Square One

By unholyemper0r

4.9K 406 136

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka entered ANHS with a lone goal - to lead a peaceful life. However, an uncanny sense of déj... More

Chapter 1.1 - A Microcosm of Society
Chapter 1.2 - Entering the School of Dreams
Chapter 1.4 - Entrance Ceremony

Chapter 1.3 - First Impression Matters

1.5K 105 61
By unholyemper0r


A staggering 100,000 yen a month—this was perhaps the most surprising of ANHS' welcoming gift to its first year students. 

As expected, the students were spellbound by such magnanimity, eyes wide and hearts alight with possibilities that came with this lavish welcome. To be chosen to walk these halls was privilege enough, yet here they were, presented with a sum none had dreamed of managing.

By the minute, Advanced Nurturing High School was living up to its presentation as a paradise that would be the best medium in nurturing the nation's youth.

But Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, contrary to most of his classmates, did not share the same enthusiasm. 

Still staring at his phone, the numbers glaring back at him from his phone's screen seemed to him not so much as digits of freedom, but rather chains in a numerical form. 

It was, after all, an all-too-perfect scenario — a golden apple of discord thrown amidst eager hands, ready to cling to the immediate pleasure without a thought for consequence or cost.

"Shocked by the amount of points you've been given?" Chabashira asked the class, breaking them out of their stupor. The small smile on the beautiful woman's face indicated she was expecting this reaction.

"Here at ANHS, we assess and recognize the talents of our students. Having passed the entrance examinations, the school has deemed all of you to be valuable. As such, the amount you've received is reflective of the school's investment in your potential," she explained.

And at that moment, a quote from a book he once read came to mind: "The most dangerous of all falsehoods is a slightly distorted truth," he recalled, reflecting on the old adage. 

The generous points could indeed be an investment in their perceived potential, the school's tangible commitment to their future. 

However, the idea also bore the subtle imprint of a transaction. If this was an advance on their abilities, what was the cost of underperforming?

Surely, there had to be one, right? 

Chabashira's tone held an instructive cadence as she continued to elucidate the rules surrounding the points. "Now that your points have been deposited into your accounts, you are at liberty to spend—or not. You can do as you like. But to those thinking of saving points until graduation, there wouldn't be a point in doing so, since any remaining balance returns to the school after graduation."

Ayanokouji raised his head, his attention shifting from the screen of his phone to the faces around him. 

The energy in the room had changed; what began as a collective gasp of awe now morphed into animated conversations about what they'd do with their points. The notion of points, initially abstract and intangible, had taken on a concrete form in the minds of the students, manifesting in daydreams of luxury.

The excited murmurs continued until Chabashira spoke once more.

"That said, in the event that you don't want to spend your points, you may transfer them to someone else. However, extorting money from your peers is not allowed. Know that this school monitors bullying very carefully. Any questions?"

Chabashira's gaze then traversed the room, pausing briefly as if to encourage questions from her new students.

It was during this sweep that her eyes briefly locked with Ayanokouji's. 

And that fleeting moment, an uncharacteristic impulse to voice his thoughts stirred within him; an urge he couldn't quite rationalize. 

But as swiftly as this impulse arose, it faded, replaced by his usual indifference.

Despite his internal skepticism regarding the school's magnanimity, Ayanokouji didn't see any benefit in confronting Chabashira about it. Engaging might elevate his status within the class, it might even mark him as the leader of his class, but the prospect held no allure for him.

Chabashira, noting the absence of questions, concluded, "Well, it appears no one has any questions. I hope that you enjoy your time here as students." Her voice carried a finality that signaled the end of the orientation.

With a final, measured glance at the class, she pivoted gracefully and exited the room.

Ayanokouji's sigh was almost inaudible. "So this is Japan's most prestigious high school," he murmured, more to himself than anyone else.

Horikita, seated beside him, turned sharply. "It appears to be extremely lenient, doesn't it?" she remarked.

Caught off guard by his own audible musings, Ayanokouji nodded. "Yes, but..."

He trailed off, his fingers idly tapping on the cover of the ANHS Student Handbook, his mind turning to the many rules it imposed on students.

Despite all the restrictions ANHS imposed on its students, it was almost negligible considering the amenities it provided. In fact, it would even be an understatement to say they were given preferential treatment. 

