A Serpent Amongst The Dragon...

De Dark1o

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((A/n): just a heads up I'm writing this on around the main manga not the anime. So if it feels off I don't b... Mais

The Earth's Strongest Maid
Meeting New Faces
Kanna Goes to School
A New Dragon Arrives
Another Dragon Enters the Fray
Ending a Fight, Hot Springs and Challenges
A New Dragon in The House
Flower Viewing, Sickness & Patrol
Feelings Uncovered

Sun, Fun and The Empire of Demise

709 23 17
De Dark1o

(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(F/c) = favorite color
(A/n) = authors note
(F/d) = Favorite drink
Bold = Dragon talking
Italics = thinking
All caps = shouting
Underline = talking telepathically
* = the star mark means action
Narrator's p.o.v

It's summer, and that means a trip to the beach as we see Kobayashi, Tohru and Kanna all in their swimsuits as they look down from the hill that they're standing on

Tohru: wow! The beaches of this world are pretty, real pretty. And with all these people here, it's tempting to just now them all down, isn't it, Miss Kobayashi?

Kobayashi: don't do it

Kanna: is the ocean here salty?

Kobayashi: yep, sure is

Kanna: that's the same then

Kobayashi: by the way, where's our equipment and (Y/n)?

Tohru: Ophis-sama went ahead with our stuff to find a good spot

Kobayashi: well, we might as well go meet up with her then *the trio starts there way into the beach*

Tohru: hey, Miss Kobayashi

Kobayashi: hmm?

Tohru: I've notice that you don't seem very excited at all today

Kobayashi: yeah, not really a big beach fan here

Tohru: there you go again, Miss Kobayashi~!

Kobayashi: it's hot, I sunburn like crazy, and sand gets everywhere...

Tohru: you still came, though, didn't you?

Kobayashi: well, yeah, but... only 'cause I had nothing better to do today

Tohru: oh! You're being what's called a "Tsundere", right?

Kobayashi: no, not at all. A "Tsundere" means someone who's always "Tsun"— rude and aloof— but then gets "Dere"— shy and lovey-dovey— when alone with the person she likes; not to be a stickler, but lately, I feel that there's too much emphasis on the "Dere" side

Tohru: okay, got it

(Y/n): hey guys! Over here!!

The trio looks towards the voice and see (Y/n) standing in the shade of an umbrella as Tohru and Kobayashi eyes widen at what (Y/n) is wearing

((A/n): ignore the tail))

Tohru: Ophis-sama, are those your scales?

(Y/n): nope! This is a proper swimsuit

Kobayashi: are all those accessories necessary...?

(Y/n): the store clerk said it was

Kanna: you look really pretty...

(Y/n): *crouches down to Kanna's level* awww, thank you Kanna, you look cute yourself

Kanna brings (Y/n) into a hugs her, which the older Dragon returns the hug then picks her up and holds her arms then looks at Tohru and Kobayashi as the two look at the humans that are playing in the shallow water

Tohru; why are they all sticking to the shallows? It's much fun to swim in the deeper water

Kobayashi: well, it's not safe out there

Tohru: oh, true. Leviathan is pretty scary m. He almost killed me once! That wasn't much fun

Kobayashi: what did you do?

Tohru: oh, I just got him mixed up with Rahab and called him the wrong name...

Kobayashi: but anyway, I meant because you could drown

Tohru: humans can't breathe underwater, huh? So pathetic...

Kobayashi: you can do that?

Tohru: of course I can! Swimming is one of the greatest joys evah!

Kobayashi: does she have gills or something...?

Tohru: *grabs some sunscreen* oh, hey! Want me to rub sunscreen on you, Miss Kobayashi? Yay, I can touch her~!

Kobayashi: oh, I already put it on when I changed... *looks over shoulder at the beach house* hmm?

Tohru: is everything all right?

Kobayashi: yeah, it's just... I used to come here with my family when I was a kid. I remember eating at that beach house there. I swear that's the same waiter, too...

