A Journey Through Worlds: Par...

By belgiumeveruthing

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Its a normal day in your house... Until it is interupted by a strange occurence in your living room. Will you... More



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By belgiumeveruthing

The next day starts. Your alarm clock goes of.

Lorian pops out of the sleeping bag and starts looking around panicked.

He then goes to you.

"Hero! Wake up, something is going on! There are loud noises everywhere! We might be under attack!"

You yawn, then you stand up from your bed and press the button on your alarm clock to stop the beeping.

You look at Lorian, still adjusting to the modern world's morning routine.

"Don't worry, Lorian, that is just my alarm clock, its a device that wakes me up with a sound. We are not under attack, calm down."

Lorian looks confused.

"That thing... wakes you up? You don't have a bell tower around here that wakes everyone up around here?"

"Nope, no bell towers here.We rely on little gadgets to wake us up. They don't just make beeping sounds, that's just the base sound of the alarm clock. Look, I can use my phone to set an alarm, and I can select whatever sound I want."

"No bell towers? But then how do you know what time of day it is?"

"Well, we have these things called clocks, they are devices on which you can see the time. We even have a whole system of dividing the day into hours and minutes. Clocks are not just devices, they are everywhere, look, there is one on my phone."

You show him the clock on your phone. He looks amazed.

"So that glass slab you are carrying and some other things can tell you the time? That's... Ingenious! It keeps amazing me how your world substitutes magic! Alright, i'll keep in mind: Your world uses glass slabs that emit light that emit light instead of bell towers, understood!"

"Alright, the "Glass slab" is called a phone, also keep that in mind, will you?"

He nods.

"Oh, and about the noises from the alarm clock, its an everyday sound here. People use devices, machines and vehicles that can be noisy."

He nods again, confirming he understood it. Then you hear growling.

"Oh, yeah, um, hero? Do you have any food in your house? I skipped dinner yesterday to, well, you know what happened, so I have not eaten since yesterday morning."

"Not a problem, Lorian, come with me, we'll go to the kitchen and get some breakfast. Come with me."

 You both head downstairs to the kitchen. Lorian takes a seat and looks around the room.

"I'll tell you, your kitchen looks very abnormal."

"Well, things are different here, so what would you like to drink?"

"I will just have water."

You take a glass and go to the sink to get him water.

"But how are you going to get me anything to drink? I don't see any bottles, and-"

You turn on the tap and that silences him.

"What? Hero! you told me that there was no magic in this world! How are you getting that beam of water? Its so much, too. Are you not feeling a bit shameful for wasting all of that?"

You can't help but chuckle a bit.

"No Lorian, its not magic, its a faucet, you can get water from it when you turn it on, I just have to turn this knob and tada! That is the fastest way to get water in this world. And don't worry about wasting it, we have systems to clean and recycle water, its not as wasteful as you think it is."

"Ok, I can see that, but where does your "Faucet" get all of that water?"

"Oh, its connected to a water supply, you kind of have to see it as a never ending well."

He stands up and comes to the sink to see it. He then takes the glass from you and sits back down in his seat.

"Uh huh, if you say so, i'll just trust you that this is safe to drink. Now do you have anything to eat?"

You look through your cupboards.

Oh dear, you will have to do some shopping today, you are beginning to run out of supplies.

There it is, you see a box of cereal in your cupboard. You take it out and put it down on the counter.

You place a bowl in front of Lorian.

"Hm? Are you making me soup? That is not exactly breakfast food."

You pour cereal in his bowl and get the milk carton from the fridge.

"Hero, what's this? Its so... Dry."

He pick up the spoon you put down and starts poking in the cereal.

"Its called cereal, its common breakfast food in this world. You eat it with milk, go ahead, try it."

"Milk? How can you eat soggy food?"

"You actually need milk, its does not ruin anything, in fact, it tastes even better if eat it with milk."

Lorian looks at you with a perplexed face.

You pour milk in his bowl. He hesitantly takes a spoon of cereal. He finally puts the spoon in his mouth. That took longer than you wanted to.

