Searching for the Answer

By ShawnGreinert5

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This is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspe... More

Welcome to Reality
My Story
The Beginnings
7 Year Suicide
Melissa Mavelly/Greenwelle
A Watch & A Clothespin
Dragged Down Block
Face Grab
Yelling in car
Hot Checks
Jonathan Greenewell/Dad
Birthday Spankings
Father DUI and Money
Father Takes Rare Coins
One Jonathan's Rehab
Drunk Dryer Door Break
Drunk Dad Wrecks Rim
Bryce Greenwelle
Bryce & Mom
Baseball Window X10
16 Slit Wrists
Grandmother's Final Breath
Losing It All
Money & Food
She's Mean To Me
Father Burger Place Seizure
High School Graduation
Cancer Fundraiser
Mother Dies of Cancer at 53
Grandfather Head Split
Jane Mavelly
The Final 2 Weeks
Jane, She's Gone April 1st
Her Final Breath
Jonathan's Confinement age 12
Father Wall of Women
Bryce Drunk Ativan Granny
Do Something with Your Life
Harold Mavelly
Dumpster Dive
Herald Threatens to Break Leg
Sally Sentinence
Parental Failure
There was no Medicine
Grandpa's cough medicine
Car Door Finger Slam Break
Why Won't You Make Eye Contact?
Dreams Denied and Derailed
500 Not Given
3rd Grade Torn Ligament
Car Wreck
Father Screaming
Disney World Dropped Smile
Soccer Glasses Break
Swing Dissociation
Time with grandparents not spent
Mean to Raji
Shop Class/Industrial Technology
Roosevelt Latin Kings
Middle School Father Tennis Tournament
Motorcycle Class
Christmas Pain
Writing Articles
Tennis Shoes
Last Place
Simpleton Senior Year
She's Mean to Me
Northwest Parkway Room Not Touch
Northwest Mom 6 Months to Live
Final Moments at Northwest
Glasses and Blurry Vision
Final Thanksgiving
High School Graduation
Senior Gifts Inequality
Bennington Public School System
Cancer Fundraiser
Grandfather Inconsiderate
Jonathan's Reflections
Father Return to Ohio
Ohio New Student Conference
Damien & Jen
Archie Davidson 1st Time Smoking Cannabis
Retail Associates
Ohio State Hospital & Others
Bryce's Call to OSH
2nd ST OSH Counselor
OSH Stories
Basketball Music and Clouds
MHMR Tyler?
Ohio State to Arkansas State
Arkansas Graduation
Bennington, Arkansas
Comfort Care
Car Broke Down
Tommy & Amanda
Bryce Starts Lawsuit
Torn Ligament Father Cry
Going Fishing
Wisdom teeth
Moving in with Damien
Father Delusion
Garage Sale in Durham
Jonathan locked key in car buying beer
Wellbutrin Seizure
Lawn Care
Lawsuits in Bennington Arkansas.
Hayden Parsons?
Elementary School Sing-A-Long
Fruit Loops
Arbitration Missing Feeding Granny
Every Cop is Bad
Pharyngitis Ruins Shop Trip
Senior Year Shoes
Childhood Over at 15
Contact Lenses
ST Helmet Break
Nothing is Fun: Lake
Silence from this Point Forward
Go Kick Chuck
Tabasco not Ketchup
Swing Hits Head Stitches
Jack Moves to Perry
Neighbor Insane
Father Says He'll Fix the Lawnmower
Dad Wears Heely's
Ohio State Hospital People
Bo Austin State Hospital
Todd & Gabriel Logic
Cathy 2nd stay mid early twenties.
He'll Swing on You
Poverty & Shame
Bathroom Products Stolen
Men Are Trash
Wells Fargo Mother Fraud
2008 Storage Unit Lost
Drug Dealer
Weed Checkpoint
Tyler and Jordan
Southside Recovery
Tainted Weed Supply
Evan Smith
Evan Takes Rent
Norman Mavelly
Damien ST
No Sex Talk Around Me
Can't Handle Physical Touch
Cathy Simpleton Throws Away My Medication and Belongings.
Carleton Is Mean
Understanding Melissa Now
Bryce is not a Man
Brother not Hiring Disabled
B- End up on streets
You Can't Sing
Harold and Bryce Diaper
Disney World Easter Gifts Taken
Getting Arrested
Brother Disrespects Women
Cynthia & Bennington Brainwashed via Bryce
MHMR Tyler?
Tyler and Jordan Drug Dealer
Mother Keeps Fundraiser Money
Bruised Ribs
New York Return Hate
Father Flash Children
Ripping out IV
Father Trying to See Daughter
Brother Selfish
Bryce Movies Blockbuster
Bryce Expecting My Money
Disney World Sister Tooth Ache
Family Game Night
Shop Class/Industrial Technology
A Big Mistake
Never had a girlfriend
It Would Have Been Nice/It Was Nice

