liar-Jason Dilaurentis

By varbariz

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Pretty little liars Ava Noelle Bennet the hot blue eyed brunette in her friend group, a high school mean girl... More

01-they found her Avie
02-the Jenna thing
03-to kill a mocking girl
04-can you hear me now?
05-reality bites me
06- there's no place like homecoming
07-the homecoming hangover
08-please,do talk about me when I'm gone
09-the perfect strom
10-keep your friends close
11-Moments later
12-salt meets wound

13-know your frenemies

164 5 2
By varbariz

"Time to greet old friends liar, now they are all back in Rosewood again-A" 

Rosewood, Pennsylvania 2010

"Does anyone know where Ava is?" Aria asks sitting down at the coffee table by the other girls. Both Emily and Hannah shake her head,no, while Spencer keeps her head low.

"You know where she is?" Emily asked, Spencer bitted her lip before turning to them.

"I don't, but yesterday she acted super weird, I asked her if she was on something and she just ran off. Like literally, she ran" Spencer admited, the group exchange a weird and concerned look between them.

"Yeah, she was weird with us as well." Aria admited and the followed by telling the story.

"You guys think that A as something really bad on her?" Hanna wonderes, even though A had something in all of them Ava was the one that talked the least about it.

"I don't know, she doesn't comment a lot on whatever A has on her" Aria said, drinking her coffee.

"We need to know where she was that night. Ava knows something, she knows something crucial"Spencer voices. I hear Spencer words, I couldn't belive what she just said, she was still not beliving me.

"Wow, still not believing me Spence, how suprising" I say claping my hands "Such a good friend" I joke, grabbing a chair and pulling to sit in the same table as them.

"Where have you been?" Emily asks me, I shrugger "If I told you, would you belive me or just talk about it behind my back?" 

"Ava this is serious. You have to start to talk with us about what you are going through" Spencer exclaimed.

"Why? Spencer there is nothing you can do that will changes the events of that night" I say in between my teeth.

"So it is something that happened that night" She pointed " Isn't it for all of us in a way, more or less that night it haunt us" I say, grabbing the croissant that I ordered.

"Fine, just try to be more open" Aria smiled.

"The food in this town is to die for" Agent Cooper spoke as she approached our table "I'm missing it already"

"Are you going somewhere?" Emily asked politely

"Came here to find the person that killed your friend. Toby Cavanaugh might be out on bail but he is not leaving town, and we have a solid case against him. So, unless you have a reason for me to stay" The older woman informed us.

"I guess we will see you around!"Hanna smiled.

"You girls take care. Ava send my regards to your parents" I want to shoot my brains out, why did she have to say that. When the girls look at me, I just shrugger not having the energy to even lie anymore.

"What?" We turn to Spencer.

"Ian was definitely at Hilton Head the same weekend Ali was" Spencer confessed, we all look at each other "Maybe we do have a reason for Cooper to stay"

"We should really get to school" Aria affirms.


In school cafeteria the subject was still the same, we needed to find answers about A and Ali's killer. We sat by a table, currently the one that we been using the most this past months.

"Agent Cooper is not just small town cop that's gonna arrest Spencer's brother in law, because Ali craved his name into a tree" Hanna spoke, she got a point. I open my bag and grabbed from the inside my bottle filled with coffee.

"Yeah, a tree that is no longer there" Aria pointed

"No one know about that but us..and Ian"

"And A" Hanna says, looking straingh ahead of her, in the outside was Noel, our current suspicious.

"Noel led us to the tree for a reason"Spencer said low.

"Is A, I mean is Noel, helps us trying to find Ali's killer?" Aria asked, she looked at me, from the other side of the table. I tried to ignore her stare but it was inevitable.

"Who knows, maybe. Noel and Ali were close, so perhaps." I shrugger.

"How could Noel even know about Ian and Ali?" how could Noel know anything? I ask myself. However thinking things through, it now made sense, after all Noel knew, well kinda knew, about me and Jason. And he was always quit jealous of that. Maybe he was A.

"Have you ever noticed how Noel's always around?" Aria asked "Special since him and Avie are so close" She pointed.

"Since when they know each other?" I ask, looking outside, Noel and Aria's little brother talking.

"I dind't know" Aria responded, shock all over her eyes.

