NTR Revenge Storys

By SinuTheGod

35.8K 371 252

making chapters of ntr stories where mc doesn't let it slide and get his revenge. comment for which doujin yo... More

1.The Birth of The Egoist
3. The Wimps Disciple
4. The Ace of Japan
6.The Rhino of Hiroshima

5.Kyoto University Strongest

4.5K 48 40
By SinuTheGod

Doujin: Naomi San is my sex friend

Song:sleepwalker guitar version.

It's been 1 year since Kenichi left Tokyo and went to Kyoto University.

And in those 3 months. All he has done was trained and studied. He wanted to succeed. He wanted to be better. He knew he could do better.

Everything he trained. All he could see was the face his mother made on that life stream as Akira fucked his mom and her saying those words that she didn't care about him

Well he ended up breaking many punching bags even those of strongest materials. Much to the annoyance of the University gym.

He hasn't contacted his mother or went to visit home even during breaks or vacation.. he couldn't. Not after all that has happened.

He left rhat life behind. His mom wasn't his responsibility anymore but his former friend Akira.

Even then, he felt like a coward running away.. and he knew it was true. All he did was beat up Akira, but it didn't break no satisfaction to him.

It wasn't enough.it wasn't fucking enough. With that in mind, he focused on his study and working out to be better than him from yesterday. There is always time for improvement, he told himself.

In his university, he was already feared within the first 3 months. The local students that ran the school bumped into him and tried to mess with him and to "know his place. "..


Since then, he reigned as king. But he didn't want it. He just wanted to succeed and school and be strong, nothing more... he didn't want attention. But attention followed him.

So, at the end of his first year. Now summer vacation starting.. he decided to go back home to tokyo.. to get closure.. even when he said that he had moved on. He hasnt.. for his mother was all he had.. and his former best friend akira.. who he thought as a brother betrayed him.

He just needed to know why.. and then cut them off for good.. it's for the best he thought.

She becomes happy, she starts her life without him, and he finally gets the closure he so desperately needs.

(Timeskip to Tokyo Bus Arrivals Area)

As Kenichi arrives in his home city, he can't help but smile a bit.. it was the place he was raised after all.. it was his home.

As Kenichi leaves the station to go to his mother's house, he spots something that makes his forehead pop with veins.

A mother defended her son and the students bullying her son, looking at her with lustful eyes.

A memory appears in Kenichi head of that day of his mother and Akira video when he was at school, and he unconsciously grits his teeth. and glares.
At them.

He couldn't allow it to happen again. He won't allow it.

Just as the main ring leader was about to touch her. He grabbed the hand and held it tight

Kenichi:yo fucker. She is not interested back off.

Bully: Would you look at that? we have a wannabe hero..hahaha

The bully and his group all laugh while the mother hides behind Kenichi holding her son.. and the son looks at Kenichi with hopeful eyes.

Bully:How about you leave and let us have the lady.. after all, she was our prey first

The bully links his lips, and the others drool looking at her body.. At this moment, Kenichi veins appear more on his face, looking furious. These fuckers still want to keep going...

Kenichi:last chance before I send you all to the ER.. leave now

The ring leader and his goons all laugh historically but Kenichi was staring at them with a stoic pissed off look..

The mother and son looked at Kenichi worried after all. He was outnumbered, and he was only 1 man... he can't fend them all by himself

Mother:Please don't you will get hurt! I'll let you take me just leave them alone

Kenichi looked at the mother calm and pushed her into her son's small arms

Kenichi:Protect your mom, kid.. il handle this...il show you how to fight..

As he does this the bully and the other laugh even more to the point of crying.
Kenichi just cracks his neck and his fingers.

Bully: haha your funny. How about you just leave and mi-

He didn't get to finished as he was kicked to the side so hard that he was already knocked out with ease..

Silence filled the area. As the goons watch their leader down with 1 kick.. fear enveloped their bodies.. while the boy just looked at Kenichi with awe and concentration, he was watching his every move..

Without warning. Kenichi attacked the goons catching them off guard.. and effortlessly beat them...hit,guard,block,kick,knee elbow.

A rhythm.. and the boy watched as Kenichi used his whole body as the weapon.. every move was engraved into his mind.

By the time he even realized.. it was over.. Kenichi stood over them like if they were ants to be stepped on.