After all, they were transported to a high-end mini-city they were free to explore, an academic institution that guarantees their future, and on top of that, they were provided a seemingly unconditional stipend to ensure they lead lavish lives during their stay. 

"That... makes it all the more suspicious," Ayanokouji found himself saying.

Horikita's eyes narrowed, reflecting a mirroring thought. "I also think the same. The preferential treatment... is too much, even for this institution," she replied.

Like Ayanokouji, the raven-haired girl found herself skeptic about the orientation which seemed to paint Advanced Nurturing High School as a paradise where students could live out the school life of their dreams.

To her, there was an enigmatic layer to the school, a carefully draped veil over its true nature, despite Chabashira's seemingly transparent explanation.

Ayanokouji tilted his head, observing her reaction. "Do you perhaps think the school is hiding something?" he probed, more to gauge her perception than out of ignorance. He had his suspicions, but he was curious if Horikita had sensed it too.

Horikita pondered for a moment before responding. "There's... a high likelihood of that. However, if there was, I couldn't tell what that might be."

Ayanokouji nodded his head before turning his gaze away from the girl and turning his attention to his classmates. 

"Hey, hey! Do you want to check out a store with me on our way back? Let's do some shopping!" a blonde-haired girl bubbled over to her new friend, her eyes alight with anticipation.

"Sure! With this much, we can buy anything. I'm so glad I got into this school," the brown-haired girl beside her replied.

Their enthusiasm seemed to ripple through the classroom, with many students now gathering and discussing plans to spend their points. 

It was a natural reaction to such an unexpected development, Ayanokouji noted, but it also showed a lack of caution that he found slightly disappointing.

Chabashira's subtle nudge towards spending the points had worked. The idea of saving seemed lost on most; after all, the points would vanish upon graduation. Why not enjoy the luxury while it lasted? And if they ran out, another deposit was just a month away.

But amidst the excitement, a select few students appeared less enthused, their expressions ranging from mildly interested to indifferent. They quietly flipped through their handbooks or fiddled with their phones, perhaps cautious of the paradise the school seemed to offer.

"Or perhaps, they hadn't made any friends to make plans yet," Ayanokouji noted. That was a more realistic assumption.


While the class continued to plan where they would be going after class, the light-brown-haired boy Ayanokouji had noticed earlier rose to his feet, drawing the room's attention with a raised hand.

"Everyone, can you listen to me for a moment?"

Such was his command over the room as the conversations began to hush, eyes now turning in his direction. 

With a confident yet friendly smile, he suggested, "Starting today, we're all going to be classmates. Therefore, I think it'd be good for us to introduce ourselves and become friends as soon as possible."

A glance at the wall clock showing 9:00 AM gave him a cue. "We still have some time before the entrance ceremony. What do you say?"

The room, which moments ago buzzed with conversations, now shifted into contemplative silence as they considered the boy's proposal. Some students nodded in agreement, others exchanged hesitant glances, and a few seemed indifferent.

"Agreed! After all, we still don't know a thing about each other, not even our names," the blonde-haired girl from earlier echoed the sentiment.

"Hey, you know my name, Karuizawa-san!" joked her seatmate.

"Well... yeah. But I have no idea who the others are," Karuizawa replied. 

Soon, more of the previously hesitant students began to speak, voicing their support to the idea.

Ayanokouji found himself impressed by the display of the still unnamed light-brown-haired boy. In a situation where most students were lost in their thoughts or confined to small groups, the invitation to interact broke the invisible barriers, encouraging a friendly and more open atmosphere among the class.

Speaking of the light-brown-haired boy, he allowed the scene to go on a bit longer, a smile still plastered on his face as more students warmed up to his suggestion.

Eventually, he clapped his hands together and began to speak. "My name is Hirata Yousuke. Back in junior high, lots of people call me Yousuke, so feel free to call me that too! As for hobbies... I like sports in general, but I especially like football. If given the chance, I'll join the school's football team. Nice to meet you!"

Hirata's introduction felt as authentic as it was effortless. With his natural charisma, good looks, and now, with the revelation he loved sports, it wouldn't come as a surprise if his popularity skyrocketed.

