
By KatGee

30.7K 2.3K 489

Book 3 of the DeLuca Mafia Series Alessia DeLuca has known since she was a child that once she was an adult... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 4

1.7K 138 33
By KatGee


This woman is going to be the death of me.

I heave a sigh, pulling my car onto the road and keeping a good distance between her and I as she sprints down the street. It's been two weeks since I last saw her. I had planned to keep my distance as usual, I just wanted to watch her, but she looked so lost that day it gutted me. I knew she was barely handling everything. I also knew Riot would be livid when they found her after she ditched her guard that day and all it would do was make things worse. So, for the first time ever, I intervened. Now technically I've intervened many times but usually I snatched someone from the street and threatened their lives to get them to step in and pay for whatever item she needed cash for, which is what I did when she went inside the coffee shop, but this time I intervened in person.

I called the first bakery that popped up on google for bakeries nearby and Rory, the owner, answered. The bakery was closed as she was prepping cakes to be picked up for events happening the following day but with a little pushing, and a lot of money, I talked her into a last minute cake tasting. She warned me she wasn't prepared for it and had no samples prepared but I assured her any cake she could manage to spare would be well compensated for. Then I called Riot and told him Alessia and I had a cake tasting appointment and I was on my way to pick her up. I couldn't leave her alone unguarded so I watched her until Leo picked her up and I met Riot at Rafael's house where Alessia stays. When I arrived he told me she was on her way with Leo but left out the part where she ditched her guard. I'm assuming he doesn't want me to think she's difficult and speak to my father about it but I don't think she's difficult, it's her family who seems to be complicating everything.

The cake tasting went better than expected even with how visibly frazzled Rory was. It was nice to spend time with Alessia one on one. No family or guards lingering nearby, just the two of us. I constantly had to fight a smile because she actually looked happy and seemed relaxed for the first time in my presence since she found out I'm her soon-to-be husband. I really enjoyed the sight of her sitting in the passenger seat of my car. It was only a rental, nondescript and all black to help blend in, so even though it technically wasn't mine it still felt good.

I had to force myself to take her home after our meal. I wanted to toss her over my shoulder and put her on the jet so she could come home with me but I knew that wouldn't go well and I doubted she would come with me willingly. It was really hard to let her go and because of that I forced myself to keep my distance. If I took her Riot wouldn't hesitate to kill me and I know the family would back his decision up. Our wedding date is rapidly approaching so it shouldn't have been much of a struggle to stay away. Two weeks was all I could manage before I broke.

Today she's out with Viola, Nolani, Polina, and a few of her cousin's wedding dress shopping. Or she was.

One second I'm parked down the street, keeping an eye on the building and the next I see her fleeing out of the alley beside the boutique. How she managed to evade three guards and six people without being caught is beyond me. Riot is lucky I'm obsessed with her with how often she ditches her guard although I don't think the guard is really necessary.

I press the gas harder as she disappears around the block where I can no longer see her. I whip into the turning lane and make a right turn at the light. My eyes flicker back and forth between the road and the sidewalk as she comes into view when I round the building. She didn't make it far, just a few feet around the building on the corner. There's a man shouting and gesturing to his shirt, the front of Alessia's dress is covered in a brown liquid, a puddle of matching liquid at their feet and a smashed coffee cup lying nearby. I quickly park in one of the empty spaces in front of the coffee shop and shut my car off before exiting the vehicle, Alessia's voice filled with venom as I hear her say, "I said sorry, asshole, stop screaming at me!"

My feet rapidly eat the distance between us, anger igniting at the sight of him so close to her.

The man's back is to me as I approach and he steps closer to her, getting in her face. "Stop screaming? Do you know how much this shirt cost, you stupid bitch?"

The weight of my gun sits heavy in its holster, my fingers twitching with the urge to grab it and press the barrel against this asshole's head for speaking to Alessia like that.

I snatch him by his collar and he stumbles back, whirling around with his mouth open ready to direct his anger at me. I fucking wish he would, a single punch to his face would easily put him on the ground given our size difference. His eyes widen, mouth falling further open in surprise as he takes me in, craning his neck to meet my gaze.

I wrap my fingers around his throat, lifting him until we're eye to eye. "Don't fucking speak to my wife like that." The demand comes out in a low, threatening tone and I hope he sees every unsaid word in my eyes.

