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By Imaginativemisfit

40.6K 1.5K 89

Seventeen-year-old Raven Thorne thought moving with her mother from her crowded hometown in California to a s... More

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593 29 2
By Imaginativemisfit

─── ・ 。゚♡: *.☽ .* :♡ ˚。・ ───

I woke up later than usual the following day, still eager to know if Alice had heard anything regarding the tracker.

Sadly, they hadn't. Edward and the others were supposed to arrive in Phoenix by the end of the day, and all we could do was wait around until then.

The majority of the day was spent in the hotel room on the couch watching the television. I did scroll through my laptop on Myspace for a bit as well, though quickly grew bored and went back to watching the TV.

Luckily there were a few board games in one of the drawers of the coffee table that Bella and I decided to play, yet we had gone through them all after less than a few hours and had to rely on the TV again to keep us distracted during this stressful time.

I didn't even realize that I had drifted off to sleep while watching an action movie we chose to turn on after playing cards, and napped for a good few hours while Alice stayed by my side on the sofa.

When I woke up, Bella was now reading a book she had brought with her that we were currently reading in English, and Jasper and Hazel were sitting across from each other at a smaller table by the dining area playing checkers.

I stayed awake and continued watching the rest of the movie with Alice. Soon after the movie ended, Alice let us know that we'd be checking out of the hotel around five, which is when Edward and the rest should be here to get Bella to take her elsewhere.

It was nearing closer to four when Bella and I decided to pack our things early and make sure we had our belongings together so we didn't have to rush later to pack. While we did that, Alice let me know she was taking a quick shower, and that Jasper and Hazel left to go shopping to buy a few more things for the road before we had to leave in an hour.

Bella and I stayed in my room talking while I finished packing, as Bella was already finished. In the middle of our discussion, her phone began ringing abruptly. She excused herself and rushed out of the room to answer it away from me — she figured it was likely her worried mother wondering where she was.

A few minutes later as I was finishing folding my clothes to put in my bag, I heard a gentle knock on the bedroom door.

"Come in," I said.

The door creaked open slightly, revealing Alice on the other side.

Her dark spiky hair was still damp from her shower, and she was covered in a grey bathrobe that went over her outfit, revealing her slim, angelic legs underneath. Admiring her gave me a slight pang of jealousy, as I wished that I looked that alluring after taking a shower.

Who was I kidding though, Alice always looked enchantingly beautiful at every given moment.

"Is it okay if I come in?" She kindly asked.

"Of course." I nodded, as she gracefully walked in, closing the door behind her.

"I was actually needing to talk to you about something." She hesitantly said.

"Oh sure," I said. "What do you need to talk about?"

She hesitated at first before speaking.

"Do you remember when you asked me yesterday about what Edward said to me before we left Forks?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, now remembering I even asked that.

"Well, I wanted to tell you what he meant by that, as I realized I never did after receiving that vision yesterday, and I never want to keep any secrets from you." She said.

I kept silent and nodded my head, encouraging her to go on and explain.

"When Edward asked if I could keep my thoughts to myself.," she began explaining. "He meant for me not to mention the idea I had in my mind that would be a solution to the current situation we're in regarding the tracker."

"A solution?" I asked, raising one brow. "What idea did you have that he didn't want you speaking of?"

"Well, he specifically does not want me mentioning it to Bella," she continued warily. "Though I know he doesn't care if I tell you, and I don't want to hide that from you."

"Tell me then, what idea did you have?" I probed.

She paused, keeping quiet for a moment before sighing with reluctance.

"The only way for us to keep the tracker from continuing to track you and Bella down... would be for you both to no longer be human."

I held my breath, pausing as I tried to interpret what she meant, though I had a slight feeling I knew exactly what she meant.

"What are you trying to say?" I slowly asked anyway.

"I'm trying to say that," she paused, gulping. "If you and Bella were turned into vampires, he would stop tracking you, and you'd be safe from him, and any other vampire like him."

"Become... a vampire?" I stuttered.

"Yes," she answered. "That would be the only solution if my family is unable to locate him in time."

I was speechless, unable to speak for a moment.

