The Trilogy Outtakes

By devoyeur

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The missing chapters of my KiraSayaRiri Kakegurui FanFiction trilogy IS IT REALLY YOU?, BEHIND CLOSED DOORS... More



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By devoyeur

Summary: This is part 2 of 2 reckonings. This outtake is situated somewhere after "No Stone Unturned" of "YES, ITS US!" where Ririka needs to atone for what she and Sayaka did in the chapter "The Basement" of "YES, ITS US!"

This is an #NSFW chapter and not for minors as well as for readers who haven't gone through the trilogy: "IS IT REALLY YOU?", "BEHIND CLOSED DOORS", and "YES, ITS US!" 

This chapter was inspired by an Italian song, Giorgia's "Solo Amore" which is fitting for Ririka and Sayaka since their love first bloomed in Venice, Italy in "IS IT REALLY YOU?" I suggest you check out the English translation to the lyrics when you have time.

    "Well, well...what do we have here?" Grandma Momobami had taken out her oxygen mask before she coughed heavily from her bed with the raspy gurgling sound of thick phlegm at the back of her throat. Kneeling before her were her nurses, their Bami physician, the Momobami Twins with Sayaka in between them. Sayaka had hidden her face between her hands while she sobbed. Kirari had a scowl on her face, her braided pig-tails were unkempt as if someone had pulled at them vigorously and she was missing a black ribbon. She had scratches on her cheeks, bruises on her arms and what looked to be the beginnings of a black eye. Ririka also had the same kind of bruises but instead of a scowl, she was crying next to Sayaka. Her face mask had cracked into two separate pieces and she had placed them on the mat to her right.   

    "It's nothing, Baabaa," Kirari tried to reassure the grand Momobami matriarch. 

    "Nothing. Yet I heard shouting, a brawl in the courtyard, and what sounded like a couple of shoji panels knocked over," at her stern admonishment, Ririka and Sayaka were unable to hold back their tears and sobbed openly almost in unison, "I want all of you to leave the room except for Kirari and Ririka. Also, bring me some warm sake after an hour." 

    Everyone complied, bowing low to the former Bami clan head and left the room, shutting the shoji screen door quietly behind them. Sayaka knelt in front of the door outside along with the grandmother's nurse staying close to earshot. 

    "I don't recall you two ever having fought over anything growing up together." 

    "It's nothing, Baasan," Ririka almost choked on her sobs. 

    "Nothing? Then why are you crying, 'Ika? It's not like you to display your tears so openly, especially in front of the servants. Tell Baasan what happened." 

    "I made her pay for a mistake, Baabaa."

    "I wasn't talking to you, Kirari." 

    "It was all my fault, Baasan," Ririka spoke apologetically, "I...I led an indiscretion with Sayaka before all three of us were formally wed and Kirari had just found out." 

    And suddenly, the room was filled with labored laughter as their grandmother chuckled amidst the stubborn and sticky phlegm at the back of her throat. The shishi-odoshi from the pond in the courtyard outside made a loud sound. There was a commotion as the househelp hurried to repair all the damaged structures that Kirari and Ririka had made because the fight had turned boorishly physical as well as emotional. Ririka had reacted angrily upon learning what Kirari had done to Sayaka as payment for her mistake. Most of the help took to sweeping the shards of broken jars into a dustpan.

    "I suppose all those bruises on your face and arms ought to have ended it but it seems there is something more to this punishment." 

    "'Rari decreed that I was to stay away from the children and Sayaka for a full year," Then, Ririka could no longer control her tears. She cried openly while Kirari maintained her stern expression. Answering sobs coming from Sayaka could be heard outside the shoji screen, "Baasan, this is too great to bear. I...I love them so much. The children...Sonja and Jason will be looking for me. The thought of them crying at night...that they're too young to understand why I am not at their side. It is too painful a punishment for me to think that my children will sense that I've left them when I didn't mean to abandon them at all."  

    "One year, no more than that," Kirari spoke with her teeth clenched. 

    "Kirari," Grandma Momobami coughed, "You have let passion cloud your judgment. There is no need to punish 'Ika by keeping the children from her. You may keep lady Sayaka away from her for a year but let your sister see the triplets." 

