(BL)[MTL] Saving the love bra...

By Lzypotatoe

44.3K 677 918

Author: 橙花味的兔子糖 After Shen Yao died, he was bound to the system and traveled to various worlds to complete ta... More



1.7K 31 43
By Lzypotatoe

Apocalyptic Superpowers (21)

Su Lin had never felt like this at this moment, feeling that Liang was like a devil.

After piercing someone's heart back and forth, without any trace of guilt, he said to him lightly and confidently with the face of a winner: "Thank you also for your willingness to give up your seat and let me." We are together."

"Xiaolan is your brother, you must want him to be happy, right?"

"You can safely leave him to me in the future, and I will definitely take good care of him."

Su Lin felt that what Liang Ye spat out was not words, but steel-edged ice picks, all of which were stabbed into his heart.

He even felt that Liang hated him too?

But no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't think of any way he could feel sorry for these two people.

Why, why did they do this to him...


"How's it going? Did you find the person?"

"No, I've searched all over and they said I couldn't see it."

"What should I do? Why is the captain missing?"

It happened so suddenly, Su Lin suddenly disappeared. The team members couldn't find it and were running around anxiously.

There has never been a situation like this where someone disappeared without saying hello.

The most worrying thing is whether something happened to Su Lin.

"Hey! Liang, what happened? How come the captain is missing!" Lin Yu was already very angry, but now that he couldn't find Su Lin, he became even more irritable. He grabbed Liang Ye by the collar and simply got angry at him.

Liang Ye waved her hand away and said coldly: "How do I know? What does it have to do with me?"

Damn it! This appearance of having nothing to do with oneself is even more infuriating!

"You bastard, come here! Aren't you in a hurry? Do you have any humanity at all?" If Tian Dashan and others hadn't stopped him, Lin Yu would have rushed to fight. She was as fierce as a wild cat, struggling and kicking, and stretching her arms to scratch the opponent a few times.

Shen Yao glanced at Liang Ye coldly with a sinister gaze. Although Liang also had a cold face that had nothing to do with him, he was certain that Su Lin's disappearance must have something to do with him.

Even if there is no direct connection, looking at him, he must know something.

He is not even pretending now, and looks like he has drawn a clear line with Su Lin. Something must have happened to make him like this.

Shen Yao took a deep breath and comforted everyone: "Maybe the captain just went somewhere to relax, and it's not a problem to stay here. Everyone should go back and wait for news."

The team members turned their heads one after another, and Lin Yu also became quiet: "But, the captain..."

"It'll be okay," Shen Yao said calmly, "Don't you know about the captain's strength? He is the one the entire base has to worry about the least."

In other words, if even he is in trouble, then what's the use of worrying here?

"Stop gathering here to create panic. The captain will definitely come back." When Shen Yao speaks in this tone, there is always a magic power that makes people obey habitually.

When the team members saw this, they had to disperse in doubt. I prayed in my heart, hoping that it would be just like what Shen Yao said and everything would be fine.

Everyone left, and Shen Yao's cold eyes turned to Liang Ye again.

The two stood there for a long time, but Liang Ye spoke first: "Looking at what I did, you wouldn't think that I hid your Captain Su, would you?"

Shen Yao sneered: "You, a second-level superpower? No one who is not crazy would think so."

Liang Ye clenched his molars, damn!

"If this is the case, then get out of here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his body suddenly flew backwards with a "bang" and hit the ground hard.

Shen Yao stepped on his chest, leaned down and said coolly: "In this end of the world where strength is the most important thing, who allowed you to talk to me like this?"

Liang Ye was shocked in his heart, and at the same time, shame and fear crucified him.

There is a huge gap in strength between him and Shen Yao. If the other party is really aggressive, he is indeed no match.

He also realized that without Su Lin, Shen Yao really had no need to pretend.

"You, be careful of being kicked out of the base!"

Shen Yao's eyes were cold and thin, looking at him condescendingly like an ant. Such threats are not painful to him.

"Oh, can't it be fine without killing you?" As he spoke, he exerted force on his feet, and Liang immediately showed pain on his face, as if his chest was about to shatter.

"Although I can't kill you, there are still many ways to torture you." Shen Yao's voice was calm, and his delicate white face was as creepy as a fallen angel.

Liang Ye stared at him in fear. Although he knew that he had been hiding his true nature, he still didn't expect him to be so crazy.

"You... you can't do this to me, Su Lin... Su Lin will definitely teach you a lesson if he finds out." Liang Ye had difficulty breathing, and it was very difficult for him to finish speaking.

"Then please tell me, my brother Su Lin, where has he gone?" Shen Yao asked word by word.

"I, I really don't know..." Liang Ye broke into a cold sweat. His support was almost reaching the limit. Veins bulged in his forehead and his face turned purple. "He... broke up with me... and then ran away. I, I told him that I don't like him, I like Su Lan..."

He was about to die, and in order to survive, he said everything at once.

Shen Yao was startled and relaxed his feet a little. Liang also began to breathe hard.

"So, he knows..."

He originally planned to make some arrangements and leak this matter to Su Lin, but he did not expect that he heard it directly from the mouth of the person involved, without any preparation.

Did the situation suddenly change like this before he could arrange it?

"You really deserve to die. People like you don't know the meaning of living in this world." His eyes moved down, staring at Liang Ye without any warmth, like a hellish Shura.

Liang Ye's body was trembling slightly, and he could feel that Shen Yao really wanted to kill him.

"But I won't kill you right now." This sentence seemed to comfort Liang Ye, but also seemed to create fear in him.

"For a smelly, despicable, shameless, and dirty human being like you, death is too cheap for you." Shen Yao even felt his fangs itching and his eyes because of his emotional fluctuations. Youlu wanted to bite something off and tear it into pieces.

This was the first time he realized so deeply that he was a zombie.

Liang Ye opened his eyes slightly and trembled all over: "You..."

Shen Yao raised his hand and punched him hard, knocking him unconscious.

【558, take me to Su Lin. 】


Shen Yao followed the system's guidance and came to a desolate cemetery.

This cemetery is built on a mountain and there is no one around. I don't know why Su Lin came here.

"Huh?" Shen Yao paused and found that the grass on his toes seemed to be covered with a layer of white frost.

He looked up and saw the hoarfrost gradually extending, getting bigger and bigger.

Shen Yao followed the direction of the frost and walked forward step by step.

The further he walked, the lower the surrounding temperature became, and the white frost gradually turned into ice. He seemed to have entered a world of ice sculptures, with all the scenery frozen under the ice.

"It seems that I found the right place..."

The further you go, the thicker the ice becomes, and the wider the frozen area.

"It looks like it was caused by an energy leak... was there a riot from the superpowers?" So why did you run away in a hurry and hide in this wilderness?

[The mission object has been detected and now has a serious tendency to self-destruct. 】

Shen Yao raised his eyes, looked at the vast ice field, and murmured in a low voice.

"We need to find him quickly."

So cold—so cold—

It was so cold that his consciousness was frozen, leaving him unable to think, unable to identify his situation, or how to deal with it.

The body was frozen into a hard piece, as if wrapped in ice, unable to move at all.

Why... why is it so empty?

So lonely?

As if being swallowed up by the huge loneliness, the surroundings were so quiet that no sound could be heard.

--Anyone? Is anyone here?

No matter who it is, is there anyone who can help him?

He is still alive, but he is so cold and lonely, as if there is a cold air from his soul, and his bones are so cold that they ache.

He was so drowsy, wrapped in darkness and death, not knowing whether to struggle or simply fall asleep.

I don't know how long time has passed, it seems very short, and it seems like centuries have passed.

Where he was, even the sun couldn't shine.

Who will hear his call?

In the end, he just died like this in a daze, with no one remembering him.

"Su Lin..."

But why did he seem to hear a call in his ears?

"Su Lin..."

Why did his body feel a warm embrace?

"wake up......"

Who is it, who is calling him?

Whose body is so warm?

As if being embraced by a human-shaped sun, Su Lin, whose soul was even chilling, gradually felt as comfortable as being melted.

My body seemed to turn into a puddle of water, and my consciousness was so comfortable that I just wanted to keep soaking in it and never wake up.

"elder brother."

Su Lin was startled and opened his eyes suddenly.

He felt like his soul was being pulled back to his body. When he regained consciousness, he found that he was lying in Shen Yao's arms, being held tightly by him.

Seeing that he was awake, the other party broke into a childish smile.

"Brother, you finally woke up."

Su Lin blinked, unable to recover.

He, lying in Shen Yao's arms?

Let's not talk about this for now. He has awakened, and is he in a state of riot with his superpower?

"Brother, are you okay?" Shen Yao asked concernedly when he saw that he didn't speak.

"Ah, uh, it's okay..." Su Lin sat up. He was just too shocked and his brain was a little down.

Shen Yao showed a comfortable smile and said, "That's great, as long as you're fine."

"Xiao Yao, how did you find me?" Su Lin asked blankly.

Shen Yao felt aggrieved for a moment, "Brother also said, if I hadn't discovered you, what would you have done?"

He plunged into Su Lin's arms and cried, "If something happens to my brother, I will be so sad that I die!"

Of course, we should try our best to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Su Lin was caught off guard for a moment and put the question behind him. He was hugged by the young bear and could only sigh in his heart.

It turns out that there are still people in this world who are worried about his safety.

very nice......

Apocalyptic Superpowers (22)

When Shen Yao found Su Lin, he fell to the ground unknown to anyone. Powerful ice powers spread out radially from his body, condensing everything in sight.

Behind him, a huge frost flower bloomed.

Su Lin's eyes were closed, and his handsome pale face was harmless and gentle. This place looked like the scene of a sacrificial ceremony, and Su Lin was the sacrifice being sacrificed.

Shen Yao paused for a moment. For some reason, this scene made him feel a little uncomfortable.

He seemed to see the epitome of Su Lin's life. In this desolate place, as if abandoned by the world, a person was silently enduring all the pain. This was Su Lin.

The biting cold is like an ice pick, piercing everyone who tries to get close.

Shen Yao is already a zombie, so he shouldn't feel the cold invasion, but the frost factors floating in the air are like warriors defending their territory, shouting that no one is allowed to approach.

The closer he is to Su Lin, the stronger the attack will be.

But for the physically powerful Zombie King, this is nothing.

Shen Yao lowered his hand and pressed it against Su Lin's pale cheek. Ice began to condense from the connection, climbing towards his palm.

He glanced silently, gathered the energy in his body, and easily dissolved the frost on his fingertips.

Superpower riots generally occur among those with superpowers who lose control of their emotions during battle.

This situation rarely occurs, but once it occurs, the person with superpowers will be unable to control his abilities and begin to attack people around him indiscriminately until he loses consciousness.

People in supernatural riots can hardly recover their will on their own, and most of the final results are due to the inability to control themselves and rioting.

The energy in Su Lin's body is very unstable, and it seems that he may go berserk at any time. In fact, the best thing to do is to leave here immediately, as far away as possible. In order to avoid being affected by the impact of superpowers when there is no time to escape.

But if he leaves now, Su Lin doesn't know what will happen.

Shen Yao bent down and hugged the person into his arms, ignoring the pain like a knife, a soft light lit up on his body, and the warm healing power slowly penetrated into Su Lin's body, slowly The ground sorted out his rioting abilities.

"It's so stupid to put yourself in such a mess just because of those two unworthy people."

Shen Yao murmured to himself, sounding like he was blaming, but the next second he gently pressed a kiss on the other person's forehead, expressing his cherishment silently.

He just held Su Lin in his arms, placed his hand on his cheek, and continued to deliver super powers to him, feeling his body gradually warm and relax.

"Su Lin..." he called softly.

"Brother..." Su Lin suddenly opened his eyes.

There was no response when I called my name, but I woke up immediately when I called my brother.

Su Lin woke up from the supernatural riot and was completely confused.

He knew very well what was happening to him, and the moment he realized that his powers were about to get out of control, he ran away immediately.

At least not here, not hurting innocent people in the base - with this thought, he insisted on hiding here before passing out.

I thought he would definitely die, but I didn't expect that Shen Yao would find this place and wake him up.

He felt it was incredible and at the same time very scared.

"Xiao Yao, next time something like this happens again, you must stay far away, you know?" Su Lin warned solemnly, "You dare to come close to me even though you know that I have riots with my powers. It's really unacceptable. I know whether you are brave or reckless. This time you are lucky, but next time you may not be so lucky. In short, remember, you put yourself first in everything. I will not allow you to do so. To save me, risk your life."

Shen Yao was silent for a long time, lowered his head and said in a low voice: "You mean, even if you are about to die, you still want me to leave you and run away alone, right?"

Although he finally escaped death, the first thing he did after waking up was to worry about the safety of others.

How could there be such a fool in this world?

Su Lin's expression softened and he said warmly: "The supernatural riot is no small matter. I just don't want anything to happen to you."

"If the positions were reversed and I was the one who caused the riot today, what would my brother do?" Shen Yao raised his head and asked.

Su Lin was stunned, "I'm different from you. I have enough strength to protect myself, and I'm the captain. Of course I won't leave you alone."

Is it just because you are the captain and I am your team member?" Shen Yao looked directly into his eyes, his aura suddenly became a little aggressive.

Su Lin: "...what?"

"What if I wasn't your team member?" Shen Yao asked, "If I was just me, would you still risk your life to save me?"

Su Lin didn't know why Shen Yao seemed to insist on asking for the result, but he thought about it for a while.

If Shen Yao is no longer one of his team members and is in danger if he encounters him, what will happen to him?

Of course he will save him, not because of his status as a team member, but because he is Shen Yao.