Tohru: family?

Kobayashi: you have a family, don't you Tohru?

Tohru: I do... I have very respectable parents

Silence falls between the two as Kanna grabs a crab and shoved it straight into her mouth eating it, while (Y/n) reels in a white-tip reef shark then snaps it's neck, then Tohru speaks up

Tohru: would you... tell me more about your family?

Kobayashi: huh?

Tohru: please? I'd like to know

Kobayashi: well... we were a pretty normal family, I think. They raised me just like any kid. I went to college, got a job and moved away... we talk on the phone sometimes, and they ask how I'm doing... ah... it's been a while since I've seen them

Tohru: is that... how normal human families are?

Kobayashi: I guess so

Tohru: if that's the case... why was Miss Kobayashi willing to take me in? If she's just a normal, average human, then why...? Could it be that humans in this world can accept Dragons...?

???: kill them! Humans are evil! Kill them all!

Kobayashi: Tohru? What's the matter?

Tohru: oh... nothing really. It's just... for some reason... I'm feeling a bit pensive

Kobayashi: ...... hey Tohru... take me for a ride?

Tohru's eyes shoot open in happiness as runs out to sea as Kobayashi calls over Kanna and (Y/n), after a while out in the middle of the ocean Tohru surfaces as Kobayashi screams out in excitement while Kanna looks out into the ocean

Kobayashi: that speed never ceases to amaze me

Tohru: it's been a while, so I really let loose

Kobayashi: speaking about loose, I think (Y/n) fell off...

Kanna: no, Mama is swimming in the ocean

Tohru: Kanna, your parents aren't here, they're in our world. Plus we're talking about Ophis-sama

Kanna: yes, but Mama is about to surface...

Before either Kobayashi or Tohru could respond a giant white snake pierces through the ocean surface then crashes back into the water splashing everyone else

(Y/n): *resurfaces as her head sticks out of the water* ahh, that's much better! It's nice to feel the water along my scales

Kanna: Mrs. O!

Tohru: O-Ophis-sama?!

Kobayashi: is that what (Y/n) truly looks like?!

(Y/n): nope, what I truly look like is completely incomprehensible to the mortal mind. So I choose a body suit to the mind of a mortal which usually ends up being a giant white snake with no true size

Kobayashi: I see, well I guess there's more than meets the eye then...

Kobayashi then grabs the fishing pole and puts some bait on the hook and casts it out into the ocean

Kobayashi: there we go. Hey (Y/n), Tohru... don't you two get homesick?

Tohru: no, not at all

(Y/n): not really, why do you ask?

Kobayashi: just talking about my parents made me miss them

Tohru: I suppose there are times when I want to mine. I wish I could introduce you to them...

Kobayashi: why not do it, then?

Tohru: I'm afraid they'd kill you

Kobayashi: yikes. I guess that's normal in the world you came from, huh?

Tohru: yes, from their point of view, I'm the strange one. It's sad really...

Kobayashi: well, I think it's all a part of becoming independent

Tohru: does that makes us grownups?

Kobayashi: I'm not sure. I don't think most people set out to become grownups... they just realise they can't can't stay kids any longer. This is an unusually serious conversation for us. It helps remind me we come from very different worlds... but I think that's why we should be happy that we're together now. Oh hey, I got a bite

(Y/n): well done Kobayashi

Kobayashi then reels in the line which everyone sees that she only get a Pacific Rubberfish which makes a comment about a much bigger fish swam away, then (Y/n) tells the three that they're having shark head for dinner

<time skip-3 days brought to you by Chibi (Y/n) serving a Whole-Roasted Shark Head>

As days past we see Kobayashi, Tohru and (Y/n) at Comiket which amazes the Dragon maid

Tohru: wow! Why are there so many people here?

Kobayashi: they're here for Comiket

Tohru: and what are we doing here, exactly?