    "Baabaa, I have never taken anything back. My will is blood and steel. I fear everyone will respect me less if they can see that my will can be bent so quickly." 

     "Put it forward as one of my dying requests...that you be kinder to your sister who has sacrificed so much more than you. A lifetime in the shadows. Her wants, her desires, her needs...all sublimated and in your favor. Had Ririka held the winning dice in her hand, it would be you in her place, begging for the scraps of affection from your common wife and children." 

    "You could not possibly know that, Baabaa." 

    "But I do know it, 'Rari. I raised you both. For everything you set your hand to, I have seen and felt your sister's heart. Her eyes follow your every move. Did you not think that she too could ignore what you clearly treasure and not covet it just a little for herself?" 

    "I was under the impression that 'Ika had fallen in love with someone else before we had taken Sayaka into our household." 

    "Is this true?" 

    It almost sounded like a squeak, "Yes, Baasan. Sayaka Igarashi was not my first love." 

    "Then why did you not pursue your first love? Why did you let yourself continually want your sister's lover?" 

    "I don't know how it happened," Ririka cried and prostrated herself face down on the tatami mat before she raised herself to wipe her tears on the sleeve of her kimono, "It just happened and I couldn't want anyone else. I didn't mean to steal her from 'Rari. I only wanted the freedom to give her the love I felt. And yet, trying to convince her of my intentions has led us to an indiscretion. At first, it was only I that wanted it. I took advantage of Sayaka's weakness because I wanted the truth. If I could take these feelings away to spare us both this pain. But to do so would be to lose what's left of my beating heart. As 'Rari is a part of me, Sayaka is my own soul. To turn away from her would be like never seeing the sun rise for the rest of my days. I have sacrificed too much for this family. For 'Rari. Must I give up the last of my selfishness if it means losing that last spark of desire I need to keep on living?" 

    Sayaka's crying could now be openly heard regardless of the shoji screen. And then, there was nothing. They all hung on what the matriarch was about to say. The sound of the wind chimes and the shishi-odoshi filled the silence momentarily. Their grandmother tried to clear her throat and Ririka moved closer from her position to grab the nearby bucket where she could spit into. Kirari moved closer to wipe her grandmother's bloody lips clean with disposable tissue. The stench of sickness and impending death surrounded the room. 

    "Its only a year, not forever. This would be easy had we been an ordinary Japanese family. But the customs and morals of the commonfolk do not really apply to us. They never have or will," Grandmother Momobami wheezed and breathed from her oxygen mask, "But some things I do know from experience. Just because the two of you are twins does not mean this situation is unique. It has happened before among us Bami's that the desire for one mate has torn two brothers and two cousins apart. You've been cuckolded by your own sister and so you mean to lash out. But you have let your heart get the better of you, 'Rari. The crime of passion is simply between the three of you. Leave the children out of it. All your life, you have pleased me greatly and gave me honor. But this is the one thing I never expected of you. It is petty. Had you done the right thing, I would be smiling right now. In everything, there must be temperance and mercy where it is due. Loosen your fists. And I will give you both my blessings before I die."   

    "How were matters settled before, Baabaa?" 

    "As I recall, a gambling duel was held between the cousins and for the two brothers, it was a fight to the death. But they were men. That is their way. Its in their nature. Just as its in every woman's nature to be a queen in the animal kingdom. The heart of a woman is different. Perhaps, because we are meant to be giving not just to one child but to several children that we are built so very differently from men. The heart of a like a winding cavern that men get lost in. Generously built for secrets and treasures that do not yield to time and exploration. I know you love 'Ika just as you love Sayaka. That much I knew or I would not have approved of your union in the first place. How many times has this indiscretion taken place?" 

    "Once, Baasan. It was not a habit, it was simply a mistake," Ririka replied.

    "Only once? I see. I am grateful that a girl such as lady Igarashi has come into your life because now, the imperfection that was never known has suddenly come to light. You have a strong heart, 'Rari. But you are the clan leader. You must never let passion cloud your judgment. I will ask you again to loosen your fists and remember this lesson from your Baabaa, even if it is the last thing I will ever teach you. Yes?" 

    "I will try, Baabaa," Kirari answered reluctantly. 

