- Nᴏ Oɴᴇ Uɴᴅᴇʀsᴛᴀɴᴅs - || a J...

By OpefuLee

4.4K 140 374

" Armadillos critters have an incredible emotional based memory, he explained, I read that in a book few days... More


- Nᴏ Oɴᴇ Uɴᴅᴇʀsᴛᴀɴᴅs -

2.6K 91 354
By OpefuLee

Clay said he was going to he back in an hour. He was suppose to drive Viva home with Rhonda, it would take him an hour, and come back. It was the deal.

John Dory was tapping his fingers nervously around the bottle he was holding. It was empty, he had already drank the whole thing. It was pretty late and the party in Trolls' village was over, every troll was going back home to rest.

Only, his home was not there.

Branch, his baby brother, walked up to him. His black hair almost invisible in the darkness of the night, but changed to its blue color when he reached the spot the lamp above their heads was covering.

- You can always stay at my bunker tonight, he said.

But he did not understand. No one understands. The bunker was not his home, neither was any of the pods that the trolls proposed him to stay at. He would not sleep anywhere but inside of the safety of his home, his precious critter-van. Rhonda.

- No thanks, he almost whispered, still he had been pouting in silence for the last hour and the sudden sound of his own voice scared him.

Another troll joined Branch's side. The queen of the village, Poppy, that also happened to be Bitty B's partner. She looked a bit upset to see him sitting there, pouting like a child, alone in the freezing, fresh air of this autumn night.

- You can't stay there, you're gonna catch a cold, she attempted to be the voice of reason.

John Dory frowned, his bottom lip poking out. He would not move, not until Clay came back with Rhonda. She really thought he would just forget ? That he would just betray her and sleep in another bed even though he spent the 30 last years with this one critter for only friend ?

John Dory had never been seperated from his armadillo van for that long in years, and he was not prepared for it. Even though he was a survivalist, his plans always included Rhonda, he had no idea what his life would be without her.

No one understands.

Branch just waved his hand in front of his eyes and he looked up at him, finally.

- Hey John, everything is gonna be cool, Clay is gonna come back with Rhonda soon, alright? But please get some rest... he gestured to the bench, you been sittin' there for like... the last three hours.

- Three hours is not that long, he shrugged, not caring. He could have waited for days if he had to, until Clay came back with HIS critter.

Branch looked over at Poppy still at his side; John Dory would not get up from that bench.

- Guys, it's fine, I'm gonna wait with him.

- Are you sure, Floyd ?

The secound youngest child with pink hair nodded; if big brother John Dory needed comfort he would provide it. It wasn't something new for him to comfort his brothers even for what seemed to be ridiculous things.

- We'll bring you guys blankets, just in case, Poppy told him.

John Dory didn't even flinched when Floyd sat down next to him and side hugged him. They would wait together.


It was when the sun rised on Trolls Village that Clay came back, alone, walking.

He walked to whole way back to the village.

John Dory had jumped from the bench pushing the blankets off [which they ended up on Floyd], excited to finally see Rhonda after a sleepless night.

Poppy was already up, chatting with Clay and Branch. John did not bother to welcome Clay back, he didn't even heard the conversation because why would he need to ? he had put his trust into Clay. He would bring back Rhonda like he had promised.

He looked around, turning his head in every direction. He kneeled down to place his palm against the ground, check if maybe she made a tunnel there to take a nap. Sometimes Rhonda liked to get underground. But he didn't heard and felt the vibrations of her familiar purring. In fact, he did not see any giant armadillo around the place at all.

Clay said he would bring her back. So Clay knew where she was.

He walked up to the middle child, but stopped on his track. The lime green haired troll had a nervous expression as he fiddled his fingers, refusing to meet his older brother's gaze.

Why can't he look at him?

- ... I'm so sorry John.

He shook his head, or maybe it was his whole body? He was shaking for sure and his legs were threatening to collapse under his weight. His leather jacket felt really heavy now, his goggles too tight around his evergreen colored hair.

- N-No, his legs were shaking so much he took a step back, You're lying to me ! He giggled, but it hurted, O-Okay, you got me ! You can stop joking around ! HAH !

Branch's eyebrows moved down, and John Dory's smile dissapeared, he felt panic. He never felt so panicked.

- ... He's not making a joke, JD, Branch told him carefully.

But no matter how soft, how sweet, how gently he could have said those words, it would have never stopped the sharp pain that shoot through his flesh. His heart dropped down in his stomach. His lungs burnen and he felt like he suddendly needed air; needed air so much that his breathing quickened as if he was running a marathon, even though in reality, he was still barely standing on his shaky legs.

He closed his eyes, the world was spinning.

- ... Where's Rhonda ?

His voice was low. He heard Clay bit his lip before he spoke up;

- She ran off.

- Wrong answer, where is she ?!

He opened his eyes again but he was staring at the floor. He would feel the vibration of the armadillo's purring soon, she was here, somewhere !....

- I'm telling you the truth man ! She just ran off !

.... and John Dory saw red.


He tackled Clay on the ground, he could barely hear Branch, Poppy and Floyd screaming for him to let go. He grabbed firmly into his brother's clothes and screamed in his face. Clay had his cheek pressed against the ground, his eyes were shut tightly, unable to get free.


- J, STOP IT !

Floyd grabbed his jacket and pulled him back with force. Branch forced him to let go on the green fabric and Poppy got between the two so he couldn't approach the putt putt troll. Clay looked terrified as he instinctively pulled Branch away from John Dory.

His chest was moving up and down along with his heavy breathing. Floyd let go of him and he began pacing back and forth. Clay, still terrified, did not dared to approach him but tried to explain himself;

- We were coming back to Trolls Village and I looked away for a second and she was gone !! I don't know where she went !


