Light in the Darkness (Englis...

נכתב על ידי adastra000

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We live in a world where the power of Darkness and Light is passed from person to person. This balance mainta... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - The past
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 10

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נכתב על ידי adastra000


Present (2017)

I suddenly sat up, waking from my nightmares so abruptly that I nearly collided with the boy in front of me. Daniel gently held my face in both of his hands and used his thumb to wipe away my tears.

"What happened?" he asked in that gentle voice, just like the day we first met when he was fifteen. I remember him so clearly, the kindness in his words, his actions, as if that day were just yesterday.

I snuggled closer to him, pressing my face against his chest. Daniel must have taken a shower while I slept because he had the scent of the soap left in the bathroom.

"I'm here," he said and began to stroke my back. My heart, which had been racing so frantically, finally started to calm down.

I climbed out of his embrace.

"I couldn't help you. I couldn't... the Light didn't help... you died. And I had to watch," I recounted the events of my dream to him.

"Everything is fine now. I'm here, whole, nothing happened. And nothing will. Don't let your dreams scare you. You've always been able to use your healing power. It won't let you down. Just as you won't let me down. And I won't leave you. You know that."

"You're very committed. That's good. How long have you been here?" I asked.

"I just got here a few minutes ago. I wanted to check if you were still asleep. And as soon as I closed the door behind me, you started screaming... you know the rest."

"I'm glad you came," I told him, looking at him with gratitude.

"I always seem to arrive at the right time. It's like I can feel when you need me."

"It's not that you always come at the right time, because you're always with me, Dan! Today was the first time we went somewhere separately," I remarked.

"And is that a problem? Don't you want me to be with you?" he asked.

"Oh, that's not what I meant! Of course, I want you to be with me. I feel so much better when you're around," I replied.

"I will always be with you, even if you didn't want me to. I will never leave you alone," Daniel said with a completely serious expression.


"Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, I want to be with you."

My face was burning, and I was grateful for the darkness because Daniel couldn't see my red face clearly. But I could see his face. That's why I was thankful for the Light, thanks to my power, I could see much clearer.

His face was also red, but he was grinning like never before. His eyes sparkled, and I saw a new kind of emotion in them that I had never noticed before.

"I really mean it all. I'll always be with you because my heart pulls me towards you, and where you are, I want to be there too. I have to be there because I just can't stand being without you. I need your smile, your presence, your scent... I need you. And I have to see you; I have to see if someone wants to harm you, I need to see what happens to you."

Daniel placed his hand on mine, and his skin was very warm, almost hot, but his touch felt so good that I wouldn't have cared if his hands were actually on fire.

"No one can harm you. I won't let anyone... and no one else can touch you the way I do..." His hand slowly moved up my arm, sending shivers down my skin. When he reached my shoulder, he removed his hand and placed it on my face, gently caressing my skin, then leaned in slowly.

His lips pressed gently against mine. He kissed me so tenderly, so delicately. His lips were so soft, and he tasted so sweet. His hands slid to my waist, pulling my body closer to his.

My arms moved as well, wrapping around his neck and tangling in his lush hair. The kiss grew more intense, and his hands found their way under my shirt, tracing my back with a gentle touch.

Then, a knock on the door interrupted us.

I pulled away from him, hopped off the bed, and rushed to the door. Just as I arrived, the doorknob turned downward, and the door swung open.

"Hi, Ana!" Lisa greeted me with a smile. "Is Daniel still here? I saw him come in."

"Yes, I'm here," Daniel responded from behind me. "What do you need?"

"I heard that Sarah is looking for you. I thought I'd let you know. She doesn't know you're here."

"Why is Sarah looking for me at this hour?" Daniel asked, looking at me. "Oh, right, I haven't talked to her since you healed me."

"And she knows you're not sleeping," Lisa added.

"I'll go find her," Daniel said, giving me a quick hug before leaving the room.

"I should go too. I'd like to get some more sleep."

