Star Wars: Dissention of the...

By Jake-Judai

350 69 0

After Darth Zannah's defeat, a new era dawns for the Sith Order as Cognus becomes the new Dark Lady of the Si... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 25

4 2 0
By Jake-Judai

Terentous could hardly believe his current predicament as he stood in a refined suit, playing the role of a hired help alongside Cognus at Dallin's extravagant party. The thought of him, a Sith apprentice, reduced to such a menial task was infuriating.

He couldn't help but notice how effortlessly Cognus embraced her role as a respected member of the community, despite the scar on her horn as a stark reminder of her past. She carried herself with poise and grace, blending seamlessly with the high society attendees, all while they anxiously awaited Dallin's grand entrance. It was a frustrating contrast to Terentous, who longed for the power and dominance that being a Sith Lord would grant him.

As Terentous observed the transformation of Sieana, he couldn't help but admire her ability to seamlessly adopt the appearance of a dark-skinned native, donning exquisite fabrics that perfectly complemented her new identity. She, too, seemed to effortlessly blend in with the crowd, embracing her role with grace and confidence.

His attention was momentarily distracted by the absence of Kael and Zax, who had left a note stating their sudden departure and promising to attend the event. Terentous couldn't help but wonder what urgent matter had called them away, leaving him to navigate the party without the familiar presence of his so-called allies.

As if Terentous' thoughts had conjured them into existence, Kael and Zax made their grand entrance. To his surprise, Kael had shed his usual trench coat and rugged exterior for a sleek suit, his face clean-shaven and his demeanour exuding an air of sophistication. Zax followed closely behind, also donning a stylish suit, though Terentous couldn't help but notice the mismatched boots on his feet. But what truly caught his attention was the small Twi'lek girl perched on Zax's shoulders. Her skin bore a striking resemblance to that of Lyra, a pang of bittersweet nostalgia tugging at Terentous' heart as he looked upon her. A reminder of the past, a reminder of the choices he had made, all in his pursuit of power.

Kael stood beside Terentous, his presence providing a sense of familiarity and reassurance. As Zax approached Cognus and engaged in conversation, Terentous couldn't help but notice a glimmer of joy in his master's eyes as she interacted with the Twi'lek girl. It puzzled him, as she had never mentioned the child to him before. The thought crossed his mind that perhaps Cognus had considered the girl as a potential apprentice, given her Force sensitivity. However, he quickly dismissed the notion, recognizing that the girl's connection to the Force was far too weak to ever be considered a viable replacement for himself.

Kael leaned in slightly, his voice lowered as he shared his thoughts with Terentous. "You know, I never wanted to be a parent. I was content with the life Zax and I had built, making profits from our businesses and enjoying a peaceful existence. But things change, and sometimes life throws unexpected challenges at you."

Terentous raised an eyebrow, feigning interest as he leaned back against the wall. "So, what made you change your mind?" he asked casually, his gaze wandering around the room.

Kael's expression softened, and he glanced over at Zax and the little Twi'lek girl. "We found her during one of our deliveries. She was abandoned, on the verge of starvation. Zax and I had a long discussion about what to do, weighing the logistics and consequences. But when he said he would take her on as a foundling, following the Mandalorian practices he still holds dear, I couldn't refuse."

Terentous nodded, not fully invested in the conversation but appreciating the temporary distraction. "I see. Well, she seems to have made quite an impact on both of you."

Kael's eyes softened as he looked at the girl, his voice filled with warmth. "She has. She's brought so much joy and purpose into our lives. Sometimes, the unexpected turns out to be the greatest gift."

Terentous glanced at Kael, a flicker of genuine curiosity crossing his face. "And what about you? How has this... parenthood changed you?"

"It's a responsibility I never asked for, but it's become a part of who I am now," Kael admitted.

Terentous couldn't help but scoff internally at the thought of more attachments. He saw the young girl as nothing more than a potential pawn in Cognus' manipulative game. He suspected that his master was being overly friendly with the child as part of her scheme, perhaps planning to exploit her in the future when she grew older.

Terentous glanced at Kael, his expression neutral, and replied with a nonchalant tone, "How admirable."