How I want to sink my fingers in his chest and rip his heart out. How I'd love nothing more than to end him for his tone alone.

"I-I-I'm sorry." He gasps through my hold, fingers digging into my wrist as he tries to pry my hand from his throat.

He'd have better luck winning the lottery than removing even a single finger of mine from him.

I release him abruptly and he stumbles on his feet. "Don't apologize to me, apologize to her." I snap, gripping him by the collar and shoving him toward her.

"I'm sorry!" He squeaks quickly and I let him go.

I remove my wallet from my pocket and pull out a few one-hundred dollar bills and toss them at him. "There, buy six more shirts just like it and maybe next time try talking instead of screaming."

He snatches the bills up and scurries away like the cockroach he is.

My focus goes to Alessia and I quickly look her over, taking in her saturated dress and the anger burning in her glassy amber eyes. "Are you okay?" I ask, the question coming out more as a demand, my voice still thick with anger though she doesn't cower.

"You called me your wife." Her words slur slightly making me question exactly what she was doing in that boutique before she ran.

Did she smuggle alcohol in there?

I run my hand down my beard, willing my heart to slow and the anger thrumming through my veins to subside. I think that's the first time I've ever wanted to pull my gun on someone in public.

I take a deep inhale, the smell of coffee, her, and exhaust fumes filling my nose. "You're going to be."

She studies me for a second as if dissecting me like a science experiment before glancing away. "I'm fine. How did you know where I was, are you stalking me or something?"

"I was driving by and heard screaming. When I saw it was you I pulled over." I explain simply.

I don't deny the stalking accusation because I can't and I don't want to lie to her.

She sighs, tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ear as she looks down at her soaked dress. "Well thanks for taking care of that guy for me." Her eyes meet mine and for the first time ever she looks sheepish. "I'm supposed to be wedding dress shopping but everything is so overwhelming. Mamma is so pushy on what my dress should look like and making the family look good. I kind of ditched everyone and ran."
Just another way her family is making this harder. Why does it matter what her wedding dress looks like as long as she's happy and feels good in it?

"Do you want me to take you back to them?" I ask and her expression falls. "Or I could call and let them know we're spending the day together instead?" I add the offer as if it wasn't the only option I was hoping for.

Her eyes sweep down the suit I'm wearing. "You aren't busy?"

"I already finished up what I came here to do." I reply vaguely.

She doesn't need to know I only wore a suit to keep up the appearance that I'm here for business if I was spotted or that she is the business I came for.

"Okay. Can you call my Mom? I left my phone and my purse in the changing room."

"Of course." I pull my phone from my pocket as I guide her to my rental, opening the passenger door for her. She stumbles slightly and I catch her elbow before she can fall, helping ease her into the seat.

I pull up Viola's contact as I round the car and press call as I slide into the driver's seat.

"Ciao, Dante." Viola greets me in a cheery tone.

She obviously hasn't noticed her daughter is missing yet.

My eyes fall on Alessia as I reply, "Ciao. I was just calling to let you know Alessia's with me. She said she's done wedding dress shopping for today."

Viola goes silent and I know she's holding back all the things she wants to say. Alessia chews her lip as if waiting for her mother to start berating her.

Viola clears her throat, finally breaking the silence a minute later. "Do you have plans?"

"We do."

Alessia smiles, her shoulders dropping like the words lifted a weight off of them.

"Okay, I'll let Lorenzo know. Take care of my baby."

"Always." I agree.

I end the call and Alessia slumps in the passenger seat in relief. "Oh, thank god."

I smirk at her. "I think you mean Dante but I'll take the nickname god as a compliment."

She rolls her eyes but a smile plays on her lips. "Who knew the fiance I never wanted would end up being the savior I needed."

I can't stifle the smile from hearing her acknowledge me as her fiance so I don't even try.

Her eyes skate across my face and she gives me an unreadable look. "You know it's not fair for someone to look as good as you do, especially when you smile like that."

I blink at her, stunned she's being so open with her compliments. "Are you drunk?"

She chews on her lower lip for a second. "I did have two glasses of champagne." She grins and gives a shrug. "Or maybe it was six."