    "Now, I want you both out of the room and I wish to speak with your wife, alone. Remind the servants to bring me my warm sake. I want lady Igarashi to serve me while we speak. I have had visions of the future and I wish to discuss it only with Sayaka. Go make yourselves presentable before you go to the courtyard and see to the repairs of the damage you both made. Might I say, you are both too old to be acting like children. My son, wicked that he is, would be turning in his grave had he known you two have bloodied your faces black and blue and over a girl in front of the household."

    "She is worth it, Baabaa."

    "So are the children," Ririka added, "It is too much to be kept away from them for a year." 

    "Six months," Kirari glared at Ririka.  

    "Momobami Ki-ra-ri," Their grandmother smoldered, the green of the Jadeite gem shining brightly eclipsing the blue-grey of her eyes.

    "A month."

    "I accept," Ririka nodded sadly and then, the twins departed the room after giving their elder a long hug and a kiss on her cheek. 

     A week later, grandmother Momobami departed into a long deep sleep having imparted her blessings and the Jadeite gemstone to both Kirari and Ririka on her deathbed. They quickly placed the cursed stone into the bejeweled box that was blessed with a powerful spell to lock the demon in for the timebeing. And to Sayaka, what should have been a mournful sight was nothing short of a miracle because she saw Kirari and Ririka huddled together on their knees, crying loudly on each other's shoulders at the passing of the last elder Bami. They had not spoken to each other since that fight in the courtyard. And now, it seemed as if they were joined at the hip like nothing had happened. 

    The elder Bami had left Sayaka in charge of her burial rites which turned out to be a blessing in disguise because the twins were so emotionally consumed, they barely noticed that the househelp quickly dressed the elder Bami in her finest clothing and brought her body out to the seaside to be submerged without their knowledge. Sayaka returned to them hours later in the Bami compound with an urn giving the semblance of a cremation when it had been filled with sand instead to fool everyone, including the twins. It pained Sayaka to keep this last secret from both Kirari and Ririka but she had been sworn into secrecy by their grandmother that they were not to know of this arrangement. 

    That same night, Sayaka discovered that Kirari and Ririka were sleeping soundly in each other's arms after having cried their eyes out. She took charge and planned the funeral with the household to be carried with all the pomp and grandiosity as only a former Bami clan leader would have. And, out of respect for their sorrow, she did not join them both in the bedroom that night but instead, busied herself with the staff in getting the house ready for guests that would arrive from all parts of the world to see their grandmother off. 

    The night after the funeral was over and the last of their honored guests have left, Kirari was well enough to sleep in the same bed with her. Sayaka spent a good few minutes stroking Kirari's cheek and giving her the tender kisses she needed to feel better. 

    "I've missed you so much, my one," Kirari answered her tender kisses. Kirari's black eye on the right side had turned bluish but the scratches on her face were no longer apparent. 

    "I've missed you too, Kirari," Sayaka smiled, dark circles were under her eyes from the stress of having to manage the funeral in their stead as per their grandmother's instructions. Kirari stroked her back and her breath caught when she felt something. Quickly, she started to disrobe Sayaka while the younger girl struggled. 

    "What is this? Why do you have a bandage on your back?" 

    "Is it seeping? Perhaps I need to have it changed," Sayaka tried to put her robe back on but Kirari held her down with both arms. The two of them struggled on the bed. A knock interrupted them. It was Ririka.

    "May I join you?" 

    "You may, but only for tonight. Say your goodbyes as I won't let you see Sayaka for a year when we leave for the Marianas." 

    Ririka entered Sayaka's room dressed in the same silk blue pajamas as Kirari. She closed the shoji behind her. She also had traces of a black eye albeit on the right side. She looked at the two of them, "Was I interrupting something?" 

    "Nothing," Sayaka pushed Kirari away and straightened up her robe.

    "She has an injury on her back. Do you know anything about this?"

   "No. What injury? Let me see." 

   "No!" Sayaka protested and got up from the bed. Ririka barred her way out of the door and Kirari went back to trying to take Sayaka's robe off. As if they read each other's minds, Ririka held Sayaka firmly as she struggled while Kirari was quick to expose the bandaged part of Sayaka's back. She held her long dark-violet hair back with one hand and Ririka quickly tore out the bandage exposing the deep flesh wound. 

