JUST A FRIEND TO YOU! colby b...

By niallhoranslovebot

774 35 15

―❝ Cause friends don't do the things we do. Everybody knows you love me too Tryna be careful with the words I... More

CHAPTER ONE, flashback to high school graduation
CHAPTER FOUR, worries and comfort

CHAPTER TWO, movie night & beach day

82 2 0
By niallhoranslovebot

She opened her phone, checking the notification she got from Colby. It was a text and she wasn't surprise to see that he was still awake and texting her.

hey, are you up?

yeah, I am, what's up, colbs?

hang out with me. im bored and i cant sleep

come to my room, im watching a movie

k be there in 5. i wanna cuddle tho


okay <3

Bryden put her phone away and waited for Colby. She couldn't help the smile that crept on her face. She was happy that he was coming to her. It had been a while since they just hung out and watched movies. Colby was usually busy filming for his channels or editing videos and the same went with Bryden. They both were always so busy, so they barely had any time together. They would either have quick cuddles or small talks.

Bryden turned her attention back to her TV that was playing the Disney movie, Moana. She was a sucker for Disney and the boys knew that. Anyone who was close with her knew that. She would always binge watch every single Disney movie and even the Pixar ones. Bryden didn't mind watching them again and again. She loved them. She heard the door open, but she didn't bother to look over since she knew it was Colby. She couldn't help the grin on her face as she felt the bed dip and his arm remained wrapped around her and she subconsciously moved closer, her heart fluttering at the feel of his warmth and his scent. She always felt safe and secure in his arms.

Colby had always been the safest and comfortable person in the world for her. She knew she could go to him and tell him anything, no matter what, and he would listen and comfort her and he would protect her. Of course she always felt safe and protected with Sam, but it was different. She didn't know how to describe it. It was just different. A good different.

"Whatcha watching?" He asked, his gaze landing on the TV screen.

"Moana." She replied with a smile. 

"Again?" He teased.

"Shut up, you like it too." Bryden huffed, poking his cheek which made him chuckle.

"I'm only teasing." He mumbled, kissing her cheek.

"Yeah, I know." Bryden hummed, resting her head on his and she sighed contently. She was happy and comfortable. It was her favorite feeling. Being in his arms was something she loves so much. 

They stayed silent, watching the movie together and occasionally Bryden would sing along to the songs, making Colby chuckle. After a couple minutes, Colby noticed the necklace around her neck and felt his heart warm. He loved that she wore the necklace. It was just another way to remember the past and the memories. He couldn't help but reach over to the necklace and trace his thumb across it. She felt her heart flutter as she felt his fingers lightly graze her neck where the necklace rested and her lips curl upwards.

"Do you remember when Sam and I gave you this necklace?" He asked quietly with a soft smile.

"Of course I do. How could I forget?" She giggles softly. "You guys gave it to me on my 16th birthday. And I never took it off."

"Good, because it's special." Colby murmurs, smiling at her. "It's our way of letting you know we'll always be there and that we love you."

"And I've never taken it off. Not once. I'm never going to take it off." She assured him, turning to face him. She gave him a small smile. "And I'm not just saying that. I really mean it. The necklace is special to me and I'll always cherish it. Because it came from you guys."

Colby smiles softly at her, his heart warming at her words. "I'm glad. That means a lot to me." She smiled back at him and focused back on the movie. The two watched the rest of the movie, laughing and singing along with the songs. They were in a great mood. Once the movie ended, the couple cuddled up and started a new movie. They had already gone through 2 movies and were about to start their 3rd.

"I'm sorry, by the way." Colby suddenly speaks up, gaining her attention. She glances at him with confusion. "About graduation. I don't know, I just feel like I should apologize for how I acted. I didn't mean to hurt you, I was just hurt and I had feared that I was losing you and that was the last thing I wanted. I know that's no excuse and I know it doesn't make up for what I did, but I just want you to know how sorry I am."

