A Magician's Lament

By MagicianRabbid364

328 6 16

(Disclaimer: In order to understand this story you need to watch the Rabbids Invasion episode "Queen of Rabbi... More

Chapter 2: A Familiar Face

Chapter 1: Rain on The Roaming Rabbid

95 2 2
By MagicianRabbid364

After the Magician leaves the junkyard he starts to get a little teary eyed as he talks to himself.

"It's not fair, how could they do this to me. I'm supposed to be the greatest magician in the world, not that face haired copycat. I mean l was a part of the invasion on both earth and the glade. His magic isn't even real nor is it original."

The bunny walks down a long street grieving about losing his job as continues to talk to himself.

"That girl...that stupid girl...she took my fame...my talent...she ruined my life. I wish I could find her and make her pay for destroying my career and-"

Before he could finish his sentence rabbid is hit by a truck from behind. The bunny is stuck to the front of the vehicle for a while until he reaches the city streets. The truck stops on a red sign launching the bunny off of it.

"ACK watch where you're driving bum."

The Magician looks around to see humans and rabbids walking around the city. He then starts to ponder. *Honking*

"HEY MOVE OUT OF THE STREET YOU STUPID RABBID" Says the truck driver. The Magician moves out of the way on to the crosswalk. He continued to ponder until he got an idea.

"Hmm what if I show these humans and rabbids all the amazing magic I can do. That way I can convince Barranco 3 to give me my job back and get rid of that hazbin. But where to find some magician stuff?"

The Magician tries to communicate with some humans. "Hello giant hairy creatures, could you help me find where the magician stuff is?" Sadly what the magician doesn't know is that humans don't understand a rabbids unique language.

"What is this thing talking about?"

"I don't know but it sounds stupid"

"Let's just ignore it and it will go away."

The Magician is confused and starts to pester the humans more.

"Hey out of my way you stupid idiot"

"What, but you didn't answer my question? HEY I'M TALKING TO YOU!" The Magician Bunny angrily.


One of the humans kicks the rabbid out of his way, launching him onto the other side of the street. He then lands in front of four other rabbids just minding their own business.

"Woah where did he come from?"

"I don't know?"

The Magician gets up and asks the four Rabbids where to find some magician stuff. "Say you guys know where the magician stuff is?"

"Uhh no" "Nope" "Sorry mate"




The Magician sighs "Fine I'll just find some magician stuff myself since nobody else wants to help" The Magician says pushing away the other Rabbids.

"Man, what pissed him off?"

"I don't know nor do I care" The Magician walks aimlessly through the city not knowing where to go or what to do next.

"This is stupid...these people can't help a single bunny find some magician stuff. God tonight freaking sucks I don't see how it could get worse." The Magician frustratingly says. Unfortunately it does as the noise of thunder starts and water comes out of the sky. Should've kept his mouth shut in all honesty

"Oh no no no C'MON ARE YOU KIDDING ME! GAH I need to find a place to stay dry."The Magician tries to find a place to dry off at. He tries to steal an umbrella from one of the humans but it goes as well as you expect.

"Hey get off of me you whipper snapper" The old human smacks the Magician away from his umbrella. "Ugh fine" The Magician continues to find a place to dry off. He once again talks to himself.

"Why...why is this happening to me? Why do I have to be replaced, why am I out in the rain having to roam without a home, why am I punished. It's just not fair." The Magician decides to sit down as he thinks he won't be able to find a place to live in nor find any magic stuff.

"Stupid Barranco. Thinking he knows best. He hasn't made another world domination plan in a couple of years. If I was in charge I would've taken over this planet without any problems."

The Magician starts to get tired as his eyes begin to tire. He is about to sleep in the rain. Tho before he could he here's the sound of a shopping cart going fast. "Huh?"


"GAAAH" The bunny says, startled by a bunch of bunnies on a shopping cart. He looks at where they came from and sees a light which so happens to be a shop that's still open.

"Ahh there's a place I can go" The Magician runs into the store and dries off his outfit and hair. He looks around to see a bunch of humans shopping for stuff by using shopping carts.

"Hmm, of course I can just get some magician stuff in this place. Then I can finally rebuild my reputation as the greatest magician in the world" The Magician gets a shopping cart and tries to find some magician material.

"Hmm now where do I find some magician stuff? I mean this store has a lot of stuff there's gotta be some in here."

The Magician looks through the isles looking for the material he needs to do magic again. He thinks about talking to the humans who work here and the rabbids that are riding the carts in the store but retracts his idea after his previous interaction. He walks around the store quickly lossing his patients.

"Ughhhh where the bloody hell are they!?" The Magician flips his shopping cart in frustration as he is unable to find magician equipment. That is until he sees a couple of Rabbids grabbing something on one of the top shelves. He walks up to them to see the object they are trying to grab. Conveniently it's the stuff that he is trying to find. It's a special magician box that has a new fancy suit, tophat, and "magic" wand.

"Yes finally" The Magician goes up to the two rabbids to get the box.

"Excuse me, could y'all please give me that box?"

"What why?"

"Well I need it for special purposes"

"Yeah no we're giving this to Magic Rabbid. He says he needs a new outfit for his new show "

"Come On You take one box and I take another ehh it's a win win "

"You realize this is the last box right?"

"Oh...well um... how about I just test it out so it fits that other magical bunny eh"

The two Rabbids think about it for a couple of seconds. "Sure give it a try" "Thank you kind bunnies"

The two Rabbids give the box to the Magician. He takes off his dirty clothes and puts on his new fancy suit, a top hat that shows his ears, and a new magic wand. The Magician looks at the store's freezer to see his reflection.

"Oh man, I look so damn beautiful. I could even say down right sexy."

