By waniwrites

252 24 2

In the bustling city, where tradition meets modernity, Shahveer, a shrewd business tycoon, and Sara, a compas... More

Chapter 1: Long Lost Friends
Chapter 2: Destiny Does Exist
Chapter 3: Friends to Relatives
Chapter 4: Beginning of a new Bond
Chapter 5:Interwind Together
Chapter 6: A denial
Chapter 7: A Dilemma
Chapter 8:Acceptance
Chapter 10: Aftermath
Chapter 12: Forced Together
Chapter 13:A Strong past
Chapter 14: Distant Amidst Celebration
Chapter 15:Coldness
Chapter 16: Seeds of Discontent
Chaoter 17 :Past Revelation
Chapter 18 :The Shattered Silence
Chapter 19:A Hearts Awakening
Chapter20: Unlikely Bonds
Chapter 21:Emotions Unvield
Chapter 22: Shifting Dynamics

Chapter 11:NIKAH

9 1 0
By waniwrites

***I added some Pictures in the last
Do check'em out.***

As both families prepared for the simple nikah ceremony at the mosque, the air buzzed with anticipation. Sara, clad in a pristine white gharara adorned with intricate golden embroidery, emanated timeless elegance. Her soft glam complemented the serenity of the occasion. Alina, in a pink gharara, exuded grace, her makeup enhancing her natural beauty. The Qureshi family left for the mosque, where the essence of tradition and love awaited the union of Shahveer and Sara.

Shahveer chose a classic yet striking ensemble, donning a pristine white kurta pajama paired with a black shawl that draped gracefully over his shoulders. The simplicity of his attire radiated sophistication. Alongside him, Maryam graced the occasion in a sea green gharara, the vibrant hue complementing her radiant presence. The intricate embellishments added a touch of regality to her outfit. As they arrived at the mosque, the contrast between Shahveer's timeless white attire and Maryam's lively sea green created a picturesque scene, symbolizing the harmony and diversity that blended seamlessly within the sacred walls of the mosque.

The mosque, bathed in soft light, became the sanctum for Shahveer and Sara's union. The nikah ceremony unfolded with grace, the qazi's voice resonating through the sacred space. The simplicity of the ritual contrasted with its profound significance. Shahveer and Sara exchanged vows, sealing their commitment with the sacred words. The scent of incense lingered in the air as the families witnessed the union, their hearts intertwined with prayers and blessings. The gentle echoes of verses and the solemnity of the moment created an atmosphere where tradition, love, and destiny converged, marking the inception of a shared journey.

After the completion of the nikah ceremony, Sara's eyes sought Shahveer in the mosque's gentle glow. As she caught sight of him, an involuntary gasp escaped her lips. Shahveer, in his white kurta pajama with a black shawl, stood with an air of quiet elegance. The simplicity of his attire underscored the sincerity of the moment.He was looking lavishly handsome.

Sara, draped in her pristine white gharara, adorned with golden embroidery, felt a flutter in her heart as she took a glance of him.

Shahveer, meeting Sara's gaze, witnessed the reflection of himself in her eyes. Time seemed to stand still at that moment for them. Sara's heart danced with a blend of joy and reverence, and Shahveer's eyes held a newfound depth, hinting at the gravity of the step they had taken together.

Sara, mesmerized by the man before her, saw beyond the white attire and the black shawl. She saw a partner, a companion in the journey of life. Shahveer, in turn, was still gazing in Sara's eyes.

Shahveer, initially reluctant to openly admire Sara's beauty, couldn't deny the awe he felt. As Sara approached him for the photoshoot after the nikah, he was captivated by her ethereal presence. The golden embroidery on her white gharara and the soft glam accentuating her features left him in silent admiration, a blend of reluctance and awe shaping his expression.The families gathered at the venue for lunch photoshoot gift ceremony, creating an atmosphere of joy and togetherness. Alina and Maryam engaged in light banter, complimenting each other's outfits.

Alina "Maryam, that sea green gharara suits you so well. You look stunning!"

Maryam "And your pink gharara is so vibrant, Alina. It complements your personality perfectly."

As they continued, the conversation shifted to Sara and Shahveer.

Alina "Sara, you looked breathtaking during the nikah. Shahveer bhau is a lucky man."

Maryam"Absolutely, Alina. They make a beautiful couple."

However, when Shahveer was asked for his opinion about Sara by Maryam, his response was unexpectedly harsh and cold.

