lover - alexia putellas

By rubyputellas

8.2K 340 32

"all's well that ends well to end up with you, swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover." the one where... More



1.8K 78 4
By rubyputellas

👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏼❤️‍🔥🕊️💋 — lover

20th august 2023
sydney, australia

liked by alessiarusso99, leahwilliamsonn and 27,263 others

sophiatoone last fit check in aus 🥹 don't be fooled, the england shirt was soon put on and the heels were very quickly replaced by my converse !!

🩷 and to my beloved leah, thank you for the endless pics this entire trip xx

tagged: leahwilliamsonn


leahwilliamsonn and don't forget the black blazer that I was forced to hold because it "ruined the aesthetic" but you look very beautiful xx
sophiatoone 💞💓💗💕love u bestie x

username "my beloved leah" 🥹🥹🥹🥹 broooo I love their friendship

username the style icon has finally posted, the one thing I look forward to before every match

bethmead_ she's an icon, she's a legend and she is the moment!!!
sophiatoone meadooo!! oh how I adore you!

username this outfit is such a slay girlie 😍😍

username literally who is she and what is she famous for??? all she's doing is looking for attention because of her last name and who her sister is.
username wow even after taylor swift wrote shake it off, haters still gonna hate. grow up and get a life.

username how cute. love love love!

username 🫒🫒🫒

username baffling how nobody has mentioned the fact that we might get a Sophia & Alexia interaction tonight...

ellatoone gorgeous, big slay for the outfit x
sophiatoone means a lot coming from the girl who slated nearly everything I worn growing up 🥰🥹🥹

username I'm not ready for the Aussie ootd's to end!

Australia had been full of surprises for Sophia. The underestimation of just how many spiders she would encounter, coming face to face with the odd kangaroo and the whole entirety of the Lionesses journey in the World Cup.

Out of all the outcomes that Sophia Toone imagined whenever she thought of the Women's World Cup, she never would have guessed that this would be the one. She never would have believed that England would be playing Spain in the final, that in ninety minutes everything would be over, whether it be for the better or worse, but what she least expected was to see her ex girlfriend after a year.

No matter how many times that Sophia tried to avoid looking in the Catalan's direction, it was as though her body craved her that one last time, the blonde finding herself scanning the pitch to even just catch a glimpse of the woman she had once loved, a content smile resting on her face when she succeeded.

But what she didn't know was that Alexia was doing the exact same thing, the pair of them barely missing the other by a second each time. It was a bittersweet feeling really, to see one another looking so well and clearly achieving so much but not being able to properly share that with one another pained both women dearly. The back and forth looks of adoration continued in the build up to the match, the secrecy of doing so becoming more and more successful until Alexia had finally made her way back inside the stadium, the footballer deciding to finally bite the bullet and look up.

It was as though somebody had let off an array of fireworks, sparks flying in both of the women's stomachs, for more reasons than one. There was a mixture of excitement, nervousness, anticipation and happiness all laced into one feeling.

Even in a crowd of people, Sophia was still the only person that Alexia was drawn to.

However, as fast as the moment had begun, it had finished even quicker, the feeling of surprise being diminished by a small smile that had appeared on both of their faces, a ferocious blush rising on their cheeks once out of view of each other.

113 minutes, that was all it took for England's hopes and dreams to be crushed. They had lost 1-0 to Spain and in a demanding match for both, the European Champions had sadly drawn the short end of the stick. However, in the time of sadness and frustration, pride was the other feeling that flooded throughout the stands that sat tens of thousands of England fans, everybody cheering and clapping for the girls who had worked so hard to get to this very point, the first World Cup final since 1966.

That was all Sophia Toone could think about in that particular moment. Forever an optimist, the blonde couldn't help herself but think of each and every single positive the would come of tonight and the entire tournament, the women's game finally getting the recognition that it both needed and deserved. The amount of boys and girls that could look up to these women as role models, inspiring the next generations to follow their dreams and Sophia had never been prouder that her little sister and best friend were apart of those making such a difference for the future.