Bryden felt her heart squeeze at his words. He was still beating himself up for what happened. "Hey, you don't have to apologize." She told him. "I'm not mad anymore. I understand where you're coming from and why you were acting the way you did. You already apologized that day, remember? You don't have to beat yourself up about it anymore. I forgive you. It's okay. We're okay. I promise."

"Okay." He murmured, looking down.

"Are you still feeling guilty and blaming yourself?" She asks, gently placing her hand under his chin and lifting his head up, making him look at her. "Hey, don't do that. I can see it all over your face. Stop. You have no reason to feel guilty or blame yourself. It's all in the past. We were young and didn't know what to do. Things happen. So please, stop beating yourself up over it."

Colby sighs, knowing she was right. She usually was right about most things. He couldn't help the smile tugging at his lips as she leaned forward, kissing his forehead. "Okay, you're right. As usual."

"As always." She teased and he chuckled, causing her to grin.

"You know, I was thinking.." He starts. "I was wondering, would you want to hang out tomorrow? I don't have anything planned and Sam is hanging out with Kat. So, it'll just be you and me."

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. What do you wanna do?" Bryden asked curiously with a small smile.

"I don't care. I'll be fine with whatever we do since I'll be with you." Colby replied with a shrug, a cheeky smile on his face.

She laughs, rolling her eyes as she ignored her heart skipping a beat at his words. "Alright, then. What about...Going to the beach? We haven't done that in a long time."

"That sounds like a great idea. Maybe we can even go for ice cream afterwards. And dinner." Colby added with a grin.

"Of course. You know me. Always up for ice cream and food." Bryden laughed. Colby smiled at her and laid his head on her shoulder as he turned his attention back to the movie. The two best friends continued to watch movies until Colby realized that Bryden was asleep. He couldn't help the small smile as he looked down at her.

He carefully laid her down on the bed and covered her up with a blanket. He kissed her forehead and brushed her hair away from her face.

"Goodnight, Bryden." He whispered.

"Goodnight, Colby." She mumbled, half asleep. He smiles, watching her fall back asleep before heading back to his room.


Bryden slowly opened her eyes, the sun shining through the curtains. She groans, covering her face and rolled over. She didn't want to wake up yet. She was too comfortable and didn't want to move. But she knew she had to get up eventually.

"Bryden, you awake?" A voice asked. She didn't have to look over to know who it was. She could recognize his voice anywhere, but she was too tired to wake up.

"No, I'm not. I'm talking in my sleep." She muttered, closing her eyes and snuggling further into her blanket.

Colby chuckles, sitting on the edge of her bed and he gently places his hand on her arm. "Come on, Bry. Get up."

"No, go away." She groaned, swatting his hand away. She had never been a morning person. She was a night owl for sure. She always had to had some kind of caffeine in the morning to help get her going. 

"I made you breakfast." He told her, knowing that would help get her out of bed.

That catches her attention and she opens her eyes. "Waffles?" She asked hopefully.

"With chocolate chips." He replied, smiling when he saw her perk up.

"I'm up!" She announces, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "I'll be down in a minute."

"Alright, see you in a few." Colby laughed, kissing her forehead before getting up.

Once he was gone, Bryden got up and walked over to her closet. She had decided to wear a green blouse with the arms over the shoulders, denim shorts and white shoes. She also wore her swimsuit under her clothes for the beach. She packed the things she would need for the day in her bag before she walked to the kitchen. She grinned at the smell of waffles.

"Smells good." She comments, sitting down at the table and pouring syrup on her waffles. "Thanks for making breakfast."

"It's no problem. I know you love waffles. Specifically chocolate chip waffles. You've had a taste for it since we were younger. You could never have just normal waffles. They always had to be chocolate chip waffles." He said, a fond smile on his face as he remembered the days they would go to a diner or the mall and Bryden would order chocolate chip waffles and she would always share them with him and Sam.