Shahveer: "It's just a wedding. Let's not make a big deal out of it,Maryam."

Alina, taken aback, tried to steer the conversation positively.

Alina "Shahveer bhai, weddings are special. It's a celebration of love."

Maryam"And Sara looked radiant. Don't you think, Shahveer?"

Shahveer, with a dismissive tone, replied, "I've seen better."

Alina, sensing the tension, attempted to change the subject.

Alina "Let's focus on the lunch. The food looks delicious."

Maryam, though concerned, joined in, "Yes, we should enjoy the celebration."

As the families gathered around the lunch spread, the air carried an undercurrent of discomfort. Alina and Maryam exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the challenge that lay ahead in blending two families with divergent perspectives on the joyous occasion. The atmosphere, once filled with warmth, now bore the weight of Shahveer's unexpected demeanor, casting a shadow over what was meant to be a festive

Ali stood tall in his black formal sherwani, his gaze fixed on Alina as she gracefully attended to the guests. She looked breathtakingly beautiful in her pink gharara, the soft hues complementing her radiant smile. In Ali's mind, Alina's beauty was ethereal, a blend of elegance and charm that left him spellbound.

Approaching her with a gentle smile, Ali's voice carried admiration as he complimented her, "Alina, you look absolutely stunning tonight. The grace you exude is beyond words."

Alina blushed, her eyes meeting his as she replied, "Thank you, Ali. You're too kind. But your sherwani, it's striking!"

"Only because it pales in comparison to your beauty," Ali replied, a hint of warmth in his tone.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, a dance of words between two souls enamored by each other's presence.

"You seem to light up the room wherever you go," Alina remarked, her laughter ringing melodiously.

"It's the effect of your enchanting smile," Ali responded, his eyes reflecting sincerity.

As the evening continued, their connection deepened.
Their shared moments were filled with laughter, stolen glances, and words that spoke volumes, painting a picture of blossoming affection in the midst of a grand celebration.

Now the rukhsati moment arrived. Sara, surrounded by the love of her family, embarked on the poignant journey from her parents' home to Shahveer's. The air echoed with bittersweet emotions, and as the car pulled away, the sound of prayers and well-wishes lingered. The rukhsati marked the symbolic transition for Sara, leaving behind the familiar to embrace the promise of a new life with Shahveer.As Sara stepped into her new home, Maryam and Shahveer's mother welcomed her with genuine delight. However, Maryam, playfully seeking some dollars for the house-entry tradition, asked Shahveer with a mischievous smile.

Maryam "Shahveer, we need 500 dollars for the grand entry. You don't want to upset traditions, do you?"

Shahveer, his answers reflecting his reluctance, replied curtly.

Shahveer "Just take it online. I don't have time for this."

Maryam "okay then" she winked at Sara and proceeded with the playful exchange.

Maryam"Done! Shahveer, you're officially welcoming a bride with dollars."

Shahveer, distancing himself from the festivities,went to another room.

Meanwhile,Maryam brought Sara to her new room, Maryam tried to comfort her.

Maryam "Sara Bhabi, welcome home. Shahveer might seem distant, but give him time. He's just adjusting."

Sara, with a hint of concern, replied.

Sara: "Yeah.I hope so."

Maryam, offering reassurance, spoke from the heart.

Maryam "You're not alone, Sara bhabi. This is your home now, and we'll support you."

As they settled in, Shahveer's mother entered the room and joined the conversation.

Shahveer's mother "Sara, my dear, welcome to our family. Don't worry, Shahveer will come around."

Shahveer, overhearing the conversation, entered the room and couldn't resist making a cynical remark.

Shahveer"Hope you enjoy the welcome. I've got work to do." Took his laptop and left the room again.

Maryam, with a subtle frown, whispered to Sara.

Maryam "He's a workaholic and just stressed. Give it time. Your room is beautiful; make yourself comfortable."

For a while Maryam, Sara, and Shahveer's mother exchanged a few more words.

Shahveer's Mother "Sara, this is your home now. We're here for you."

Sara, finding solace in the kind words, nodded appreciatively.

Sara"Thank you. I'll try my best."

Maryam "You've got family here, bhabhi. Don't hesitate to lean on us. Everything will fall into place."

Despite the underlying tension, the room held a sense of unity and hope, as Sara navigated the complexities of her new life with the support of Maryam and the assurance of Shahveer's mother.


***so what do you think... what the future beholds for Sara.***

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