Toshoshitsu no kanojo ~Seiso...

By RohitMadu

9.7K 88 38

As you all know with the latest and last chapter being animated my curiosity got the better of me again which... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

1.8K 18 9
By RohitMadu

Hello Friends. with this chapter, we'll end the story with a good ending. I hope you all like the ending. and don't hate comment if you don't like the lemon part because I tried my best to write it

Time-Skip 4 months:

In these past 4 months the psych ward halls where Takamine and Serizawa are located were filled with their screams and constant backlashing due to withdrawal which started to tone down as the recovery progressed and both Mrs Ayako and Mrs Yukiha didn't miss a day to visit their daughters as for the fathers they paid a visit whenever they could

Serizawa gave birth to a girl and Aida resumed his studies although he had to repeat a year as he didn't attend for half a year. he also took up a part-time and started saving a little and even with the hectic schedule he always made time to visit both Serizawa and Takamine daily. There were days when he had to endure the screaming of both women for the ugly pigs

The baby was being taken care of by both Serizawa's and Aida's families and is being bottle fed as they know that Serizawa isn't in a condition to nurture the baby

As for Takamine she got better in recovery and is almost back to her former self and is allowed to roam the ward without an attendant but still, she needs some time. as for Serizawa she is still a long way to becoming her old self again and is still confined to her room and only allowed to roam with an attendant

Ayanokouji still had work overseas and travelled between here and there and visited them a few times

And as for the antags, both were imprisoned for a life sentence for rape, kidnapping, drugs and blackmailing and soon after imprisonment, it seems they were transferred to a prison which contained criminals who are more notorious and ferocious. The situation in the school got better as the board members decided that the current principal is unfit to manage the school as she didn't do anything regarding the complaints against the janitor and also didn't take any security measures which lead to the rape of a student in the school's premises and fired and blacklisted her and appointed a new vice principal and principal

At present:

Aida Kun: well today's a free day for me. maybe I'll visit Serizawa and Takamine sensei and spend some time with them

Aida Kun reaches the hospital and gets a pass to visit the patients he then waits for them in the waiting hall

Soon Takamine arrived and greeted Aida Kun

Aida: Hello Sensei! How are you holding?

Takamine: Greetings Aida kun, fine what about you? how's school?

Aida: school's as usual but there have been many changes since the new principal came. He is very strict and changed a lot of rules to prevent things like this from happening and also he lifted the no dating rule for students as it can also be used to blackmail someone and extort them (ifykyk). He sometimes reminds me of you sensei, he's a mirror image of you strict and kind yet imposing enough

Takamine: Is that so? I am hoping to meet him soon!

Aida: does that mean you'll continue your job?

Takamine: yes, I can't stop this one incident from doing what I love. But it would take some time to resolve myself

Aida: I hope so sensei

Serizawa is being escorted by an attendant to the place where Takamine and aida are

Takamine & Aida: Greetings Serizawa!

Serizawa: (she's distant and hasn't talked to anyone else till now)

Aida: How are you Serizawa?


Aida: Hope you are eating good?


Even though she isn't replying to him. He never stopped talking to her

Takamine and Aida played some games and spent some time and soon he left for his house and the girls both left for their rooms

More days have passed

Both girls were visited by their loved ones and spent some time with them but unfortunately for Serizawa, she wasn't ready to talk to anyone even though her condition got better halfway

One fine day:

Aida is with Serizawa and Takamine hasn't arrived yet. He was staring deep into her and she didn't even have any expressions on her face and that's when something strange happened when a male nurse approached Serizawa to give her the medicine she grabbed Aida's hand. Seeing that Serizawa holding his hand while trembling he held it back tightly and took the medicine from the nurse asked the nurse to leave and gave her the medicine himself.

Aida: are you afraid of him?

Aida: did he do something wrong?

Still, there was no answer from Serizawa.

Soon Takamine arrived and sat with them and she told Aida and Serizawa that she was being discharged tomorrow but the doctors told her that she would still need to attend some sessions with the psychiatrist

Aida: I am happy for you sensei! Hope I'll see you soon in school.