Because he is Shen Yao, as long as he thinks about this, he can't just sit back and ignore him.

So he nodded and replied: "Yes."

Shen Yao smiled slightly, not surprised by this answer.

"So I will too."

"No matter how many times I come back, I will make the same choice. I will never abandon you, not because you are the captain or a sixth-level superpower, but because you are Su Lin."

Su Lin was shocked. To be honest, hearing such words now made him have the urge to cry.

In one day, he was betrayed by two of his closest relatives. He was so hopeless that he even caused a supernatural riot. He was devastated.

But Shen Yao reached out to him and told him that he was his firm choice.

It seemed that he was on the verge of being abandoned by the world, but was pulled back again.

He couldn't help his eyes burning, and hugged Shen Yao forcefully.

Shen Yao was slightly startled and quietly let Su Lin hold him.

His eyes kept swaying, not knowing what was going on in his mind.

"Thank you, Xiao Yao." Su Lin said in a hoarse voice, "You really gave me a lot of comfort."

He quickly let go of his hand. There was no abnormal color on his face, but his eyes were a little red.

His pale face had not recovered yet, and this blush added a touch of vulnerability to him, which was so beautiful that it was so attractive.

Shen Yao looked at him directly, thinking that the atmosphere was so good, should we just do something?

Su Lin raised his hand to rub his eyes, but was interrupted by Shen Yao's hand. The other person held his face and asked with some concern: "Is there sand in your eyes?"

Su Lin was a little stunned, feeling something strange for no reason. "Ah, no, no."

"Let me see, they are all red." As he spoke, Shen Yao moved closer.

Su Lin was just wondering if the distance was too close when he saw Shen Yao's eyes meeting his and called him: "Brother."

Su Lin: "...ah?"

"Actually, I gave Brother Liang a beating because I was anxious to know your whereabouts. I heard some things from him. So actually, I know the reason for your supernatural riot."

Su Lin's back stiffened when he heard Liang Ye's name.

He felt a little shameless when Shen Yao found out about this.

However, Shen Yao said that even if he flattened Liang, it was quite good.

If his superpower hadn't suddenly rioted, he should have beaten him severely at that time.

Shen Yao held his face with both hands, looked at him deeply with a pair of innocent eyes, and said distressedly: "How sad must my brother be?"

The thin white fingers rubbed his face gently, and Su Lin suddenly felt a slight heat in the scratched area.

Huh? How is this going?

"I feel even sadder when I see my brother lying alone in the ice and snow." A few tears flashed in Shen Yao's dark pupils. "You don't even know how I feel. I'm so scared that something will happen to my brother. I can't live without my brother."

Shen Yao looked extremely sad, tears falling down like beads on a string, which completely shocked Su Lin.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Yao's moist, pink lips came up against her, without giving him a chance to react.

Su Lin felt like someone was setting off a cannon in his mind, blasting him into pieces, and then he finally confirmed the fact that he was really forcibly kissed by Shen Yao.


Liang Ye's words flashed through his mind for a moment, and he soon felt that Shen Yao clasped his wrist and pulled him in his direction, hugged him hard around the waist, and the two of them were in close contact.

But Shen Yao was no longer satisfied with simply touching his lips, and began to suck hard.

Su Lin's cheeks turned red, and his mind was confused by this overwhelming situation.

"Well..." He reflexively wanted to push the person away, but his body was still weak and weak after recovery, and he couldn't shake Shen Yao at all.

Instead, he leaned against the tree and kissed her all over.

The system stared at this scene blankly, not knowing what to say.

Some people kissed someone while crying.

It would be a pity not to act with this kind of acting skills.

"Ah..." Su Lin gasped for air, his mind gradually began to come back to his senses, and he immediately changed his expression to one of being struck by lightning.

He had no experience in kissing, and just now he was kissed by Shen Yao, who was so much younger than him, and his mind went blank.

This is too embarrassing!

"Brother, I like you." Shen Yao tilted his head and chirped again on Su Lin's face.

For some reason, Su Lin felt even more ashamed than the deep kiss just now, and his face was so red that he was about to bleed.

"You, let me go quickly..."

It's chaos, it's all chaos! He really didn't know how to deal with this situation.

"I like you, brother." Shen Yao said again, "Can you give me a chance? I won't let you down."

Su Lin tilted his head and didn't dare to look at him. He was going crazy and couldn't think properly.

"no no......"

Shen Yao didn't listen at all. He leaned into his ear and breathed: "Do you hate it when I kiss you like this?"

The temperature of Su Lin's brain CPU increased again, almost burning him out. What the hell is this question, do you want him to answer it?

"I don't hate it, I just like it." The warm breath quietly penetrated into the cracks of the ears, as if it was a poison.

Shen Yao straightened his back, Su Lin keenly noticed something, his body suddenly straightened, and he pushed the person out with all his strength.

"Ha..." He covered his red cheeks with his arms and couldn't recover for a long time.

All his experience was too shallow. He didn't expect that once Shen Yao took the initiative, he would always be led by the other party.

He was now weak and trembling, and his legs were so weak that he could hardly stand.

He couldn't believe what the simple-minded person he had always treated like a younger brother had done to him.

Shen Yao had some unfinished thoughts, but he didn't pounce again after being pushed away.

He's done enough and can't push people too hard at once.

"You, how are you so skilled?" Su Lin was a little puzzled as to why he could do it so naturally.

Shen Yao tilted his head, "I'm not very skilled. I just can't control myself when facing the people I like."

Su Lin was startled slightly, lowered his eyelids and stopped talking.

"Brother, I was impulsive just now, don't be angry." After taking advantage, Shen began to be obedient and please Yao, and said considerately: "You don't have to be burdened, you can think about it slowly, I will wait for you."

Su Lin's eyes were extremely complicated. He had just ended a relationship, how could he be in the mood to think about the next one so quickly?

What's more, he had regarded Shen Yao as his younger brother before and had never thought about it in this regard.

Now it still feels a bit unreal that Shen Yao actually likes him.

In fact, it was not traceable. The funny thing was that he regarded Shen Yao's closeness and dependence on him as the feelings between brothers.

"Brother," Shen Yao stretched out his hand to him, "let's go home."

Su Lin stared at his hand, silent.

After a long while, he slowly stretched out his hand.


"Put me down. Come on, I can walk by myself."

Su Lin felt a little uncomfortable being carried down the mountain by Shen Yao.

"No, I want to go behind your back." Shen Yao refused flatly. He had already confessed his love anyway, and he could express his selfish feelings frankly.

"..." Okay, Su Lin stopped talking.

But then again, how many times has this kid carried you on your back?

Although he seems to be just a weak kid who needs to be protected, he has been of great help to him several times. Although he is young, he is surprisingly reliable, which is also surprising. Arrived.

Su Lin was a little lost in thought as he thought about what happened before.

Feeling the silence on his back, Shen Yao tilted his head slightly and said, "Brother, do you want to ask me why I like you, when did I start to like you, and what do I like about you?"

Su Lin: "..."

He's not curious about this at all, okay?

"I don't want to ask." Su Lin said in a sullen voice.

"Ah?" Shen Yao seemed to feel pity, "Brother, are you not curious about me at all?"

Su Lin didn't want to talk to him. He finally got rid of the embarrassing state of blushing. Now he wanted to bring the topic back to that?

What's more, he really felt that there was no need to ask.

People who are curious about these questions should want to know what kind of feelings the other party feels towards them.

Su Lin felt that he could probably feel it, so there was no need to ask.

More importantly, he had no intention of responding.

After a pause, Su Lin said softly: "I didn't notice your feelings before. I won't despise your feelings just because you are young. I know you are serious, and I am very grateful. You like me. But I... don't plan to fall in love anymore."

Just one love affair had already exhausted him. He didn't want to be hurt like this again, maybe it would be better to be alone.

Shen Yao suddenly stopped in his steps and turned his head slightly: "Are you going to give up on love because of such a scumbag?"

Su Lin: "..." Wait, why does this sound so awkward? It seemed like he couldn't let go.

"It has nothing to do with Liang. This is my own choice."

"Isn't that what you are doing? Giving up loving others for someone who doesn't love yourself." After Shen Yao finished speaking, he continued to walk on his way.

Su Lin fell into a daze, thinking about this sentence over and over again.

"Isn't it just that you fell in love with the wrong person when you were young? What's the big deal?" Shen Yao said lightly, "I know that you are still in the trauma period, and it is normal to want to close yourself off. "

"It doesn't matter. If you don't want to fall in love now, let's wait until you do." Shen Yao's attitude was much more free and easy than Su Lin imagined, with a bit of the uniqueness of young people. of bravery.

"But when you want to talk, you can only come to me. I came first." What he said was also childish, but it could be heard that he was serious.

Su Lin didn't speak and became quiet again.

The two later returned to their residence in the base, and the team members felt relieved to learn that Su Lin was safe and sound.

Su Lin and Liang Ye also had a complete break with Su Lan, and Liang Ye took Su Lan out of the residence assigned to Su Lin by the base.

They also took the initiative to see Liang quit the Su Lin team.

"It's too easy to drive them away like this!" Lin Yu snorted angrily.

"Otherwise, what should we do?" Tian Dashan sighed, "According to the captain's personality, it is impossible to kill them all? After all, Su Lan is also the captain's younger brother. When the captain's mother passed away, she specifically asked the captain to take good care of himself. Take care of him. Don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face. This is the best result now. I hope they stay away from the captain in the future and never harm the captain again. "

"I know, I'm just a little unwilling." Lin Yu crossed his hands, feeling aggrieved.

If Liang Ye had cheated on someone other than Su Lin's biological brother, he would have been shot in the head by their team members!

"This damn blood relationship is really troublesome." Lin Yu snorted.

Shen Yao raised the corners of his lips and said meaningfully: "Sister Lin Yu, the only way to take revenge is to beat people up. We can secretly cause them some trouble."

Lin Yu's eyes lit up and asked with interest: "What do you want to do?"

Shen Yao touched his chin and said, "In these last days, there are a lot of chaos, aren't there? For example, windows being smashed, things being stolen, and being taught a lesson when you encounter tough situations, aren't these all normal? "?" As long as no clues are left, the other party will have no choice but to suffer the loss of being dumb.

Lin Yu rolled his eyes, seeming to be slowly opening up his own pattern along this line of thinking.

Tian Dashan: "Hey, hey, hey, what are you going to do? Do you want to do such a sneaky thing?"

"Brother Dashan, do you want to do it?" Shen Yao asked with a smile.

Tian Dashan: "...Do it." It's a joke, who will abide by the laws in the end of the world?

Shen Yao smiled pleasantly, "Very good, then let's do this..."

Apocalyptic Superpowers (23)

Liang Ye has been particularly unlucky recently. After falling out with Su Lin, he was not very popular in the base.

In order to earn enough points for him and Su Lan to live together, he deliberately joined Feng Qi's task team. Feng Qi's mission team was the strongest in the base besides Su Lin's team. I thought that since Feng Qi and Su Lin didn't have to deal with each other, he would feel at home there.

Unexpectedly, he was wrong. Feng Qi used his status as a newcomer as an excuse to give him all the chores and tiring work. Any superpower in the team could order him around.

This made Liang Ye, who had a very high self-esteem, feel extremely unhappy.

He was always excluded from the team, and the easy and points-earning jobs had nothing to do with him. He did his job, but he got the least points. As a result, he had to find a way to pick up some odd jobs at the base, otherwise, he would not have enough points to spend.

Not only that, his teammates openly spoke ill of him behind his back.

What he said in his words was that an ungrateful person like him was unworthy of trust, and it would be useless no matter how nice he was. He might stab him in the back one day. Captain Su Lin was the best example.

They laughed and laughed, as if there were absolutely legitimate reasons for ostracizing and isolating him.

Liang was also holding back his breath, thinking about quitting this disgusting mission team once he got through this period of time.

Unfortunately, there was a leak in the house and it rained all night. He endured it here in order to earn points, and his home was often robbed for no apparent reason. Good doors and windows were smashed to pieces, some simple furniture was scratched, and even slightly better things were smashed to pieces.

Su Lan was frightened and suddenly developed a high fever and fell ill in bed. Liang Ye also had to clean up the mess and take care of him, and he was so busy that he was dizzy. The most important thing is that the evil fire in my heart cannot be released.

He knew that some robberies and thefts often occurred in the base. After all, the place was not as good as before the apocalypse, and the security team did not have as much time to deal with such small things, so he could only rely on himself to pay more attention.

When they lived with Su Lin before, maybe because of Su Lin's reputation, he had never encountered such a thing, but now he feels like he is being watched, and thieves come to his door every three to five. Come and visit us.

Liang Ye had a bad temper and wanted to catch people and beat them to death to relieve his hatred. But in order to earn points, he often goes out, and thieves come to the door when he is not around, so he can't catch anyone.

Therefore, I can only eat Coptis chinensis as a dumb person, swallowing the bitterness in my stomach, not to mention how aggrieved I am.

In fact, he also doubted whether the people on Su Lin's side were deliberately retaliating. But he has no evidence to prove this, so he can't just come to the door and demand an explanation. That's not just looking for a fight.

Over at Su Lin's team, Lin Yu, Tian Dashan and others felt very happy when they saw that Liang was also unlucky.

You scumbag who cheated on the captain behind your back, you too will suffer today!

According to Shen Yao's words, they did not take action directly, but quietly spread Liang Ye's deeds and personal information, which attracted a group of people to focus on him.

He is here today, and it is his own fault. Having been so well protected under the captain's wings in the past three years, it's time to see the dangers of the end of the world.

