Rock Super Stars: In The Loud...

By Evster2002

60 1 0

The Rock Super Stars are going on tour for the summer. But their tour bus gets hijacked causing it to drive... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4

Part 3

14 0 0
By Evster2002

(Lori, Leni, and Ellie are at the mall shopping for clothes)

Ellie (showing a pink dress): How about this one?

Leni: O-M-Gosh! That would look perfect on you!

Ellie: Let me go try it on

(Ellie tried on the dress while Leni and Lori waited)

Ellie: What do you think?

Leni: Like a princess

Lori: Literally adorbs!

Ellie: Thanks girls

(After shopping, the three head to the food court. while that's goin on, Riot skims through the floor and makes his way towards Ellie's phone)

Ellie: This is same area where Luna was almost crushed by a chandelier

Lori: How does a chandelier fall anyway?

Leni: Maybe it was tired of hanging around

Ellie: What are you talking about?

Leni: I thought we were talking about the chandelier

Lori: Let's go before this conversation gets even more awkward

(Meanwhile Luna and her band are practicing, while Danny watches)

Danny (Clapping): Wow! That was great

Luna: Thanks.

Sam: I say we let Danny Join in. You wanna lay down some vocals?

Danny: But Luna is your leader singer. Besides, I'm just here to watch.

Luna: Come on Danny. Whatever you want to sing, we'll play

Danny: Oh ok. You guys know the song changing?

Sully: Yeah, who doesn't. I'll start us off

(The band began performing "Changing" by Small Pools)

Danny: It happened again and I'm not okay. What once was a home is now a cave. With two lonely creatures who can't cohabitate. Or share a plate. And now I'm wondering. Why why why. Did it have to get so quiet? And we don't wanna talk about how everything is changing. Everything is changing. And I can't wrap my head around it. And how everything has changed. Got my bags checked on the plane. And I can't wrap my head around you. Where are you now? It's getting late. If I reach out to you I'll seem insane, woah oh!. I can't think cuz we used to share a brain. Oh the pain! And now I'm wondering. Why why why. Did it have to die? And we don't wanna talk about how everything is changing. Everything is changing. And I can't wrap my head around it. And how everything has changed. Got my bags checked on the plane. And I can't wrap my head around you. You want it all but I already gave you that. And I know by next fall you'll be asking for a take-me-back. (Take me back). And we don't wanna talk about how everything is changing. Everything is changing. And I can't wrap my head around it. And how everything has changed. Got my bags checked on the plane. And I can't wrap my head around you. And I can't wrap my head around you.

Luna: You sounded great

Sam: I second that

Mazzy: Same here

Sully: Me too

Danny: Thanks guys. You know being here made me realize that maybe we don't need to continue the tour

(Later we see Lynn Jr is practicing her swings while Tyler spots her)

Tyler: You're doing great Lynn

Lynn: No distractions, I need full concentration

(Lynn gave a mean look while the ball was being thrown by Tyler. Lynn hit the ball so hard, it practically disappeared)

Tyler (amazed): Woah! Great hit

Lynn: Thanks, but I lost my ball. It's like sometimes I don't even know my own strength

Tyler: Hey, welcome to my world. But you wanna know how I handle that?

Lynn: How?

Tyler: By using my head rather than my muscles

Lynn: Interesting

Tyler: Happy to help

(At the store, Rita, Levi, the twins, Luan, Lucy, and Lily are doing shopping)

Levi: Mrs. Loud. Can I tell you something?

Rita: Sure Levi, what is it?

Levi: This morning, when Leni was helping me remove my marker stache. I may of had a halo moment

Rita: In love? With my daughter? Surely you can't be...

Levi: I know, I know. It's crazy. But I started getting butterflies in my stomach and that's when I started catching the love bug.

Rita: I don't know if my daughter is the right one for you. If there's anything I know about love, it's that don't put pressure on a girl

Levi: No pressure. Got it

(The next aisle over Luan is checking out pies with Lucy)

Luan: Which one should I pick. lemon meringue or Apple?

Lucy: How about about Cherry. The filling looks so red, it almost looks like blood

(Lucy gives a frightening smile)

Luan (nervously): You know what maybe we should go look at something else

(The two head off. The twins are in the cereal aisle)

Lola: How about Smackers?!

Lana: No way! We have to get Frosties!

Lola: Or why not both?

Lana: It's like you read my mind

(Back at the mall, the girls are talking about girl stuff)

Lori: Bobby literally sent me the sweetest text ever. "Babe, can't wait to when I get back from Hawaii. Got you something special. XOXO. Bobby"

Ellie: How sweet

Leni: Can I confess something to you guys?

Ellie: Sure

Leni: I think I might like like Levi

Ellie: I'm sorry come again?!

Lori: You don't mean marker stache Levi?

Leni: When I was helping him remove his stache. I looked into his brown eyes and felt the love in the air.

Ellie: I don't know if Levi is the right guy for you

Lori: Besides, what happened to Chase?

Leni: Who?