I nodded and closed the door after Lisa, then returned to the bed.

Daniel kissed me.

Daniel kissed me!

And it felt so good, I wanted him to do it again! Maybe I'd been longing for this for a long time, and I just hadn't realized it myself. I'd always loved him, from the very first day, though I hadn't been clear on the fact that it was more than just friendship.

But now he left me alone, and I can't even talk to him about it...

My thoughts were interrupted by another knock on the door. After the knock, the door opened, and I saw Leon's face as he carefully entered the room.

"So, you're awake."

"I woke up not too long ago. I'm not tired anymore." I replied.

"Then, how about we chat a bit? Make up for the lost years."

I was grateful for his presence. At least now, I wouldn't be obsessing over Daniel and the kiss all the time.

"I like your suggestion," I said, moving closer to him and resting my head on his shoulder. "Tell me about you and Mark."

"Mark... well, when I met him, it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I was alone and terrified. Then he appeared, took my hand, smiled brightly at me, and held me tight. I felt so at ease in that moment! I can't even imagine what might have happened to me if we hadn't met back then. He helped me, always stood by my side, tried to console everyone, loved his siblings immensely, always did whatever he could to bring happiness to them, even if it was just for a short while. He missed Daniel terribly. More than anyone else, he wished he could have stayed with his father... I've never seen so much love, such a powerful love, emanate from someone's heart. I've always looked up to him, and I still do."

"I really want to meet him soon," I said.

"He's eagerly waiting to see you too," Leon replied.

"I wish all of this had happened sooner... I mean, I wish I'd realized earlier that I was the Light! I wasted so many years..."

"It's not your fault, Ana. You couldn't have known. Why would you have thought you were the Light? Don't blame yourself. We did everything we could for you. We saved a lot of people. Now, we're going to help you end all of this. It had to happen this way. If you had been with us from the beginning, if Dad hadn't transformed, we might not have been able to save people because somehow Dorian would have known that you were in the Camp, and he would have come for you immediately. We wouldn't have stood a chance. But we do now. I know it."

"I hope you're right," I said, and after a moment, I asked another question, "How long have you been together? You and Mark."

"Four years."

"Wow, that's amazing!"

"What I'm about to say should remain a secret."

"I promise I won't tell anyone."

"I'm going to propose to him when we get back."

This revelation made me jump to my feet, clapping and cheering in joy.

"Calm down, calm down," Leon said, though he joined me in celebrating.


"On the same day when we get back. I've already planned everything."

The sparkle in my brother's eyes at that moment made them shine brighter than the stars in the sky.

"No one else should know about it. I want it to be a surprise. I didn't tell Elise or the others, only Dad and Chris knows. It'll be so much better this way. But enough about me; it's your turn now. Tell me, is there someone you like?" Leon asked with a smile.

"It's possible," I replied softly.

I was reminded of the kiss with Daniel, the taste of his lips, the way his hand felt on my back and waist, and the emotions it stirred within me.

"That's not very convincing. Is it Daniel? Alexander? Or maybe Sarah?"

"I... I just...," I started but couldn't find the words, feeling incredibly flustered.

"I see, I see. So, which boy is it?"

"Daniel kissed me earlier," I finally blurted out.

"How interesting. Our family seems to really like the Clark family," Leon laughed.

"For a long time, I didn't realize that it was more than friendship. Ever since all of this started, he's been by my side, slept beside me, and always comforted me. We did everything together, and over the years, things... changed. His body, his face... I knew I found him attractive. I just didn't realize that what I felt was love. But after today, I know that I love him. I'm in love."

Leon was about to say something, but the words caught in his throat. He clutched his hands to his ears, his eyes started to glow, and he clenched his mouth as if in pain. It only lasted for a few moments, though.

"Leon?" I asked, grabbing his shoulder after he finally lowered his hands. His eyes were still closed. "What happened?"

