Miss Popular (total drama isl...

By AlissaBarrows

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♡☆♡Join the total drama island cast as they compete to own the big money but with one interesting new member... More

Meet Kasumi
🌴Episode 1- Not So Happy Campers -part 1🌴
Episode 2- Not So Happy Campers- part 2
😴Episode 3- The Big Sleep😴
🏐Episode 4- Dodgebrawl🏐
🌲Episode 6 -The Sucky Outdoors🌲
😱Episode 7-Phobia Factor😱
🏞Episode 8- Up the Creek 🏞
🦌Episode 9- Paintball Deer Hunter🦌
🍝Episode 10 - If You Can't Take The Heat🍝
🤨Episode 11- Who Can You Trust 🤨
📯Episode 12- Basic Straining📯
🏄‍♂️Episode 13 - X-Treme Torture🏄‍♂️
🤢Episode 14 -Brunch of Disgustingness🤢
🤕Episode 15 - No Pain No Game 🤕
🗝Episode 16- Search and Do Not Destroy 🗝
🕴Episode 17- Hide and Be Sneaky🕴
🚲Episode 18 - That's Off the Chain🚲
😈Episode 19- Hook,Line,and Screamer😈
🦊Episode 20- Wawanakwa Gone Wild🦊
👫Episode 21 -Trial by Tri-Armed Triathalon 👫
🏖Episode 22 -Haute Camp-ture🏖
🏝Episode 23- Camp Castaways🏝
🌲Episode 24--Are We There Yeti?🌲
🐶Episode 25- I Triple Dog Dare You🐶
Episode: 25.5 _TDI : Rundown
🎉Episode 26- The Very Last Episode, Really!🎉

🎶Episode 5 -Not Quite Famous 🎶

360 9 0
By AlissaBarrows

Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island... The Killer Bass finally dodged their pathetic losing streak against The Screaming Gophers. There were bruises, tears, risky moves, and dangerous alliances. And in the end, it was Noah the know-it-all who didn't see it coming. This week, another challenge will send one more camper on a cruise to Loserville. Population: Four. Who will sink? And who will stay afloat? Find out right now on Total. Drama. Island!


The day opens with lindsay whining about her tanning lotion. 

Lindsay: Okay. This is so way beyond bad. I'm out of fake tanner already!

Gwen: [sarcastically] Whoa, that's tragic, Lindsay.

Lindsay: Now I have to actually, like, suntan. In the sun! Do you realize how shriveled and wrinkly that can make your skin? Oh, you totally do.

[alarm blares]

Chris: [over loudspeaker] All right, campers! Enough beauty sleep! Time to show us what you're made of!

Everyone  made it to a outdoor performance stage. Kasumi was very excited cause she knew right away what this challenge was going to be ....

Trent: Gwen, saved you a seat! [Gwen sits nexts to Trent smiling shyly].

Gwen: Thanks. [Cody arrives and sits on the other side of Trent. Trent leans back and crosses his legs. Cody tries to copy him but falls backwards.] [Lindsay blows Tyler a kiss. Tyler grins. Heather glares at Lindsay, who smiles nervously and stops. Heather turns around angrily and smacks Lindsay in the face with her ponytail. Lindsay spits out a hair. Chris walks on stage.]

Chris: Welcome to our brand-new, deluxe, state-of-the-art, outdoor amphitheater. Okay, this weeks challenge is a summer camp favorite; a talent contest!

(In the confessional)

Kasumi: finale  my change has finally come ...hopefully this will get a millions of people attention  to save my school's idol club.

Owen: Yes! Awesome.

Chris: Each team has 8 hours to pick their three most talented campers. These three will represent them in the show tonight. Sing, dance, juggle. Anything goes. [Chris looks meaningfully at Duncan.] As long as it's legal. [Duncan snaps his fingers in a comedic 'aw man gesture]. You will be judged by our resident talent scout, former D.J., V.J., and Rap Legend, Grand...Master... Chef! Who will show his approval via the Chef-o-Meter. [Dinging.]

[Chef-o-Meter appears at top of the screen and dings].

Chris: The team that loses will send one camper home tonight. [Chris begins to walk off stage.] Good luck.

[Scene cuts to Heather blowing a whistle to call her team's attention while everyone else sits in bleachers.]

Heather: Okay, I'm the team captain, so here's how it's going to work. [Gwen gets up angrily].