Why can a free-for-all scumbag cheat on the captain's brother and live freely without paying any price?

Since there is no law that can make him take responsibility for what he has done, there will not be so many righteous people condemning him after the end of the world. They even beat him because of Su Lan. Even if hemiplegia doesn't work, then don't blame them for using some disgraceful means.

If he dares to bully their Captain Su, Liang will not even think about having a peaceful life!

Lin Yu became more and more satisfied with Shen Yao because of their cooperation with Liang Ye.

No matter what he is like, at least he is devoted to Su Lin. In Lin Yu's view, Su Lin needs just such a person!

Their captain is too stupid and easily deceived. Shen Yao is so shrewd and complements him perfectly, so he can definitely protect him.

"Captain, stop thinking about that terrible cheating man and look at the people around you occasionally." Lin Yu put a hand on Su Lin's shoulder and raised his eyebrows narrowly at someone's back.

Su Lin: "..."

Since Su Lin broke up, Shen Yao's kindness to Su Lin has become almost undisguised. No matter where Su Lin goes, he always follows him, greets her with greetings and takes care of her, so everyone in the team can see that he is interested in Su Lin.

The average team member only dared to make noises secretly, but Lin Yu was as bold as Lin Yu, who directly intervened.

Su Lin was extremely embarrassed. He had been trying to forget this matter since he came back from the wilderness, but he never expected that someone would mention it to his face.

He always felt a little ashamed when others knew about this.

Maybe it's because of the age difference between him and Shen Yao.

But it's already the end of the world, and no one around seems to think it's a big deal.

"Xiao Yao is young and good-looking. Although he is not very old, he has a very delicate personality and can care about others. Moreover, he is smart and knows how to handle things. Whether it is work or life, he cooperates with you very well. He is very good. You are single-minded, so just give him a try." During this period, Lin Yu praised Shen Yao until his lips were almost worn out.

She even mentioned the young man's good physical strength and high energy, but Su Lin didn't show any expression other than his cheeks turning red.

"I don't know why you have any hesitation. If it's not suitable, the worst is to break up. The rule of the end of the world is to enjoy yourself in time. We all have today and no tomorrow. If you meet someone who can, just go to it. It's over, why are you still hesitating?" Lin Yu was impatient and even thought about nodding in agreement on Su Lin's behalf.

She thought about it over and over again, and asked suspiciously: "You don't just like Liang Ye's looks, do you?"

"Of course not." Su Lin said without thinking, and froze after speaking.

"What is that?" Lin Yu never thought that Shen Yao was any worse than Liang. Why wasn't Su Lin willing to give Shen Yao a try?

Su Lin wanted to say something and let it out in one breath.

"I just don't have this idea for the time being, can't I?"

He knows that after the end of the world, people are a little extreme and crazy about emotional issues. Many people no longer long for a lifetime.

In terms of sexual concepts, people are indeed much more open than before.

But Su Lin is different. He has always been very gentle when it comes to relationships. He can't just end one relationship and immediately start the next one seamlessly.

There is really nothing wrong with Shen Yao, it's just... he just doesn't want to think about feelings for the time being.

He still hopes to have a lifelong relationship with two people. If he really decides to date, he will definitely show all his sincerity and do everything he can to be good to the other person.

But this is not an easy task. He is really a little overwhelmed at the moment and his mind is in a mess. He doesn't know what is the right choice, so he simply doesn't want to and just lets nature take its course. .

He admired Shen Yao very much. He always looked frank and calm. On the contrary, when he faced him, he always felt slightly awkward in his heart. He kept thinking of Shen Yao's words that he would wait for him. .

Shen Yao could see that Su Lin was not really indifferent to him. It was just a post-traumatic stress reaction that made him more wary and not so quick to accept others.

He is confident that as long as he waits patiently, Su Lin will open his heart to him.

Because "he" never disappoints anyone.

The system couldn't see that Shen Yao was confident of winning, and reminded him "in good faith": [Host, don't forget that you two are different species now~ If the captain knew that you were a zombie, he would be very angry, right? 】

【What's wrong with me? I'm just a poor person who was innocently bitten by zombies and mutated when I was only 18 years old. 】Old God Shen Yao is walking on the ground with a lot of inner drama. [What is wrong is that this world is the one who brought the zombie virus, and I was not the one who chose to become a zombie. What's more, haven't I ever harmed a human being? 】

558: [...] So when the time comes, you're going to use this face to make yourself miserable in front of the captain, right?

Maybe it's really possible to get through, after all, the captain can't be soft-hearted, and for humans, isn't it a good thing that the zombie king is as friendly as Shen Yao?

While one person was communicating secretly, Shen Yao and Liang also met each other.

Both of them stopped for a moment and were stunned for a few breaths. Soon, the iconic business smile appeared on Shen Yao's face again.

"How dare you appear in front of me?"

"..." Liang Ye stared at him warily and took half a step back. He hasn't forgotten how this man beat him before. Now that we meet on a narrow road, I can't help but curse myself in my heart for being unlucky.

"What do you want to do? You want to take action but you can't?" Liang also put on a defensive posture. It's ridiculous to say that he would be forced into this by a space system.

Shen Yao calmly took a few steps forward, which invisibly put more pressure on Liang Ye: "What do you think?"

"You betrayed the captain, hooked up with his brother, and did such scandalous things, causing their brothers to turn against each other, and even causing the captain to riot with supernatural powers, almost causing an accident. I thought, if you still had any brains, From now on, I will definitely hide from our team with my tail between my legs. After all, although the captain of our team is soft-hearted, the team members are not vegetarians."

"I didn't expect that you didn't even wink at all and insisted on running into me. Do you think that if I let you go so easily, would it be worthy of our Captain Su?"

Liang Ye laughed angrily, "I knew you had a kind face but a dark heart. I didn't agree when Su Lin picked you up! Sure enough, you were so cute and innocent in front of Su Lin, you were just pretending. Right! Does he know your true face? Is this what you are like? "

Shen Yao smiled slightly, "This is between us. Why are you so curious?"

Liang Ye sneered, "Don't think that I don't know what you are wishing for. Do you think you will have a chance if I leave? I know Su Lin, and there is no way he will fall in love with you. Such a duplicitous person!"

Shen Yao almost died laughing, "Are you talking about yourself, Brother Liang Ye? Of course I know, I'm not worthy of the captain. This is all thanks to you, your existence has given me ‌Courage. Every time I think that I can do it with you, I feel that I don't have any reason to give up."

"Compared to you, I can give the captain more happiness."

Liang also grinded his teeth bitterly, "Huh, what do you have to be proud of? It's just a second-hand item that I don't want. If you like it, just take it."

Shen Yao lowered his face and narrowed his eyes dangerously: "It seems that I didn't teach you enough lessons last time."

Liang Ye's muscles all over his body were tense, and this time he was highly focused and ready.

However, it still had no effect. He was completely unable to catch Shen Yao's movements and was beaten severely again. Finally, he was thrown to the ground and stepped heavily on his chest with one foot.

Everything returned to the day when Su Lin disappeared. Liang also thought of the dark green pupils that passed by, and couldn't help but feel a little scared.

He still remembered the feeling of fear as if his chest was being crushed. He could not figure out why Shen Yao was so strong, as if he could easily crush him to death.

Shen Yao leaned over slightly, stared at him with an indifferent expression and said: "Listen to me, I just like Su Lin. I like him to be slow, thick-headed, stupid and easy to be deceived, and he promises to be nice to others. It's good to give everything you have. His shortcomings are also extremely cute in my eyes."

"What are you so proud of? You are no match for one of Su Lin's fingers. You just took advantage of his kindness and turned him into a complete fool. But his kindness should not be your fault. As for paying the bill, he is not at fault, the fault is you, the rotten person who trampled on his sincerity!" Shen Yao said as he exerted force on his feet, as if he wished he could just crush Liang to death.

"He will always be the best in my heart! You, a coward who is more disgusting than a parasite, have no right to say a word about him. If I hear you insult him again, you Don't even think about having this tongue! Do you hear me?"

"If you understand, get out of here before I kill you!" Shen Yao kicked him hard, causing him to slide a short distance on the ground.

Liang Ye's face was bruised and he was coughing wildly, but he didn't dare to delay and ran away crawling on the ground.


Su Lin stood behind the corner not far away, his cheeks were rosy and his body was trembling slightly.

He has been here since Liang Ye said, "Don't think I don't know what you are wishing for." He heard everything that just happened.

Shen Yao's protection was both expected and unexpected.

On the one hand, he was heartbroken by Liang Ye's vicious words, but on the other hand, he was crazily healed by Shen Yao's "confession". All kinds of emotions in my heart are intertwined and extremely complex.

Shen Yao glanced slightly at his location, pretended to know nothing, and walked away.

Apocalyptic Superpowers (24)

Shen Yao knew that Su Lin was there early on, and although the words he said were intentionally meant for him to hear, they all came from his sincerity.

He also hopes that Su Lin can know what kind of image he has in his heart.

And it's best not to listen to a word of what that scumbag Liang Ye said!

He thought that based on Su Lin's style, he must have pretended not to hear anything.

Who knew that Su Lin would actually come to the door and mention the confession.

"Xiao Yao, I'm sorry..." As soon as he opened his mouth, there was another familiar apology.

Shen Yao was confused and didn't understand why he suddenly said sorry.

"Mr. Lin Yu told me how good you are and asked me to think about you. In fact, no one else needs to say it, I can see it. You are indeed very kind to me, and I am grateful. But I have never been there. If I have a way to respond to you, I...I can't get over it." Su Lin lowered his eyelashes, not daring to look at him, and there was a hint of self-blame in his expression.

Shen Yao was stunned for a while, then suddenly laughed helplessly.

Could his captain be more kind-hearted?

"Brother," Shen Yao held Su Lin's shoulders and said seriously, "I didn't say I was waiting for you to put pressure on you."

"Beautiful things, such as the beauty of the sunrise, the emergence of butterflies from their cocoons, and the blooming of flowers, are all worth waiting for. You too -" Shen Yao was a little taller than Su Lin, and needed to lower his head slightly. Only then can we look at each other.

From this angle, it seems that you can see the tenderness pouring out of his eyes, which only reflects the shadow of one person intently.

Su Lin felt for no reason that Shen Yao was a bit confusing.

"I hope my brother can understand. You are outstanding and dazzling. You are the only one in the world and my favorite person. I said I like you, and of course I hope you can do the same. You like me, but if not, I also hope that you can enjoy my kindness to you with peace of mind. Because you deserve it, you deserve the best."

"Don't be flattered just because of a small favor. Don't always want to get ten points back if someone treats you better. This is really..."

Shen Yao's Adam's apple moved: "This really...makes me very excited."

Su Lin opened his eyes wide in surprise and looked at him blankly.

Shen Yao wanted to say that this was really easy to bully.

But the more stupid and easy-to-bully he was, the more Shen Yao cared about him and wanted to give him all the good things in the world.

Just like now, he can't wait to rub people into his body.

That's it, Su Lin will always be Su Lin, there is no need for him to change. He will always like him. As long as he is around, Su Lin's simple and stubborn feelings will not become ridiculous and meaningless.

So besides him, who else would be more suitable for Su Lin?

Shen Yao's heart became very hot because of his wishful thinking. He could really feel that he was indeed in love now.

Su Lin vaguely smelled danger. Shen Yao in front of him seemed to be staring at his lips, and his breathing gradually became heavier.

When Su Lin realized something, he blushed and ran away in a panic, forgetting everything he wanted to say.

But he didn't expect that halfway through, he suddenly turned back in a daze.

Shen Yao was greatly surprised. He stared at Su Lin, whose face was red and his eyes were wandering. He didn't know what he wanted to do.

"You, please wait for me a little longer," he seemed to have made up his mind, raised his eyes and said, "I will like you, just give me a little more time."

After hearing the conversation between Shen Yao and Liang Ye, an idea came to his mind.

The more he thought about it, the more unconvinced he became. He had been in love with a scumbag like Liang Ye for so long. If he missed such a good person like Shen Yao, he would regret it for the rest of his life, right?

He really couldn't tell how much of his feelings for Shen Yao were love.

But he was extremely sure that he wanted to like him and he didn't want to miss it.

Shen Yao didn't expect that he would say such words. He was stunned for a moment, and then opened his mouth and smiled.

"Yeah." He responded happily.

His captain may not know that he would say such words, which proves that he is actually moved.

When Su Lin saw his smile, he felt relieved and couldn't help but smile.

It feels like life is developing in a good direction.

In the next few days, the base successively welcomed batches of distinguished guests.

It was the leaders of the base who invited leaders of other bases to discuss it in detail after hearing about the mystery of the origin of the zombie virus.

In the past, each base maintained its own state of affairs, keeping in harmony with each other. Even though they were both gathering places for survivors, they were mostly on guard against each other.

Because it is still in the early days of the end of the world, the forces are divided and chaotic, and all kinds of people have emerged, including those who want to fish in troubled waters and take advantage of the opportunity to increase their power.

Zombies are rampant, and humans should be united in dealing with the outside world, but what is chilling is that humans are not actually that united.

Unexpectedly, this time, these big shots who had never seen the king gathered together.

This is understandable. As long as you hear about the mysterious organization, you can't sit still, right?

There are different opinions on how the zombie virus emerged, but no one knows the exact origin. Some extremist people also promote this as "natural punishment" and a feedback of human beings' evil force of destroying nature.

Now that we know that the zombie virus was carefully cultivated by someone, how can this not cause public outrage?

You know, how many innocent people were killed just because of their "masterpiece"? ! The number of humans has been reduced by half!