Kobayashi: well, Takiya's part of a big Doujin circle

(Y/n): apparently two of his sales people are sick so they couldn't be here today, so he asked Kobayashi if we could help him

Kobayashi: and so here we are

Tohru: hmph, with my power, we'll clear this place out in no time! I can wipe 'em all out easily!

Kobayashi: nope! *(Y/n) karate chops Tohru's forehead*

As they make through the crowd until they find Takiya and his booth as (Y/n) looks amongst the crowd seeing many people in cosplay

Takiya: thank you so much, Kobayashi! This is a huge help!

Kobayashi: hey, no problem; you help me out all the time

Tohru: but why didn't you ask Fafnir to help?

Takiya: oh, he's got his own circle

Kobayashi & (Y/n): what?!

Takiya: yep, I got him into anime and games and stuff, and next thing you know... he's made his own Doujin

(Y/n); it seems like he's really enjoying himself in this world

Kobayashi: well, I'll handle the sales if you can manage the line, okay, (Y/n), Tohru? Let's do our best

Tohru & (Y/n): yes ma'am!/sure thing

Tohru: by the way, are you sure we should've left Kanna at home?

Kobayashi: yeah... a lot of stuff here is definitely not child-safe

With that Tohru and (Y/n) grabs some signs say where the end of the line is while Kobayashi get behind the table to prepare for the sales. Once the gate opens people flood into the building surprising the maid as the line starts to get long real quick as the humidity rises exponentially thanks due to large amount of people and weather

Tohru: the end of the line is this way!

(Y/n): please raise your hands and follow behind me!

A large number of people raise their hands and follows behind (Y/n), then Tohru stumbles a bit thanks to her body over heating

Tohru: it's so hot in here... feels like I'm in a Fire Dragon's belly...

As the day goes on the line grows longer and longer by the minute as Tohru continues to push on through the heat as (Y/n) continues to work unaffected by the heat

Tohru: boy, what a long line... won't this get in people's way? Oh, but there's a gap in the middle where nobody's line up...

(Y/n): *looks at the booth* looks like Fafnir's booth

Tohru: I'm going to say hi, can you manage this by yourself?

(Y/n): of course

Tohru nods at (Y/n) and walks over to Fafnir and greets him

Fafnir: not one word. I'll kill you

Tohru: you mean the way you've killed your own sales?

Fafnir stays quiet after Tohru's response as the maid just shakes her head and goes back to doing her job with (Y/n), as hours pass Kobayashi walks towards the two telling them that they have a break which Tohru expects but (Y/n) continues to work and saying she'll take a break later. After a bit of a walk Kobayashi and Tohru find a less crowded place and relax

Tohru: phew? Break time. I still can't believe that Ophis-sama decided to continue to work especially in this heat...

Kobayashi: agreed, she didn't seem to be effected by the heat ether. Man, being that resilient must be nice

Tohru: it sounds super... *looks at the cosplayers walking around* there's a lot of unusually dressed humans here. Some even look like they're from my old world

Kobayashi: it's called "cosplay". They're dressed up as anime characters and stuff. Besides aren't you basically wearing a costume, too?


Kobayashi: that's not what a maid does!

Tohru: *notices something in the in the crowd* hmm?

Kobayashi: what is it?

Tohru: *points at a group of three* over there... the Sahuagin, the Goblin and the Witch...

Kobayashi: oh yeah, wonder what series they're from?

Tohru: oh, they're not cosplayers

Kobayashi: huh?

Tohru: yup, those three are the real deal

Kobayashi: WHAT?! *both Kobayashi and Tohru walk over the three*

Tohru: excuse me~! *the three face Tohru* you're from the other world, right? What are you doing here?

Sahuagin: oh, you too, huh?

Witch: basically we come here to let our hair down

Tohru: what do you mean?

Witch: well you see, all of us have gotten trapped in this world... so we usually have to disguise ourselves as humans. But being in human form all the time is uncomfortable, so when events like this take place, where we can safely take our true forms, we like to attend. Your human form is a disguise, as well isn't it? Why don't you let your hair down, too?