"We need to find some kind of proof, for Cooper to stay" Spencer said, turning around to face us again .

"Thank you, Veronica Mars" Joked the blonde reciving a are-you-serious-look from the previous girl.

"That proof may be boxed in your kitchen" swinging in my chair, I spot Maya walking our way

"Hi" Emily turned at the voice of her girlfriends voice, her smile instantly grew bigger "Hey"

"Are we still on till later?" Maya asked her, Emily nooded her head "You know, now that your dad's gone?"

"Yeah, my mom knows how my dad feels about us" Emily explained, us, the rest of the group looked at each other,happy to see Emily happy.

"In other wods, he will tolerate me" Maya said looking down at her feet. I couldn't help but feel sorry for them, it must be so difficult for both of them to go through this. In a way, I can feel their pain, because with Jason we would never be acpeted as well. Not that I still think about him or our somewhat relationship that we had last summer, I don't anymore.

"I'm just kidding" Emily laughed along side the others. I must have zoned out cause I don't know what they are laughing about "We go to dinner and movies, just like you guys."

"Well.. she is not entirely kidding"Maya cutted Emily "Emily would love to do all those things" she laughes.

"God they are so cute" I whimper reciving questionable looks from the girls"It's gross" I lie.

"Sure Avie" Spencer said, winking to me.


Walking out of the cafeteria I still can't stop smiling at how happy Maya makes Emily, she is the purest of all of us, and she deserves being happy. If Maya is the one bringing her smile back that's all it matters.

I open my locker and a piece of white paper fall off onto the ground, I bend down to pick it up to see what it is. A message in black sharpie  "Time to greet old friends liar, now they are all back in Rosewood again-A" 

As I finish reading Toby Cavanaugh walks past me in the hallway, we stare at each other, he is back again, along side with Ian, and Jason comes here from time to time.

He walks to his locker the word Killer written on it, Spencer joins my side, her eyes also focused on him. A kid steps in front of Toby and the security and calls him murderer to his face.

"Shit" I mumble, catching a glimpse of the other girls by Hanna's locker a few feet away from us.


"Have you talked with Noel? He is blackmailing Ezra" Aria tells me as we walk Rosewood streets.

"No, I been avoiding him actually"I tell her exhaling "Do you think this will ever stop?" I ask her, she shruggers looking at me with a weak smile.

"Where were you yesterday?" Aria asked me, I couldn't tell her the truth about where I was. They all had secrets that didn't want to be shared and so have I, and I can't just admit to them all about it.

"No where Aria, just forget it" I say avoiding looking at her, she places a piece of hair behind her ear before speaking again "Ava if something is bothering you-" I cut her off.

"I can deal with my problems alone, thanks Aria" she gives up knowing there was nothing else she could do to make me change my mind.

"Is that Hanna?" She asks, I turn to look at her direction, Hanna sitting at Lucky Leons Cupcakes by herself "We should go there" I comment noticing the group of jocks on the other table.

"Hanna" I call approaching the blonde, her mouth covered in froasty "Are you okay?" I ask sitting down in one of the chairs in her table. The group of jocks on the other table kept on making pig sounds.

"Oink-oink" Aria turned around, facing the boys "Don't you guys have practice or did you lose your balls?" She asked sitting then by our side.

"I though you had physical therapy" Hanna looked at her sad before explaining herself "I lied"

"You wanna talk about it?" she chuckels "I wish I could" she says "I really hate A" I look in her direction, Noel Kahn standing there.

"He has something on my mom that can get her in a lot of trouble"Hanna explained, Aria followed by asking what Hanna needed to do and that's when Hanna got into detail.

"Remember when I used to eat when I got nervous or felt bad. Alison walked on me after a binge, and she was actually nice  or so I thought".

"What happened?" I ask holding her hand.

"She helped me throw up" A tear fall down Hanna's eyes as she tell us.

"Han that's so dangerous" I say quietly.

"That was just a such a low point in my life, that I started to take better care of myself . I knew I could be stronger than that"

"And you are" Aria spoke.

"You know, it's really hard for me to believe Noel is A. He was my friend, he stayed by my side when everything fell down"I start explaing the girls "There was one time, I went to his house, I just went there to clear my mind of things. I went there to have sex" I chuckle remebering the memory " But he said no, he made me open my heart and tell him all the shit that was happening. He was a really good friend" I smiled.

