Shorts/On Hold/Anything Else

By shadowquill

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Shorts/On Hold/Anything Else
Brave Soul Act 2
Nobodys War Chapter 3
Nobodys War Chapter 2
Nobodys War
Brave Soul
Imaginary Friend
The Melting Pot
Chapter 4
A conversation with a Spider
Smells Good
Writings of a Teenage Outcast
Roman: The Martyr

Julius Caesar Remake

145 3 0
By shadowquill

 Hey this is my version of Julius Caesar and yes it is a play. I hope you enjoy! Comments and votes are more than welcome!

Act 1

Scene 1 – hallway in front of lockers

Enter Julian, Trevor, Callie, and Brandon

Julian- That was an awesome game. The Spartans didn’t stand a chance!

Brandon- Duh! We have the star quarterback in the state!

Trevor- (complaining) I wish they would let me play more.

(Julian claps him on the back)

Julian- Its okay Trevor you’re getting better every practice! Before you know it you’ll be scoring the winning touchdown.

Callie-(laughing) but wait until after the next month please.


Callie- The Norfolk University Scout is coming for the big game and if Julian doesn’t get the scholarship he won’t get to go to college.

(Enter Cassie)

Cassie- (talking to herself and looking at clipboard) We need to fix the streamers and order the cake… (Notices Julian and crew) Hello, what are you doing out of class?

Callie-We’re walking back from Gym.

Cassie-Gym? We have 20 minutes until the bell and 3 more to get to class. You are skipping class.

Callie-Prove it. We have the Chief Hall Monitor right here, (points at Julian)

Cassie- He’s no Hall Monitor!

Callie- Yeah but he’s an honor student and just got the winning touchdown last night at the game. Who do you thin they will believe? Him or You?

(Group turns to file out, Brandon is last in line)

Cassie-Brandon, Wait!

(He stops and turns around)

Brandon- what do you want?

Cassie-to give you something to think on.

Brandon- (sighs) And that would be?

Cassie- you know how much Julian loves Callie…


Cassie- Well think the week of the big game Callie is leaving for Europe. Think how distracted he will be.

Brandon-(Uncomfortable) Where are you going with this?

Cassie- With him being so distracted he might….mess up at the big game. In front of the scout.

Brandon- Whatever (turns to go)

Cassie- You care about your friend right? You want him to have a future?

(He stops and turns back around)

Brandon- Why does that concern you?

Cassie- For the simple matter that I see a human being about to get his heart broken. I mean Callie is going to be in Europe all alone…

Brandon-She wouldn’t cheat!

Cassie-When in Rome…

Brandon-(exasperated) what do you want me to do?

Cassie-Simple. Break them up. There is one game in between now and then-

Brandon-I can’t do that to my friend!

Cassie-Whatever. Then he will suffer.

(She leaves followed by Brandon)

Scene 2-School lawn

(Enter Penny and Brandon)

Penny- Are you okay?

Brandon-Why wouldn’t I be?

Penny-You’ve been awfully quiet that’s all.

Brandon- I have a lot on my mind.

Penny- What’s wrong?

Brandon-What do you mean?

Penny-You quote the old cliché, (she mimics him) I have a lot on my mind and I’m not supposed to suspect anything? I know there is something wrong.

Brandon-There isn’t anything you can help with.

Penny-try me.


Penny-Spit it out.

Brandon-Cassie was talking to me today.


Brandon- She said that Callie might cheat on Julian while she’s on her trip.

Penny-Forget her she’s just jealous.

Brandon-She told me I should break them up.

Penny-No way.

Brandon-(nodding) yes she said with Callie away Julian wouldn’t b able to concentrate on the game and mess up his chances with Norfolk.

Penny-That is a quandary.

Brandon-and I have no idea what to do.

Penny- Whatever you do will be alright. Julian is your friend and your are doing this for the right reasons. It’ll work out.

Brandon-I hope so.

Scene3-empty cafeteria

Trevor enters with Callie

Trevor-is it going as you planned?

Cassie-Yes, by the end of today their will  be confusion and distrust everywhere.

Trevor-this is just too easy

Cassie-that’s because you haven’t done anything!


            Footsteps that go unheard by the two of them

Cassie-I agree though it is much too easy. But we still have to talk to Cindy.

            Enter Annie and Octavia who are still unnoticed

Trevor-I’ll be the Star Quaterback.

Cassie- And Callie will fall from her role as Ms. Popularity.