"Edward didn't want me telling Bella of this because he doesn't want that for her... but I've already seen it in a vision — her becoming like us." She then disclosed.

"You saw her as a vampire?" I asked, making sure to whisper in case Bella could possibly hear.

"Yes, right after that incident happened with the van almost crashing into her," she replied. "She wants to become immortal so that she can be with Edward forever."

"She does?" My eyes widened.

"That's why I saw her like one of us because she's decided that's what she wants, despite what Edward wants instead — for her to stay human."

"And you think we should be turned in order to avoid this tracker?" I asked.

"I would never pressure you to make a choice like that Raven," she hastily said. "Though, I do know that he would stop trying to locate you and her if you both were vampires."

"I... I'm not sure what to think of that idea." I admitted reluctantly.

"I understand Raven," she said. "That's quite a lot to think about, and it's not an easy choice to make. I just didn't want to keep that hidden from you, in case that was something you... possibly wanted."

"But that's just it," I said, looking down at the ground.

"What's it?" She tilted her head.

"I... I don't want that."

"You..." her expression dropped. "You don't?"

"No," I shook my head. "I don't want to be that."

"Why?" She demanded lightly.

"I just... don't want that type of life for myself," I explained. "I'd have to give up everything. My human life, human food, what's left of my human family, and human everything."

"I see." She said, as her eyes darted to the floor.

"What?" I noticed a sudden shift in her mood.

"I just... was sort of hoping you did want that," she confessed, shamefaced. "Even if it was sometime in the later future."

"Why?" I asked.

"I want to be with you forever Raven," she replied. "I'm immortal, thus I'm never able to age past nineteen — the age I was turned. Humans only live up to a certain age and will pass someday — no human can live forever. I don't want you to die one day Raven, and for me to be left on earth without you here."

"I know," I muttered. "I understand what you mean, and I don't want to be apart from you either. I just don't know if me being a vampire is a decision I want to make — it would change everything."

"Yes, it would," she admitted. "But... me and you would never have to worry about being separated, and we could be together forever, literally forever."

"Can't we just be happy that we get to be together for as long as I'm alive?" I asked, now feeling discouraged. "I know that I would age, but if you're willing to stay with me even when I reach—"

"Of course I would do that for you Raven," she affirmed sternly, her tone was more serious.

"Then why isn't spending the rest of my life with me until my last breath not enough for you?" I began arguing.

"Because I don't want to imagine any other life without you in it!"

I stood still as we kept our eyes locked on each other. Alice no longer seemed happy, and her expression appeared almost distraught by our argument.

"Look, I'm sorry," she said in a lower voice, walking closer to me from the door. "I just love you so much Raven, and I want to be able to spend forever with you."

"I understand," I nodded once, before keeping silent for a moment.

"Are you okay?" She asked, now concerned.

"I think I need some time alone," I admitted, saddened.

"Oh, okay," she said in a worried tone. "I'll leave you alone then."

With that, Alice swiftly turned around, glancing at me one last time before pulling open the door, and closing it behind her, leaving me alone in my scattered thoughts.

I found myself sitting on the bed, tears filled my eyes as I placed both my hands over my face, completely lost on what to think or feel at the moment.

I had already thought of this very conversation before and truthfully didn't want to think about it again, though I had no idea this talk would come so soon in our relationship. I should've known that as soon as this tracker decided that he wanted to hunt me and Bella, we would have to choose between life and death. When I say life or death, we'd either have to choose to become immortal to protect ourselves from him and possibly other dangerous vampires, or we'd end up losing our lives completely at the hands of him.

Either way, it still felt like I was losing my life no matter what choice I made. I was ultimately going to lose my life — I couldn't see it any other way.

Of course I wanted to spend forever with Alice. I wanted that more than anything. However, I was not sure yet if I was willing to trade in my human life for a frozen life that centered around never aging, only being able to feed on blood, and never being able to see any of my family ever again — including my father, whom I believed was waiting up in the clouds for me.

What would he even think of me choosing eternal life with a vampire? And deciding to become immortal myself and spend forever on earth with her? I couldn't see him supporting that choice.

