Not His Enya (Geniuses and Ge...

By xxJulyLoveAllen

161K 9.2K 2.6K

After the death of her boyfriend, Enya Mostafa has been trying to get back to normal. Working along side with... More

Bonus chapter-Takeo's Truth


1.6K 116 22
By xxJulyLoveAllen


One week later

My phone started ringing and Eziō grabbed it before I could "I told you my uncle could handle it"

"I know" I sighed

"What's the problem then?"

"I'm just struggling to relax that's all"

"Why? What's wrong?" He said coming over and kneeling in front of me. He rubbed and then kissed my stomach making me smile.

"It was hard. Not having you there, really hard. Even though I had a lot of help it was hard. Takeo was fussy all the time if we weren't with you, I couldn't just hold him all the time because I had to work. The flying back and forth" I sighed rubbing my eyes "I wanted to make sure everything was perfect for you when you woke up but then I realized when I was working. I didn't have to think about everything that was going on. I could control everything that I couldn't."

"Did you like being in control like that? Enya if you want to work-"

I shook my head furiously "It was so loud without you. I just-I just want you to take care of me like you used to. I'm just having a hard time adjusting if that makes sense"

He slowly nodded his head "It takes a while to get out of habit. Especially habits you formed to protect yourself" He said grabbing my hands "Are you still scared?" He asked and I nodded my head "The worst parts over Enya. No more death okay?"

"Okay," I said nodding my head

"Good" he kissed me and I took a deep breath. "Let's go. We don't want to be late" he said holding out his hands and helping me stand up.

"You're going to have to fight my dad for Takeo back"

"I'm not fighting Matteo, have you ever seen that man in action? It's terrifying." he shook his head. I started laughing and he looked down at me and smiled "I missed that"

I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed him softly "I'm so happy you're here"

I was honestly surprised my mom and auntie had pulled together a gender reveal so quickly. Eziō had just gotten out of the hospital two days ago after he told Grandpa Marco he wanted to be released knowing he would do anything for him. Especially now he was awake.

My grandpa Marco was so relieved when he found out Eziō was awake. He definitely needed the good news after Auntie Tina died. He was so depressed after her death we were worried he couldn't get out of it. It got better when Brandi had Angelo, he was happy. Really happy, but then he said that he wished Auntie was here to see him and it kind of sent him back.

He just needed something positive to happen not related to Auntie Tina to pull him a little more out of that depression.

My uncle Lail had followed me around as much as he could when Eziō was in a coma. Whenever I wanted to be in Egypt he would come with me. Feed me, get me whatever I wanted, I didn't have to lift a finger unless I wanted to. My family helped so much that I didn't physically feel alone and I was happy, but I wanted Eziō with me and my uncle understood that. He gave me space without me feeling alone and was there for me without smothering me.

Everyone was so excited about Angelo being born and me about to have this baby. It really was a happy time for the family.

Daddy was still struggling with Uncle Sante's death. He was drinking more but not to where it was a problem. He drank a lot when he was working but since he had handed the mafia over to Alonzo and only focused on the hotels. He had almost stopped drinking until Uncle Sante's death.

Grandpa Brandon was upset also, I didn't realize that him and Auntie Tina were like best friends. My grandma told me that my grandpa Brandon was the first person to find out about my Auntie Tina and Uncle Sante. Instead of saying anything he just shut the door and walked away. He could've told Michael or Grandpa Marco but didn't. Then eventually started helping them, auntie Tina had become loyal to a fault to him. Grandpa Brandon said it was weird adjusting to not talking to her every day.

"Oh! Why aren't you wearing a color?" Brandi said coming over to me in a pink dress and Angelo was in a pink onesie while Ryu was in blue.

"We really don't care what we get" I shrugged and Eziō nodded

"Well I hope it's a girl." she said then looked down at Angelo "Not that I don't love my little Angel baby"

Eziō reached his hand out for Angelo and Brandi handed him to him "He's so small"

"Yeah I had him a bit early"

"Scared the shit out of me," Ryu said

I started laughing remembering Ryu panicking and yelling at the top of his lungs waking the whole house up when Brandi's water broke.

"I told you we were going to make it on time baba," my grandma said coming in with my Aljuda. They were both covered in both and I shook my head chuckling.

My Aljuda came over kissing the top of my head "I'll go shower real quick then I'll be down"

"Same here," my grandma said looking around, and as if on queue my grandpa Brandon came out.

"How was your trip?" He asked her.


"Come on, we have to hurry before Matteo gets here and sees the cake"

"What have they been up to?" Eziō asked watching them walk away "I haven't seen them since I woke up"

"Bai said something about my grandma Angela. So my Aljuda has been finishing off his mafia."

