The regretful father's only w...

By starcotwilightlover

8.6K 293 96

Claude only had one wish, save Diana from her fate, love her properly the way he couldn't in her short life... More

One door closes and another door opens
A new beginning
Mother i have sinned
An (ab)normal dancer
Six days later
Diana and the temptress
Her name is Diana and she is a dancer
Just like seeing her for the first time again
She's sweet like candy, she's so sweet
praying to the moon

Where is my mind

566 18 9
By starcotwilightlover

" ugh this place smells like shit"

" well this is the capital of Obelia, it is expected to smell like shit water and piss" Diana rolled her eyes covering her nose with her scarf,  she once again couldn't sleep the night and barely had any rest so when the sun risen she woke up to start her day, the festival hasn't started yet so being the first to wake along with one of her crew they walked to go get breakfast for everyone before they waken

" if the smell wasn't so overbearing I would've enjoyed the scenery" naj, one of her male dancers and friend who accompanied sighed

" I guess the capital is pretty nice if you stare at it in a near distance away from the stench, but nothing beats our scenery back home" Diana looked around, Obelia has changed a lot since she lived as a peasant in her shortest life, was it the fourth or fifth one?, she couldn't remember. Back in her first life when she was Anaya, Obelia was the bottom of the food chain of nations, they were a struggling kingdom who was on a brink of collapsing and was practicing incest to keep their bloodline and eyes" pure", while Siodonna was two different powerful nations at war before they became one. To think in the end they are now on top of the food chain and is the most powerful nation in the continent all thanks for taking advice from the famous powerful magician of the black tower. She had to respect it

The two dancers reached the bakery and ordered egg sandwiches since it will last them a until lunch

" thank you so much for your hospitality, I will cherish these sweets" Diana thanked the owners of the bakery, the bakers gave Diana some pastries for free since they are a fan of her

" it is our own pleasure my lady, my daughter is a fan of yours, she  told us how you helped her during an altercation when she visited Siodonna" Joan one of the bakers smiled, she was a short old woman with homely aura and comforting smile

" is your daughter name Anna by any chance" Diana asked remembering helping a young girl who walked in the wrong side of town,

" you remember Anna" Joan gasped shocked

" yes I was worried if she went home safely, even though Siodonna is a safe nation there are still some dangerous places young ladies should stay away from especially at night"

"Thank you so much for helping our daughter, we will forever be in your debt" Nelson, the other baker and Joan husband thanked her again

" it's fine sir, don't mention it, I was doing my duty as a civilian" Diana smiled before waving goodbye, walking back to her inn carrying the bags of pastries

" wow they really love you here" naj said surprised

" of course they love me, who doesn't" Diana cocked

" I think I felt someone glaring daggers at me during our dance yesterday, I felt as if my head wasn't going to get blown off, isn't Obelia known for its powerful mana"

" eh probably one of my fanboys, men who fancy you get easily jealous when another man is around you, territorial type shit" Diana waved off his concerns, she had gotten used to people being territorial over her, it's annoying and exhausting but knowing how beautiful she is and how easily attracts anyone, she needed to get used to it, and she knew how to defend herself if it goes south, luckily no one ever crossed boundaries

" that-that doesn't sound right" naj furrow his eyebrows confused and a bit bothered

" well life's a bitch, to be honest before we leave I just want to do one thing" Diana turned to naj while taking one of the sandwiches out of the bag since she was starving

" I just want to get laid" she said before taking a bite of her sandwich, naj gasped and almost dropped the bags he was carrying

" Diana" he gasped once again appalled by her words while Diana cackled by his reaction. Diana was by any mean no stranger to sex, they were friends even,  she is technically a virgin in this life, not touching anyone and only kissed only one person, but she's ready to lose and get it over with, unlike nobles commoners do not care if you are a " pure virgin " or not, so if she ever gets married her husband won't care. And it could also help with her insomnia

" what!,I can't sleep lately, and I need new inspiration for my next album, it's a win- win situation" she shrugged, she already had her eyes set on that nobleman from yesterday, clodous or if that truly is his name

" but wouldn't you want it to special and from someone you love" naj says trying to convince, while began to continue to walk following the blonde dancer

" I won't remember it in twenty years and I don't fall in love, it's a lie I say to make others feel better about themselves" Diana rolled her eyes, lately insomnia has been kicking Diana's ass, she tried everything to fall asleep, she exercised, drank tea that helps you fall asleep and read boring books, but nothing worked, sleeping with anyone could be the answer to her problem

Diana has lived twenty different lives all different from one another living as a woman or a man, experiencing new emotions and societies, lost and loved many people, gain nothing other than pain, It's overwhelming and dreadful, and she wishes to waste those hours doing anything than to be left with her thoughts, her cold and dark thoughts that struck her into madness if she ever lets them

Her mind is a cold dark place she wishes never to cross

And if Diana doesn't sleep, she will think and if she thinks

Well may the gods have mercy

" I'm probably not even going to do anything, in the end" Diana sighed before taking the last bite of her sandwich. they finally reached to their inn but when they saw a carriage in front with two guards blocking the door and Curtis speaking to them seemingly panicking. The guards wore wealthy uniforms only someone that worked for the imperial family would wear, even the carriage was fancy. Curtis turned towards them and eyes further widen as if it will pop out

"Diana!, these imperial guards are here for you, what the hell did you do!" Curtis yelled at her, Diana eyes widened surprised by his words, she didn't do anything illegal that she know of, the only thing she did was eat, dance, sing, flirt with clodous, and talk shit-

" oh shit!" Diana cursed, don't tell her that the emperor heard her words about him or that her speculations were correct

" are you lady Diana?" One of the guards asked her

" I'm not speaking until I have lawyer!"