However, there was a slight bittersweet in the teacher's mouth as she watched the trophy and medal celebrations, her heart warming at the round of applause that the Lionesses were getting from the Spanish players, spotting her sister and ex girlfriend share a soft smile. But as much as she tried to focus all of her attention on the brunette that she called her sister, Sophia couldn't help but keep her eyes drawn on the Spanish women below with her fading pink hair pulled into a ponytail, Jenni Hermoso's shirt on the wrong way way and the beaming smile to top it all off, the older woman happily preparing herself to receive possibly the biggest achievement in her career.

But much to her dismay, the Barcelona born had very quickly dissipated into the crowd after the final trophy lift, Sophia scanning her eyes over the pitch in hopes of catching one last glimpse of the woman she spent the past five years loving, her shoulders dropping in realisation that she had gone. Deciding that it wouldn't be beneficial for herself to seek out attention from the woman she wasn't even sure wanted to see her, Sophia immersed herself into the conversation that was taking place between both her family and the Russo's, the two brothers and Sophia chatting away as if they hadn't seen one another in years on end.

And it hadn't taken long, a mere fifteen minutes at the most, for Ella to reappear from the tunnels, explaining to her best friend's family that their daughter would be out in a few minutes and accepting their congratulations on such an amazing achievement before pulling her older sister into a much needed hug. Once their brief catch up had finished, the family had broken off into their own conversations yet again, Sophia and Ella the first to do so for a few good minutes until Ella went silent whilst spotting something, rather yet someone, a good few meters away over her sisters shoulder .

"Don't turn around but Alexia Putellas is walking in this direction." Ella started, drawing Sophia's attention away from being witness to her dad and Joe's discussion about which Manchester based club was truly superior, the brunette's hand hovering over her mouth in attempts to hide what she was saying from the topic of conversation, the other hitting her sister to properly get her attention, the blonde wasting no time in looking over her shoulder to see, earning a tut in response. "You idiot, I said don't turn around."

"Well I'm sorry but you know that if I hear her name I'm obviously gonna look." Sophia hesitantly turned back to face her sister, eyes wide as she shook her head in attempts to fight in her own corner, defending her actions as though they were a natural reaction.

"Oh yeah, how could I ever forget that you're still obsessed with your ex." The brunette rolled her eyes, earning a sharp swat to the stomach by the woman who was stood one row beneath her, Ella letting out a laugh at the quick reaction.

"I'm not obsessed with her." The blonde was almost too quick with her response to her sister's accusation, her tone of voice lowering as if Alexia could magically hear their conversation. "I just simply support her from afar."

"Tell that to all the fan accounts you follow."

"We ended on good terms, I'm not causing unnecessary drama by removing them." The teacher shrugged her shoulders, the reasoning being good enough for her own sanity and wellbeing. "Plus she's doing well so I like to see what she achieves."

"You're actually weird you." Ella shook her head, eyebrows raised with concern of her older sister's way of thinking whilst also feeling sympathetic for the blonde, due to her still very obvious and very lovestruck feelings for her ex girlfriend. "I can't think of anything worse than following things to do with my ex."

"Cause yours are pricks."

"Language." Karen, the girls' mum's ears perked up at the sound of a swear word, joining in the conversation to jokingly discipline them, the effort to do so failing as the sisters chuckled before both repeating said word.

"Mate, so are yours."

"Maybe so but she isn't and she never was, even when I did in fact break up with her after three years because I was leaving the country." Sophia sighed, her mind instantly thinking back to that dreading night. The night she wanted nothing more to do than go back to and redo time and time again, knowing that she would do everything a million times differently, knowing that if she could then maybe they wouldn't be worlds apart.

"But then again, Soph, you're too much of a nice person to hate anyways." Ella's voice brought her back down to reality, the blonde crossing her arms over her chest now that the breeze had started to pick up, the black blazer she had adorned at the start of the evening long gone, her England shirt only doing so much to warm her up. "I think she wants you."