More importantly, since that mysterious organization can cultivate zombie viruses, what kind of information do they have on hand? Is there an antidote that can suppress zombie viruses?

If there really is an antidote, it will definitely make all mankind crazy about it!

When these distinguished guests from afar entered the base, Shen Yao also went with Su Lin to receive them.

"I heard that the people this time are from the Sirius base. Maybe you will know someone there." Su Lin stood facing forward, but he was quietly talking to Shen Yao, who was half a step behind him.

Shen Yao smiled silently. The captain remembered his story well. He almost forgot that he had said that he used to be from the Sirius base.

The convoy came to a slow stop, and a group of people dressed as mercenaries jumped out of the car first and stood scattered.

Shen Yao was about to follow him, but he unexpectedly saw an unexpected person.

The car door opened, and a man wearing a white suit with long curly hair stepped out.

It's rare to see someone dressed up like this after the apocalypse. Even if he didn't get off the car at the front, he was still eye-catching among a group of people.

But the reason why Shen Yao stared at him was not because of this.

In fact, it was his first time meeting this man in a suit, but he knew this man.

In the original world, Su Lin caused some trouble to the base because he mistrusted this man.

Liang Ye seized on this point and put all the responsibilities on Su Lin, causing Su Lin to feel guilty, self-exile, and left the red base.

In fact, it was a very familiar beginning - one day, Su Lin met a man who had nowhere to go. The man seemed to be very interested in Su Lin. Not only did he follow him back to the base, but he also deliberately joined Su Lin's team. 's team.

He has a gentle temper, can get along with everyone, and has a unique temperament. He quickly integrated into the team.

Except Liang Ye, who didn't like anything, didn't have a good look towards him.

At that time, many strange things happened in the base, and people continued to disappear or die tragically, but the murderer behind the scenes could never be caught.

Su Lin was tracking in secret, but he never suspected him. But there is no airtight wall in this world. Other teams found some clues and locked the suspicion on the long-haired man. .

Faced with such accusations, the man insisted that he was unjustly accused.

Su Lin didn't want to believe that his team members were behind the scenes and did not agree with others' torture to extract confessions.

He wants to find out the truth before making a final conclusion. But the man escaped the night he was imprisoned, and killed many people while escaping. Even the top leader of the base died tragically in the room for no reason.

Later I found out that the long-haired man seemed to be an undercover agent from another base.

He has been hiding his strength and lurking in Su Lin's team, plotting something unknown.

The death of the base leader is undoubtedly a big shock.

Su Lin was hit hard and blamed himself for not discovering the man's fault earlier.

Liang also took advantage of the situation to conduct PUA on him, placing all the responsibilities on him. If he hadn't brought the man back, the base would not have suffered this disaster. If he had not prevented others from being tortured to extract confessions, the man would not have had the strength to escape, and those innocent victims would not have lost their lives.

As mountains came down one after another, Su Lin inevitably had self-doubt about himself.

Later, he left the base on his own, perhaps because he wanted to track the whereabouts of the long-haired man and avenge those who were killed in the base.

Shen Yao felt that this accusation was actually quite unreasonable.

Not to mention that the base's screening mechanism for recruiting new recruits is inherently problematic and cannot be controlled by Su Lin alone. Let's just say that Su Lin believed in his teammates and opposed torture to extract confessions without conclusive evidence. What went wrong? ?

It was obviously the damn spy who was wrong!

Su Lin is not a god, so should he predict all disasters and take the blame for all crimes?

Seriously, Liang Ye was obviously trying to inflict a crime. After contacting Su Lin about leaving the base, Su Lan awakened the ice power. Shen Yao always felt that there was something wrong with his attitude, which seemed a bit too deliberate.

While Shen Yao was running through this in his mind, the long-haired man had already raised the corners of his mouth and walked up to Su Lin.

"This is the highest-level superpower user in our Sirius base. Like Mr. Su, he is also at the sixth level." The representative of the Sirius base proudly introduced.

"Oh~ I didn't expect that the Sirius base also has a sixth-level superpower. It's really gratifying." The leader of the red base said with a smile.

"Hello, my name is Yu Lang."

The leader of the base was clearly in front of him, but the long-haired man's eyes fell on Su Lin. The smile on the corner of his mouth seemed to be very interesting.

"Hello, my name is Su Lin. I would like to ask, what is Mr. Yu's major?"

Yu Lang curled his lips, opened and closed his thin lips, and gently spit out three words: "Space department."

Su Lin was startled and couldn't help but look back.

"What a coincidence," Shen Yao stepped forward without him having to say anything, and said with a smile, "I am also from the space system."

Yu Lang looked him up and down with a very strange look.

"Really, that's a coincidence." He said perfunctorily.

After looking at it with interest, he returned his attention to Su Lin.

Shen Yao's eyes flashed and he found it very interesting.

His gaze seemed empty and meaningless, but if it had to be said, it was like looking at fish on a chopping board.

Are you only interested in Su Lin who is of a higher level?

Although I don't know what he wants to do, this man is definitely more than the sixth level.

Apocalyptic Superpowers (25)

Communication is no longer convenient after the end of the world, so in order to come up with a joint way to deal with the mysterious organization, representatives from several major bases gathered together.

However, there are always some topics that have nothing to do with the theme of the meeting. Several representatives speak strangely and quarrel with each other. It is easy to stir up some past grudges. When they quarrel, it is difficult for the meeting to continue.

As the representative of the superpowers of the red base, Su Lin was forced to sit in. After the whole meeting, he was exhausted and had a big head.

The imagined situation in which the representatives of each base united as one to deal with the outside world did not happen. Even after knowing the existence of the organization, they were still fighting secretly for their own interests and refusing to give in.

Su Lin sighed deeply, feeling tired.

"Mr. Su." A strange yet familiar voice came from behind.

Su Lin paused and turned around.

The man with long hair as curly and thick as seaweed, noble and elegant, and with a light scent of perfume on his body, Yu Lang, smiled at him.

"Mr. Su, are you planning to go back? Why don't we go have dinner together?"

Su Lin frowned, not wanting to deal with the person in front of him.

It's not that he has any prejudice, he just feels that this man is a bit disobedient. He doesn't look like a person in the apocalypse. He is surrounded by misery and misery. He is as glamorous as if the apocalypse does not exist at all.

Maybe that's just the way people live, but Su Lin just feels a little uncomfortable for no reason. This feeling... is like meeting Rey for the first time.

Thinking of Lei, Su Lin felt very bad.

Just when he didn't know what to say, a familiar voice suddenly appeared from behind him and answered for him first: "I'm sorry, my brother has already made an appointment with me."

Hearing this voice, Su Lin relaxed unconsciously and turned around.

Shen Yao's face is stunning whenever you look at it, especially when his eyes are slightly curved and the corners of his mouth are slightly curved, he is always nice and warm - of course this is just Su Lin's personal opinion.

In fact, this is Shen Yao's business fake smile. If he changes it to a smile without a filter, it can be easily seen that he is not distracted at all.

Yu Lang looked at Cheng Yaojin who jumped out halfway, and still maintained a polite smile: "Really, why not come with you? The leaders are all here, so it is convenient for our two bases to communicate with each other. "

"Mr. Yu, please understand." Shen Yao grabbed Su Lin's hand and said with a smile, "We are going on a date alone."

"...???" Su Lin was a little embarrassed. When did they say they were going to date?

Yu Lang's eyes kept going back and forth between the two of them, and he chuckled for a long time: "It seems that I was rude. In that case, I won't disturb you two. Let's eat together when we have time."


The two said goodbye to him politely, and as soon as they left, Shen Yao said to Su Lin, "Brother, you should stay away from him in the future."

"?" Su Lin was a little confused, "Why do you say that?"

"He always stares at my brother, I'm jealous." Shen Yao said half-truthfully.


"Pfft~" Su Lin couldn't help laughing.

"I'm serious. Don't you think he's a little too attentive? He kept staring at you the first time we met, and even invited you to have dinner with him."

Su Lin thought for a while, "Maybe he and I are both sixth-level superpowers, and he is a little curious about me."

"Let's not talk about it. I don't plan to have a close relationship with him anyway. After the people from the Sirius base leave, we will have no chance to meet again. Now let's go to dinner. Aren't you hungry yet?" Su Lin said.

"Then go home, I made curry chicken rice." Shen Yao chuckled.

Su Lin: "Didn't I let you do it?"

"I want my brother to eat better~" Shen Yao said coquettishly, "The food in the base canteen is just the same, and there is gravel in it. Brother, don't you like to eat it too?"

"As long as I can eat enough," Su Lin sighed, "I don't want you to be so tired."

"Not tired, not tired at all. I feel very happy cooking for my brother." Shen Yao said in high spirits. "I want to feed my brother to be strong!"

Su Lin laughed and said, "Fuck you, you are so strong."

The two walked away together laughing and talking, not noticing a pair of eyes staring at them in the dark.

The curry chicken rice made by Shen Yao was very fragrant and delicious. The chicken was stewed softly and there were large chunks of potatoes in it. Su Lin couldn't stop eating it with her chopsticks, taking one bite after another.

The stomach that has not been taken care of much seems to sigh with satisfaction. This is real life.

After the apocalypse, it will be too difficult to have a normal meal.

Even though it is just a simple curry chicken rice dish, the ingredients alone consume a lot of money. Curry, chicken, and rice are all rare ingredients. I don't know how Shen Yao found them all.

Su Lin was originally a person who had little pursuit of quality of life, but Shen Yao's craftsmanship was so good that he often cooked food for him in different ways, and he had a taste for food.

He raised his head and wanted to say something to Shen Yao, but he saw that Shen Yao was lost in thought and hadn't eaten much.

"What are you thinking about?"

Shen Yao put down his chopsticks and said thoughtfully: "Brother, you said there have been so many outsiders coming to our base these days. Is it possible that people from that organization are also mixed in?"

Su Lin frowned and his expression became serious.

"Why do you say that? Did you see something suspicious?"

Shen Yao shook his head, "No, I was just thinking about the possibility."

"We knew nothing about the existence of the organization before, because people who had seen the organization either died or surrendered, but the organization has been lurking in the dark for a long time. Now no one can I don't know how far the organization's power has developed."

"If I were a member of that organization, I would definitely send people to lurk in each base to find out the situation at each base and slowly establish my own power."

"The goal of the organization is to stand at the top of all mankind and have the absolute right to speak. They want to create a new era and leave only the lives they think can continue, that is, the people who obey the organization. So. The plan is too big to let go of any power that might hinder them."

"Our lucky escape that day means that we brought out the secrets of the organization. People in the organization may have known about it and they were exposed. If among these bases gathered now, it is really People with them may take this opportunity to participate in the meeting and hear how everyone plans to deal with them."

Su Lin nodded, "What you said is not impossible."

However, even if they know that this is possible, they have no good way to prevent it now.

Su Lin fell into deep thought, frowning, and even stopped eating the fragrant curry chicken rice.

Shen Yao smiled and nodded Su Lin's eyebrows, "The sky hasn't fallen yet, Captain Su, don't be so gloomy. Don't worry, the organization deliberately spreads the zombie virus and takes human life lightly. The evil deeds are obvious and everyone will be punished." In short, as long as the remaining of us unite, we will one day eliminate them. Besides, this is just a hypothesis, and it may not be true. Even if it is true, we will just find a way."

Su Lin felt relieved. Although he knew that this was Shen Yao's words to enlighten him, Su Lin still felt warm when looking at his smiling face and feeling his intimate actions.

Knowing that there is someone beside you to advance and retreat together with you, no matter how difficult things are before you, they don't seem that difficult.

Shen Yao took Su Lin's hand and squeezed it. He supported his face with one hand and tilted his head to look at him: "Don't worry, brother, there is me. I will always be by your side to protect you. I'm very powerful." , as long as I am here, nothing will happen to you."

Su Lin didn't know how Shen Yao, a third-level person, could talk so boldly about protecting himself. The key was that he said it very seriously and didn't look like he was joking at all.

What's even more ridiculous is that Su Lin's heart was pounding, as if he was about to believe it.

Shen Yao was right, he was indeed very powerful. His marksmanship was superb, he could hit hundreds of shots, and it didn't take long for him to awaken his superpower and reach the third level. Whether he was an ordinary human or after he became a superpower, he was an extremely gifted being.

Somehow, Su Lin felt a strong sense of pride in his heart, and he was even happier than he was at advancing.

He obediently let Chen Yao hold his hand without moving, and seriously promised: "I will also protect you well."

——With this life.

He added silently in his heart.


After night fell, Shen Yao quietly avoided everyone's sight and came to the temporary residence of the group at the Sirius base.

He was a little concerned about the existence of Yu Lang, knowing that he might pose a threat to Su Lin in the future, so he couldn't do nothing.

With the help of his space power, Shen Yao silently shuttled through the corridors.

He twitched his ears, held his breath and listened to the noise everywhere, and slowly followed the place where there were people.

There were patrols everywhere upstairs and downstairs, and several people with superpowers were guarding outside a door.

Shen Yao thought for a while, then disappeared out of the window. Not long after, he hung under the window of that room, curling up quietly like a bat in the dark night.

"Master Kong Xuan, what should we do next?"

Through the thin wall, Shen Yao heard all the voices in the room. The sounds were so clear that it was as if the wall did not exist at all.

"I will report the situation here to the organization. When the time comes, we will defeat these combined bases one by one." A somewhat familiar voice sounded casually.

Shen Yao frowned, carefully stuck his head out, and took a look through the gap in the window.

Yu Lang's iconic curly hair swayed in his sight, and Shen Yao just glanced at it and quickly retracted it.