Gwen: Wait, who said you were team captain? Lindsay: She did. Just now.

Heather: Lindsay, Beth and I took a vote, and I won.

Gwen: Threatening them to vote for you isn't exactly democratic. [Trent approaches Gwen and hands her a muffin.]

Trent: Hey, snagged you an extra muffin. [Gwen smiles and takes the muffin. Heather thinks and schemes for a moment, then smiles as she comes up with a plan to win Gwen's approval.]

Heather: Trent, you're cool with me leading this project, aren't you?

Scenes cuts to the Killer Bass team with dance music playing while Katie and Sadie perform for their audition. The rest of the team watches on bleachers while Courtney and Kasumi judges. Katie and Sadie finish their dance with the splits. Everyone reacts with exasperation and disappointment.]

Courtney: [Shaking her head]

Kasumi(trying to make things not feel uncomfortable) that ...was great girls.

[Scene returns to the Screaming Gophers. Owen is chugging soda for his audition.]

Trent: [To Gwen] Are you gonna audition?

Gwen: Doubtful. You should be in this though. I heard you the other night by the dock. You were really good.

[Owen finishes his soda and begins to belch.]

Owen: [Burping] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z! [Everyone cheers except for the girls.] Yes!

Trent: [Gets up and high-fives Owen.] That was excellent, man.

Heather: [Scoffs in disgust.] Well, your not going to do that in this contest, that's disgusting!

Trent: Do you know how hard it is to burp the entire alphabet in one go? [Owen nods enthusiastically].

Owen: I can also toot Beethoven's fifth! [Everyone cries, 'No!'. Gwen walks away in annoyance, bringing her diary.]

Heather: [To Gwen] Where are you going?

Gwen: Anywhere that's not here.

[Scene cuts to Tyler auditioning with a yoyo. Tyler messes up and gets himself completely tangled in the yoyo strings. Chris walks by.]

Chris: Man, that is weak.

[Scene cuts to Heather performing a ballerina routine with elegant music playing in the background. Everyone claps politely.]

Heather: Thank you. [Clapping continues, prolonged. Heather coughs meaningfully. Clapping stops.]

Lindsay: Oh! I vote for Heather to be in the contest.

Beth: I second that.

Heather: [With fake gratitude] Guys, that's so sweet. Okay, so I guess I'm in. Why doesn't everyone take 5?

[Everyone leaves the clearing to take a break, except for Heather, Lindsay, and Beth. When everyone else is gone, Heather grabs Lindsay urgently by the arm.]

Heather: [To Lindsay] I need you to do something. Can you keep a secret?

Lindsay: Oh my gosh, definitely. My sister got diarrhea once on a date, and I had to bring her toilet paper because the restaurant was all out and she was stuck in the bathroom and I've never told a soul. [Awkward silence as Lindsay realizes what she did. Lindsay looks at camera.] Oops. Sorry, Paula.

Heather: [Heather shoves a walkie talkie into Lindsay's hand.] Gwen's up to something serious. I want you to follow her and report back to me. [Heather shoves Lindsay forward and grins as Lindsay walks away.]

Though outthe day lindsay spent most of her day spying on gwen but was than distracted by Tyler. Meanwhile gwen was being followed by cody the simp. 

Scene cuts to D.J. performing with pink ribbon wands with elegant music playing in the background. Everyone oohs and ahhs. When D.J. finishes, everyone claps except Courtney, who frowns on her seat, unsatisfied.]

Kasumi:  that was beautiful DJ. 

Courtney: Fine, sign him up. Next?

Bridgette: Me! I can stand on my hands for 20 minutes. Watch. [Bridgette begins standing on her hands.]

Courtney: Okay, that'd be cute if you were a monkey. I just don't think it's quite what we're looking for. Next! [Harold walks up to perform quietly].

Harold: [Takes a deep breath as if to begin singing or rapping]. Ah--

Courtney: Next. [Harold exhales and walks off in disappointment.]

Kasumi: Come on Courtney,  give him a chance. 

Courtney: sorry Kasumi, but we're no taking any risks.

Scene cuts to Heather talking on the walkie talkie to Lindsay.

Heather: Lindsay, come in. What did you find out? Over. [Scene shows Lindsay and Tyler making out in the Communal Bathrooms. Lindsay opens here eyes, startled, as she hears the walkie talkie. She reaches out from Tyler to answer.]