Sophia's face was deadpan as she warned her younger sister. "That's not funny."

"Why else would she leave her family to come over to the opposing team's family stand?" The Manchester United player counteracted, copying Sophia's stance in a similar way.

"Maybe to say congratulations, you know what she's like, El." The teacher had a slight shrug to her shoulders, desperately trying to think of any more excuses to throw out if challenged. "I don't even think she knows I'm here."

"With the amount of times you were both looking at each other during warm up, coming out and -"

"Okay, okay, I get it." The blonde held her hands up in surrender, only processing her sister's words a few moments later. "Wait, she was looking at me when you were warming up?"

"Of course she was and she's looking straight at you." Ella exaggeratedly standing on her tiptoes to stretch her neck out above Sophia's head, her thoughts confirmed when she didn't see the Catalonian woman's eyes move a budge from the blonde in her eye line. "Yep, it's one hundred percent you that she's here to see."

"But how do you know it's for me? You do realise she could be here to see Lucy or Kiera, seen as though they play at Barca together."

"Maybe because Lucy is sat with her family all the way down there." Ella was quick to easily point to the dark haired woman who was sat with her own family, playing. game with her nephews. "And Kiera is already back inside, all that leaves is you, Soph."

"Is she still looking over?"

"Of course she is, and she's trying to get your attention." The brunette could see the look of nervousness on the blonde's face, I mean, how could she not, Sophia was practically riddled with it at that point. "Go and see her, Soph. We both know how much she's wanted this."

"What, me or the trophy?" Sophia tried to laugh off the situation, her chuckle coming out a lot solemn than she had anticipated.

"It's always been you over the trophy for her, you always came first."

"I'm not just gonna leave you, El."

"Don't be stupid. This could be the chance you have to get something proper with her again, everyone could see how in love you two were and how depressed and how much of a miserable cow you was when you split up. And besides, I've got mum, dad and Joe."

With a gasp mixed in with a giggle, Sophia placed a hand over her heart in fake offence. "You cheeky sod, I was not a miserable cow."

"You either nearly burst into tears anytime you heard her name or saw a picture of her or snapped somebody's head off if they said anything remotely negative about her, so yes, you were a miserable cow."

"Bloody hell, at least I know you'll always tell me the truth."

"It's what sisters are for." Ella smiled, very quickly coming to the realisation of what Sophia was trying to achieve. "And for the love of God, please stop stalling and go over there."

"As much as what you're saying is the truth, she's not even waving at me anymore." Sophia turned back around to face Alexia, gesturing to herself as she whispered, "Me?"

The brunette rolling her eyes at her older sister's stupidity, having a quiet laugh to herself when she saw the blonde's wide eyes when she tuned back around for the second time. "Well she wouldn't be bloody waving at me or mum would she?"

"Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"I will be when you go and speak to her."

"Sophia, don't listen to her love, you don't have to speak to her if you don't feel like it." Karen sympathetically placing a hand on her eldest daughters cheek, the older woman knowing just how much the Spanish woman meant to her, even after a year and a half of being broken up.

"Ignore mum, go and get your girl, Soph." The brunette footballer turned her older sister the opposite way, giving her a gentle push towards the stairs that descended closer and closer to her ex lover, only mere seconds later did the Lionesses captain come strolling over with a smile on her face.

"Do my eyes deceive me or is that Sophia and Alexia talking?" Leah stood high on her tiptoes to look over the few heads that were now scattered on the rows beneath them, hoping to catch a better glimpse of the two women, the scene like one straight out of a movie.

"After a million years of getting her to go over there, yes they are." Ella huffed with a playful shake of her head, the Australian night casting another slight breeze through the air, the midfielder now understanding why her sister had crossed her arms, the position trapping a slight bit of heat in.

"Good, she was a right miserable cow when they broke up." Leah mumbled just loud enough for her international teammate to hear.

