This wasn't the plan (M.R x R...

By Isabella714170

58.2K 886 885

You Allison Evergreen are attending hogwarts in the Sixth year after you set fire to your last school. Your t... More

A bit of background - please read
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
New characters
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
New charecters
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Another A/N
Part 28
New characters
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Update on characters
Part 32
Part 33
A/N - Quidditch
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Another A/N
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67

Part 55

328 7 2
By Isabella714170

Allison's POV

We all waited for another 10 minutes until we heard them. The unicorns.

One thing I miss about Beauxbatons are the unicorns. Every morning before quidditch practice I went down to the stables and fed them, cleaned them out, nursed them back to health.

I treated them as if they were my own, any yet they never seemed to like me that much. Well except Espoir. Espoir translates to Hope.

I named her. When I was in first year one of the unicorns had given birth to a baby girl, I went down every single day to look after the baby and the mother to make sure they were eating and drinking.

After a couple weeks of doing this Madam Maxine caught me and asked me if I wanted to name the baby, which I happily agreed to. So I named her Espoir.

I was asked why I named her that and my reason was "even though there's bad in the world, there will always be Espoir"

To say she was impressed that a first year could think of something like that would be an understatement. She made me Espoir's key person, that means I would always go down every single day to check on her and create a bond.

When I had to leave it was hard to, I mean I was leaving my favourite unicorn ever.

When Beauxbatons land I go over to the unicorns and see Espoir. When she sees me she gets so excited.

I give her a hug and she places her head on my back bringing me into her chest. I pull back and look at her.

She is much taller, and more majestic then ever.

I hear the cabin door open and Madam Maxine get out first, I walk over to her and give her a small curtsy "Bonjour Madam Maxine"

She looks at me before bringing me into a bone crushing hug, when we pull away she starts looking at me to make sure I'm eating and all that.

Madam Maxine always treated me like her own daughter, that was until I burnt down the school and even then she was upset to see me leave.

She then meets my eyes "Mon Dieu, Allison, combien tu m'as manqué"

"My, Allison, How much I've missed you"

I look back at her my vision turning blurry, "tu m'as manqué maman"

"I've missed you to Mum"

When I call her mum again a tear forms in her eye. She never did have a child, but when I came to her school she took me under her wing and looked after me.

I often spent my time in her office, just talking about whatever, catching up on homework or even talking about Alex.

She knew all the gossip in the school because of me and that's how our relationship was. Simple and loving.

She brings me into another Bon crushing hug but this time I hugged her back "Beauxbâtons ne se sentait pas bien sans toi"

"Beauxbatons hasn't felt like itself without you"

I mumble "tu m'as vraiment manqué"

"I really missed you"

She pulls me in again before letting me go, we both turn to see all of the beauxbaton students, Durmstrang students and hogwarts students watching us.

She walks over to Dumbledore leaving me to introduce myself to the students. Then I catch her, "Anelia?"

She turns and looks at me, her expression changes from confused to happy immediately before she jumps at me and pushes us both onto the floor. "I missed you too" I say between laughs

She gets off me before giving me a hand up, I take her arm and she pulls me into herself bringing us into another hug.  "How have you been?" She says to me

"I've been good, it was weird being here instead of beauxbatons but then I got used to it, but now that I see you all and madam Maxine is realise how much I really missed you guys"

She pulls away and turns to all the other students, "I think you know most of them but we're doing introductions again"

I nods before she tells me who's who "ok so the girl with brown hair and the rosy cheeks is Estelle Aubert, she is 17 and is in Seventh year. Then we have the twins who I'm sure you remember Renee Auclair and Noemie Auclair. Final girl is Desiree Dumont she is 18 and is in Seventh year"

Then she turns to the boys "So the boy who looks like he's 19 but is actually 15 is Benoit Boucher, he is in Fourth year. Then we have Alexandre Allard, pretty sure you know who he is saying how he was Alex' best friend"

I look at her "was?" She turns to me "yeah after it got out why you burned down 2 thirds of the school he was disgusted on how his best mate could do that to someone so he dropped Alex and became really popular making Alex jelous because no one wants him now"

I laugh "Karma is a bitch"

She laughs "I guess it is, ok now final boy. That is Edouard Dumont he is Desiree' brother, well twins. And he is hot"

I look at him "I guess he is, but I'm keeping my eye out for someone else" I say glancing at Mattheo.

