Greykin Valley

By TateCsernis

71.5K 4.2K 663

• Season 2 of Greykin Mountain • Jackson and his pack must travel deeper into Greykin Valley to find a cure f... More

Season List for Greykin Mountain
| 1 | In Pursuit of the Target
| 2 | Retreat
| 3 | Humanoids
| 4 | Debrief
| 5 | The Conspiracy
| 6 | A Mate's Worry
| 7 | Decisions
| 8 | Ulterior Motives
| 9 | But Then I Found You
| 10 | The Infected
| 11 | Fangs and Bullets
| 12 | Checkout
| 13 | The Mission Begins
| 14 | Kingslake Pass
| 15 | Debts
| 16 | A Wolf in the Dark
| 17 | Silver Traps
| 18 | Onwards
| 19 | That Ominous Feeling
| 20 | The Woman in Silver
| 21 | Sixteen Hunters
| 22 | Inimă
| 23 | Asmodi
| 24 | Lock and Key
| 25 | Report
| 26 | Back on Track
| 27 | The River
| 28 | Useless, Dangerous Coward
| 29 | Doctor's Orders
| 30 | Burial
| 31 | Fire
| 32 | Hounds
| 33 | Warning
| 34 | Declaration
| 35 | War Plans
| 36 | Wait Out the Storm
| 37 | Fangs and Blood
| 38 | The Ambush
| 39 | Metamorphosis
| 40 | Evolving Danger
| 41 | A Missing Piece
| 42 | Exes
| 43 | Waiting on Fate
| 44 | The Great Lake
| 45 | Final Warning
| 46 | Bloody Glade
| 47 | Kane Ardelean-Blood
| 48 | The Arena
| 49 | The Last Option
| 50 | Don't Look Back
| 51 | Wait
| 52 | Patrol
| 53 | Friend or Foe?
| 54 | Reiner Manor
| 55 | Bloodlines
| 56 | Liberation
| 57 | Hunt for the Inimă
| 58 | Butcher
| 59 | The Missing, The Found
| 60 | Cat and Mouse
| 61 | To The Pit
| 62 | Siren
| 63 | Blood and Stripes
| 64 | A Long-Awaited Call
| 65 | There Are Laws
| 66 | Talk of Ancestors
| 67 | Greymore, Greyson, Greyblood, Greykin
| 68 | More Than Friends
| 70 | A Few Hours' Rest
| 71 | The Redblood Line
| 72 | Demon Name
| 73 | Wolf's Rite
| 74 | An Impending Choice
| 75 | Moving Out
| 76 | Winner Takes All
| 77 | Antlers
| 78 | The Perfect Vessel
| 79 | Victor
| 80 | Him
| 81 | It Will Always Be Him
| 82 | Guilt and Shame
| 83 | Mate
| 84 | Sequoia Point
| 85 | Shrieker
| 86 | Plan A, Plan B
| 87 | Greykin Valley
| 88 | The Lab
| 89 | A Sea of Red
| 90 | Patient Zero
| 91 | The Phantom

| 69 | Conference Hall

475 33 1
By TateCsernis

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| Jackson |

As he left the elevator and headed through the house, Jackson's racing heart didn't calm down. His discomfort and confusion had been completely devoured by worry and angst, and he was afraid of what Damon might think or do once he told him what happened.

A part of him wondered if he should even tell his mate, but he didn't want to risk him hearing it from Wilson. That would make things a whole lot worse than they already might be. No, he had to tell Damon himself.

He navigated his way back to the room he'd rested in and followed the hallway the way Damon had gone when they parted ways. Familiar voices echoed from ahead, and when he emerged into a lounge, he looked around at all of his packmates, as well as Sebastien, who was standing by the fireplace with a Slappy's drink in hand. Where the hell did they get Slappy's out here?

"Oh, hey Jackson," Julian called.

Everyone set their eyes on him, but he focused his sights on Damon. The Alpha was sitting on one of the couches with his son and Tokala, and when he saw Jackson coming, he got up and made his way towards him.

