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By ladymxsery

1K 86 315

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48 5 18
By ladymxsery

| IV. Meaning of Mercy |

Béatrice's sudden arrival seemed to send a wave of calm through Marion. Having an adult in her presence felt reassuring, it made her feel like they actually had a chance at getting out of their situation alive. Being calm was vital for Marion; the girl noticed that if she was calm in a seemingly stressful situation, there would be a lesser chance of her being sent into a full-on coughing fit.

Marion took in a deep breath, and lowered her throwing knife. Hugo ran into his mother's arms with no hesitation, the little boy was finally with his mother again. It took Amicia a few moments before she left Marion's side to take her mother's hand.

It made Marion think of her own father, who was probably dead with a slit in his neck. Her father who sang her to sleep when nightmares filled her head, and always sneaked her little cakes and treats after visiting the kitchens. Her father was dead.

The dark-haired girl bit her lip, and fiddled with the handle of her throwing knife. She willed her tears away– there was no reason to cry; her father was gone and crying wouldn't bring him back.

"What is happening?" Amicia asked her mother, her voice shaky and strained.


Béatrice stood up after looking her children over, her hold on Hugo's shoulders unwavering.

"We will be alright, do you hear me?" She reassured me, "Allez."

Marion doubted that; if they could cut through servants like they were mice then what would stop them from slaughtering a woman, two girls, and a five-year-old boy? Marion followed the family out of the kitchen door, a glare planted onto her face.

She felt a lot of emotions, too many emotions. She felt scared, and sad, and confused– she could list them all off for hours. It made her feel like there was something in her chest, growing and festering by the minute, spreading through her limbs and making her hands shake. The Dubois girl just wanted to explode into a million pieces.

Her hold on the handle of her throwing knife had grown strong enough that her knuckles began to turn white, and a dull ache settled into her palm.

"We have to cross the gardens." Béatrice informed the children, her voice stern.

"Amicia, hold your brother's hand and follow me in silence." The woman instructed, as she began to crouch down.

Marion followed Amicia and Hugo down the steps, subconsciously holding her breath when she noticed the guard that had his back turned towards them. She kept her grip on her throwing knife firm, just in case...

"Through the grass, they won't be able to see us." Béatrice instructed, as she led the children into the tall grass.

Marion followed Amicia, Hugo, and Béatrice into the grass– she hated the way it brushed against her hands and face. As of that moment, Marion hated a lot of things. She felt her breath hitch when a guard passed the grass they walked through, dragging one of the gardeners with him. The knights of the Inquisition truly did not know the meaning of mercy, it made her stomach churn. How could one be so cruel?

"It worked!" Hugo whispered as they exited the grassy area.

Marion quietly hushed the boy, and gently put a hand on his shoulder.

'Quiet, remember?' She mouthed, and he nodded.

They watched as another knight harshly interrogated another servant. He had him backed against the stone fence, on his knees with his hands tied behind his back.

"Go to hell, bâtard!" The Servant insulted, not backing down.

The Knight cocked his head to the side, "Oh yea? You first!" He fired back, and hit the servant so hard that he fell onto the ground.

The Knight turned his back to the Servant and began to walk over to a different, dying servant. Béatrice saw her chance, and quickly guided the children past him. Marion kept her hand on Hugo's shoulder– it made her feel somewhat grounded. They came across a hole in the wall, the perfect pathway to take without being noticed.

"We have to get through, Amicia, help him." Béatrice instructed, as she lifted herself over the high hole.

Marion waited till Amicia and Hugo had climbed up, before doing so herself; she needed to make sure that they would be okay. She let out a soft grunt as she pulled herself over the ledge– she was never the best climber. As quietly as she could, she landed on her feet, and crouched back down.

Hugo took Marion's hand with the one that wasn't holding Amicia's; Marion could tell that the little boy was afraid, who wouldn't be? She gave his small hand a gentle squeeze, in hopes that it would give him some sort of reassurance. The four hid behind a fence, they couldn't move any further, a knight was blocking their way.

"They will see us." Hugo whispered, and looked up at the older girl's worriedly.

"We'll be okay..." Marion reassured, though her voice was shaky.

Amicia looked over to the crate filled with armor– the perfect distraction.

"If I can hit the helmets over there..." Amicia muttered, and Béatrice furrowed her eyebrows.

"Your sling will give us away." Béatrice responded, shutting down Amicia's idea.

"She could throw it instead." Marion butted in, she knew that Amicia had impeccable aim with and without her sling.

Amicia took out a rock from her small pouch, and took a deep breath before she moved to throw it. Just as anticipated, it landed on a helmet in the crate and alerted the knight that blocked their way. Béatrice silently led the children past the knight, and Hugo began to wince.

"Ow... my head." He muttered, and took in a sharp breath.

"What is wrong with him?" Amicia looked down at Hugo, concern evident on her face.

"His illness has awoken..." Béatrice informed quietly. "We need to go faster."