Serizawa: "She just listened to her without any expression"

And Just like usual they spent some time and this time Mrs Ayako also visited them and after some time all of them left

After a few days:

Aida still felt uneasy and wanted to find out more about the nurse. After an enquiry, he got to know that the nurse was a good guy and he helped with all the patients. he was allotted to Serizawa on that particular day as the usual nurse who attends her was on leave. But Aida didn't find out why Serizawa held his hand.

Soon after talking with the staff, he went to visit Serizawa. She's just listening (with a little bit of life in her eyes) to him while he explains all the things he did today and things that happened at the school.

At the same time, Serizawa's father took off early from work and came to visit her

Seeing her father Aida Kun said farewell and wanted to leave both of them to talk. While Aida Kun was about to leave serizawa held his shirt and said "Don't leave" (that was the first time she talked in a long time) in a small voice which he heard. He then sat again and she held his hand again while trembling.

After Mr Yukiha left Aida turned to Serizawa and asked

Aida: what happened serizawa san? Why didn't you want me to leave? (He already knew that he won't be getting any response)

But to his surprise, she replied in a low voice

Serizawa: scared

Aida: scared of what? Serizawa san

Serizawa: Men

Now Aida Kun had an idea of what was happening. He knew now that the trauma was affecting her whenever a man was near her

Aida: then what about me? Aren't you scared?

Serizawa: No

She started to reply to his questions even though they were single words he hoped that it would become better in time

A month has passed since and Serizawa is starting to open up to everyone and now Aida Kun wants her to meet the baby as she's stable. Aida Kun entered the room while holding the baby and greeted Serizawa

Serizawa: greetings aida kun.

Aida: greetings serizawa san

Serizawa: Aida Kun, can I ask you a question?

Aida: yes.

Serizawa: why did you still keep his baby? You should have killed it (with a depressing face) I don't want that monster's baby

Aida: that's because it's not his daughter but ours

Serizawa: what do you mean by ours? I don't understand anything. (with a shocking expression)

Aida: this baby is born to both of us, not to that bastard (smiled gently at her)

Serizawa: but how is that possible?

Aida: it seems that the pig was infertile and you got pregnant when we went with your selfish request and made love. The doctors did a DNA test and confirmed that the baby was ours

Tears started to roll from Serizawa and she started crying

Serizawa: ♡ give me the baby I want to hold it ♡

Aida hands over the baby

Aida: Mio meet your mother, mommy Meet your daughter Mio

He introduced both of them to each

Serizawa: my daughter! My daughter! (starts kissing her daughter and calling out her name) Mio💋 Mio💋

She held onto the baby for the rest of the time and didn't want to give her back to Aida Kun and she also breastfed her for the first time while Aida Kun turned his face while blushing and in embarrassment not to peep on her.

Serizawa giggled and laughed after a long time when she saw Aida Kun all embarrassed even though he saw her completely naked

Seeing her laugh Aida Kun also felt happy for her after a long time

But sadly the visiting time was up and Aida was taking the baby from her and Serizawa started to make a sad puppy face as she didn't want to give up the baby. Aida Kun felt sad for her and told her that he would bring Mio as much as he could so that she could spend some time with her daughter

6 months have been passed

Serizawa recovered faster than expected maybe because of her daughter but all turned out well. She was discharged recently and she went back to her home with her family after a long time. She felt nostalgic reminiscing about all the good memories she had at that place but also there were some memories which she wasn't fond of and asked her parents to move to another house to start fresh which they agreed to. Just like Takamine, she should also attend the psychiatrist sessions.

In the meantime, Takamine has resumed her teaching career at the school and she was welcomed with a grand party for her return

Serizawa and her parents moved into a new house for a fresh start and Aida Kun dropped Mio along with her things so that Serizawa could spend time with her daughter though he visited his daughter as much as he could while still managing school and his part-time job

Aida Kun came to check on her daughter as he had time off from work today

Aida: how's my baby (playfully)

Mio: ga.. ga..

Aida: who's a good girl?