    "Who took a chunk out of you?" Kirari's eyes were smoldering in the dark, "I will carve the skin off of their bones!" 

    "It's nothing," Sayaka was in tears, fighting to keep the secret between her and their grandmother.  

    "Its deep, Sayaka. It will take months to heal from a wound such as this," Ririka cautioned, "Please tell me you're on antibiotics."

    "I am. Your family physician looked after me. He made the surgical incision and reassured me there would be minimal to no scarring."

    "Whatever for? What is going on? Why?" Kirari was bewildered.  

    Uncharacteristically, Sayaka burst out in an angry defiant tone, "Get in bed, the two of you! I will be back after I tend to the wound."

    Two pairs of shocked blue eyes stared back at her.

    "Didn't you hear me?! I said on the bed!" She pointed to the low-style Japanese mattress atop an acacia platform. She looked at her feet almost apologetically after she had lost her temper. 

    "Did Baabaa do this to you?" 

    Sayaka looked away, "I promised her I wouldn't tell you." 

   "Was this a punishment?" 

    "No. Please, just get on the bed," She stared them both down. When they complied, she left them to have her back bandaged by one of their late grandmother's nurses. She returned a few minutes after to find Kirari and Ririka whispering amongst themselves. She crawled into the space between them and immediately, their arms encircled her. Kirari over her shoulders and Ririka had one draped around her waist. 

    "I thought we would not have any secrets from hereon," Kirari spoke. 

    "It was not my choice to make. It was your grandmother's dying wish." 

    "What did you two talk about?" Ririka asked. 

    "I cannot tell you both. You may ask your questions and I may or may not answer them all, depending." 

    "Can you at least give us a few details?" 

    "Very well. First, she scolded me about the incident. That I was not assertive enough to handle you both," Sayaka left out the reasons as to why she had to be more assertive from hereon since what their grandmother told her about her visions had far more consequences in the future. 

    "You're not to blame for my reaction, Sayaka. There was no way I was ever going to let 'Rari get away with raping you." 

    "I have apologized." 

    "I can't believe you both went to fifth base. Badly, yes. But still, had I been in the room it would not have been such a horrible experience for you, Sayaka. I would have been tender and would have never tied you up without your consent." 

    "Fifth base? There's a base for this?" Sayaka looked bewildered. 

    "Can we talk about something else? I'm still curious as to why Baabaa wanted a piece of your flesh." 

    "Kirari," Sayaka turned to face her and stroked her cheek, "...respect your grandmother's wishes to keep things between us. In the meantime, let me take care of you. Both of you. Give me your pain, your mourning and I will do my best as your wife to ease the suffering."  

    The night progressed first with kisses, tender and meaningful. Neither of them had brought their toys and learned with their hands, their mouths, and nether parts how best to please each other. Kirari and Ririka had made up and opened their psychic link between themselves as Ririka shared the lengthy pleasures of kissing Sayaka with Kirari. 

    Moans and gasps filled the room as they busied themselves making up for lost time. Kirari had carried Sayaka over her lap, legs hooked around Kirari's back. Half of her body was turned sideways to meet Ririka's kisses. Kirari had her head bent, feasting on Sayaka's upturned breasts. She busied herself tugging, sucking, and biting at Sayaka's erect nipples in turns. Ririka pressed her nether parts to Sayaka's left soft bottom while their mouths were fused in long and deep kisses. Seemingly by accident, both twins had reached between her legs, trying to slip two fingers inside her dripping wet core. 

    "Uhm..." Sayaka pulled away from kissing Ririka and watched curiously as Kirari and Ririka looked at each other in the semi-darkness of the room. Telepathically, they eased the awkwardness of the moment by slipping only one finger each which made Sayaka gasp as each finger's opposing direction had manage to spread her wider on her inside walls. Instinctively, they both penetrated her in the same rhythm. 

    "Does this feel good?" Ririka asked. 

    "Mmmph...its strange but it feels so...uhm...ahh," Sayaka moaned as they deepened their mutual strokes. She was so wet her nectar dripped and rolled down both their fingers and over their open palms. Kirari went back to sucking on Sayaka's breasts and making love bites as Ririka rocked her equally wet nether parts against Sayaka's left bottom in rhythm with the thrusting of their fingers. 