Marion furrowed her eyebrows, how could his weakness wake up? She was no doctor, but this illness... It was not normal. Two knights were blocking their pathways, but Amicia seemed to think ahead, and picked up a small rock. Marion watched Amicia aim at a hanging pan, before throwing the rock.

"I heard something... be right back." One knight said, before stalking off towards the noise.

Marion could tell Amicia had questions, the way her brows furrowed ever-so-slightly, and a small wrinkle formed on the bridge of her nose. The area grew dark; thick, gray clouds blocked the sunlight, a sign of the storm that was to come.

No where was safe, knights lurked behind every fence searching for little Hugo. They were once again stuck, a knight unknowingly mere steps away from his goal... Marion wished she could drive a knife through all of their skulls.

"We can't go!" Hugo whispered, and Marion let go of his hand.

"I can throw one of these pots..." The dark-haired girl offered, and Amicia nodded her head in approval.

Marion picked up the pot, and took in a deep breath before choosing to throw it near a basket of apples. The knight stood up, revealing the dead body of yet another servant. He scanned the area, before moving towards the sound.

"Come." Béatrice ordered, and the children followed.

Marion took Hugo's hand, and gave it a gentle squeeze. They approached a door, one step closer to safety... if knights hadn't already hounded the area.

"We are almost there, see?" Marion reassured the little one, "We will be okay..."

Rain pelted down onto Marion, soaking her clothes and making her shiver. Béatrice tried to open the door, to no avail; it was barred from the other side. Marion felt her hopes drop– if they stayed in one spot too long a knight might find them. She could imagine all the terrible things they'd do to Hugo... to Amicia.

"It's locked from the other side..." Béatrice huffed, as she crouched back down.

"Mother, the hole in the wall." Amicia said, pointing out the Hugo-sized hole in the wall.

Marion subconsciously held Hugo's hand tighter, was it really a good idea to send him to the other side all alone? Then again, it was their only way out.

"Yes... Hugo, I'm sorry; I know you're scared, but if you get through there you can open the door for us." Béatrice explained, "You're the only one who can do it."

Hugo looked up at his mother worriedly, "What is behind there?"

"Just concentrate on the door... you are a brave boy, you prove it to me every day." Béatrice continued, with a small smile. "Amicia and Marion will let go of your hands, then you can quickly go through, all right?"

"Alright..." Hugo responded, and pulled away from the older girls.

Marion held her breath as Hugo crawled through the hole, the fear of a knight possibly catching him made the dark-haired girl bite at her already sore lip. She let out a sigh of relief as Hugo opened the door, he immediately reached for Amicia's hand once he was able to.

"Well done." Marion praised quietly, and gently rubbed Hugo's shoulder.

The boy smiled up at her before turning to his sister, "There are people."

"It will be alright, just follow me... quietly now." Amicia instructed her brother, and they began to follow Beatrice through the door.

Marion furrowed her eyebrows, and held Amicia back when she heard the sound of heavy footsteps approaching. A knight was chasing a servant, his plea for mercy fell upon deaf ears– a spear was thrown through his gut. A low gurgle escaped his throat before his body fell to the ground, the noise made a shiver jolt through Marion.

After the knight had walked over the servant's body, Béatrice signaled for the children to follow her once again. Marion did her best to stay quiet, and keep her breathing in check. As they sneaked through the small orchard, the rain continued to fall and soak their surroundings.

They came up to a small window, after Béatrice made sure it was safe she climbed in. Amicia followed, and Marion lifted Hugo over before following herself. Once Hugo was on solid ground, he began to clutch his head and let out pained whimpers.

"Ow... my head... Mummy!" Hugo cried, clearly in distress.

Marion watched, an anxious feeling burrowing into her belly. She alertly looked over her shoulder every few moments; she was concerned for the boy, but her body was telling her to run– not that she would get very far.

"What is the problem with him?" Amicia asked, as she stared down at her brother.

Marion could see Amicia's hands shaking, her eyes wide and frantic. The brunette was without a doubt struggling to keep her panic in– they had no time to stop and recuperate. They'd make time for Hugo, though, they had too. Marion took in a shaky breath, and moved her weight from one foot to the other, her fingers found the hem of her tunic and she began to pick at the simple stitching.

"'An attack..." Béatrice responded, "Listen to my voice, Hugo!"

The woman gently squeezed Hugo's shoulders, "You know how this goes."

The-dark haired girl sucked in a quiet breath as Amicia grabbed onto her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. The blood from the knight she killed earlier had dried, leaving an uncomfortable tightness in her palms.

"We must hurry before they find us..." Marion whispered to Amicia, she never took her eyes off of Hugo and his mother.

Without hesitation, Marion walked over to the boy and lifted him into her arms. Hugo let out a quiet whimper, and nuzzled his face into her neck– his forehead was unusually warm. Hugo was a light child– Marion had carried things much heavier–but with her extreme shortness of breath, she was not sure how long she'd be able to carry him for.

"Let's go, we cannot waste any more time." Marion whispered, as she started to walk away.

This time, with Marion in the lead, the group stepped back into the rain. Marion was thoroughly soaked, her hair stuck to her face and her clothes were weighed down. She tried to shield Hugo from the relentless downpour, to no avail.