"So you didn't have sex with him?" Hanna chuckled.

"Oh no we did it after" I laughed, craking a smile out of her face.


Do you ever feel like the person you care about cares more about somebody else. Do you ever love someone so much but never get loved with the same intensity. If so what do you do? Do you just lie in bed and try to fall asleep before the world falls apart?

That's what I do at least.

In that moment when your eyes are closed, the music is on and your thoughts are vanishing, you can remember what it feels like to be in peace. Some people remember the ocean, others woods, others skys. I remember him, his smile, the color of his eyes and the warm of his body cuddling mine.


Lying down on my bed, it was a sunday morning, I had just finnished helping my mom cleaning the house. Like every other sunday the DiLaurentis were coming to speand the day at our house, which today endedn up being at our house but ever now and then it's at their place.

My mother always gets anxious, afraid her food won't be perfect alond side with the guestes not feeling at home, and it doesn't matter how many times I tell her it's only the DiLaurentis, people who have known us for decades, she still gets like that every time. I don't jugde her though, being friends with Alison DiLaurentis it's very anxious as well, not in the sense where I am afraid that she will leave me, I know she never would do that we are best friends, but just never really knowing what is going on her mind.

"Ava, come down stairs" I hear my mom yell, most likely she wants me to do something last minute, I ran down the stairs, the skirt of my dress flys at the speed I ran the stairs, at the very bottom of them he stands there. Alison's older brother Jason, I waasn't aware they were already here, quickly and caught in suprise I check the time on my wrist, 12h05, I had no idea it was this late.

"Hi" I say walking down the last couple of steps, Jason nods not saying a word, he doesn't speak much never has. Well, except when he is drunk, I have presenced a couple of those times, on family birthdays or more often in Camp May during summer, but I don't think he knows that.

"I didn't know you guys were already here" I comment adjusting the dress on my body, I watch his eyes on my every movent, which it's weird I don't think he has ever laid his eyes on me before " We just arraived" he says not prolonging more conversation.

"Right" I bite my bottom lip as my feets move back and froth on the ground, again I wasn't expecting Jason to stand in front of me, eyeing me which makes it a lot more weird. It's like he isn't minding my presence here.

"God, there you are. Avie, I have great news. There's a party tonight and we are going" she interlocks our arms and turns us to go back to my roomon the up floor. However, the conversation isn't missed by Jason that grabbed her arm turning us around.

"Ouch" she said "Where you think you are going?" Jason asked, never once in my life I saw him worried about where Alison went "To Avies room" she asnwered with a mocking tone.

The older DiLaurentis rolled his eyes knowing Alison was just joking with him " Tonight. Where you think you are going tonight?" he rephrases. Alison's arm leaves mine so that she could cross her arms on her chest to look at Jason, his eyes for a moment fall on me but the soundof her voice makes him turn his attention to her again "A party Jason. Why, are you mad you weren't invited and I was?" she laughs.

I never uderstood why Alison made fun of Jason like this, what was in for her? I mean, if Jason lost his mind on her and the anger took the best of him, he could perfectly hit her hard, and sometimes I really ask myself how hasn't he done that before.

"You are not going Alison, and certantly are not going to try and bring Ava into this" he points in my direction. It's been just a few days since the other day when I went to their house to be with Ali and Jason eneden up by making a new nickname for me. Kinda was expecting him to use it today but it seemes like he forgot about it.

"You are not my parent Jason and you surely can't tell me what to do or what Ava can do. So, just leave us alone because we are going to that party" she said, turning again to leave. I bite my lower lip when Jason's anger ir clear on his face.

"Have you even asked Aves if she wants to go?" there it was that nickname that made all my insides warm. The use of the name seemed to go unnoticed by Alison that simply turned to me waiting for my answer.

"Don't try and play the good brother now Jason, we are going to the party, it doesn't really matter what you say about it" I tell him, not sure what came over me to say those words but by Jason's look doesn't really look like I affetcted him. In reality looks more like he enjoyed my sudden confidence.

When we reached the top floor Alison walked right into my bedroom, laying herself on my bed "I'm sorry about my idiotic of a brother. I honestly have no idea what's on his stonner head" she admits, her eyebrows suddendly frown at me "What's wrong?" she asked moving to stand by my side on my vanity.