I can't help but chuckle. "There's a big difference between two and six, piccolina."

She scoffs, "Little one?" Her nose scrunches up and her lip curls. "I am not little."

I reach over, resting my hand on her bare thigh where her dress has risen, my large hand practically swallowing the limb. "Look little to me."

"Compared to you, everyone looks little." She mutters, picking up my hand and eyeing the many rings that adorn each finger. "How do you even find your ring size for these things? And if this is the size of your fingers I don't want to even think about–" She slams her lips closed but her eyes go to my crotch.

I turn my hand over, clasping hers and our eyes meet. "Continue to fill that pretty little head of yours with thoughts of my dick and when you're ready to see how your imagination compares to reality just let me know." Her mouth falls open in surprise over my words and her gaze heats in a way that has me longing for our future together even more than I already do. I bring her hand to my mouth and brush a kiss across her bare ring finger before releasing her and starting the car. "Now, let's get you a change of clothes and sober you up."

I take her to a store so she can get new clothes since her dress was saturated in coffee then I buy her a few bottles of water and make her drink them before we go anywhere else. She glares at me the entire time but manages to drink them anyway. Once she's sobered up she talks me into taking her to an indoor trampoline park. The place is huge, filled with giant trampolines, a foam pit and a few obstacle courses. There's a concession stand that sells snacks and a lounge to relax.

I watch out for children as I chase her around the park looking completely out of place in my suit, even with the jacket discarded but I don't mind.. She's laughing and smiling and looks more relaxed than I've ever seen her. You can tell it's been a long time since she felt free, if ever with the way her family has been treating her.

We run through an obstacle course and I snatch her up, spinning her around in a circle. She squeals, holding onto me tightly as I fling myself back onto the trampoline. Her laughter fills the space as we bounce in the air a few times before settling. And then she's above me, her dark hair hanging around us like a curtain of privacy. My heart thuds heavy in my chest as her gaze darts down to my lips, it's so loud if it weren't for the sound of the music blaring throughout the building she would undoubtedly hear it.

I wouldn't mind if she did though, it beats only for her.

She leans down, her breath crashing against my lips and I can smell the cotton candy I bought from the concession stand when we arrived. I want to see how sweet it tastes on her tongue because I know it'll be much better than it was out of the bag we ate it from.

"Dante." She whispers and I close my eyes, taking in the moment even with the uncertainty in her voice.

She feels good on top of me, the sound of my name on her lips sending goose bumps across my flesh. I'm dying to lean up and take her mouth but I want her to make the choice to kiss me. Later when she's lying alone in her bed I want there to be no confusion on who started it. I want her to know that she leaned down and kissed me so she can't brush it away by saying she was just kissing me back.

Cool air washes over my body as she rises to her feet and I linger there a moment before standing as well.

"Are you hungry?" I ask, pulling my phone from my pocket to check the time.

I have to be back to the airstrip by eight o'clock so I still have a few hours we can spend together.

"Dante." She whispers and my eyes meet hers. Her mouth opens and closes a few times, a war of emotions fighting in the depths of her gaze. Then she looks away, running her fingers through her tousled hair and clears her throat. "Yes, I'm hungry."

I take her hand and guide her over to the cubby we left our shoes in so we can put them back on, feeling her gaze on me the entire time. She's quiet as we exit the building and get in my rental and when I ask her where she wants to eat she gives me a silent shrug. I turn the music up, letting it fill the car while she works through things in her head. I know she feels the attraction between us but I also know it's hard for her to come to terms with that. She's a rebel at heart and usually won't allow anyone to force her into anything she doesn't want to do so being attracted to me and enjoying my company confuses her.

The maitre'd seats us in a back corner of the restaurant when we arrive and just as we sit down my phone vibrates with a call. I pull the device from my pocket seeing a facetime call from Isa. I answer the call and Frankie's face fills the screen a second later, fat tears rolling down her cheeks, her dark brown eyes glistening.

"Zio Dante." She cries.

"What's wrong, Frankie?" I ask in concern.

I love my nieces as if they're my own children, it hurts to see them upset, although I'm well aware Frankie tends to be a touch extra with how she expresses her thoughts and feelings. So there could be something drastically wrong or it could be something small, you never know with her.