In the room, the representative of Sirius Base nodded.

"Okay, sir, if you need our cooperation, just give us your orders. These bases don't know what's good or bad, and they actually want to go against the organization. Huh, I don't know how high the sky is. I think it's better to take action on the red base. alright."

Yu Lang chuckled, "Don't worry, we'll take action when I catch the prey that escaped."

Shen Yao's eyes flickered, and everything became clear in an instant.

It turns out that Yu Lang is also a member of the organization, and the Sirius base has already surrendered to the organization. They came here with a conspiracy as expected.

This can explain why Yu Lang was so interested in Su Lin in the original world, and why people continued to disappear or die tragically since he came.

Because Yu Lang was doing the same thing as Rey, he couldn't wait any longer when the incident came to light, so he simply stopped doing nothing, killed the leader of the base, and left after leaving a mess.

No, if you think a little more, maybe he and Liang are colluding, and they have long been eyeing Su Lin's crystal core.

With Su Lin's personality, he would definitely not agree to submit to the organization. Therefore, they planned to dig out Su Lin's crystal core and transplant it to Su Lan. In this way, Su Lin's ice power can still be used by the organization.

Only people in the organization know how to transplant crystal nuclei. Therefore, Liang must be someone who colluded with the organization. This is absolutely unmistakeable.

Yu Lang, who was regarded as a spy, was the most suspect.

After thinking about it carefully, Yu Lang also showed great interest in Su Lin since he came to the red base.

What did he mean by the prey he let go just now?

This series of thoughts flashed through Chen Yao's mind. Just as he was lost in thought, he suddenly sensed the approaching danger.

With a "bang" sound, a piece of wall was blown away from the place where he had just been hiding.

Shen Yao turned over and hid, raised his head and looked upward.

A man with fiery red hair raised the corners of his mouth, like a cat playing with a mouse, looking at Shen Yao as if he was looking at what was in his pocket.

A person with fire powers?

There are actually high-level superpowers guarding it outside?

"Didn't the teacher teach you not to listen to evildoers? Since you're already here, just stay and play with me." As soon as the red-haired man finished speaking, he moved towards him very quickly. attacked.

Shen Yao activated his space power and fled quickly, reaching dozens of miles away in a flash. Just when he thought he had gotten rid of that person, a woman with an indifferent expression suddenly appeared in front of him, and when she raised her hand, there were several extremely powerful wind blades.

Chen Yao's pupils shrank, someone with wind power?

In the silent night, various kinds of lights with supernatural powers kept lighting up. Shen Yao was attacked by a crazy attack and kept running away to a remote place.

Suddenly a fireball hit him directly. The man with red hair only saw a figure falling from the tree, and a plume of black smoke came out of the pit.

He turned his back and left the place directly.

Yu Lang's fingertips lightly tapped the backrest of the sofa, sitting leisurely.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he raised his head and asked briskly: "You're back?"

"The little mouse has been taken care of." The man leaned against the door and said in a casual tone.

"That's it..." Yu Lang, also known as Kong Xuan, thought for a moment, "Well~~~ In that case, let's lure the snake out of the hole."

A bloody smile appeared on his lips, "It's time to catch our prey!"

Apocalyptic Superpowers (26)

Su Lin found a letter by the door early in the morning. It seemed that someone had slipped it through the crack in the door.

He unfolded the letter suspiciously, and there were only two sentences on it: If you want to save Shen Yao, come to this place. Remember, it's only you.

Su Lin's pupils shrank and his mind was instantly confused.

He hurriedly ran out and looked for Shen Yao where he lived, but there was no one there, and there wasn't even a crease on the bed.

There were no signs of fighting in the house, and it seemed that the owner had not returned all night.

Su Lin searched all the way and asked all his acquaintances, but no one had seen Shen Yao.

His heart gradually sank, and he had to face the cruelest fact. Something really happened to Shen Yao.

Thinking of the contents of the letter, Su Lin bit her lower lip.

He left a letter to Tian Dashan and others. If he didn't reply in the evening, he would look for him at the place mentioned in the letter.

Then, he followed the instructions in the letter and went to the designated location alone.

As soon as he entered the deserted woods, there was a wave of supernatural power.

A dark hole appeared in front of you, and a figure stepped out of it. The white suit and the long hair as curly as seaweed are exactly the Yu Lang I saw yesterday.

"Are you here?" He greeted Su Lin familiarly like he was greeting an old friend.

Su Lin narrowed his eyes, and his whole body's aura surged, as if he was surrounded by a layer of ice flames.

"Is it you? What did you do to Xiao Yao?"

"Xiao Yao? You and that little mouse are quite close." Yu Lang casually touched his chin, "It seems that it is right to use him to lure you out. , as soon as you heard that something happened to him, you came right away. What, is he your little lover? "

Su Lin clenched his fists, and the ice power on his body was so strong that it seemed to solidify.

"I asked, where is he?!"

"Oops, are you angry?" Yu Lang sighed lightly and put his hands behind his back. "It's a pity that I don't have the habit of collecting corpses from others, otherwise you would still be able to see him for the last time."

Su Lin's heart was shaken, and his mind went blank: "...what did you say?"

"I said, he's dead." Yu Lang stabbed Su Lin in the heart with a smile on his face, "He didn't sleep in the middle of the night. He went to listen under my window and listened in the corner, and he didn't know I was there. There was a flaw somewhere that made him target me. Now that he knows my secret, he must die. He was hit by Huo Yu's fireball and was burned to the point where not even the bones and dregs were left. I I think you'd better stop worrying about it."

"Ah, by the way, do you want to know what my secret is? Let me introduce myself again. My code name is Kong Xuan. If you say this, you should understand, right?" Kong Xuan grinned and revealed White teeth.

Su Lin's whole body was trembling slightly, as if he was trapped in a nightmare. He stared at Kong Xuan, his lips trembling and speechless: "You..."

"Ah, your expression now is really interesting." Kong Xuan smiled sullenly against his lips, "It feels like I have lost the whole world. I feel disbelief and despair. I want to tear me apart." Broken. Is my guess right, you two are really a couple?"

"Hiss~" He seemed a little unbelievable, "You two are so different in realm, what do you like about him? Is it his face?"

Su Lin was a little shaky, and the power fluctuations in his body began to be unstable.


He was shouting crazily in his heart that this must not be true. You want to see people when you are alive, and you want to see corpses when you are dead. Before seeing it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe that Shen Yao died like this.

How can it be?

How could the person who was smiling and saying he would always be by his side yesterday just disappear?

A few drops of water fell unexpectedly and condensed into ice as they fell.

Kong Xuan laughed and said: "Damn it, are you crying? I have never seen the tears of a sixth-level superpower user. It's so new! I don't know how you got rid of that guy Rey. It's so embarrassing, but let me tell you in advance that I am different from that guy."

Kong Xuan raised the corners of his lips and smiled with a malicious look on his face.

"It's not too late to regret it now. As long as you are willing to join the organization, we can forgive you. If you don't drink the toast, then don't blame us for being rough."

"Kill you..." Su Lin seemed not to hear his words at all and murmured in a low voice.

"Huh? What did you say?" Kong Xuan asked in a good mood.

"I said I'm going to kill you!" Su Lin raised his head, his eyes like lightning.

The strong ice power was like an awakened warrior, erecting sharp thorns, stabbing the white figure fiercely with sharp hatred like its master.

Kong Xuan calmly showed a smile. Soon, the ice spikes seemed to have encountered a wall of flames and were eliminated in front of Kong Xuan.

"I would like to introduce you to the members of our organization, Huo Yu." After the steam dispersed, a red-haired man appeared out of thin air in front of Kong Xuan. "He is an eighth-level fire power user~ Well, you should have guessed that he is the one who killed your little lover."

Su Lin's eyelids were cracked, and he hit the ground with his palms. A line of ice spread to Huo Yu's feet in an instant, freezing him into an ice sculpture in the blink of an eye.

Su Lin's eyes were burning with hatred. He had never been so angry before.

Kong Xuan pouted and raised a finger, "It doesn't matter, I still have it."

As soon as he finished speaking, another black hole appeared out of thin air, one, two, three... six in total, and a high-level superpower came out of each black hole.

Including Kong Xuan, there are eight people in total.

As soon as the wind power user raised his hand, the wind blade immediately shattered the ice that trapped Huo Yu, and Huo Yu was freed, with a very ugly look on his face.

He clicked his tongue, not expecting that an ice superpower who was two levels below him could actually suppress him.

Kong Xuan laughed muffledly, "I advise you not to struggle pointlessly anymore. There are eight eighth-level superpowers here. Do you think you can escape?"

When he came here this time, other than taking Su Lin back half-dead, he didn't think of any other possibility.

"If we get rid of you, the remaining people in the red base won't be anything to fear." Kong Xuan thought about it casually, "They are all just a bunch of soldiers and generals. We will destroy the superpowers in your base first. When the time comes, let the armed forces from the Sirius base come and raze this base... perfect!"

Eight eighth-level superpowers, such a big deal will cause a sensation no matter where it is placed.

Su Lin felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart, knowing that he was doomed this time. For an eighth-level superpower, he might be able to cross the level and challenge him, but with eight of them together, he would have no chance of winning.

Su Lin clenched his fist tightly. He was not afraid of death, but he didn't want to die like this.

Shen Yao...

At this moment, the only thing he was thinking about was this name.

He regretted it. If he had known that this would happen, he should have accepted it openly.

Even if we only have a moment together, there won't be any room for regret like now.

It's all because he understood too late. He didn't know that Shen Yao's weight in his life was already so heavy.

"Yes, it's this look, this look that is fearless of death." Kong Xuan said with great interest, "This is the way to make fighting interesting."

"You all don't move, let me do it." Huo Yu was crushed in Su Lin's hands. He was obviously angry, so he took the first step and decided to regain his position with Su Lin.

The others looked on indifferently. It was meaningless to fight one of eight people.

Whenever Su Lin thought about how Huo Yu attacked Shen Yao, he could not help but tremble, and he could not suppress his high fighting spirit.

Under the influence of this overly surging emotion, he actually advanced directly.

Everyone looked at him in surprise. Although there were many examples of people advancing in battle, they had never seen anyone advance before the fight started.

"Hey, this guy's ice power is a bit interesting!" said a plant power user.

After Huo Yu was initially surprised, he calmed down and became more focused.

I don't know at which moment, the two of them attacked each other with unstoppable momentum. The field was full of collisions of ice and fire, and violent energy fluctuations spread out in all directions like a tsunami.

Fortunately, there are eight-level high-level superpowers around, otherwise we would have to worry about being involved.

This battle accidentally lasted for two hours...

The eight eighth-level superpowers all went through a round with Su Lin, and each suffered injuries.

Su Lin was covered in blood, but he still stood unsteadily and refused to fall.

Someone said "tsk" impatiently, "This kid is too difficult to deal with. He's still holding on to this situation."

"Why is the ice element so perverted? The seventh level can still keep up with the eighth level, and it has been fighting with us for so long."

"Damn, I'm a little jealous of this kid's superpowers. I don't know who will get an advantage when I take him back."

Several people laughed at the same time, as casually as if they were discussing how to divide the pork.

Su Lin was already exhausted, and his head ached like thousands of needles were pricking him.

He was in a trance, and his vision went dark, but his subconscious was still unwilling to fall asleep.

——No, I can't fall. I, I can't lose, I have to keep fighting.

——I want, I want to protect the people behind me.

——Xiao Yao...Xiao Yao...where are you?

Su Lin once again burst out with a strong fighting spirit, and his body began to heat up, as if the wound was repairing itself.

"Fuck! This kid is going to advance again!"

The eight people finally panicked. The organization had spent a lot of resources on them to reach their current level. They had never seen someone as talented as Su Lin rise to two levels in a short period of time.

This caused an unspeakable panic in their hearts, even though the numbers on their side still had an overwhelming advantage.

"We can't delay any longer! Let's go together and take him down!"

The woman gave a sharp shout, and the eight people reached a consensus and started moving at the same time.

"Well..." The roots of the plant instantly entangled Su Lin's limbs, interrupting his advancement.

The eight people used their powerful moves one after another, and their cruel eyes reflected the light of various powers.

The next second, a dazzling light of thunder and lightning lit up in front of these people's eyes, forcing them to give up their moves and duck to the ground.

The inability to see only existed for a moment, and soon everyone saw clearly that standing in front of Su Lin, as if wrapped in a ball of lightning, was a young man with a delicate and beautiful face.

Seeing him, Huo Yu and Kong Xuan opened their eyes wide in fear.

"Damn! Didn't you say he was dead?" Kong Xuan cursed angrily.

"Wait, isn't he from the space system?"

Huo Yu was also a little unable to react. His blow should have hit him squarely. According to his estimate, this man's bones should have been burned to ashes. Why...

Could it be that he is hiding his strength?

Everyone stared at the center with a somewhat solemn expression. They saw that the electric light on the other person's body gradually subsided, and he raised a pair of ancient and unwavering eyes.

"What are you going to do to him?"

Su Lin woke up from the chaos and stared eagerly at the back in front of him.

——It's Xiao Yao, he's not dead!

The ecstasy of regaining something made him unaware of the violation in Shen Yao for a moment.

"Oh, I know, you want his crystal core, right?" Shen Yao didn't even wait for the other party to answer, and murmured to himself: "In this case, I will dissect your crystal nuclei one by one. How about coming out and letting you have a taste of having your brains hollowed out?"

The eight people's expressions turned cold, they were all irritated by this brazen boy. They all took action and planned to give him a good look.