Mio: goo.. goo...

Aida: yes, Mio's a good girl (kisses her)

Mio: ga.. goo...

Serizawa is watching both of them play

Serizawa: she sure loves her pappa! She doesn't smile that much with others

Aida: well what can you say? She's daddy's girl after all (chuckles)

Seriazawa: for the record, she's our daughter

Aida: (blushes)

Serizawa: Wait wait. Why are you blushing? Hold on I didn't mean us like a couple or anything (she too started blushing)

Mio fell asleep while playing with Aida

Serizawa picked her up and placed her in her crib

Serizawa: Aida Kun, I wanted to apologise for a long time for the pain I've caused you. I know apologising to you wouldn't make it alright. My actions and words will never be undone and will haunt us both for the rest of our lives. I am truly sorry aida kun (started crying)

Aida: "wipes away her tears" Shh don't talk it's not your fault. You were manipulated blackmailed and brainwashed. Also, we don't want Mio to wake up. Do we?

Serizawa: sorry, I didn't know when was the right time to talk. I know I can't ask for forgiveness from you but I hope it doesn't affect your relationship with our daughter

Aida: no don't apologise. We both were foolish and made wrong decisions which led to this. Even before I could forgive you I have to forgive myself for the pain I've caused Takamine sensei least when I could have prevented her tragedy

Serizawa: even if you say it's not our fault I am a filthy woman who enjoyed the pleasure of sex with her rapist

Aida: but you were drugged all the time it's not your fault. Even if you wouldn't have been drugged it's in our biology to feel good from sex whether it's forced or not. It's nothing wrong. Just because you were forced it doesn't mean the body doesn't work the way it is meant to be.

Serizawa: I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry (she couldn't hold her cries anymore)

Aida took Mio to another room so as not to wake her up and came back and sat beside and held her hand while she laid her head on his shoulder

Serizawa: thank you for all the love, Aida Kun. Even though I don't deserve it. You deserve better. Better than me

Aida: you might be true. I might deserve something better. There will always be something better than the other thing. but this is what I chose once and now I will choose it again

Aida then held her face towards him and went in for a kiss

Serizawa: she pushed him away. No Aida Kun I'm not worthy of your love. I've been tainted and sullied. I've said mean things to you and made you feel horrible

Aida: it's alright serizawa san, it's a different you. You are now back to your old self and I don't think of you as a dirty woman. You're still the woman whom I love unconditionally


Aida held Serizawa by her waist pulled her towards him and started kissing her

Serizawa started to feel hot. His kiss felt different than last time it was like he had a lot of experience. His kisses were wild but also gentle at the same time

Aida gently laid her on her bed and started to take off her clothes and started caressing her body with his hands exploring her body

He started to tease and play with her nipples and milk her while kissing. Serizawa's body trembled as she felt the gentle sensation of their kiss. Her eyes immediately closed and it didn't take long for her to sink into the pleasure,

Serizawa couldn't hold her moans

"Ahh.. ahh.. aida kun!"

She caressed his hair while he was sucking on her tits and drinking her milk

Aida then slid his hand from her abdomen to her vagina and started to rub it making her tremble with pleasure and making her ooze her juices

Serizawa: yes! Ahh.. Mmm... (she bit her lips with pleasure flowing through her body)

He started to tease her clit by playing with it and massaging it

Serizawa: more aida, I need more!

He started to slide his fingers inside her and started fingering her. All while he was fingering her he was exploring the inside of her vagina to find her sweet spot aka her G-spot

Aida found her G-spot and started to tease her and use it to his advantage. He then massaged her G spot for quite sometime

Serizawa: I'm cumming Aida I'm cumming💦💦

She squirted all over the sheets as she couldn't hold her orgasm

Aida: "whispering in her ear while nibbling on it" Look at you, squirting your juices all over the sheets. Bad girls like you should be punished.

With his whispering and teasing, she got turned on even more

Then aida kun went down and started to lick her love juices and sniff her pussy. While licking her pussy he also teased her clit with one hand while the other one teased her asshole. Hey body couldn't handle it anymore

Serizawa: ahh.. ahhh... aida kun. I want it. I want you inside of me. I can't hold it anymore.