Lindsay: I-I'm on my way back! Under! [Tyler grins.]

[Scene cuts to Geoff skateboarding between tree stumps on a surfboard skateboard. Everyone cheers.]

Bridgette: [To Courtney] Well, I guess it's Geoff, D.J.'s ribbon thing, and your solo. [Courtney smiles in agreement.]

Geoff: I'm gonna be on T.V., man!

Bridgette: You're...already on T.V., Geoff...

Geoff: Oh yeah. [Geoff turns to the camera and hogs it.] Hello out there, dudes!

[Scene cutes to Izzy turning on music next to Cody. Izzy begins dancing.]

Izzy: [Dramatically] I call this 'The Dance of the Rattlesnake'. [Izzy imitates a rattlesnake to Owen. Owen becomes hypnotized. Izzy begins to sing.] Look into my eyes, what do you see? Da na nah, bu-du-da-na DAH nuh nuh nah-nah-nuh-NAH-nuh-na-na-na-nuh-nuh-na!

Owen: [Laughs] She's good.

[Scene cuts to Beth performing a flaming-marshmellow-on-a-stick routine as her audition. She spins the flaming sticks very fast.]

Heather: Are you sure this is safe?

Beth: It's okay. I've been practicing. [Beth tosses the sticks into the air. They swing off course wildly and everyone dives for cover. They land and burn a smoking hole into the ground.] I kind of missed the catching class.

[Everyone gets up and gathers around the hole. Trent turns and notices the bush is on fire.]

Trent: Uh, guys, the bush is on fire.

[Suddenly, Justin bursts out of the cabin, fire extinguisher in hand, and puts out the fire heroically, all while looking drop-dead gorgeous. Everyone watches in woozy awe. Romantic music plays. Lashawna hands Justin some water, smiling. Justin rips off his shirt and shows off before drinking. A drop of water slips from his lips and lands on his chest. It dissolves into steam from the heat.]

Heather: [Watching woozily] Okay, so I think it's me, Trent, and Justin. Any objections? [Everyone shakes their head, still watching Justin dreamily].

[Scene cuts to Gwen writing in her diary. Cody walks up to her, trying to look cool and failing.]

Cody: What you got there, a journal?

Gwen: Beat it.

Cody: Oh, I got it. Yeah, it's private, huh? [Gwen glares at him, unimpressed.] I'm down with that. Yeah, it's cool, brah. [Cody tries, very unstealthily, to peak anyway. Gwen leans away.]

Gwen: What part of 'Beat it' don't you understand? [Cody ignores her and sniffs her hair. Gwen jumps up in disgust.] What are you, some kind of freak?

Cody: Y-you just smell really pretty.

Gwen: It's just soap...

Before cody could finish that sentence,  he is grabbed by the ear by Kasumi, and is dragged away.

Kasumi: maybe learn to not be a creep if your going to talk to girls

Cody[in pain]: yes ma,am

Gwen goes to her cabin, changes into her swimsuit and heads for the docks alongside was trent following,. But, what Gwen doesn't know was that heather was planning something awful for Gwen. 

[Scene cuts to The Killer Bass on stage, with Courtney practicing the violin]

Geoff: [To Bridgette] So, can you really stand on your hands for 20 minutes?

Bridgette: Want to bet that I can't? [Holds up chocolate bar]

Geoff: Oh, you're on!

Harold: I'll take a piece of that action.

DJ: Yeah, that's like, virtually impossible.

Bridgette: Ante up.

[Scene shows everyone betting on whether or not Bridgette can stand up on her hands for 20 minutes.]

Bridgette: Okay, 20 minutes, starting now. [Duncan starts timer on his watch. Bridgette begins walking on her hands. Everyone laughs as her foot gets stuck on a rope. The rope comes loose and drops a stage light on Courtney.]

Bridgette: Oh, no! [The violin is broken and Courtney is hurt.] (Kasumi saw this and ran to get a first aid kit)

[Scene skips forward to Courtney, her head with bandages, holding her broken violin in frustration. Bridgette walks up to her meekly.]

Courtney: You, you killed my violin.

Kasumi: it was a accident, Courtney.

Bridgette: I didn't mean to! There must be something we can do. [Bridgette tries to fix the violin. It breaks even more. Courtney begins to cry.]

[Scene cuts to Heather and Lindsay outside the cabins, alone. They prepare to steal Gwen's diary.]