Then again, I knew he'd want me to do whatever I felt was right in my heart, and what would make me happiest in life.

Would an irreversible choice such as becoming a vampire to be by Alice's side forever make my heart happy? Would it be the right choice?

I tried to hold myself together and stood up to finish packing my things — trying to shake this thought out of my mind. Luckily I was practically done, and decided to leave my room to go see what Bella was doing.

When I opened the bedroom door, the entire living room area was empty, along with the kitchen. It seemed everyone was gone, including Alice. That's when I thought I heard Bella's voice quietly shout something in the other bedroom. Concerned, I ran over to the closed door that led to the room to try and listen.

I didn't want to eavesdrop, though I could've sworn I heard her yell the words, "No, don't!" which made me worry as to why she did — I hoped I perhaps misheard her. It didn't sound like anybody else was in there, which made me question if she was still on the phone, though I wasn't sure who she could've been saying that to if that was what she said.

After a moment of not hearing anything else, I backed up from the door, assuming she had gotten off the call. That's when I heard her mutter the words,

"Where should I meet you?"

Perhaps she was talking to Edward, though why would she have yelled those other two words at him if it was? I wondered.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps moving frantically around the room. I walked away from the door and rushed to the sofa nearby so it didn't appear I was listening to her conversation. I pretended to watch TV as the door quickly swung open, revealing Bella — she seemed almost panicked.

"Oh, hey." She murmured, seeming weirdly startled by the sight of me.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, everything's fine," she nodded, her tone was unconvinced. "Um, I'm gonna step out and go to the lobby for a bit before we have to leave."

"But Alice said we need to stay put until Edward and the others arrive to come get you." I reminded her.

"I know, but I'll be fine. There are tons of people around downstairs, so I won't be alone." She protested.

She then began walking to the front door, which is when I decided to follow behind her, worried that she wasn't telling the full truth.

"Would you like me to go with you?" I offered.

"No," she blurted. "I mean, no, I'll be fine going alone."

"Are you sure everything is okay?" I raised a brow. "You're acting strange."

"Yes, I'm fine." She muttered impatiently, opening the door that led into the main hallway. "I'll see you when I come back up."

I could tell by the panic in her voice that she was lying, it was too obvious.

As she walked through the door and down the hallway, I caught the door before it closed, quickly placed the door holder that was behind the door between the doorway to keep it from locking us out, and raced into the hallway behind Bella who was already halfway down the hall — she must've been in a rush.

"Bella, you're not telling me the truth," I stated, stopping her in her tracks.

"Well, I'm sorry you feel that I'm not." She murmured, still turned around as she began walking again.

"Bella, look at me," I begged. "Where are you actually going?"

"I already told you where I was going." She said anxiously, now facing me again.

"Then just let me go with you so that I know you'll be safe." I pleaded.

"I don't need you to go with me." She replied sternly.

"Why? Because that's not where you're actually going, is it?" I argued, my tone a bit more sharp.

Bella stayed silent, holding back her lips as she turned back around to face away from me.

"Please, just don't follow me, Raven," She muttered. "And don't mention anything to the others."

Before I could respond, she began speed-walking down the carpeted hallway, this time not turning back and heading for where the stairwell was located at the end of the hall instead of taking the elevator.

"Bella!" I shouted.

By that point, she had already opened the stairway door and began on her way down the steps out of my view, ignoring me.

My heart began to pound anxiously, alarmed by where she was going. I knew she wasn't just going to the lobby for some "fresh air", something was wrong.

I ran back to the hotel room, pushed the door open that was still cracked open, and flew straight to Bella's room. I threw the door open and looked around the room for anything that could suggest where she was going.

As my eyes scanned the room, I spotted a small piece of paper sitting on the nightstand by the bed. I ran over to grab it, in case it had been a note she left behind, and realized it wasn't.

The paper looked like it had been ripped out of a notebook in a hurry, and all that was written on it was "Fifty-eighth Street and Cactus."

Perhaps Bella wrote down the address to a place and forgot it on her way out, or maybe she wrote it down and left it behind on purpose. I had no idea which scenario would be more likely.