Shen Yao's eyes suddenly opened wide, a green light flickered in them, and his skin became white and transparent, covered with purple blood vessels, like an evil ancient totem. His teeth and fingertips became sharp, his eyes were as fierce as a beast's, and he let out a roar.

This roar is familiar to humans in the last days.

Someone shuddered and looked at him in confusion.

"It's... it's a zombie! He's a zombie!!!" Someone screamed in fear, and his throat was broken.

This is extremely shocking news to everyone present.

What is the concept of a zombie that looks the same as a human, can even communicate normally, disguises itself as a normal person, and lurks in a gathering place where humans gather?

Even those within the organization who have been studying zombie viruses for many years have never thought that they would encounter such zombies one day.

Shen Yao smiled solemnly: "I didn't want to expose it originally. Since you already know my secret, just shut up and go to hell!"

Before he could even finish his words, Shen Yao showed a speed beyond the reach of ordinary people and beat his opponents away one by one.

"Don't panic!" Kong Xuan tried his best to stabilize the morale of the army and shouted loudly: "There is only one of him, we may not be his opponents!"

"Hmph~" Shen Yao sneered sarcastically, "Who said I'm the only one?"

He raised his hands slightly, and the eight of them noticed that a large army of zombies with pale faces and twisted limbs had gathered around them.

The more densely packed they are, the more they gather, which is a quantity that makes all human beings tremble.

Since being promoted to eighth-level superpowers, they have enjoyed the pleasure of standing at the top of the pyramid. It has been a long, long time since they felt the threat of death so clearly.

Who would have thought that with almost all the top talents in their organization, they would face such a situation.

This man, he can actually control zombies?

Who is he?

Apocalyptic Superpowers (27)

"You should be familiar with 'them', right?" Shen Yao smiled, "'They' are all products carefully cultivated by your organization."

"Damn, I thought the one named Su was perverted enough, but I didn't expect another one who was even more perverted." The fat man who spoke was covered in cold sweat, dripping down his forehead for free.

"It is said that after a species is born, there will be a leader in it." The wind woman said quietly but quickly, "Could he be the... leader among the zombies?"

"What is that?" Kong Xuan asked confused, "Zombie...King?"

"Are you kidding?" Huo Yu's heart tightened, "Does such a thing really exist?"

"What should I do? Run away?" The timid ones had already started to shrink back and couldn't help but look at Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan gritted his teeth, still a little unwilling, but at this moment, it seemed that there was no better way besides retreating first.

"Withdraw." After Kong Xuan said this, he wanted to activate his familiar idle ability, but he sensed something and his eyes were slightly blank.

"What's wrong? Why aren't you still moving?" the wind woman asked quickly.

"I can't move..." After he finished speaking, he raised his head and saw Shen Yao making a fist gesture.

"Want to run away?" Shen Yao smiled evilly, and the young man's energetic voice sounded like a reminder, "You all have to stay here!"

Kong Xuan's pupils trembled, "Is this... space blockade?!"

No one else thought that Shen Yao had such a hand, and they all showed horrified expressions.

The escape route was blocked, so it looked like the only option was to fight hard. But... looking at the endless number of zombies around, even if the eight of them, the most powerful people in the world, are gathered together, they can't help but feel despair.

"Stop struggling. There is only one ending for you tonight, and that is death."

From Shen Yao's eyes without any warmth, the eight people seemed to see the ending of their death. Fear, fear, trembling, and madness derived from despair, the eight people no longer expected a miracle to come, gritted their teeth and attacked Shen Yao with all their strength.

"go to hell!"

Chen Yao's pupils reflected eight crazily approaching shadows, and a hint of mad excitement suddenly appeared in the green light, and the blood in his body seemed to be on fire.

Since the world woke up, he has never completely let go of his abilities, and his hands have never been stained with a trace of human blood. But no matter how well he disguises himself, he is essentially It's a zombie.

A cold-blooded, murderous zombie who is attracted to fresh flesh and blood!


Su Lin still maintained the state of his limbs being tightly bound by the plant roots, staring at the battlefield not far away absentmindedly.

He saw Shen Yao fighting fiercely and cruelly in the encirclement, and different power fluctuations were released from his body. He is like an omnipotent god, so powerful that it is frightening. The strength of his body alone is frightening.

He was completely immersed in the fighting, and his strikes were fast and hard. Even if he was attacked, he seemed to feel no pain at all. He only saw those eight opponents, like Shura who only saw killing. It's obviously still the familiar face, but it's completely changed.

Miserable howls sounded from time to time, but he turned a deaf ear. He broke someone's arm with a snap of his hand, inserted his sharp nails into others' hearts, crushed their limbs, crazily injected thunder powers from the Tianling Gai, and then tore into the quilt. The person who smelled of burnt electricity threw it away.

Now, he seems to have temporarily separated from his human identity and become a real zombie.

A zombie without reason and emotion, only manic and bloodthirsty.

Su Lin's heart seemed to be clenched, and even his breathing almost stopped.

As he said, Shen Yao dug open their brains and took out the crystal core.

However, he did not have the skills of the internal personnel of the organization, so he could not take it out in such a detailed manner. Most of his methods were rough and direct. In the process, his subordinates would have died, which made the process less interesting.

"Tsk, as expected, people are dirty, even the crystal core is dirty. It's boring~" Shen Yao just took it in his hand and looked at it, then threw it away without interest.

The few people who were still alive and unable to move saw this scene and their eyes widened in horror.

"...Crazy, crazy..." they cursed with difficulty.

"I heard that you like to perform craniotomy on people. Why, you are not happy to have you try this?" Shen Yao tilted his head with an innocent look on his face, "Are there any of you? ‌Someone's crystal nucleus was obtained from someone else?"

"..." Several people were silent and did not answer.

"Do you still remember how the person you cut out the crystal core howled in pain? Is it much worse than this?"

Several people lowered their eyes, as if they really recalled that scene.

"So, isn't the ending I arranged for you very suitable?" Shen Yao always said the most terrifying words with the most innocent face.

"Okay, don't waste any more time. Let's hurry up. I have other things to be busy with." The position was reversed. The person who was deciding Su Lin's fate not long ago was now at the top. Lying on the ground like a dead dog, he could only be slaughtered by Shen Yao.

Kong Xuan crawled a few steps and begged Su Lin with tears in his eyes: "Please... please help me... I, I don't want to die! I really don't want to die! I know I'm wrong Yes, I really know I was wrong! Please... don't let him treat me so cruelly‌oooooooo~ Please show mercy!"

Don't think about his evil deeds, just look at his current look of begging for favor, how pitiful it is! The look in his eyes was frightened, yet also full of pleading and sincerity. Just one look at it made people feel extremely soft-hearted.

Even Shen Yao was immersed in his superb acting skills and paused for a moment.

He slowly walked up to Kong Xuan, pulled his long hair to force him to raise his head, and said in a calm tone: "You are really smart, you know who to plead with. It's a pity -"

He grabbed Kong Xuan's head and smashed it hard on the ground, and a four-cracked hole was made on the ground.

The others trembled and looked at this scene in fear.

When Kong Xuan was pulled up again, his eyes were already distracted. But the physical strength of the eighth-level superpower makes it impossible for him to faint in this state.

While resisting, it also means that these people need to endure more torture.

"Ha~" Shen Yao sneered, his eyes as cold as quenched poison, "You make me feel very bad."

"Why bother him? Huh? Haven't you done enough to him? Do you still want him to forgive you?"

Su Lin watched with trembling heart as Shen Yao grabbed Kong Xuan's head and knocked it on the ground like crazy. A drop of cold sweat slipped from his forehead. He couldn't help but call out: "...Shen Yao."

Chen Yao stopped abruptly and glanced at him.

Su Lin now feels weak even when she looks at him.

The air was quiet for a moment, and Shen Yao paused, throwing the person away with one hand and throwing him far away.

"I'm tired of playing. Next, let 'them' serve you."

They naturally refer to the zombie army that has been watching the surroundings for a long time.

Shen Yao tilted his head slightly, his eyes were cold and he smiled playfully: "You who created zombies, if you die at the hands of zombies, you deserve to die."

After a crisp and sweet snap of the fingers, the zombies were like beasts being released from their cages, roaring and impatiently sweeping away the few people who were still breathing.

"No, no no no!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

A shrill howl resounded throughout the world, and after a numbing sound of biting, gnawing, and chewing, it gradually calmed down.

Su Lin's face was pale, and the entangled roots on his body lost their strength at some point. After letting him go, he almost fell.

"What's wrong?" Shen Yao's hand returned to its original fair and beautiful appearance, gently caressing the side of Su Lin's face, "Are you scared?"

His voice is gentle, like a lover's whisper.

Su Lin raised his eyes with trembling eyelashes. His eyes were bloodshot and so fragile that they seemed to break if touched.

He has seen many such scenes. In fact, what scares him is not other things, but Shen Yao who is standing in front of him at this moment - the secret about him.

"You...what are you?" Su Lin felt as if his throat had been smoked by fire, hoarse and burning.

He didn't even know if he made any sound.

An inexplicable fear tightly strangled his throat, and he could hardly breathe. He held on to a belief and waited for the trial.

She didn't want to hear the other party's answer, but she couldn't move her gaze away from him.

After a long time, Shen Yao said softly: "Don't you already know? Yes, I am the zombie king."

Zombie...he said he is the zombie...king...

Even though he had expected it, when he heard it with his own ears, Su Lin's heart still felt as if it had been smashed by a heavy hammer.

It turned out that the person who had been by his side and treated him in every possible way turned out to be a zombie...


"Don't worry, brother, there is still me. I will always be by your side to protect you."

"I'm very powerful. As long as I'm here, nothing will happen to you."

"No matter how many times I come back, I will make the same choice. I will never abandon you, not because you are the captain or a sixth-level superpower, but because you are Su Lin."

"Brother, I like you."

"I don't hate it, I just like it."

"I can't live without a brother."

"Pigeon soup... I cooked it all night. It must be delicious."

"I like to cook for my brother. Every time I see my brother eating so deliciously, I feel very satisfied."

"My name is Shen Yao, and I am eighteen years old this year."

"In my heart, you are the best person in the world. No one can say that about you, not even yourself."

"You want some candy, brother? I have a lot more here, and they're all yours."

"I hope my brother can understand. You are outstanding and dazzling. You are the only one in the world and my favorite person. I said I like you, and of course I hope you can do the same. You like me, but if not, I also hope that you can enjoy my kindness to you with peace of mind. Because you deserve it, you deserve the best."

Memories washed away, and Su Lin burst into tears uncontrollably.

"...Why, why did you lie to me?!" He clutched Shen Yao's front tightly and was about to be burned to death by the flames of despair.

"Why?! Why on earth did you say that!" He had never lost his mind like this before, roaring and questioning over and over again.

Even when he first learned that he had been double betrayed by Liang Ye and Su Lan, he was not as painful as he is now.

At that time, he was just overwhelmed with anger, but now he felt as if his heart had died.

Shen Yao wanted to touch him, but he pushed him away wildly.

"Don't touch me!"

Shen Yao paused his hand in mid-air and stared at him quietly.

Su Lin burst into tears, "I thought, I thought that in this world, at least you would never hurt me."

Shen Yao's eyebrows dimmed and he whispered, "I'm sorry."

"It was not my intention to make you sad."

"Why on earth, why did you do this to me?" Su Lin raised his hands and put them against his face, and endless tears fell from the gap.

Discovering that he had been deceived by the person he trusted the most, this familiar feeling of anger even caused him to have a stress reaction, making him feel sick to the point of nauseating.

He never thought that Shen Yao would lie to him. He thought that he and Liang were different. He thought that he was the only person he could trust.

But compared to the anger of being deceived, what made him emotionally broken the most was despair.

Shen Yao can be anyone, but why is he the zombie king?

How many humans have died in the last three years? Human beings' fear and hatred of zombies have been engraved in their bones.

They are already in a never-ending situation with the zombies. The elimination of zombies is the common ideal of all mankind!

There is too much and too heavy blood and tears buried here. History cannot be forgotten, and we can only use blood to pay tribute to the dead souls.

Even if we know that zombies are controlled by viruses and are products cultivated by selfish and evil humans, they cannot dispel the hatred in human hearts.

He and Shen Yao were destined to be on opposite sides.

This almost clearly told him that there was no chance for them.

The foreseeable future is what makes Su Lin most distressed. That's why he hates Shen Yao so much for being so kind to him and letting him...

She fell in love with him, but broke his illusion so cruelly.

Apocalyptic superpowers (28)

Shen Yao watched in silence as Su Lin fell into deep pain and despair. His tears seemed to be unstoppable and flowed out crazily.

——He has never seen Su Lin like this.

"Brother, does it make you feel so uncomfortable that I am the Zombie King?" Shen Yao asked quietly, "Is it because of my deception that you feel betrayed?"

Su Lin's breath froze and he remained silent without looking at him.

"But, if I had told you earlier, what would you think of me?"

Su Lin paused and couldn't help but glance at him. Shen Yao lowered his eyes, looking a bit self-deprecating and sad.

"Have you ever seen a zombie like me? Have you ever seen a zombie that still retains normal thinking, can speak and eat, and looks almost the same as a human?"

"At the beginning, I couldn't accept my transformation. I am obviously a human being, but an accident occurred during a certain mission, and I became like this when I woke up. The zombies called me 'King', but I still couldn't. Consider yourself a ‌human being."

"I still yearn for human life. I would leave the zombies and sneak into a human base, pretending that I haven't changed, pretending that I need to sleep, pretending that I need to eat, and be friends with humans. Isn't this ridiculous?"

"Brother, who am I if I don't look like a human or a zombie?"

