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By _tyannaaa

310 25 0

-Inari Hart is a 25 year old FBI Agent by day, but a pole dancer by night. She's also the daughter of a multi... More

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10 1 0
By _tyannaaa

"Iris come on!" Iris has been in the bathroom since I made it here and that was three hours ago. Today we're going on our second date and I was beyond excited. This restaurant I'm taking her to has such beautiful sensory, she's going to love it. "I'm coming damn it!" Iris yelled, opening the bathroom door. I listened to her heels click against the ground as she came downstairs.

She wore all black and it made her look so fucking sexy, I started imagining her with my kids. Jokes of course. "Wow." I said, walking over to meet her. "I could say the same about you ma'am." Iris looked me up and down as she bit her lip.

"You better stop that." I pointed at her.

"I'm not doing anything love." Gosh what was she doing to me?

"Are you ready to go?" I asked, trying to control my lady boner for her. "I am starved so yes." Iris replied. I then grabbed my keys before we both made our way out of the door, leaving the house.



"Here we are." I parked my car after arriving to the restaurant. It was almost nighttime and there was so many pretty lights hanging around the outside area. "Would you like to eat outside or inside?" I asked Iris who was staring at the view. "Outside definitely." Iris replied and I nodded my head in agreement.

I stepped out of the car before walking over and I opened her door. "Let's go eat." I put my hand out and she slid her hand into mine. We walked inside of the restaurant, seeing it was even more beautiful inside. "Change of plans." Iris whispered, making me laugh.

"How can I help you two lovely ladies?"

"Reservation for Miller please."

"Right this way."

We followed the waiter to our table before we sat down in front of the beautifully decorated menus. We listened to the band play numerous songs of various genres. "Tonight's special is a Red Sangria which contains red wine, orange juice, and mixed berries. The first round of drinks are free, but anything after has a payment." God I love fancy ass restaurants. We thanked the waiter, as we began looking through our menus.

"I gotta give it to you Rowan, you truly outdid yourself with this one." Iris closed her menu. "Iris, this isn't me "outdoing" myself. I promise you have so much more coming, you have no idea." I explained making her laugh. "Is this what it feels like to live the luxury girl life?" Iris asked.

"I mean I was born into a wealthy black family because of my grandparents from generations ago. Without my grandma and grandpa's businesses? We wouldn't have anything." I said, looking around the restaurant. "Don't act like you aren't getting paid that much from being the police captain's favorite." I rolled my eyes at Iris because everyone says that.

"I am not his favorite."

"Um I always hear him bragging about you when he comes into the ER. Sometimes I think he does it to be a good wing man and get my attention, but who knows?" Iris and I began to laugh, and I realized I haven't been this happy in years.

"God you're so beautiful." I thought aloud and I could see Iris's face turning bright red. "Why are you doing that?" Iris covered her face, trying to hide her bright red cheeks. "Don't hide from me, show your pretty face." I reached over, pulling her hands away from her face. "Rowan how were you single the whole time? You're the sweetest girl in the world." Iris said and now I was the one blushing.

"Last girl I dated my freshman year of college caused hell on earth for me, but that's a story for another time." I laughed, remembering everything that happened. "Her loss was my gain." Iris stated, making my eyes grow in shock. "Oh really?" I asked in denial that she said that.

"Anyways, what's the update on you and Inari?" Iris changed the subject. "I see what you did there, but there's no update. I can't bring myself to text her because I'm scared she's going to be mad that I left her in the dust." I know it was a shitty excuse, but it was the truth.

"You think you left her in the dust so you don't text her? Rowan what sense does that make?" Iris asked, making me sigh in frustration. "I know it's shitty Iris, but I just feel so bad for ignoring her." I didn't even want to talk about it anymore.

"Rowan after this? You will call Inari, I don't care if I have to call her myself because by the way, we've talking lately and she told me she thinks you hate her and she misses you." I felt my heart grow warm after hearing Iris say Inari missed me. "Fine, I'll call her." I agreed. "That's what I thought." Iris had no idea what I'd do to her if she gave me the chance to. She has an extremely smart mouth.

"Are you ready to order?" The waiter asked right when I was about to reply back to Iris. "Yes." We both answered, looking back down at the menus.


"That was amazing." Iris said as we both stood up from our seats. I left the waiter a sixty dollar tip because of how generous he was. "This is where my dad brought my mother for their sixteenth year anniversary and she never stopped talking about it. I promised her I'd take a special girl here." I told the backstory.

Iris gasped before wrapping her arms around me. "God I think I've fallen in love with you already." Iris joked, making me laugh. "Girl whatever, let's get you home." I opened the door for her before we began walking to the parking lot.