Tohru: oh, no, I can't do that... you see, I'm a dragon

Sahuagin: A DRAGON?!



All three monsters: RUN FOR IT!!

Staff member: SLOW DOWN, PLEASE!

Kobayashi: wow, I guess Dragons are pretty hardcore

Tohru: *faces Kobayashi* YOU'VE GOT IT ALL WRONG

Kobayashi: oh?


Kobayashi: I can't help but notice your not denying it... so, it's not just Dragons that come here from the other world, huh?

Tohru: oh, yes. All kinds of otherworldly beings cross over. Some of them even made it into human history. Like Fafnir, Lucoa and Ophis-sama, for example

Kobayashi: speaking of Lucoa, I saw her earlier

Tohru: what? She's here, too?

Kobayashi: yep, they giving her a warning in the cosplay area. Indecent exposure

Tohru: what is it with her always being a perv? *looks around area and sees many mythical creatures* looking around, though... there's a lot of them here... all in their true forms... Miss Kobayashi! Um, I... that is... could I maybe show... a little bit more of my true form...?

Kobayashi: ... ... ... sure, as long as you don't eat anybody

Tohru smiles at Kobayashi then reveals her tail and wings as Kobayashi pulls out her phone

Kobayashi: is it okay if I take a picture?

Tohru: yes ma'am!

Once kobayashi takes a picture on her a photographer walks up to Tohru and asks if they can take her picture, then photographers swarm around her

Kobayashi: yeah, the horns and tail are pretty impressive...

Kobayashi starts making her way back to Takiya's booth leaving Tohru to the photographers and as the event proceeds to come to an end

Tohru: *leans on the railing* haa... haa... those guys wore me out...

Kobayashi: good job. The second half of the day was a bit harder to finish up without your help

Tohru: oh no... I'm so sorry... humans can be pretty scary when they mob up like that...

(Y/n): *walks towards the two* well to be fair, this is probably the biggest event in Japan

Tohru: but they're still no match for Dragons, of course! Not a chance!

Takiya: *appears before Tohru with his glasses on* IN THAT CASE, PLEASE LEND ME YOUR STRENGTH NEXT TIME TOO! Please be part of our staff again in the winter! For the full three days! *Tohru runs away from Takiya* um...


(Y/n): heh... poor Tohru

As everyone was leaving Comiket we see the three monsters as they talk to each other

Sahuagin: so what should our next manga be about?

Goblin: how about a Dragon maid?

Witch: works for me

<time skip 2 days>

A couple of days past since Comiket as we see (Y/n), Tohru and Kanna whom is sitting in (Y/n)'s lap, as they watch an illusionist tv show as the illusionist bends the spoon with little effort which catches the Dragons' attention

Kanna: he didn't bend that spoon with his own strength

Tohru: it didn't look like he used magic, either

The two Dragons head towards the table and grab a spoon each as Tohru tries to do the illusion

(Y/n): I don't think that's a good idea, Tohru

Tohru: *tries to do the trick and ignores (Y/n)* I think he must have...

Tohru and Kanna bend the spoons with their strength deforming the spoons until one eventually one of them snaps as Kobayashi walks into the room seeing what the two Dragons are doing

Kobayashi: HEY!! WHAT DID YOU DO?! They're all broken!!

Tohru: I-I'm so sorry...

Kanna: *runs over towards the tv* Kobayashi! Lookit! Lookit! *points at the tv*

Kobayashi: ahh... never heard of ESP, huh?

Tohru: ESP?! So humans do have some kind of hidden power? How else could he do that without magic?

Kobayashi then grabs a non bent spoon then proceeds to bend the spoon much like the illusionist on the tv surprising both Dragons



Kobayashi then notices that (Y/n) standing behind the two with the most menacing pose imaginable while holding La chancla in her hand

Kobayashi:uh, guys... I wouldn't say such a blasphemous thing, especially when your God is standing right behind you...

