Captured by the Beast [SS#2]

By KittyStarrReaper

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 30

149 13 0
By KittyStarrReaper

Chapter 30


Time seemed to fly by after the hunting mission went astray. Vutur remained quiet the entire trip back to the tribe where we were greeted by our people. Even with all of the events that took place during the hunting season, we brought back far more food than we needed. Our people would make it through until the next hunting season that happened after the mating season. And with Kaisen’s new improvements that he added to his telecommunicators, these calendars now had months, so we could tell when is what.

On the other hand, Nuri seemed much happier. I have as well. It seemed as if talking with Nuri about Calix lifted a boulder off of my shoulders. I could freely bring him up to her throughout our everyday tasks, and she'd stop and listen while giving me one of those beautiful smiles. It was like I couldn't get enough of her happiness.

As the days progressed into weeks, though, I put a suggestion out there that since Nuri spends more time at my house that she should just move in with me. I was hesitant about asking her as I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable or like she had to. But, to my surprise, she turned shy and asked if it was okay with me. Everything was okay with me when it pertained to my mate! With that, the following days were spent moving Nuri's things into my room while adding some of her sewing things to the sunroom as she enjoyed being out there. She blamed it on her powers slowly coming back, but I told her I didn't mind because I didn't. Not only did I get to see her work, but I also got to enjoy her breaks. The same breaks where I'd kiss her and taste every bit of her until she was crying my name and begging for more.

But besides that, everything was going great. Inzeh's mate, Yareli, would request to see Nuri for her usual checkups to make sure Nuri's powers were still coming back like they should. When we weren't requested by Yareli, it was Wren, Micah's mate. When we'd go see them, Micah would be a fumbling mess around his mate who would smile and tease him. Nuri's first time seeing him had us all laughing as she marveled at him and his people. It was good to see my buddies all found their mates as well.

Soon, the days flew into weeks again with bliss before the sandstorm season fell upon us. Looking around the quiet living room, I sighed. My heart was off helping my lorna and the ladies of her old area set up for the festivities and our new visitors. Not only were Kaisen and Lily coming this time as usual, but so were Micah, Wren, and Yareli. Inzeh had duties that he had to attend to no matter how much he put them off, but I knew it was just his lorna interfering. She was much like Vutur. Once they got their mind set on ruining somebody’s life, they stuck to it.

Shaking my head, I lifted myself up from the sofa before stretching my entire body along with my wings. As I pressed my wings against my back, a soft knock rang throughout the house. "Who could that be?" I mumbled while heading towards the door before pulling it open. Frowning, I stared at the unlikely pair occupying my front porch. "What are you two doing here?" I asked while glaring at Dralnith and the young warrior that was part of Nuri's hunting group. They looked at each other before dropping down on one knee while bowing their heads and lowering their wings. It was a show of submission, but why would they be doing that here?

"We wish to apologize for all of the things we've done to you and your mate." Dralnith replied, quickly answering my unasked question. "After the things that went on during our hunting expedition, we truly understand now that Vutur's words are nothing but lies, and he uses nothing but underhanded tactics to get what he wants." He continued as I could feel my frown deepen.

"What are you talking about, Dralnith?"

"Since you took over as leader, your lorno has been pushing Azora onto you, right?" He inquired while looking up at me as I growled at him. Did he come all this way to bring up the obvious and waste my time when I could be making dinner for my mate? "Azora already has a mate. Both Vutur, her, and I know this as she's my mate. The only reason I decided to continuously challenge you for your position was because of your lorno and Azora. She only wants the powers of a leader, and I just want her." He confessed as I could care less about him and his love affairs.

"What about Vutur?" I growled, impatience and worry growing throughout my body. Was this related to Calix in any way?

"Your lorno has been whispering in my ear since you took over." He informed me as I clenched my fists at my side. What was Vutur's point in having fledglings if he didn't even care about them?

"Did he say anything about Calix?" I growled out through clenched teeth as Dralnith lowered his head.

"Yes. He only said how there wasn't any backup coming to help because he and Calix were capable enough. He didn't put in the word for backup, so nobody knew what was going on. Calix found out about his deceit and wanted out, so he left. They were in an unfamiliar part of the desert, and Calix couldn't tell which way was home because of the fog before he was attacked by the Kamot. Your lorno mentioned hearing noises but chalked it up to Calix learning his lesson. He hoped Calix would return back to the cave with his tail tucked between his legs, but instead, he found him the way he did." Dralnith explained as my body shook with anger.

"Leave!" Nuri's voice called out from the porch steps as I swiped my talons towards Dralnith in rage. I had barely missed his face as Nuri yanked him back in time by his hood of his cloak. "If you value your lives, you'll get off my porch and come back another day to swear your allegiance!" She yelled as they heeded her words and disappeared off into the darkness of the day. I couldn't think straight as rage filled my body. I held my head as the words rushed through my mind, growing louder and intense with each repeat. The golden tribal markings lit up my body with a new intensity that I've never seen before. I could feel the fire trying to climb up my throat with only one thing on my mind. "Mizail." Nuri's voice was soft, calm even as her warm hands gently touched my arms.