- I'm sorry ! I was going to !!

- OKAY GUYS ! Poppy got between the two of them, There's no need to panic-

- Panic?? John Dory giggled, Oh Poppy Seed, don't be silly, I'm not panicking... I'M FREAKING OUT !!

- John, chill ! I'm sure she only went to... take a walk ! She'll come back !! Branch placed a hand on his arm.

- You have to relax, man ! Floyd told him.

His baby brother's hand felt like another sword tearing his skin and he shook him off. No one understands, they all think it's fine, that he should just relax. How can he relax when his most precious friend is missing ??

Rhonda is not just a simple pet. She's part of John Dory's loved ones, of his family, he had her since she was just a baby ! He grew up, away from the other trolls, living in Neverglade Trail, only with Rhonda by his sides. His whole teenager years, all he had was Rhonda.

Yeah, well, he did met some trolls at some dinner in the middle of that lost place, but they weren't very social. All they would do was drink and listen to sad polka. Rhonda was the only being he had conversations with even if she couldn't use words.

Rhonda was the only one that had listened to his sobs when he felt at his lowest.

So he wouldn't relax. He wouldn't chill. He needed to find her. Bring her back so they would enjoy a package of outdated mashtatoes together like they would do so usually after a long day of travelling to no where. They would make a camp fire and he would sing her songs until they fell asleep. Rhonda's purring would help him to stop his spinning thoughts so he could fall in a deep slumber. And then, JUST THEN, he could think about calming down.

He came back to the present moment, and he glared at Clay. How could have he been so selfish ??

- YOU, Clay tensed up, I'll deal with you later !

And John Dory stormed off to the forest.


- Bro bro, going solo ! Yolo !

He jumped out the window, falling on the ground by accident. He brushed his clothes, screaming loudly;


He stared at the pod, but turned away and he did not looked back. He had no idea where he would go, but he was not coming back. Not for a long time.

A very long time.

He was so angry, he did not noticed the critter following him in a hurry. The small creature let out a soft growl as she tried to catch up with him. His ear twitched to the noise.

- Leave me alone, Rhonda !

The baby armadillo-van just kept following him, so the 14 years old trolling stopped abrutely, looking back, and glared at the critter.

Rhonda was his pet, much more like the pet of what they all so called a family. She was as small as a cuddle puppy compared to him. All she did was sleep and eat. Useless on the new life he had barely planned.

- Why are you following me ? Go back to the pod !

She just stared at him with her large green eyes, confused. She then happily shook her lizard tail and hopped toward him to rub her side against his right leg, her back round, just like a cat would.

- I said go back, back to the pod ! John Dory ignored her affection and walked away toward the forest.

He walked for a while, soon he couldn't see any lights from the village anymore. He was lost, even if he would have wanted to go back, it was now impossible.

He sat down, his back against a tree. He pulled a blanket out of the small bagback he had brought with him to settle down for the night.

He was alone.

He was alone and he didn't like that. He hated that. He thought of his brothers, but remembered he was still mad at them. So, what would he do now ?

As he wrapped himself in the thin blanket, he closed his eyes. He tried to just chill, to just relax.

... something howled in the distance and John Dory felt scared. He really was scared to be alone.

- ... Rhonda ? A-Are ... Are you still there ?

No answer, the forest was only filled with unknown critters noises and scary shadows. One of those stupids tears ran down his cheeks as he tried again, his voice cracking;

- .... Rhonda !? RHONDA !!? He called louder.

The bush next to him was shaken by something jumping through it. John Dory yelped before he realized who it was.

- Rhonda !! C'mere girl !! He opened his arms.

Rhonda jumped in his arms for comfort, her lizard tail wagging and her tongue out. Which John Dory deeply needed as well.


John Dory was sitting with his back against a tree, his arms were wrapped around him as he hugged himself.

- ... Rhonda ?

But of course there was no answer. He was alone. And this time he knew Rhonda wouldn't come for him.

Those stupid tears rolled down his cheeks again.


- I swear she just ran off ! Clay explained for probably the firtheen time this day, I don't know why, or where she went !

The other trolls were bit concerned because since this morning, they hadn't seen John Dory after he was told the news about his critter missing.

Poppy, Branch, Floyd and Clay were still chatting about what happened. At least the middle child was not so much affected by how agressive his oldest brother had got over Rhonda missing, yet Poppy had insisted to get him and his siblings an ice cream, because ice cream was probably known somewhere to solve all of your problems. This logic reminded him of Viva's so he just went along with it.

Clay hadn't touch his banana split still as he just felt bad that he had lost such a giantnormous animal. He had been so careful and yet she literally just stormed off like a prey. Had he done something wrong?? What if the van never came back and John Dory would never forgive him?

He tried to think positively; critters knew most of the time how to find their way back, right? So the giant armadillo should be in capacity to do so, like the rest of all existing pets in this world... even though he had never saw another pet like Rhonda before... he gulped-He hoped she was not some kind of rare critter that mean criminals would fight for.

- Are you sure she will come back ? Floyd seemed to read his mind, he was worried as well apparently.

Branch was the less anxious about the whole situation. Yet, he still cared. He just licked his chocolate ice cream that was melting on his hand; joy of autumn season and its weather moodswings.

- I'm sure she will come back, Branch said, armadillos critters have an incredible emotional based memory, he explained, I read that in a book few days ago... they choose one creature and then gets attached to them for their entiere life. That's why it's so rare to see them in the wild.

- That explains why Rhonda loves John Dory so much, Poppy realized, She choosed him.

- The most emotional creature there is plus the biggest a-hole... way to go, Floyd said with sarcasm in his voice.