If out of instinct the two stand frozen in fear from Kobayashi's words as they shakily face (Y/n) as the sound of a sickening crack rings which both Dragon girls hold their rears in pain as (Y/n) slithers away and sits back down in front of the tv

Kobayashi: also I wasn't using magic, it was just slight of hand. Anyone can learn it

Tohru: anyone...? I've heard about this... humans only use 10% percent of their brains. So, if they felt like it, any human could master these abilities... it's just that most of them lack the motivation. A cunning yet careless species... I can't allow this! I won't!!

Kobayashi: you're thinking something weird again, aren't you?

Kanna: Lady Tohru! I found this on Miss Kobayashi's bookshelf! *holds up a book that reads ESP for dummies*

Tohru: a-ha! Well done, Kanna!!

Kobayashi: oh yeah, I bought that on a whim...

Tohru: I see... so, if I follow these instructions, I too can gain those powers...!

Kobayashi: but that book's total crap


Kobayashi: you're easily convinced, huh?


Kobayashi: uh... sure. I've got nothing better to do. *looks over at (Y/n)* You coming as well?

(Y/n): if I must... but there better not be anymore blasphemy on this this trip

Kobayashi: cool, okay let's head off then

Tohru: here, I'll fix up the spoons, okay?

Kobayashi & (Y/n): AND YOU NEED ESP WHY?

We see that both Kanna and Tohru are sitting under a waterfall completely naked trying to keep their focus as both (Y/n) and Kobayashi watch from a distance

(Y/n): Tohru's body is impressive...

Kobayashi: and you blurt that out, why?

(Y/n): trying to make conversation, so there isn't an awkward silence between us as we watch

Kobayashi: well it worked, your body looks better...

(Y/n) hikes an eyebrow at Kobayashi's words as she looks at her then looks back towards the Dragon girls as she hears Kanna speak while a large log floats down the river

Kanna: is this really going to help us gain ESP?

Tohru doesn't respond as the log falls down the waterfall and hits the maid on top of her head, but Tohru isn't fazed by it as she has no idea since she couldn't feel it

Kobayashi: again, do you seriously think you need it?

Once dry and dressed, everyone ventures up the mountain that their at. As they get to a spot where to some large souls rocks are, as Tohru goes and handstands on one finger while Kanna sits down

Kobayashi: wow, she's really going through with this...

Tohru: I've cast off my worldly desires in search of inner peace... I am now free of all Earthly greed

Kobayashi: wow

(Y/n): impressive

Kanna: Kobayashi, Mrs. O, I'm hungry

Kobayashi: okay, here, have candy. Say "ahhh"

Kanna opens her mouth which Kobayashi places the candy in her mouth, which Kanna immediately starts to eat. Prompting Tohru to make a mad dash to Kobayashi breaking (Y/n) in the process, all for Kobayashi to feed Tohru. For the rest of the day Tohru continued to her training, but of course, it had no effect

Kobayashi: *notices Tohru squaring up with a Sun Bear* isn't this karate training?

Later that day we see everyone back at the apartment as Tohru tries to do the ESP thing with the spoon only to bend them out of shape as Kobayashi watches her, while Kanna and (Y/n) watch tv


Kobayashi: you know, Tohru... you can do plenty of things that humans can't. Is this ESP thing really such a big deal?

Tohru: YES, IT IS! I don't ever won't to lose to humans. I refuse to let them be better then me at anything!

Kobayashi: is that because you're a Dragon...?

Tohru: it's because I'm me!

Kobayashi: you're fooling yourself, Tohru. You wouldn't imitate if you hate them so much. The truth is that you want to understand humans... so you get frustrated by anything you don't understand, right? Tohru... give me your hands

Tohru: huh?

Kobayashi gently grabs Tohru's hands and moves them so that the maid bends the spoon perfectly without any resistance from the metal

Kobayashi: see? It's easy, right? It's a piece of cake once you know the trick. Look, Tohru... why don't you just stick to doing the things that only you can do?