You're making me go crazy!!!

Aida then pulled down his pants and revealed his dick

Serizawa remembered her saying that his dick was small and couldn't satisfy her anymore. But it's not like how she remembered it. It wasn't too big or too small it was just the right size.

Aida: I am about to put it in!

Serizawa: yes please put it in. I want you inside of me. Make me forget about him and rewrite yourself into me. Make me yours.

Aida: I will make sure you crave only my dick by the time I am done with you. I'll make you my woman.

Aida went in without any resistance with the help of both her love juices and his own saliva

Serizawa: ohhh aaahh.. yes! Please fuck me, Aida Kun. She started kissing him

Aida started to thrust his hips and felt her moaning with pleasure inside his mouth while still kissing her

Serizawa: huck fe hafer. Mafe fe cumm.

Aida got a little rough and hard with the thrusts which made her moan with pleasure. He then started to suck her boobs dry. With each gulp of milk, his penis got even harder and started to throb inside her pussy

Serizawa: I am close Aida! I am about to cum. Let us cum both.

She's dripping love juices with each thrust which made Aida Kun even more easy to move inside her. He knew she was close to orgasm and just need a little more excitement and pushed her to the limit by teasing her clit while still thrusting inside her.

Serizawa: I'm cumming mmm.. I'm cumming. Ahh.. Let me have you cum aida mmm... ahhh..

Aida then removed his penis and cummed all over her body while she squirted all over the sheets

Aida laid on his back on the bed and Serizawa wanted to make him feel good and went down on him and started sucking his dick clean and started massaging his balls

Aida Kun got hard after some teasing and is ready to give her a world of pleasure

Serizawa felt his dick grow big in her throat and felt hot and got turned on and started rubbing her pussy

Aida: give me that ass. Come sit on my face while you suck me Serizawa

Serizawa placed her ass on his face while she continued sucking his dick. Aida started to lick her pussy while fingering her ass

Serizawa couldn't hold it anymore. She wanted his dick inside her screwing her more. She then sat on him and started riding his dick

Serizawa: ahh ahhh yahh oohhh

Aida: ahh... Serizawa. Yes move faster mmm.. (slaps her ass)

Pleasure built up in both as they both pleased each other and they both were on the verge of climax

Both: I'm cumming!!!💦💦

They both lay on the bed naked after an intense cardio session ;)


Serizawa: I didn't know that you were this good at sex Aida Kun. You made me orgasm multiple times and my legs went numb and my body won't stop trembling with pleasure.

Aida: the truth is I've been taking lessons from a friend's friend. Because of her, I learnt about women's physiology and how to please them

Serizawa: "She pouted with jealousy"

Aida: aw someone's jealous. Don't worry I already ended things with her after she taught me everything.

Alright it's already late I'll have to go home

Aida's about to leave

Serizawa: can't you stay over?

Aida: Alright! But I'm not gonna let you sleep today.

Aida started fingering her while whispering the words in her ear

As Aida Kun promised he didn't let her sleep for most of the night

Aida: Good Morning Sleepyhead

Serizawa: Good Morning! Last night was amazing. I've felt happy being loved by you once again

Aida: get used to it because that will be your daily life from now on. Come on let's go downstairs.

Both went downstairs

Mr Yukiha was about to leave for office while Mrs Yukiha was standing there sending him off

Mr Yukiha: kids you might have to tone it down, people are trying to sleep at night.

Both Aida & Serizawa blushed red like tomatoes

Aida: see you later Serizawa!