"Do you think you can walk?" Marion asked Hugo in a hushed tone, to which the boy nodded.

The dark-haired girl gently placed the boy on the floor, but kept a secure hold on his little hand. Hugo stuck close to her side as they approached a fence, they'd need to climb over it– opening the gate would make too much noise. Marion allowed Amicia to go over the fence, then she lifted Hugo over.

Marion soon followed the boy, Béatrice quickly trailing after her. Marion felt her body tense as they entered a patch of tall grass; the tickling sensation made it feel as if there were bugs crawling all over her– but that was the last thing on her mind.

"We can go now." Amicia muttered, as the knight who walked up and down the path they needed to cross turned away.

"It's too risky with Hugo, he is slower than us." Béatrice replied, and Marion gently squeezed the boy's hand.

Marion watched as Amicia eyed a pair of pots placed on the stone steps, she could practically see the gears in her companion's head turning.

"I could cross, make a diversion–" Amicia tried to say, but the idea was quickly shut down by Marion.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Marion hissed, "Idiote!"

"Have you such little faith in me?" Amicia asked, and Marion huffed.

"Just... be quick." Marion caved, and pulled Hugo closer to her.

Marion took in a deep breath as Amicia lifted herself over the stone, there were a million ways this plan could go wrong. The brunette quietly crossed the path, with Marion watching her like a hawk. Amicia grabbed one of the pots, and scurried into another patch of tall grass.

Marion subconsciously held Hugo tighter when Amicia threw the pot, the knight immediately left his post to go investigate the sound. Marion wasted no time in lifting Hugo over the stone, before following herself. She tried to quiet her heavy breathing, and continued to follow after Amicia.

The garden gate had soon come into view– they were almost out of the place they used to call home. Marion could feel her body itching to sprint towards the gate, to get out of this hellhole.

"Look, the garden gate." She whispered to Amicia, "We should be able to get out of here."

Amicia let out a sigh of relief, Marion could practically feel the determination flowing off of her. Hugo looked up at Marion, his big blue eyes welled up with unshed tears. Marion wanted to hold him close, and wipe the tears away from his innocent eyes.

"Will we be safe?" He asked her, and Marion nodded.

"Yes... soon." She responded, and gave him a small smile.

The dark haired girl turned her focus to the knight, who stood dutifully across from them. Thankfully the tall grass concealed them, or they'd already be dead. They just needed to distract him, and then they would be able to get out of here.

"Amicia, the scarecrow..." Marion pointed out, the wooden structure had a large metal bucket covering its head.

Marion could recall the hours she and Amicia would spend outside, watching the latter attempt to perfect her aim with her sling.

"But he will come this way!" Hugo stressed, and turned to his mother for reassurance.

Béatrice smiled down at her son, "Yes, but when he walks away we can sneak past him."

Amicia wasted no time in throwing the rock at the metal bucket, Marion could tell she was just as eager to get out. The knight stalked towards the group, the tip of his spear glinting in the light of his lantern. One wrong move would coat that spear in someone's blood.

Marion let out a breath she didn't know she was holding as the Knight turned his back on them, slowly walking back to his post. Hugo had a death grip on both Marion and Amicia's hands, his little knuckles turned white and a dull ache settled into Marion's palm.

As Béatrice quietly led them past the knight, a flurry of hope bloomed inside Marion. They were almost safe, only a few more steps and they'd be out of the gardens.

"You're alive!" A familiar voice called out, and Marion's eyes widened.

Before them was her father, in the flesh. He was alive and breathing! Marion let go of Hugo's hand, and rushed into his arms.

"Papa!" She cried, and held him tighter than she ever did before.

Marion's father smiled, and gently stroked her short and dark hair.

"My sweet Marion." He cooed, and held her close; he ignored the dark blotches of blood that covered her tunic, and hands.

"This way, follow me!" He called out to the De Rune's, as Marion pulled away.

"Are you alright?" Laurent asked, finally bringing up the blood on Marion.

Marion looked down at her bloodstained hands and tunic, her eyes widening and the severity of what she had done came crashing down on her. She felt her breath hitch– she killed a man. Suddenly she felt the need to crawl out of her own skin; she killed a man and felt no remorse.

Marion nodded her head, and clenched her fists at her sides; "I'm fine." She muttered.

Amicia gently intertwined her fingers with Marion's, and gave her a small, unconvincing smile. Somehow Amicia always managed to brighten the dark-haired girl's mood– even in a situation where death was lurking just around the corner.

"We're going to be alright." She whispered, and squeezed her companions hand.

Everything was going to be alright. 

᯽ Glossary ᯽

Allez - Go on

Bâtard - Bastard

Idiote - Idiot

Papa - Dad

᯽ A/N ᯽

Spoiler alert; everything will not be okay lol

Just you wait. Anyways, I HAVE SO MUCH PLANNED FOR THIS BOOK YALL DONT EVEN KNOW!!! Writers block bit me in the ass for a minute but im back! I'll try to get the next chapter out sooner then I did this one.

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