Heather: [To Lindsay] You stand guard. And remember, if you see Gwen coming, warn me. [Heather goes into the girl's cabin.]

Lindsay: Okay. [She salutes and looks around.]

[Scene transitions to Gwen and Trent sitting together on the dock, talking with their feet hanging over the edge.]

Gwen: [Sighs]. Sometimes, I just need to get away from everyone here, you know? I mean, it's like they're all driving me crazy. [Gwen smiles at Trent.] Well, almost all of them. [She blushes, then they both widen their eyes in surprise as the dock shakes with heavy footsteps. Owen and Cody are running down the dock to swim.]

Owen: Cannonball! [They jump into the water right below Gwen and Trent. Gwen cringes to shield her eyes from the splash. She gets soaked.]

Gwen: Ah! I hate this place. [Trent looks disappointed that Gwen is leaving. He glares at Owen and Cody.]

Trent: [Sarcastically] Nice going, guys.

Owen: [Turns to Cody angrily and repeats Trent] Yeah, nice going.

Scene cuts to Heather searching the cabin for Gwen's diary.

Heather: [Searches all of Gwen's bed but finds nothing] Huh? [She thinks] Okay, if I were a secret diary, where would I be stashed?

[Scene cuts to Lindsay boredly fiddling with her braid. Gwen walks up to the cabin.]

Lindsay: Hey, Gwen. [Realizes what she was supposed to do.] Gwen, it's you. [Lindsay gets up and blocks her way.] Hi! What are you doing here outside of the cabin, Gwen?

[Heather hears Lindsay and panics.]

Gwen: Trying to get into the cabin.

Lindsay: Oh, you're trying to get into the cabin. That's very interesting. [Lindsay smiles nervously. Heather searches intensely for the diary. Gwen tries to shove past Lindsay.] Wait! Stay here. We can get tans together. And you could totally use one. [Gwen glares. Heather finally finds the diary.]

Heather: [From inside the cabin] Yes! She is so dud.

Gwen: [From outside the cabin, unable to hear Heather] Are you gonna move, or do I have to throw you out of my way? [Heather quickly neatens up the cabin and pretends to look normal.]

Lindsay: You can try, but I have martial-arts training. [Gwen glares even harder, preparing to fight. Lindsay loses her bravado.] Okay, you can go in. [To Heather] Look! Gwen's back.

Heather: Hey Gwen, did you have a good swim? [Gwen glares, looking at Heather in suspicion.]

Gwen: What is going on in here?

Heather: [Pretends to stretch and yawn] Nothing. Just resting before the big show. Are you always so paranoid? [Heather walks out of the cabin.]

Lindsay: Yeah, really. [She waves 'bye' and follows Heather out. Gwen clenches her fists, furious with everyone.]

[Scene cuts to DJ, Trent, Justin, Heather, Geoff, Bridgette,Kasumi, and Courtney all practicing on the stage.]

Bridgette: [While eating chips, to Courtney] Okay, I know I'm not as good as you are at the violin, but I can do this.

Heather: Bridgette. Too bad about the accident. I guess you're going to get your 15 seconds of fame after all, huh?

Bridgette: [Angrily] What is that supposed to mean?(Kasumi was also angry at heather's rude comment)

Heather: Oh, nothing. No one would sabotage their own teammate. Unless they maybe felt threatened.

Bridgette: Hey! Maybe that's how you Gophers operate, but The Killer Bass have more class than that. We're a team.

Heather: Well, I guess you'll go down as a team, too. Oh and, easy on the chips. You don't wanna sink that surfboard of yours, do you? [Bridgette glares at Heather. She throws the bag of chips at her face.]

Heather: [In the confessional ] What a bunch of losers. It's so easy it's almost not fun---almost. [Static.]

Kasumi[in the confessional] that horse looking witch is so going down .


[Scene time-skips to the start of the show.]

Chris: It's the T.D.I. Talent Extravaganza! Welcome to the very first Camp Wawanakwa Talent Contest, where six campers will showcase their mad skills and desperately try not to humiliate themselves. First up for The Screaming Gophers, is Justin. [Everyone cheers for Justin expect Kasumi.]

[The spotlight shines on Justin. He does a series of poses to showcase his good looks.]

Owen: [In the confessional outhouse] There are two syllables for hot: "Jus" and "tin." Man, that guy is so hot I could kiss him....because he's a good teammate! Dah, why did I say that? [Static.]