His words lacked sincerity, as he couldn't help but view Kael's decision to take in the young girl as potential weakness. To him, it was another sign of vulnerability and attachment that could be exploited by their enemies. Nevertheless, he kept his true thoughts concealed, choosing not to delve deeper into the matter.

Terentous forced himself to tear his gaze away from the young Twi'lek girl, her resemblance to Lyra annoyingly continuing to tug at his emotions. She only seemed to serve as a reminder of the choices he had made.

Just as he shifted his attention, an announcement echoed through the room, drawing everyone's attention to the stairway. Dallin, adorned in regal attire, made his grand entrance, exuding an air of confidence and authority. The room fell into a hushed silence, awaiting his words with anticipation.

Dallin stood at the centre of the room, his voice projecting with a confident tone as he addressed the gathering of guests. "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, I am honoured by your presence here tonight. Thank you for joining me in this celebration, as we come together to commemorate the growth and prosperity of our great city."

A wave of polite applause filled the room, as Dallin's charismatic presence captivated the audience. He continued, his voice resonating with a mix of gratitude and determination. "I extend my deepest gratitude to all the citizens of Haruun Kal, whose hard work and dedication have contributed to our collective success. It is your efforts that have transformed this planet into a thriving hub of opportunity and progress."

Dallin's gaze scanned the room, making eye contact with various attendees, acknowledging their contributions. "I would also like to express my appreciation to our esteemed guests from near and far, who have graced us with their presence tonight. Your support and collaboration are vital in forging strong alliances and fostering growth. Together, we can shape a future filled with endless possibilities."

As he concluded his welcoming remarks, Dallin's smile radiated with warmth and genuine gratitude. "Once again, thank you for being here. May this evening be a joyous occasion, filled with connections, laughter, and the celebration of our shared accomplishments. Let us raise a toast to Haruun Kal and its bright future!"

Amidst the clinking of glasses and the raising of toasts, Kael's voice carried a hint of cynicism as he muttered his discontent. "All to fill his ego," he whispered, his words barely audible over the cheerful chatter. Terentous, standing next to him, couldn't help but nod in agreement, a faint smirk playing on his lips. The display of adoration for Dallin's grandeur seemed hollow and insincere to them, a facade that concealed the true nature of power and ambition.

He couldn't help but see through the artificial smiles and the calculated conversations. In this room filled with ambitious individuals, each one seemed willing to discard loyalty and integrity at the mere promise of personal gain. They were all climbing the social ladder, their eyes fixed on Dallin, the pinnacle of power and influence. Terentous knew that if the opportunity presented itself, these very people would turn on each other in a heartbeat, sacrificing friendships and alliances in pursuit of their own ascent. It was a world of opportunism and false camaraderie.

After an hour passed, Terentous saw a subtle nod from Cognus, a signal that the time had come to set their plan into motion. He excused himself from the mingling crowd and discreetly moved to his designated position. From the corner of his eye, he watched as Sieana, the shape-shifting Shi'ido, seamlessly transformed her appearance, shifting into a more masculine form that still retained the native features she had assumed earlier. With a sense of anticipation, Terentous readied himself for the unfolding events, knowing that their actions would soon disrupt the atmosphere of this seemingly prestigious gathering.

As the plan unfolded, Sieana, now in her disguised form, swiftly pulled out a blaster and aimed it at Terentous. Without hesitation, she fired, the blaster bolts finding their mark. Terentous gritted his teeth, enduring the searing pain that shot through his body, collapsing to the ground as if struck down by an enemy's attack. Sieana continued with the act, firing two more blasts that intentionally missed any vital areas, ensuring that Terentous remained conscious and capable of continuing their mission.

In the midst of the chaos, Sieana redirected her attention toward Cognus, firing at her to maintain the appearance of an assailant targeting the Sith Lord. The blaster bolts whizzed past Cognus, narrowly missing her by design, causing a commotion and diverting attention away from their true intentions.

