Enlightened Scholar: Second C...

By jhguppy123

68 50 10

In a twist of fate, Professor Evan Phillips finds himself reborn in the body of Prince Alfred, inheriting a c... More

Chapter 1: Isekai
Characters, pictures additonal info Part 1
Chapter 3: The Mana Cememony
Chapter 4: Enemy lines
Ch.5: A question of readiness
Characters, pictures additonal info Pt.2
Ch.6: The Fae's favorite
Ch.7: Winter preparations

Chapter 2: Its Basic Chemsitry

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By jhguppy123

Breathless from his brisk pace, Alfred rushed upstairs to the library, his steps echoing in the quiet corridor. The grand wooden doors of the library creaked open as he entered, the scent of ancient parchment and leather-bound books filling the air. Moonlight streamed through the tall, arched windows, casting a serene glow over the room. Alfred wasted no time and headed straight for the section dedicated to magical studies. He carefully selected a few low-level books on elemental magic, his fingers tracing the elaborate script on their covers. With each page he turned, he delved into the fundamental principles of magic, absorbing the knowledge eagerly.

As he read, Alfred felt a peculiar connection to the words on the pages. The descriptions of different elemental affinities resonated with him in a way he couldn't explain. Most people had one affinity for a specific type of magic, but Alfred, while not particularly strong, seemed to possess a connection to all elements. It was a rare and unusual trait, one that set him apart in the world of magic.

His eyes widened with realization as he read about various spells and incantations. Fire, water, earth, air—each element seemed to respond to his understanding, albeit on a basic level. Excitement bubbled within him as he experimented with simple gestures, attempting to channel the elements described in the books.
Alfred lost track of time, engrossed in his studies. The flickering candlelight illuminated his focused expression as he continued his exploration of the magical arts. Unbeknownst to him, he was on the verge of unlocking a potential within himself that could change the course of his magical abilities and, perhaps, the fate of the kingdom.

The butler picked him up carrying him to his bed. "My young lord I don't know whats gotten into you but I pray to the gods it's good for our kingdom" His butler Mr thronefield tucked him in closing the door. It was just before sunrise when Alfred came running down feeling him about Gideon and panicking. "I'm not ready, I have t packed"

"Breath my Lord, your camping supplies are always at the ready"

"Mr. Thornfield, ever calm and composed, reassured Alfred, his voice steady and soothing. "My lord, you have time. Take a moment to collect yourself. Everything you need for your journey has been prepared, including your camping supplies. You need not worry."

Alfred nodded, his breathing gradually steadying. "You're right, Mr. Thornfield. Thank you for your wisdom and guidance."

With Mr. Thornfield's assurance, Alfred began to feel a sense of calm wash over him. He trusted in the preparations made for his journey, and he knew he could rely on his loyal butler's support.

"Thank you for being here for me, Mr. Thornfield. I don't know what I would do without you."

The butler offered a warm smile. "It is my honor and duty to serve you, my lord. Now, get some food in you Mr. Gideon is a terrible cook" Alfred chuckled grabbing a muffin of the tray. "Can I get you something else?"

"No this is perfect, have one I had a question how does one get a wand?" the butler looked worried. "That must have been a nasty blow to the head for you to forget about wands, your family has one but only your father or acting head of house can use it in emergecnies" The butler cautioned. "Or in a month at the ceremony the church will make you one in the image of the god whose blessing your given"

Alfred chugging tea when a knock at the door, a green haired young lady waves at them. "Alfie," she pulled Alfre into a hug then relased him. "It's me Vera" She said with big doe eyes. "Master Alfred has a case of amnesia, miss Vera Almori of the Almori Elf her father is the high chief"  Alfred's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at Vera, trying to process the information she had just shared. "Vera, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm sorry for not remembering, but it's a bit overwhelming right now," he said, his voice filled with genuine regret.

Vera smiled warmly, her green hair falling in gentle waves around her face. "No need to apologize, Alfie. I heard about your accident. I'm here to offer my assistance and support. My father, the High Chief, sent me to ensure you have everything you need during this challenging time."

"I'm also here to accompany Gideon through the goblin hordes safely" Alfred felt a surge of gratitude for Vera's kindness. "Thank you, Vera. Your presence is greatly appreciated. Mr. Thornfield, Vera, and I will work together to make sure I'm prepared for the upcoming challenges, including the Mana ceremony."