- I'm still afraid she might have gotten lost, Clay said, we were in the middle of nowhere ! She could be d-

But Poppy covered his mouth before he could finish his sentence and say out loud the scariest word known to Trolls.

- Don't say that word ! Poppy grounded him, Not in here ! Queen orders !

- Viva is my queen-

- You're in MY village mister !

- Viva is your what now ? Branch asked to be sure, interrupting them.

- I don't get paid enough- Floyd just ate his own sprinkles covered ice cream.

A chair got pulled from another table and placed next to them.

John Dory sat between Branch and Floyd quietly with nothing to eat. They all were surprise to see him again, his knees were full of scratches and his hair was out of place. He had probably been wandering in the forest this whole time, looking for what they thought was just his pet.

No one understands, no one ever will.

- Hey bro, how are you doing? Floyd was the one to break the silence.

And that, that one sentence broke him. Because he thought back of her again, her purring and cute goofy expression when he would scratch her back. John Dory missed her so much that his tears dared to roll down his cheeks, in front of everyone around the table. Everyone.

His shoulders were taken by unusual irregular jolts, and just like that, he started to sob out loud.

Shocked, the four trolls had no idea how to react; they had never saw the oldest child breaking down this way. He was suppose to be the emotionaless, strong and confident leader of BroZone ! The responsable one ! The one that lives large and in charge ! The perfect oldest brother ! And this very troll was sobbing, crying and shaking like a baby trolling in front of them.

Floyd moved his chair closer to his, patting his back. John let out the weakess cry of despair anyone had ever heard from him and hugged his younger sibling, sobbing into his shoulder. Branch hesitated before joining in the comfort and proceeded to rub his back in circular motions.

- John ? Poppy let her bowl of ice cream aside.

She didn't even know what she was suppose to ask him... "are you okay ?" seemed like a dumb question because clearly, he was far from doing okay. Floyd just rocked him back and forth, humming a melody he probably shared with John Dory. Branch couldn't help but ended up hugging his brother, wrapping his arms around his shaking figure, closing his eyes as he tried to make him understand he was there. He followed the wave mouvement.

Clay even gave his hand to John so he could squeeze all the pain and the anger out of it.

- Shhh... It hurts that much, huh? Floyd gently caressed his hair.

John Dory sobbed louder, nodding frantically.

It hurted. It hurted so much. He wanted Rhonda to come back. He was tired, lost. He felt homeless, he wanted to hug her so badly... he had no words to describe how much emptyness had take place and formed the heavy ball inside of his stomach.

Rhonda was his best friend.

He felt his brothers trying their best to comfort him, with shushing and hums of this lullaby he had sang to them as kids then to his precious beloved armadillo. So many nights spend singing to Rhonda because no one else would listen to him. Because no one else would ever, NEVER understand !

He came to this conclusion. It could have sounded selfish, but then what? Rhonda never cared about his outer shell. She knew the real him.

So yeah, he came to this conclusion and whispered into Floyd's embrace those words.

Those painful words.

- ... R-Rhonda was all I had when I lost everything.

Stupid tears, stupid feelings.

Poppy had enough, she had seen enough; she could never understand how deep the bound between John Dory and his critter could be, because she was not the one that went through what he went through with his armadillo van. Everyone could think what they wanted, that he was the vilain in this whole breaking apart boyband story. But she could see he was hurting, deeply, and she could not accept that. She could not accept that he was hurting this much, and she needed to do something to help her friend. Right away.

- We are gonna help you to find her, John.

She joined in the hug.


A few years had passed.

Away, very much far from where Trolls Village used to be, in the mountains was a troll. Blue skin, green hair, goggles, we all guessed it was John Dory in his early 20's.

They had been walking for hours, trying to empty his mind from usual thoughts. He liked the fresh air on his skin, to just feel the wind in his hair. Only his lungs were burning from walking for so long, tears from the cold breeze in the corner of his eyes, so he decided that it would be more clever to sit down for a while.

He found a rock and took a seat. Few minutes afterward, a rather big critter made her way to him happily. Rhonda had grow a lot since they had left his past. She was about the size of a young puffalo now, John Dory wondered how big she would get sometimes, and if in fact, she would ever stop growing up.

The armadillo made a soft purr and layed down on the floor in front of his feet, looking up at him with a goofy expression. She was carrying most of their stuff inside of her shell; John Dory had found out that she was a vehicule type of critter, just like a caterbus. Only she was not big enough yet to carry a troll inside of her. So for now she was glad to carry their belongings.

John Dory petted her head gently, trying to catch back his breathing from the hiking they were doing. He looked at the snow around them, frowning... he had lost track on time for a while now.

- What Day is it ? He asked Rhonda.

Even if she couldn't use words, Rhonda always found a way to communicate with him.

- Gggrrrlll, she purred.

She looked at the snow falling on them with a sparkle in her eyes, trying to catch snowflakes with her tongue. And John Dory knew.

- Oh... It's Christmas, is it ?

Rhonda stared at him again, she playfully sniff his hair for treats. John Dory opened the little door on her shell and looked inside of a bag to find something... it was an old mixtape of Brozone. But not any mixtape. This one was very special to him.

He pressed play.

The record was not a song. Not an interview. It was just his brothers, speaking to each other. Being themselves.

" We should be recording our christmas album ! Not playing with Grandma's radio !! "

It was Spruce.

" But It looks so pretty !! I'm just wondering how it works ! "

That little voice. John Dory felt his lips strech by themselves. Floyd.

" It's literally-- wait, FLOYD ! You are recording over our new song !! " Clay gasped.

" I'm what ?? "

" Our new song !! You are erasing it !! John is going to kill us !! " Spruce was terrified.