But a concerned frown quickly stole Damon's look of relief. "What's wrong?" he immediately asked, standing in front of Jackson.

Jackson glanced around at everyone. "Can we, uh...can we go somewhere private? I need to talk to you."

"Did something happen?" he asked worriedly.

He huffed and gripped Damon's hand. "Can we just go somewhere?"

Damon nodded and turned around—

"All right, listen up," came Raphael's voice.

Jackson tensed up even more than he already was and sharply turned his head to look at the orange-haired guy, who was standing in the doorway with a vacant stare on his face.

"I'll be taking you to the conference hall," Raphael announced. "When you get inside, you sit down where you're told, and you don't speak, nor do you touch anything. You're going to be seeing several new faces sitting at the front of the room; if one of them happens to ask you a question, you stand up and answer. Got it?" he asked, shifting his sights to Jackson.

Everyone nodded.

"Walk single file and don't wander off; the last thing we need is one of you getting lost," the orange-haired man said with a grunt.

"Lost?" Dustu murmured.

"Let's go," Raphael called and started leading the way down the hall.

Jackson waited for a few others to go before him, and as he followed behind Tokala, he held tightly onto Damon's hand.

Raphael led them through to the house's entrance hall, and not only was it empty—save for the armed guards—but there was also a circular hole in the marble floor; its edge was glowing gold, and a narrow staircase led down below.

Jackson's anxiety was overshadowed by awe when he followed the stairs down into a massive hall. Huge stone pillars at least thirty feet tall connected the ceiling and the ground beneath them, and the massive area was lit by bright, golden fires. The further down they got, the more statues of people and creatures alike were carved into the walls, and the louder the distant crowd of conversation became.

"What the heck is this place?" Remus asked Damon.

"I don't know," the Alpha replied.

"A Nosferatu stronghold," Sebastien answered, looking back at them. "The kind of place where Caeleste leaders come to discuss the type of shit that's going on in Ascela."

"I thought we just needed to discuss what to do about Kane?" Jackson questioned.

"Yeah, well, there's more to this than Kane," the white-haired demon mumbled and faced ahead again.

Jackson's anxiety returned. What more could they need to discuss right now that required to use of this kind of place and the presence of Caeletse leaders?

Once they reached the bottom of the stairs, Raphael led them through the colossal stone double doors just ten feet ahead. Instead was a huge, dome-shaped cavern-like room, and there were several rows of seats lined around the walls—it reminded Jackson of Kane's arena.

In the centre of the room was a round table. He immediately noticed Lord Caedis, and sitting on his left was Lucian. The man on his right, however, didn't look familiar, but his aura was just as terrifying as Caedis'. His hair was black, and so were his eyes, but when the light hit them, they shimmered red. He wore dark, elegant clothes just as expensive as Caedis, too—the kind of brands that sold blazers which cost more than Jackson would ever see in his life—so he had to be important, especially if he was sitting next to someone like Lord Caedis.

Both the dark-haired man and Lord Caedis then looked at him as he followed his packmates up to a row of seats. He tensed up, and his blood ran cold. He tensed up so much that he felt as if he might freeze on the spot if Damon wasn't holding his hand so tightly, but even his mate's protective presence couldn't help him shake the intimidation.

And then that man, Caedis, and Lucian muttered to each other. Jackson couldn't hear them over the noise coming from what must be over a hundred people in the room, but he could see their lips moving, and it looked like they were saying his name.

"Sit," Raphael muttered.

Jackson immediately sat in the seat he was standing in front of, as did everyone else.

"Be quiet," the orange-haired man muttered and then headed down the stairs towards the table. He sat beside Lucian, who scowled irritably, and then Cyrus sat beside Raphael.

The room filled up fast; people came in through smaller doorways between each wall of seats, and soon enough, there were probably three hundred or more people staring down at those around the table. Maleki, the vampire-elf, sat beside Cyrus, and two dark-skinned men joined the table, too; one man had orange eyes and a buzzcut, and the other had green eyes and short black hair. Only one of them dressed expensively, though. And the last people to join the table were Idina and three other women who looked a lot like her.