Mr. Thornfield nodded in agreement, acknowledging Vera with a respectful bow.

"You have fun my lord, an my lady" Mr Thrinfield said excusing himself from there presence as he packed the bags into a carriage outside. Vera lead him to Gideon.

"We're ready to go,"

"Morning, Al"

"Morning Gideon"

"Stop with all the formalities you've never called me Gideon it's Gio," Gideon said pulling him into a semi head lock. "Gideon careful with his magesty!"

Alfred laughed, feeling a sense of camaraderie with Gideon. "Gio it is then. Let's face these goblin hordes together."

"Definitely, meet the others Camron, Garish and Nera"With a newfound determination and his loyal companions by his side, Alfred, now affectionately called Alfie by his friends, embarked on his journey. As the carriage rolled away from the palace, he glanced back at the grandeur of his home, a mixture of pride and concern filling his heart. The kingdom he was meant to rule was in need of his guidance, and he was determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The journey was long and filled with both excitement and trepidation. As they traveled through the lush countryside and ancient forests, Alfred found himself marveling at the beauty of the kingdom he would one day inherit. Yet, the images of the rundown downtown area and the struggles of his citizens lingered in his mind, serving as a constant reminder of his responsibilities.

During the journey, Vera and Gideon shared tales of their past adventures and magical encounters, helping Alfred familiarize himself with the world of magic and its wonders. He listened intently, absorbing their knowledge and experiences, eager to learn and grow stronger.

As they traveled, Alfred found himself inspired by the stories of bravery and magic. Camron, a skilled archer with a sharp wit, shared his expertise in combat techniques, teaching Alfred the importance of precision and strategy. Garish, a knowledgeable scholar, delved into the history and lore of magical artifacts, expanding Alfred's understanding of the mystical world around them. Nera, a nimble and resourceful rogue, demonstrated her agility and stealth, providing valuable insights into navigating tricky situations.

Throughout their journey, Alfred began reading his book ashen Gideon peeks over his shoulder. "Why are you studying fire magic?"

"Why not?" Alfred asked with a shrug. " isn't your family like divanators, you know psychics or telekinesis wielders?"

"I don't know I can't remember.." he said sheepishly covering his face with the book. "Damm can you imagine how unstoppable we  would be if you had fire magic as well!" Alfred frowned. "What if I could do fire magic for real?"

"Yeah the chance of that are slim to non, you'll find out in a week at the ceremony it's a big deal" Alfred held his breath. "Gid- I mean Gio what if I could do fire magic"

"I'm not saying you couldn't cast the spell I'm saying it would wipe you out, when people do magic outside there affinity it can kill you, now armor up we're here,"

Alfred's heart raced with anticipation and fear as they arrived at their destination. He gripped his staff tightly, the weight of responsibility settling on his shoulders. With his newfound friends by his side, he steeled himself for the upcoming battle against the goblin hordes.

Gideon, Vera, Camron, Garish, and Nera stood beside him, their expressions determined and resolute. They were a team, each member bringing their unique skills to the table. Alfred took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. He glanced at Gideon, who offered a reassuring nod.

"Remember, Alfred," Gideon said, his voice steady, "we're here to protect our kingdom and its people. Stay close, trust your instincts, and fight with all your might."

Alfred nodded, his grip on his staff tightening. Together, they ventured into the heart of the goblin territory, ready to face the challenges ahead and prove their worth. The battle was about to begin, and Alfred knew that his actions would determine not only his own fate but also the fate of the kingdom he was destined to rule. With determination burning in his eyes, he marched forward, prepared to confront whatever dangers awaited them.

The group trudged through the murky swamp surrounding what was once a beautiful, pristine lake. Now, the water was stagnant, covered in a thick layer of algae and surrounded by twisted, gnarled trees. The air hung heavy with the stench of decay and dampness, making it difficult to breathe. The once picturesque surroundings had been transformed into a dismal wasteland, a stark reminder of the goblin threat that loomed over the kingdom.

The swamp was a vital passage into the capital, and the goblins had strategically chosen this route to launch their raids. The eerie silence was broken only by the occasional croaking of frogs and the distant rustle of unseen creatures in the dense undergrowth. The group moved cautiously, their footsteps muffled by the squelching mud beneath their boots.