"Its... Actually not half bad. I just have one question, why do you put milk in cardboard? I'm already surprising that there is no milk leaking from that cardboard."

Wow, he seriously wants the details of this world, is what you think to yourself.

"Its called a carton. Yes, its made out of cardboard, but there is a layer on the inside that keeps liquids in and stops leaking."

"Ok, ok, I get it."

You not properly up yet... So you decide to make yourself a coffee.

You place a mug and turn on the coffee machine.

"Hey, that's actually interesting, what does that thing do?"

"Its a coffee machine, it makes coffee. Before you ask, coffee is a beverage commonly consumed in the morning. It contains caffeine, its a substance that makes you more active and less tired."

You make yourself a bowl of cereal and sit down opposite of him.

You take a sip of your coffee. That's something you really needed.

"Alright, sorry for being the chatterbox of questions again."

"Its fine, I just hope you are adjusting to the world around you, its probably been one heck of a night for you."

"Yeah, I just hope my teachers find me fast. Do you still have questions you couldn't ask yesterday?"

"Yeah, how does the morning routine work for you in Galcadia?" 

He takes another spoon of cereal and explains:

"Well, first of all, I do not wake up to some beeping noises, but to a bell ringing in the bell tower in the city. But back when I lived in Arcos, a village with no bell tower, my parents had to wake me up. Anyhow, after waking up I go have breakfast with my parents, but I eat other things, and certainly no cereal! After that, I head out to school for my classes in magic and knowledge."

"That sounds very different compared to the morning routine here, bell towers do not wake us up, and we probably have more variety when it comes to food, everybody has different tastes. School here obviously also do not not teach about magic. Its interesting to hear the differences."

He sighs.

"Well, hopefully I don't have to deal with it too long."

He continues eating. Suddenly he turns his head and he sees your folder about visiting London pinned to the fridge. On the front it shows the Big Ben.

"Hey, that's a bell tower! Well, if it didn't have those white circles with black lines on them, I could mistake it for one! Hero, what is the structure on that paper?"

"That's a landmark called the Big Ben. Its a clock tower in London, a city in another part of the world. Those white circles with black lines on them are actually clocks. Does it interest you?"

"Of course it does! Finally something that I can at least somewhat recognize."

You both finish breakfast, and you clear the table.

"So hero, are there any plans for today? I there perhaps a quest you need to go on? I can help!"

Well, you need to do some shopping, and this might as well be your chance to show him the outside world.

"Well Lorian, I need to go and do some shopping, We need to get supplies, or in this worlds terms, groceries. Its not actually a quest, more of a mundane chore, but its a necessary one. Would you like to come along?" 

"Oh of course i'm coming with you! Alright, lets go!"

He dashes to the hallway. You go after him and catch up.

And there you see him, standing in the hallway. Quiver on his back and bow in hand.

"Alright, ready to go! Why are you looking at me like that? We have a quest to do!"

"Lorian, i'm afraid you can't go out like that. People here do not usually walk around with bows and quivers, and your attire is unusual for this world, we don't want to freak out anyone. Come, i'll lend you some of my clothes."

"Huh? But what if we run into a gang of kobolds along the way? And I know orc stall keepers are very good to trade with, but they can get aggressive! And what is it about my outfit? Are my clothes... Is there something wrong with them?"

"Lorian, there are only humans in this world, we are not going to run into any kobolds or orcs here, its safe outside, you don't have to carry any weapons. We just have to make you blend in so you don't draw too much attention, This is a different world, and people might find your outfit a bit unusual."

Lorian places his bow and quiver back over the coatrack and follows you upstairs towards your room.

You search your drawers and closets.

"Here, try these jeans and this t-shirt, its a more common attire in this world. I'll wait in the hallway, come down when you are dressed."

You go back down and wait in the hallway for Lorian.

Eventually you see him coming down the stairs, walking weirdly like his legs are broken.

"How... How can you wear this? This "Jeans" is so tight! and I think I prefer my dress shirt over this "T-shirt". At least tell me my hair is normal!"

"Your hair is unique, Lorian, that is not a problem. Just a question, did you dye your hair?"