Lori: Never mind

Ellie: If there's anything I know about love. It's that you shouldn't pressure someone

Leni: No pressure. Got it. I forgot what we were talking about

Ellie: Levi

Leni: Oh yeah

(Back at Gus' Games and Grub, the guys are eating and talking)

CJ: And that's how we ended up

Rusty: I would've never thought that you could hack a vehicle

Clyde: I never thought we'd be fighting an actual moving arcade machine

Liam: I know right. Better than the chickens every morning

Clyde: Also CJ, nice job making it look an "accident"

CJ: Oh guys, you're too kind

(Back at the store, Rita and the rest start heading back to Vanzilla to start picking everyone. First she picked up Ellie, Lori, and Leni. Next she picked up CJ and Lincoln. Then she picked up Danny and Luna. Last she picked Tyler and Lynn and began heading home)

Rita: How was everyone's day?

Luna: Danny laid down some sick vocals today

Lynn: Tyler did a great job spotting me

Lori: Ellie picked out the cutest dress. Also Leni and I got dresses as well

Lincoln: I was almost torn to pieces by an arcade machine

Rita: What?!

CJ: He's kidding (nervous laughing)

Lincoln: Yeah totally (nervous laughing)

(The gang arrives back home and Lynn Sr waves as Vanzilla is pulling up)

Lynn Sr: Hey guys, how was today?

Rita: Great

Lincoln: Amazing

LorI; Literally fab

Luna: Rockin'

Lynn: Could've been worse

Lynn Sr: Oh. Well that's good

(As the band getting out of Vanzilla, Ellie pulled out her phone and the green spark zaps and teleports them far away)

Lincoln: Look!

Lisa: The band teleported away

Luna: They couldn't have gone far, right?

(The band ended up in an abandoned warehouse and Riot reveals himself to the band)

Riot: Hello Rock Super Stars! I'm Riot

Danny: Why are we here?

Riot: I've been following you

CJ: Oh we know

Riot: But you must also know that I've always been one step ahead of you

Levi: You're the reason we're here in the first place. You hijacked our tour bus and drive it off a hill

Riot: I had my reasons for doing that. I had to get rid of you so you wouldn't ruins my plans for my robot army

Tyler: Robot army?

(A bunch of lights turn on and a bunch of robots are revealed)

Tyler: I had to ask!

Riot: You see long ago, I discovered that this abandoned warehouse was perfect to build my robot army. But I couldn't program them yet because I knew you guys would ruin my plan to take over the world with my robot army. So I thought hijacking your bus and sending it down a hill would end you guys for good. But I guess I didn't count for you five to outsmart me so I gave up so I sent a little spark version of me to keep tabs on you while I built my robot army. Which, by the way Levi. Sorry about the mustache

Levi: That was you?!

Riot (Interrupting): When I was done I commanded my spark to teleport you to the warehouse so I can show off my robots and I could command them to destroy you. So now that you're here, I can. Robots! Fire!

(As the robot prepare to fire, Vanzilla busts through the door)

Riot: Pause!

(The family steps out and do an action pose)

Danny: How did you know how to find us?

Lincoln: We track Ellie's phone. Well actually Lisa did

Danny: Let's get out of here

Riot: Not so fast. Robots! Fire!

Levi: Everyone, get behind

(Levi summoned a dome around everyone as the robots fired their lasers)

Levi: CJ! Teleport us out of here

CJ: On it

(CJ teleports everyone out of the warehouse)

Riot: Cease fire!

Lincoln: You guys have superpowers?

CJ: Yeah. We didn't tell because of the superhero code

Lisa: Fascinating

(Out of nowhere Riot teleported and grabbed Luna)

Luna: Hey!

Danny: Let her go!

(Danny fired his laser eyes, but Riot teleported away before the lasers could hit him)

Danny: I almost had him

Ellie: Up there!

(The two end up on top of a water tower)

Riot: Maybe trying to crush your precious friend with a chandelier failed, but maybe throwing her off a water tower 165 feet would)

Luna: Guys! Help me!

Riot (mockingly): Guy! Help me! (normal voice) Quit your fussing. Good bye

(As Luna is falling, Riot teleports away. CJ teleports himself to Luna while in mid fall)

Luna: Thanks CJ

CJ: Anytime

Riot: You can't escape me

(Riot fired his electro beam, but CJ teleported everyone far away from the warehouse. The electro beam zapped Vanzilla instead causing it explode)

Lynn Sr (sadly): No! Vanzilla!

Rita: The van is the least of our worries

(Riot teleports himself and the robot army to where the family and band teleported to)

Danny: Doesn't this guy ever rest?

Riot: Not when I say so. Robots, finish the job!

(Riot teleports away and the robot begin marching. Just as they are getting closer, the whole town shows to help the family/band defeat the army)

Lincoln: Guys! The whole town showed up!

Danny: It's time to take on some robots. Attack!

(The whole town charged and the robots as well)

Danny: You Louds can take on the robots with the robots with town. While us the band take on Riot

(CJ teleports the band back to the warehouse while the family takes on the robots)

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