"Hey, chocolate chip waffles are the best. I'm not apologizing for my love of them." She shrugs, taking a bite. She had to admit her heart fluttered at the fact he remembered something as simple as the fact that she loved chocolate chip waffles. He remembered a lot of small things and that was one of the things she loved about him.

"Don't worry, I'm not judging. I love them, too. In fact, I think I love them more because of you." Colby grinned, watching her laugh and shake her head.

"You're so cheesy." She teases as she starts eating. "Wow, these are really good." She commented.

"Well, they should be. I'm the one who made them." Colby joked and Bryden giggled, playfully rolling her eyes.

"Don't get too cocky now." She teased and he chuckled, sitting besides her at the kitchen island with a plate of waffles for himself.

"I would never." He replied sarcastically.

After the two finished breakfast, they cleaned up and headed out. Colby drove them to the beach and they set up their chairs and umbrellas. Once they were settled, the two got in the water and started swimming. They played a game of volleyball with a few other people and played a couple rounds. After that, they got some drinks and sat under the umbrella, enjoying the shade and relaxing. Bryden had her swimsuit on which was a pink and white floral one. Colby couldn't help but glance over at her every once in awhile. He loved her new swimsuit. He thought she looked stunning, but she always looked that way to him. 

"Colby, you're staring." Bryden suddenly spoke, snapping him out of his trance.

"Can't help it. You're beautiful." He said, a soft smile tugging at his lips.

Bryden felt her heart skip a beat and a blush form on her cheeks. "Thank you. You're handsome." She smiled at him. He only had his swim trunks on and she could admit he looked good. His face tinted pink at her compliment and he smiled a little, murmuring a thank you. They sat in comfortable silence as they relaxed under the umbrella.

"You wanna go for a walk on the beach? Get ice cream? I think I saw an ice cream truck nearby." Colby suggested after a couple minutes.

"Definitely." Bryden grinned and grabbed her phone and wallet. She smiled at him when he offered a hand to help her up and she took it. She let him help her up and they let go as they walked to the ice cream truck. They talked along the way, joking around and laughing. Their sides brushed against each other's as they walked. Bryden couldn't help but notice how close they were walking. She didn't mind though and she knew he didn't either.

They reached the ice cream truck and they looked over the menu. After a few minutes, they ordered and paid and they both got ice cream. They continued walking down the beach, talking and laughing. They didn't know that a fan had took a picture of them as they were walking down the beach. The fan posted the picture on their social media, tagging both of them. They didn't see the post until later.

They walked for a while as they ate their ice cream, talking and enjoying each other's company. When they were done with the ice cream and had threw them away in the trash, Colby suddenly had a grin and a mischievous glint in his eye as he looked at her.

She narrows her eyes at him, knowing that look all too well. He had something planned and she didn't know what it was. "Colby..." She spoke in a warning voice.

"Bryden.." He spoke in the same voice but was more mocking than threatening.

"What are you planning?" She asked suspiciously. He grinned and tapped her shoulder which confused her.

"You're it!" He then yelled and took off running.

"Seriously?" Bryden complains. "What are you, a child?" She shouted, rolling her eyes but she ran after him anyway. They chased each other down the beach, laughing and yelling. They were having fun and just messing around. They always did when they were together.

At one point she found herself getting picked up by him and he threw her over his shoulder and she let out a surprised yelp.

"Jerk." She muttered, crossing her arms as he carried her, but she was smiling. She could see people staring, some even giggling, and it made her blush. Colby didn't seem bothered. In fact, he was grinning as he carried her and her stomach fluttered. He was such a goofball. She was laughing though and she was having fun, so she couldn't really be mad.

"You know you love me." He replied, finally setting her down with a smirk.

"That's debatable." She said teasingly, a smirk on her own face.

