The Outsider Imagines: 2

ncurtis0991 tarafından

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Some imagines of all the outsiders!Requests welcome! Daha Fazla

Curtis sister imagine - Dancing
Curtis sister imagine: Seizure
Dally imagine: Pregnant - Part 1
Dally imagine: Pregnant - Part 2
Dally Imagine: Pregnant - Part 3
Dally Imagine: Pregnant - Part 4
Imagine: If Johnny was Pony - Part 1
Imagine: If Johnny was Pony - Part 2
Imagine: If Johnny was Pony - Part 3
Imagine: If Johnny was Pony - Part 4
Curtis sister/Gang imagine: Who broke it?
Steve Imagine: Bored, and alone
Curtis sister imagine: Cancer - Part 1
Curtis sister: Cancer - Part 2
Curtis sister Imagine: Cancer - Part 3
Authors note!Important!
Ponyboy Imagine - Fight
New Girl (Part 2 - smut)

New Girl

375 3 13
ncurtis0991 tarafından

This was a request from a very special girl and although I'm not active as much anymore I had to give her the imagine she always wanted. I hope you love it! I'm willing to take more requests! Lmk if you want a part 2 maybe with a little smut! Love y'all, thank you for your continuous support even with my inactivity! <3

Michelle's POV:

I was so nervous. Today was my first day at a new school. Me and my family moved to Tulsa halfway through the summer but even in that time I haven't met anyone. Mostly because I locked myself in my room because I was so scared. Being Dominican in a place mostly full of white people is a little scary. Where I moved from it was way more diverse. And with all the gangs I was too nervous to leave the house without my parents. I lay in my bed for 10 minutes before forcing myself to get out of bed. I looked at the clock, 7:15. I needed to be at school by 8. I had a good amount of time to get ready. Although I didn't plan on talking to anyone I wanted to at least make a good impression.

"Have a great day honey! You're gonna make so many friends I know it!" Mom said when she stopped the car in front of the school. I faked a smile and nodded.

"Thanks, Mom, I love you, you'll be here to pick me up after school right?" I said. She nodded.

"Love you, sweetie," she said. I got out of the car and started walking into the school. My nerves were so bad my hands were shaking. I fidgeted with my rings so people wouldn't notice the shaking. Nobody noticed me because everyone was preoccupied. Most of the girls were yelling and hugging each other frantically and most of the guys were checking them out. I cringed. After I got my schedule I stood in the corner of the lobby away from everyone. A few boys started walking to me. I pretended not to notice them and kept reading my schedule over and over. Two of them stood on either side of me and one stood in front of me. I looked up.

"Hey baby, what is a girl like you doing over here all alone?" the cocky, cologne-drowned, obviously rich guy in front of me said.

"I think she's new David, I know every hot girl in this school and I've never seen her before," the one to my left said, looking me up and down. I swallowed hard, wanting to run out of this school and never come back.

"Ohhhhhh a new girl, we love those," David said. "You single sweetie?".

"Yes but I'm not interested in you, so leave me alone!" I said, pushing my anxiety to the side. I wasn't gonna let these dumb-faced gorillas treat me like this. I pushed past them and walked away calmly but on the inside, I wanted to run. I walked into the girl's bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. I closed my eyes and tried not to cry. You're strong, so strong, you're a brave, powerful woman and like mom always says, you're better than any man could ever be. I opened my eyes and a group of girls was standing behind me, their eyes seemed to burn holes into my back.

"You're new aren't you?" the pretty redhead asked. I nodded. Not bothering to turn around.

"What's your name?," she asked.

"MIchelle," I said. I could just tell they were mean.

"Well that's a basic name," one of the other girls said.

"Yeah no one has a name as good as Cherry," the tallest one said. The pretty redhead smiled.

"Awww thanks Beck," Cherry said. I turned around. I went to leave the bathroom but the tallest girl stepped in front of me so I couldn't leave.

"Wait a second Michelle, we have some things we have to tell you," Cherry said. I turned towards her.

"What," I said sternly.

"Stay away from the guys in this school, a pretty girl like you is gonna have every guy wanting you and we don't need our men looking away from us for a second, especially Dallas Winston, keep your pants on sweetheart," Cherry said. Her friends laughed and they all walked out of the bathroom. Screw them, they're just stupid broads anyways, rich brats. I don't know who Dallas Winston is but I will be staying far away from him.

Ponyboys POV:

I walked into English class. I noticed a darker girl, a little darker than Johnny with brown eyes and brown long curly hair. I've never seen her before, so I assumed she was new. She just stared down at her hands and played with her rings. I felt bad for her. I'm that person a lot. And I don't want her to be alone. So I sat next to her.

"Hi, what's your name?," I asked. She looked up from her hands, surprised someone was talking to her. She looked scared.

"Michelle," she said. She had a nice voice. I could tell she was a nice person.

"Im Ponyboy, Ponyboy Curtis," I said. She looked shocked at my name, something I'm used to..

"That's a unique name," she said. I smiled.

"You're new aren't you?," I asked. She nodded.

Michelle POV:

"Hi, what's your name?," someone asked. I looked up to see a boy sitting next to me with dark brown hair smiling at me. Not another one.

"Michelle," I said. He smiled.