"Well... he sure is more popular than ever," Ayanokouji observed as the girl seated next to Hirata seemed to be in awe as she looked at the boy. "And he's probably going to date the cutest girl in the class. That was how these things usually went."

Ayanokouji then chided himself for that thought. It was a bit rude of him to stereotype Hirata.

"Well then, I'd like everyone to introduce themselves, starting at the front," Hirata instructed.

The girl seated at the front, caught slightly off guard, hesitated for a moment. Her eyes flickered with a blend of surprise and reluctance, hinting at the internal debate over whether to comply or not. With a faint nod, as though conceding to an unspoken social rule, she stood up.

"U-um, I'm Inogashira...Ko-Ko," she stuttered, her voice trailing off as her eyes flitted nervously between Hirata and her curious classmates.

Inogashira's pause stretched a tad too long, her hands fidgeting with the hem of her uniform. The silence in the room grew, punctuated by a few whispers and shifting gazes. Some students leaned forward, anticipating, while others exchanged quick, empathetic glances.

"Hey, you got this!" one student called out, more out of a sense of obligation than genuine encouragement.

"Yeah, no need to panic!" added another, though the words seemed to add more pressure than reassurance.

But these well-intentioned prompts seemed to only exacerbate Inogashira's anxiety. She stood frozen, her words caught somewhere between her thoughts and her lips.

Then, a softer, more understanding voice cut through the tense air. It was the beige-haired girl Ayanokouji had noticed earlier on the bus.

"Take your time. It's okay," she said gently. 

Her voice was calm, a stark contrast to the previous encouragements. It was clear she recognized Inogashira's discomfort and offered her the space to breathe.

Inogashira's posture relaxed slightly at these words. She took a small, steadying breath and managed a faint smile. "My name is Inogashira Kokoro. Um... I enjoy sewing. I'm quite skilled at knitting. It's... nice to meet you all."

As she concluded, the beige-haired girl offered her an encouraging thumbs-up. Inogashira returned a small, grateful smile and quickly sat down, heaving a sigh of relief.

"She's also able to calm down an anxious person, huh?" Ayanokouji noted, his eyes wandering briefly to the beige-haired girl. 

Eventually the introductions continued. Most of the introductions that followed were swift and to the point, not enough to leave strong impressions. But others, like the blonde-haired girl—named Karuizawa— put the class on notice.

In Karuizawa's case, her introduction gave off the image of a bossy girl with a strong personality— the type some people would respect, and for some, a person they'd rather avoid.

"Hirata Yousuke, Inogashira Kokoro, Miyamoto Soshi, Shinohara Satsuki, Mori Nene, Yukimura Teruhiko, Karuizawa Kei, Onodera Kayano, Azuma Sana, Hondou Ryoutarou," Ayanokouji mentally cataloged, his eyes flickering across the faces of those who had just introduced themselves.

Next up was a boy of average height with neatly trimmed brown hair. He rose with a burst of energy that seemed to break the contemplative mood.

"I'm Yamauchi Haruki! Back in elementary, I played table tennis, and in junior high, I was the ace of our baseball team. Wore number four and everything. Had to go through rehab after an injury at the inter-high, though. Nice to meet you all!"

Ayanokouji's eyebrow arched subtly at Yamauchi's claim. The inter-high was a high school event – an odd and somewhat grandiose claim for a junior high student. Was this an attempt at humor, or maybe a slip of the tongue?

Unfortunately, it was worse than that. What Ayanokouji just heard, was a compulsive liar at work.

The next voice to cut through the classroom's murmuring belonged to the same beige-haired girl who helped out Inogashira. Her energetic call, "Well then! I'm next, aren't I?" drew the attention of the entire class. She stood up with a buoyant energy, her smile bright and inviting.

"My name is Kushida Kikyou. None of my friends from junior high are here, so I guess I'm starting fresh," she said, a hint of sheepishness crossing her features. Her openness seemed to resonate with many, as a few students already expressed their willingness to befriend her.

At that, Kushida's face lit up, and she nodded with genuine excitement. "That would be wonderful! I'd love to get to know you guys and become good friends as soon as possible!"