"Whose party is it that we are going?" I asked, it's no lie that I can get very anxious about being surrounded by people I don't really know. Aliosn seemes to understand that, her hand recahes mine and with a warm smile she tells me "Don't worry Avie I will be by your side the whole night" she promises me.

I should have known Alison was never one to keep promisses.

End of Flashback

"How haven't you open one of those yet?" I am sat in one of Spencer's couches by the fireplace, she looks at me with her thumb on her mouth fighting the voice, that is me, telling her to open one "I mean, if they really were together that summer there must be something there that will prove it to us" my words seem to have an impact on her because the next minute she is getting up and walking towards the boxes on the living room. 

I know they were together, I remmeber that fight, not all of it but some flashbacks appear every now and then. I can still feel her eyes on me as she screams how awful of a best friend I am if I don't support her on her love life. I yeel at her telling Alison dating Ian is not a good and wise choice, but she doesn't listen, she never did.

But yet, I am faced again with uncertanty, is all this imagens replaying in my head just lies and scenarios that I have created to bring me peace? I don't know the answer, but part of me knows that there is something out there that will help me remind of everything, I just don't know what.

"You are a bad influence" she whispers, I keep telling her to go futher on with my hands, but when Spencer is taking the plastic tape of the box we hear a door closing. I immediatly make room on the couch I am sat for her to join me. A moment later the oldest Hastings walks in.

"Hey" Spencer and I greet Melissa.

"Ready for midterms?" she asks us placing the bags on the kitchen counter "Not yet".

"Well, Spencer can you take a break tomorrow night?" Melissa asked her "Ian and I are treating mom and dad to dinner. I'd like it if you came".

"Yeah, I will try but-" Spencer starts but the sound of something fallen catched her attention.

"Do you need help?" I ask her, getting up from the couch and walking towards her, followed by Spencer, towards the counter.

Spencer bends down, grabbing the little bag on the floor, but the look on her face was pricelles. I was able to get a glimpse of what was inside, an  ovulation kit. Couldn't help the twist in my stomach, Ian was about to be a father? Gross.

"An ovulation kit?" Spencer read out loud "You guys weren't suppouse to see that"Melissa said getting the kit back from Spencer's hands. Her eyes fall on me for a moment and I can't pretend I'm not shocked.

"Woow" I whisper but loud enough for her to hear.

"Can you keep a secret?" Melissa asked her sister, then remmebered I was there too "Both of you?" we exchanged a look, secrets our middle name, of course we could keep them, better than anyone.

"Of course" we say in union " This is not something I'm prepared to tell mom and dad" the scared look on her face is in between me and Spencer "Okay"

"I'm trying to get pregnant" Melissa admited, not sure what kind of reaction she was expecting from me but if she bought and ovulation kit that was the only plausible reason.

"No shit, why else would you have a ovulation kit"her eyes fall on my comment, her eyes clearly not happy that I was there.

"With Ian?" Spencer also asked, not believing what she just heard "Of course".

"Why the rush?" Spencer asked, her eyes scared as she looked at me "We want a big family and I don't want to be a grandma when my kids are at school"Melissa explained.

"Since when do you want a big family Melissa?" I ask, I know it's none of my bussines but come on Melissa having a family with Ian, someone that did what he did that summer, it just doesn't make sense to me.

"Ava I am not expecting you to understand-"Melissa started but Spencer cuts her off.

"No she is right I have never once heard you say you wanted a big family" The older girl looked in between me and Spencer "Well, we never talked about it, have we?"

"What about Wharton?You've worked so hard to get in" Now it defenitly feels like a family conversation, I should probably sat on the couch pretending I'm not listening to the convo but I rather stay and give my opinion even when it's not asked.

"I'll get my M.B.A but I don't fell like I need to be best and first anymore" Melissa speaks very clamly "Are you sure you are a Hastings?" I ask her, making my presence in the room. She looks at me unpleased by my comment "I am Ava, it's just my priorities are just chnaging now" she smiled.

"Look girls, when I was your ages, I wanted what you guys want" I put my arm up about to correct her  "What Spencer wants, I don't really care about school" Spencer and Melissa simply ignor my comment "You wanted those things last week" Spence pointed the obvious.