"So what d-"

"ROWAN HELP!" I was cut off by the sound of a distressed scream. "Rowan help me please!" I began looking around, knowing that voice anywhere. It was Autumn, my little sister screaming for help. "What the hell was that?" Iris asked, looking around also. I walked to the end of the road, still trying to figure out where she was screaming from.

"Rowan!" I instantly turned around, seeing Autumn being dragged by some masked guy. "Autumn!" I yelled, as I began to run down the street. I could hear the sound of a vehicle approaching and I watched them drag her into a black van. "No! Stop!" I yelled, watching the van pull off.

"Rowan what's going on?" I ran back over to Iris, grabbing her hand. "Get in the car!" I made Iris get inside before I called the station.

"New Yor-"

"Put Parker on the phone!" I cut off whoever was working front desk. "Hello?" I heard Parker say over the phone.

"Parker this is Rowan, I have a 134 (kidnapping) on Cedar Dove going onto the freeway!"

"A kidnapping? Do you have any idea who the civilian in the van is?"

"It's my fucking sister Parker."

"Shit!" Parker hung up instantly, and I received a call from my mom.

"Mom what the fuck is going on?" I yelled over the phone confusedly. "Rowan she's back and she took my baby! You have to get her back!" My mom cried.

I removed the phone from my ear, staring at it for a second. She? Who the fuck is she. "Mom who's back?" I asked.


I hung up the phone, letting it fall to the ground. I felt my throat starting to go dry and I had no idea what to do. Nyra. I hadn't seen or heard from her years ago ever since she fucked me over completely and ghosted me. Nyra was a nightmare with a pretty face. She was my girl version of Nick. Abusive, manipulative, and just so much more.

"Rowan? What's going on?" Iris asked and I looked over, seeing she looked terrified. I grabbed onto her hand before I held it tightly. "It's going to be okay, just hold on." I replied before letting go and swerving in the middle of the road as if I was in my cop car. I pressed the gas, hearing Iris scream to the top of her lungs.

"Rowan slow down please!" Iris screamed, but I tuned her out. "Miller we have eyes on the van, be advised the suspect may be armed." I heard Parker say over dispatch. "I have to get to her." I whispered, feeling tears fall down my eyes. I never imagined this would be happening.

I couldn't believe Nyra would go this far. I just couldn't believe it especially after five years. "Rowan you're scaring me." I felt terrible knowing that I scared Iris, but I was beyond worried about my sister. I couldn't lose my baby sister. "We have spotted the van at 210 Parkway Drive! We need all units to be advised!" I heard another officer say over dispatch and I pressed the gas even harder, hitting 120 for speed.

"Iris I am so sorry." I apologized and I felt her grab onto my hand. "I'm fine, save your sister Rowan." Iris said, wiping away my tears. I hit multiple curves, dodging every car on the freeway before I finally made it to the location.

I slowed down, seeing there was no one there. "Dispatch this is Officer Miller, I have arrived at the scene and it is empty. Are you sure  k0 are this is the right location?" I began panicking, itching to know where my sister was. I waited as no one responded and I could feel this weird feeling inside of me. Something wasn't right.

I felt my heart pounding inside of my chest as Rowan and I were parked outside of this weird location. "Rowan? I don't feel good about this." I whispered, gripping on her wrist tightly. "Dispatch do you copy?" Rowan said over the radio, still waiting for an answer. "Miller get the fuck out of there!" I heard Rowan's captain yelling.

I instantly knew something was about to happen after hearing him say that. I felt my breathing began to pick up and my hands were shaking tremendously. "Miller it's a trap!" Parker yelled and Rowan instantly put the car in reverse. As Rowan was backing up, she was stopped by the same van coming down the street. Rowan tried to back up faster, but her tire was caught onto something.

"Shit, shit, shit!" Rowan screamed, pressing the gas over and over. I stared at the van, seeing the door open before they threw Rowan's sister in the middle of the street. "Iris get down." Rowan said to me and I looked at her confusedly. "What?" I asked.

"Iris get the fuck d-"

Before Rowan could finish her sentence, bullets began flying from the front and back of her car. I screamed, climbing onto the floor of the passenger seat. I screamed over and over, listening to the glass fall off of the windows and hit the doors. I closed my eyes, putting my hands up for cover just in case.

The bullets finally stopped after a few seconds before I heard two vehicles pull off. I waited a second, slowly opening my eyes to see Rowan wasn't in the front seat anymore. "Rowan?" I cried, instantly standing up to see her lying in the back seat. "Iris?" She whispered, holding onto her stomach.

"Rowan no!" I heard sirens from down the road. I jumped into the back seat, grabbing onto her hand. "Iris please check on my sister." I watched tears fall from Rowan's eyes as she groaned in pain. I slowly looked up, seeing a girl running down the street holding her thigh.

