The Corsair's Journey

By TheQuietHufflepuff

119 3 0

Cally's heart is eventually won by the ever insistent navigator she met. Eventually, the two share a happy un... More

00 (Part I)
02 (Part III)

01 (Part II)

11 1 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff

Anton walked up to Cally. "Captain?"

"Aye?" she replied, drinking from her glass.

"Might we go back to Ramandu's Island?"

"For what? We completed our quest there quite some time ago."

"Aye, but there's a fair maiden I hope to speak with again."

Cally let out a sigh. "Then ask for a ship, Anton. You're not taking mine, and I'm not going out for some silly lover's quest."

"It's not a lover's quest, Cally."

She gave him a look. "Then why do you wish to sail to the island?"

"To... fish."

"To fish. By Aslan's mane, that's the most idiotic excuse you've come up with, and you've had some pretty pathetic ones. I'm not saying you can't go. You just can't take my ship."

"Then what am I to take?"

She stared at him, a look of light disbelief crossing her face. "We're in Narnia and you're friends with the king. Figure it out."

Without another word, she walked away and ran into Caspian.

She fell to the ground and an amused smile crossed Caspian's face as he offered a hand to help her up.

Cally stood with a frown. "I'm quite capable of standing myself, thank you."

"Are you all right?" Caspian asked.

"Yes. No thanks to you."

He frowned. "And still quite rude. Cally, did something happen? You're looking rather perturbed."

"I'm not perturbed. Just mildly irritated. Anton has a question to ask you. Good day." She walked away.

Caspian stared after her and shook his head. "I don't understand you in the slightest."

Anton, noticing Caspian, walked up and asked, "Might I ask to borrow a ship for a noble quest?"

"What quest?"

"The noblest of all. A chance for love."

"I'm about to set sail myself. I can take you along if you'd like."

Anton smiled and nodded. "That would be splendid."

"Go pack your stuff. You may want to mention it to Cally. She tends to get rather testy when she doesn't understand plans."

"Aye. That she does."

He gave a quick bow to Caspian and walked away, a light spring in his step.

Elora and Easton were watching from the docks.

"What do you think has got him so excited?" Elora asked.

Easton shrugged. "I'm not sure. I would think seeing his fair maiden again. That's all he's spoken of."

"That it is. It is possibly where he's headed. Cally on the other hand refuses to acknowledge her feelings."

"I don't think she knows what they are."

Elora sighed. "I suppose not. Perhaps we should help her realise?"

A wry laugh escaped Easton's lips. "Aye, because that would end well for us. I don't know about you, but I'd rather not be given the threat of walking the plank."

"You think I would?"

"A question like that is certainly risking it, Lor."

"I suppose so. In due time I hope she does come to realise how she feels deep down. If not, I may have to intercede."

"You can intercede if you so wish. I'm not having any part in that."

"You're just bitter at the idea of Cally falling in love."

"No, though I do pity the man who falls in love with her."

"You mean Caspian?"

He stared at her with a raised brow. "Obviously."

The two fell into an awkward silence and watched as Anton boarded Caspian's ship.

Cally walked up next to her crewmates and followed their gaze. "So he found himself passage."

Elora nodded. "Aye, that he did. Cally-"

The blonde held a hand up. "Elora. If this about your silly conquest for love for me, I'm going to stop you before you finish lest I make you sweep the deck or worse."


Cally's eyes flashed. "That is enough. No more talk of love. It's child's play, nothing less."

"No it isn't. It's a wonderful thing to dream of and I imagine even better when love is realised."

She scoffed. "Your head is in the stars. Snap out of the dream and come to reality, Elora. Love is weakness and you'll only end up hurt."

Easton stepped back, not keen on participating in their argument.

"Just because your fiancé betrayed you doesn't mean you can't try again!"

Cally's eyes narrowed. "He betrayed me in the worst way possible. He courted me, told me he loved me, then married another."

Elora pursed her lips. "And you swore off love ever since."


"Caspian cares for you, Cally, and I suspect he may love you. Why don't you give him a chance. I doubt he's like your previous suitor."

"Caspian is not my suitor! He is the king, and I have no interest, nor will I ever, in a romantic ploy to get my heart broken again!"

"That's a shame," Caspian said as he walked up. "Because I have no desire to break your heart."

Cally turned to face him and her gaze hardened. "You'll never win it, Highness."

A light smirk crossed his face. "Shall we make a bet?"

"A bet."

"Yes. I challenge you to not think of me while I'm gone. If you succeed, I'll stop pursuing you. But if you fail, I ask you let me make you dinner one night. Elora, Easton, are you willing to vouch for Cally's honesty?"

Elora nodded ecstatically. "Oh, yes."

Easton nodded as well. "Aye, I am."

Caspian held out a hand. "Well? What do you say, Captain?"

Cally raised a brow. "If I do this, when does it begin?"

"As soon as the ship leaves port."

She considered his challenge and nodded. "May the best of us win." She shook his hand and the deal was struck.

Caspian smiled. "I look forward to hearing the final verdict." He turned and walked towards his ship.

Even before the ship sailed away, Cally knew she was going to lose. He had struck a chord within her that refused to be silenced, and the thought of a courtship with him, if not more, both excited her and terrified her.

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