"I'm happy Spencer, I really am"

"So getting pregnant is your idea, not Ian?" I ask eating one of the cookies that was on one of the glass plate on the counter "Yes Ava. Don't you love the thought of a little mini-me or mini-Ian running around?" Melissa asked, my eyes fall on Spencer already knowing her next words.

"Not really" Melissa's eyes wilden at her sister words "Melissa" the sudden loud voice walking in the kitchen makes me jump, I turn around seeing the man of the hour.

"I thought this was something we were going to keep private" he says walking more into the kitchen. I notice how his eyes fall on me, anger all over then, don't worry asshole the feeling is mutual.

"I know but I just-" me and Spencer don't give time for Melissa to explain herself to Ian "We looked inside the bag before she could stop us"

"We promise we won't tell anyone" I say this time, looking at him "I know how to keep secrets and promisses" his eyes are on me, I know he understood my words"Yeah, I know you can" his lips curl into a smile.



"So, whose party is this again?"I ask Alison that is guiding me inside the unknown house, full of teenagers and college boys and girls, she turns her head to me with a smirk on her lips "A friend of Jason" my eyes wilden, that was why he didn't want us to come.

"Is he here?Jason I mean?" Alison stops walking at my question, defenitly caugh her off guard "Not sure, but most likely. It's his friend after all" she turned her whole body to face me, her desire to live in danger made her be very reckless "Just relax Ava, even if he is here he won't snitch on us. As far as our parents know we are at Hanna's, and you know what is the best part of that lie is because our parent's aren't close enough with Hanna's mom to go check on us. So let your worries vanish and just enjoy the moment"

I breath out, letting my worries leave my body, and I open again my eyes "You are right" I scream over the loud music "I will have fun" I tell her. She smiles wildly, hugging me for a second before leaving "That's the spirit" she screamed.

I'm really not sure how long it passed since Alison said she went to the bathroom, but it was defenitly more than a average time a normal person spends there. My thought she is hooking up with some random college boy, I knew she wouldn't keep her promisse.

However, I have to admit all the anxiety I thought I was gonna have is nonexistent, most likely due to the amount of drinks I have had. More than I ussualy have but I needed something to get my mind of the nerves, specially with the outfit I am wearing. Low waist black jeans with a blue sequin top that fitted perfectly around my breats and waist. I make my way around the house when a notification vibrates in my phone, on my back pocket, I reach my hand to grab it. It was a message from Alison .

Evil A

Had to leave. Just call your brother to pick you up. Don't get mad at me, you know I love ya

Of course, and now she left, she knows I can't call my picture perfect of a brother. I have to figure something out, but honestly my worries aren't focused there right now, I'm more concentrated in finding something to drink. Who knew dancing so much could make you so thirsty.

I walk past a couple of doors making my way back to the kitchen, the house is a lot more empty right now, I don't even know what time it is but I'm sure it's a wayyy past mindnight. I open one cabinet hoping there was something to drink, nothing inside this one. I look inside two more when a voice makes me jump not expecting to find anyone there.

"What are you doing here?" his voice was husky, probably because of the drink, my heels turn me around to face him, a smile on my lips as I look at his messy hair, if I could just touch it "Aves?" he calls me again.

"Oh right, your sister bailed on me and now I have to figure out someone to drive me home" I admit sitting myself on the counter of the kitchen that was cleaner than the other's.

"That's not suprising" he speakes, I nod my head, agreding with his words "Yeah, well, that's just Alison" I comment.

"Why do you hangout with her?" Jason asked me, sitting by my side on the counter, I turn my face to look at him, my lip in between my teeth as I think of an asnwer "She's my best friend, that's why" I answer to him. Jason doesn't seem however to understand that, his eyes are still focused on me "She's a shitty friend" without even waisting a second to rethink of my words I just say them "You don't have morals to talk about our friendship and you blew the one with my brother."

And yet, for the second time today, I was expecting Jason to have some sort bad reaction to my words but he doesn't. Instead his lips curl up and a smirk is formed "Wow, someone is not a fan of me today" he comments, if I could on normal basis I would want to hide anywhere away from here but not today "Sorry, It's none of my bussines what happened between you and my brother" I say surrending.

"No it's okay, I just blew it. It's a Dilaurentis thing"he jokes taking a sip of the beer he was drinking. My eyes fall on his hand, his knuckles bruised like he had hitted something and caused a bruise, I extend my hand to grab the beer from his hands and take myself a sip from it. He watches me with carefull eyes and raised eyebrows"Why are you here with me Jason?"