"..." Su Lin couldn't say a word. Looking at Shen Yao's numb and dim eyes, he felt strong heartache.

"I didn't mean to deceive my brother, but I still think that I am a human being in my bones. I have never hurt anyone, and I even disciplined the zombies and did not allow them to hurt you..."

Su Lin was startled and remembered in a daze that when he went on a mission with Shen Yao, he was indeed not attacked by zombies.

It turns out that this is the reason...

"Brother, when I say I like you and love you, I mean it sincerely. I am not a walking zombie without feelings. Becoming the zombie king is not what I want. All I want is to be with you."

Shen Yao gently held Su Lin's face and stared deeply into his eyes.

The defense line in Su Lin's heart was crumbling, and his whole body was shaking.

"Brother, do you love me?" Shen Yao looked at him tenderly, "Do you want to kill me?"

Su Lin pinched Shen Yao's clothes tightly, and tears kept falling.

His heart ached.

Shen Yao grabbed his hand and placed it on his forehead.

"It's very simple. Just break my crystal core and I will die. If my brother wants to kill me, I won't resist."

Su Lin was severely stimulated again, and the hand on Shen Yao's forehead trembled violently.

How could he kill this person with his own hands?

Doesn't he know that the more he says this, the less he can do?

"Uh-uh-uh-" A zombie suddenly came closer and seemed to be saying something to Shen Yao.

Shen Yao: "A lot of people are coming here?"

Su Lin was agitated, thinking of the letter he had left for the team members, and suddenly panicked in his heart.

He quickly withdrew his hand, looked at Shen Yao, whose face was still covered with purple veins, and sternly drove him away: "You hurry up! Before I regret it, disappear from my eyes immediately! Don't appear again in the future. In front of me!"

"I will pretend that I have never known you." When Su Lin said this, his heart felt so painful that it seemed to be torn apart.

But letting go of Shen Yao, the zombie king, was already the most willful move he had ever made. He had no way to protect him, and no way to give up the base he had protected so far. He could only temporarily forget his identity as the superpower captain and pretend that he had never met a zombie king named Shen Yao.

In this way, they can all return to their respective places, right?

Perhaps, this is the best arrangement.

Shen Yao took a deep look at Su Lin, said nothing, and waved the zombie army away like a tide.

Before the zombies left, they took the corpses with them. Nothing was left but large smears of dried, brown blood.

Su Lin never raised his head, but when he felt Shen Yao gradually moving away, his heart suddenly became extremely empty.

The aftereffects of exhaustion took over at this moment. He shook twice and his body gradually went limp.

"Captain——" Before he fell into unconsciousness, he seemed to hear the distant calls of his team members.


Su Lin has become very silent since he came back. The team members did not dare to ask what happened that day. They only knew that Shen Yao was missing.

Something serious must have happened here, otherwise Su Lin would not have said a word about Shen Yao's whereabouts.

Representatives from each base have left the red base and began to trace the whereabouts of the organization.

Su Lin was so depressed that he seemed to have lost his soul. He kept thinking about an impossible person in his mind.

He knew that continuing to be trapped would not help, and he should cheer up and do what he should do.

But it was like there was a big hole in his heart, leaking out constantly, and he felt like he had lost something very important. This feeling made him so distracted that he didn't want to do anything.

"Captain, why did you go to that place that day?"

Su Lin closed his eyes, "...I have no way to explain this question to you."

Lin Yu was a little anxious, "Then you should at least tell us what happened to Xiao Yao? You should let us know whether he is dead or alive. Do you think we can be indifferent to the life and death of our teammates? ?"

Tian Dashan sighed deeply, "These days, we don't dare to ask you. Thinking that if something really happened to Xiao Shen, you would be the saddest one. However, we still want an answer. .Whether a person is dead or alive, we must know."

Su Lin's Adam's apple slid up and down, feeling as uncomfortable as swallowing a lead weight.

"You...just treat him as dead."

"What do you mean by treating him as dead? If he's dead, he's dead. If he's not dead, he's not dead. How can you treat him as dead?" Lin Yu couldn't accept this answer. "Did that kid do something wrong?"

"No, don't ask!" Su Lin shouted emotionally, "Don't mention this name again in the future. This is for your own good."

"Ah, Xiao Yao..."

"I told you not to mention it again..." Su Lin turned his head, but was suddenly surprised to see a familiar figure appear at the door.


Shen Yao still had the same fair and beautiful face, bent his moist eyes, and greeted them with a smile: "Brother, Sister Lin Yu, Brother Dashan, how are you?"

"What's going on? We thought you were dead. Wuwuwuwu~" Lin Yu and Tian Dashan rushed towards him excitedly.

Shen Yao laughed heartily: "What are you talking about? Isn't this good?"

Su Lin stared at him intently. It was just that he hadn't seen this person for a few days, but he had the illusion that he was in another world.

Seeing Shen Yao standing in front of him without any haze, it was as if everything that happened before was a dream.

"What's going on?" Lin Yu asked loudly, "Why did you disappear without saying a word? Where have you been these past few days? We're worried to death! Ask Captain Su and he won't tell you anything! "

"Well..." Shen Yao rolled his eyes and glanced at Su Lin, and said, "My brother and I had a fight. My brother was angry and wanted to drive me away."

"Huh?" Lin Yu and Tian Dashan turned to look at Su Lin, unable to understand that this was the case.

"Is what he said true, Captain Su?"

Su Lin was trembling all over and his eyes were frightened.

Without saying a word, he clasped Shen Yao's wrist and pulled him out: "Follow me."

Lin Yu and Tian Dashan watched them go out blankly, looking at each other blankly.

Su Lin took Shen Yao back to his home and made sure there was no one around before his emotions finally exploded.

"What's going on with you? Didn't I tell you not to show up in front of me again? Why do you want to come back? Why do you still show up in front of me? Are you crazy?!"

"You...don't you know you are a zombie?" Su Lin gritted his teeth and overcame a huge psychological barrier before spitting out these words.

Shen Yao covered his hand that was holding her own, and replied gently and calmly: "I miss you."

Su Lin's eyes were slightly empty, and he only felt ridiculous in his heart.

"Hurry up and get out of the red base!" He grabbed Shen Yao and wanted to throw him out, but Shen Yao stood there without moving and held him back.

"Let go!" Su Lin struggled hard, but Shen Yao hugged him tightly.

He exclaimed, momentarily forgetting what he wanted to say.

"Brother, I won't leave," Shen Yao buried herself on his shoulder and whispered: "Wherever you are, I will be there. I said, I will always be by your side. Don't drive me away, I really I need you."

When Su Lin heard such words, his eyes became wet all of a sudden.

"No..." He struggled to push Shen Yao out: "If someone finds out that you are the zombie king, it will be over! You should leave quickly and stay away from me!"

Shen Yao didn't listen to him at all and blocked his mouth with a kiss.


This wasn't the first time Shen Yao kissed him, but the feeling was different from before. Su Lin's mind was filled with confusion and he even forgot his own last name.

After losing my heart, my body became extremely honest.

Shen Yao now indeed has the ability to subdue him with a kiss. Su Lin couldn't help but indulge in it, and the intense intertwining of lips and tongues made him forget the existence of time.

He grabbed the clothes on Shen Yao's back, leaving a series of wrinkles.

He didn't want to let go, he wanted this person - but even though the feeling in his heart was so strong, he could only desperately resist the sinking consciousness and cruelly pushed the other person away.

Shen Yao's lips were dyed with a layer of crystal, and his breath was not disturbed. He held the back of Su Lin's head and said calmly: "Brother, you have me in your heart, right?"

Su Lin was in a panic, and his heart was beating as if it was about to break through his chest.

He suddenly felt a little annoyed at Shen Yao's entanglement, and shouted angrily: "Yes! I do like you! Are you satisfied?! What do you want? Do you still want me to pretend that nothing happened at this point? Same, do I get along with you like before?"

Shen Yao hugged him into his arms and said with a little joy, "I'm so happy."

"..." Su Lin was really defeated. Why could he act like nothing happened?

"Brother, you don't have to worry about anything. No one will find out. I know you are worried that if I am exposed, I will be killed. But look, wasn't everything fine before? Not even you. Found out that I am a zombie." Shen Yao pulled Su Lin into his arms again and hugged her tightly.

Su Lin's eyes dimmed, "...but I can't deceive myself. I can still be with you with peace of mind in this situation."

"Brother, do you believe me?" Shen Yao stroked Su Lin's face and said seriously: "I will end this apocalypse and find a way for humans and zombies to coexist. Even if I am a zombie, it cannot stop me from loving you. So. ‌, don't drive me away, just let me stay with you."

Su Lin was stunned for a long time, with a bitter smile on his lips: "Humans... coexist with zombies? What kind of whimsical idea do you have?"

"If it can really be done, then it must be possible for me, who is both human and zombie-like, to do it, right?" Shen Yao chuckled, his eyes soft.

"Perhaps my existence is to achieve this purpose. The predecessors of zombies were also a group of innocent and pitiful victims. If they can have normal emotions and thinking like me, then they might not be able to take on a new life. Form continues, right?"

Apocalyptic Superpowers (29)

Su Lin admitted that he was a little moved by Shen Yao's words.

Although the idea of ​​letting humans and zombies coexist sounds a bit too unrealistic. But as Shen Yao said, the predecessors of zombies were just a group of innocent humans.

If zombies can be like Shen Yao, even if they are infected, they still retain their own thoughts and emotions, and will not cause harm to humans, then humans do not need to kill all the zombies, and there is no need to kill and sacrifice all day long. More survivors, which is also a good thing for mankind.

After all, zombies and superpowers are both the products of being infected with the zombie virus. It's just that the zombies have not evolved completely and have become monsters driven by bloodthirsty instincts, so they need to be eliminated.

But if zombies have a choice, why don't they hope that they can awaken into superpowers?

Today's zombies were once family members, friends, colleagues, and relatives of a certain human being. Maybe there are people in this world who care about them.

If there is a best-of-both-worlds solution that allows zombies to live like normal humans, that would naturally be the best.

More importantly, Su Lin couldn't deceive himself. He really couldn't let go of Shen Yao...

No matter how much you tell yourself intellectually, don't expect such outrageous things. You should stop immediately and don't make the wrong decision. But emotionally, I still kept trying to believe it, trying my best to find reasons for myself, and in the end, I still vaguely acquiesced to Shen Yao to stay.

Su Lin almost went crazy.

While he was worried, Shen Yao acted like a normal person, with a big heart. He still called himself brothers to the team members. From time to time, they teamed up to go hunting together, and even lived in Su Lin's villa openly. Cooking, cleaning, and washing clothes, he came into the house like half a master and kept Su Lin's life in order.

While Su Lin was enjoying his meticulous care, she was also worried about him. If the matter is not resolved, he will always be at a loss.

He really didn't know how Shen Yao planned it. He didn't seem to be in a hurry and just hung around him all day long.

It seems like she only wants to live with him like this, but Su Lin is afraid that the current life is just a beautiful illusion, because there is always a time bomb buried among them.

Su Lin: "You said you want zombies and humans to coexist, is there really a way?"

Shen Yao squeezed the toothpaste for him and handed him the toothbrush. He smiled and looked at Su Lin with messy hair in the mirror: "Of course it's true. In fact, I've been thinking about it a long time ago. People with super powers are constantly As the level increases, the zombies also become stronger. As the level increases, the zombies gradually get rid of the shortcomings of stiff limbs, confused thinking, and inconvenient movement."

"Although the zombies at this stage have not retained all their 'humanity' like me, what if the zombies are allowed to continue to evolve?"

Su Lin forgot to brush his teeth after hearing this, and was lost in thought following Shen Yao's words.

Shen Yao stared at his dazed look and thought it was cute.

"Since the people in the organization have a way to make superpowers stronger, they might also have a way to make zombies evolve. Even if not, we can arrest them and force them to study it."

"..." Su Lin couldn't help but glance at Shen Yao with a strange expression.

Shen Yao said very confidently: "They are the source of all evil and the sinners of all mankind. There is no way they can do anything to make up for it."

Su Lin was speechless and just said: "Then you should go catch them."

"Why are you so anxious? They can't hide it." Shen Yao smiled meaningfully, "They have suffered heavy losses now. It's time for us to fight back."

In the past, the reason why the organization was able to achieve the goal of seeing the dragon but not its tail was that the superpowers had the crushing level of strength in this world.

Shen Yao killed eight of their high-level superpowers at once, but he didn't believe that they could stand still.

He was waiting here for them to come to his door. Even if they didn't come, with the joint search of human superpowers and zombies, he believed that it would be a matter of time before their whereabouts were discovered.

"Let's not talk about this anymore, brother, can I sleep with you today?" Shen Yao pulled the hem of Su Lin's clothes and acted coquettishly without any psychological burden.

Su Lin froze, his face turning red little by little.

For adults, especially couples, the invitation to "sleep together" seems to have a deeper meaning.

He couldn't stop thinking about it.

Suddenly, he thought of a question and couldn't help turning his head and asked curiously: "Will there be needs even if I become a zombie?"


The air suddenly fell into silence.

Shen Yao's mind automatically translated this sentence into: "Are you still able to toughen up?"

After a long silence, he leaned against Su Lin's ear and breathed softly: "Brother, do you want to come and verify it yourself?"

"..." Su Lin's ears turned red and he turned his head silently.

He was a little unaccustomed to Shen Yao, who had always been a good kid in his mind, saying such rude things to him.

That night, Shen Yao automatically got into Su Lin's bed and occupied half of his bed.

He has always known how to push beyond the limits. Su Lin didn't refuse, which meant he agreed.