Amidst the gloomy atmosphere, shadows danced menacingly, hinting at the presence of the goblin horde lurking nearby. Alfred tightened his grip on his sword, his eyes darting around as he tried to spot any signs of movement. Gideon, Vera, Camron, Garish, and Nera were on high alert, their senses sharp, ready to defend against any ambush.

As they ventured deeper into the swamp, the tension grew thicker. The once vibrant and teeming wildlife had been driven away by the encroaching darkness, leaving behind an eerie silence broken only by the occasional hushed whisper among the companions.

"We need to move quickly and stealthily," Vera said, her voice barely above a whisper. "The goblins could be anywhere, waiting for the perfect moment to strike."

Alfred nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. He focused his senses, trying to detect any hidden threats. The group pressed forward, their movements deliberate and calculated, each step taken with caution.

Suddenly, a rustling in the bushes ahead shattered the silence. Alfred's heart skipped a beat as he raised his staff, ready for battle. Out from the shadows emerged a group of goblins, their sharp teeth bared in menacing grins. They brandished crude weapons, their eyes filled with malice and hunger for battle.

"Prepare yourselves!" Gideon shouted, his voice echoing through the swamp. With a battle cry, the companions charged forward, engaging the goblins in a fierce struggle for control of the crucial passage into the capital. The clash of weapons, the shouts of combat, and the splashing of mud filled the air as the fight ensued. Alfred's eyes widened as his body reacted before his mind, dodging an attack he punched the goblin. In his other life he had been an average boxer and the track coach.

"Vera!" He raced forward slaying a dragging and pulling Vera to her feet. Alfred lunged forward, his sword cutting through the air as he struck down the first goblin in his path. The clash of steel and the cries of combat filled the swamp as the companions fought valiantly against the goblin horde. Alfred parried blows and delivered swift, calculated strikes, his movements fueled by determination and courage.

Beside him, Gideon swung his own weapon, a massive battle axe, with deadly precision, while Vera unleashed bursts of arcane energy, sending goblins flying backward. Camron's arrows found their mark, taking down enemies from a distance, and Garish chanted protective incantations, creating magical barriers that shielded them from the goblins' attacks. Nera moved with agility and grace, her daggers striking with deadly accuracy, eliminating any goblin that dared to get too close.

The battle raged on, the companions fighting with unwavering resolve. The once-silent swamp echoed with the clash of weapons and the roars of combat. With each defeated goblin, the companions inched closer to securing the crucial passage into the capital.

Alfred's muscles ached, his breaths came in ragged gasps, but he pushed forward, fueled by the knowledge that if he don't stop the creatures the people he had come to care for would not be safe.

The battle seemed endless, a relentless onslaught of goblins pouring out from the shadows. Each swing of his sword, every blast of magic from Vera, and the precision of Camron's arrows counted in their struggle.

In the midst of the chaos, Alfred's mind raced. He recalled the elemental magic he had studied, wondering if there was a way to use it to gain an advantage. Focusing his thoughts, he channeled the knowledge he had absorbed praying that it would work the lake began to boil the toxic gaseous fumes kicking intkt he air. "Vera, you can cast wind spells right?"

"Yes all elf's are one with the wind,"

"But a bubble of air around us fast," Vera unsure about his request did her best to create a bubble as the gasoues fumes spreed knocking out the horde of goblins.

Alfred's impromptu strategy worked. Vera swiftly conjured a protective bubble of fresh air around them, shielding the group from the toxic fumes that enveloped the battlefield. The goblins, caught off guard by the sudden change in the environment, gasped for breath and stumbled, their movements slowed and disoriented.

Seizing the opportunity, Alfred and his companions pressed their advantage. Gideon swung his battle axe with renewed vigor, cutting down goblins left and right. Camron's arrows found their marks unerringly, taking out the goblins from a distance. Garish chanted incantations, bolstering their defenses and weakening the goblins' attacks. Nera darted among the confused creatures, her daggers striking with deadly precision, incapacitating them swiftly.