"Dying my hair? Of course not, my hair is all natural! Why would you color your hair when its beautiful as it is?"

"Well, people here do not have natural navy blue hair. You're going to have to pretend to have dyed your hair, well, if somebody questions your hair that is. Or, you could just wear this beanie. It covers most of your hair and its a common accessory here."

He looks at the beanie.

"If i have to choose between pretending I have dyed hair or wearing this "Beanie" as you call it, i'll go with the first option, these clothes already feel so strange."

"Its ok Lorian, you will get used to them. Now lets get back to the task at hand: Shopping!"

"Oh right! Lead the way!"

You open the door and walk out onto your driveway.

Lorian comes out and starts looking around baffled.

"The- The outside world is much more different than i though... Is this a village or a town?"

"This is part of a town, Lorian. Its a modern neighborhood, people here live in these houses all around.Now come, our "Quest" begins at the market, or in this world: The grocery store. Follow me!"

As you head for your car, Lorian still looks questioned.

"So, we are going there in your "Car". How does it work? I mean, if we can't use any magic, how do get it to move?"

You open the door to the drivers seat.

"Its no magic, cars run on engines and fuel. Its complicated, but basically we just fill the tank of this thing with a special liquid called gasoline, and that makes the engine work and that in term makes the car move."

You open the passenger door on the other side.

"Hop in, let me show you how it works!"

He looks questionable at your car.

(Hey, narrator here, we don't have to be specific, but lets say your car is a 2006 Honda Civic)

He walks around the front and makes his way to the other side, he gets in without closing the door.

"Hey, there is an "H" on the front of your car, what does that mean?"

"Well, the "H" stands for Honda, the company that made the car. Now close the door and i'll show you how to start the car."

"Oh, right!"

He pulls the door shut.

"So now what?"

You pull out your keys.

"See this key, Lorian? That is how we start a car. I'm gonna insert it into this slot over her called the ignition, and then the car starts, lets get going."

You start the car and the engine revs up. This amazes Lorian.

You drive out of your driveway and onto the road.

"Hey, I think I see it! You are using that circle you are sitting behind to steer the car, like reins on a horse! I still have no idea how you get the car to go forward and backward however."

"You are not incorrect. I am indeed using the steering wheel to steer the car, and i'm also using pedals with my feet to make the car go forward and backward. Sounds complicated, but tis all technology!"

"Technology. Ok, I will keep that in mind."

You drive for a while until you reach the turn to the main road. You turn using the turn signal on the car.

"What is that sound? Um, hero? I think there might be something broken in your car."

"Oh its just the turn signal, Lorian. its just a sound to let others know we are turning. There is nothing broken."

he nods.

The drive continues through town. Lorian looks curiously out of the window.

"Do you even feel safe here? Its literally a town, but I don't see any walls here, and I also see no town guards, everybody is just... walking around. what if somebody does anything wrong?"

"We have law enforcement for that. If somebody commits crime, we a special force called police to deal with it. Most of the time everybody follows the law, and that keeps everything safe."

"And why not wall your cities? Any hostile race can attack at any moment! And living in Claygib really made me feel sorry for all those unwalled village settlements. Prime targets for monster attacks..."

"We live in a society that promotes cooperation, no need for walls. We also have advanced technology that allows the police to respond to threats very fast."

"Ok, I get it. I think."

You reach the supermarket and park your car on the parking lot in front of the store.

You pull the keys out of the ignition and you and Lorian step out and close the doors.

"Wowie, this place is BIG!"

He looks up at the sign near the parking entrance.

"Hero? What is... "Aldi"? It has a funny drawing above it too!"

"Aldi is a supermarket, a store where you can buy food and other things. Let's head inside and get what we need."

Lorian follows you to the entrance. You insert a quarter in the row of shopping carts and grab a cart.

"So we are going to use that thing in the store?"

"Yes, this is a shopping cart, its convenient for carrying all of your groceries in the store."

You walk towards the entrance. The automatic doors open. Lorian gets startled by it.

"What in the name of the gods!? How is that possible?"

