My Alien Soulmate

By Sarah__Leann

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When Daisy was abducted by aliens and forced to work on their ship, she felt hopeless as she watched species... More



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By Sarah__Leann

I could hear the crowd erupting, cheers and applause as everyone took their place on stage behind a set of ruby red drapes.

Hilz and Danik took centre stage while Vin stood just behind Hilz and Reela stood just behind Danik.

On the row behind stood Kordin and Yara, then Kai and I, then Kintel and Florna, and finally Klaus and Kiara.

Because I was much shorter than everyone else, a step had been placed beside Kai for me to stand on, otherwise, all I would see is the backs of everyone infront of me.

The crowd fell into hushed silence as the drapes began to open and I felt my heart pound.

As soon as Hilz and Danik stepped forward, the crowd went wild and it was clear to see that they were well liked and respected by the zaviour people.

Danik raised his hand and like magic, the crowd fell in to complete silence. I was astounded at how much control he held over them, but I knew it wasn't due to harsh consequences from disobedience. It was pure and utter respect.

His back was straight as he stood tall and he gave a nod before raising his head high.

"Thank you all for the marvellous welcome. It is our upmost pleasure to welcome you all hear today, to bear witness to the changing of hands."

Danik spoke loud and proud, pausing so that the crowd could applaud.

"For the past sixty years, myself and Lady Hilz have given our everything to ensure the safety and protection of every single soul that resides here on Zandara. We have had an exceptionally successful run and it has been our absolute pleasure to have had the opportunity to make a difference and see our planet thrive."

Scores of cheers erupted and I smiled as I watched people clap their hands and bow their heads at Danik"s words.

Sixty years was a long time and I had a hard time believing their ages due to their youthful looks.

Hilz then raised her hand and the silence swiftly returned.

"Now has come the time for Lord Danik and I to take a step back and relinquish our titles to the next generation with a changing of hands. We wholeheartedly believe that Lady Reela and Lord Vin will protect Zandara and continue our efforts in keeping us under the radar while also maintaining our relations with the Intergalactic Alliance."

Hilz paused so that Reela and Vin could nod in agreement and once again, the crowd applauded.

"We have thoroughly enjoyed our work over the years and it has been a magical reign. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it is our pleasure to introduce to you, your new leaders, Lady Reela and Lord Vin."

Danik and Hilz took a step back so that Reela and Vin could have their moment. They stepped forward to an outstanding applause. Cheers filled my ears and my insides were buzzing with joy.

Although I hadn't been on Zandara for very long, I felt like I was a part of the people, rejoicing in the moment as our new leaders took control.

"Thank you for such an extraordinary welcome. I, Lord Vin, and Lady Reela are humbled by the outpouring of love that you have shown for us here today." Vin spoke proudly.

"We are overjoyed that you could all be here today and thank you all for taking your time to witness such a joyous moment." Reela stated before turning her attention to Hilz and Danik.

"We thank you for bestowing us with the changing of hands and we pledge our lives to the safety of the people here on Zandara, along with our love, loyalty and respect."

Hilz and Danik gave a nod before Vin addressed the crowd.

"As we become the new leaders of Zandara, we also become a new bloodline as there were no descendants to our predecessors. With that, we would like to officially introduce to you, our line of heirs."

Although the zaviour population were familiar with Kai and his siblings, it was custom to announce them anyway. As a new bloodline, they needed to be officially introduced.

"Our son Kordin, first in line and his soulmate, Yara." Reela announced with pride.

Kordin and Yara gave a wave to the crowd before Reela quickly moved on.

"Our son Kai, second in line and his soulmate, Daisy."

At first, the crowd spoke in hushed whispers. Probably because not everyone was aware that Kai had found his soulmate.

I felt awkward, standing there as I caught people staaring up at me and then whispering to one another.

It only lasted seconds but each one was agonisingly slow.

After the initial shock, people began to clap and cheer, and I blew out a sigh of relief before Reela moved on.

It isn't common knowledge that I found you. Most people still believe I'm living a life of despair, unaware that you are here so they were shocked to hear about you, let alone see you. Kai spoke in my mind.

But, I thought everyone knew. The rescue mission was common knowledge, wasn't it?

Alot of people know of you, my love, but many of the people here today have travelled from the other side of the planet. News to those parts travels slow. It wasn't something we wanted to broadcast so it is a surprise to alot of people to see you here.

You could have warned me. I tutted.

And cause you to panic even more? Never. Besides, they love you. They wouldn't have cheered if they didn't.

Once Kai and I had finished our brief conversation, I heard Reela announce Kiara and Klaus, and as I turned to glance over at them, I saw that Kiara was clenching her fists and frowning whilst trying to smile and wave.

Her soulmate was here and he was close. I just knew it. I remembered that buzzing very well and it knocked me to the ground the first time Kai was close.

I wasn't sure if anyone else had noticed and from what I observed, they didn't.

I scanned the crowd, looking for anyone that could be her possible soulmate but there were just too many faces to look at.

Luckily, Reela and Vin soon dismissed us, leaving themselves, Hilz and Danik, to carry on with the ceremony.

When we were off of the stage and out of view from everyone, I quickly made my way to Kiara.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked, quickly, before Kai joined us.

"Just about. This buzzing is unbearable. I tried to find him in the crowd but it was like searching for a tooth in the ocean."

Tooth in the ocean? That's a new one, I thought, chuckling to myself.

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Not really. It's down to him to find me but I worry he will have a tough time with all of the security around."

What a day to become a princess figure when your soulmate is looking for you.

I felt bad for Kiara. I knew I couldn't help with finding her soulmate, so I offerwd her the one thing that may be of help. Alcohol.

