My Little Bimbo: Hypnosis is...


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The worst thing about being the smartest student is that everyone is asking for your help with their homework... More

Gathering Twilight's Intelligence
Gathering Pinkie Pie's Intelligence
Gathering Rainbow Dash's Intelligence
Gathering Applejack's Intelligence

Gathering Fluttershy's Intelligence

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On the front steps of the Canterlot High school entrance, Fluttershy anxiously went over the notes she took in math class. She was never the best student, but math was especially stressful for her. If she was able to get a C on her test tomorrow, that would be good enough for her.

"Hey Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy looked up towards whoever was calling her, and was shocked at what she saw.

It was Twilight! Or at least, it looked like Twilight, aside from one major detail: her breasts were HUGE! They were like purple beach balls attached to her chest, exposed by her half open shirt that strained to contain them. She also had no glasses and let her hair down, but those changes was inconsequential compared to her breasts.

"Twilight? What happened to you?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh, you mean these?" Twilight bounced her enormous boobs up and down suggestively. "Got them yesterday. They kind of just... appeared like magic."

"Wait, you're saying magic did this to you?" Fluttershy and her friends have had plenty of encounters with magic in the past, but this was by far the weirdest one yet.

"I guess so. Isn't that, like, amazing?" Twilight exclaimed.

"Um, It looks kinda-" Fluttershy hesitated to use the word, but wasn't sure how else to describe it. "-slutty?"

"I know right? How cool is that?"
Fluttershy was not expecting THAT response. "Uh, I don't know about this, Twilight. I think this magic is affecting more than just your body."

"Oh relax, Fluttershy, I feel fine," Twilight assured her. "In fact, I feel better than I've ever felt before with these badonkers on me."

Twilight then began grabbing at her boobs, moaning as she rolled and fondled them. Fluttershy, was still unsure about all this, but her concerns seem to be falling on deaf ears, so she changed the subject.

"You know the math test we have coming up tomorrow? I could use your help for it later."

"Of course I'll help you study for the test Fluttershy," Twilight replied. "We can even use this Totally Neat study program! That's sure to increase our, like, school output by 15%!"

"What study program?"

"Oh, just something I made in my spare time. You got time to check it out after school?"

"Sure, I guess."

"Great! See you then!" And with that, Twilight jogged off, her boobs bouncing up and down as she did.

Fluttershy had a hard time processing everything: the breasts, the slutty attitude, and the fact that magic was somehow involved in it all. She resolved to get to the bottom of this once after their study session together, and maybe even find a way to reverse it. If that was even possible.


"You ready?" Twilight asked Fluttershy. School had ended, ans now the two of them were at Twilight's house, with her computer all set up in front of them.

"I think so." Fluttershy took a seat next to Twilight, and Twilight clicked the start button.

As soon as she did, a tingling struck Fluttershy's forehead. At first, Fluttershy thought she was coming down with a fever or something, until she felt it move up across her head, then to her ears, all the way to her chin, leaving her whole head tingling. This sure didn't feel like any fever she had before.

But it got even weirder when she felt the tingles seep inside her skin and in her head. Fluttershy didn't understand what was happening, but she knew for sure that this was NOT a cold.

Then the tingling made it to her brain, and Fluttershy all of a sudden felt... calm. She felt all the tension in her body being released, and her worries were being smothered by a comforting peace inside her head. It felt incredibly relaxing and satisfying for her. Even though she didn't know what was happening, she hoped it wouldn't stop.

As Fluttershy delighted in the relaxation, she barely noticed when the screen changed to display the words GATHERING INTELLIGENCE. Suddenly, she felt a mysterious force tug her brain, and then randomly started thinking about her latest math homework, before she felt another pull and forgot about the homework entirely.

Then it happened again, as after another tug in her head led her to think about the Pythagorean Theorem, before the next tug came and she forgot it, only remembering that she had forgotten something important.

And the process kept repeating itself, causing Fluttershy to start worrying all over again. She tried looking away from the laptop, but her eyes were glued to the screen and she couldn't move them.

