wacky wizards dead souls

By monika_357916

64 3 1

MAKING AN AU OF WACKY WIZARDS!!! (ive had this au in mind for two years) More

an electric freak
Jakes funny prank

a few gods

17 2 0
By monika_357916

It was a Normal day. Well not that normal everything was on fire jake accidentally set a fire then it turn into a forest fire sketch was trying to stop the fire from spreading meanwhile everone was just watching him

Nathan: Should we help him?

Jake: nah He's got this. Right mo?

Mo: Yeah!

Nathan: Okay..

After a few minutes of sketch flying and making it rain it was finally done the fire has stop and sketch was tried as hell


nathan: We didnt know sorry

Sketch: Oh my goodness

Mo: plus me and jake were lazy

Nathan: Anyways who started the fire anyway?

Mo: I think it was jandel.

Nathan: Well can we tell him to chill out?

Mo: Not really... See jandel is a god he can control and create things so thats why theirs so much things going on here

Nathan: Ohhh

Sketch: Anyway jandel is always up to some thing. Like that one time he made a zoo but it was just dangerous animal's in it

Mo: Yeah jandel can be a little bit unstable when it comes to creating stuff

Jake: Yup he made this huge ice cream even tho mo just ask for a normal one


Sketch: Jandel!

Jandel was setting things on fire meanwhile sketch was trying to stop him

Nathan: should we help?

Jake: nah he's got it

Nathan: o-okay.

Mo: Go sketch!

The three of them sat down on the green grass and jake pulled out a bucket of popcorn and started eating it

Nathan: Are you sure he's got this?

Jake: Yeah he's sketch

Mo: Yeah!

Jake: Just relax you can't die here anyway

Nathan: Wait really?

Mo: Yeah since were really cartoony we can't die and plus there's a spell it can heal you

Nathan: Okay..


Kayo boy :3

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