"Can I get you a drink?"

"Yes! Please.."

"Coming up." I smiled before turning to Kai as he stood beside me.

"Where can I get a drink?" I asked him, innocently.

"Really?" He cocked his head.

"Not for me, for Kiara. Something strong." I insisted, and he placed his hand in mine, leading me to a small building behind the stage.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong with her?"

He looked at me, sternly and I laughed at his attempt to make me talk.

"I'm your soulmate. That stare doesn't work on me. Nice try though."

"Why won't you tell me?" He huffed as he filled a cup for Kiara.

"Because it isn't for me to tell. Kiara specifically told me that I can't tell anyone so that's what I'm going to do."

"Is she in trouble?"

I sighed, looking up at him. "No, nothing bad. She will tell you soon, I promise. Can you just trust me, please? She's fine, honestly. Please don't force me to tell you."

"Fine. Alright. I'll drop it. Just make sure you come to me if whatever this is doesn't end well."

I smiled, nodding. "I will."

He handed me Kiara's drink and left me to go back to her while he went to find Kordin.

"Here." I gave Kiara her drink and she quickly gulped it down.

"Thank you."

"How are you feeling?" I asked sympathetically.

"A little bit better. The buzzing has dulled, for now."

"I thought they were going to reject you for a moment there, little earthling." A familiar voice chimed from behind me.

"You and me both." I stated, turning around to see Klaus.

"I was preparing to fight alongside Kai to support your little human butt. They're lucky they like you." He growled, playfully.

"Really? You're afraid of spiders, Klaus. I'd love to see you stand up to anything bigger than a fingernail." Kiara laughed.

"Spiders have twelve legs, six eyes and fly at your face. Those creatures should be eradicated. They're freaky." He shuddered, as a strage strangling noise came out of his mouth.

I snorted a laugh. "Spiders only have eight legs on Earth and they can't fly either. They sound awesome." I mused.

I had never been afraid of bugs. My parents made a little bug hotel in our garden when I was young and I'd spend hours observing them, jotting down notes and making little presentations about them.

"Try having one run up your shorts. I promise you, it isn't fun." He dead-panned, and I looked down at me feet, stifling a laugh.

"Did you guys see where Florna and Kintel went?" I asked after a moment of silence.

"They probably planned an escape while no one was looking." Klaus chirrped.

"They went back to Florna's holding cell." Kiara stated.

"Oh? I thought they were allowed the whole day here?"

"They were. But Florna doesn't have the nerve to face the family right now."

"That's too bad. I was hoping to speak to her about her case next week." I mumbled.

"Are you sure you want to help her? The way she treated you was abysmal. You almost died because of her."

"I know you all think I'm crazy but I strongly believe that she's not as bad as I originally thought. Yes she made some huge mistakes but she isn't the only one to blame. She wasn't in the right frame of mind and it was her way of lashing out when she thought she'd lost Dazna."

Kiara looked at me with a sigh. "You're too nice. If it was up to me, she'd be locked away for life."

I could overhear the crowd going wild, signalling that the changing of hands was complete and I took that as my cue to find Kai.

He was still with Kordin but headed towards me when our eyes met.

"You really do look incredible, Daisy." He breathed in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"You don't look too bad yourself in that suit. Although, you could have made more of an effort with your hair." I teased.

"And out do you? Never." He grinned. "The party is about to start. May I escort you to the lounge?" He grinned, holding out his arm.

"Indeed." I smiled, holding onto him as we made our way to a lavish building by the stage.

It wasn't big enough to host all of the attendees, so they would come and go throughout the day so that everyone had a chance to meet their new leaders of Zandara.

Inside the lounge was incredible. The lighting was dim as fairy lights glowed from the ceiling. There were huge seating areas scattered around with rows upon rows of tables filled with food.

Multiple fountains lined the back wall, each one filled with alcohol, and music played in the background as people gathered inside.

The building was the size of a football stadium, I'd never seen anything of such a sheer size.

"I can't get over how everything here is so grand." I stated.

"This is mellow compared to other planets." Kai chuckled.

"I'm guessing I got the short straw being born on Earth then?"

"It is a little.. crammed, isn't it?" Kai laughed and I nodded in agreement.

Throughout the day, I watched as zaviours came and went and as the time passed, it was clear to see that everyone was getting absolutely wasted.

The amount of alcohol consumed by everyone made my liver want to explode. Never in my entire life would I be able to handle the amounts that they could.

The only sober people in the room were Kai and Kordin, aswell as myself, but that was only due to the fact that we still had matters to attend to later in the evening.

I hadn't seen Kiara for a while, leading me to suspect that she had found her soulmate, or that he had found her.

Klaus was doing a head spin on one of the empty tables and I caught a glimpse of Vin and Reela, conversing with Hilz and Danik while a group of people surrounded them.

Kai had done his best to keep people from getting too close to me. He worried that I'd be squished by six foot zaviours but with a body guard like him, no one even tried.

As the darkness settled in and the music blared, Kordin made his way over to Kai and I, leaving a very drunk Yara with an even drunken Klaus and signalled that it was time to leave.

It was easy to leave without being noticed, making our way to a shuttle that took us back to Hilz and Danik's house.

We quickly made our way through the house and back to our own shuttles.

Kordin let us know that Haldon would meet us at the building that housed Felix and then we all made our way there, Kai and I sitting in silence as we travelled trough the darkness to grant Felix his wish.


As promiseed, a double update for today. The next part will be posted shortly, so keep your eyes peeled!

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Any predictions about what's going to happen next? Let me know 😊

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