Mysteries Unraveled: Rules Br...

By Throwawayweirdo

531 57 103

Eddie Munson story. Continues after the events in Season 4 except Eddie survived. Your name is Sam, you've c... More

The Ass
Sleep Over
Nothing's Gonna Happen...
What Are We Doing?
Girlfriends & Boyfriends
Alone at Last
No Pressure
You Help Me, I'll Help You
Date - Sam
Date - Eddie
Date Cont.
The Invasion
Boyfriend Points
Dad Arrives

Temporary Friends

40 3 3
By Throwawayweirdo

Sam's POV

"So, where's this guy you know?" You ask as you wait.

"Umm. So. I, uh." He stammers.

"You ok Munson?"

He closes his eyes for a second.

"I fucked up." He says.

"You forget to tell him to meet or something?"

"Uh, not exactly." He says and fidgets with his lunchbox.

"You're fucking with me, right?" You ask as you realize he's the dealer you're waiting for.

"I thought it would be funny but."

You get up and start to walk away.

Asshole. He is a fucking asshole. What kind of fucking game does he think he's playing? Tricking you into coming out to the woods alone with him.

"You know something Munson?" You turn back to him and ask.


"You're worse than those jocks you seem to hate so much. They're assholes but at least they don't pretend not to be. I actually thought maybe I was wrong about you yesterday. You can fuck right the hell off."

Shit. He actually looks hurt. He did change his mind and try to tell you.

You roll your eyes to yourself as you go back to the table and sit down.

Don't, just turn around and leave.

"Sorry. That was uncalled for." You tell him.

"No, you're right. I'm sorry. Can we please just start over? Try to be friends?" He asks sincerely.

"No. I'm sorry about what I said but no."

"You really aren't going to have a single friend?"


Thought I might until you decided to prove me right.

"I kinda thought we were starting to be friends." He says.

"So did I."

"What if I make you a good deal?" He asks and opens his lunchbox.

You lift a brow to him.

"Twenty for a half ounce." He offers with a hopeful smile.

"Fifteen." You say flatly.

"Uh, ok." He says a little unsure but starts to pull a bag out.

You half smile to yourself.
"And a couple pre-rolls." You add.

He smiles a little when he sees your smirk and puts a couple joints in the bag.

You pull out a twenty and hand it to him.

"You leaving me a tip?" He asks with a big smile as you make the exchange.

"Shut up, Munson." You say and pull out one of the joints before you shove the bag in your school bag.

Eddie looks a little surprised when you light it and take a couple puffs before passing it to him.

"Why'd you stay?" He asks.

"I can leave." You say and start to get up.

"No." He says quickly. "Was just curious."

"Weed... And you looked too sad to leave out here alone."

"You really aren't going to be my friend?" He asks.

"It's really not something you should have to think that hard about." He says when you don't answer.

"It's not exactly a question that's easy to answer with the way you act."

"What if I make it up to you?"

"How?" You ask curiously.

"Meet me at your car after school."

"Alright. But, Munson." You say and lean over the table a little.

"Yeah?" He asks, leaning in with a small smile.

"You tell your friends you thawed me out and I'll break your fucking fingers in front of them."

"You heard that?" He asks a little embarrassed and leans back.

"I'm not deaf Munson."

Eddie's POV

I skipped the rest of my classes to work on Sam's Rover. Her starter was bad. Luckily the guys at the garage actually still like me so I got it at cost.

I've got everything put back and ready by the time she makes it out.

"So, how are you going to make up for being an ass, Munson?" She asks as she reaches me.

"You sleep in your car?" I ask, having seen pillows and blankets in the back.

"Sometimes. I got somewhere to be, what's up?"

"Give it a try." I say with a smile and open her door.

"I locked that." She says with confusion.

"You did."

I grin when she smiles a little and gets in.

The car starts without issue and she smiles wide.

"Not bad Munson."

"So, the party tonight?" I risk asking.

"I really do have somewhere I have to be."



My interest is piqued by her avoidance to actually answer.

"Where you going?"

"Job interview." She answers.

"Where at?"

"A place. Thanks for fixing Fern, how much do I owe you?"

"Nothing. This was an apology, remember?"

That smile. Ugh, this sickeningly sweet feeling in my gut won't go away every time she smiles like that.

"Thanks Munson, I'll catch ya later."

I give Sam a small bow as she backs out and watch her smile as she shakes her head.

I think I recovered, I might have a chance.

Sam's POV

You look at yourself  in the mirror of the small changing room. Your red set looks perfect with your heels and makeup.

This is far from your first time dancing but you're still a little nervous, you really need the job.

"You ready?" Mark comes in and asks.


"You sure about this? You are eighteen, right? You didn't give me a fake ID?"

"Eighteen, almost nineteen." You confirm.

"You have a stage name?"


"No, we already have one." He says and looks you over before grinning. "Cherry."

"Cherry?" You ask with an unimpressed expression.

"Mhm. That a problem?"

"No." You don't care for it but you've had worse names.

"You're sure you can handle yourself out there? We have security but sometimes it takes them a little bit to make it over."

"I can handle myself." You tell him and stretch a little.

"The other girls give you a hard time, don't tell me. The guys go crazy watching a cat fight break out on stage. Just a warning."

"When do I go on?" You ask, getting tired of waiting.

"You're eager, that's good. Get out there, Cherry."

You grab his hand before he can slap your ass.

"You're quick." He says and goes out to announce you.

You do your first dance to Lick it Up by KISS.

"So?" You ask at the end of the night.

"You got it. Handled yourself like a pro on stage and with the customers." Mark says.

"Thanks. Tomorrow night then?"

