My Man Series #1- My Policeman

By HaileyMarie29

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My names Avery Scallon I just recently moved to a small town called Darlington in South Carolina. My first da... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 36

131 3 0
By HaileyMarie29

Last weekend was wonderful. Cedric and I stayed home Saturday and Sunday and barely left the bedroom. He has been so adorable, bringing me breakfast in bed, giving me all the attention I could have possibly asked for.

We only left the bedroom, to go make some food and when we needed to use the bathroom. We even were showering together every night, and nothing is more relaxing than him washing my hair for me.

We were both grumpy this Monday morning,. Not even Cedric placing a cup of coffee in front of me could make me happy. Our happy bubble got popped, and it was back to the real world until this weekend.

“Babe.” Cedric said and smirked when he saw be looking like a sad puppy staring down at my coffee instead of drinking it.

“Huh?” I asked, thrilled to stay in my petty party mood for a little while longer.

“You're adorable. Come here.” He whispered and pulled me into his arms. “Once our shifts are over, we can come back home, and I'll be able to show you how much I missed you all day.”

Well, that's something to get back happy about.

“I know it was. It was nice. Just you and me, not having to worry about everything that has been happening.” I whispered, sadness filling me. I didn't want to go back into the real world and remember the fear that I had been feeling for weeks.

“I have something to tell you, babe.” He sighed and sat on the bar stool next to me. “You're going to be pissed.”

“What?” I asked, confused on what possibly he could have to tell me that would make me pissed at him after the weekend we shared.

“I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to be more afraid and worried than you already have been. I wanted you to enjoy our night out on Friday and I wanted us to have the weekend together before we both thought about all that.” He told me softly.

“Just tell me.” I begged.

Did something else happen?

“We found the second victim that went missing-”

“When?” I asked, cutting him off.

“Days ago, but babe, you have to understand I didn't want to make you more afraid.” He told me gently and grabbed my hand, holding it tight.

“Days? You have known about that woman for days and kept it from me?” I accused, anger replacing the fear I felt seconds ago. “How could you?”

“Avery, listen. I don't like keeping things from you, but I will never apologize for something I thought I was doing right by you.” He sighed and stood up. “You think I don't see how scared you are? You leave every light on in the house-”

“I can go back home if that bothers you.” I snapped and jumped off the bar stool, ready to go pack up my things. How could he keep this from me? I deserved to know about her. They both got taken because they looked like me.

This is my fault.

“Of course it doesn't. I'm just saying, babe, I see you. You check around corners. You double-check to make sure the doors are locked, even after I tell you I locked them. You have been having nightmares at night-”

“What? No, I haven't.” I snarled. What the fuck is he talking about? He can't turn him not telling me into my fault. He did that. He chose that.

“Babe, you have. You don't wake up, but you scream in your sleep. You shake like you're terrified. You only calm down when I hold you and whisper that you're safe.” He growled before grabbing my face with his hands. “You're not packing up anything fucking thing. We are together now. You can throw around that attitude all you want, doesn't mean you going to win the argument, not when I thought I was helping you. Don't tell me you're going to pack and leave again. Don't just give up on us that easily. I don't deserve it and you don't deserve it. We both deserve to see where this thing between us is taking us. I could give a shit that you're leaving lights on, hell leave them all on. I care about you and what this is doing to you.”

“Your right, I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm doing all that, it's just I can't feel safe, no matter how hard I try, and it has nothing to do with you. I know I'm safe with you. My heart knows it, but my brain just keeps making me check things to make sure he didn't come inside our home.” I whispered, finally admitting to him and myself about how I'm really feeling.

“I know I should apologize that I kept it from you, but I can't. I can't apologize for wanting to protect you, Avery, and I'm not going to. You're mine. You're mine to protect and I will fucking do it. I will do whatever the hell I have to do to keep that smile on your face. I will beat your fears away every day until this shit is over. You're my girl. I love you and nothing is going to hurt you, not even your thoughts and fears, not while I'm here.” He whispered and kissed me on the lips and held me tighter.

“I love you, Cedric. I understand why you kept it from me. I don't like it, but I understand.” I told him. “I'm sorry about what I said. I'd never give up on us like that. I was just upset. I didn't even mean it.”

“I told you the attitude is sexy babe and I like it, just not when it comes to us being together.” He growled before pushing the plate of waffles in front of me. “Now eat. We need to head to work in a bit.”

“Yes sir.” I replied jokingly, wanting to put this conversation behind us.

“Don't call me that unless you want us both to get in trouble for showing up to work late, babe.” He snarled playfully but I saw the heat in his eyes. He was dead serious.

I laughed and started eating my breakfast, while asking myself how I got so lucky to have a man like this love me.

It's four hours later, I'm now sitting at my counter at the nine one one center, smiling as Cedric sends me the cutest little love GIF to keep a smile on my face throughout the day.

He is adorable.

I texted him to be safe today before I locked my phone up and placed it over my desk. I needed to focus on helping my callers but knowing when I pick up my phone I'll see another cute something from my boyfriend keeps that smile on my face.

“We should all go out after shift today. We have not had our work dinner together in a while, and now that we have Avery, I think tonight's the perfect night.” Rick announced.

“That sounds good. I'll get a babysitter.” Wanda says happily.

“Sure as long as my mom is feeling okay.” Megan said sadly.

Her mom is getting worse. The chemo isn't working, and her mom mentioned to Megan the other day that she was tired of fighting and the only way she would keep fighting was if Megan stopped hovering over her all the time. Her mom wanted her to go back to enjoying her life.

“Oh yes. I could use a drink. I went on this date the other day and it was horrible. I have nothing against nerds, but talking about games all evening just isn't my cup of tea.” Shelia said annoyed. “He even made me pay for my meal. What kind of man does that? Definitely not a gentleman.”

“Yeah. I'll see if Cedric has any plans.” I said, excited to go out with my work friends and having them meet my boyfriend.

“Well even if he doesn't you can still come, girl.” Sheila said and yeah of course I could, but it wouldn't be okay with Cedric if I went out without him while that man was still out there, and I genuinely understand and don't want to go out without Cedric. I wouldn't feel safe.

“You heard about those missing women?" I asked, not planning on giving them details but wanting him to understand why I can't go out without Cedric with me.

“Oh yeah. It's sad.” Wanda whispered.

“Well, Cedric is working the case, and he is just scared that something could happen to me, so his making me stick close to him until they catch the guy.” I explained and thankful my phone rang, ending that conversation because I knew someone would ask more questions and that someone would be Shelia.

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