You grab in on the situaton:

"Lorian, these doors are automatic, there is a censor, and if it detects somebody, the doors open by themselves. Also, while we are in the store, Keep your questions minimum. Blend in, remember? I'll answer any questions you have once we are out, ok?"

"Ok, i'm calm, i'm calm."

you head into the store, Lorian doesn't say a word. You go by the aisles taking what you need and telling Lorian what to take of the shelves.

In the freezer product section, Lorian starts shivering. You chuckle at that for a while.

Finally you reach the endpoint of the store.

To avoid uncomfortable social interaction between a store clerk and Lorian, you decide to use the self-checkout.

You place you groceries on the counter. Lorian interrupts:

"Hey, aren't you going to pay the store owner for that? I'm not helping you commit crime!"

"Hush, Lorian! We use these machines to pay, its all part of the modern world. Keep quiet, ok?"

He gets shocked and covers his mouth with his hand.

"Oh right, I totally forgot!"

He starts speaking quietly.

"So how does it work?"

Just watch. First I scan everything by passing them over this red light we call a scanner, then we pack the groceries. Then i'm going to use this card to pay for everything. Got it?"

He nods. You go about with the entire checkout. After that you and Lorian are going back to the car.

"So how do we get our supplies home? Do we attach the shopping cart to the car?"

You open the trunk of your car.

"Or we could just place them all here." 

You smile at him while you say that.

You and Lorian get everything in the trunk.

"Now we don't need the shopping cart anymore, what do we do with it?"

"We have to return it where we took it. I'll go and do it, you wait here by the car."

You get the shopping cart back to the designated area.

Before you know it, you and Lorian are back on the road.

"So that is how people in your world go shopping? You just go to a massive building, take what you need and pay for yourself with a card?"

"Yup, that's about it. We don't have to carry money around to buy things, our money is lets say invisible. And its all stored on this plastic card."

"Um, what is "Plastic"?"

"Its a common material in this world, you can make lots of things with it. Its also very sturdy. In this case, this card is made out of plastic and it contains the information needed for electronical transactions."

"Oh, I know what electricity is! Its not a subject in school, but one time, I rubbed a piece of amber over a stray cat on the street, and it started sparking! That is electricity, right?"

"That's a very simple form of electricity. Its fascinating in both your world and mine I suppose."

"Ok, go that down."

Its quiet for a while.

"Oh, I know, I'll explain how the market works in Galcadia! You will need to know before you come with me, destined hero!"

There he goes again, you honestly don't know if we will ever let go of this, but his teachers will probably explain it all to him. And you are curious.

"Tell me about it."

"First of all, we don't go to a "Supermarket" like you call it, instead, in towns and some villages, there is a marketplace. There are tons of stalls and stands, they sell just about anything! Even traders from afar go to the market to sell their goods. Its always such a lively and crowded place. Sometimes, my school announces a day of, and instead of heading to school, my mom sends me to the market  with a bag full of gold coins, we don't use plastic cards.I mean, if you are going to pay with it, it needs value, right? How did your world even come up with the idea of invisible money on a card?"

"Well, money here has evolved over time. We still have physical money that you can use everywhere, but nowadays its much more convenient to use a card. this way you also don't have to carry lots of coins and bills around."

"Ah, you also use coins, good to know. What are "Bills?"

"Oh, its physical money on paper, it has more value than coins."

"Your world gives paper value? That is weird, but I shall go with it if I want to adapt here, I guess."

You drive home and park on your driveway. You and Lorian get out and start getting the groceries inside. You press the button on your key to lock the car.

"Oh, is that also a thing on your car? Orange flashing lights? Oh sorry, i'm asking way to much!"

"Its ok, Lorian, its just a signal that I locked the car. Its so that nobody just steals the car."

He nods. You get the remaining groceries inside and lock the door behind you.

Lorian starts digging through the groceries, seemingly trying to help you get them stored away. He pulls out the box of ice cream out of the bag.

"Hey, what is this? "Ice Cream"? Vanilla flavor? And why is it so cold?"

  "Ice cream is a frozen dessert. Vanilla is one of the flavors, it has to stay cold to maintain a solid form. Its especially refreshing in hot seasons like summer."