Should I want to date him still? No. But if he asked me again I would probably say yes.

"Now it's time for introductions again" I say slowly walking over to them.

"bienvenue à Poudlard, je m'appelle Allison Evergreen" I say getting their attention "je vous ferai visiter Poudlard pendant votre séjour ici. si vous avez des questions, posez-les-moi et je pourrai y répondre"

"Welcome to Hogwarts, My name is Allison Evergreen and I will show you around Hogwarts while you stay here, If you have any questions ask me and I can answer them"

Noemie looks at me and gives me a hug, the twins are very different to each other. Noemie is kind and loves everything and everyone, while Renée doesn't, she hates everyone and everything.

I hug her back before she steps away "Allison, c'est bon de te revoir"

"Allison, it's good to see you again"

"ça fait plaisir de te revoir aussi, comment s'est passée l'école?"

"It's nice to see you again too, how is school?"

"c'est bien, on est encore en train de reconstruire le bloc potion mais à part ça c'est bien"

"it's good, we're still rebuilding the potion block but other than that it's good"

I look at her and sigh "ouais, désolé pour ça"

"Yeah, sorry about that"

She laughs "Honnêtement, si telle était ma situation, j'aurais fait pire. ou a amené Renée à faire pire"

"Honestly, if that was my situation, I would have done worse. or caused Renee to do worse"

I look over to Renée "et nous savons tous les deux qu'elle pourrait faire pire"

"and we both know she could do worse"

I look at Noemie and over to Elena "en fait j'ai une question?"

"Actually I have a question?"

She nods for me to continue, I turn to look at Elena "vois cette jeune fille là-bas, elle s'appelle Elena et elle veut rencontrer certains d'entre vous. donc je me demandais si tu pouvais lui parler, elle serait heureuse"

"See this girl over there, her name is Elena and she wants to meet some of you. so i was wondering if you could talk to her she would be happy"

She looks over at Elena with a soft smile "Bien sûr, je peux, parle-t-elle français ou dois-je lui parler en anglais?"

"Sure I can, does she speak French or should I speak to her in English?"

"elle ne parle pas français mais veut apprendre pendant qu'elle est ici et son anglais n'est pas excellent mais elle devrait pouvoir vous parler"

"she doesn't speak French but wants to learn while she's here and her English isn't great but she should be able to talk to you."

She gives me a smile and we both walk over, "Elena" I call to her, she turns and gives me a smile.

I wave her over and she comes over with her brother following her. "Елена, това тук е Ноеми, тя е от бобатон и иска да говори с теб. тя не говори български, но говори английски, така че ако не разбирате нещо, аз или брат ви, който любезно ми предложи, като ми хвърли смъртоносни погледи, можем да ви го преведем."

"Elena, this is Noemi, she's from beauxbatons and she wants to talk to you. she doesn't speak Bulgarian, but she speaks English, so if you don't understand something, I or your brother, who kindly offered me by giving me death glares, can translate it for you"

"Really" she says with excitement, i nod and laugh at it.

She goes over and speaks to Noemie leaving me and Damyan together. "така.. свободен ли си" I say making small talk.

"Soo.. are you single?"

He looks at me in disbelief "хей, опитвам се да си поговорим" I say putting my hands up.

"Hey I'm trying to make small talk"

He sighs and speaks in English to me, I am flabbergasted not only is he speaking to me, he's speaking to me in English.

Is the world ending?

"I don't want you or anyone to put my sister in danger, in our school we have very few girls as you probably know and she is the only girl in her year. The only other girl is in fifth year and is a what do you call it, уличница"


"Oh, there's loads of them at Hogwarts and I have a good feeling that your school and the other schools are going to be hounded. The girls are going to want you guys and the boys are going to want the girls. So keep an eye on your sister around fourth year up, they will want her"

He sighs "she got badly bullied last year, well her first year and I don't want her to get hurt like she did"

"Trust me, if your not around her I will look after her. I actually have a friend in first year that I think Elena will like, her name is Nova Novak and she is really kind"

He looks at me "would you mind introducing them together, I want her to have some friends while she's here"

"Of course I will, I think it will make her experience here better" he looks at me and grins "Don't tell anyone this but, I'm her legal guardian, we were in the foster system and that didn't do any good for her, so when I leave Durmstrang I was thinking about moving her here which is why I made sure she reminded Igor that she plays quidditch, so she can potentially make friends"

We both look at Elena and her excitement with Noemie "I think she will make plenty of friends while she is here, don't worry"


After what felt like ages because it was raining Ilvermony finally arrived, fashionably late might I add.

