Tragedies of the Past

By TheQuietHufflepuff

928 22 0

Six months ago, Bucky and Katarina returned from being dusted. The two are trying to have a normal life. Bu... More

April 2024


42 1 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff


Sam drove along the road and came upon the docks near sunset.

"This too, Mom?" a boy asked as he picked up a blue box.

"Yeah, all of it, baby," Sarah replied. "And we're taking that one to the soup kitchen. So, put that one over there."

Sam's truck pulled up and came to a stop before he said, "Blue for the snapper, orange for the whitefish." He opened the driver's door.

"Uncle Sam!" the older boy cried as both boys ran up to greet their uncle.

Sam got out of the car and closed the door. "What's up?" He high-fived the boys, giving them a little handshake.

"That's right!" Sarah replied. "Uncle Sam, you're back early." The boys walked away and Sam walked towards his sister. "What's goin' on? You got Mom's sneaky look on your face."

Sam picked up a fry. "How you gonna try to read me when you know I'm the one that reads you?"

Sam walked closer to the boat and said, "You gotta marvel at it. Baby being held together by duct tape and prayers."

"It'll be fine," Sarah told him. "It just needs to float long enough for me to sell it."

"I thought we were gonna discuss if we were selling it." He grabbed a basket and walked towards Sarah and set the basket down.

"We did. And then you were off fighting Doctor Space Cape or whatever while I was holdin' it together for five long years. Now that the world is going back to normal, this thing's gotta go."

"We grew up on this thing. It's not just Mom and Dad's name on it, Sarah. This thing is a part of our family." He went to pick up something else.

"You know the situation we're in. This is why I prefer not to dwell on it in front of everybody."

Sam stepped closer to her. "Well, what if we don't have to sell it?"

"Can I talk to you?" She moved closer to him.

"What's good, Big Sam?" a man asked.

"Oh!" Sam cried. "What's goin' on, man?" The man walked over and took the crate from him. "I'm trying to live like you."

"You know it." He chuckled.

"Off to save the world again?" an older man asked.

"Nah," Sam replied, putting a hand on the man's shoulder. "Come on, Carlos. I'm around here more than you. I'm always reppin' NOLA."

"When you gonna let me borrow the wings, man?" the first man wondered.

"As soon as you give my sister back that $100 you borrowed."

"That's cold. Now, loan me a hot $50."

Later that evening, Sam was on the boat.

Sarah, who was also on the boat, said, "Sam, the boat's gotta go."

"Wait," Sam protested.

"No, let me finish. I'm doin' everything I can to keep this business afloat. And every day I'm making $5, and spending $10."

"So, why won't you let me help?"

Sarah turned and pointed a finger at him. "No, don't start with that. We made a deal before Daddy died. You're out there. I do things my way here." She set down a couple crates.

"Right. But you tangled the house into this when you took those loans." Sarah glared at him, then punched his left arm and he groaned as she walked away. "Forgot how hard you hit. Sarah!" He followed her to a room and stopped outside the door, pointing a finger at her. "Look, and don't hit me again. What if you had the money to fix it up, make it nice so you can charter it when you're not out working the waters?"

Sarah was cleaning as she replied, "Do you know how hard it was for me to come to terms with the situation? Why would you dig this up?"

"We can take a loan and consolidate everything. It'll take down your monthly." Sarah smiled and shook her head. "What?"

She turned and moved to another area. "You think I didn't try the banks? They're in with all that big business."

Sam followed her to a window. "Yeah. But now you have me."

"Don't, Sam. I just got good with this."

"All right."

"Maybe it is time for us to move on."

"Either way, just let me help. I'll set the appointment." Sarah looked at him apprehensively. "Look, I won't let you down. We can turn this shit around. Trust me."

Sarah shook her head, then nodded. "To the rescue, huh?"

"Always." He smiled lightly. "Now, let's get some dinner. I'm hungry." He walked away and Sarah remained at the boat, deep in thought.


Katarina was meeting Bucky at the bar, as he said he was bringing a surprise for her. She was hesitant, as she wasn't keen on surprises.