Tohru: like being a maid...?

Kobayashi: no, I meant stuff you're good at

Tohru: eheh heh... I was only kidding. I get it. I really do. All right, I'll show you all the things only I can do!!

Kobayashi: just don't destroy anything, okay?

Tohru: aww, then what am I supposed to show you?

Kobayashi: jeez, and here I was kidding

Kanna: *faces the two* I can make electricity *summons some lighting around her which Tohru growls at*

Kobayashi: so what can you do then, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): *continues to watch the tv* I can destroy a Blackhole or a dimension if I truly wished...

Kobayashi: note to self, don't piss her off...

Tohru: agreed. *notices what's on the tv* Well, I can do this!!

Tv commentator: our next trick will be teleportation! *the box lid closes* Behold!! When the box opens the man inside has... *the box opens to reveal Tohru* turned into a maid...? Huh? That wasn't in the script... *Tohru walks off the stage as the crowd boos*

Kobayashi: teleportation, huh?

(Y/n): seems like it

As the next day rolls around as the Dragon girls see the wobbly rod illusion as it catches both their attentions


(Y/n): ah shit...

Kobayashi: here we go again...

<time skip 3 weeks>

Weeks have passed since Tohru tried to do the ESP thing as we now see Tohru and Kobayashi at the apartment, as Tohru cleans and the dishes as a thought pops into Kobayashi's mind

Kobayashi: it feels like Tohru's been here forever, same could be said about (Y/n). Tohru still messes things up sometimes... but overall, she's doing a pretty good job. At this rate... she might actually turn into a real maid. *Tohru pours Kobayashi a coffee* Mm. Thank you. *takes a sip of her coffee* This is really good. It's exactly the way I like it. I guess you got my coffee preferences down pat, huh?

Tohru: well, I practiced a lot

Kobayashi: practiced?

Tohru: you know, getting the temperature just so and timing the brewing just perfectly

Kobayashi: boy, Dragons really are something

Tohru: it's not because I'm a Dragon, it's because I'm me

Kobayashi: you seem unusually even-keeled today, Tohru

Tohru: hm?

Kobayashi: I kind of feel like I'm talking to a Mother

Tohru: whaaat?! I'm actually pretty young for a Dragon, I'll have you know. I believe that Ophis-sama is more of a Mother then I am. Well, anyway... I have to go shopping now

Kobayashi: all right, take care!

As Tohru walks down through an empty park as she replays Kobayashi's words in her mind as she starts thinking to herself

Tohru: a mother... hunh. Sometimes I find myself wondering. How long... how long can I keep doing... whatever this is? I don't think it's wrong for me to enjoy my time here. And I wish that things could go on like this forever. But how long can it really last? I know I'll have to go back eventually. But when I think about that, a part of me starts to panic. What if the pressure to go back to that world increases? Like for example... if the war over there takes a turn for the worse... if my wounds heal completely... if my battle-lust returns... if Miss Kobayashi... if Miss Kobayashi dies...? *grits her teeth in anger then flies into the stratosphere* I knew all this already. That humans die so easily... that their lives are so very short. In fact, a Dragon might well outlive this entire world. I knew all this when I came to this world. And I thought I'd be prepared for it... but I can't stay calm unless I keep reminding myself. On this world... in this country... in this town... *flies down to the apartment and lands in front of it* have I finally found a place where I belong...? But all of that flies away...

(Y/n): welcome back

Tohru: as soon as I see Miss Kobayashi's face. I'm... home. That's right. Miss Kobayashi is here... Kanna is here... Ophis-sama is here... this... is where I belong *the door bell rings*

Kobayashi: this isn't gonna be another weird friend of yours, is it?

Tohru: ah ha ha~!

Then suddenly all the the Dragons in the apartment feel a massive amount of magical power in the area and once Kobayashi opens the front door to reveal a diminutive and aged man that is Draped in a cloak that boasts a deep hue of dark red

Kobayashi: who are you?