However, in the midst of the confusion, the young Twi'lek girl managed to break free from Zax's grip, her innocent curiosity overcoming any sense of danger. With determined steps, she ran towards Cognus, seemingly oblivious to the chaos surrounding her. The unexpected sight of the girl rushing towards her startled Cognus, briefly interrupting her focus on the unfolding events.

Mentally Terentous called out to his master, urging her to let the young Twi'lek girl be struck by the blaster shots, believing it would add an air of authenticity to their scheme. The darkness within him whispered the cruel logic of sacrifice, willing to sacrifice the innocent to further their goals.

To Terentous' horror, his master's actions defied his dark expectations. In a selfless act, Cognus swiftly moved to protect the young Twi'lek girl, taking the blaster shots to her own back. The pain etched on her face was evident, yet she remained steadfast, comforting the frightened child in her arms.

In that moment, Terentous witnessed a side of his master he had never seen before—an act of sacrifice, a glimpse of compassion that shattered his opinions of his master. As Zax and Kael rushed to their daughter's side, Terentous stood frozen, grappling with the overwhelming realisation that his master was too far gone, that she had put her own attachment over that of her own plan.

"Lanna, are you injured?" Kael's voice trembled with concern as he knelt down beside his daughter, inspecting her for any signs of harm. Zax's expression mirrored the worry and relief that washed over him, his hands gently caressing Lanna's cheeks.

But amidst the genuine gratitude expressed by Kael and Zax towards Cognus, Terentous struggled to hear their words over the deafening fury roaring inside him. The room fell into an eerie silence as he fought against the tempest of conflicting emotions. His hand instinctively reached for his lightclub.

As his fingers tightened around the hilt, ready to unleash his anger upon his master, Terentous hesitated. His eyes flickered to Dallin, who had approached Cognus with genuine concern etched on his face. The question pierced through his mind—was this all part of Cognus' elaborate plan? Had she orchestrated this to ingratiate herself with Dallin, to gain his trust while simultaneously absolving herself of suspicion?

The weight of uncertainty pressed heavily upon Terentous, causing him to falter. He withdrew his hand from the lightclub, a flicker of doubt and hesitation passing through his eyes.

Terentous stood in silence, his eyes fixated on the closed door that now separated Cognus and Dallin from the rest of the room. The urgency of the situation hung heavy in the air, and the faint sounds of commotion outside echoed through the manor. Guests who were doctors hurriedly followed Cognus into the private room, their expressions grave and focused.

A surge of anger welled up within Terentous, his frustration and resentment magnified by the turn of events. Whether or not this was part of Cognus' plan, he couldn't deny the surge of fury coursing through his veins. In his eyes, her perceived weakness toward attachments had led to this moment, jeopardizing not only herself but also those around her.

The realisation fuelled his determination to make her pay, to prove that his commitment to the dark side was unwavering, unyielding to the perceived weaknesses that Cognus seemed entangled in. His mind raced with thoughts of vengeance, envisioning the ways he would bring about her end.

As the guards hurriedly departed in pursuit of Sieana, the weight of his decision settled upon him. No longer would he be plagued by doubts or hesitations. The time for action had come, and he vowed to seize it with a relentless determination, even if it meant challenging his own master and delving into the darkest corners of his own soul.


Dallin gently set Cognus down on a nearby couch, the worry etched on his face as he surveyed her injuries. The doctors, with their focused expertise, swiftly surrounded her, their hands moving with precision and urgency.

The room was filled with a sense of urgency, the tension palpable as they worked to ease her pain. Dallin stood by, a mix of concern and determination evident in his eyes, his presence unwavering as he observed the medical team's every move, hoping for her swift recovery.

As Cognus lay on the couch, her body throbbing with pain, she drew upon the darkness within her to fortify her resolve. Through gritted teeth, she managed a faint voice, asking, "Is the girl... is she alright?"

Dallin's concern softened his features as he nodded, a glimmer of admiration in his eyes. "She's fine, thanks to you. Your actions saved her from harm. It's truly remarkable. Most people your age would cower and wait for death to find them, but you faced it head-on because you were determined to save that young girl".

Cognus let out a weak chuckle, her voice strained. "Perhaps it was my own stubbornness... a foolish attempt to defy the inevitable. But it seems that life had different plans for me tonight." She closed her eyes momentarily, gathering her strength. "Answer me this Dallin, where does one find purpose when faced with the fragility of life?"