"Shut up." He laughed, pushing her shoulder gently and she giggled, rolling her eyes at him as she shoved him back. They both laughed, continuing to play fight. They were a mess, but they were happy and it was all that mattered.

They hadn't known that a fan had caught sight of them and took a picture of them when Colby had carried Bryden. They also posted it on Instagram and tagged them both, but they wouldn't know that until later.

Eventually they both decide to go back over to their spot and relax under the umbrella again. They were still tired from the chase and didn't feel like swimming at the moment. The two were quiet, the only sound being the waves crashing onto the sand. Bryden laid her head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her, holding her close. The two sat there in a comfortable silence. Neither of them wanted to ruin the moment. Bryden glanced at him with a smile, her gaze trailing to his tattoos. She had to be honest, she always wanted to get one. She had just been too scared.

"Colby?" She spoke up, lifting her head from his shoulder.

"Hm?" He hummed, glancing at her with a small smile.

"You know how I've been wanting a tattoo for a while but never had the courage to do it?" She asked.

"Yeah, but you're afraid of needles, aren't you? Or do I remember that wrong?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"No, you're right." She mumbles. "But lately, I've been wanting one. I don't know, I was just wondering, would you come with me? To get a tattoo?"

"Yeah, of course." He smiles at her, his eyes lighting up. "I would love to. What do you want to get?"

"I have an idea. But I'm not really for sure yet. I'll have to think about it." She told him.

"Okay. Just let me know when you want to get one and I'll go with you." He reassured her with a soft smile.

She smiles back at him, feeling relieved now that he agreed. "Thank you."

"No problem." He replied, his hand on her shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze.

They sat on the beach, enjoying the nice weather. They talked and laughed as they waited for the sun to set. They watched the sunset and admired the view. It was a beautiful sunset. They sat together, watching the sky change colors.

"I guess we should get going." Bryden says, her eyes never leaving the sunset.

"Yeah." Colby nods, turning to look at her. He couldn't help the fond smile on his face. Her face was relaxed and peaceful, her eyes bright. His gaze lingered on her lips.

"Colby, you're staring. Again." Bryden said teasingly. She couldn't help the butterflies in her stomach. She could feel his eyes on her. She glanced at him, seeing a smile on his face.

"I can't help it. You're beautiful. Especially in this light." He admitted, his eyes filled with admiration.

Bryden could feel her face getting hot and she was thankful it was getting dark so he couldn't see her blushing. She pulls away from him and grabs her bag. She stands up, brushing the sand off her. "I think we should get going. It's getting dark." She says, smiling a little at him. "Come on." She offered her hand to him to help him up.

"Yeah." Colby smiled, taking her hand and standing up. 

He didn't let go as they started walking back to where they parked. She didn't mind, she liked the feeling of his hand in hers. They held hands until they reached their car. They put their stuff away and got inside the car. They decided to get take out food, eating it in the car and watching a movie while they ate in the car. They had parked the car at a place where they could see a perfect view of the city. Bryden suggested on watching the 'High School Musical' movies and after giving Colby a puppy dog eyes look he couldn't resist, he gave in. So, there they were, eating food and watching movies. They thought it was the perfect way to end the day. Bryden had even took a picture and posted it on her Instagram, putting the caption as: 'Ending the day with movies and dinner with this goofball <3' She had also tagged Colby in the post.

"You're adorable, you know that?" Colby suddenly spoke, a small smile on his face as he stared at the girl.

She grins. "Oh, I'm well aware." She teases, nudging him gently. He chuckles and rolls his eyes, a grin still on his face. "You're not so bad yourself." She added. 

"Thanks. I try." He teased, a smirk on his face. She chuckled and turned her attention back to the movie. They were watching the second 'High School Musical' movie and Bryden, of course, sang along to every song. It was no surprise. Colby had to admit she had a nice voice. She managed to convince him to sing along with her as well.