"No." I growled, my voice no longer sounding like mine. It was inhumane and in pain.

"Mizail." She called again, still soft and calm as smoke billowed from my nostrils. "Look at me, baby." She urged as my heart thumped loudly in my chest. When I wouldn't look at her, she placed a warm hand on my cheek until our eyes finally met. Those hazel eyes were soft and caring but full of love. "Take a deep breath for me." She instructed before demonstrating until I started following along with her. "That's good, baby. Let's go sit down for a second, okay?" She softly suggested as I gave a slight nod before she kicked the door closed and led me over to the sofa. As we sat down, she pulled me into her arms. "I'm so sorry." She whispered softly as the rage I felt earlier was slowly replaced by sadness.

"How could he do that?" I asked, fighting back the tears as she gently stroked my head. "How could he turn into a piece of shit?!" I growled angrily as she softly placed a kiss on the top of my head. "Calix would've still been here if it wasn't for him." I softly sobbed as Nuri held me close, her sweet scent comforting me. I gently wrapped my arms around her waist while she stayed with me like that until I could no longer cry.

"We're going to be okay." She softly spoke as I nodded. We were going to be okay once the sandstorm season ended. Sighing, I pulled back to look down at Nuri as she gently wiped away my tears with the sleeve of her cloak. Leaning forward, I pulled her close before kissing her. I wouldn't ever let Vutur hurt my family ever again. As we pulled back, she gazed at me. "I have no idea what you have in mind, but know, I'm here with you. Only you." She repeated my words as I smiled down at her.

"Always." I sighed while leaning my forehead against hers before my stomach rumbled.

"Did you not eat yet?" She asked while looking up at me as I shook my head. Just being around Nuri made me feel better. "Well, that won't do. It's a good thing your mom made a lot of….I forgot the name of it." She smiled sheepishly as I planted a gentle kiss upon her lips.

"Let's eat and go take a bath. I think we need to rest tonight." I gently peeled off her dark robe before placing it down on the other side of her. She now sat in an orange romper with more intricate designs sprawling from her waist along with these dark gold sandals with ribbons that wrapped up her legs. “I love you.” I smiled while running my hand up her leg as she returned my smile.

“I love you too, but we’ll save dessert until after dinner. I’d hate for your mom’s food to go cold.” She worried as we stood before she turned and made her way towards the front door while I trailed behind her. “I left the carrier outside when I saw how angry you had become.” She explained as I gently pulled her away from the door.

“Let me get it. Is it on the porch?” I asked as she nodded before I quickly made my way onto the porch where the carrier was sitting on the steps. I was surprised that it hadn’t gotten blown away by the wind. Quickly picking it up, I understood why it hadn’t moved. Whatever my lorna had put into the carrier was weighing it down significantly. Picking it up with ease, I made my way past my mate and towards the dining table as I heard the front door close behind me before Nuri was standing at my side. Once the food was set out and the drinks were made, we sat down and ate while chatting. My lorna had made one of my favorite meals from the Santers that Nuri and Adai had killed. It was garnished with Soh ribboned noodles, and the broth was made of Sogo meat. I made sure to explain all of this to Nuri as she nodded and took in the information with eagerness. I even brought out some of our alcohol that paired well with the meal. “You don’t have to drink it if you don’t want to, my heart.”

“No, I don’t mind. I want to see how it tastes, but what’s in it?” She asked as I went to grab another mug before returning and pouring a little from my cup.

“It’s a mixture of Flori which can be found in the Mirage, Wilmers berries which can be found in the Odeolans territory, and Cuka berries found only in the Tiocraven tribe. With the sweetness from the Flori and the sourness of the Wilmers berries, it’d taste a little funny but once you add the Cuka berries, it seems to even out the taste as it’s more neutral than most vegetations found on this planet.” I explained as she smelled her drink before placing the mug to her lips and taking a small sip. She hummed for a second before taking another sip.

“I can definitely taste the sweetness and sourness fighting each other on my tongue but it’s smooth once it goes down. Instead of the usual burning of alcohol, there’s this cool sensation going down my throat. Is that normal?” She asked as I couldn’t help the laughter that left me as I nodded. Nuri was just too cute.

“It’s normal, my heart. The coolness is thanks to the snow mixed into the mixture. This overrides the heat of it all and can be enjoyed as a cool liquor.” I explained as she nodded in understanding as we quickly finished up our meals and the rest of the liquor. By the time everything was cleaned up and we had taken a bath, Nuri seemed aroused. “Are you okay?” I questioned as she sighed while looking up at me while we lounged on the couch. She held up her hand as I gently entwined our hands before she lowered my hand down to her stomach. Undoing our joined hands, she slowly slipped my hand between her legs, where her wet heat greeted me.