Kenichi grabs the main leader by the neck and starts punching him to wake up till he does.... he shoves him to the mother and son and makes him bow

Kenichi: beg for forgiveness scum

As the bully only cried....and didn't say anything, Kenichi stepped on his back and applied pressure to it, making his back start to crack under it, making the bully scream in pain.



the mother looks horrified but the son moves from his mother eyes and looks at the bully...he grabs his face hard

son: I don't care what you do to me.. but my mother.. il kill you understand...

The bully was crying from the pain and in his mind was thinking ways of revenge until he saw the enraged bruise look from the boys face.

It made him shit himself, and without warning, the son slams his face hard on the concrete, knocking him out..

Kenichi looked at the boy younger than him and saw potential in him.. he looked like a wild animal with that look..

As the boys mother starts to check her son and cry on to him, the boy stares at Kenichi, and Kenichi stares back.. without warning, the boy bows

Boy:Thank you for saving my mom.. I don't know how il ever repay you, so I have no reason to ask you this.. but how do i become stronger..

As the mother boy looks at her son and shock and a little anger, she is about to chastise her son for his rudeness till he hears Kenichi voice

Kenichi:Have faith in yourself.. train the body and mind kid.. the only limits you have is the one you put on yourself...
And for repaying me.. no need I'm doing what any rightful person should do...

As the mother bows her, thanks, crying and hugs Kenichi, saying thank you over and over.. Kenichi felt a feeling he hasn't felt in a while...a mother loved..it felt nice for once....and is sad as this may be the last time he feels this as the love he had for his mother died long ago..so he choose to enjoy this feeling.

Kenichi:No problem.. get home safe, you too...il take care of the trash..

As the mother and son leave.. the looks back one more time... and smiles...as he looks Kenichi throwing the goons all legit in the garbage cans.

Son:Thank you, hero.

Kenichi heard the voice and grins.. him a hero.. was a joke.. but inside.. he liked the compliment... that he could do good and not just hurt people....as he leaves the scene, he walks straight to his moms house... and arrives..

Kenichi: time to end this..once and for all...

Kenichi knocks on the door... and about 2 mins later, the door is opened.. it's his mother...carrying a baby...

Naomi:Hello, can I yo-

Naomi stops as she sees who it is.. even if she didn't see him for a year.. even if he went through a whole different persona looking a new person.. a mother knows her son no matter what..


Tears started to flow down her eyes as she looked at the figure of her eldest.. the one she failed..

Kenichi:Hello. May I come inside?.

Naomi:Of course, please come in my boy.

As Kenichi comes in and sits on the new furniture of their house.. he waits as his mother sits next to him, holding her baby girl.

Naomi was trying to stop the tears flowing, but it was hard.. she hasn't heard from her son in a year and thought he abandoned her... she was happy to see he was well and was worried at the scars on his hands.. he was different....she knew that Kenichi had changed when he found out about her and akira.. but she didn't want this to happen to her baby boy..

As Kenichi looks around the house seeing it didn't change by much...only that there are photos of akira and his mom.

He tries to keep that ugly feeling inside and stares at his mom. Naomi just squirms under his gaze.. while his face and eyes show no emotion... she knows.. he is in turmoil.. he is her son, after all.

Kenichi: Since when did you and akira start this relationship..

Kenichi wanted to get this over with it.. he wasn't here for happy reunions.. he just wanted to get the closure he so desperately wanted.

Naomi looked away and teared up even more. Hugging her baby she calmed herself.

Naomi: 2 years ago... 1 year before you left to kyoto...

Kenichi eyes widened abit and he controlled his emotions well..

He realized a lot of stuff now made sense.. all the times she sent him on errands ridiculously far while she stayed with akira or when she was to busy to go to his school and events..and akira wasn't there to those events..

His birthday the time she came late at night with akira both tired and sweaty... everything lined up..

Kenichi: I see.

Naomi could see her son taking in this info and was worried.. he hasn't showed any emotion still. She nervously asked.

Naomi: how have you been...Kenichi...are you doing well in school....

Kenichi: I'm fine. That's all.

Kenichi looked at his mother now confirmed with his suspicious decided to start his last conversation with his mother.

Kenichi: Why hide this from me?

Naomi couldn't help but tear up and look away just Hugging her baby closer ignoring her son's eyes.