After the third 'High School Musical' movie ended, they headed home. Bryden yawned, resting her head against the seat. Her eyes were drooping closed and she struggled to stay awake. As he drove, Colby glanced over at her. He could tell she was tired. She kept her eyes closed, her head leaned against the seat.

"Tired?" He questioned, raising his eyebrows at her. 

"Mhm. Yeah, a little bit." She murmured with a small yawn, using a hoodie she grabbed from the back for a pillow.

"Go ahead and sleep." He suggests. "I'll wake you up when we get home."

"Okay." She replied as she closed her eyes. It wasn't long before she drifted off to sleep. Colby glanced at her once again, a smile forming on his face as he looked at her sleeping figure. They did have a long day at the beach and he couldn't blame her for being tired. He was tired himself. He focused his attention on the road, listening to the music that played softly from the radio.

When he got back to their apartment and parked the car, he unbuckles his seatbelt and leans over to her. He gently shakes her arm. "Bryden, we're here." He said softly.

"Okay." She mumbled, opening her eyes and sitting up. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and unbuckled. She grabbed her things and got out, shutting the door.

"Did you have fun today?" Colby asked as they walked up the steps to their apartment.

"Yeah. I had a great time. I always have a great time with you, you know that. You're fun to be around." She tells him with a small smile. "Did you have fun?"

"Of course I did. I'm always happy when I'm with you." He replied with a smile. He held the door open for her and let her inside first. She sent him a thankful smile and walked inside. The apartment was quiet so that figured Sam was either asleep or in his room. They knew he was there since his car was there.

"I'm gonna go shower." Bryden said. She kisses his cheek with a smile. "I had fun today. I'll see you on the morning. Night."

"Goodnight, Bryden." He smiled and watches her head to her room. Once she was gone, he decided to get ready for bed himself.

Bryden took a shower and got into comfy clothes. She had a simple, pink, baggy t-shirt and shorts. She didn't bother drying her hair and left it wet. But she did braid it. She brushed her teeth and headed to her bedroom. She climbed in bed, grabbing her phone and checking her notifications. She saw she had gotten tagged in a photo and she clicked on it, smiling to herself and butterflies swarming in her stomach when she saw a fan had posted some pictures of her and Colby at the beach.

 She read the comments and had to hold back a giggle. Most of the comments were people commenting how cute the two were and the other were people asking if they were dating. She was used to getting comments like that all the time. But it didn't mean it didn't make her heart skip a beat or give her butterflies. She had to admit, she still loves him and probably will forever. She knows she should have moved on by now, but she couldn't. She tried to, but she just couldn't. And she didn't want to.

She shook her head, pushing those thoughts to the back of her mind. She then liked the post and comments on it, leaving a comment saying, 'thank you for capturing the moment! It was a great day at the beach with a special someone!'.

After a couple minutes, she locked her phone and placed it on her nightstand. She got under the blankets, getting comfortable. Her eyes grew heavy and she could feel sleep creeping up on her. But she opened her eyes when she heard her phone buzz and a notification popped up on the screen.

She sighed heavily, just wanting to go to sleep, but she grabbed her phone and unlocked it. Her eyes widened and her heart fluttered at the notification she got. She was tagged in a post by Colby. It was the picture of them at the beach. Her cheeks warmed as she read the caption.

'The best days are the ones that are spent with my favorite girl. @xobryden'

She couldn't help but smile and she felt her face warm. She quickly liked the post and comments on it. She commented, 'the feeling is mutual, you dork <3'

She was about to lock her phone when she got another notification.

@colbybrock: dork? ouch :(

She chuckled, smiling and rolling her eyes. She replied with, 'it's true and you know it' After a few seconds, she received another notification.

@colbybrock: okay fair

She chuckled, a smile on her face. She locks her phone, placing it on her nightstand and plugging it in to charge. She laid down, getting comfortable. She turned the lamp off, laying on her side and closing her eyes. It didn't take long before she was asleep.

A/N I love colby & bryden so much

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