"A vision. Shortly before we found you... we met someone, a man. We asked if he had seen you or heard of you. We even mentioned your name, but he said he hadn't met you. I could tell he was hiding something. I didn't know what he wasn't telling us, but I never thought he was lying about you. But he was lying, and he lied because he began to suspect that you might be the Light, and he knew you. It was Dorian. Dorian was right in front of me, and I didn't even realize it. I know because I saw him again in the vision, approaching the city, very angry, with his sword and accompanied by Dark Ones. He's ready to eliminate the threat you pose right away. We need to leave now. I feel like this vision is going to happen soon."

"We have a few patrols nearby," Leon said after everyone had packed up. Now we were standing in front of the house, ready to depart. "I'll go ahead on horseback, and the rest of you should continue with Chris. He knows the way. We'll meet at the usual spot. I'll hurry as much as I can." Leon pulled me into a tight hug and then turned to Luna. "You can ride with the other horse, along with your sister. You'll be safer with the others. Warriors will surround us, trying to protect people at all costs."

"What about Ana? She could go with you," Luna said, glancing towards me.

"Leon knows I wouldn't leave my friends behind. I'm not going anywhere without them. And I'd feel more comfortable if Lisa were with more trained people. I know she's brave, strong, and can fight, but she's still a kid. I wouldn't want to put her up against Dorian."

"Just as a side note, Ana, you're Dorian's primary target. You'd be protecting us by going with Leon. And you're a kid as well," Alex pointed out.

"It's not just her who's targeted," Daniel spoke up, stepping alongside me. "He wants me back just as much as he wants Ana. And he'd happily take you out. So... I think the only person he won't pursue in this group is Sarah."

"Still doesn't make me feel any better," both Alex and Sarah chimed in simultaneously. In the meantime, Luna, not paying much attention to the conversation, mounted the horse. Alex approached Lisa, who was looking at him, and helped her climb up onto the horse behind Luna. Lisa smiled at him, thanking him for the assistance.

"Don't worry; he won't catch up with us immediately. This was just a vision, so it hasn't happened yet. He won't arrive in the city right away, and it took us some time too," Leon reassured everyone.

"I think it's time to go," Chris said, appearing behind me. He placed his hand on my shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze.

Leon nodded to Chris and set off with the girls. The rest of us did the same.

We started running again, taking detours through various parts of the city, sometimes moving through narrow alleys and other times crossing wider areas. We didn't encounter many Dark Ones in the city, and when we did, it was usually in pairs or small groups. We easily dispatched them from a distance using our bows.

We only slowed down when Chris announced that we had moved far enough from the city. We left the road and continued walking through a meadow. Chris then led us onto a trail, and we all followed. The trail led to a lake surrounded by trees, and picnic tables lined the shore.

"This is where we'll meet Leon and his team, not the entire team, just those who are nearby. I've already messaged him that we've arrived safely, but he hasn't responded yet. I checked our location trackers, and they're getting close. They should be here soon," Chris said.

Everyone settled at one of the picnic tables, and for a few minutes, we sat in silence. Sarah unzipped her backpack and took out two water bottles. She handed one to me, unscrewed the cap of the other one to take a sip. When she was done, she handed the bottle to Alex, and I gave mine to Daniel. Chris also took out a bottle from his own bag.

"How long until they get here?" Sarah asked.

"About thirty minutes if nothing slows them down along the way," Chris replied.

"Great," Alex commented. "So, are we just going to sit here and wait? I suggest we prepare some food to welcome Dorian when he arrives. Maybe he'll appreciate our hospitality."

Chris elbowed him gently. "He won't be getting here. Relax, Norman. For Dorian to follow us, he needs sleep too. I doubt he can move while asleep."

"I could try to find out where he is right now," I suggested.

"If you manage to do so while falling asleep," Chris replied.

"I'll give it a shot," I said. I got up from the table, moved closer to the lake, and sat down in the grass. I was just about to lay down when I felt a hand on my back. I didn't need to turn around to know it was Daniel.