     "Do you need another in?" Ririka asked again and Sayaka shook her head in between her moaning. The sounds she made directed the speed to which they fingered her molten inner walls. And then, Kirari pushed at her pleasure bud with her thumb which caused Sayaka to shudder and mumble unintelligibly. Ririka responded by placing a soaked thumb at the entrance to Sayaka's ass. She pressed over it gently, "Is this okay?" 

    Sayaka tensed, "'Ika...I'm so close...why...are you..." 

    "I need to show you that it didn't need to be painful. Let me in?" Ririka whispered her request and sucked on her earlobe.  

    Sayaka nodded and the buildup of pleasure was almost too much now. Each of their fingers were stimulating her walls on the inside spreading her wide and curling into opposing directions. Kirari's thumb rubbed in circles over Sayaka's erect clitorial muscles while Ririka slipped her wet thumb carefully inside the canal of her ass. Kirari started to tug on her breasts with her mouth, making loud sucking noises as Sayaka quickly fell off the edge, "Oh...God...ahhhhh so g-good dammit," She bit at her palm to stiffle the noise as she climaxed, her pussy tightening over their fingers as they fucked her through her first and second wave of pleasure. Her breathing was ragged as she turned to face Kirari who moved up from her breasts to capture her mouth in a soft wet kiss. Ririka coated two fingers with Sayaka's cum and slowly slipped them over the entrance to her ass. 

   Sayaka broke the kiss off to look behind her, "'Ika," Sayaka cautioned, "Isn't it enough?" 

    "Relax, Sayaka, I'll be gentle. 'Rari..." Ririka called her twin to attention and telepathically, Kirari understood and she quickly slipped an additional finger inside Sayaka's raw, quivering wetness. Then curled two fingers around in a letter C as Ririka slipped two fingers inside Sayaka's anal canal. 

    "Oh God!" Sayaka moaned aloud and she was in tears, gasping for breath. Ririka continued to press her wet nether region against Sayaka's left bottom while Kirari moved to position her labia against Sayaka's upper thigh. Sayaka kneeled and kept one arm around Kirari while her other arm held Ririka behind her nape. 

    They each pressed against her. Kirari on Sayaka's thigh and Ririka on her soft bottom. Their fingers followed the rhythm of their thrusting and Sayaka was screaming, penetrated both ways. Kirari moaned aloud into Sayaka's mouth as she came once, pressing hard against her for a second wave. A few minutes after, Sayaka and Ririka hit their peak together. They all collapsed sideways, exhausted.  

     Ririka and Kirari slipped their fingers out of her and while Kirari sucked on her two wet digits, Ririka reached for a nearby tissue holder to clean hers. They rested for a while keeping Sayaka in between them. 

    "Don't go to sleep," Sayaka broke the long silence between them, "I'm just resting a bit but I mean to please you both."  

    "Well, its only ten in the evening. The night is young," Kirari smiled and planted a kiss over her nose while Ririka planted a kiss on her shoulder, "I'm thirsty. I'll go rummage the Bami cellar for some expensive wine," Kirari got up and put her robe on. She returned to find Sayaka's mouth burried between Ririka's open legs, her twin moaning loudly with both hands guiding Sayaka's head. Smiling, Kirari positioned the three wine glasses on the tatami mat and opened the bottle. She poured one for herself and lifted the glass to her lips with her right hand as her left slipped between her own legs to the throbbing erect muscle underneath her silk blue robe. Watching them both in the semi-darkness made her heart ripple with both joy and pain. The enjoyment of looking at oneself as Ririka looked so much like her in the dark. The joy too of feeling her twin's feelings in the ether. But there was pain too. The pain of wanting to keep Sayaka with that delicious hard-working mouth only to herself. There was a ringing in her ears and her nape hairs stood as she felt Ririka trying to connect with her telepathically.   

Ririka: Come join us, 'Rari. I'll share the pleasure with you. Can you feel it?

Kirari: I can. I'll join you both after I finish this glass. Have your fill because you won't see her for a year.    