Kenichi: all those times you were busy for my school events. For my specials events.. my own birthday.. you just went out and whored yourself to akira?

Naomi couldn't help it and tried to slap Kenichi for his comment but, Kenichi easily holds the hand in place not hurting her but keeping her hand still.

Kenichi: you willingly abandoned me.. put me aside for akira.your own fucking son. All those times thinking you were tired or just being a hard working mother was all an illusion..

Naomi tried to say anything but his words cut deep into her and she knows it was true.

Kenichi:but that's fine.. I'm over it... you had the right to pursue happiness.. it just only costed you your only son.. so it was worth it right Naomi.

Naomi heart at his cold words.. and him calling his own mother by her first name hurt her more than she thought. And couldn't even keep her hands in place

Kenichi:I don't really care anymore... I really only came for closure before I cut you off forever... you can forget ever having a son starting after this...

Naomi: please don't do this... I missed you my son... all this time a day never passes that I don't regret failing you as a mother...please..don't leave me..

Kenichi: I won't be there for your funeral.. I won't be there for your last days of life.. I won't be there to hold your hand as you die on that cold hospital bed.. but il be there to piss on your grave as a last laugh..

You won't be there to meet my future wife and kids. You won't be there for my future wedding. You won't be there for your future grandkids.. you will be like if you never existed.

Naomi collapsed into the couch with the only strength she had was to hold her baby.

Kenichi felt his the weight on his shoulder start to be lighter. And he continued his last words he'll ever say to his mother

Kenichi: as far I'm concerned. I'm an orphan with no mother.. your daughter is no sister of mine. And if she ever trys to find me and ask why I don't want her in my life il tell her the true reason.

You can die and I wouldn't bat an eye towards it.....well I said my part.. this is goodbye Naomi-San.

Kenichi finished his words and got up and started walking towards the door..

Naomi put her baby on her chair and tried to stop him but was to emotionally weak to do anything.. she lost her son....for good...he would never be there for her.. he erased as if she never raised him in his life.. and those words made her lose it and cry historically begging him not to leave


Kenichi walked away with resolve and open the door.. looking at his old mother one last time..


Kenichi slammed the door and walkway from his old home... now just a place with memories.... as he left he could hear the screams of his mother begging him back but payed no heed .

Naomi could only hug her daughter as her son left for good.. no hope for fixing things is gone... she lost her boy...and it's all her fault

As Kenichi walks away. He feels he can finally move on without thinking about the past and is enjoying his walk...until a certain voice stops him


Kenichi turns and sees him..Akira.. a little taller with his hair a bit longer.
Kenichi doesn't feel much looking at him but acknowledges his presence


Akira:your not going anywhere... I'm bringing you home whether you like it or not..

Akira starts cracking his knuckles as he glares at Kenichi. But Kenichi looks him indifferent.

Kenichi:fuck off Akira. I have no quarrel with you.

Akira:your mother has been worried sick about you.. not a phone call a message,not even a fucking letter. Do you know how much your mother suffered?!

Kenichi:definitely not as much as me lmao

Akira annoyed with Kenichi attitude trys to punch him but Kenichi easily dodges

Kenichi: careful there..I don't want to send Naomi only boy toy broken.

Akira:she's not Naomi to you she's your mother Kenichi!

Kenichi:not anymore. I have no mother. She died 2 years ago when she chose to be a whore rather than a mother

Akira loses it and trys to tackle Kenichi but cant.. Kenichi body doesn't even budge from the tackle..

Kenichi: is that it?

He raises his foot and slams it down right on his head making him fall to the floor easily.

Akira is caught off guard and is easily weaken by the attack.. his head took the majority of the damage and is making him dizzy.

Akira: il make you come back!

Akira runs one more time to tackle him but in that one moment he was sent flying with a kick straight into the wall knocking him out instantly

Kenichi looks at akira once more and walks away. Leaving his former best friend bleeding there alone.

Kenichi:the past is the past...I can only look forward

As Kenichi walks he is stopped by a voice..

???:Kenichi Takahashi?

Kenichi looks to his side and sees a man covered in the shadows and is on guard.. even if he can't see his face.. he can tell the man is very strong.

Kenichi:who's asking?

The man walks foward and looks at him with a smile.

???:Names is hiroki.. and I wanted to talk to you about joining my Crew

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