They were 10 minutes later the Beauxbatons.

They arrived at Hogs-made train station but got the carriages up, in total 2 carriages were used. 1 of students the second one of students and the head master.

And I'm dreading to see one person, Noah Lewis. His parents are death eaters, have been for years but not many people know. And he's a massive dick with a small dick.

Everyone gets out of the carriages and walk over to us where all the other students are, I walk over to their Headmaster "Hi, Welcome to Hogwarts I'm Allison Evergreen. I will be touring your students along with Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students around our school"

He looks down at me before speaking "Hello, I'm Agilbert Fontaine it's nice to meet you Allison. Do you know where Dumbledore is?"

"Oh yes, Professor Dumbledore, Madam Maxine, and Igor Krankoff are all over their talking" I say pointing to where they are

"Thankyou" he says to me before turning to his students "All of you, this is Allison Evergreen she will be touring you around Hogwarts so I want all of you on your best behaviour. You are not only representing yourself but Ilvermony aswell, I want to hear good reports about all of you" he says before walking away.

All the students turn to me, then I catch Noah's ugly ass face. "Hi guys as you know my name is Allison, and I will be giving you a tour of Hogwarts as well as Beauxbaton and Durmstrang. They are behind me, if you have any questions feel free to ask me"

A young girl appears from the back of the small crowd and came up to me holding out a hand. "Hi I'm Delphine Blanc, it's nice to meet you" she says in a Texas voice.

I shake her hand "It's nice to meet you aswell" I say smiling at her. Then another girl appears, this one older but they look so similar. Definitely sisters.

"Hi I'm Celine Blanc, I'm phi's sister" she says shaking my hand "it's nice to meet you aswell"

"I can introduce you to everyone if you want?" She say to me "sure"

"Well I am Celine Blanc, I am 16, in my sixth year and I'm in Pukwudgie. We are both from Minnesota. And my sister is 14, in her Fourth year and is also in Pukwudgie"

"That one there" she says pointing to a boy with blonde yet brown hair, a beauty mark on his lift side of his face, and slightly tanned skin "that is Leo Miller, he is 17 and is from California. Also he is in Wampus whic-"

I cut her off "which is equivalent to Gryffindor" she smiles at me "I see you've studied about our houses"

I laugh "yes I have"

She then moves into the next boy "he is Oliver Guathier, he is 15, from New York and is in Horned Serpent" this one had glasses, brown hair, very white teeth and not to sound mean but has a large forehead.

Like me, I have a slightly larger then normal forehead. God that's the only description I've given off me and I sound like I look really weird. Which I don't.

I don't have a small forehead, that's what I mean.

So that means that Oliver is in Ravenclaw, but he does look like he belongs in Ravenclaw.

She points to Leo "now that i-" I cut her off again - how lovely am I?

"That is Noah Lewis a total dickhead but will flirt with everyone if he gets the chance to, his ego is bigger then his dick and he thinks that everyone wants him because he has money but truthfully no one wants him. He is 17 same school year as me, a sixth year. He is in Thunderbird which is basically a Slytherin and is from Virginia"

She looks at me surprised "I assume you know each-other cause you described his personality very well"

I smile at him "yeah, while I attended Beauxbatons we kind of met. Our parents where friends but got into a disagreement about whatever so they made sure he never went to Beauxbatons when I was there"

Her moth makes an O shape "well then let's move onto the last boy" she says trying to changed the topic.

"That is Elijah Wilson, he is 17 and is really popular but isn't horrible also he is from Tennessee, he is in seventh year and is in Wampus" so not a cocky Gryffindor.

I look over at him, he has black hair, brown eyes, thick black eyebrows, and a very and I mean very symmetrical face.

"Now we are done with the boys we have only one other girl we brought with us" we both look at her, she is currently playing with Delphine, who was next to us like 5 minutes ago.

"That is Lana Miller, she is Leo's younger sister. Very popular but not because of how pretty she is but because of how kind she is, she has a heart of gold. She is in fifth year and is in Wampus"

I look at her "honestly all of you a pretty except Noah, he is ugly like Rufus Scrimgeour's ass is better looking then him" she blushes while laughing at my comment.