    Ririka gently moved Sayaka's head away from between her legs and she stared up into her eyes, confused. Her face was shiny and drenched in Ririka's sebum.

    "Am I pleasing you, 'Ika?" 

    "Very much. Get on the bed just halfway up and lay on your back. Keep your feet on the floor," Ririka gently requested and Sayaka obediently crawled on all fours up and lay back halfways. Ririka gently pushed her thighs apart wider giving Kirari a full view of Sayaka's glistening petals. 

    "You make me thirsty for more than just wine, Sayaka," Kirari picked up the bottle and an empty glass. She positioned herself between Sayaka's legs just as Ririka moved up to straddle Sayaka's face. Ririka lowered herself over Sayaka's mouth and as she resumed to taste her, Kirari positioned her empty wine glass directly underneath Sayaka's pussy and tipped the bottle sideways, slowly pouring the wine over Sayaka's pleasure bud. 

    Sayaka stopped what she was doing, "Kirari," she gasped as she felt the liquid move from her clitoris down her inner and outer labia and rolling into the empty glass Kirari held under her, "What in the world are you doing?" 

    "This is for 'Ika," Kirari tipped the bottle backwards as soon as the glass was full and handed it to Ririka who reached out behind her and took a sip. 

    "Thank you its delicious," Ririka winked at Kirari as she took several sips, then turned to look directly into Sayaka's eyes as she finished. She watched as tears filled her purple hues then Ririka placed the glass on the bedside table and wiped Sayaka's tears away, "You are delicious, Sayaka."  

    "And for me. Kanpai," Kirari tipped the bottle between Sayaka's legs and quickly devoured and drank from her well, making sure not to spill a drop of wine or nectar from her wife's private fountain. Sayaka's moans disappeared over Ririka's nether parts as the eldest slowly lowered herself over Sayaka's mouth. 

    "I'm going to miss you so much, mia chiave," Ririka whispered softly as she rocked gently against Sayaka's lips. Sayaka reached down with her left hand to hold Kirari's head guiding her as her right hand reached up to hold Ririka's soft bottoms against her face. Sayaka nodded as a reply, increasing the pressure of her tongue making Ririka moan aloud, "Don't give everything to 'Rari. Save some for me, Sayaka. I'm going to drink you dry after you're done with me." 

Kirari: She'll be mine for a full year. Any chance you might get bored and date other girls? 

Ririka: I'd rather suffer and cry myself to sleep. 

Kirari: Any chance you might stray with Saotome? 

Ririka: Nice try, 'Rari, but I'll take the memory of Sayaka's nagging over Saotome's verbal abuse, anyday. 

Kirari: You've never been alone this long, 'Ika. I wonder if you can cope. 

Ririka: Isn't this exactly what you want? My suffering?

Kirari: Absolutely. 

Ririka: A year, 'Rari. Any longer and I'll die of a broken heart.

Kirari: No more debts, 'Ika. 

Ririka: Take it out on me, not her. 

    A full year had passed and it was the longest Ririka had ever experienced being parted from Sayaka. Ririka was able to visit their children after the first month apart. The children welcomed her back with shrieks having recognized Ririka's voice, her smell, as well as the way she touched and carried them in her arms. She sang to them with teary eyes. A bit had changed and it was evident in the way their eyes searched for both Kirari and Sayaka. Sonja and Jason were no longer as attached to Ririka as before when she was their whole world. That trust had to be earned once again. Jonas remained partial to Kirari and Sayaka. That month apart from their other mother gave Kirari and Sayaka a chance to endear themselves to their daughter and Ririka's son. When before they only responded mostly to Ririka, they now began to recognize that there were other sources of parental love. Kirari had kept her resolve and barred Ririka from seeing Sayaka at their home at the Northern Marianas during that year apart. It was a complete communication blackout, no voice and video calls, e-mails, text messages. At times, Ririka found herself hanging out at Damien's bachelor pad where they could stare at his photo collection over a bottle of Denki Bran, play cards, and chat about Sayaka and the triplets. Lessons learned, the three of them reconvened and discovered a newfound respect for their boundaries.  