"Do you Mostafa's have a thing for ending lines?"

"It's fun" I shrugged smiling.

"Baba please" The door opened and I heard my dad sounding embarrassed

"Just a thought. You can never go wrong with soundproof walls, it's not like you can't afford it, son"

"I like the idea," my mom said smiling

"Aurora" my dad looked down at her turning red

"Please, Matteo. Enya's pregnant Brandi just had a baby and Alonzo has kids. It's not a secret that we have sex"

"No need to be ashamed Matteo," my uncle Saif said

"Sex is normal," Sakura said coming down the stairs "Even with no leg me and my Kenji still have tons of sex"

"Mom!" Ryu said "Please"

"Please, how do you think you got here? Divine intervention?"

"That's what I tell myself" Ryu mumbled

"Oh!" I looked up at Eziō "Nari's pregnant"


"They found out when she got shot. She won't be here"

"Why didn't Eun say anything?"

"Have you talked to him?"

"A few times, now that you said that he did seem rushed to get off the phone. Is she doing okay?"

"Yeah, he's just hovering over her"

"Within good reason"

"Matteo!" I heard my mom yelling and looked up seeing my parents weren't in the living room "Don't touch that cake!"

"Daddy went in the kitchen," Brandi said

"Takeo! Slow down, baby!" My auntie Brandi said


Eziō handed Angelo back to Brandi and knelt down letting Takeo run into his arms. Takeo had literally slept with us last night but we woke up to him not on the bed. We weren't worried since it was just the family in the house, we knew he was with somebody. Plus since I had been pregnant I had been sleeping later. Which meant Takeo woke up earlier than me and would run around the house until he found someone to give him attention.

Eziō stood up holding Takeo and I gave Takeo a kiss. "What if we name the baby after Babu," Eziō said

"What if it's a girl?"

"Brandi Saif," he said looking over at my sister "She has a cute name"

"You really want to?" I asked excitedly

"If it's a girl we can use one of your mom's middle names"

"You see why I wanted to wait," I said hugging him


I turned around looking at my dad and walking over towards us. Takeo started bouncing in Eziō's arms seeing my dad.

I gave him a hug and my dad looked at Eziō "I'm glad to see you doing better"

"Can I have a hug?" Eziō said like a child and I shook my head chuckling.

My dad shook his head and hugged Eziō while patting him on the back "You're a fucking idiot you know that?" He pulled away looking at him

"He means thank you," I said and my dad looked at me

"I'm just glad you're awake now. When are you guys cutting the cake?" He asked impatiently

"After the gender reveal," I said


"Auntie!" Lailah and Amir came running up to me both hugging me.

Lailah looked up at Eziō and gasped "Uncle Eziō's alive!"

"Of course I am" Eziō looked at her "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Baba said-"

"Screw your baba," Eziō said rolling his eyes "I'm very much alive thank you"

"Give him here" my auntie Asia came up taking Takeo

"What are you doing?" My dad asked looking at her

"And you two come here," my mom said

"Marco I never thought I'd see the day" I heard my Grandpa Brandon teasing my Grandpa Marco

"Fuck you, Brandon"

My grandpa Brandon laughed "It's cute, badass Marco Wilson being an active great-grandfather"

My grandpa Marco rolled his eyes "I liked the idea" he said lowly almost shyly

"What idea?" My dad asked

"Grandpa Marco here thought it would be a cute idea for the kids to do the gender reveal," I said and my grandpa Brandon came over putting his arm around me.

"What do you mean the kids?"

"Amir and Laila are gonna pop the balloons and Takeo is going to smear the color on the wall," I said excitedly "Angelos just gonna sit there and be cute"

"Alright alright I'm ready" My Aljuda came down the stairs "I rushed so I wasn't able to put a suit on," he said, he was wearing a simple pink polo shirt and some black slacks. "I only have girls so I know it's going to be a girl," he said pointing to his shirt.

"Well, you look handsome either way Aljuda," my mom said going over to him. "And Enya and Eziō said they'll be happier either way"

"Did you guys book the maternity shoot?" My auntie Asia asked

"Yeah, I don't know what theme we're going to do though," I said and looked at Eziō who just shrugged.

"We'll figure something out," he said

"We should have the tigers with us. Have a little family photo"

"Are the boys doing good with Takeo? Is Sita?"