" is everything alright sir, we are only visitors" naj stood in front of Diana as protection

" it is nothing serious my lady you are not under arrest, but your presence is required at the imperial palace" the guard assured them, Curtis sighed relief while Diana was still confused and suspicious, there's no way in hell she was invited to the palace for no reasons

" why though if it isn't an arrest, why is my presence needed?"

" it will be explained my lady, we are here from orders of his majesty" the guard answered, Diana sighed annoyed

" fine, give me a moment" she walked back to the inn were she was bombarded with many questions, Diana ignored them all and decided change her dress since the one she wore began to smell from the stench of obelia, Diana always carried many dresses since she never knows where life would take her and wants to always be prepared, she wore her simple but beautiful chiton pink dress along her pink himation, and simple sandals. she didn't touch her hair since she didn't have the time, she put on extra perfume, after she finished she looked over to see her crew who huddle at her door  still staring at her in disbelief

" they told me I have nothing worry about, I'll be back but if I'm not find a way to tell the prince, the emperor has no reasons to put in captivity, also take care of moona while I'm gone, don't let her leave outside" she told the crew, she glanced over at moona who was napping and planted a kiss on her head, she brought her cat with her since Agatha wouldn't after she was bitten and scratch the last time she took care of moona

" pray for me yall!" Diana left her room and walked over to the fancy carriage, she got inside the carriage with the help of one of the guards since the step stool was too high for her and left the inn

Surprisingly Diana did not feel nervous her intuition did not give her any sign of her death. The emperor has no right to harm any foreigner or put them in captivity if they do not wish for war, Siodonna especially Arjan will demand for justice for her. Let's just hope she'll leave with her head still intact, her brother won't be able to handle her death, she's the only thing he has left

Diana did not fear death, well not anymore at least. Diana was always bound to die young, in all of her lives she never lived past the age thirty, most were murders, others were accidents, one was illness, while the other was suicide, she never died of old age, death was always never peaceful that she no longer feared it but doesn't found it beautiful either

Death is a burden

Diana never wishes to remember her lives, not because of the way she died. even though it made her angry on the way she died but having to continue living with a new identity and stripping who you once were was a heavy burden and confusing to carry, it was fearsome to her

Who even is she?

She still feared losing the ones she loved even when it's inevitable, Diana has lost more than she has ever gained, she lost her parents, her friends, her lovers, and

Her sweet children

Their existence seize to exist when she dies, she no longer returns to the universe or time she died in, and when she does it is far too late, they have already died or is too old to remember her, God Diana has already seen the grave of her son who died two years before her reborn

In all of her lives, Diana had ten children, five girls and five boys, all sweet and beautiful full of life and joy

and five she had outlived

The funny thing is even though Diana dies young, she outlived half of her children, half of her children died before her or with her, like any parent she would do anything to protect her babies, she would raise hell for their happiness or life, but sometimes she fails to protect

Kai was from an accident

Noreen was sick

Kaiser, Aella, and Ada were murdered

By their father of all

Diana could never forgive and forget what happened that night, her eleventh life, the night of her and her children's death, her and her sweet children murdered by their father and his whore, her baby boy's head was crushed by the men's bare hands, her baby girl tossed from the tower and fell to her death, while Ada, oh her brave Ada her eldest

Brave she was, dead she is

She was forced to watch her children murdered in front of her before she could die herself, her husband may have killed them but their blood will be on her hands, if she had been smarter maybe they would have outlived her and her son would have been emperor

If only she had killed her husband and his whore sooner, maybe her children would have lived, maybe she would have lived

But at least her last two are safe, she knows she can trust won-ya, they've known one another since elementary and as long they are far away from their father they will be safe and able to live a normal happy life, Diana never wanted them to live the way she did, she wanted them to be happy and safe, not worrying when will they see food again

In her past life, Diana was born very poor with both of her parents struggling with addiction, with her wide knowledge  and neglect from both parents, she began hustling for money for food and an escape fund, she began to spy for information and sell to the highest bidder, it was an easy job since it wasn't the first time she spied and with her innocent appearance she had great success. by the time she was thirteen she had enough money to escape her home and live a comfortable lifestyle

Until her father found her stash and stole all her hard earn money

Diana was furious, so furious that she killed her father

She did not have any remorse nor did she ever regret it, he was an abusive man always yelling and slapping her and her mother around, even wanting to sell Diana  for some cash, Diana took his gun and shoot him when he was in the bathroom, she gave her mother a choice to leave and never see her again, or she too will die as she didn't want to leave any witnesses