    On the second day of Ririka's re-entry into Sayaka's life space, they found themselves on the balcony overlooking the outdoor pool of their home in Saipan. Ririka had her arms around Sayaka tightly as she bent to smell her nape and hair. She peppered playful kisses and bites over Sayaka's neck which made the other giggle, "It's been a year, Sayaka. Do you still love me?" 

    "What kind of question is that?" 

    "You've had 'Rari for a full year and I agonized over the possibility that you'd realize she's the only one you need."

    "I guess I'll have to show you tonight just how much I've missed you," Sayaka smiled.

    "I'm going to enjoy this reunion so much, mia chiave. Do you know that in the year apart I ended up in your room trying to drug myself off of your lingering smell on the sheets and pillows?"

    "Kirari often connects to the Tokyo CCTV to check up on you," Sayaka tipped her head against Ririka's cheek. 

    "I don't care if she saw me suffering. That's exactly what she wanted. To see me in pain and I gave it to her. It felt like dying. I missed you so much, my darling. I sometimes used your bath products so that I could take your smell with me everywhere. I discovered a new level to craving and desire, so much that I searched for you in all the food I ate. I sometimes hung out at the nearby bakery during my morning jogs. The smell of freshly baked bread somewhat reminded me of a sweaty you." 

    "I missed you too, 'Ika. Not a day passed that you weren't in my thoughts. Above everything, I missed crawling into your arms and falling asleep." 

    "Did you have to hide it from 'Rari?" 

    "No. In my own way I was punishing her too for keeping us apart. You've always been with us in spirit. All I needed to do was drop your name to push all the wrong buttons to get Kirari riled up and irritated."

    "How did she react?"

    "Very Kirari. She tried to screw my brains out." 

    Ririka chuckled, "Things will be better now...especially since I've paid all my dues. Three years for the time I stole from 'Rari by wiping your memories of that first night. And last year as penalty for what we did in the basement. I owe her nothing from hereon. I often wondered if you regret what we did?" 

    "Looking back, I know I tried to stop you. But then I had to own part of the blame. I realized that it couldn't have gone any other way," Sayaka turned to face her and wrapped her arms around Ririka's shoulders as the other held her arms around Sayaka's waist, "In this life, the next life...we belong together, 'Ika. You, me, Kirari. Our children. Kirari was right when she first put it out in the open. Its all of it. Its everything. Its us. And its more than just love. It was just...the inevitability of it. A mutuality. What's the word...sine qua non. The logical outcome." 

    "'Rari has one word for everything you just said. She's always wanted to test it for herself." 


    "She'd call it fate. Destiny." 

    "Your grandmother had much to say about destiny. She really believes in all the visions she had for our future." 

    "Will you tell me about what you two talked about when she asked to see you alone in her room?" 

    "I can't. Not just because I promised her. I'm afraid to speak it aloud and prefer to see the events of her vision unfold. Would you love me any less for keeping it from you?" 

    "No. It isn't possible to love you any less, Sayaka. There's just too much history...too much complexity between us. The only way to keep it simple is exactly just this--I love you, Sayaka Igarashi-Momobami. Always and forever, mia chiave. Now...will you show me just how much you missed me too?" Ririka lifted Sayaka's hand and placed it over her chest where her heart was hammering with lustful anticipation.

    "Tonight, mia porta. Can we take it slow? I'd like to savor every minute."

    "What if I can't? I've been waiting for a year. God help you if I don't strangle and devour you, Sayaka."

    "I'm not going anywhere, 'Ika. I'm married to you too. Let's start with uhm...what do they call it. First base?" 

    "Someone did some research, it seems," Ririka chuckled, "You make it sound like we're still in high school." 

    "Can you imagine if we still high school? You and I would be...sneaking in empty classrooms, at the lounge during breaks, in broom closets, at the back of the limo on the way home, in the orchards around the the greenhouse or at your basement. We'd start slowly, working our way up from groping and...first base." 

    "I'm so turned on right now," Ririka licked around the shell of her ear before biting at her earlobe, "Non posso più aspettare, Sayaka." 

    "Prendiamoci il nostro tempo, 'Ika. Baciami," Sayaka whispered and gave Ririka her best dimpled smile. The sun was setting slowly in the horizon as they kissed, long and deep, to the satisfaction of their intertwined souls. 

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