My blunteness catches him off guard, he wets his lips with his tongue looking straight in front "Why wouldn't I?" he says turning his attention now at me, my cheeks tinted with a light shade of pink as I shook my head "Don't do that to me." I tell him.

His smirk grows and he wonderes "Do what?" I cross my leg over the other looking at him " I'm not the girls you hook up with" I grab once again his beer " I'm not easy and that look of yours won't work". A loud chuckle leaves his throat at my words "I never said you were" I point my finger at him in a gun nodding "Right, but you thought".

"Never Aves. In fact" he startes taking the beer from me, placing it on the counter by his side as he leans over me whispering in my ear "the only thoughts I have of you are far from that" his hot breath agains my ear makes me wonder what are those thoughts. I bite my lip at the imagine that was just planted on my mind, stop it Ava he is just playing you.You are young and easy for him. I try to convince myself.

"Your drunk Jason, so just shut up before you regret it tomorrow" I say, leaving the counter, but as my feet touch the ground all the mixed drinks I had drank tonight make me get tipsy and almost fall. Thankfully, Jason arm catches me before so "Maybe, but I don't think I would regret anything at all." he whisperes, once again that husky voice and hot breath are in my ear, a step closer for me to make a bad decision "Would you regret it Aves?" I shake my head involuntarily "I shouldn't".

His large hands move to my waist holding me in place "Alison she is my best friend" I tell him again "She rathered some guys company than her best friend. Aren't you even a little bit pissed at her?" Jason asked me, I was but I couldn't just use him to get back at Ali could I?

"That's wrong, I can't use you to get back at her. I would be an awfull friend" One of the hands that were in my waist follow to my neck, moving his thumb to caress it "Who gives a fuck" the word driving unfamilar sensations to my whole body.

I place my hands on his chest pushing him way, our eyes lock and there I knew my next decison would be awfull. I knew if I gave in that would have consequences, I could blamed it on the drink and being mad at Ali but the amount of liquour on my system wasn't enough to turn my desire in reality.

"Can you take me home Jason?" He looked down at me, I wasn't even able to hide the impact he has on me, but if I ever kiss Jason it wasn't to get back at some stupid decison Ali did.

"Yeah, let's go Aves" I feel his large cold hand on my waist guiding me through the almost empty house.

End of Flashback

The next day, Spencer was telling Hanna about the big weird news we discovered last night. Hanna along side with us was unbelieving. Melissa and Ian having a baby, that was just straight out of a horror movie.

"Hey Em, what's up?" I ask, noticing the burnette girl walking towards us devastated. She looked upfrom her phone to us "I didn't even get to say goodbye" she said looking at us. Her eyes blurry with tears as she speakes. 

"To who?" Spencer asked "Maya". Oh, I knew I dind't really like her that much but now I feel bad for her.

"Em, where is she going?" Hanna questioned this time "They're sending her to juvie camp  for three months" my eyes immediatly look away and my ip gets stuck in between my teeth "What is it Avie? Is it that bad?" Emily asked me scared. I try my best to shake that idea of her with lies "No, it just I have heard about some storys but I am sure Maya will be fine." or at least I hoped so.

"But what happened?" she looks back at me "My mother, that's what happened".

Inside school this time, we were gathered close by Aria's locker, Ezra, our english professor was leaving school after Noel's Kahn threats. I watched the small yet real interaction between Aria and Fitzs. He walked down the hallway but the voices of the director and security catched our attention.

"Is that the answer for tests? Noel stole those?" I ask Spencer that was by my side, she looks at me shruggering. Then the same sound of notification came, we all picked our phones there it was again, those messages.


A if for Alison not Amateur -A


I walk once again inside the Hastings property, I have come to the realization that I spend more time here than at my actual house.

"I don't know, who I am more afraid of" Aria starts, she is sitting by the counter on one of the chairs, aong side with Spencer and Hanna, suppously we came here to study but gossiping is away more productive. Emily, decided not to come, the whole Maya being away really putted her down "A the bitch who tried to flatten Hanna or  A our new frenemy" she fineshes her thought a smile growing on her lips as she does so.