A faint smile touched Cognus' lips, hidden behind the guise of a frail old lady. She watched as Dallin dismissed the doctors with a wave of his hand once they were done treating her wounds, leaving the room and the two of them alone. The air was heavy with silence as he mulled over her question, deep in thought.

Cognus could sense his contemplation, his mind searching for answers. She savoured the moment, knowing that her act had successfully deceived him once again. She had always been a master of manipulation, skilled at playing her part to achieve her goals.

As Dallin pondered her question, Cognus carefully observed his every move, his expressions, and the subtle shifts in his demeanour. She knew that she had planted a seed of doubt within him, a seed that could grow into something far more powerful. With her wounds tended to, she was ready to exploit any opening, any weakness she could find. The dance between them had only just begun, and Cognus was determined to emerge victorious.

As Dallin remained uncertain, Cognus sensed the perfect opportunity to unveil her true intentions. With a surge of strength, she rose to her feet, the pain from her wounds now fuelling her power. The room seemed to darken as she used the Force to prevent Dallin from calling out for help, her grip tightening around his throat, his gasps for air stifled.

A wicked smile played on Cognus' lips as she revealed her true nature. "Power, my dear Dallin, is where one finds purpose," she hissed, her voice laced with an icy coldness. "Controlling the lives of others, bending them to your will, that is true power. And I have spent decades mastering that art."

She circled him like a predator closing in on its prey, relishing in the fear she saw in his eyes. "You have underestimated me, Dallin. You thought you could manipulate me, use me as a pawn in your game, diminish my profits with your taxation. But I am not so easily controlled. Now, we will have a little chat, and you will learn the consequences of underestimating my power."

Cognus tightened her grip in the Force, causing Dallin's struggles to intensify. "You see, my dear, it is time for you to pay for your arrogance, for your misguided belief that you could rule without consequence."

Cognus stood tall before Dallin, their eyes locked in a battle of wills. She leaned in closer, her voice filled with a deadly intensity. "If you even think about calling for help, I will strike you down before a word escapes your lips. Do you understand?"

Dallin's expression flickered with fear and defiance as he nodded, understanding the gravity of his situation. "Yes... I understand," he managed to utter, his voice strained.

A cruel smile curved on Cognus' lips as she continued. "Good. Now, let's begin with a simple question. Is it true that you plan to join the Republic?"

Dallin hesitated for a moment, weighing his options, before reluctantly nodding. "Yes, it's true. I have been considering an alliance with the Republic."

Cognus' eyes narrowed, her grip on the Force tightening. With a swift motion, she unleashed her power, breaking one of Dallin's fingers with a sickening crack. She revelled in his anguished cry, savouring the pain she inflicted. "I said answer honestly, Dallin. That's not the full truth. The consequences of deceit will be far worse."

Dallin winced, tears of pain welling up in his eyes. "Yes, it's true!" he gasped, his voice filled with agony. "I've been in talks with Republic representatives, discussing the terms of our alliance."

Cognus leaned in closer, her voice low and dangerous. "Tell me, Dallin, what are the terms of this alliance? What have you promised the Republic in exchange for their support?"

Dallin winced, his broken finger throbbing with pain, as he desperately searched for the right words. "We... we have offered them access to our resources, our military assistance, and trade agreements," he stammered, his voice strained.

Cognus' patience wore thin as Dallin hesitated. Without warning, she used the Force to snap another one of his fingers, eliciting a sharp cry of pain from him. "I grow weary of your hesitation, Dallin. Speak, or suffer the consequences."

Tears streamed down Dallin's face as he struggled to gather himself. "They... they want control over our mining operations, our wealth... and a say in our governmental affairs," he managed to utter, his voice filled with anguish.

Cognus smirked, satisfied with the information she had extracted. "Interesting," she mused, her gaze piercing through Dallin. "Now, tell me, who have you been in contact with from the Republic? Give me their names, their positions."