"Oh, she loves Takeo. Especially after she gave birth to the pups. I was really worried about that but she's been great with him. Takeo and this baby will have their own tigers" I said excitedly

"Okay! Okay!" My mom said excitedly "Everybody-"

"We're here!" Isuel said rushing in with Eun "Sorry"

"We had to make sure Nari was okay before we left," Eun said

Isuel came over hugging Eziō "I still don't like you"

"Yeah yeah. I missed you too"

Isuel smiled pulling away from him then came over hugging me "Feeling better?"

"Way better"

"Look at you!" Eun said excitedly and roughly hugged Eziō "Welcome back to the land of the living"

My dad looked down at me "They can catch up later right?"

"The cake isn't going anywhere Daddy"

"Alright alright you two," my mom said referring to Eziō and Eun "Jesus," she said "Okay, Enya Eziō close your eyes. Everybody else does not say anything until I tell them to open their eyes," she said then looked at my uncle Lail

"Promise," he said

"Is someone recording for Alonzo?" I asked

"I have him on FaceTime," my uncle Saif said

"And Kenji?" I asked

"Right here. Also on FaceTime" Sakura said

"I already made sure," Eziō said wrapping his arm around me

"Why didn't you say anything"

"Because it was done"

"I love you"

"Mm I love you too," he said kissing me.

"Okay, eyes closed," my mom said excitedly.

I closed my eyes and felt a hand over my eyes. I reached up covering Eziō's eyes too making him chuckle. I heard Takeo laughing and Lailah giggling.

"Now Aljada?" Amir asked impatiently

"Okay, baby now!" My mom said

"Oh my god!"

"Asia shut up!"

I heard the balloons pop and me and Eziō both moved our hands at the same time. Amir was holding both his fists up in the air and Lailah was pouting. Takeo was laughing rubbing his hand and belly on the wall in blue paint.

"It's a boy! It's a boy! It's a boy!" Amir said running around with his fist up in the air

The whole family started laughing and Eziō picked me up hugging me "Going to be a lot easier to name him" he said smiling

"Majid?" I said

"Majid? I thought we were naming him after Babu? Not that I don't like Majid I just-"

"It's his middle name you goof," I said chuckling "Maybe we can do his initials like MMMT like how Takeo's are TTTM"

"Enya" Eziō I sighed and I smiled at him "Don't smile at me like that"

"Please," I said clasping my hands together "Don't make me beg"

He rolled his eyes shaking his head "Do you even have a middle name picked out for him?"

"What about" I paused thinking "Naming him also after your uncle, I mean he kind of is the reason we're married"

Eziō looked confused for a second before it dawned on him "Are you just using that as an excuse? I heard how close you two got while I was playing dead"

"Shut up"

"Uncle Marco?" Eziō called him and he turned around coming towards us

I looked around for my dad but he was gone "Where is my dad?"

"Cake," my grandpa Marco said with a plate in his hand "It's rude when you two get into that it's nobody here but us zone. Lailah called your name twice," he said looking at me

"I didn't hear her," I said putting my face in Eziō's chest

"She asked if you wanted cake"

"Oo, yes"

"I'll go get you some" my grandpa Marco said and was about to turn around but Eziō called him again

"Uncle Marco wait a second"

"What?" He said looking between us "You two look like you're up to something" he looked down at his plate of cake "Brandon!" He yelled


"Get Enya a piece of cake!"

"I'm already on my way!"

Eziō looked down at me and I hid my face more in his chest "I bet you were so happy spending time with him huh?"

"Shut up Eziō," I said embarrassed "You suck"

"Anyways," my grandpa Marco said "Before you make a child's remark. What did you two want?"

"We came up with a name for the baby"

"That quick?"

"We're naming him after his grandpa," Eziō said "And my uncle"

I peaked at Marco who looked confused for a second then smiled seeing my grandpa Brandon smiling behind him "You see what being an active grandfather gets you" he patted him on the back and my grandpa Marco glared at him.

"You guys are serious?" My grandpa Marco asked sounding completely shocked "His real name?"

"No his fake name," I said and he flicked me off

My grandpa Marco handed his plate to Eziō then turned to face my grandpa Brandon "I have a grandkid named after me!" He poked his chest

My grandpa Brandon looked at me and I shook my head "Let him have it"

"Hey, Brandi!" He said loudly

"Yeah, Grandpa?" Brandi said sticking her head of the kitchen

He shook his head "Nothing just remembered I didn't tell my grandchild that's named after me that I loved her today"

Brandi smiled and made at heart with her hands "Awn! I love you too Grandpa!"

My grandpa Brandon patted his shoulder "When I said you were going to regret torturing me. I meant that" he smiled and walked into the kitchen with Brandi "Mental torture Marco! Mental torture!"


"God I hate that son of a bitch!" He turned around punching the wall

"He loves him," Eziō said in my ear

"Oh yeah"

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