"What?" Spencer asked her "A saved my relationship" right, the relationship Aria had with the professor. I know I don't really have much of a moral to talk about it but screwing with the teacher was never a very smart idea, not sure if I am thankfull A saved that.

"Yeah, well, A tried to kill me" Hanna pointed like we were forgeting a crucial part of who A really is.

"Because A thought you saw her. A clearly knows now that you didn't" I crunch my face at her words "That doesn't really make it okay, does it" I ask chuckling at the thought of us almost defending A.

"So uhm, the laws of cosines is an extension of the Pythagorean theorem to the arbitrary angles  around" Spencer starts explaining the whatever subject they were studying. I roll my eyes not understanding a single word she just spoke.

"Spence I know I am not really sudying but nothing you are saying makes sense. It's like you are talking chinese to me" I say laying my elbows on the counter. I smile at Melissa, seing the older woman walking inside the kitchen.

"It's nice to see the posse together again" she said. Aria looked at her confused and somewhat shocked "Ha, the posse?"

"This is Mel playing nice" I say, eating another cookie that were still there from the previous night, the girls look at me confused the sudden use of nickname slipped out of my mouth before I could even acknologwed it .

"Me and Spencer have called a truce"Melissa spoke getting the attention back on her.

"Oh well, I will play along" Hanna started smilling at Melissa "How does it feel to be married?" she asked, I keep watching the interaction eating cookie after cookie.

"Feels like I don't have to try so hard all the time, like things are settled." Hanna then made a comment about how that was the same feeling her mom had before her father met Issabel, his current wife. And with one more remark of Melissa saying she doesn't feel intimidated by other woman, Ian showed up and they left.

"Oh god" I say, passing my hand over my forehead. I look back up seeing the girls eyeing me "What?" I ask confused.

"Mel?" Aria askes seeing no one else did "Just, I tried to be friendly" I lie, but I couldn't tell her that used to be my nickname for her, could I?

"Right" Spencer acnoloweged me, I try changing the conversation and in that moment Emily walked inside the house using the side door of the living room.

We all turn in our heels, so excited for the little suprise we have for her, my smile grows at the sight of her cluless face.

"What?" she asked, Spencer got up from her chair "There is something I need to show you in my room" Emily's eyes fall on us worried about what might be.

"Was this Ava's idea? Because if it was I'm not sure it's-"

I cut her off with a hand on my chest and a loud gasp "I'm gonna pretend I'm not offended but this was all of us ideas.  But I did the hard part" I comment remmebering how my task was to decorate the room "Anyways, enjoy your suprise Em" I say pushing her to the stairs.

Minutes later, when all four of us are going through Ian's boxes, the gigles and chuckels of the two love birds on the upper floor echo the whole house, none of us in the lower floor can hide our hapinnes for our friend.

"You know I am officially jealous of Emily's love life" Hanna admits, looking at the ceeling when the sounds of the two other girls get louder. Suddendly Aria's eyes fall on me, my eyebrows rise and I turn my head slitgly to the side " What?" I ask her.

I can see she is pondering in asking whatever she is thinking "Are you and Noel still together?" my breath gets stuck in my lungs, I haven't spoken much with Noel lately, all this possibility of him being A made me question if anything about us, since friendship to something more was real.

"No, I mean, we never really were together. It was just a fling" I try my best to explain a  situation that not even I know exactly how it curently is. The girls seem to understand that this is something that I am not very comfortable  speaking so they push me more into talking about it, which I am thankfull.

"We've got comic books, and more comic books" Aria said, finishing the last box "Seriously, why does every boy loves comic books?" I ask out loud remmebring how both my brother and Jason would have thousands of those.

"Yeah, evidence of geekdom but not a crime" Hanna says as Emily and Maya walk down the stairs "Thank you guys so much" Maya thanks with a big smile. I know she sometimes has and says some stupid comments about Ali and all, but she makes Em happy, and that me happy.

Maya, huggs all the girls in a goodbye, after Specer there I was, my arms crossed and a smile in my lips "Thank you Ava, and sorry for everything" I open my arms to embrace her in a small hug which she responds with the same intensaty "Take care of yourself Maya" I whisper in her ear.

As Maya and Emily said there goodbye we sat on the couch of Spencer's living room, waiting of her "I don't even know how to thank you guys" she starts sitting down by my side. I place my hand on her shoulder, pulling her in a hug " Youn don't have too" I tell her.