He heard some crashing in the background of this conversation lost in time. The troll felt his smile die when he heard how his siblings had been afraid of him...he had only wanted to be the perfect big brother.

Then some baby giggles that surely came from his baby brother, Branch.

" Ohhh... well... JD, if you find this, we are really sorry !! Please don't be mad at us- "

" Give me the radio !! " Clay tried to stop Floyd from taking more place on the tape.

" WAIT, I'm finishing the message !! "

" John Dowy ? "

John lost his smile even more, he turned on the volume to hear the baby voice better. Pressing his ear and closing his eyes, to imagine them next to him.

" Yeah, John will surely find this mixtape, you can say something to him, Branch !" Floyd told Branch.


" I love y'u John Dowy ! "

The record stopped.


He replayed it.




And again.


He just kept listening to them. The real them. The trollings he had left behind with so much anger and never looked back at. Because they could not appreciate him... meanwhile Rhonda still laying in front of him, keeping him warm.


- Piece of frosting, he let the mixtape fall on the ground, frustrated by the way his heart was still squeezing even though he shouldn't care so much.

Only, thinking this was a treat, Rhonda's tongue wrapped around the mixtape, and she just crunched on it. John Dory screamed out and shoved his whole head into her mouth to save the mixtape, trying to save it from her deadly bite;

- RHONDA ! He gasped, BAD GIRL ! GIVE IT BACK !! BACK !!

The creature, surprised to see her best friend literally jump in her mouth, spitted out the record. Only it was too late; it was already broken.

It was crushed. Lost forever.

John scattered the pieces, not knowing how to feel.

Seeing she had done something bad, his armadillo friend tried to nuzzle him, only for John to push her away;

- You broke it !! Now I can't-- YOU BROKE IT !!

Rhonda whimpered. John Dory walked away from her to sit on another rock few meters away from her, angry not only at her, but at the entiere world. The entiere universe.

This thing that had just happened had been an accident, he knew that, but he still felt so angry. At everything. All the time. Why did he felt this way?

- Excuse me ? Young man ?

John Dory's ears perked up, a voice ? He hadn't heard a voice in forever, and on the moment he even thought it was his imagination playing tricks on him. But there, walking in the snow toward Rhonda, was a troll with a green skin and ginger hair.

He approached his critter slowly, letting Rhonda smell his hand. John Dory tensed up.

- What a beautiful girl ! The troll chanted, I never seen such a beautiful specimen before ! Is she yours ?

John Dory had not see a troll in a while, he was actually shocked to see creature that looked like him. He frowned at the question; why was the stranger so interested about Rhonda?

Not knowing what to say, he nodded.

The troll tried to pet his armadillo which Rhonda did not seem to mind. Rhonda, after she connected with John Dory, was always very friendly.

- You're very lucky, they are incredibly rare ! The troll mentionned to him, It's the first time I've seen one imprinting on a troll- if she has, that is, he giggled, Once those critters have someone in mind, they aren't leaving !

But then the troll took something out of his pocket. A little bag of gems.


- I can help you get rid of that one, he proposed, How much do you want ?

John Dory froze.

- She's not for sale.

His answer was quicker than his brain processing the situation. The troll giggled again, putting more gems into his palm. The Brozone's ex leader felt sick in his stomach.

- Oh c'mon, I can give you a lot for that armadillo, plus, between you and me, they can get annoying-

That's it.

He raised from his seat, stupid gems wouldn't convince him, never. He would make sure that this troll, whoever they were, would get that, at some level.

- I told she's not for sale ! He repeated himself.

- But-

- Enough ! John Dory cut him right off, She is -- Rhonda is all I have, I'm not gonna trade her for some stupid gems !

No one understands-No one can understand how much Rhonda means to him.

The troll scoffed, shoved the gems inside of his pocket. He pulled back his coat over his face, upset, frustrated that this troll would not give away the rare animal to him. A collector he was, and an actual armadillo was something a lot of trolls would just expose proudly, not became friends with. So no, he did not in fact, understand. He would never. John Dory was an idiot to him, like everyone already though he was anyway.

Finally the stranger left. John went to Rhonda's side to hug her, glad she was there with him. Even if she did some mistakes, even if he did himself mistakes, even if sometimes it hurted this much, they were together. No one would ever break their bond.


Vacay Island is the place where sunset never ends, where happiness is at the highest top and where laughters and joy is everywhere. Also the place where the group of trolls had pushed their researches for the missing critter of their oldest brother, wanting to make sure Rhonda hadn't maybe went to visit their brother Bruce. After all who wouldn't appreciate some relaxing time at vacay island ?

- I haven't seen her, Bruce told them when he got asked the question.

Now that's a way to help John Dory relax.

Branch sighed, him, Clay, Poppy and Floyd had looked in all of the pop Trolls' joyful and colorful forest, doing a second check after John Dory's first search in the morning. They had looked under mushrooms, inside of tunnels and even deep in the water of the Trolls Lagoon without any success. They had checked the whole entiere village; the fungeon, library, the pods, the bunker, the beach... the market had made John very nervous for some reason, making him babble about some troll he met in the mountains years ago even though no one really understood what he was saying. Because well, no one understands. No one ever will.

Then misty meadows, valley of thorns... no where to be seen.

"Maybe she went to Vacay Island" Floyd had proposed when John Dory was convinced Rhonda was gone for good.

So first hour in the morning after convincing John Dory to rest for a bit, [which in reality, he had nightmares all night] they had rushed there with the help of Sheila B. Thanks all that's trolly and sugary, the trip had been fast enough and the square body-typed male had ran to his brother, banging his clentched frists on the door as he called for his help.