"Mamma says I can't come visit you tomorrow." She wails.

"Francesca! Give me my phone, right now!" Isa shouts from the background.

Frankie runs, the background blurring as she quickly makes her way through their house until she slides under what looks like a bed.

I fight a smile at my mischievous niece. "Frankie, why did she say you can't come visit me?"

"Francesca, did you call Dante?" Isa questions, sounding much closer this time.

Frankie squeals as she's pulled across the hardwood floor from beneath the bed by her feet. "Leave me alone! You're mean!" Frankie demands and the phone goes all over the place as she fights her Moms grasp.

Isa must win because a second later the camera settles on her face with a pouting Francesca sitting on the floor at her feet as she holds the phone above her head. "Are you looking to adopt?" Isa asks me with an exasperated huff.

I release a light chuckle, "Send her to me, I'll take care of her."

Isa scoffs, "You would spoil her rotten."

I shake my head. "She's an angel."

"So was Lucifer." She retorts, making me laugh again. Francesca can be a handful but I like that she's headstrong and isn't afraid to fight for what she wants. With me as the Don she won't have to worry about an arranged marriage but I still like knowing she can hold her own. Isa's eyes dance across the screen and her brow furrows. "Dante, are you at a restaurant?" She looks down at her daughter. "Francesca, this is why we don't facetime people without permission. Dante is busy."

"It's fine, we just sat down." I brush her scolding tone off and turn my phone so Alessia can see the screen. "Say hello to Alessia."

"Oh my god, you heard all of that didn't you? Dante this is not a good introduction to our family." Isa groans.

Alessia laughs, "I grew up in a household with four brothers, that sounded tame compared to my childhood."

"I wanna see!" Frankie demands and Isa must comply because a second later Frankie gasps, "She's so pretty, Zio Dante!"

"She is." I agree as I turn the phone back to me and Alessia's eyes meet mine.

"I want to meet her! Mamma please let me visit Zio Dante tomorrow, please!" Frankie begs.

"Francesca, I told you, you will not be going anywhere until your room is cleaned. You'll get to meet Alessia soon." Isa responds.

"You ruin everything!" Frankie huffs dramatically.

"Frankie, if you get your room cleaned like Mamma said I'll bring you the next chapter book in the series." I interject before they get into another argument.

She gasps, her dark eyes wide. "Really?"

"Yes, but you have to listen to your Mamma."

Isa fumbles for the phone as Frankie tosses it at her and flees from the room.

She heaves a sigh, "I should've just called you to begin with."

"She's a good girl." I assure her. "She just doesn't like to be bossed without an incentive." 

"Only from you." She complains, rolling her eyes. "I'll go so you can get back to your date." She wiggles her eyebrows at me suggestively knowing well of my obsession with Alessia and I fight a smile. "Love you!"

"Love you too." I reply and end the call, slipping the device back into my pocket.

"That's your niece that put the gold heart sticker on your thumb, right?" Alessia asks, looking more relaxed than before.

If my niece pulls her out of her head I'll facetime her everytime we're around one another.

"Yes." I grin.

"You can tell she loves you."

The server arrives and takes our drink order. Alessia objects when I try to order wine so we stick with water instead.

"I'm sorry." She says after the server leaves our table.

My eyebrows raise at the unexpected apology. "For what?"

Her gaze drops to the table. "At the trampoline park. I got a little lost in the moment until..." she trails, her throat working as she swallows the rest of the words down.

"Until you weren't?" I finish for her, feeling like I'm stabbing myself with the words.

The last thing I want is for her to apologize for her feelings.

She blows out a puff of air in exasperation. "I'm a mess, Dante. Everything in my life is a mess, my family is being even harder on me than usual lately and I don't know how to cope."

I lower my voice so only she hears, "It's okay to want to kiss me, Alessia."

"But that feels too much like letting them win." She whispers, her eyes glistening with a mixture of sadness and anger.

And it pisses me off. Not because of her but her family. I know she's hesitant about moving away from them but I'm secretly happy knowing soon she won't feel their constant overwhelming presence.

"They've already won, piccolina. This is locked in whether we want it to be or not. Enjoying it isn't going to change anything." I assure her in an even tone.