Kasumi: [In the confessional outhouse] I'll never understand what people see in that guy.[Static.]

Chris: [Walks on stage while people are still clapping.] Okay, I don't know what that was, but you've got some moves, dude. [Chef gives Justin a 6/9 (Good) on the Chef-o-meter.] First up for The Killer Bass, make some big noise for the big guy... DJ! [Everyone cheers.]

[DJ hops elegantly on stage and begins prancing around, twirling his ribbon wand until he messes up and gets tangled in the ribbons. He falls over and clumsily gets untangled, finishing inelegantly with an awkward smile.]

Chris: [Walks on stage. No one is clapping.] Dainty, and yet masculine. Let's see what Grandmaster Chef thinks. [Chef gives DJ a 2/9 (Bad) on the Chef-o-meter.] Not much. So, with two down and four acts to go, it's The Screaming Gophers ahead. Next on deck...Trent. Take it away, my bro.

Trent: This one goes out to someone special here at camp. ♩They say that we've only got summer, and I say that's really a bummer, but we'll swim in the sun and have lots of fun, it'll just be the two of us, nothing to do but just hang, so let me say only this, I'd stick around for just one kiss. ♩[Trent smiles at Gwen, who smiles back. Everyone claps.]

Kasumi: aw, that was so cute~

Chris: [Walks on stage] Nice work. [Chef gives Trent a 5/9 (Okay) on the Chef-o-meter.] I'm liking your style, dude, and so does Grandmaster Chef. [Trent waves to the audience.] Alright, quit hogging my light, buddy. [Chris shoves Trent off-stage.] Three down and three to go, and The Killer Bass is totally sucking so far. Let's hear it for Bridgette.

Courtney: [Off-stage, to Bridgette] Are you sure you can do this? [Bridgette's stomach rumbles. Bridgette looks nervous.]

Bridgette: Oh, definitely. No, I--I'm great. Really. [Courtney looks concerned.]

[Bridgette walks on stage, walking on her hands. At first she does well, but then she begins to burp. She starts throwing up on everybody. Everyone is disgusted and gasps. Most people get covered in barf. Bridgette slips and lands in Tyler's hands.]

Lindsay: [Jealously] Hey, puke on your own boyfriend!

Heather: On your own WHAT, Lindsay?

Lindsay: [Nervously] I didn't say boyfriend!

Chris: [Walks on stage.] Clean up on aisle three, four, five, and six. In the meantime, we'll take a short break to hose the joint down.

Bridgette: [In the confessional outhouse] Going home won't be so bad. [She wipes tears from her eyes.] I-I could always work at The Surf Shack. [Static.]

Chris: Welcome back to the T.D.I. Talent Extravaganza! Welcome back. Okay, so in a strange turn of events, Bridgette's chunk-blowing fest registered two thumbs ups by Grandmaster Chef. [Chef ranks Bridgette a 2/9 (Bad) on the Chef-o-meter.] But, it's not enough to pull ahead of The Screaming Gophers who hold the lead with Trent's love song. So, without further delay, here she is for the leaders...Heather. [Everyone claps.]

Heather: [Sits on a stool] Originally, I was going to dance for you, but instead I want to celebrate team spirit with a collaboration. [She holds up Gwen's diary. Gwen's eyes widen in shock and dismay.]

Gwen: She wouldn't. [Heather ignores this.]

Heather: So, with words by Gwen, performance by me, enjoy: "Okay, so I'm trying to ignore him, but he's just so cute. If they had custom-order a guy to be a distraction for me here, it would've been 'McHotty.'" [Lindsay gasps. Cody grins, thinking Gwen is talking about him.] "We just totally connect. He's pretty much the only person I can relate to here and I know it's a cliche, but I love guys who play guitar." [Gwen is surprised, devastated. Cody realizes Gwen isn't talking about him.]

Cody: Wait. I don't play guitar. [Kasumi walks up to him and smacked him upside the head] ,[Gwen runs away.]

Heather: Thank you. [Kasumi glared at heather , but knew she had a plan later on to destroy heather. But right now she need to help her team]

Courtney: [To Bridgette] That was so mean.

Bridgette: Seriously.

Chris: Well then, it's down to the final act of the night. Can Geoff and his rad stunts turn it around? I seriously doubt it. Let's find out.