"Im Ponyboy, Ponyboy Curtis," he said. That's the most unique name I've ever heard, not weird, just unique. I liked it actually. I tried not to look shocked but I couldn't help it.

"That's a unique name," I said. He smiled. I wonder if people pick on him for his name.

"You're new aren't you?" he asked. I nodded. I hated being known as the new girl but at least this person seemed nice. Ponyboy was a good-looking guy but not really my type and I don't think he was talking to me because of my looks either.

"Have you met anyone you like yet?" he asked.

"Not really, so far everyone's really quiet or really mean," I said. He nodded. Like he understood the feeling.

"Well meet me out front after school and I'll introduce you to my friends, there are a good bunch of people," he said. I smiled.

"Okay, see you then," I said. Then at the perfect moment, the teacher started talking.

After school...

I waited outside looking around for Ponyboy. Nervous that someone was going to try something again. Finally, I saw him. He walked up to me with a smaller kid, about my skin tone, He looked shy and scared. Me too man

"Hey, this is Johnny, one of those friends I was telling you about," Ponyboy said.

"Hi," I said, trying to not be so awkward.

"Hey," he said quietly. We started walking to Ponyboy's house. I knew they weren't rich so I expected something much like my own house. Small but nice enough. When we got there I was nervous. I could already tell there were a bunch of men inside. My hands were shaking so I started playing with my shirt.

"Don't be nervous, they're all great," Ponyboy said. We walked through the front door. 5 men were scattered around the living room and dining room. I nearly gulped when I saw him. A tall guy with black hair and a cigarette in his mouth stood in the corner casually leaning against the wall. God was he gorgeous. Act naturally. I forced myself to swallow and smiled slightly.

"Who's the chick?" a man with a tattoo said when he stopped wrestling with a handsome movie star with an amazing smile.

"This is Michelle, she's new to the school and our new friend," Ponyboy said. He was so sweet and wholesome. The guy in the corner stared at me intently. I could tell he was biting back a smile.

"Well, welcome Michelle, I'm Darry," a very muscular Superman-like guy sitting in the armchair said. I smiled. He seemed nice. Ponyboy introduced everyone else, and the one smoking the cigarette was Dallas or Dally. I felt my heart skip 4 beats when he came over to shake my hand to introduce himself. Everyone else looked shocked as if he was doing something highly unusual. His hands were rough but also weirdly soft. I could have kissed him right there. He smiled at me with such genuine happiness I froze. When I realized I was staring into his eyes I smiled and looked away letting go of his hand.

"Let's go sit out front," Ponyboy said after he noticed what happened. Me, him, and Johnny sat on the top steps of the porch. I avoided eye contact, not wanting questions. I tried to come up with a lie but I couldn't help it. I fell so hard for Dallas.

"Michelle you like Dally don't you," Ponyboy said, looking at me seriously. I nodded slowly.

"But don't say anything!," I said. Our voices were low so they couldn't hear us from inside. But Steve and SOda started wrestling by the time we sat down so there was plenty of noise in the house. Especially TwoBits random yelling.

"Be careful, Dally is just a horndog," Ponyboy said.

"Just act like you don't care and you'll have him wrapped around your finger," Johnny said. I smiled at him and nodded. I love Johnny. We walked back into the house and I paid no attention to Dally, but every time his back was turned I made sure to stare long enough to fulfill my needs. I fooled around with all of the guys and from the 5 hours that I was at their house, we all became friends. And they invited me back over tomorrow. I even got to k; know Dally more and fell for him even harder. Then he offered to walk me home, and I almost kissed him right then and there. At first, the walk was silent but it didn't take long for him to start a conversation.

"You know you're really pretty," Dally said. I forced myself not to smile. I decided to play hard to get.

"A lot of men tell me that," I say almost cockily. Even tho it wasn't very true.

" Yeah but no one like me has ever said that to you," he said, almost drooling.

"Mmm, you're not that unique," I said. He rolled his eyes. Then we were standing in front of my house. I shooed him away so my family wouldn't see and went inside. After talking to my parents I ran to my room and plopped down on my bed, daydreaming harder than I ever have before. I was obsessed with Dallas Winston.

The next day - Afterschool

Me, Pony, and Johnny were on our way to Pony's house to meet with the gang again. I looked hotter than I normally do and I was excited to see Dally. We were going to play kickball in the lot and gosh was I excited to watch Dally play. When we started playing I was up to kick first. I felt all the eyes on me, especially Dallys who was the pitcher. I kicked the ball and he obviously let it go by him. I was angry, I didn't need him to do that. I played harder than I ever have and our team won. Dally was angry, he got beat by a girl, but he was also in awe.

" Good job sexy," he whispered in my ear as we walked past each other. I let myself slip and whined. Gosh he got to me so bad.

Later that night -

Dally sat out on the front porch alone, smoking a cigarette. I walked out and sat next to him. I took the cigarette from him and flicked it in the road.

"These are bad for you," I said. He scoffed.

"Not as bad for me as you are," He said, looking me in the eyes.

"What do you mean?," I asked. I was confused.

"I like you way too much than I should," he said. My mouth was practically a gape.

"I like you too," I whispered. I leaned in and kissed him. It was passionate and fiery. We both slid into the kiss...

Ignore any mistakes please!

Okumaya devam et

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