She then clasped her hands together in front of her, leaning slightly forward as if to bridge the distance between her and her classmates. "Actually, my first goal here is to be friends with everyone," she continued, her earnest tone underlined by the warmth in her eyes. "So, I'd really appreciate if we could exchange contact information after this!"

Ayanokouji observed Kushida's interaction with the class. Her natural charisma was evident, but it was her keen awareness of her audience that stood out. She seemed to intuitively understand how to engage with her peers, a skill not everyone possessed.

"I want to make all sorts of memories with lots of people, so please feel free to invite me to any activities during school breaks or after classes! Anyway, I've talked for a long time now... so I'll end my introduction here."

Around the classroom, a warm buzz of chatter followed her introduction. Many students looked impressed, some nodding in agreement or whispering positive remarks to their seatmates.

"She's... incredibly self-aware," Ayanokouji thought, watching Kushida with a quiet interest. He could tell that Kushida was mindful of how her extended introduction might be received, and navigated the potential pitfalls with ease.

As the introductions progressed around the room, Ayanokouji's mind turned inward. His turn to introduce himself was fast approaching, and unlike many of his classmates, his lack of a typical school background left him without a script for moments like this.

What should he say? The options paraded through his mind in rapid succession. A witty joke to lighten the mood? An exuberant greeting to make people notice him?

He imagined each scenario, only to wince internally at their awkwardness. The mental images of forced humor or overdone enthusiasm seemed painfully out of place.

Ayanokouji immediately dismissed these thoughts. No way would he embarrass himself like that. He had seen what happened to Yamauchi who tried to pretend he was someone he wasn't— half the class hated him already. 

The last thing he wanted was to start his high school life on the wrong foot, especially since his goal was to maintain a low-key, peaceful existence.

"Just be yourself," he silently advised himself, taking a deep breath. 

Simplicity was key. There was no need for grand gestures or elaborate speeches. A straightforward introduction would suffice— one that was genuine and unassuming.


The class introduction continued, with more and more students making their names known to their classmates. They did not exactly stand out, but considering it was the first day of school, that was just fine.

"Well then, next up is..." Hirata began, nodding encouragingly at a boy with striking dyed red hair.

But his kindness was met with a defiant glare. "What? Are we kids? I don't need to introduce myself. Those who want to can go ahead. Leave me out of it," the redhead retorted sharply.

At this point, all eyes were on the red-haired boy, with most of the class intimidated by the intense and overpowering presence he exuded. He had the delinquent air to him that was more than matched by his looks and manner of speaking.

Hirata, composed, offered a sad smile. "I can't force you, but getting to know each other isn't a bad thing. I apologize if I made you uncomfortable," he said, bowing respectfully.

This gesture, while humble, inadvertently stirred the class. Some girls, taken by Hirata's humility, shot angry glances at the redhead. They thought he was being unreasonably hostile to Hirata.

"Isn't it fine to introduce yourself?" The girl, named Maezono, snapped.

"Yeah, yeah!"

"Why are you so aggressive anyways?"

Ayanokouji sighed at the unfolding scene. It seemed like Hirata's popularity also had some drawbacks, basing on the jealous glares he was now receiving from some of the boys.

"Shut it!" The redhead snapped, glaring back at the girls, before staring at Hirata.

"I did not come here to make friends," was his declaration.

With that, he got up from his seat and began to walk towards the door. Several students then followed suit and left the classroom as well.

Horikita stood, her gaze briefly meeting Ayanokouji's. Seeing him remain seated, she grabbed her bag and exited the room.

She was the last one to do so.

Now the classroom was noticeably emptier, a third of the students gone.

Hirata, looking towards the door, briefly let his guard down, revealing a hint of sadness. He quickly masked it with a smile and addressed the remaining students.

"Please don't hold it against them," he said apologetically. "It's my fault. I was being selfish and made people do this."

While others may not see it that way, Hirata understood the nuanced impact of his new position within the class's social hierarchy. Even without explicit intent, his influence had a way of compelling others to conform, exemplified in how students like Inogashira had responded—hesitantly participating under the weight of an unspoken expectation.

"Eh? It's not your fault, Hirata-kun. You didn't do anything wrong," Karuizawa said in an attempt to console him.

"Yeah! Let's just leave those guys be," chimed in Matsushita, a beautiful brown-haired girl who, from her introduction, commanded her fair share of attention within the class.