Trying to Help Jonathan After Melissa's Death

187 1 0
By ShawnGreinert5

Trying to Help Jonathan After Melissa's Death

After my mother died my father remained with me and my mother's parents at Grand for a couple of weeks until my grandparents wanted him out of their house, essentially making him homeless and without a vehicle. I don't know my grandmother's exact feelings about my father because in her entire life I not once heard her speak negatively towards anyone. My grandfather on the other hand didn't respect my father, and pretty much hated him for taking away and not providing for his daughter, also my grandfather never drank or allowed it so knowing my father would drink up to 20 beers a day made him not approve of his character and morals. In later years I would look at wedding photos that contained my parents and both sets of grandparents and the thing that stood out the most was in over a dozen photos not a single person was smiling.

Anyways once they wanted my father gone I began worked with him by doing job applications online, one of which was A large retail store and he was interviewed and hired. I helped him find an apartment to rent, and a car to buy. Before all of this I would sit in the living room with my father with a pen and per, using my cell phone as a calculator and did the math for him, working out a budget taking into the account his pay, hours worked, and hard vs soft bills. My father would tell me as we did this that "you have no idea how much you're helping me." He would say this on multiple occasions when we were there together in Bennington. At the time I didn't think I was helping or doing anything out of the ordinary. His wife had just passed and he was essentially homeless and despite all that happened before, he was still my dad.

Fortunately for him and I, my grandparents allowed him to live with me in their home until I could take him to view an apartment and solidified a vehicle and job. In the manner of a week or two I worked to get my father moved and even went to garage sells to purchase furniture, a microwave, and his biggest splurge was a t.v. from another large retail store. Again fortunate for us, my grandparents had a Chevy 1500 truck we could use, so getting him set was pretty easy it was about a single full bed of furniture and such.

About a week or less after I got my father set-up he had a car with insurance, a job, a place to live, I had to go back to Ohio to attend Ohio ST in Fall of 2011 my freshman year. The last time I would see my father in Arkansas was when he and my grandmother drove me to Arkansas City for me to take a plane back to Ohio, forcing my entire life's belongings into a suitcase and two carryon bags. At the airport before security checks I turned and looked at my grandmother and father and hugged them both and said goodbye.

A couple weeks into attending Ohio State my father would tell me he was leaving everything behind in Bennington and is moving back to Ohio where he had "friends". Now after years of being alone, I completely understand his motives and it pains me to think I left him alone in Bennington with no-one. His wife had just died. Juxtapose to this view there is fact that the entire time my father lived in Bennington, my brother did as well, he just never contacted or visited him.

I can't rationalize why my brother didn't step in, there is no justifiable reason, so my father just went to work with people he didn't know and drove home to an apartment where he had to care for himself alone with nothing to do but watch t.v. and reflect on his past. I don't know what it was like for him at that apartment but the loneliness broke him and he packed up all his belongings and drove back to Ohio. I told him financially that it was a bad decision, but again in my adulthood I completely understand why he did it, the only thing is I don't know why my brother didn't invite him to socialize and be there for him like any other human being. I mean I can imagine he wasn't on the best terms with Jonathan, but that is your father, he needed you, and you couldn't take a five-minute drive to see him or invite him to go eat or go to AA meetings. All these things if I was Bryce's age I would have done, and now it is too late. 12 years too late.

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