"Ooh, I want to try that someday!"

"We can try it tonight if you want."

"Sure! Where do you want me to put this?"

You guide Lorian to the freezer. "Just place it in here, the freezer keeps it extremely cold until you are ready to eat it."

"Brr! What is it with with this world and making places so cold? First that weird white room in the store, and now this? Right Lorian, You are in the hero's world, you got to get used, no strange goofs or questions." He says to himself.

You finish unpacking and storing the remaining groceries.

You know just what to do next.

"Hey, would you like to watch Lord of the Rings? That is where you might find a lot of similarities with your world! I think, at least."

"Lord of the Rings? Similar to Galcadia? What is it it? I'm all ears!"

"Its a movie based on a fantasy novel, it has elements that might match Galcadia. We just have to watch and see."

"A... "movie"? Sure, I won't even ask! Lets get to it!"

You both go to the living room and sit down on the couch.

You use the remote to turn on the TV.

"Oh, your window on the table lights up just like your phone, that is interesting."

You go to source and select Amazon Prime, your streaming service.

Lorians begins with his usual questions again:

"Amazon Prime? Let me guess what that is! Its a... Store to... Buy the "Movie"!

"Its actually a streaming service. I can watch movies, shows and more directly from my TV on it."

"Wow!" He responds.

You put on the first movie and it seems Lorian is paying very close attention.

After the movie, Lorian exclaims:

"Wow hero, I must say, that was mindblowing! So thought out! And that "Gandalf" character, he seriously reminds me of professor Arinn from school! Although, the way some creatures are depicted in this movie, Its just plain inaccurate! Not all creatures are brutes like that!"

He sort of likes it, alright.

Its about time to make dinner. You just did shopping, your options are very open. This might also be your chance to let Lorian get introduced to the evening routine of the modern world.

You hint at Lorian that he has to follow you. He follows you into the kitchen.

"Can you cook?"

"Yes I can cook! My father taught me! I do not know how you do it in your world however."

"Just leave the cooking to me, you can set the table: A knife, a fork, a plate and a glass for the both of us."

"Don't you need some firewood for your stove first?"

"No, Lorian, here stoves work on gas or electricity, and mine is electric, we are good."

He nods. you turn on the stove. Lorian goes through the cupboards looking for the utensils.

"We are eating chicken and vegetables, ever ate that in Galcadia?"

"Chicken? Of course, me and my father hunt our own game, but getting chicken in the wild is rare, so we mostly just buy chicken meat from the market, and is there any human that does not eat vegetables?"

You both laugh.

Lorian sets the table while you put the chicken in the pan, you add a plethora of spices.

Eventually Lorian goes back to the living room to lay on the couch for a while.

After some time dinner is complete.

"Lorian! Dinner!"

Lorian comes dashing into the kitchen.

"Ha, you sound like my father!"

You both laugh for the second time in the evening.

You put the food on the plates and sit down.

Lorian eats well, he has a good appetite!

"Wow! This is some flavor! How did you get it like that? If i compare it to the chicken home, this makes that stale!"

"I just used a lot of spices, most of which are probably not in your world. Glad you like it!"

You both finish and clear and the table.

You show Lorian how to you do the dishes in the modern world, he understands it fast and in no time the dishes are done.

After that, you both go to the living room and sit on the couch. You turn on the TV, you want to see the news. As you turn on the news, Lorian looks with curiosity.

"Hey, is that Amazon Prime thing again?"

"No, this is the news, its a way to know the most recent events in the world, lets catch up on the recent stuff, shall we?"

You both watch the news, Lorian looks like he is trying to understand everything.

After the news you try to find a good program in the TV guide. Eventually you decide to put on a comedic program, both of you have lots of laughs.

You check your clock: 22:30.

"Hey Lorian, its getting very late, lets go to sleep now, alright, we can continue this tomorrow."

"Yeah, i'm getting sleepy anyway."

You and Lorian go upstairs. 

He actually manages to get in the sleeping bag himself this time.

"Good night hero, see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight Lorian, sleep well."

Ass you lie in your bed, the events of today swirl through your head as you drift off to sleep.

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