- Y-You don't get it ! John Dory explained in a hurry, She's been missing for 3 days, she could be in danger right now !!

He kept imagining the worst scenarios of what horrible things could have happened to Rhonda, his anxiety rising and causing his stomach to feel like it switched upside down. He felt like he would throw up, he felt like his whole body was shaking and hurting.

He felt like crying. He just felt like letting his body collapse on the ground and cry. Just cry.

But he couldn't, because he was the leader.

- We really need your help, Bruce, Floyd told the purple haired dad, Are you sure you haven't see Rhonda ?

The ex hearthrob of BroZone shrugged, as they walked between the large tables. He took notes of what every muppet wanted for breakfast.

- I'm sure, he assured them, I'll get you that sandwhich, Al ! He said to one of the muppets as he kept going on his way, I haven't see your giant armadillo van swimming around here JD, or I would have sent you a message, he patted his back, sorry man.

Bruce jumped on the counter to give the command to his lovely wife, Brandy, everyone followed behind him and sat down to keep chatting.

- Ohh hey ! She waved at them, can I get you anything?

- Ooh! Can you make those sausages and eggs ?? They are so good !! Floyd couldn't help but get excited for the delicious meal.

She nodded and happily made some breakfast for everyone. After all they had come here so quickly, right after being out of their beds, they hadn't time to eat anything. John Dory just kept staring at the counter still, his thoughts spinning without any stopping possible; They had looked everywhere, and it seemed that there was not a single trace or hidden clue that would lead them to his missing critter.

His hands closed on nothing, as if he was searching for Rhonda's familiar side to pet. He frowned, frustrated.

- Bon appétit ! Brandy cheered.

The plates were placed on the table, the perfume of a good healthy meal making everyone feel better. Only John Dory of course, didn't touch his food, picking it with the fork he was holding in his firm grip. He was just not hungry. He felt his already crushed heart squeezing when he realized he was, without thinking, letting some sausages aside in the plate for her. He had been so used to share everything with her- even if she was not there, muscle memory would do it for him.

Sitting next to him, Poppy observed him and noticed shortly that her boyfriend's oldest brother had not eat anything. She was so worried for him; she hadn't imagine that he was so sad to the point he would not be able to satisfy his basic needs anymore. The nightmares of last night had made him jump awake many times, Floyd trying to comfort him the best he could each time. Even if his skin hadn't took that scary gray shade yet, and his hair hadn't change to pure black either, she was terrified it actually, and eventually could. Because it hurted him that much. Because Rhonda meant the world to him and now, his world was gone.

- John ? Poppy tried to catch his attention, Hey, c'mon, she encouraged him, you've hardly touched your food...

She pushed the plate back in front of him, which to this very action, every troll around the table was now was staring at him as if he was some kind of growl beast locked in a small and sad cage.

Somehow, this time, JD hated to be the center of attention.

He pulled his goggles down, above his turquoise eyes, irritated from crying so much, trying to hide himself away from them. From these trolls staring at him that did not even felt rassuring anymore, like a family was suppose to be. He felt in danger, vulnerable. Everyone would see how weak he trully was, again.

He was suppose to be the one to protect them, why was it the other way around now ?

Clay hadn't eat much either, still anxious that John really hated him for the accident and the whole situation he had caused. He did not wanted to be the one to break the hopes, he did not wanted to break his brother's heart even more than it already was, only one of the step of loosing someone was to... get out of denial, to feel better someday, eventually. He was surely doing the right thing when he said those words;

- Maybe... maybe we have to accept that she's really gone.

If the owner of the critter had any reaction to this statement, it was impossible to tell thanks to those green and dark pink goggles around his head. Branch, Poppy, Floyd... they sadly let their food aside. They still had a certain connection to the armadillo van and thinking of the possibility of the animal being gone for good, made them sad, without killing them on the inside unlike John Dory.

- We did look pretty much everywhere, Branch sighed in defeat, Poppy took his hand under the table to squeeze it gently.

- Yeah, Floyd teared up a bit, trying to stay strong for everyone, Maybe we should let Rhonda go...


The plates got shaken by the strength of the hit. John Dory had just slammed his frist on the counter, shuting everyone up quickly. He did not- he couldn't take more of this conversation he wasn't ready to have.

Everyone stayed quiet, Branch let go of Poppy's hand to grab John's. The turquoise haired troll's tears dared to roll down again, his lungs were burning, the oxygen had no access to them because of the mass blocking his air ways.

- John... I know you don't want to hear this but-

- She's not dead.


Branch opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it again. He just held into his brother's hand.

Bruce walked up to him and tried to approach him more gently.

But they would never understand.

- John, man listen...

They could never understands, no matter how much they would try.

- I think maybe it's time to think about saying... you know... your final goodbye to Rhonda.

No one understands.

- RHONDA IS NOT DEAD !! He screamed on top of his lungs, Bruce jumped away from his anger, shocked, I'M NOT SAYING GOODBYE BECAUSE SHE IS ALIVE ! SOMEWHERE !! SHE'S NOT GONE ! SHE'S NOT... NOT...

His words died in his throat when his younger brother Floyd wrapped his arms around him again, holding him close, rocking him back and forth. He would have stayed in his arms, he really would have if Floyd didn't hugged him because he was part of those who wanted to give up. To give up on looking for his friend. To just assume that Rhonda was dead.

So he pushed himself free from the sensetive one's embrace, and ran away to whenever he would be alone.


John Dory was sitting in the warm sand, in front of the blue ocean. His coat felt way too warm in the sunset and we was sweating like a puffalo, but he did not cared that much. He was way too busy trying to figure out his busy head's dark thoughts.