"Hi!" Ana greeted me. She patted the ground beside her, signaling me to sit down. Smiling, she watched as I took a seat beside her and then snuggled closer to me. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, and she rested her head on my shoulder.

"I didn't want you to lie down on the ground alone," I mentioned.

"Is everything okay, Daniel? You seem tense," Ana asked with concern.

"I was just thinking a lot on the way here. About my father. The Darkness. Myself. I'm the... heir. Whatever happens, the Darkness will ultimately be in me. It also worries me that I still have no idea what I'm capable of. Why I'm so special to him. What if I do something that harms you? I mean, if there's a part of the Darkness inside me..."

"I didn't harm you with the Light either. I don't think you'll use it in a way that concerns your father. You're not like him, Dan. You're not him. I know that. You won't use it in the way he does. You shouldn't worry about inheriting the Darkness; it won't cause you or me any harm. You're not your father. We can both let it go, the sword, our powers, and just let everything go back to how it was. Everything will be fine."

It's incredible how just being close, having her here with me, has such a powerful effect on me. No one else could calm me like this, no one else could make me forget the horrors that have happened and are happening. With her, I feel like I'm not afraid of anything. In moments like these, everything else fades away around me. It's just her and me. Nothing else matters. No one else matters.

I'm madly in love with you, Ana Lewis, from the very first day. 

"I love you," I said out loud.

"I love you too," she replied, lifting her head from my shoulder.

"I want you to understand how deep and sincere my feelings are for you. I mean, I love you, I'm in love with you. Since the day I met you. And maybe this sounds incredibly, but it's as if every single day my love for you just keeps growing stronger within me. You always do something that drives me crazy. I don't even know how I managed to wait this long. Why did I only kiss you now? I've been longing for this moment for so long, Ana! Every night when you fell asleep in my arms, I–"

I fell silent, turning to the girl, and looked into her beautiful, sky-blue eyes. She still smiled brilliantly, her hair falling onto her face, but she didn't seem to mind at all.

I wanted to take a picture of her to capture this moment forever. I would frame it and put it on my wall eventually.

But chances are I won't even forget this moment. I'll never forget anything I experience with Ana, not a single moment. How could I forget?

"You're so enchanting," I said, raising my hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear that had fallen into her face. After pulling my hand away, Ana wrapped her arms around my neck. I embraced her too, stroking her hair and breathing in her scent.

"I don't understand why you waited so long to do this," she said.

"Does that mean you don't just want to be best friends?" I asked.

"I love you too, Daniel. I'm in love with you."

"Weren't you trying to find Dorian, Ana?" Alex spoke up from the tables.

I felt a strong urge to throw the guy into the lake and hold his head underwater for a while. Ana laughed, and that laughter was music to my ears. There was nothing in her that I didn't love.

"He is right," Ana replied.

"Just lie down," I said, extending my legs and patting them.

Ana rested her head on my legs, our gazes met, and then she closed her eyes with a smile.

I leaned down and gently kissed her lips.


I watched Daniel and Ana. The girl radiated happiness, and the way Daniel looked at her was indescribable.

I won't deny it; I felt a bit jealous. Ana had found her long-lost brother, discovered her father was still alive, and even reunited with her old friend. All her loved ones were still alive, except her mother. She had Daniel, and Daniel's family was also alive in the Camp.

And then there was me, having lost everyone. Only Alex remained with me. I have no idea what I would do if he weren't here anymore. The thought alone makes me feel unwell.

Ana is the Light. She has nothing to fear from the Darks, unlike me. She only needs to worry about Dorian, but everyone should be concerned about him. However, Dorian poses a much greater threat to her since she's his target. If he captures her, nothing will ever be the same.

I looked up at the sky and silently recited everyone's names.

Mom. Dad. 

Andrea. Samuel. 


Cassidy. Avery. Katelyn. Little Liam.

I hope you're in a much better place. I hope you're with your families again.


"Piper," I said her name aloud again. "We'll meet again soon."