Su Lin had never been so close to anyone in his life, and his limbs became stiff. But when he thought that the person lying next to him was his lover, his heart was beating so fast that it almost jumped out of his chest.

Although I was a little nervous and scared, I was not as resistant as I imagined, and I even had a little bit of expectation.

Shen Yao supported him and said softly: "Brother, relax."

Then, his kiss was suppressed.

Su Lin gradually settled down in this soft and feathery kiss, and he realized that he really enjoyed the intimacy of the intertwining of lips and tongues.

This made him truly feel the presence of the people around him, dispelling the loneliness he had always felt in his heart.

Su Lin couldn't help but hugged Shen Yao and deepened the kiss with him.

The kiss lasted for a long time, making Su Lin feel dizzy. He vaguely remembered that he cooperated with Shen Yao in taking off his clothes.

The temperature of Shen Yao's body was very low, so cold that Su Lin shivered.

He seemed to have noticed this, and controlled the temperature of his body to rise. It was so warm that people didn't want to let go.

Two equally strong male bodies were tightly entangled, and the overflowing hormones made their brains seem to be on fire, and their sanity was melted away.

There were bursts of heavy breathing in the darkness. Su Lin was intoxicated in Shen Yao's tenderness, and then he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Eh? Eh?

what happened? How could he be the one below?

"Wait, wait a minute, wait a moment...ah..."

When Su Lin thought of resisting, it was already too late.

His mind was not very clear to begin with, and his limbs were as soft as noodles due to Shen Yao's movements.

Shen Yao coaxed Su Lin into obeying him.

Su Lin was forced to tears, and he wanted to bite this little villain with hatred.

He didn't know why. He was obviously the older one between the two, but in this kind of matter, Shen Yao always took the lead.

Shen Yao finally got what he wanted, not to mention how satisfied he was.

Eating it once was not enough, so he ate it over and over for a second, third, and fourth time...

Until daylight, he was still pestering Su Lin.

If it weren't for the fact that the bodies of superpowers were different from ordinary people and very resistant, Su Lin would have been unable to hold on long ago.

However, one of them is a zombie king and the other is an eighth-level superpower, so there is no physical mismatch.

Fortunately, this is the case, both of them can have fun.

"Brother, it's time to get up and eat." Shen Yao made breakfast and gently urged Su Lin to get up.

Su Lin lay on the bed, motionless and pretending to be dead. The exposed upper body was covered in red marks, indicating the intensity of last night.

It wasn't that he felt uncomfortable and couldn't move, but when he thought of Shen Yao's wolf-like appearance yesterday, turning him over and over, kneading him like dough, he didn't want to get up and face the world.

At the same time, he also found sadly in his heart that he had fallen into Shen Yao's hands in this life.

He couldn't bear to refuse Shen Yao's various requests, even if they were unreasonable.

Shen Yao obviously knew this, so he ate him to death.

"Brother, don't you think you are satisfied yet? How about we continue?" Shen Yao leaned over and whispered devilishly in Su Lin's ear.

Su Lin's ears turned red. He immediately got up and glared at Shen Yao angrily.

Shen Yao laughed so happily that he "chirped" on his face.

Su Lin's eyes moved and he became a little angry again.

Breakfast was still made by Shen Yao himself. The bean paste buns with red bean filling he made the night before were frozen, and they were thawed this morning, steamed and served directly.

There are also corn, eggs, and some leftover siomai.

Su Lin's taste was on the sweet side, and the red bean paste buns were his favorite. He could finish the palm-sized buns in two bites.

Eat it with corn and you won't get tired easily.

After physical exertion, breakfast seems to taste more delicious than usual.

In fact, it didn't matter whether Shen Yao ate or not, he just peeled the eggs for Su Lin next to him.

Su Lin looked at the scene in front of him and suddenly felt a little dazed.

This is the ordinary and warm life he once dreamed of, no matter what superpowers, what kind of prestige and status. From the beginning to the end, what he pursues is just the happiness within reach of ordinary people.

This was the first time that he felt the existence of "home" after the end of the world.

Seeing Shen Yao peeling eggs for him with lowered eyes, his heart was so full that it almost overflowed.

Fate favored him after all. When he suffered the betrayal of his loved ones, he gave him Shen Yao.

When they arrived at the team gathering place, the team members seemed to have discovered some shocking secret. They pulled each other, pointed at Su Lin, and then smiled at him with mischievous smiles.

"Captain Su, did you have a good time last night?"

"Congratulations, it's that brat Shen Yao, right? Oops~ I just said he has some tricks and finally caught the man."

"It's great that Team Su can figure it out! All of us team members are happy for you!"

"?" Su Lin was confused, realized something was wrong, and quickly hid in the bathroom.

He turned his back and looked in the mirror, but couldn't see anything. With an idea, he condensed a smooth piece of ice and used it as a hand mirror. When he looked in the mirror, he discovered a huge strawberry mark on the back of his neck.

As if he was afraid that others wouldn't see him, he walked around in a swagger.

Su Lin's face turned red, and he gritted his teeth and muttered in a low voice: "Shen, Yao!"

Apocalyptic Superpowers (30)

She and Su Lin only had a brief moment of friendship, but Shen Yao was never idle in the following days.

As he disappeared from the base from time to time, news came that organized dens from the outside world were being destroyed. Now it was the turn of the members of the organization to flee in confusion during the arrest operation.

As Shen Yao said, their counterattack against the mysterious organization has already begun.

Through interrogation, the mystery of the organization in front of people was gradually unveiled.

This is a research team assembled by a group of high-level intellectuals with extreme ideas. They were originally affiliated with formal national scientific research institutions, but after the research was ordered to stop, they went underground to continue conducting experiments secretly.

The leader is a fanatical idealist criminal with a super high quotient. Before the end of the world, the outside world called him Professor Martin.

After the end of the world, he was respected as the "High Priest" by the members of the organization because they all had a common belief - my god.

The so-called "my god" actually does not have any concrete explanation. What they admire is not the real illusory god, but "self".

They believe that human beings are the greatest creation of the Creator and are born to be the rulers of the world.

However, the power of human beings is too fragile. In the face of birds of prey and natural disasters, they are still as small as ants. It is obviously an advanced intelligent life form that has evolved through a long period of evolution, but after the emergence of civilization, its physical transformation has almost stagnated.

But it doesn't matter, they can make up for this by transforming the human body through scientific research methods.

——They obviously have this ability. As long as research continues, is there anything that humans can't do?

From this we can see how confident and arrogant this group of scientific researchers are in their own minds.

There are too many human desires and selfishness mixed in here. The worship of strength, the power to reshuffle the world, and the temptation to take life and death are all the reasons why they despise the lives of others and wantonly trigger this disaster.

Shen Yao learned from the captives that the eight eighth-level superpowers he killed were actually almost all the masters of the organization.

You must know that in the current situation where the strength of superpowers is generally still in the third and fourth levels, and the fifth and sixth levels are already rare and powerful, the organization's superpowers can reach the eighth level, which is a very high effort. cost.

However, there is obviously a flaw, that is, reaching the eighth level is already the limit.

Therefore, the superpowers Shen Yao has encountered so far, whether it is Lei Yi at the beginning or Kong Xuan, Huo Yu and others later, are all at the eighth level.

Compared with them who relied on special means to reach the eighth level, Su Lin, who broke through all the way on his own, was simply a rare genius.

No wonder they are so interested in him.

They must know that if a talented person like Su Lin cannot be gathered together, he will be a serious problem in the future, so the best way is to capture him before he has fully grown up.

Rey failed before, and Kong Xuan led seven teammates to attack again. He thought he was fully prepared this time, but who knew that the entire army would be annihilated.

Even the organization that has been secretly growing has been severely damaged after this time.

In just over half a month, Shen Yao destroyed many of their dens. After tying up all the people, a distress message will be sent to nearby human bases. Then before anyone comes, he disappears, hiding his merit and fame.

The people who came after receiving the information thought it was a mysterious and powerful team of superpowers at first. However, they learned from the captives that there was only one person on the other side.

Although I don't know who it is, this strength is really incredible. While the outside world is chasing the mysterious organization, they are also very curious to know the identity of this person.

The reason why Shen Yao didn't kill them all was, firstly, because he didn't like killing, and secondly, those who were left alive could still provide some information related to the organization, such as the list of undercover agents lurking in the human survivor base.

As for humans tracing his identity, he doesn't really care.


"Another person is traveling secretly. Didn't I tell you that you must take me with you next time?"

As soon as Shen Yao returned to the red base, he received another dissatisfied complaint from Su Lin.

Su Lin was very dissatisfied that he always disappeared from time to time and never told him where he went, which made him feel uneasy and always worried about the danger he would encounter when he was alone outside.

Even if he knew that Shen Yao was very strong and could hardly meet his opponent, he would still inevitably worry about him.

He really wanted Shen Yao to take him with him. Two people were better than one, and they could take care of each other. Being able to see people also saves him from thinking wildly.

"You act without permission during your free time, and you don't even listen to me, the captain, so you are no longer one of my team members?" Su Lin muttered depressedly.

Shen Yao was slightly startled, with a helpless smile on his softened brows: "I'm wrong, brother, it's my fault. I won't dare to do it again. Can you forgive me this time?"

Su Lin looked at him depressedly and said, "You are speaking nicely now. If you think I don't know, you will still do this next time."

Shen Yao hugged his waist, smiled and pulled him into his arms, and they were so close to him. At such a close distance, even the tips of their noses and lips were touching.

"My target alone is relatively small. Even if you disappear, you can help me cover it when asked. You are the trump card of the base. It will be unreasonable if you disappear. Besides, I I'm not alone. Don't forget, I am the zombie king and can summon zombies. Nothing will happen to me. Even if something happens, I will come back to see you with my last breath. "

Su Lin was very quiet and well-behaved in Shen Yao's arms. He actually knew in his heart that what Shen Yao said was right, but he was still worried.

"Then... when are you going to leave?" Su Lin asked softly.

The fingers replaced the master's wishes and reluctantly pinched Shen Yao's clothes.

"I won't leave for now," Shen Yao said solemnly, "I will stay in the red base from now on."

Su Lin was a little surprised, "What?"

Shen Yao's expression became a little serious and explained to him: "Next, there may be a big battle in the base."

The organization is not without some resistance. According to the information Shen Yao received, they have completely taken control of the Sirius base and are preparing to launch an attack on the red base.

Therefore, the red base may have a tough battle to fight next. Under such circumstances, Shen Yao would not go anywhere.

Su Lin's eyes widened, "Why didn't you tell me about such an important thing earlier?!"

It was a matter of life and death for the base, and Captain Su's thoughts were all gone.

He quickly entered the state, summoned all military departments of the base, sounded the first-level alarm, and began to make strategic arrangements.

Shen Yao has been following him, watching him issue various instructions, make various decisions, meet with the heads of various departments, and occasionally put forward some more constructive suggestions.

Regarding the war between two bases, what matters is the overall strength of the base. His abilities cannot be exposed. In such a situation, it will not be of much help.

"The troops and weapons at Tianlang Base are not as good as those at our base, but the number of superpowers is greater than ours."

"The most important thing now is defense. Let the earth power users work harder and build more thick walls. Once a hole is opened in the outer perimeter and they rush in, the people in the base will be in danger. "

"I think they are crazy! What time is it now? If you dare to attack in a big way, aren't you afraid of attracting zombies?"

"If you weren't crazy, how could you take refuge in that person!?"

"It's really chilling. Before the zombies are eliminated, humans are starting to kill each other..."

Amidst the chaotic discussion, Shen Yao noticed that someone seemed to be looking at him.

He turned his head and looked, and it turned out to be Liang Ye.

When Liang Ye met his eyes, he stiffened for a moment, and then looked away uncomfortably.

Shen Yao smiled inexplicably and turned his attention back to Liang Ye.

After a long while, Liang glanced back at Shen Yao furtively, with a very complicated expression.

Ever since he was frightened by Shen Yao with force twice, he had always felt that Shen Yao was evil.

Especially when Su Lin's super power rioted, Shen Yao looked at him like a Shura from hell.

At that time, Liang also had a very strange feeling, as if what he saw in front of him was not a human being, but a more terrifying existence.

He intuitively felt that Shen Yao had some secrets hidden in him. When he thought of the embarrassment Shen Yao had brought to him, he desperately wanted to dig out his secrets.

So, when he discovered that Shen Yao occasionally disappeared, he kept it in mind.

He secretly followed Shen Yao for a while, and finally tracked Shen Yao out of the base at one point, and found out that Shen Yao could actually communicate with zombies! ?

When Liang Ye found out at that time, his legs were so frightened that he became weak. His whole body was dripping with cold sweat, he was shivering, not daring to move, and he even breathed softly.

Able to communicate with zombies without any barriers, what kind of monster is Shen Yao?

No matter who he was, Liang only knew that if he was discovered, he would definitely die.

Fortunately, Shen Yao never noticed his presence. He waited until Shen Yao left, then dragged his legs as soft as noodles and crawled back to the base.

After returning to the base, he fell into chaos.

No matter how hard you guess, you can't figure out how Shen Yao is able to communicate with zombies without any barriers. If he is with the zombies, what is the purpose of entering the red base?

What should I do, should I expose him? But he has no evidence. Even if he says so, who would believe him?

If nothing happens and Shen Yao wants to kill him and silence him...

After struggling for thousands of times, Liang finally decided to pretend not to know so as not to alert the enemy.

At this moment, he did not expect that he would have any connection with the "□□" in everyone's mouth. He didn't know that the time to deal with Shen Yao would come so soon.

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