"Where are they sending her?" Spencer asked, Emily with her head still on my shoulder responded "Some place called true north" with a single moviment I separete Emily from me to look at her, bith me and Hanna say at the same time "Seriously?". Her eyes wilden at our reaction, just now I may realized I exagerated "Is it bad?" she asked us scared.

"They sent Betsy Berger there for huffing paint. She came back  as a drummer in a gospel band" I bite my lip remmebering the stories I have heard, then the calm voice of Emily's calls me "Ava, what do you know about that place?" my eyes scandle the room, wondering if I should really tell her "I have this friend, his cousin went there and the guy came back totally religious and beliving in like unicorns and shit" I tell her. I bite my lip again, obviously I don't know if this is true, after all the guy that told me all this consumes shit with me, so maybe not a reliable source isn't the best.

After my words Emily's face instantly fell, I feel the jugmental look that Spencer is sending my way, but with a simple shrugger I try to apologize "I'm sure she will be okay" I say, trying to shrugger of the fear in her eyes, Aria backs me up "Ava is right" my face grows instantly, rarely I hear those words " Maya is an amaizing person, she's gonna be fine".

"Did you guys find anything?" Emily asked this time, trying to chnage the subject. I shake my head, telling her no "We have looked through every box and found a big fat nothing" as Spencer ends speaking the ringing of our cellphones gets our attention, my eyes fall on Aria since she is the one that grabbed the phone. The look on her face and the breath stuck on her throat tells me it's from it.

"Don't say I never gave you anything. Turn on your computer-A"

Before even acknolowging it, my legs are already moving towards the kitchen counter where Spencer's computer was, I'm followed by the rest of the girls. I  stop right in front of it my hands slowly open the device, a notification on the screen I click open and a video of Alison that was previous showed to us starts playing.

"If the girls knew I was seeing you, my God, they'd never shut up about it. I wish they were more mature, we don't have a lot of time" my stmoach  still hurts every time Isee this video, just the sound of her voice makes my whole body get chills "I have to get back before they wake up, I know you wanna kiss me" This was as far as we saw the other day, but this video goes on, Alison gets up from her place on the rock then she grabs the video camera and turns it around showing the person that was filming her. Ian shows up on the screen, the other girls gasp at his sight, but I don't have enough air on my lungs to do that, my vision gets blurry as the memories start to appear in my mind.


"I saw the message Alison, tell me the truth" I grab her wrist not letting her walk away from the conversation we are having. Alison manages to loose the hold I have on her "You saw nothing Avie" I shake my head, knowing the truth.

"I'm sick of your lies and secrets Ali, just tell me, are you hooking up with Ian?" I yeel in her face, the small yet visible corner of her mouth fliks "Admit it Alison" her blue eyes burn in my ones, a small smirk is formed and her posture gets putted up together again "Fine, I am seeing him. What is the big deal Ava?"my mouths gets dry at her bluntyness.

"What's the big deal- Alison he is dating Melissa. It's Ian we are talking about. It's just a stupid choice" I inform her, but she doesn't seem to mind. In fact, looks like she likes the fact that she shouldnt be doing this.

"Come on Avie, live a little. It's nothing that serious" I roll my eyes at her comment, her hands suddendly are in my shoulder's forcing me to look at her "I can arrange someone for you too".

"You are unbeliveble. I don't want someone Ali. Think this trough, you are being stupid and childish" Alison grunts annoyed at my comment "And I thought you were going to be different then the other's" she slowly walks away from me "You are dissapointing me Avie" she sadly smiles.

"I'm dissapointing you, by what? Doing the right thing?" the blonde girls shruggers "By becoming boring Avie" I watch as she turns her back to me "There's a difference about being boring and making awfull decisons" I shout, I notice as she giggles at my words.

"If you tell anyone about me and Ian-" Alison starts but soon realizes she has nothing on me "What Ali, what are you going to do?" I ask her unbothred but that evil smirk appears once again"Just wait and see".

End of Flashback

The last thing I saw was the girls running outside after hearing an unfamiliar noise outside. I try my best to walk towards my bag on the other side of the counter but as I am so close to grab it, my legs shake and my vision gets completly black, the last sound I hear is my bag falling onto the ground.


episode 12 done

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