He did not wanted to think that Rhonda was gone for good. He wouldn't just gave up on her, he never did and never will. Yet his family just assumed that Rhonda had leave, forever. How could they just give up??

As he sat there by himself, a beach ball rolled in his direction, stopping next to him, barely brushing against his pointy, surprisingly rather small ear compared to his siblings. A little voice called for him;

- Hey Uncle John !!

It was one of his brother's kids. This one had red hair like his mother and a blue skin to accompagn the mix. He was about three times John's size but still, was a kid, so he was super happy to see his new found uncle.

- Oh hey kid, he greeted the muppet-troll hybrid.

The young one sat down next to him, throwing the beach ball in the air and catching it again and again. He was quiet, he just liked to be sitting next to John Dory and listen to the sound of the ocean.

- You look pretty sad, he pointed out as he let the beach ball aside and started to draw in the sand.

John looked at the drawing his nephew was making. It was a pretty bad done replica of mommy and daddy holding hands and all of his 12 siblings.

- When I'm sad, mommy gives me a hug, he said proudly, Do you want a hug? Maybe it could help !

John Dory couldn't help but giggle at the innocent proposition. He wasn't so sure a hug could help him that much in the moment, but the company was not refused.

- It's okay kid, Uncle John just got bit overwelmed.

He did not wanted to alarm his nephew. The muppet kid just looked at him with his large eyes, frowning sadly;

- Aww... did something happened to make you feel like that?? Daddy always says that it helps to talk things out when we are sad.

Bruce was a great dad, his kids weren't afraid to express their feelings at all and to help each other out. John Dory sighed in defeat when his nephew patted his back to get more informations out of his busy brain;

- Well... I lost something very important to m-me, he tried to hold back tears, And I'm afraid I'll never find them back.

The kid thought really hard about what his uncle was telling him. He scratched his chin as if this would help him get a better idea;

- Hm... I know ! His gaze lit up, Last time when I lost my blanky, dad told me to look when I last left it !! And it worked ! It was right on the couch !!

... Look where you last left it ??

John Dory's eyes suddendly widened in realization. There was one place they hadn't looked in yet, and he thought, with hope, he knew where Rhonda could be.

- Kid, you're a genius !! He jumped on his feet, patted his side and ran back to his brothers.


Pop Trolls that don't live in Trolls' Pop Village still needs provisions from time to time, or just a drink.

Luckily on the road to Never Glade Trail there was a dinner place. A spot where trolls could rest, surprisingnly. John Dory, in his 30's now, never felt that much comfortable in there. He prefered to stay alone, as he always did.

He hadn't understood why he hated to be around other trolls yet.

He would drink something, pay and leave with his critter that was looking at him through the window glass at the moment.

She had gotten even bigger than before; size of a wooferbug. Not big enough for him to get inside of her carapace but he could at least sit on her back.. only now no one with a bit of a brain would let a creature that big inside of a dinner place, so John Dory always sat by a window where Rhonda would beg him to share his food with her, which he gladly did.

As he was separating the food, letting some aside for his friend, the troll working there turned up the sound of the radio. John Dory tensed up when he heard a familiar song; BroZone was singing. Again.

Every single year, the day they disbanded, Trolls would go crazy over the band. With time the ex-leader had learned to act like he did not cared... but that day, destiny decided to be different. To slap him in the face with his older brother urges.

Trolls were talking about the Brozone members. John only heard trolls talking about his lost family. The one he had left behind years ago, the one he thought he wouldn't care this much about anymore after so many years.

- They were overated, some troll took a sip of his trollberries juice, Their leader was quite an ass from what I heard-

John Dory didn't mind it; he didn't care if trolls insulted the troll he used to be. He deserved such a treatment anyway. He had failed at being the best leader he was suppose to be. He then should take the insults; he had tried to help but failed.

- Oh and the pink haired one- a little girl in a little boy's body if you ask me, why did trolls encouraged such a behavior ?

He almost spitted out his drink- who are they talking about now ?! His ear twitched to the direction of the table where those trolls were chatting together. Three of them thinking that because his brothers had been famous that they could dare make such disgusting comments.

- Purple dude was way too confident in himself- he wasn't that good looking- just ugly, one of them said.

- I only watched their shows to laugh about the yellow one- his friend laughed, He would fall and crash all the time, hilarious how he just couldn't keep up !

... John Dory was hit by an image of a young Clay, crying to him that he did not wanted to be "The Funny One" anymore.

He raised from his chair and slammed his hand on their table, the drinks falling on the clean floor. Shocked, the group of rather well build trolls frowned at him, upset;

- What the-- Hey what's your problem ?!

- What's YOUR problem !? JD throwed back.

- You're gonna pay for that !

- And you're gonna take back what you just said about the BroZone brothers !

The troll got up, about to hit that stupid square shaped troll back in it's place. Until his friend frowned, scanning John under an invisible, giant figurative microscope; his gaze stopped his trail on the goggles, those signature goggles he always wore wherever he would go. The troll realized why those words had attracted the male troll at their table and his jaw fell open; no way-

- You're... You're John Dory !

He hadn't been recognized in around 20 years, and he thought he would be happy about it. To not be a "no one" anymore. To be the famous leader of the most famous boyband to have ever walked on stage. Only when he saw all those trolls staring at him, their gaze shooting his body like lazers, he was not a part of a boyband. He was a 30 years old man that had spend most of his days alone with his crushed heart. He was alone.

He was meeting back with an old friend of his, the one that had changed him into a monster in the first place; his lack of self confidence. His vulnerability slapped him in the face, as if he just got thrown a brick in the face: real him, the real, vulnerable John Dory was being stared at.

Without Brozone, he was nothing.