Dallin's mind raced, fearing the repercussions of revealing such information. He hesitated, his silence stretching on for a moment too long. In an instant, Cognus' patience wore thin. She used the Force to break yet another one of Dallin's fingers, the sound of bones snapping echoing through the room. "Time is running out, Dallin. Speak!"

Dallin cried out in agony, tears streaming down his face. "I... I can't... I won't betray them!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with defiance.

Cognus' eyes gleamed with a mixture of anger and sadistic pleasure. "Very well, Dallin. Your loyalty will cost you." With a flick of her wrist, she unleashed a barrage of Force lightning, enveloping Dallin in a storm of excruciating pain, yet she prevented him from screaming with use of the force.

Dallin's body convulsed with pain as Cognus' Force lightning subsided. Gasping for breath, he weakly nodded his head, his voice filled with desperation. "I'll do it... I'll give you the names. Just... please, stop."

Cognus' smile widened, a sinister glint in her eyes. "Very wise, Dallin. Now, speak their names."

Struggling to regain his composure, Dallin mustered the strength to provide the information. "Senator Raela Varath, General Thadus Voss, and... and Ambassador Aria Talren. They are the ones I have been communicating with."

Cognus nodded, her satisfaction evident. "Good. You will send a message to them, rescinding your offer to join the Republic. From now on, you will be in my service, Dallin. Failure to comply will result in consequences far worse than what you have experienced today."

Trembling with fear, Dallin managed to utter a weak agreement. "I... I understand. I will do as you command miss...?"

Cognus's smile twisted into a wicked grin. "Call me Cognus and remember Dallin, I hold your life in my hands. Betray me, and you will meet the same fate as your aunt, Queen Adira. Do we have an understanding?"

Dallin nodded fervently, tears still streaming down his face. "Yes, Cognus... I understand. I will be loyal to you."

With a nod of approval, Cognus released her grip on Dallin's throat, allowing him to gasp for air. She turned away, her attention focused on composing the message that would seal Dallin's fate and secure her influence over the affairs of Haruun Kal.

As Cognus took a step towards the door, her focus fixated on the next phase of her plans, she was taken aback when the door swung open without a sound. Her eyes widened in surprise as Terentous strode into the room, a dark determination etched upon his face. Without uttering a word, he raised his hand, employing the Force to close and lock the door behind him, sealing all three of them within the room.

Terentous locked eyes with his master, his voice filled with conviction as he spoke. "I can no longer stand by and witness your blatant hypocrisy, Master. You preach the rules of the Sith, yet you yourself have strayed from them. You warned me about the dangers of attachments, of emotions clouding one's judgment, and now you allow yourself to be swayed by them."

He drew his lightclub, the crimson blade igniting with a menacing hum. Cognus shifted her weight, a mix of surprise and apprehension crossing her face. Her hand hovered near her concealed lightsaber, ready to defend herself if necessary. "What are you on about, Terentous?" she questioned, her voice tinged with defiance. "You dare to challenge me? I am your Master."

Terentous stood firm, his grip tightening around the hilt of his lightclub. "You have grown too comfortable with them, Cognus. Your attachment to Zax, Kael, and even Lanna has clouded your judgment. You have strayed from the path of the Sith, and for that you shall pay. I must ensure the continued prosperity of our order."

Cognus raised an eyebrow, a mix of surprise and defiance flickering in her eyes. "I have not become attached, Terentous. I simply manipulate them to carry out my bidding. They are tools, means to an end," she argued, trying to defend herself. Deep down, though, she knew that protecting Lanna had not been part of her original plan, that her body had acted on its own in that moment. She held her tongue, not willing to reveal that fact to her apprentice.

Terentous lunged forward, his lightclub blazing with a menacing crimson glow. Cognus swiftly drew her lightsaber, igniting its radiant blade to meet her apprentice's assault. The clash of their weapons reverberated through the room, filling the air with the distinct hum of energy.

Cognus fought with fierce determination, parrying Terentous' strikes and countering with calculated precision. However, each powerful swing sent waves of pain through her body, reminding her of the wounds she had sustained earlier. She gritted her teeth, refusing to show weakness, but the effort required to defend against her apprentice's relentless attacks was taking its toll.