Crossed arms now long gone, and a waste of time, as not even ten seconds later the Tyldsley born woman had thrown her arms up in triumph. "Finally someone agrees with me!"

Each step that Sophia took to get closer to the woman she once had the privilege to call her own felt as though someone had tied weights down to her ankles, each step feeling so heavy but knowing what would come of it made everything feel so light. Both women were yet to take their eyes off of one another, both taking their sweet time to take in all features, both familiar and new, afraid that if they did then they would be ripped apart yet again. It was only when Sophia had reached the barrier where Alexia had been stood waiting for the past five minutes did the English woman release a content sigh that she didn't even realise she was holding in.

"Hi." Alexia was eager to begin the conversation, not exactly forgetting just how beautiful the woman stood in front of her was but appreciating everything that she had not had the pleasure of waking up to every morning when she awoke and the last thing she adored before sleeping.

"Hi, how are you?" Sophia's eyes lit up and a growing smile appeared on her face at the World Champions English, loving nothing more than to hear the Spanish woman's accent when speaking in the language that wasn't hers. "Sorry, that's a stupid question, I probably know how you are given what's just happened and now I'm rambling, sorry."

"You don't have to be so nervous around me, Sophia." It amazed the blonde just how much Alexia was still so aware of her body language and nervous rambling, thinking back to the very first night that they had met when it had been the other way around.

"Sorry, I just wasn't expecting to be doing this right now." Sophia apologised, using her hand to gesture with the space between the pair of them. "I wasn't sure if you'd even want to speak to me."

"I'm sorry if I put you on the spot, you were one of the first people I thought to speak to."

"Really?" Feeling her heart swoon at the confession made, dismissing her rapid heartbeat as she was fast in realising that she was yet to congratulate the woman on such an achievement. "Sorry, congratulations on your win, by the way."

"You don't have to apologise for anything, it's just me. But thank you." Exactly, it's just you. "How is Ella and everybody else doing?"

"I think it hurts a lot for them right now but there's still so much to celebrate, I do always say everything happens for a reason." A smile had reappeared on Sophia's face, reciting her silver lining to the woman who had heard so man of them in the three years that were together, Alexia's heart filling up when she heard that you had not changed in the slightest. The younger of the two always more of a half full type of girl, always showering Alexia with nothing but praise, love and positivity after every game, without fail, and the woman who always shone a light on others even if it dulled her own, in the hopes that others got the recognition that they deserved.

"You've always loved that saying." Both women continued to share eye contact, a lovestruck gaze shared for everybody else to be witness to, the pair of them feeling all of those bottled up emotions come flooding back to them until Alexia brought them both back to real life. "The girls all played amazingly and it was nice to see Ella again too."

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I just did that." Without a thought, Sophia had raised her hand towards Alexia's face, her fingertips soft as she wiped the shiny gold material of confetti off of the Spanish woman's face. "You had something on your face and it just felt natural-"

"Soph, it's okay. Thank you, by the way." Alexia pointed to her face where Sophia had gotten rid of the piece of confetti, a shy smile

"Erm, I should get going." The teacher stuttered after a few moments of silence, twisting her body slightly to where her family were stood and in her peripheral vision, she had seen Leah and Ella very deliberately turn away as if they weren't trying to lipread everything being said. "It was nice to see you, congratulations again."

"Bye." The woman with the faded pink and blonde murmured loud enough for only herself to hear once she had seen that Sophia had gotten back to her family without an issues, walking back over to her teammates muttering to herself under her breath.

"I cannot believe you let her walk away like that." Jenni, who had watched the entire situation play out, shook her head with a smile on her face, wrapping her arm around her friend's shoulders in attempts to cheer her up.

"Neither can I."

"I cannot believe you just walked away like that." Ella shook her head at her older sister, feeling shocked at just how short the conversation had been left, Leah wasting no time in pulling her best friend into her arms and placing a gentle kiss on the crown of her head in an attempt to cheer her up.

"Neither can I."

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