Regardless, I sprinted out of the room over to the bedroom I was staying in, unzipped my duffle bag, and grabbed my laptop out of it. I opened it, went straight to the search engine, and began typing out the address from the piece of paper still in my hands. When the results came up, the first thing that popped up at the top of the page was "Mimi's School of Dance."

I tried to think of why she had the address to a dance school written down. Then I looked below the name and saw it was located in Phoenix. That's when my mind went straight back to yesterday when Alice saw that vision of a mirror room, and Bella mentioned recognizing it.

What if that was the ballet studio Bella was talking about? And if it was, and that sketch that Alice drew out of that room she saw did happen to be that very dance studio, and the dark figure she scribbled happened to be either the tracker waiting in the room, or possibly Bella.

Then it all clicked.

James must've somehow got in contact with her and convinced her in some way to leave to go to this studio where he'd also be.

I gasped, shutting my laptop back, and bolted out of the room to go after Bella. I knew there'd be no way to stop her now — she likely already left the hotel by now.

Alice, Jasper, and Hazel were nowhere in sight still, making me wonder where they could've gone. My heart began to ache from the thought of not telling Alice where I was going, and not being able to say goodbye to her.

Nevertheless, I knew there was a reason why Bella lied to me about where she was going, and why she told me not to say anything or follow her — her life was in danger.

I hurried out of the hotel room, looking down both hallways to make sure I was in the clear and decided to take the staircase instead of the elevator, not wanting to risk being seen by them if they were downstairs.

After rushing down the many flights of stairs, catching my breath as soon as I made it to the bottom, I opened the door that led to the main lobby.

Once I walked out, I scanned the room carefully. Many people were walking around the marble flooring with luggage in their hands or were at the check-in and check-out desks talking to the staff. That's where I saw Jasper and Hazel standing in the line for check out. Luckily, they were turned around talking to each other and wouldn't have noticed me from the back of the lobby.

I made eye contact with the front door that led out of the hotel and quickly but cautiously made my way through the people — praying I wouldn't get noticed.

As I walked through the lobby, I glanced around nervously and spotted Alice in the corner of my eye.

She was sitting on one of the leather sofas they had downstairs for guests. Her eyes were looking down, she had both her hands cupped together over her lap, and her expression seemed disheartened from what I could see.

At that moment, I imagined running up to her right then and there, hugging her, holding her in my embrace, and kissing her soft marble lips until she smiled again.

Nonetheless, I knew I needed to go after Bella to save her.

I kept hidden behind a tall, potted fern that I was about to walk past before noticing Alice. I glanced at her one last time, hoping she wouldn't see me, and began rushing again for the glass double doors to leave.

I pushed the doors open that led outside, noticing the sun was now setting. I looked around to see if there were any taxis nearby and nearly gasped in relief when I saw one start to slowly pull away a few feet away from me next to the sidewalk.

I waved my hand up and ran to where the taxi was, getting the man's attention as he stopped the car. I rushed to the driver's side window as the man pressed a button to open it so he could hear me.

"Hey, could you take me to this address?" I asked through the window, pulling out the same slip of paper I found with the address to the dance studio and showing him.

"Sure thing kid," the driver's deeper voice spoke. "Get in."

I pulled the door to the taxi open and hurried to sit down in the backseat before the driver began on his way to the studio.

During the entire drive, I questioned what was bound to happen as soon as I got there.

I knew Bella's life was at stake. There would be no other reason for her to need to go there unless it had something to do with James. Knowing that, I knew my life was now at risk as well for being willing to go after her and doing what I had to do to protect her from this blood-sucking tracker.

I was aware that I could've simply stayed back and let her go alone, though after seeing where she was actually going, and realizing why she likely was, I knew I couldn't let her do this alone. She was still my friend, and I wasn't going to stay back like a coward and let her get hurt by him.

Although I knew I was just a weak little human, I would do anything to keep my friend safe — even if that meant risking my own life to save hers from James.

─── ・ 。゚♡: *.☽ .* :♡ ˚。・ ───

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