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-regsgf เคฆเฅเคตเคพเคฐเคพ

42.6K 642 1.3K

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muggle herbs
love spells
jealousy, jealousy.
get free
champagne problems
summer wine
all too well
serial killer
angel's kiss

swan song

1K 20 66
-regsgf เคฆเฅเคตเคพเคฐเคพ

and i'll never see him
again !


I was immensely relieved that the charade with Riddle had finally come to an end, putting an end to what was initially an enjoyable but ultimately tiresome act. In hindsight, Riddle's company had grown dreadfully dull over time.

Lately, there had been a noticeable shift in Lorenzo's behavior towards me, deviating from his usual emotional demeanor. I was finally experiencing a different side of him, which piqued my curiosity.

On a quiet Sunday morning, I woke up, finding myself comfortably nestled under the warmth of my duvet. With no pressing obligations, I decided to treat myself to a muggle book that Lucille had graciously given me, titled 'Animal Farm.'

It was about communism and about some significant part of history, but the author made it all animalistic.

I read it regardless due to my boredom. This is so stupid, 'pigs walk on two legs'. Maybe I just don't understand history, or maybe this book is shit.

I released a heavy sigh, carefully placing the book on my bedside table before reluctantly peeling back the cozy covers. As my feet made contact with the chilly floor, a shiver ran through me, a stark reminder of the approaching winter.

Lucille, already dressed for the day, couldn't help but make a teasing remark, "You're up early, aren't you?"

With a half-hearted grin, I replied, "I don't have any plans," as I made my way towards the bathroom.

Lucille leaned against the doorframe and continued, "Well, you should make some. I'm meeting Draco, and Onyx is catching up with Blaise."

I paused for a moment, toothbrush in hand, and inquired, "Wait, doesn't Onyx despise Blaise?" I began to brush my teeth vigorously, eager to get the conversation over with.

She nodded, a sly smile playing on her lips. "They made up yesterday. So, as I was saying, you should consider going out with Lorenzo."

A burst of laughter escaped my mouth, "Are you serious?"

Lucille raised an eyebrow, suggesting, "You both happen to be the only ones without plans. If you find it awkward, we can all go out together. It might be less uncomfortable that way."

I let out another sigh, contemplating the idea for a moment.

Before I could speak, I heard a knock on the door.



Draco, engrossed in his reflection in the mirror, rolled his eyes dismissively as he fussed with his hair. "Listen, I've got plans, and Blaise does too," he announced.

Perking up with enthusiasm from my spot on the bed, I couldn't hide my eagerness. "Oh, I can come along with you guys!"

Being alone in the dorm wasn't my favourite way to spend my Sunday, and I'd take any opportunity to escape its solitude.

Draco responded with a sly grin, "We're going out with our girlfriends, you know. I'm sure Cleo might be available."

My reaction was immediate and slightly defensive. "Sinclair? Are you mad?" I scoffed, arms crossed firmly from a distance.

Secretly, though, the idea of going out with Cleodora was rather appealing to me, but I couldn't let anyone catch on to that.

Draco, sensing my reluctance, decided to poke fun at me. "Mate, you couldn't stop talking about her last night. You're clearly smitten."

Before I could complete my protest, Blaise emerged from the bathroom, a pristine white towel draped casually around him. "Just get ready, and ask her in a charming way if she'd like to join you."

I raised an eyebrow at the notion, "Like a date?"

With a hint of exasperation, I continued, "Can't you guys come with us? I'd rather not be alone with her; I'm not sure I can keep my composure."

Blaise, seemingly unimpressed, threw a pillow in my direction and retorted, "No, you pussy."

Draco, determined to maintain some quality time with his beloved Lucille, continued to style his hair with gel "Yeah you're not ruining quality time with my Lucy."

"Is Lucy not your father's name?" I laugh.

"Do as I told you, Enzy." Blaise shouts jokingly.

I sigh.



I swung the door open to find Lorenzo's smiling face peering down at me.

"Lorenzo?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. "What do you need?"

"You," he replied, and my eyes widened at the unexpected response.

"No, I mean, for you to accompany me," Berkshire quickly clarified, clearing his throat. "Just us."

A genuine smile broke across my face. "Sure, where would we go?"

Lorenzo, regaining his confidence, suggested, "A muggle shopping center in Manchester."

"Mhm, sounds good," I responded, attempting to maintain my calm demeanor.

"Be ready in an hour," Berkshire smirked, glancing at my pink pajamas.

I nodded in acknowledgment, closing the door on Lorenzo and turning to encounter a grinning Lucille.

A simultaneous burst of excitement erupted as Lucille and I squealed, our hands instinctively reaching for each other's.

"Oh my god," Lucille giggled, sharing in the infectious enthusiasm of the moment.

Realizing the need to prepare, I declared, "I've got to get ready."

"Yeah you do that, Dora."

With a sense of urgency, I hurried towards the mirror, scrutinizing my face in detail. The dark brown-black hues of my eyes sparkled in the light, revealing a certain anticipation.

Seizing my hairbrush, I meticulously ran it through my already straightened hair, ensuring a smooth and polished appearance. Next, I reached for my mascara, delicately applying a thin coat to enhance the allure of my lashes.

Once content with the appearance of my face and the arrangement of my hair, I shifted my focus to selecting the perfect outfit. Opting for a baby-pink, full sleeved dress. I ensured it struck the right balance between casual and slutty, steering clear of any unintended provocativeness.

