- he premeditated Austin's murder for a while. he must've figured out how Austin would've reacted to the drugged coffee and planned accordingly, because at any moment Austin could've just said "fuck it" and passed out anywhere but the server rooms and let Henry's plan be a lot more obvious (due to Austin's body being out in the open). i don't know how much Henry knew about Austin before trying to kill him, but based off of Austin's story, he was likely stalking Austin and glaring for a good few weeks.

- black coffee drinker. idk if it's actually canon or not, but he's that kind of guy. not because of the stereotype, but because i believe he'd genuinely enjoy bitter foods and drinks.

- he gets his weird "you son of a motherless goat" insults from his dad. 🫡

- supports gay rights (i know he canonically supports trans rights and in turn, gay rights, but i figured i should put it here anyways. GAY RIGHTS 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈)

- besides coding, Henry can draw! though he's more of a hobbyist if anything.


- let me get this straight, i doubt there is a chance to get a completely normal relationship with Henry. He's successfully isolated himself mentally from everyone, and his depression, jealousy, and general issues will get in the way of a healthy relationship. obviously, Henry will try to be good for his partner, but there's only so much he can mask before he snaps.

- like stated multiple times, he is a Very Jealous man. do not let him see anyone staring at his partner (appropriately or inappropriately), because he WILL get pissed. murder is absolutely on the table, and he might just act on that idea if he sees the opportunity. his partner has the chance to talk Henry out of it if they give him constant reassurances, though.

- speaking of his partner! Henry becomes a little obsessed after they get together and thinks about them often. he daydreams a little more, thinking about all the things he could do with them... all the things he'd do if they were in a knot... all the things he'd do if some unfortunate soul dared to lay eyes on his partner— yeah you get the deal. Henry's a little crazy, but rest assured, he's not crazy enough to kidnap his partner or monopolize his partner's time 24/7. 

- i don't think Henry cares for looks. you have buck teeth, tummy rolls, weird hair, etc? as long as you established a meaningful friendship with Henry before becoming his romantic partner, he doesn't give a shit. quite frankly, he cares more if you treat him kindly or not. that kindness is something he'd cherish forever.

- if he gets jealous enough to actually kill, he'd likely make an excuse for it if his partner found out. for Sam, he defended his actions by saying that violence was the only form of reaction he could take. i don't think Henry is manipulative, he genuinely believes his bad past heavily influences him and he feels like he can't change his coping skills. his partner might've been able to change that if Henry lived longer... (through getting him a therapist and being there as support, for the record).

- i believe words of affirmation would absolutely melt Henry. his insecurities definitely get to him a lot, so having someone verbally reassure him that everything will be ok would likely make him emotional. he seldom cries or shows any signs of emotional vulnerability, but his partner would bring out both the best and worst of him.

- physical touch is also a good way to get Henry to genuinely smile. he loves knowing his partner is there for him, mentally and physically. he wants to see his partner look at him affectionately and cuddle up against him arm while saying sweet nothings into his ear. that would be heaven to him, even if he believed that he only deserves hell.

- can and will pat his partner on the head. he's taller than most, and while he doesn't seem to care for it, he likes to think his partner is perfect head-patting height.

- he likes to have some form of control in bed by being the big spoon. i don't know how to elaborate on this he's just the big spoon when it comes to cuddles and snuggles 💀

- on multiple occasions, his partner will see him pacing around the room, nonsensical mumblings filling the room's silence as he moves in a circular pattern. he's in deep thought and he can likely go on for hours like this unless his partner interrupts his train of thought and brings him back to reality.

- heavily diverging from canon here, but if Henry had a partner (a year or two) before he killed Austin, the entirety of WDY might not've happened. let me elaborate:

- longer relationship with Henry = deeper trust. his partner has seen Henry's ups and downs. if they stick around for the long run? Henry's walls break down and he spills secrets he swore he'd take to his grave. this means he'd likely tell his partner about Austin and how he makes him infuriatingly jealous. Henry's partner now has the chance to save Austin indirectly via being his soundboard and giving him positive attention for at least a good week. Austin gets to live, Henry is sent to therapy, no one dies, everyone's happier, HOORAY ✨ (not canon in the slightest, but it's crazy how one person could change someone's life without anyone knowing.)

- uh... i'm not gonna go into major details about sex but Henry wouldn't care about how it's done, just as long as he can see his partner's face throughout the act.

- teases his partner every now and then. he means it lightheartedly. he'll also sometimes give short but sweet compliments to his partner if he wants to see them blush. his favorite thing to say to his partner is either "cute" or "adorable".

- his partner should likely not question why Henry will sometimes bring home an axe. they really shouldn't. speaking of things that they shouldn't do, THEY SHOULD NEVER LOOK IN HENRY'S DIARY. while Henry has cute little doodles of his partner in there, those doodles are surrounded by creepy messages and his intrusive thoughts. looking at those messages will not be pleasant. sure, maybe they can handle it, but that doesn't mean that the experience is going to be fun.

- Henry/Eteled can claim that he prefers the Wii life all he wants, but he'd ache to see his partner again, no matter how impossible it'd be to ever see them again. i mean, he's not exactly lying when he says he prefers being a mii, but he'd rather be a mii with his partner than be one on his own. yes, that is as morbid as it sounds. 💀

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