She opens her mouth to reply just as the server arrives with our drinks and then quickly closes it. He takes our food order and when he's gone I steer our conversation away from the heavy topic of our arranged marriage and move it toward Rome because I know it's the easiest way to get her to smile again. She shows me pictures of her nephew, a smile curling her lips as she gushes about him and she relaxes again.

"So do you abandon your guards often?" I ask after the server brings our food.

She shifts in her seat and I know she doesn't want to answer the question honestly but she does anyway. "Sometimes. I get tired of constantly being monitored. Don't you?"

"I'm not. My family isn't the same rank as yours so it's not necessary."

Sure when I was younger I remember my father being strict on us having a guard when he was close with Rafael Senior but once he died he no longer bothered with it. We aren't targeted like they are.

The fork that had been on its way to her mouth freezes halfway. "Really?"

"Yeah." I cut into my steak as I reply. "You won't have a guard either once you learn where everything is."

She blinks at me and then breaks eye contact, taking the bite of steak between her lips but I know she likes the idea and I question why I haven't brought it up before. She will have much more freedom with me, our children will never reign over our world like Lorenzo's or Giovanni's will so we're less likely to be singled out. I can easily be replaced, a DeLuca can't.

"Will you rape me if I refuse to have sex with you?" Her question is said in a low tone but it catches me by surprise and I almost choke on my food in shock.

I swallow the bite down, following up with a drink of water before clearing my throat. "Do you really think I'd do that?"

She levels me with a serious look. "I don't know you, Dante. I'm supposed to offer myself to you on our wedding night to consummate our marriage."

What. The. Fuck.

"Alessia, god, that is so fucked up." I groan, rubbing my eyes. "I don't give a fuck about what you've been taught. You aren't my prisoner. I'm going to be your husband, not your owner."

"And if I want a divorce?" She quirks an eyebrow and my fist clenches in my lap.

"You know as well as I do that divorce doesn't happen in a contractual marriage in our world." I murmur the reply gently.

She purses her lips and goes back to eating.

"My family doesn't live quite as close as yours but Isa's house is ten minutes away from mine so you won't be secluded or alone." I pause, trying to figure out the best way to word what I want to say. "I'm sure you're aware of the things men like me do in our world but I'm not cruel, I'm not a monster."

With those heavy words in the air we finish the remainder of our meal mostly in silence. After I pay our bill I rest my hand on Alessia's lower back and guide her outside to my rental.

"Are you ready to go home?" I question, opening the passenger door for her.

I don't want to take her to that house in that community where she's surrounded by family who push her back into that dark space she's been residing in lately. I have to remind myself patience has gotten me this far, it'll only be a few more weeks until she'll be at my side permanently.

Twin pools of amber peer up at me. "Are you going home?"

"Yes." I give her a smile. "You wanna come with me?"

She scowls. "I doubt Lorenzo would even allow that."

"Are you doubting the persuasion I currently have over your family?" I inquire with an eyebrow raised, hoping she says yes so we don't have to part ways.

I'm not actually all that sure I could convince them to let me take her for the night but I'd try.

"No one persuades Lorenzo into anything." She rolls her eyes in obvious annoyance.

"They want us together, they want the marriage to happen without a fight, as long as we're spending time together I doubt they'll say no."

She studies me for a moment before sliding into the passenger seat. "Tempting, but I'll pass."

I close her door and even though she turned me down there's a smile on my face because she actually contemplated it. Maybe I'm growing on her more than I realized. Or maybe she just wants away from her family that bad.

An hour later I park in front of her house and walk her to the door. "Why don't you give me your number so the next time you wanna get away from your guard you can just text me."

"And you'll what? Drop what you're doing and get on a plane?" She laughs in disbelief.

I shove my hands in my pockets so I don't pull her into my arms like I want to. "Maybe not immediately but we could decide a day and time."

Her eyes scan my face, her brow furrowed. "Who even are you?"

I give her a smile. "Your future husband."


Hey babe's, hope y'all didn't think I forgot about y'all. I swear life has been so hectic lately. My 3yo no longer naps and when I try to write while he's awake he tells me I'm all done 😂

Ugh I love them so much! They're so sweet together.

What do you think about them so far?

I hope you guys have a great weekend!

Love youu🖤🖤

— Katy

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