Jackson then shifted his eyes to the wall of seats at the back of the room between two large pillars decorated with the carvings of animals and creatures he couldn't name. Every man and woman sitting there looked important; some of them had inhuman features, and one woman even had a pair of dragonfly-like wings. He assumed that they were all the Caeleste leaders.

All of the doors started closing on their own, and armed men and women much like those Jackson saw at the entrance up in the house stood around the room. Once the doors shut, everyone's voices died down until it was utterly silent, and the atmosphere was so tense that Jackson felt like he might start suffocating.

Lord Caedis stood up, and everyone set their eyes on him. "You all know vhy you've been called 'ere," he started. "Zhe cadejo virus is evolving, and is likely zhat is no long just volf valkers who are in danger of being invected." He pulled a small remote from his pocket, and when he clicked it, a hologram screen appeared in the centre of the room above the table. "Shown 'ere are several variants our operatives 'ave come across in zhe Greykin Mountains," he said as images of prowlers, brutes, and sirens were shown alongside images of infected humans. "Zhe most concerning study so var being zhese sirens," he said as the screens displayed several images of the faceless creatures.

Alarmed murmurs circled the room.

"What are they?" an elf woman called from the wall of leaders.

"Invected vae," Caedis answered.

"Fae?" several voices exclaimed.

"If this virus can infect one of the most resilient species out there, what chance do the rest of us stand?" a panicked man called.

Lord Caedis slid the remote across the table to Everston, who Jackson hadn't even noticed next to all the rich, intimidating people sitting around it. As Caedis sat down, Everston stood up.

"We've tested the virus against the blood of every Caeleste species," Everston started as the screens displayed images of cells, some looking a lot worse than others. "So far, the virus has only shown signs of infecting the blood of wolf walkers, humans, and a very specific species of fae." He clicked the remote, and the screens displayed images of very regal-looking men and women with light blue skin and yellow eyes. "The Ascela Chorus—"

"This is no Ascela Chorus," the dragonfly-winged woman exclaimed.

"Actually, there is," Everston said matter-of-factly. "They're a very private family, so it isn't very surprising that a Fae Queen such as yourself isn't aware."

The woman scoffed.

"Although we know of them, we don't know much about them. However, it turns out that one of the wolves we've got heading out to Greykin Valley so happens to possess the blood of this particular chorus." Everston pointed up towards Jackson's pack.

Everyone quickly diverted their eyes to Wesley, who looked horrified.

"Wesley Ayek-Blood," Everston said. "In order for us to find out exactly why this particular kind of fae has been affected, we need to find them. The last contact the Nosferatu had with them was over fifty years ago; they went radio silent and we haven't been able to locate them. Anything you can tell us would be greatly appreciated."

Wesley looked at Damon, who nodded. He then stood up and said, "I only know what my ancestors did."

"Share," Everston invited.

"They lived up in Greykin Loch, and whenever things got bad, they'd head to an underground forest, which they called Sanctuary."

Everston shifted his sights to Caedis and the man sitting beside him.

"And how does one find Sanctuary?" the black-haired man asked.

Wesley looked conflicted, like he was reluctant to answer. But he quickly came to a decision and said, "An entrance under the lake. An old archway."

The man then nodded at Everston.

Wesley sat down when Sebastien told him to.

"Have you found out why it's suddenly affecting humans like this?" a woman called from the leader wall. "It used to make them sick and kill them. Why is it now turning them?"

"We don't know," Everston answered, looking up at her. "But the sample of the virus we gathered a hundred and fifty years ago is very different to that which we've been gathering today. And we also don't know if it's evolving on its own or if someone is giving it a helping hand."

"That someone being Lyca Corp. and the Diabolus?" a man questioned.

Maleki then stood up. "Recent intelligence suggests that the Holy Grail might also be involved. They've been spotted in Greykin."