"Ro?" I heard her yell and I looked down at Rowan, nodding my head. "She's okay Rowan, she's okay!" I kissed her twice, wishing I could take all of her pain away. I watched her eyes slowly start to shut and I smacked her face over and over, needing her to stay awake. I felt the car door open, seeing Rowan's sister who looked similar to Rowan.

"Rowan you need to stay awake, I'm right here sis! I'm right here!" She grabbed onto Rowan's hand and I began putting pressure on the gunshot wound, hoping she wouldn't lose anymore blood. I watched the paramedics and police officers jump out of numerous cars, crowding the car.

"Ms. Hilton step back!" One of my co workers said to me, but I didn't want to let go. I shook my head, refusing to leave. "I-Iris please." Rowan whispered, touching my hand. I looked at her, seeing her eyes were half shut. "Call Inari." She said, letting her eyes shut. I opened the door behind I got out, seeing Rowan's sister walking over to me.

"I am so sorry." She apologized, wrapping her arms around me. I held onto her, feeling her tears pour onto my shirt. "I-I have to call Inari." I pulled away, remembering what Rowan said. "Please call her." She replied and waited...

"Kai you're such a cheater." Jane yelled after Kai pulled a draw four on her during Uno. "Don't be a sore loser Jane, now give me my candy!" Kai took all of Jane's candy after she beat us the first twenty times. Jane hit the table, throwing a tantrum because she lost all of her candy. 

"And that lady and gents is why you do not talk shit before the game ends." I teased Jane. "Screw both of you!" Jane flipped Kai and I off, making us laugh. "Really Jane? Now we have to attack you." Kai joked, standing up from the ground and I followed. "Let's get her." I said before Kai and I charged at Jane, tackling her onto the sofa. 

Jane laughed loudly, pushing us off of her. "So Jane, how does it feel to start school again?" Kai asked as we all tried to catch our breaths. "I mean I'm excited, but I've never been able to make friends. I just don't want them to tease me again." Jane said, making me frown. Kai and I stood up from the sofa, staring at her. 

"Jane if you even get the sense that someone is bullying you, do not hesitate to speak to an adult about it." I said and Kai shook his head. "Fuck that don't be a pussy! Listen here Jane, you were street made, okay? I'm not saying that as a bad thing trust me, but it means something. You're going to some uptight school with these preppy fucks. If they fuck with you, knock their asses to the ground. Never be the kid they run over." My eyes grew at Kai's violent response. 

"Kai you were literally the definition of what 'getting knocked to the ground' means. Those kids stayed whooping your ass." I said to Kai and Jane gasped. "No way Kai!" Jane pushed Kai still laughing at my joke. "Inari I'm going to kick your ass." Kai began chasing me around the room and I ran away from him, repeating the joke over and over. 

I began to feel my phone vibrating in my pocket so I stopped running. I pulled it out seeing it was Iris calling. Kai wrapped his arms around my waist before he picked me up and I screamed. "Wait Kai!" I yelled, answering Iris's phone call. 

"Hey Iris, how'd the date go?" I asked, waiting for her to give me every detail. She didn't say anything back to me which made me confused. "Iris?" I repeated, waiting for her to respond. 

"H-hi Nari." Iris's voice cracked and it sounded like she'd been crying. I looked at Kai with a look of worry and he began asking what happened. "Iris is everything ok?" I asked curiously. 

"Um no I-" Iris's cries turned into sobs in a matter of seconds. I was now becoming worried. "Iris what happened? Why are you crying?" I asked, feeling my heart pounding in my chest. "It's Rowan." Iris replied and I could feel my throat go dry. Rowan? What could have possibly happened to Rowan. 

"S-someone shot up her car a-and she was hit Inari." I froze, feeling as if the whole world just came crumbling down on me. 


"Inari I'm sorry, we're on the way to Memorial Hospital. I have to go."

"Iris I-" 

Iris hung up the phone, leaving me in a complete shock. I felt my knees buckle, causing me to fall to them. "Oh my god Inari!" Jane yelled, running over to me. Kai placed his hand on my back, helping me stand back up. "Inari what did she say?" Kai asked, still holding my hand. 

"Rowan was shot." I said, hearing Jane gasp and Kai looked at me as if he was confused. "What?" Kai said worriedly. "They said they're on the way to Memorial Hospital and I guess they want me to meet them there and I just-"

"Inari stop!" Kai cut me off. "Just take a breather, I know this is hard, but we need to get down to the hospital right now. Let's breath and grab your thing so we can go, okay?" Kai took deep breaths in and out with me as we walked around the house picking up all of my things before I slid on my slides and we made our way to the hospital.

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