"You can be sure of that. I recommend she throws herself straight into our arms," Alex said, sitting back down next to me. Earlier, he and Chris had looked around to see if anyone was lurking here. Or anything.

Chris stayed back a bit, speaking with someone on the device he held, which they called a phone, although it didn't look entirely like a phone.

"I'm definitely going to throw myself into her arms. Maybe it will happen at the same time," I said, smiling.

"Don't leave me out!" Alex interjected.

"Alex?" I hesitated.


"Do you... still think about..."

Alex's eyes darkened immediately. His whole body tensed.

"You don't have to say her name. I think about all of them too. With Liam in my arms..."

He clenched his fist, and I took his hand in mine.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have..."

"No, it's okay. We have to remember them. Sometimes we have to talk about them. At least in our memories, they live on."

"I miss Katelyn. She was always so cheerful! And those silly motivational speeches..."

"The ones that got on my nerves, yeah, I remember."

"Do you miss her too?"

He took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly.

"I miss her too. I miss them all. I wish I could have done something..."

"What if we meet him again?"

My brother looked toward Daniel and the others.

"I don't think we should worry about that. Even if we do meet him, things will be different now."

"I hope so..."

We sat in silence for a while, holding each other's hands.

"Ana is happy," I broke the silence.

"Of course she is. Things have worked out quite well for her."

"Are you happy?" I asked.

The unexpected question caught him off guard, and I could see the surprise on his face. He usually makes an effort to hide any emotions, but this question seemed to have pierced right through him.

"You're here with me, Sarah. I don't need anything else. When I see you happy, that's more than enough for me. Your happiness is my happiness," he replied, and for a moment, a genuine smile graced his lips.

"I'm happy when I'm with you, Alex. But there can be happiness in other things too, as I've said. I see what you're doing, and it's almost painful for me to watch. Why do you push everyone away? Why do you treat them like this? I know you're doing it intentionally. Why? Why don't you allow yourself—"

"Enough, Sarah. I'm perfectly fine with you, even without others. I seriously believe that your happiness is my happiness. It's always been this way, and it will continue to be. I'm content worrying about you. I don't want to worry about more people. I don't want to lose more people over and over again. I'm tired of it," Alex interrupted, his voice laced with frustration.


"I wouldn't be able to bear that pain again, the pain I've constantly felt. Not again. Everyone I loved has died! I'm almost convinced it's a curse. I can't love them," he concluded, and I could see that he was on the verge of falling apart. His eyes were filled with pain, regret, and fear, revealing the truth—he does love them already.


I stood in the city, right in front of Alex and Sarah's house. Dark Ones surrounded me, some rushing from house to house.

As a heavily armored man stepped out of the siblings' house, wielding a long, black sword surrounded by thick black smoke, the Dark Ones all turned toward him simultaneously, but they didn't attack.


"Let's go, move on, search the entire city. All the buildings. And hurry. We don't have time to waste. They must be somewhere around here. If you find them, bring my son and the Light to me! Deal with the rest however you wish," Dorian ordered, scanning the area before his gaze suddenly locked onto me.

"Well, what a pleasant surprise! Hello, Ana. I was actually looking for you," he said calmly.

"Hello, Adam," I replied with boredom. "Sorry, Dorian. I hope your search goes well."

"How sharp your tongue has become. If I were you, I wouldn't behave like this. I'm much stronger than you. More experienced. You don't stand a chance against me, and we both know it," he stopped within arm's reach of me. I wished I could strangle him. I no longer saw the man who took me in. The one who cared for me. I only saw the monster responsible for my mother's death. The one behind countless lives ending. The one everyone feared, the one causing suffering for all.

I see a man in front of me who abused his wife. Who raised his hand against his son. Who hurt Daniel.

"Give yourself up, Ana. I don't intend to harm you. Nor the others if you do as I ask. The six of you cannot defeat me. There are currently hundreds of Dark Ones nearby, and if you refuse to give me your power, I will send them to your friends. Though you are the Light, you are not yet strong enough to save them all. If you give me your power, you can live in peace with your friends and family, I will harm no one. I'll ensure the Camp remains untouched."