The room buzzed with murmurs of agreement, but Ayanokouji noticed not everyone was swayed. Among the students, several sat in thoughtful silence, their expressions neutral, betraying neither agreement nor dissent.

Their silence spoke volumes; perhaps they preferred to avoid the drama, or feared the backlash of voicing a differing opinion, especially from the more vocal girls.

Eventually, the classroom introductions carried on, each student sharing a bit about themselves in turn.

Most followed the usual script – names, hobbies, a bit about their goals, and for the more outgoing, aspirations and desire to make friends.

A few introductions later, a short, brown-haired boy stood up, his bangs hanging loosely over one side of his face. He flashed a grin that was a mix of confidence and nonchalance.

"I'm Ike Kanji," he announced. "Big fan of girls, not so much of pretty boys. I'm currently in the market for a new girlfriend. Nice to meet everyone, especially if you're a cutie!"

Ayanokouji stared at Ike for a few moments. If Yamauchi's introduction was an indicator that obvious pretense was a bad thing, Ike's introduction was an indicator that there were limits to how transparent you could be.

"He even said it without shame," Ayanokouji noted.

The girls' reactions ranged from rolled eyes to thinly veiled smirks. One girl, masking her amusement with a flat tone, said, "Really setting the bar high, Ike-kun."

Her sarcasm was subtle yet evident, a typical high school retort.

Ike, seemingly oblivious to the underlying tone, scratched his head with an embarrassed yet pleased grin. "Oh, you think so? I didn't think I was anything special, but I do try ha...ha," he replied, delighted by the attention.

Most of the girls laughed openly, while others kept silent. Some boys in the class also exchanged glances, a few smirking, while others shook their heads at Ike's brazen approach.

Another girl added, "He's cute, isn't he? Looking for a girlfriend already, how bold!" Her comment, though light-hearted, carried an undertone of mockery.

Ike, taking it in stride or perhaps missing the sarcasm, laughed along. "You know it! Go big or go home, right?"

Ayanokouji decided to shift his focus, having seen enough. Ike's approach might not win him any popularity contests, but it didn't make him a bad person.

"He's just... incredibly honest," he concluded.

Next up was the blonde-haired boy Ayanokouji saw on the bus— Kouenji. He sat with his gaze fixated on a small hand mirror, seemingly absorbed in his own reflection. His fingers gently adjusted the strands of his blonde hair, each movement precise and deliberate.

The class waited for him to rise to his feet, but to no avail. The boy continued to inspect his bangs from the mirror. Perhaps noticing a flaw, he grabbed a comb and tended to his hair.

"Excuse me, can you introduce yourself?" Hirata asked.

Kouenji took his time, running the comb through his hair a few more times, ensuring every strand was in place. Then, with a sigh that suggested he was doing the class a favor, he slowly turned his attention away from his reflection.

"Hmph. Fine."

With a dramatic flair, Kouenji placed the mirror and comb aside and leaned back in his chair. Then, in a single, fluid motion, he lifted both legs and propped them up on the desk, crossing them at the ankles.

A pompous smirk then made its way to his face, acting as if his mere presence was a gift to those around him.

"My name is Kouenji Rokusuke," he began, placing emphasis on his surname. "As the sole male heir to the Kouenji conglomerate group, I will soon be tasked with carrying Japan into the future. I sincerely look forward to making your acquaintance, ladies."

His flamboyant manner, paired with a dramatic flourish of his hand as if presenting himself on a grand stage, elicited a spectrum of reactions. Some of the boys felt slighted by the explicit dismissal, while some of the girls looked at Kouenji as if he was nothing more than a weirdo.

But his introduction did not end there. True to his flamboyant nature, Kouenji intentionally paused at the perfect moment to get his point across.

"Starting today, I will mercilessly punish anyone who makes me uncomfortable. Please exercise proper precaution so that you may avoid that."

A foreboding, but extremely weird warning, if there was one.

"Um... Kouenji-kun, what do you mean when you say 'anyone who makes me uncomfortable'?" asked Hirata, who seemed uncomfortable at Kouenji's insinuation of punishment.