Despite the throbbing pain, Cognus continued to match Terentous blow for blow, her years of experience and mastery of the Force guiding her movements. The battle raged on, the room filled with the sound of clashing lightsabers and the occasional grunt of exertion. The outcome of this duel would determine the fate of both master and apprentice.

As Terentous pressed forward with his relentless assault, Cognus seized the opportunity to unleash her command over the Force. With a swift gesture, she sent nearby books hurtling off the shelves and at him, their pages fluttering in the air like angry, vengeful spirits. The distraction momentarily caught Terentous off guard, causing him to falter in his attack.

Seizing the advantage, Cognus swiftly shifted the momentum of the duel. She launched herself forward, her lightsaber a blur of crimson as she relentlessly struck at her apprentice's defenses. Terentous found himself forced into a defensive position, desperately parrying Cognus' powerful strikes, his own movements becoming more strained and laboured.

Cognus pressed her advantage, her blade dancing with deadly precision, seeking any opening in Terentous' defenses. With each clash, the pain in her wounds intensified, but she refused to let it deter her. Her determination and skill fuelled her strikes, driving Terentous further back with each calculated blow. The roles had reversed, and now it was Terentous who found himself on the defensive, his earlier confidence wavering in the face of Cognus' unwavering assault.

As the intense duel raged on, Cognus pushed herself to the brink, her body aching from the strain and her wounds throbbing with every movement. But just when she believed she had reached her limits, a surge of adrenaline coursed through her veins. With a ferocious cry that seemed to echo through the room, she detected a fleeting vulnerability in Terentous' defenses.

Reacting on instinct, Cognus seized the opportunity with lightning speed. Her lightsaber, burning with an intense crimson glow, arced through the air and found its mark. The blade sliced through Terentous' forearm, severing it from the bone in a gruesome display. The room filled with the acrid smell of burning flesh, and a mixture of shock and pain contorted Terentous' features.

Cognus stood there, her chest heaving with exertion, as the reality of what she had done sank in. She watched as Terentous crumpled to the ground, clutching his severed arm, his face a mask of agony and disbelief.

As the room fell into an uneasy silence, broken only by Terentous' pained gasps, Cognus stood over him, her lightsaber gleaming dangerously close to his throat. Her voice, laced with a mixture of authority and disappointment, cut through the tense air.

"Terentous, your futile attempt to seize power ends here," Cognus declared, her voice firm and unwavering. "You have failed in your treacherous ambitions, and now you must face the consequences of your actions."

Terentous, his face contorted with pain and defiance, met her gaze with a fiery determination. "I will not be defeated so easily," he spat, his voice strained. "I will rise again, and when I do, you will regret underestimating me, Master."

Cognus tightened her grip on the hilt of her lightsaber, the blade humming dangerously close to his flesh. "Your arrogance blinds you, Terentous," she responded, her tone filled with a mix of sternness and disappointment. "You were my apprentice, my chosen successor. But your obsession with power has clouded your judgment. It is time for you to learn the true cost of your actions."

With those words hanging heavy in the air, Cognus took a step back, her lightsaber still poised, ready to strike if he made a move. The room remained filled with tension as the former master and apprentice stared each other down.

With a swift motion of her hand, Cognus called upon the Force, wrenching the lightclub from Terentous' grip and guiding it into her own hand.

For a moment, she held both weapons, one of her own and the other that had been wielded by her now-disgraced apprentice. With a flick of her wrist, she deactivated both weapons.

As the hum of the blades faded into silence, Cognus let out a weary sigh. She knew she couldn't continue this path of perpetual conflict forever. The weight of her age and the toll of the dark side were becoming increasingly burdensome. The thought of taking on a new apprentice and plunging them into the same cycle of darkness felt like an unbearable weight upon her shoulders. Slowly, she raised her apprentice up with the Force until they were eye to eye.

"Terentous," she said, her voice carrying a mixture of exhaustion and resolution. "I will spare you this once. But know this: your thirst for power and blind ambition have brought you to the precipice of your own demise. Do not mistake mercy for weakness. Should you cross me again, there will be no redemption."

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