"No, week nights for now. All the husbands and fathers pretending to work late come in before spending the weekend with their families. Weekends are usually pretty rowdy." He answers.

"I can handle it."

"Let's just start with week nights. It's not like I'm sticking you with the day shift. What's your story?"

"Does it matter?"

"Guess not."

"When you tried to grab my ass earlier..." You say.

"Not something I do." He holds up his hand, showing you his wedding ring. "Just wanted to see how you'd handle yourself, sorry."

"Good, just wanted to make sure. And what you said about cat fights?"

"Obviously I don't want you girls beating the snot out of each other but the guys enjoy the show."

"Right. Why not host a fight night? Not like real fighting. We did a wrestling night at one of the clubs I used to work at. Big attraction, nearly tripled the crowd and what was spent at the bar."

"Stuff like that just costs too much." Mark answers.

"It's just a kiddie pool and some mud, lube is better but mud is cheap. Set up a bracket and let the guys."

"Hey, I'm not doing anything illegal here. I don't think this gonna work out if."

"Not gambling." You quickly say. "They're pre-paying for a special show from the winner. Cover charge at the door, separate for the event from the usual door charge. Then it's up to them if they want to be able to see the winner by pre-paying."

You watch as he thinks it over.

"Hey, Candy!" He yells and one of the other dancers comes into the office.

She sits on his lap while he tells her about your idea. You try to hide your distaste until Candy catches you and laughs a little.

"It's ok, he's my husband. I just take my ring off while I dance." She says with a smile and gives Mark's cheek a kiss.

"Oh." You laugh at yourself a little.

"How many of these types of events have you done?" She asks, looking at how young you look.

"Enough, usually came out on top."

She looks at Mark.

"I checked, it's not a fake, she's almost nineteen." He assures her.

"You guys run the place together?" You ask.

"Yep, make all business decisions together." Candy says with a smile and gives Mark another small kiss.

"That's cool. So, what do you think?"

"How often would we do these nights?" Mark asks.

"Once a month. No real advertising is needed, few flyers at the nearby colleges. The other customers you give the info to during the week when they come in. Announce it before the dancers."

"And what happens with the 'pre-payed dance' money?" Candy asks.

"House gets thirty percent, rest to the winner."

"Fifty." Mark says.

"Forty." You counter and he looks to Candy, who nods.

"Welcome aboard. We'll see you Monday." Mark says and shakes your hand.

You can't help but smile, you're starting to feel better than you have since you moved.

"I'll show you your locker and have Jax walk you out." Candy says with a smile.

"How long you been dancing?" She asks as you pull your clothes on.

"Few years."

"You're only eighteen." She says, her smile faltering.

"Yep." You answer and drop your heels in the locker before getting your boots on.

"You make more if you can do a special dance or trick. Some of the girls do shows together. Mark and I are always looking for new ideas if you have any more. It's not a big city club but we're trying to keep it from being a dirty little dive." She tells you.

"The place looks great. Clean and safe. The outside is definitely unassuming but for this area that might be good." You say.

"That's why we opened on the edge of town. There'd probably be a riot if we opened any closer."

"Makes no sense does it? Half the people that would riot are probably customers." You say.

"Oh, definitely. You should see the looks and the way people avoid eye contact in the supermarket." She says and motions to Jax when you sling your bag over your shoulder.

"Just curious, Mark always call you by your stage name?"

"My name is Candace, always liked Candy better." She answers with a smile.

"Got it. Thanks again for the job." You tell her.

"Don't thank me, you earned it." She says with a smile.

Eddie's POV

My heart is pounding frantically, that feeling is in my stomach again as Sam's car pulls to a stop when she sees me smoking on the small porch.

Shit, I do have it bad for her.

"What happened to your party?" Sam asks.

"Told you it wasn't a party, party. It's over."

"You hungry?"

Shit, did she really just invite me to eat with her? It's late. Is this some weird test or something? What do I do? Is she asking me out?

"You ok Munson?" She asks as she grins a little more.

"Uh, yeah. Did you just ask me out?"

"No, it's just food. Two non-friends eating near each other." She says and motions with her head for me to get in.

"Night off?" I ask as she backs out of the trailer park.



"Oh, uh, yeah. He's with my mom staying with my aunt for the weekend."

"Oh. How'd the job interview go?"

"Good, I got it." She says with a big smile.

"You gonna keep me hanging?" I ask.


"Must be a good job if you're in this good of a mood with me around."

It was just a joke but she looks serious again.

"Look, it's not that I don't like you. You're annoying as hell and should quit acting like such an asshole but I think over all, you're a pretty good guy. I just don't see the point of getting attached."

'She likes me. She doesn't want to get attached which means there's the possibility she could. Ok, just keep playing it cool. None of the stupid games like usual. She likes you. Just be yourself.' I think as I fidget with my watch and rings.

"You alive over there?" Sam asks.

"I'm alive. Just uh. Don't you think that's kind of sad? I mean, I get being alone, but all the time?"

"I'm not alone right now." She says.

"But we aren't friends?"

"We're..." She pauses as she considers her next words.
"We're not-not friends..." She says as she pulls into the only diner open this late.

"But you like me."

Sam rolls her eyes.

"Hey, you're the one that said it." I say with a grin.

"Fuck off Munson." She says but lighter this time, jesting instead of harshly.

"How about temporary friends?" I suggest as we wait for food.

"Temporary friends?" She asks.

"Yeah. We can be friends but we both know that we're going to go separate ways, no hard feelings."

I watch as she thinks it over.

That's not all I want but it would be a start. Hell, her just talking to me and generally being around me is already an improvement.

"Temporary friends." She says with a small smile.

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