As they waited, Leah asked, "How long have you and your boyfriend been together?"

Katarina smiled lightly. "Not long, though we've known each other for years."

She outside as sirens sounded and the blue and red lights illuminated her face for a moment.

Bucky, flowers in hand, walked up to the window. He stared briefly at Katarina for a moment, then walked into the bar.

The door opened and closed as Bucky entered.

Katarina stood and made her way towards Bucky. He handed her the flowers and she smiled before saying, "These are beautiful. Thank you."

Leah smiled and said, "Well, if that's not the most adorably old-fashioned thing anyone's ever done. Grab a seat, I'll be done in a few."

"Okay," Bucky replied.

He pulled out a chair for Katarina and she sat with a smile. He sat next to his fiancée.

Once Leah finished, she said, "You guys are sweet together."

Bucky nodded. "It's... It's a lot."

Leah chuckled. "You sound like my dad."


"Wait, how old are you?"

"A hundred and six."

Katarina smiled slyly, but didn't answer.

The three laughed, Bucky more awkwardly, and Leah asked, "What's up with your gloves?"

Bucky and Katarina shared a look and she placed a hand on his arm as he answered, "I um... have, uh..." he clicked his tongue, "poor circulation."

"Hmm... Let's play a game." She moved to get a game.

Bucky looked behind him as he said, "Yeah."

"You two like games?"

Bucky turned back as he and Katarina replied, "Love 'em."

"We keep a couple of games around for boring shifts. I'll go grab a few beers," Leah told them as she walked away.

Bucky stared at the cat who was moving its hand back and forth and stopped it, but when he let go, the hand started moving again.

An amused smile crossed Katarina's lips and she shook her head.

When Leah returned, they began the game and she stared between Bucky and Katarina intently. The two asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm reading your minds," Leah replied.

"Please don't."

"B-8, suckers."

"Uh, hit!" Bucky said, causing Katarina to smirk lightly at his reaction.

Leah chuckled and told them, "Drink! Come on, drink."

Bucky and Katarina sighed and the former said, "All right. Okay." He drank his beer and Katarina took a small sip of hers.

"Wow, you really can drink."

Bucky inhaled and replied, "Yeah, well..."

"Do you two have any siblings?"

Katarina shook her head. "No."

"I have a sister," Bucky answered. "F-4."

"Miss," Leah said. "Drink. Are you two close with your parents?"

Katarina pursed her lips, saying nothing but, "I used to be."

Bucky sighed before saying, "I was. They passed away." He clicked his tongue. "Um, D-5." He glanced at Katarina and she nodded.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Leah apologized as she looked at her board. "Miss. I think it's really sweet you're both spending time with Yori. It's been hard for him his son died. I think not knowing how it happened is the hardest part for him. Mmm, it really messed him up. You know how you call a guy whose wife died a widower? Or, if your parents die, you're an orphan. You know, there's no word for someone whose kids die. Because it's like the worst thing that could happen."

"Yeah, excuse me." Bucky set down his beer and got up. He glanced at Katarina and her brow furrowed, seeing his expression.

"You good?"

Katarina followed after Bucky and he asked, "Come with me?"

Always," she replied softly. "Thank you, Leah."

As the two walked away, Katarina said, "You can't let this eat you alive, Bucky."

Bucky's gaze flicked to hers. "Kata, don't. Please."


They made their way to Yori's and Bucky knocked on the door.

The door opened and Yori asked, "Hey, what are you two doing here? How was your date?"

Bucky caught sight of a picture of Yori's son, then glanced at Katarina. "It was... It was good." He pulled out money. "Forgot I owed you lunch." He handed it to Yori and walked away, followed by Katarina.

Yori shook his head as he looked down and closed his door.


In their apartment, while Katarina slept fitfully, Bucky opened his notebook and stared at the name Nakajima. He glanced at a fidgeting, sleeping Katarina and placed a hand on her shoulder. As though she sensed his touch, she stilled and fell into a more restful sleep.

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