"Great, now that we know it fits, could you give the costume back to us?"

"Oh sure here you go" The Magician gives the empty box to the Rabbids.

"Hey umm you realize you need to put the clothes in the-" Before he could finish talking the Magician starts running. "HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?"

The two Rabbids after realizing they got duped give chase. The three Rabbids end up causing chaos as they tip over isles, break items and just being a complete nuisance to the humans. Some humans run out of the store to avoid the chaos.



The Magician tries his best to avoid the two rabbids either throwing stuff at them, using said stuff like toasters to keep them away. The two Rabbids start doing the same to catch up. Other Rabbids look upon the destruction and watch cheering on the chase. Security officers jump in to stop the bunnies from making a mess at the store.

"Halt you three!" The Magician, using his quick thinking, throws his wand at the officer. Not only does it hit him, the wand falls behind the officer and on to the Magician's hand. The two other Rabbids get past the officer and continue to chase the Magician.

More Rabbids in the store start to watch and become more interested in the chase, eating and drinking food like in a movie theater. The remaining humans watch as the store get's more and more messy thanks to the three bunnies.

"Does anyone have the number for the Verminators?"

"Yeah I'll call them to stop this nonsense"

The two Rabbids stop and look at the drinks that have fallen on the floor and see that they are cans of pepper juice.

"Hey look we can use these drinks to catch him"

"Good idea joe"

The two bunnies eat the cans and get all hyper and fast so they can catch the Magician. The Magician looks back to the two Rabbids gaining on his butt. Quickly thinking of a way to make sure they don't catch him, the Magician picks up a bottle of dishwashing detergent and dumps the whole gallon on the floor. The two Rabbids try to stop themselves but they're already slipping and sliding all over the floor.

Cleanbots start to drop in so they can clean up the mess the Rabbids have made though they only made it more interesting for the Rabbids watching. The Magician jumps on one of the cleanbots chasing the two Rabbids away. The crowd cheers and yells more and more as the battle for the Magician's clothing continues.

"HAHA You fools will never catch me" The Magician says as he slips off the cleanbot and onto the floor. The two Rabbids grab him trying to get him to take off the suit.

"Give back the suit man"

"No I deserve this suit after everything I've been through tonight"

"That suit is not for you it's for Magic Rabbid"

"Oh shut up, that bootleg bunny does not deserve this suit. I'm the original Magician Rabbid. I'm the only one in that damn junkyard who knows what real magic truly is. Not that mustache wearing maggot or that stupid blonde bitch."

"You say that like we're supposed to know you?"

"Why you little sh-"

Just then the glass door and windows break as a team of Verminators break in the store to contain the Rabbids. "Alright you varmints. Playtime is over"

All of the bunnies freak out and try to escape. The two Rabbids leave quickly without the suit. The Magician tries to escape but unfortunately he is captured by the Verminators. At least he still has his suit hat and wand. "Gotcha"

"HEY LET ME GO YOU IDIOT GRAH" "Stop squirming you little rodent"

The Verminators leave the store with a couple of Rabbids including the Magician.

He is caged up and thrown to the back of the one of the vans where he sees other stray animals. The vehicle moves as the Verminators ride off back to base."GRAH who do these people think I am some wild animal. I'll break out of here and show those idiots not to mess with me" The Magician tries to move the cage in hopes of breaking out. Of course it doesn't work.

"Ugh this isn't gonna work" The Magician looks at his cage to see a keyhole.

"Hmm how am I gonna open this thing?" The Magician thinks of a way to open the keyhole.

"Ahh I've got it"

The Magician picks up his wand that he had and tries to unlock the cage. An octopus looks at the Rabbids' attempt and laughs at his stupidity. However that laughter is turned to shock as the Magician was somehow able to unlock the cage.

"Ha I knew this would work. Now to get out of this vehicle"

The Magician looks at the back door and tries to push it to escape. The octopus tries to communicate with him by telling him to unlock his cage so he can help him. The Magician is confused as he doesn't understand octopus language. The cephalopod points at his wand and back at his key hole. The Magician starts to laugh.

"Pff HAHAHAHAHAHA oh you think I'm gonna free you stupid creatures? Please you fools are nothing to me" The magician says with a smug face. "I'm breaking out of here alone as I am too high on the important species list to even think about letting you smelly animals out."

This makes all the animals mad as they try to break out of their cages.

"Ha ha keep trying dummies as long as I have this wand none of you are getting out."

The magician says as he continues to push down the door. The octopus has had enough and uses his tentacles to grab the wand from his hands.

"Hey give that back"

The Magician says. The octopus frees himself including all of the animals the Magician insulted.

"Umm hehehe...look you all know I didn't actually mean it all right? I mean c'mon I wasn't actually gonna leave you all. I was joking hehehe...oh god"

The animals attacked the Magician scratching, punching, poking, bitting and slamming him inside the truck.


As the beating continues the door keeping the animals in the vehicle opens thanks to them slamming the bunny into the door. They realize jumping off would injure them incredibly so they don't leap off. However they decide to throw the Magician off the truck as revenge.

"Hey hey what are y'all doing? WAIT WAIT PLEASE I'M SORRY I'M SORRY" The animals ignore his cries of mercy and throw him off the vehicle. "AHHHHHHHHH"

The Magician falls in the middle of the road. He is in a lot of pain from both the beating from the animals and falling into the hard road. He tries to get up but not only is he too weak he is also bloodied and bruised and his vision and hearing are starting to fail him. Before he blacks out he sees a blurry vision of someone running up to him.

"Oh you poor thing you look so hurt. Don't worry I'll take you home and make you feel much better."

The Magician finally blacks out.

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