"And you want me to believe that? You wouldn't have to worry about being stopped," I responded resolutely.

"If I wanted to, I could have already destroyed them. But I haven't. And I won't after this, if you accept my offer."

"No, that's not true. You haven't attacked the Camp because you don't know where it is."

He started laughing.

"You have no idea what I know."


I heard someone else's voice from very far away.

"I don't believe you, Adam. I'm sure you don't know where the Camp is. For some reason, you can't find it, just as you couldn't find the Light."

"You don't want to fight me, Light. If you don't accept the offer, you'll make me your enemy, and I wouldn't recommend that in your place. Choose!"

"Ana, you need to wake up now! Someone, help—"

"I won't let the world remain like this. I won't give up my power."

"Please, Ana, concentrate on my voice! Wake up!"

Alex! It was Alex's voice! Something is wrong; there is something in his voice.

"Ana, please, come back! We need your help...I need your help!"

"I'll give you one last chance just to see that I don't really want to kill you and that you can trust me. I won't chase after you, I have no desire for that. Go to the Camp and deliver my message to the leader and the people there. I'll visit you later to tell you the message. You'll have time to make your decision. We'll meet again soon, Ana."

I quickly sat up, blinking several times to clear my vision. But it felt like I had just stumbled into another nightmare, only this one was real.

Alex knelt beside me, cradling Sarah's unconscious body in his arms. Black marks and a bite mark were visible on her arm, while blood trickled from her forehead. In front of us, Daniel and Chris worked to keep the Dark Ones away from the two siblings.

Before I could reach for my bow, the Dark Ones suddenly stopped their attack and rushed back in the direction we came from.

"Ana!" Alex cried out in desperation, his voice compelling me to kneel beside him.

"What the hell just happened here?" I asked, gripping Sarah's arm. I stole a quick glance at Alex, but the sight left me completely frozen. His head was covered in blood, flowing down his forehead, across his pale face. His bloody hand trembled, and I could see he was struggling to hold back tears.

Alex was terrified, horrified.

"Alexander, focus on me!" I urged. The boy slowly turned his gaze towards me. "Everything will be alright, your sister won't be harmed."

I concentrated and guided my energy into my hands, then as soon as Alex noticed the light, his color came back.

"Thank you," he said, somewhat calmer.

"I'm here. I'm sorry I wasn't faster."

"What happened here?" Upon hearing the sound, I raised my head. Leon approached us on horseback, followed by several people also riding horses. "A few Dark Ones just ran past us," he reported.

As soon as he saw Sarah in Alex's arms, he dismounted and hurried over to us.

"Ana decided to seek out Dorian in her dream, and during that time, the Dark Ones unexpectedly attacked us. I have no idea where they came from. We didn't even hear them approaching. They bit Sarah. We also got injured, but the wounds are not serious," Chris summarized the events.

"Will the girl be alright?" one of the men who had just dismounted inquired.

"Yes. I've done this several times already," I replied confidently.

"Unbelievable... Finally, we've found her..." Several of them expressed their astonishment simultaneously.

"Calm down, people. Give her some space now to do her work," Leon instructed. They all nodded and began to tie up their horses.

"Did you manage to locate him?" Leon asked as he crouched down beside me.

"Yes. He's at Alex and Sarah's house... but currently, we don't need to worry about him. We have a peaceful path to the Camp. He initially offered that I could renounce my power of the Light, and he would spare all of us. But I can't do that. We can't go on like this. The other people would still be in danger. I made it clear to him. I won't obey him. So, he told me he would let us go unharmed to the Camp so I could deliver a message to the leader and the residents, which he will reveal to me later. That's why the Dark Ones retreated. He called them back. They won't harm us on the way."