"Twilight? What's happening..." She called out to her friend in desperation.

But Twilight was silent. If Fluttershy could look away, she would be able to see the blank, mindless look on Twilight's face. She had surrendered her willpower a long time ago, and was completely at peace with what the program was doing to her.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was still panicking inside, unsure of whether Twilight's silence was a good thing or a bad thing. As time went on, however, she found herself having a hard time thinking of reasons for why it was bad.

That's when she realized that all her negative thoughts and worries were being suppressed more and more by the tingling in her head. This must have been what happened to Twilight earlier, and now it was happening to her too. However, despite her new relevation, she felt powerless to stop it. Her thoughts she had were coming at a snail's pace, and they got slower and more difficult by the second.

At the same time, she found it incredibly easy to sink deeper into the blissful relaxation that the tingling was giving her. It was so soothing. All her fears and anxiety were slowly fading farther and farther away. As someone who got anxious easily in life, she normally would have loved the idea of having them wiped away. But something felt... wrong about all this, even though she couldn't think of why it was. Why would something like this be so bad when it made her feel so good?

That one thought was taking over Fluttershy's mind, crushing every thought that got in its way. Any questions or doubts she had about the whole experience were quickly being replaced by the calming sensation of the tingling. It was like having a warm bed for her brain, one that felt too comfortable to leave.

As the relaxation kept growing, her memories kept fading just as fast. So much so that Fluttershy found it incredibly hard to remember where she even was, or why she was there in the first place. That all felt so insignificant compared to the amazing tranquility she was experiencing. She felt so safe and cozy just sitting there, letting the tingling flow through her mind, washing away any stray thoughts that might disturb her.

At this point, trying to muster any thought was nearly impossible. It was just so much easier to sit there in her placid state, free of all cares, free of all worries. And the longer she did that, the more she enjoyed doing it, and the more she wanted to do it, leading her to do it more. It was a never ending cycle of peace and pleasure, growing stronger and stronger with each passing second.

By now, Fluttershy had forgotten every concerning thought she had before. All she could think about now was the tingling and how good it felt. She loved it so much. She NEEDED it. She needed to know how much better it could get, if that was even possible. So she surrendered her will completely to the tingling.

The moment she did, any lingering thoughts disappeared instantly. Her mind felt into complete emptiness, empty of all thought and incapable of thinking one on it's own anymore. She didn't even notice when the computer displayed a new message:


However, she did hear the messages it spoke:




Her brain soaked up the messages like a sponge, accepting them without question. She was a bimbo. She wouldn't resist. She would just obey.

As her mind was being reshaped and bimbofied, her body was as well. Her A-cup boobs began to inflate like balloons, stretching her bra as far as it could go. Eventually it broke in half, leaving her with ginormous F-cups hanging underneath her shirt. Her lips plumped up to triple their size, and her eyelashes stretched out to complete her slutty look.




Her mind was overwhelmed with thoughts of sucking cock, sex, and other slutty things. The old Fluttershy would've been embarrassed by such thoughts, but this new Fluttershy couldn't think of anything more fun and arousing. She couldn't wait to go out and enjoy being the slut she knew she was.


Fluttershy and Twilight woke up from their mindless slumber at the same time. Twilight looked over Fluttershy, checking out her new body.

"How do you feel?" she asked.

"Like I need to get these babies out in the open!" Fluttershy grabbed at the top of her shirt and ripped at it, creating a significant amount of cleavage to show off.

"God, those look amazing!" Twilight complimented.

"Thanks. And they feel amazing, too!" Fluttershy noticed. "Although they would feel better with a cock between them."

"That's the spirit!" Twilight agreed. "But we're gonna need to do some clothes shopping first. Something that can accommodate those... assets."

The two of them giggled uncontrollably at that, before rushing out of the room for a trip to the mall. And after that, who knows what they would get into? But Fluttershy knew one thing for sure:

She was a dumb bimbo. That was all she was. That was all she ever would be.

And she loved that.

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