Jackson tensed up. The Holy Grail? The same Holy Grail who killed his parents and kidnapped Wilson's? But then he frowned and looked around the hall. Where was Wilson?

"Why would the Holy Grail have a hand in modifying a virus that kills the very species they insist they represent?" an elf called.

And then Lord Caedis stood up, and both Maleki and Everston sat down. "'As been common knowledge vor a long time zhat zhe 'oly Grail aren't 'ere to protect 'umanity. Zhey serve zheir valse God and zheir own ideations. Vor all ve know, zhey could very vell vant to vipe out every living ving to vestart Aegisguard zhe same vay Levoldus tried to do centuries ago."

The room went silent again, and the tense atmosphere returned.

Lord Caedis returned to his seat.

Everston stood up. "So, uh...we hope that reconnecting with the Ascela fae will help us understand the virus' evolution a little more. That's honestly all we have until we find them and our wolf walker allies find the Lyca Corp. lab up in Greykin Valley." He sat back down, and the hologram screens disappeared.

Jackson wasn't sure how to feel about this. He knew how important it was to get to the lab, but being reminded of just how many lives were at stake intensified his guilt. There he was worried about losing a friend and what the man he loved might think because that friend kissed him, meanwhile, people were suffering, dying, and living in fear of being turned into an undead monster.

They had to get matter what.

"On zhe subject of zhe lab," Caedis said and looked at Cyrus. "Ve'll get zhis out of zhe vay bevore moving on."

With a nod, Cyrus stood up. "All right, so getting to this lab is still at the top of the important list," he started, resting his hands on the table. "But Kane Ardelean is gonna get in the way. We raided his territory, freed his prisoners, and took someone who might be important to him. He's going to be looking for revenge, and he'll likely start with trying to recapture or kill the pack we've tasked with finding the lab."

"So we have to remove Kane from the equation entirely," Raphael said.

Caedis nodded slowly and remained in his seat. "Volf valkers are endangered, so zhe less of zhem you kill, zhe better. Zhe best vay to deal vith zhis vould be vor you to challenge 'im, no?"

"Yeah," Cyrus confirmed, "but finding him will be hard. He hides behind his numbers."

"Have you spoken to the wolf you rescued from that dungeon?" the black-haired man asked.

"Not yet. I wanted to wait for approval before we started interrogating," Cyrus answered.

"Do it," the man said. "Find out what she knows about him and the way he operates."

Cyrus nodded. "All right. And Damon's pack?"

"They stay put until Kane is dealt with."

"Got it." He then stood up straight. "Jackson," he called.

Jackson tensed up. He stared down at Cyrus, and as everyone's eyes hit him, he felt his heart race faster in his chest.

"Stand up," Sebastien snapped quietly.

He shot to his feet and tried to hide his trembling hands behind his back.

Cyrus frowned slightly. "My wolves spoke in their reports of you talking to cadejo; you told them to leave, and they left."

Several murmurs and whispers echoed through the hall.

"We need to know more about that," Cyrus continued. "What were they saying to you? Did you learn anything that might help us?"

Jackson's entire body trembled. "—"

"Speak up," Raphael called.

He raised his voice a little, "T-they said something about...their Master."

"Master?" the black-haired man questioned.

Jackson nodded. "They said that...well, the prowler kept saying that the Master wanted me...and that it had to take me...but not yet."

"Can you control them?" a woman from the leader wall asked.

"I...I don't know," he replied. "When the prowler initially pulled me out of the snow I was hiding under, I told it to wait because it sounded like it wanted to kill me, and it waited. And after it was done telling me about how it had to take me to the Master, I told it to leave and kill Kane's wolves—the ones following me— did," he explained.

More murmurs and whispers travelled around the room.

"You were standing there for a while, though," Cyrus said over the other voices. "What else were you talking about?"

Jackson recalled the memory. " said listened to me because I'm a higher lifeform or something. And that it itself was imperfect...and that I was perfect—a harmonic variant. After that was when it started talking about its Master wanting me. They also confirmed that they were made with demon blood if that's any help."