As 45 minutes elapsed, the only tasks left on my checklist were the application of lip balm and a spritz of my favorite fragrance.

Lucille had already departed with Draco, and there was no sign of Onyx throughout the entire morning.

With a sense of anticipation, I waited patiently for Berkshire, my gaze alternating between the door and the clock, each passing moment heightening the anticipation of the impending outing.

Abruptly, a distinct knock resonates through the room. Rising to my feet to answer, a swift glance in the mirror reflects my appearance, and a satisfied smile graces my lips.

With a swing, I open the door, revealing a delighted Lorenzo on the other side.

"Finally," I exhale, a subtle undertone of sarcasm threading through my voice.

Lorenzo, sporting a smirk, casually remarks, "I enjoy making you wait."  He pauses and looks at me, "you should put a jacket on it's freezing."

"I don't want to." I gaze upward at Berkshire, my eyes rolling in a playful response. Lorenzo shrugs nonchalantly.

"You look gorgeous , Cleodora," he compliments, his gaze locking with mine, a genuine admiration reflected in his eyes.

A gentle fluttering sensation awakens within me, reminiscent of a delicate ballet performed by a troupe of butterflies in the depths of my stomach. This intricate dance, a fusion of excitement and nervous anticipation, weaves an enchanting tapestry of emotions. With each subtle wingbeat, warmth radiates, creating a symphony of sensations that adds a nuanced richness to the fabric of my being.

"Mhm, you too." I smile, looking down at the floor.

"Should we go then?"

"Nah then, we're gonna stay here in Hogwarts, dying of boredom." Lorenzo mocked sarcastically.

I laugh softly.


Upon our arrival at the expansive shopping center, a biting cold breeze catches me off guard, sending a shiver through my legs. Involuntarily, a breath escapes my lips, and I'm met with Lorenzo's reproachful sigh.

"I did tell you to put a jacket on," he remarks, a note of exasperation in his voice.

Defensively, I raise my arms, insisting, "I didn't realize it was this cold!"

A hesitant exhale escapes Lorenzo as he peels off his coat, extending it towards me. Despite his offer, a pang of guilt tugs at me. "No, I feel bad," I protest, torn between warmth and empathy. Realistically, I yearned to wear the coat, compelled to put my own comfort first.

"Shut up and put the coat on, Cleodora," Lorenzo asserts, his gaze piercingly cold.

"If you insist," I respond with a smile and a nonchalant shrug, slipping into the coat. Its length reaches my knees, and I purposely leave it unzipped.

Lorenzo's compliment lingers in the air as he inches closer, his words accompanied by a subtle step forward. "You look even cuter like this," he remarks, a playful glint in his eyes, "keeps away unwanted attention." Enzo wraps his arm around me whilst he says this.

Playfully challenging, I respond, "What if I happen to want that attention?"

In a shift towards a more serious tone, Lorenzo replies, his gaze intensifying, "You only need my attention." His eyes lower to my lips.

I swiftly turn away from Berkshire, curiosity lacing my words, "Where are we headed first?"

"Anywhere you'd like," Berkshire replies, walking alongside me, his hand lingering comfortably on my shoulder.

A burst of excitement lights up my face as I suggest, "Let's go to the jewelers!" I smile as I remember, "I've been saving up for a new bracelet."

Lorenzo chuckles softly, prompting me to raise an eyebrow. "What?" I inquire with a smile.

His response is a smiling evasion, "No, nothing. We'll go."

Entering the jewelers, Lorenzo's arm remains draped around me, and the rich scent of oud wafts through the air. My attention is drawn to the yellow-gold bracelet I've been daydreaming about.

Lorenzo, taking the initiative, addresses a worker, "Excuse me, can I get this bracelet, please?"

The worker quotes the price, a thick persian accent escaping his lips, "800, please," and he expertly packages it in a gift bag and box. As I reach for my purse, Lorenzo's cold hand halts me.

"I invited you, I'll pay," he declares sternly, producing £800 in cash to settle the purchase. Despite his generosity, an internal conflict stirs within me – I could pay for my own jewelry.

Lorenzo smiles, grabbing the gift bag, and leads me out of the jewelers. Puzzled, I inquire, "What the fuck was that?" referring to his decision to pay for my purchase.

"As I mentioned, I invited you, so I'll take care of the payment," Lorenzo reiterates.

Indignant, I protest, "I had been saving up for that! I could have bought it myself."

A sarcastic smirk graces Berkshire's face as he retorts, "Now you have more money to save."

Feeling the need to assert my independence, I reply with a cold tone, "I don't need you to pay for me."

Lorenzo, maintaining his nonchalant demeanor, shrugs casually. "A girl of mine won't pay for her own stuff."

"I'm not your girl," I scoff, attempting to distance myself.

Berkshire halts, fixing a piercing stare on me. "Don't you understand?" he questions, a hint of frustration in his voice.

Shrugging with confusion, my face still bearing traces of anger, I wait for an explanation.

Lorenzo chuckles, his voice holding a hint of nostalgia. "Ever since our first kiss, back in 4th year, in a game of truth or dare," he reveals, pausing for emphasis, "you've belonged to me."


you got me spinning like a ballerinaa

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Darling ;Lorenzo Berkshire morgan herrera เคฆเฅเคตเคพเคฐเคพ


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