[Geoff, off-stage, flips his surfboard-skateboard and lands on it. It promptly snaps in two, broken.]

Geoff: [Off-stage] Whoa, that kinda wrecks the ride.

Bridgette: [Grabs Courtney by the arms in a panic.] Now what?! We have to send someone out there or we're going to lose this.

Courtney: Katie and Sadie are covered in barf.

Bridgette: Well that only leaves Tyler, Duncan, or Harold. We already know Tyler sucks. What can Duncan do again?

Courtney: Carve a picture of his own skull into a tree? What are we going to do! [Courtney and Bridgette started to panic when Kasumi and harold came up to them] 

Kasumi: don't worry girls we got this. 

[The scene cuts to .Kasumi was now with harold with stylish outfit ]

Chris: when you two are ready . Kasumi gave thumbs up harold to drop a beat

Innocent and delicate
I'm tired of pretending
I'm done, what are you up to?
Where are you? Did you eat? Goodnight
Baby, darling, honey, I miss you but it's all useless

You got me like
(Oh-oh-oh) This is not a touching love story
(Oh-oh-oh) No romance, no sincerity
(Oh-oh-oh) I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry
(Oh-oh-oh) From today on

I'm a shining solo
I'm a shining solo
I'm going solo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo
I'm going solo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo

[Verse 2]
Used to be your girl
Now I'm used to being the
You're sittin' on your feelings
I'm sittin' on my throne
I ain't got no time for the troubles in your eyes
This time I'm only lookin' at me, myself and I
(I'm goin' solo) I'mma do it on my own now
Now that you're alone, got you lookin' for a clone now
(So low) that's how I'm gettin' down
Destined for this and the crown

Sing it loud like
(Oh-oh-oh) This is not a touching love story
(Oh-oh-oh) No romance, no sincerity (Ho-oh)
(Oh-oh-oh) I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry
(Oh-oh-oh) From today on

I'm a shining solo
I'm a shining solo
I'm going solo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo
I'm going solo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo

After the relationship, romance, emotion
There's breakup, tears, regret, longing
I like being alone, because I should be true to myself
Like the flowing wind
Like the stars above the clouds
I want to go far away, I want to shine brightly
Now I'm going slo-mo

Now I'm going slow-mo
I'm a shining solo
I'm going solo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo
I'm going solo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo

☆Kasumi finished the performance ♡

Everyone was Silence, suddenly everyone cheered for that awesome performance.

Courtney: Woo! That was amazing.

Kasumi: I told you we got this.

Chris: [Walks on stage during the cheers and claps.] Wicked performance, you two. [Chef gives Harold and Kasumi a 9/9 (Great) on the Chef-o-meter.] Check it out. Grandmaster Chef has declared he's winner. Even though they held the lead, The Screaming Gophers have been trampled by The Killer Bass.

Bridgette: Harold,Kasumi, that was amazing.

Courtney: You two did it! [Geoff twirls his hat in approval.]

Chris: And as for The Screaming Gophers, pick your favorite loser and I'll see you at the bonfire.

[Scene cuts to the bonfire with The Screaming Gophers.]

Chris: Kudos to you all for an incredible night of entertainment, music, drama, barfing. There is only one marshmallow left on this plate. Justin, you reminded us all that looks matter a lot. And Heather, you're full of surprises, but reading another chick's diary out loud to the whole world? Man, that is whack. No kidding, that's really messed up, dude.

Heather: Oh, please, just give me my marshmallow already.

Chris: Justin, I personally think this is very wrong, but tonight, hotness just wasn't enough. The last marshmallow goes to Heather. [Everyone glares at Heather.] Time to catch The Boat of Losers, brah. [Justin sulks away in disappointment.

Heather: Later, brah.

Kasumi: [In the confessional outhouse] If that evil little cow thinks she can get away with this, she has another thing coming. [Static.]

Scene cuts to later in the night. Kasumi knocks on the boy's cabin and talks to Harold.]

Kasumi: Did you say you brought that red ant farm with you?

Harold: Yes.

[Scene shows Heather scream [Kasumi goes to Gwen cabin gives her the ants and tells her to have 'fun with heather ' , gwen gets the idea and dumps the ant farm in her bed. She runs out of bed and through the woods, screaming. She trips.]

Gwen: [Wryly] Sweet dreams, everyone. [She giggles.]

The episode ends

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