Leon suddenly jumped to his feet, clutching his head again, but this time, he didn't close his eyes, allowing us to see the way it illuminated, likely just as it does for me. The whole process took just a few moments again.

"What did you see?" Chris asked.

"He's going to bring them to the Camp. Numerous Dark Ones and hooded people," Leon explained.

I felt Alex's body tense beside me. His breathing quickened, and he almost gasped for air.

"No!" he exclaimed, his eyes filled with fear. Sarah, now looking much better and no longer pale, also began to move in his arms.

"What's wrong?" I asked, reaching out towards him, but he forcefully pushed my hand away.

"We've encountered them before," Sarah said, still weak. "They almost... they almost killed us."

"They support Dorian," Alex added.

Of course! I should have suspected that there were more fanatical individuals.

"They're humans. Just humans like us. If we can handle the Dark Ones, they won't pose a significant threat," Leon reassured.

"I hope you're right. I really hope so because we just narrowly escaped," I replied.

Before anyone could press further, Alex forcefully interrupted, "Don't ask! I don't want to talk about it."

Sarah gave me a sad smile, and nobody pursued the topic any further. They would discuss it when they were ready.

After successfully healing Sarah and the others, I was completely exhausted. Chris assisted Alex in taking care of Sarah, providing her with water, cleaning the blood off her, and then laying her down on a blanket. The girl fell asleep immediately. Many of Leon's companions also chose to rest, allowing themselves a moment of respite. Some, however, stayed awake, patrolling between the trees with weapons to ensure we wouldn't be caught off guard. Daniel managed to fall asleep too, after I reassured him for the hundredth time to rest peacefully.

"Thank you, Ana," I heard Alex's voice from my left, and in the next moment, he took a seat beside me. "If you hadn't been with us now—"

"Don't even think about that, Alex. I'm here, and I'll stay here. Sarah is important to me too, and I won't let anything happen to her."

"You won't be able to protect them forever. Neither of them," a deeper voice spoke from behind us. Anxiously, I turned my head toward the source of the sound, prompting Alex to look at me with raised eyebrows.

Dorian stood there, his previous armor absent, dressed in his usual home clothes.

"It's good to see you again," he said, grinning.

"I wish I could say the same," I retorted angrily.

"Ana, who are you talking to?" Alex asked. He also turned to face Dorian, but judging by his expression, he couldn't see the man.

"Since I heard that the rest of my family is in the Camp, my job just got a lot easier. Your father and the inhabitants of the Camp will have to reach a fair decision through a vote. The message is as follows: If they hand you over to me, along with the Sword of Light, Daniel, and my family, I will leave the Camp in peace. Neither I nor the Dark Ones will approach it. No one. Everyone can live in peace, and if you want to see my son, I'll even allow that. But my whole family must return to me. If you don't accept this, I will destroy the entire Camp. You have a week. Maybe a bit more," he said, then disappeared without waiting for my reaction.

I turned back to the boy sitting next to me and shared everything Dorian had just said.

"I don't think they would hand you over to him. Just as I don't believe he has any intention of keeping his promise."

"Maybe it would be best for them to hand me over. I wouldn't blame them. However, even if they are safe, the survivors outside would still be in danger. They could die any day, and living with that knowledge must be terrible. I can't let this continue. I need to put an end to the Darkness."

"You're absolutely right. We will put an end to this. We'll fix the world. Well, you'll be the one doing it, but we'll be there with you every step of the way, and we'll help in any way we can. I promise you that, Ana."

With that, he managed to bring a smile to my face.

"We'll be able to do it. Everything will be back to normal. I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen. Even if I have to kill him."

"That hurt quite a bit," I heard his voice again from the same place. I picked up a stone from the ground and threw it towards the source, but it just passed through.

"Disappear already! Or if you're going to be here, at least let everyone see you! You're driving me crazy."

"This isn't a wish show, Ana. I thought that was already obvious."

"Why are you still here?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I also have someone in mind, someone I will kill first. If they don't accept my offer, this boy will be the first one to meet his end."

