Whats Normal

By Raygan504

35 3 0

17 year old Emmaline James wakes up in a hospital after falling from a cliff. She learns that she has a tumor... More

Chapter 1 - Olivia
Chapter 3 - Home
Chapter 4 - Regular

Chapter 2 - Normal

9 1 0
By Raygan504

The doctors estimated that I was 17 years old. I had lived for 17 years... and I don't remember a thing, other than my name. How.. annoying.
Olivia told me that once they signed some papers, she could take me home. I can go to my home. That word felt powerful, I don't think it should feel exotic to say home. Sounds like a normal word to me, but what do I know about normality.
"J-," Olivia caught herself, "Emmaline. Emma??" I watched her talk to herself outside my window from my bed, I could hear her through my door. She walked in and she was a little surprised by how I was already looking at her. Olivia cleared her throat and spoke softly. "Em," she transferred her gaze to the painting above me.
"The doctors said that they will release you after one last check up. About 10 minutes or so." Looking back at me she smiled, I felt a little uncomfortable at the fact she couldn't say that and look at my face at the same time. I reached a hand up to my face, feeling for anything un-normal but my face felt the same. Olivia also looked confused by me.
"Are you okay?" Her voice was soothing, but also.. haunting.
"I think?" My voice was high pitched, the sound rang throughout my ears. Olivia nodded somberly, I could tell something was on her mind. "Whats wrong?" She looked up at me when she heard my voice.
"Well, I got the hospital to let me take you home with me... but they said they would have to take extreme measures and wipe you ever being here from the system." Olivia took a breath, presumably thinking of what to say next, but she doesnt say anything else.
"Okay?" I was confused by why this bothered her so much, although I do wonder why they would have to wipe me completely off the system.
"It means that there will be no record of you being here, so I don't have to go through the mess to be your legal guardian." Olivia directly stated what I needed to hear to answer my questions, or most of them.
"Legal guardian?" I repeated. "Yes, documents that state I have authority to make decisions for you and care for you until you turn 18." She replied thoughtfully. "But, since you're 17, we only have to wait a year." Olivia sighed and placed her hands against her temples.
The doctor walked in, stepping closer with a pen in their hand and papers in the other. "Ma'am, here are the papers-" The doctor looked up and saw me. They smiled half-heartedly and turned their attention to Olivia. I frowned a little, annoyed by how I was treated here.
Olivia looked up at the doctor, taking the papers and reading over them swiftly. She signed the couple pages and handed the papers back. "Thank you." Her voice was hushed, sending the doctor away.
Olivia stood up in front of me. "Ready to go?" She held out her hand, wanting me to take it. I grab ahold of her hand and pull myself off the bed, pulling the rough hospital clothes down so they fit comfortably. We walked out and another doctor gave me scrubs. I took them, nodding my head in a grateful manner and walked to the bathroom.
Slipping into the bathroom, and locking the door behind me. I looked up and saw someone standing there, they were looking up at me. "Sorry," I said, a little embarrassed then I saw that their mouth moved the same. Copying me exactly. I waved my hand and it followed, reflectively. I held my breath as I walked towards it and touching the image.
I wondered what this thing was, why it appeared to copy my movements and the way it was almost like glass. It felt smooth underneath my fingers, my hand leaving residue. I backed away from it and went to a corner where it didn't copy my movements and instead, changed to copy the wall.
I pulled off my gown and tugged the scrubs on. Tying the strings around my waist into a bow, then I took one last glance at the mysterious object and unlocked the door, flinging it open.
I walk over to Olivia, she was chatting with another patient. They both looked up at me as I stepped towards them, the hair on my arms started to raise. There was a bit of exhilaration, taking the first few steps I haven't had in the last—what felt like years—month.
Olivia turned her body to me, including me into the conversation. "Jessy here," Olivia moved a hand towards her. "Said she has a Glioneuronal type 2 tumor too!"
My smile faded as I was reminded that I had a tumor. My tumor wasn't progressing though, hers apparently, was.
My eyes shifted from Olivia to Jessy. I just now notice that she is sitting in a chair object with wheels. She looked a little pale, and her jet black hair showed it even more. She smiled as she caught me studying her, I felt squashed by the way she was looking at me. It was intense, like she was trying to burn her eyes right through mine.
I looked back to Olivia, hoping she would have noticed the tension by now. She looked back, smiling affectionately. She didn't see it... how can she not see this?
My hands turned into fists clenched at my sides as I looked back at Jessy. "Well, its nice to see you..-" my voice sharply cut through her words as I tensely replied "It's Emma." Her eyes crinkled in the corners as she smiled. She can't see it either...
I'm the crazy one... I'm the one who finds her apprehensively annoying.
"Then, Emma... I shall catch you later?" I almost laughed. "Catch me later." I nodded as calmly as I could.
Olivia waved her off and she wheeled away, or whatever you call that. Olivia faced towards me. "Lets head home now."
I smiled. The word home will always catch me by surprise by sounding so... liberatingly normal.

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