“Do you see how wet I am for you, baby?” She questioned while looking up at me as I slowly licked my lips. “I really want you in me right now.” She smiled as I rubbed a finger against the thin material of her underwear before she bit her lip to silence her moans. Gently circling her clit with my thumb, I was careful of my talons as she began to grind into my hand. “Right there, baby.” She softly moaned as I pressed down a little harder while she slipped a hand beneath her gown to fondle her nipples. Her moans filled the room as I quickly removed my hand before biting off my talons and licking the scent of her off my fingers. Fuck, she tasted good. I quickly threw her over my shoulder before heading to our bedroom as her giggles echoed around me. “Eager, aren’t we?” She asked as I placed her down on the bed while dropping to my knees in front of her just as she slipped out of her wet underwear. She held my gaze as she slowly slipped in her middle fingers while I kissed up her legs. Over the past few weeks, I’ve learned that my mate had very sensitive thighs and though she didn’t want to admit it, she loved when I took my time to kiss my way up them.

“As eager as you.” I hummed while gently biting her inner thigh as she arched up, her body shaking with her release. “Oh my, that was quick.” I teased while licking her juices off of her thighs as she slowly withdrew her fingers before I sucked those clean.

“Fuck, I need you in me now.” She groaned as she returned her gaze back to me. Fighting between satisfying my mate or finishing my full course meal that awaited me patiently, I licked my lips. “Mizail.” She softly called as I could feel my cock straining against my brown sleeping pants that she had made me. “You seem conflicted. Lay down.” She patted the bed next to her as I climbed to my feet and slipped out of my pants before sitting next to her.

“Are you sure you’re ready, my heart?” I asked as she climbed onto my lap before pushing me down onto the bed. She gently stroked my cock a few times as it slowly started to lubricate itself. “Fuck!” I hissed as she slowly rubbed my cock against her wet heat before easing down the tip.

“If I didn’t know any better, it’d sound like you’re challenging me, baby.” She breathed out as she slipped past the tip before slowly taking all of me. “Oh fuck, that’s nice.” She moaned while throwing her head back for a second as she squeezed around me, still taking my breath away. She slowly removed her gown, tossing it onto the floor before grinding against me as I reached up to squeeze her taut nipples.

“Maybe I am,” I smiled while sitting up, “Maybe I’m not.” I took her other nipple into my mouth, sucking it while I squeezed the other between my fingers. I would focus my main attention on her nipples while letting her be in control of how fast she wanted to go.

“Fuck!” She shouted while holding onto my shoulders as I switched over to the other breast before she pulled me up to kiss me, roughly and out of breath. It was her cue to let me know that she was growing tired and she wanted me to take charge. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pounded into her as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I could feel her blunt teeth biting into my shoulder while I buried my head in her hair, inhaling her scent. “I love you so much.” She gasped out as she came undone, spasming against me before I came in three rough strokes, filling my mate with my cum. We sat there, our labored breaths filling the room while we held each other. “Baby?” She called as I hummed in question. “I think I caught a cramp in my leg.” She sort of laughed a little as I pulled back to look down at her in the dimly lit room. She was still straddling my hips with her knees tucked on each side of my thighs.

“Is it both?” I asked as she shook her head. “Stretch out the one that doesn’t hurt.” I instructed her as she looked up at me worriedly.

“I don’t think I can.” She frowned as I undid my arms from her waist before gently lifting her off my cock while she stretched out her legs, tensing with her right one. Slowly laying her on the bed, I hurried to the bathroom to gather a warm, damp cloth and some salve I got from the healers. Hurrying back to her side, I gently cleaned up our mess before tossing the cloth into a nearby basket my mate had made. Once that was done, I opened the salve before smearing some onto my hand. “What’s that?” She asked while squinting as I lit the glass holders around the room so she could see.

“It’s some salve I got the healers to make for me when I used to overdo it and get a lot of cramps. It works wonders.” I smiled while gently massaging the clear salve onto her leg from her foot to her knee. “I figured it would help you as well.” I added as she sighed softly.

“It feels nice.” She mumbled while closing her eyes as I smiled. It didn’t take long before she dozed off. I quietly tucked her in a clean blanket before changing the top blanket on our bed and tossing it in the basket as well. Once that was done, I quickly put the salve back in the bathroom before joining my mate in bed. As I unraveled the blanket before tucking her against me, she sighed and threw a leg over mine. I would never let anybody take this happiness from me.


Hello, I'm sorry for the late chapters!

I've been editing these for weeks, so if you find a part where it doesn't make sense, there's a repeat or some type of spelling error. Please let me know!

I'm hoping to finish this book before the end of this year or the start of the next year, so hopefully, updates will pick up soon.

Also, chapters will become longer.

Thank you for reading!

Ellandrea 🌸

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