Her mother was not a good person either, she never once protect her nor did she ever tried to get better, she was the one who told her father her stash since she discovered it long before him and stole some of it, she forgiven her for it since Diana was saving it for the both to escape her father but she betrayed her in  the end, her mother left and she never saw her again, the last she heard of her was she died from an overdose three years later

With her parents gone Diana burned their house getting rid of any evidence and changed her name to Hee- Jin. Years later she continued her business as an informant and had her own children  Hye-Sol and Ha-joon

She had hye-Sol when she was fifteen, her daughter who was beautiful the minute she was born, had curly raven hair, bright grey eyes that resembled blue, and the most beautiful smile you could ever encounter, she had her son ha-joon when she was seventeen and he resembled his sister, hair black as hers and grey-ish blue eyes. Both children resembled her greatly not taking any features from their father other then their eye color which was a mixture between hers and their father

Diana never wanted that profession she enjoyed her bakery business but it did not bring the money that being an informant brought and she wanted her children to live full happy lives fill with happiness and peace, but in the end like always her life was cut short at age twenty-two, when she got caught by rivals who wanted to spill her blood, she knew she was going to die but she wanted her children's life spared, she went to the only person she knew she could trust and knew who was truly was, won-ya, who still recognized her after she ran away and faked her death. When she gave off her kids Diana was caught and killed immediately

Honestly Diana thinks her ex had something to do with her death, the father of her children, ye-joon

He was a gang lord who she used to work and mess with, that bastard loved playing mind games with her, even though she was the mother of his children, they weren't lovers, they only fooled around with one another that resulted with two children, he was a good father for the most part, the children loved him and he took great care of them giving them what they wanted, being the fun dad, but he didn't know how to separate his business and personal life, and that was an issue

They hated one another, mostly on her end. ye-joon was always a bit too clingy and controlling always assuming things and never liking the answer since she always rejected him and kept him on his toes, only using him for pleasure and kids. While he will say he loves her then takes it back the next, playing mind games with her and fucking up her money

to think he hated her that much that he would betray her and send her to death knowing their children will pay the price and will be lonely or in danger, stupid bastard, but then again that what made him intriguing, maybe she shouldn't judge her past mother too much, it's not like she was any better with the men she chose, unfortunately Diana always did had a thing for tall blonds

As long her children are away from him, they will live long

they must

The carriage suddenly stopped and Diana snapped away from her thoughts, she forgotten she was taken away by imperial guards to meet the emperor, she hopes everything will be alright

She has so much left to live and her brother is too young to lose his only family member left, even if she does lose her life today heinry will be alright, physically at least

The carriage door was opened and Diana got out with a help of one of the guards, he was cute resembling a puppy with his brown hair and eyes, he looked too young to be a knight though, maybe he was new but he looked familiar

" oh my lady please don't cry, I promise you aren't in trouble" he assures, Diana wiped her tears she didn't realize she was crying

" oh don't mind me, I was deep in thought" she excused

" can I just say I am a huge fan of your work, I heard your piece go go dancer and have been a fan since" he tells her

" so am I, I am a fan of daddy lessons" the other knight butt in

"Really!, I am so glad you two enjoy my work" Diana smiled realizing she's speaking to a fan

"  you truly are a musical genius, you deserve more than you have!"

" oh you are just so sweet, what is your name?" Dian kindly asked

" Andrew, but you can call me Andy" he answered, even his name sounds familiar like she knew  him once

"And I'm Vincent"

" well you two already know my name, so why does his majesty want me"

" we do not know, we were only told to bring you safely to the emperor, maybe his majesty is a fan" Andrew tells her, realization hit Diana, how could she not think of that, the emperor may be a fan, she's performing for his festival of all things, now she feels bad for talking crap about him

" oh I'm so dumb, well we shouldn't keep his majesty waiting" they walked to the audience room, Diana stared at the walls of the luxurious palace, everything was beautiful, the gardens were well taken care of and beautiful, the grounds were clean and spotless, the walls were shining with gold that it was blinding, she had an urge to snag a piece

The palace was gorgeous

" good luck my lady" Andrew whispered as they reached the audience wall, in a distance she saw a man with crimson hair standing in the front of the door, he must be the emperor's sworn shield

" thanks Andy" Diana whispered back,  as she stood in front of the door, she bowed first

" greetings sir" she tells the crismon knight

" greetings my lady, please come in" he smiles opening the door, Diana sighed before going in

Let's hope every goes well


Hey y'all here's the update, here's a further glimpse of who Diana is, she's someone who experienced many lives and that it has been a burden to her, she remembers she lost and is no longer the person who she hopes was and that is traumatizing, especially her kids, Diana is mourning all the children she has loss. And if she thinks about the life she has lived and the people she loss she will break that is why she has some unhealthy coping mechanisms to forget it

Anyways what do you guys think please comment and vote

See you soon✌🏾

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