Kouenji closed his eyes, taking a moment as if savoring the attention. "To put it simply," he replied, reopening his eyes to reveal a cold, calculating look, "I abhor ugliness in all its forms. Should I encounter something ugly, I will act as I deem fit."

Hirata, momentarily taken aback by the blunt and bizarre response, managed a polite yet strained, "Ah, I see. Thank you for explaining. I'll promise to be careful."

Kouenji responded by nonchalantly flipping his hair, a gesture that seemed to encapsulate his entire persona— aloof, self-assured, and unapologetically arrogant.

"I should have expected nothing less," Ayanokouji noted. From Kouenji's display in the bus, it was easy to assume that this idiosyncratic introduction was right up his alley.

He then took his attention away from Kouenji, and began mentally rehearsing a simple, straightforward introduction. He also noted the names of the people who began to introduce themselves.

"My name, maybe a hobby or two— nothing that would stand out," he thought to himself. The goal was clear: blend in seamlessly without drawing unnecessary attention.

"Well then, time for the next person. Can you please introduce yourself?" Hirata asked.

Ayanokouji momentarily lost in his planning, took a second to realize it was his turn. "Oh, sorry," he muttered.

"I guess I'll just try my best," he thought before moving to stand.

However, as he stood up to speak, a strange sense of familiarity enveloped him. It was as if he had stood in this exact spot before, facing a sea of curious faces, the weight of expectation hovering in the air.

"I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka," he began, his voice steady. But then, unscripted words followed, "I haven't had much experience with school before, so this is all new to me."

This spontaneous admission was definitely not part of his plan. It emerged naturally, as if pulled from a deeper, hidden part of himself.

Ayanokouji then paused, briefly puzzled by his own candidness. Where did this ease of expression come from? It felt oddly natural, yet it deviated from what he rehearsed.

Turning his head to his classmates, he noted that most of them responded with a mixture of curiosity and understanding, a reaction that Ayanokouji hadn't anticipated but quietly appreciated.

He quickly regrouped, finishing his introduction with, "I enjoy playing the piano and doing calligraphy. I'm looking forward to learning a lot here with everyone. It's... nice to meet you all."

It was a statement that felt surprisingly sincere coming from him.

And as he sat down, Ayanokouji mulled over the odd sense of deja vu. He had intended to keep his introduction minimal, yet somehow, he had been guided to a more open expression. It was as if an unseen part of him had gently nudged him toward this more honest revelation.

Was this a subconscious preparation for this moment, or merely natural adaptability asserting itself?

He wasn't sure. But what he did he know was that he had navigated his introduction without embarrassing himself— a small, yet somehow significant victory.

Before he could delve deeper into these thoughts, Hirata's voice reached him.

"Nice to meet you too, Ayanokouji-kun! If it's not too much to ask, I'd like to be your friend," he offered warmly, perhaps out of a desire to help out a classmate who had never experienced school life before.

Ayanokouji blinked, slightly taken aback. "Oh... sure thing, Hirata," he responded, his voice betraying a hint of surprise beneath his usual calm demeanor.

What did Ayanokouji think earlier? A small victory? Scratch all that. This was a massive victory now.

"I succeeded..." he thought, allowing himself a moment of quiet pride.


Author's Notes:

Thank you so much for your support thus far! I think the engagements I'm getting is quite insane when we consider that this is my first story here, and with myself not having much of a following.

For this chapter, I just tried my luck at breathing more life into the introductions scene. I know some people find it pointless, but to me, some variance in presentation could allow for new ways to write a character. Hopefully, you guys liked it.

Anyways, here's some things to note:

The "Square One" element manifested itself several times here. I'll have you guys guess the other ones, while I'll state the most obvious one. You're free to comment your guesses here.

Ayanokouji's Introduction

Here, we see how Ayanokouji placed some focus in how he should present himself. But despite this deviation, he couldn't tell just yet that it was unnatural. After all, he was witness to introductions that were basically guides on "What not to do in school introductions," with Yamauchi's exaggerations and Ike's transparent desires.

And so, he thought about just being 'himself' and paint a nondescript existence that wouldn't stand out too much, but also not to the point people would avoid him.

But, the element was too powerful, subtly influencing Ayanokouji to craft the 'perfect' introduction, which gave him his first friend, Hirata.

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