            They leave

Annie-did you hear that?

Octavia- Yes, I wonder what they are planning?

Annie-Whatever it is its no good.

Octavia-I agree should we investigate though?

Annie-Duh! Did you hear them? Star Quarterback replaced? They have something nasty planned for Julian and Callie.

Octavia-Why should we help though?

Annie-Do you really want Trevor as our Quarterback?

Octavia- No, to be frank, he stinks.

Annie-Then it is agreed.

Octavia-What do we do first?

Annie-They mentioned Cindy so I think we’ll talk to her first.


Annie-Wait! Do you hear that?

Octavia-Yes I think its them.

Annie-quick hide.

            Hide behind table as Cassie, Cindy and Trevor enter.

Cindy-What you are asking for will cost you.

Cassie-I don’t care. Can you do it?

Cindy-Of course. All I have to do is call up a friend of mine at Redmont. You get Brandon out of the way and my guy will guarantee that Julian doesn’t play another season.

Trevor-That’ll be it then.

Cindy-You have to get Brandon out of the way though.

Cassie-Don’t worry about him he thinks hes helping a friend.

            They leave and Annie and Octavia come out from hiding.

Annie-Did you hear that?

Octavia-Yeah, we have to stop them!

Annie-We gotta find Callie!

Octavia-Lets go!

            Both leave and Julian and Callie enter from opposite side.

Callie-Are you sure I should go?

Julian-Yes, go have fun.

Callie-I still don’t like you playing this week what if you get hurt? Redmont lost last time and they carry grudges.

Julian-I have Brandon to stop them and he hardly ever lets anything passed.


Julian-I’ll sit out of the game if you go on your trip.


Julian-I promise.

Announcer-Callie Jacobs to be dismissed. Callie Jacobs to be dismissed.

Callie-You promise you won’t play?

Julian-(crosses his fingers behind his back) I promise.

            They exit.

Act 2

Scene 4 –school hallway

Enter Julian on crutches and Brandon is following.

Julian-I cant believe you!

Brandon-I did it for your own good!

Julian-Letting that Dude tackle me and break my ankle was for my own good?!


Julian-No buts! You cost me everything. That scout isn’t going to come back and I cant play in any more games this season! So thanks buddy!

            He leaves

Brandon- (quietly) I did it for your own good,

            Enter Cassie and Trevor

Cassie-Sure you did Brandon

Brandon-what do you mean?

Trevor-You got played Dude.

Cassie-Yes you were doing it for better reasons than us but in the end you are just as bad as we are.

Brandon-But why?

Cassie-Simple. I hate Callie.

Trevor- and I hate Julian.

Brandon-Why though? He was always good to you.

Trevor-Yes the high school prince’s charity is exactly what I wanted.

Brandon-You made me hurt my friend because you were jealous?

Cassie-And if you tell, we will tell the whole school you let that guy passed you on purpose and let him tackle Julian. Who do you think they will believe?

            Trevor and Cassie leave and after a brief pause so does Brandon

Scene 5-Cafeteria

Julian is sitting at a table alone. Trevor and Cassie are off to the side.

(Enter Brandon)

Brandon-Julian I have something to tell you.

Julian-and I don’t want to listen.

            Enter Annie and Octavia

Annie-You should listen to him!

Octavia-Yeah, what happened wasn’t his fault!

Cassie-(coming forward) Don’t listen to them.

Julian-For once I think Cassie speaks sense…Wait why do you care?

Cassie-I…I…I feel bad because your friend betayed you.

Julian-How did you know that?


Julian-I’ve heard no such rumor. Maybe I was wrong. What was your reason for betraying me Brandon?

Brandon-They said that with Callie away you wouldn’t be able to concentrate on the game and would be more likely to mess up the game with Redmont and then the scout wouldn’t come to the next.

Julian-You asked Callie to convince me not to play.

Brandon-Yes, and when you didn’t I had to get you sidelined so I let one guy pass I didn’t know he had a grudge against you I swear.

Annie-They hired that guy to get you put out of commission.

Julian-Did you really?


Julian-I take that as a yes.

Cassie-It isn’t fair.

Julian-What isn’t?

Cassie-He betrayed you and you then welcome him back?

Julian-He did it for good reasons.

Cassie-No one else will believe that and he will die a social death!

Julain-I will believe him and that is what matters. (to Brandon) And by the way thank you for being a good friend.

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