Only JD took a step back; no, those days were over, were they ?? It wasn't the same without Spruce, Clay, Floyd and Bitty B by his side. He was not this troll anymore, was he ? He had failed, his brothers had wanted him gone because he had been that bad at taking care of them, that's why he left in the first place. Because he thought it would be better if he stayed alone, to quite being a leader, because he thought his brothers didn't recognised all the efforts he did for them... being the big brother of four younger siblings hadn't been that easy.

And now he was gone, they dared insult his brothers. And now he was such a failure he couldn't even protect them anymore- No one understood why, not even did he himself, but John Dory ran out of the dinner place.

At least none of those trolls followed him, Rhonda saw him shut the door behind him in a hurry and ran away. Concerned about his behavior, she followed him with a soft throat grumble.


He just ran along Neverglade Trail, his armadillo, Rhonda, had not to run that fast to follow his ridiculously slow moving little troll legs, waiting for him to be exhausted enough so he would stop running. Only after an hour, when he reached the dense vegetation of the forest, she had no choice to slow down and make her way through it the best she could.

Rhonda squished the branches away, and she noticed her owner leaving; why is he leaving her ?? Had she done something wrong ?? Sure she wasn't perfect; she couldn't pass under the root of that tree. Maybe if she held her breathe, did not made a sound, she would pass and be able to keep following him. The leader.

Only she got trapped, trapped in the way too small space between the ground and the tree root. She wasn't small enough. She tried to pull her bottom out of it; but her only way out was calling for help, to complain;

- Rrrgggllb ! She called him.

The male troll kept walking, what she just called in her critter mind a " square happy-hairy " had been the only one around since she had been a baby and well, she wanted to follow him, she loved him. She did not wanted him to go; square happy-hairy was her best friend. Was he mad at her ?

Was she not perfect enough for him?

She cried louder.

Hearing the screech of fear of being left alone, John Dory ended up snapping... and he wasn't prepared for that himself;


He turned around, glaring at the critter.

She stared at him, shocked by the screaming. Not even the name, just the screaming.

His breathing quickened as he realized what he just said. As he realized that the fear had taken over, that he was in fact, himself. He was John Dory, and he was alone. His brothers weren't there with him; he had lost everything.

He had failed.

The tears finally rolled down his cheeks without restrain. He had failed; he had always wanted everyone to be perfect and in fact it had been a reflection of his own fear of not being perfect enough, has it ? All this time the pressure he had put on everyone had just been him trying to proove something to himself.

Rhonda saw her friend sit down and start shaking. She could feel his little heart even from where she was and it was going very fast- way too fast. She was actually concerned that his heart would not be able to keep up with his panicked need of oxygen.

- Rrrggbbl !

The only answer she got from him was a cry she rarely- never heard from him. Determined to join his side and comfort him, Rhonda pushed her way through the tree root and the ground, digging a bit in the ground to make herself more space. The time she took to be able to get free was the time it took for John Dory to be caught by a real panic attack, right in front of her.

Luckily Rhonda was there for him. She wasn't leaving.

He couldn't breathe at this point, holding into his chest that hurted so badly. His vision was dizzy, he couldn't even process that Rhonda was making sounds of distress in front of him.

The thoughts going through his mind were too much to handle, but finally taking place;

He had not turned back.

Not for a long time.

A very long time.

He was alone

And he hated that.

Without BroZone, the leader was nothing.

The bond with his brothers.

It was crushed. Lost forever.

And for all that's trolly- real John hated to be the center of attention.

He had understood why he hated to be around other trolls- because it reminds him of who he is.

No one understands.

No one can understand how much it hurted to still care even though he shouldn't.

" I love y'u John Dowy ! "

He had failed.


The truth was... he was the one that would never be perfect enough.

And then as the world was spinning. As his lungs were burning, as the tears were falling, as he was at his lowest- there she was.


The critter layed down, letting her head set down on his stomach. John Dory was set back into his body thanks to the critter; his heartbeat slowed down gradually, his tears stopped their crazy race... his shaky hand came to rest on her forehead, he petted her. She purred.

Breathe in, breathe out.

Despite everything, all of his mistakes, Rhonda was his best friend, Rhonda was all he had- he would never trade her for stupid gems- she was the one that followed him when he tried to hide from the entiere universe like the idiot that he was.

She was the one that understood him. The one which real John Dory was safe with.

She was not just a pet.

She was his home.

So that's here... that's in this place, Neverglade Trail, between this tall tree on which his back was resting and the clear view of the stary night sky, where John Dory finally felt at some kind of peace, and that he settle down, came back every year. He waited the sign, someday, that would lead him back to his brothers, something that would tell him that maybe they were still alive, that would tell him that he should come back. With Rhonda.

Because Rhonda understands.


John Dory knew where his critter was.

He was convinced and he had convinced; he had said he would go back to Neverglade Trail by himself if no one went with him. He would go back to where he had been living with Rhonda for the last years they spend alone, waiting for a sign.

Go back where you last left it.

The one that had been convinced to go with him was Clay, with the help of Sheila B. Branch and Poppy had decided to help Bruce with his kids while they went to his used to be location during the rock apocalypse, to check a last time if Rhonda was there. Their last hope.

The forest was dense around them, which would have been useless to look for Rhonda from the sky because if it. John Dory had to use a knife to cut their way through the forest. The place he had in mind wasn't on the main trail; it was far in the mountains. Where not any other troll than him was crazy enough to dare and hike them.

Clay was following the experimented turquoise haired troll, out of breathe and stopping very often to breathe. He wasn't used to hike like John Dory was, but he had insisted to follow; he was so sorry to have loose his sibling's armadillo van, he wanted to proove how much.