"Ana, are you okay? You don't look well," Alex interjected, and I felt his scrutinizing gaze, but I couldn't look at him.

"Why him?"

"In moments like this, I can see into your soul, Ana. I see the emotions within you. And although I would have never thought this due to his behavior, there are strong feelings for him inside you. He means a lot to you, too much."


I began to say, but I continued the words in my mind when the man disappeared again.

"I hope he's gone for good."

"What did he say this time? You looked as if you saw your own death in front of you."

"He threatened me that if they don't accept his offer, he'll kill those who are important to me first."

This wasn't the whole truth, as he only mentioned him, but he doesn't need to know that. I also didn't want to know whatever it meant what he said. He's just lying, trying to make me fear him. Trying to make me panic.

"Oh, wonderful. At least I'm safe from an early death."

Exactly the opposite.

"No," I said aloud.

"No? What do you mean no? Maybe I'm important to you?" he asked, grinning.

"Not as if it wasn't obvious. It's not the first time I've shown concern for all of you. You're all important to me. Yes, maybe even you."

After this, neither of us spoke again. We just sat there in silence, watching as the sky began to change color, seeing the fog descend again. Leon's companions slowly got up from the blankets, quickly packing up after themselves. They all wore the same clothes, completely dressed in black. On their backs, a pattern was visible. Two glowing hands holding a sword.

The symbol of the Light.

Alex had disappeared in the meantime, standing next to Sarah, who reached for the boy's hand. Leon was talking with Daniel and a few other people who had watched my glowing hands in amazement yesterday. I couldn't see Lisa and Luna anywhere.

I was about to head towards Leon to inquire about the two girls when Chris jogged toward me, waving with a smile on his face.

"How are you?" he asked.

"Much better. How about you?"

"Never better. Are you ready? It's time to go."

"Yes, but hey, do you happen to know anything about Luna and Lisa? Where are they?"

"They left ahead. They'll stop at a safe place; we'll meet them there. Come on, let's get on the horses."

As he turned around, I noticed a spot on the back of his neck.

"Tattoo?" I asked, surprised.

"Yep!" He glanced back at me, and his brown eyes met mine.

I hadn't noticed how much he had grown. Slimmer, taller, a thinner face, a more angular chin. His blond hair had grown a bit, ending in curly locks near his ears.

But as he looked at me, that glance reminded me of the young Chris, as if nothing had changed.

"I'll show you later. It's all over my back."

"When did you get it?" I asked.

"About half a year ago," he replied.

We stopped by a beautiful black horse. Chris mounted it, then extended his hand towards me, helping me climb up behind him. The others were already in their saddles. Sarah sat behind Leon, Daniel was alone, and Alex took a seat behind one of Leon's companions. Daniel was conversing with the rider next to him, whose gaze briefly met mine. Something flashed in his golden eyes. He looked at me strangely. Or was it just my imagination?

"Can we go?" Leon asked, and I immediately turned my head towards him, forgetting everything else. His companions responded with affirmations.

"Alright, let's head to the Camp! This time with the Light!" Leon announced, and we followed him in line. I embraced Chris, not too tightly, just enough to have something to hold onto.

"How does it feel to ride again?" Chris broke the silence, speaking a bit louder due to the fast pace, with the wind whistling in our ears.

"It's wonderful! I missed it so much!" I shouted into his ear, laughing.

"I missed you so much, Ana! You can't imagine how!"

"You mean a lot to me too, Chris! I thought about you every day. I trusted that everything would be as you said. I believed in you."

"I told you, I promised that I would find my way back to you. I transformed, but Leon and your dad found me and saved me. I'm sorry I didn't go with you, but it had to happen this way. I kept my promise, and now I make a new one to you. Nothing will separate us anymore. I'll be with you until the end." 

The remaining part of the journey passed in silence. Lisa and the others joined us at a fenced gas station, and without stopping, we continued our way towards the Camp.

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