Alfred, empowered by the elemental forces he had harnessed, took the offensive. With a determined gleam in his eyes, he unleashed a torrent of flames from his fingertips, engulfing a group of goblins in searing heat. The fire roared and crackled, consuming the goblins in its fiery embrace. The pained cries of the goblins filled the air as they succumbed to the flames.

The tide of battle had turned decisively. Alfred's control over the elements, combined with his companions' skills, proved to be a formidable combination. The goblin horde, once a menacing threat, now found themselves overwhelmed and defeated.

As the last goblin fell, a hush settled over the battlefield. Alfred, Vera, Gideon, Camron, Garish, and Nera stood amidst the remnants of their victory, breathing heavily and covered in mud and sweat. The once-noxious fumes dissipated into the air, leaving behind a sense of triumph and relief.

Alfred couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and gratitude for his companions. Their teamwork and determination had prevailed against the goblin horde, securing the vital passage into the capital. He looked at each of them, a newfound respect in his eyes. They were not just his allies; they were his friends, his trusted companions in this daunting journey.

"Thank you, all of you," Alfred said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.

"My gods don't thank us, what the hell kind of magic was that!" Gideon yelled shaking him slightly. Alfred gave a small shrug not wanting to frighten anyone. "I'm not sure yet,"

"Whatever it wa sit was amazing, Lucius is gonna be so mad he didn't come!"

With the goblin threat neutralized, Alfred and his companions set to work, collecting the bodies of the fallen goblins and ensuring the area was safe. They worked efficiently, their camaraderie evident in the way they coordinated their efforts.

Once the task was completed, they made their way back to the guild, carrying the bodies with them. As they arrived, the guild members looked on in awe and respect, recognizing the valor of their fellow adventurers. The guild master, a stern and imposing figure, approached them, his eyes widening with surprise when he saw Alfred among the group.

"Your Highness, Prince Alfred," the guild master stammered, his voice filled with a mix of fear and reverence. "We are honored by your presence and the valor you have shown today."

Alfred nodded, acknowledging the guild master's words. "We did what needed to be done to protect our kingdom and its people. These brave adventurers," he gestured to his companions, "played a crucial role in our success."

The guild master nodded fervently, clearly relieved that Alfred held no grudge against them for the goblin threat. "Of course, Your Highness. We are at your service, always ready to assist in any way we can."

Alfred, Gideon, Vera, Camron, Garish, and Nera exchanged knowing glances. They had earned the respect of the guild and its members, and they knew they could rely on the guild's support in the future.

As they handed over the goblin bodies for proper disposal, Alfred couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. He was one step closer to fulfilling his destiny as the kingdom's ruler, and he had proven to himself and others that he was capable of leading with courage and determination.

With the goblin threat vanquished and their mission successful, Alfred and his companions took a moment to catch their breath. They knew that more challenges awaited them in the future, but for now, they could bask in the glory of their victory and the camaraderie they had forged. Alfred smiled looking up at the statues of the gods

Alfred smiled looking up at the statues of the gods Raising his glass he nodded his head while his friends chatted. "Thank you for my second chance"Alfred's words hung in the air, filled with gratitude and a deep sense of purpose. His friends fell silent, their eyes meeting his, understanding the weight of his words. In that moment, surrounded by the grandeur of the guild hall and the presence of the gods' statues, they shared a profound connection, bound by the trials they had overcome together.

Vera, Gideon, Camron, Garish, and Nera raised their glasses in unison, echoing Alfred's sentiment. "To second chances," Vera said, her voice steady and warm.

"To friendship and bravery," Gideon added, his eyes gleaming with pride.

"To a future filled with triumphs," Camron chimed in, his tone optimistic.

"To the strength that comes from unity," Garish said, his scholarly demeanor softened by a genuine smile.

"To the adventures yet to come," Nera added, her eyes glinting mischievously.

With their glasses raised high, they clinked them together, sealing their shared pledge. The guild hall reverberated with the sound of their toast, marking the beginning of a new chapter in their journey. As they enjoyed the moment, Alfred felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. He knew that his second chance was not just a gift but a responsibility. He was entrusted with the safety and well-being of his kingdom, and he was determined to live up to that trust. An while his friends had no idea about him being reborn he couldn't help but love them for the way they were with him. He prayed to make the right choices as he drank orange mint tincture with his friends.

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