- O-One second ! He stopped again, holding unto the stick he had grabbed for support, John Dory stopped.

He went to his side again, waiting for him. Even if he did wanted to hurry for Rhonda, he was the oldest; he had to protect his baby brothers. He gave some water to the middle child, helping him sit down.

- I told you this hike wasn't the easiest ! He remind him, out of breathe as well, pushing that lime green hair away from his sweaty forehead,

Only he then saw the shame on his little brother's face. John Dory kneeled down to meet his gaze; he was trying to be better at this. To be more of a caring one than a cold, pressuring leader. He tried to light up the mood;

- Hey, what's that on your face ? He asked him, waving a hand in front of his face.

Clay sighed, looking down. He tried to hide the tears of shame the best he could and all that came out of his throat was a cracked voice;

- I- I'm just so sorry I lost her, I-- It was an accident...

And oh trolly molly he felt horrible. He realized how missing his friend had made him act toward Clay, his brother. No matter what happened, it would never justify the way he had screamed at him; what kind of monster did he became when he did not understood his own emotions ..?

He doesn't have to be perfect, but he has to be better.

- N-No Clay... I'm sorry I screamed at you, It wasn't your fault, like you just said, it was an accident.

Clay looked up at him with surprise, shocked that John Dory agreed with him. Rarely he had seen his usually bossy older brother give him the credits of the truth.

- Are you making fun of–

- What ? Why would I make fun of y—

— Clay jumped in his arms to hug him, making him almost loose his balance.

John Dory's blue eyes widened as well and after a few second of analysing what just happened, he hugged Clay back tigthly, caressing his poofy hair gently as the troll that used to be so small in his embrace as a trolling smiled between a few tears, burrying his face into his shoulder. John Dory had missed his brothers so much; he made sure to appreciate every single hug now, he would proove to the 4 of them that he did cared. He did not let go of Clay as long as he needed it.

- Are you okay ?

Clay chased a tear;

- Y- Yeah, he chuckled, I'm alright man... c'mon, let's find your armadillo.


They walked for another hour.

They reached the place where, years ago, he had decided to settle down and stay here with her [Until they heard about about the rock apocalypse and Branch.] The area was still the same, it had not changed; the path he took everyday to the stream was well traced on the ground and so the two brothers followed it to where John Dory used to place the camp

The survivalist let his fingers touch the leaves of a bush; it was filled with berries that hadn't been touched since the beggening of the green season. His heart squeezed as he slowly realized what he wouldn't accept.

- John...

Clay's voice took him away from his thoughts; the middle child was staring at something down the hill. He looked back at John Dory, fiddling with his fingers nervously.

No- no...

- I'm sorry man... he looked down.

John Dory understood what it meant.

He climbed up the hill to join his side, and there, as he had guessed, was his precious Rhonda.

Laying down, not moving.

His legs shaking, John Dory slided down the side of the hill, going to her side. He went to her face, which, her eyes were not looking back at his. He noticed some dust on her beige shell, she hadn't moved a single bit in days.

John kneeled down, unable to process the strong emotions taking over him. He just looked at her for a long minute, his best friend, his home.

- C-C'mon.... John Dory sighed, his hand shaking as it barely touched her paw.

He had been too late.

He did not even touched her body, he was afraid to feel how cold it probably was at this point. He looked around him, feeling lost, he met Clay's sympathic gaze; his brother looked crushed. John Dory looked back at his armadillo van, he chased a tear that rolled down his cheek.

- T-Thanks- he told Clay, Y-You did good, you f-found my girl...

He was thankful because at least they found her, and Clay was there with him while he took the time to let it sink in. That Rhonda was...

- Hey man, Clay whispered, I'll always be there for my brother... Just like you were always there for her.

John Dory finally cried, closing his eyes and let his hand touch her cold paw.

- I-I'm sorry, Rhonda... he whispered, heartbroken.

The breeze flew gently between the branches of the trees, as if they brought back something to them.

He felt a familiar vibration coming from the body he held into so gently.

His eyes widened while she slowly turned her attention to him, having heard his voice call her name. John Dory lower lip trembled with emotion as Rhonda blinked her green eyes open, purring gently when she saw her best friend happy-hairy finally there by her side.

- R-Rhonda ?... he murmured, tears rolling down his cheeks.

The armadillo purred bit louder, still too weak to move her body, Clay noticed the miracle and gasped quietly in shock. John Dory petted her forehead gently, she leaned in against his small body, asking for more comfort.

- T-There's my girl, he smiled widely to her, his eyes teary like they had never been, You're okay...

Rhonda did her best to keep her eyes open; she had been probably been laying there for days, without eating anything. JD gently scracted the red stripes on her head, which she happily asked for more.

- How is my best girl doing, huh? Let's get you home, okay ? Let's get you home...

Clay was already calling for help as John Dory tried to give the animal some water. The turquoise haired troll petted her gently, his heart filled with gratefulness and joy. She was right there, alive. Rhonda hadn't left.

As he brushed the dust away so softly from her face, John Dory came to realization; of why Rhonda had came back here out of everywhere she could have go to.

" .... armadillos critters have an incredible emotional based memory, they choose one creature and then gets attached to them for their entiere life. "

- You were looking for me too, huh?

That's why she had came back here. The only reason she had run away from Clay was because she had been looking for John Dory. She had go back to where she last left him.

Rhonda just pushed her non-existing muzzle against him for a hug. John Dory held her tightly as they waited for Bridget to help them bring her back to Trolls Village where they would help her get back in a good state.

- Hey man, let her some place. We should probably give her some berries from those bushes over there ! Why hasn't she eat anything ?? Clay asked him.

John Dory couldn't help but giggled, yeah, no one understands how special their bound is.


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