Mrs Yukiha: wait aida kun! Come on Have breakfast before you leave

Aida: ok okāsan

They all had breakfast and Aida left the house

A week has been passed since. Aida and Takamine left for their home after school

As Aida Kun reached the house he noticed a small parcel. He took it and went inside and opened it. There's a DVD with two letters marked 1 & 2

Letter 1: Hello Aida this is a present for you and Serizawa. Watch this DVD together. Then read letter 2 afterwards

Aida soon took off to Serizawa's house and they started playing the DVD

The Two ugly bastards are tied to chairs while their mouths are closed and there is another person walking near them whose face is blurred and the voices are distorted

Seeing the two bastards serizawa started to panic. Aida took notice and held her in his arms to assure her that nothing was going to happen to her anymore

??: hello pigs. Hope you're comfortable. Because we are about to start and I'd love for you both to get comfy

Antags: rrhhggg.. rgghhh...

??: what? What's that? You both are also excited? Well, then why don't we start?

You see these injections. These are a special drug which doubles the senses and sensations of a human. But the downside is you can't turn it off unless you take another drug which lets you turn it on and off whenever you need it.

He then stabbed the injections in their thighs and administered the dose.

Now all we have to do is just wait for some time for the drug to do its work

??: let's start the show

The guy took a plier and started to pull off the nails of Kitou

Kitou: argghhhh ahrhhhhgg argghhh

He's writhing in pain and trying to break free

Then he took a Taser and started tasing the bastard vice principal

Oga: argghh argghh argghh arg

He fainted with the pain

The guy sprayed some water and woke him up.

??: we've just started there you are fainting on me already. Where's the fun in that?

As soon as the pain subsided he repeated the same process again and again for an hour by exchanging and using different methods between them

The DVD stopped playing

Aida Kun opened the second letter

Letter 2: if you're receiving this parcel then there's good news for you. These parcels are to be sent to you and Takamine if the bastards are dead. As for how they died? After they got transferred to maximum security prison they both were bullied, and abused by the prisoners as cock sleeves and got raped day after day. You might wonder why kill themselves. As you've already watched the video you know that they both got injected with a drug. You can thank that drug for killing themselves

Both Serizawa and Aida felt relieved knowing that both were dead and happy tears started to roll from them

They both hugged each other in happiness and shared a kiss

Aida Kun called Takamine Sensei to tell her the news about the bastards

Aida: Hello Takamine sensei! I just got a great news

Takamine: Yes. I know it's about those bastards right? I've also received a parcel.

Aida: this calls for a celebration sensei

Takamine: yes sure we must enjoy ourselves to our fullest

10 years have been passed

Aida Kun is now pursuing his career as a game developer at BubiSoft. He got married to Serizawa as soon as they both graduated from university. Serizawa worked for an accounting firm till she got pregnant with Aida's second child now she's taking maternity leave and Mio is attending school

It's already late in the evening and Aida got late at the office due to a meeting and was on his way to his house. He was walking to the nearest station. While he was walking he noticed a familiar face in the crowd. He rushed to the person calling out to him

Aida: Ayanokouji san? Ayanokouji san?

Ayanokouji looks back and notices Aida Kun

Ayanokouji: Hello Aida. Long time no see. How are you

Aida: yes it's been a long time. I am fine and how's your life?

Ayanokouji: it's good. Still travelling all over the world.

Aida: why don't we grab a bite? There's a new restaurant nearby which serves different cuisines and alcohol too. I'll call Serizawa and tell her that I'll be late

Ayanokouji: sure why not? I don't have anything to do.

They both reached the restaurant. sat at a table and ordered some food and wine to along with it

Aida: btw ayanokouji san. Did you meet takamine sensei?

Ayanokouji: No, she doesn't know that I'm in the town

Aida: never in a million I would have guessed she'd marry the new principal. I thought that you both would end up together.

Ayanokouji: that's highly not possible.

Aida: why? You're handsome, rich, and smart.

Ayanokouji: let's say I've got baggage full of my own problems

Aida: that might be the case knowing you

But you have to visit us before you leave again.

Ayanokouji: sure, I will.

Aida: Btw Ayanokouji san I've never thanked you for the gift. we still play it sometimes.

Ayanokouji: I don't remember gifting you any present ;)

Aida: Ah then it must have been someone else

Both had dinner and left after exchanging their contacts.

Aida: see you again ayanokouji san

Ayanokouji: Likewise

The End

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