Possession of MR. JEON

By ririkocha7

625 31 3

What happens when a young girl is being promised to an older man and being under HIS possession Want to know... More



224 13 1
By ririkocha7


A girl around 5 years old ran towards her father hugging him.
The father picked his daughter up and spining her around.

Laughter could be heard around the house and her mother slightly glared at the duo being fed up of the daily drama between the father-daughter

Mrs.lee- have you done enough drama than come and eat your dinner. It's getting cold and my son doesn't like to have cold food( glaring)

Hearing this both the father-daughter bacame still and silently came to the table to eat dinner.

During the dinner Mrs.lee gave everyone meat especially more to her son but only gave a vegetables to her daughter.

Seeing her mother giving all the meat to her brother and not her she sadly asked her mother to give her some but she harshly replied

Mrs.lee_ if I'll give you the meat then what will my son eat.vegetables? . Just eat your damn food or else you won't be getting any food to eat.

Seeing this her father felt quite sad after seeing his daughter being mistreated but he can't do anything as he knows well it will be bad to mess up with his wife

Upon seeing her father not doing anything to defend her Y/n felt sad and silently are her dinner while watching her brother eat all the meat happily

After finishing the dinner all went to sleep. Y/n sleeps in a small room as after her brother was born her mother decided that she should sleep in a different room while her brother still sleeps with her parents.

It was quiet difficult for her to sleep alone as she was still a small chile and initially was scared to sleep alone but later she got adjusted with the situation and now it doesn't bother her as much as it is before. She sleeps with her teddy bear which was given by her father.

She still remembers how her mother scolded her father for buying that to her and always says that it was unnecessary to buy it and was a waste of money.

Next morning

Y/n and her father were walking in the nearby park as it was their daily routine. She doesn't go to school yet but her father is planning to send her soon.

During their walk, Y/n father noticed a group of big build up men surrounding something or someone and were walking forward.

It grabbed a lot of attention from the people around them as all got curious to know whom all the bodyguards were surrounding. Was it a celebrity or some big personality?

Y/n also saw them and her little mond got curious to know what or who was it. seeing her father not looking towards her, she ran towards the group of bodyguards not knowing that it was the first ever big mistake she did in her life.

Upon reaching near the group she couldn't see anything as the bodyguards were literally standing like giants before her.

Huffing, she managed to come forward by crawling in between their legs to see what they were surrounding.As she thought it was a huge game or a princess of Disney that they were protecting from the dinosaurs (a 5yr olds mind. lol!)

Not seeing any princess she got upset and was about to return back to her father, she bumped into a pair of legs and fell down on her bum.

?? POV

Feeling something touch his leg, ? turn back to see what was it. Seeing a small girl beside his leg. It seemed like she fell down near him. Not giving any mind to that girl ? was about to go back but he felt a small tug in his pants

Again turning back he saw that the girl was now holding in pant in her small hands and was looking at him.

Seeing the face of the small girl he felt a pull towards her. Unknowingly he moved his body towards her. This act made all the bodyguards surrounding him panicked and they were about to move forward to help him but ?moved his hand to stop them. Couching down towards the small girl he asked,

?_ why are you holding me?
Y/n - I fell down 👇
?- then what should I do about it?
Y/n -👇I got hurt here (pointing towards her knee)
?-how did you came here
Y/n_ ( giggling) I came in between from them (pointing towards the bodyguards leg)
?- (understood)_ why are you here
Y/n_ I came to see princess here. But she is not here so I was goi g back but I fell down and got hurt
(She said all the things like an obedient child to?)
?- go back from here
Y/n- (moving her hands towards him to pick her up)
?- I won't pick you up. I'm not your slave.
Y/n _but I got hurt 🤕
?-whats your name
Y/n _ mu name in Y/n and I'm old and you?

During all this interaction all the bodyguards were literally standing still like they saw some ghost as it was the first time they saw ? talk with someone that too for so long and more that just a few words

? Was about to say something but Mr.lee came running towards them, picked his daughter up saying

Mr.lee_ I'm really sorry if she caused you any trouble (bowing)

Saying this he took his daughter back home.

But ? was still standing in his place and was looking towards Y/n and silently chuckled when he saw her waving a bye to him🖐️

?(to his bodyguards)- I want to know everything about her .
They bowed to him and moved towards the car.

Looking back once again towards the direction where Y/n went he said to himself


to be continued...

Please press the star button down there👇👇 and comment
P.s I'll write the next part when I'll get atleast 5stars
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