Me and Celine talk for a bit until Noah starts to make his way over to us "Evergreen" he says nodding at me, I give him the fakest smile you will ever see if your life.

He opens his mouth to say something until Dumbledore comes over and tells us to come into the castle.

"Hold on" I say to Celine and I run in-front of everyone, as the Beauxbaton students and Durmstrang students have no clue what's going on.

I turn and face the Beauxbatons "Il est temps de monter au Château"

They all nod at me before I turn to the Durmstrangs "Време е да се качим до Замъка"

"It's time to go up to the castle" - Allison says that in both languages.

They nods at me as well, then slowly they all start walking up to the castle walking through the small path that the Hogwarts students left for them.

Beauxbatons walked first through the crowds, all the boys were throwing gifts of chocolate at them. Then a boy that looked like he was in his second year came and gave a chocolate bar to each of the girls.

It was soo cute, the boy was very nervous and was wearing his yellow Hufflepuff robes. He had Cedric Diggory behind him encouraging him.

The girls were all really shocked. Noemie gave him a massive hug which he returned, Renée for a girl who doesn't like people she gave him a high five. Estelle gave him a peck on the cheek while Desiree gave him a weak smile and high five.

The boys looked upset, but a girl wearing blue robes came out of the crowd, The girl was none other then Cho Chang.

Look I don't have anything personally against her, but she is a massive dick. Cedric apparently broke up with her in fifth year after she attempted to kiss Harry but failed, Cedric watched the whole thing. Including when Harry went sick after she pecked his lips.

Cho gave the boys a box of chocolate but I could tell something was up with them, the boys took them and said thanks but didn't do anything else. To say she looked upset was an understatement.

Cedric started laughing as she ran away upset that she didn't get a kiss of something?

Next was Durmstrang, the boys all surrounded Elena so she couldn't be grabbed by the Hogwarts students who were currently grabbing onto Damyan.

They pulled him into the crowd of girls, I ran ahead into the crowd "Damyan grab my hand" I shout to him.

He happily obliges and I drag him out of the crowd, I turn around to the girls "All of you stop, he is a guest here and doesn't deserve your grubby hands all over him. Now if you don't mind I have to get him inside without more girls holding onto him" i glare at them before turning to him.

"Thankyou" he says before we both walk into the building, he runs ahead and catches up with Elena.

I turn around and see Ilvermony are finally making their way through, then I see Noah trying to flirt with a god damn first year and not any first year. NOVA

I run over to him and grab him by the collar "Lewis here are some ground rules for you during your stay here, firstly you won't touch any of the girls. Secondly you won't talk to any of the first years unless they engage in a conversation with you. Thirdly stop flirting with Novak."

As soon as I say Novak his face goes pale, he turns around and apologises profusely before running away.

I turn to Nova and she looks grateful yet confused "Thankyou so much but why did he look scared after you said my last name?"

"His family doesn't have a good relationship with your family at all, his parents stole from your parents years ago and once your parents found out all hell broke loose. Ever since his parents and whole family have been trying to make it up to your parents but nothing they do makes a difference" I tell her

She nods at me, I then grab her hand and walk with her towards the hall. "I have a question to ask you" I start

"Go ahead" she says to me focusing on her steps "there's this girl in Durmstrang, she is a year above you but wants to make friends with people here. Her brother is very protective of her but I kind of said that you would be willing to be friends with her while they are here. You don't have to but I thought maybe you would want to be friends with her. She is very nice"

She looks up at me and smiles "I would love too" I let out a sigh "good because whether you wanted to or not after the assembly which will take hours and then lunch we will go over to her and you guys will meet eachother"

She laughs at me "course we can do your plan"

I smile back at her just as we make it to the great hall. When we enter I see Vasil, Aleksandar and Anelia all standing up by the Storting hat.

They all look at me and I give them a massive smile and a thumbs up which they accept and return me a smile.

I go and sit down, shortly after the whole school is in the hall talking.

Then the doors open and it goes silent...


- 3759 words

A/N - sorry I haven't updated in nearly 2 weeks. I have slowly been writing this part while assessment week was taking place in my school.

Anyway here's the next part. It's extra long because this is my way of an apology for not posting sooner.

And I got #1 on Jealously, and Thankyou sooo much for over 24k reads.

I hope you all enjoyed

Also 34 days till CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

Xoxo - Author

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