Everyone around the table started muttering quietly. The concerned looks on their faces made Jackson feel a whole lot more uneasy than he already did, and he wasn't sure of what to make of it.

"The cadejo have a leader?" someone questioned worriedly over the crowd.

"Someone's been pulling the strings this whole time?" someone else called.

"Can Lyca Corp. actually control these things?" a woman asked in a panic.

Lord Caedis then stood up, and everyone went quiet. He said, "Ve've suspected vor a vhile zhat somevone vas pulling strings. 'As been very odd zhat cadejo 'ave been appearing in very convenient places, and Jackson 'as convirmed zhat zhese creatures answer to somevone. Ve'll be pulling vhat vesources ve can vrom ozzer operations so zhat ve can try and vind zhis Master."

"Resources from where?" a man protested. "All of our specialists and armies are strapped as thin as possible right now."

"No one has to worry about it," the black-haired man beside Caedis answered. "We'll handle it on our end."

"Zhe only ving all of you should be doing vight now is keeping your people safe and vatching your perimeters. As var as ve are avare, zhe virus 'asn't levt Ascela, but if zhat changes, ve need to know."

"Why are we even still here?" an elf exclaimed as he stood up. "We should just head beyond the glaciers and leave these undead things to starve and eventually turn on Lyca Corp.! Why are we even still talking about this?!"

Beyond the glaciers? Jackson glanced at Sebastien, but the white-haired demon shook his head with a wary look on his face.

"The land is underdeveloped and in many cases not suitable for living to any standard or comfort that the average person needs," the black-haired man said.

"Who is that guy?" Julian asked. Finally someone did.

"Zalith," Sebastien replied. "Otherwise known as the Zenith."

Jackson frowned. That was the Zenith? That was Lord Caedis' mate?

"So make it suitable!" the elf insisted.

Zalith frowned irritably and said, "Well, when you have the money to fund a few continents' worth of development, plus what it costs to relocate billions of people and provide them with healthcare manufacturing and necessities, we'd love to get started."Bottom of Form

The elf scoffed and slumped down in his seat.

And then Lord Caedis said, "Ve're not just going to abandon Aegisguard. As ve 'ave said, zhe virus is still contained to Ascela. Zhe moment ve 'ave vhat ve need to create a cure, zhis vill all be over."

After a few seconds, the murmurs and whispers died down again.

But despite Sebastien's expression, Jackson's curiosity hadn't waned. Beyond the glaciers: what did that mean? And what continents were they talking about? As far as Jackson was aware, every continent was habitable.

Zalith looked at Cyrus and said, "Take the pack and deal with the Kane situation. Zephyr, go with him."

Cyrus and Raphael got up, and as they made their way towards the huge double doors, Sebastien stood up, too.

"Come on, that's us," the white-haired demon said.

On his word, the pack stood up and started following him down the stairs.

Jackson focused on the crowd, though. They started asking for more reasons as to why they couldn't leave Aegisguard and start anew. He had questions—of course he did—but there were already so many things that he needed answering that his curiosity about continents beyond some glaciers would have to wait.

He followed his packmates out the doors and began the long climb back up towards the house. As much as he wanted to think about what had been said about the sirens and the virus, as well as the cadejo's Master, he couldn't shift his attention from the fact that he hadn't yet told Damon what happened with Wilson, who wasn't even present at that meeting. He knew that there were more important things to worry about right now, but he loved Damon, and he didn't want to keep something like this from him.

There was no telling when he might get another chance to talk to him in private; they were about to discuss a plan to deal with Kane. But the moment he got a chance, he'd take it. He didn't want to leave something like this to fester. But how was Damon going to react? He wanted to tell him before Wilson got out of the hospital; that way, at least Wilson would be safe if Damon decided that he wanted to kill him...right?

Jackson frowned worriedly and kept climbing the stairs. He didn't know what was going to happen, but one thing was for sure: after what happened, he and Wilson would never be the same, would they?

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