Tohru: F-Father...

(Y/n): ...Damocles...

Kobayashi: I've tried to imagine what Tohru's parents might be like. Stern, powerful, tyrannical Dragons that massacre humans... that's the impression I got from Tohru. But now that the real thing is right before my eyes...

Damocles: you know why I've come, do you not? Return home with me, Tohru. You're not to trouble this world any longer

Kobayashi: ...I can see that things aren't quite so simple

Tohru: I won't go!

Damocles: no? And why not?

Both Father and Daughter stare each other down until Tohru backs down from her Father's murderous gaze

Damocles: you won't be blamed or punished for disappearing. And if you've been hurt, I will ease your pain. But you cannot stay in this world. We are forbidden from interfering here

(Y/n): Kanna go into your room, now *Kanna nods and walks into her room*

Kobayashi: interfering?

Tohru: I... I want to stay here. This is where I belong, so... *(Y/n) takes on her snake form and slithers over to them*

Damocles: don't be absurd. There's no way you could ever belong in this world... you are a Dragon. And Dragons do not live here

Tohru: but... there are some Dragons here... and there are records of more, and other magical beings, too...

Damocles: those are merely legends passed down from other worlds. Do you understand, Tohru? This world cannot accept you. And it never will. Do you think you can live a simple life, passing as a human? It would quickly crumble into dust. You know that, don't you? Come home, Tohru. Before you get hurt

The air in the apartment becomes thick with tension as Kobayashi looks between parent and child as she feels something is wrong with this issue

Kobayashi: am I allowed to jump in here...? I don't this is going to be fair... but I should probably let Tohru fight her own battles... it's not my place to interfere with a family discussion

(Y/n): that's where you're wrong, Kobayashi. Do it for her, help Tohru

Kobayashi: you're right...! Ahem...

Damocles: the next target could be you, depending on what you're about to say. I would advise you to choose your words carefully. So, what where you saying

Kobayashi: ......... Tohru doesn't want to go back, that's what!

Damocles: how dare you...

Kobayashi: you said you can't interfere in this world, right? That means you can't kill me

Damocles: I can make you wish you were dead

Kobayashi: that doesn't mean you can change my mind!

Damocles: ...... why is it that you took Tohru in, anyway? I'm sure you knew the trouble you'd be inviting

Kobayashi: huh? Oh, well, I was gonna be late for work, so...

Damocles: you what now? You must understand that I love my Daughter dearly. But precisely because she's such a powerful Dragon... we must enforce our world's laws. Dragons are The Guardians of Order, and if it becomes known that we have come here... then more and more beings from our world will follow suit. All may seem well now, but invaders could appear in a heartbeat. And what will you do then, human?

Kobayashi: look, none of that is Tohru's fault. You're just looking for excuses to make her go back

Damocles: it's bound to happen

Kobayashi: I don't care!

Damocles: could it be that you... a human... have feelings for Tohru? I don't believe it

Kobayashi: why not? Tohru's a good girl. Well more or less. She's cheerful and hardworking, and she always hides her dark side with a smile. But most importantly... SHE'S MY MAID! YOU GOT THAT, POPS?! You got some nerve, coming into my house and trying to take my maid!

Damocles: why you...!

Damocles goes to strike Kobayashi but was stopped by to opposing forces, one of them being Tohru

Damocles: TOHRU!! *Tohru stares at her Father with the intent to kill him, which makes Damocles back off* in this world, you have the power to intimidate even me. Don't forget that

Tohru then let's go of her Father's hand as Damocles goes to leave but can't seem to move. Then (Y/n) reveals herself to the Emperor of Demise making the old Dragon tremble in complete terror making him drop to his knees

Damocles: The Ouroboros... what... what are you doing here?

(Y/n): protecting my mates... you old fool. Begone from my sight at once or feel my wrath for disobedience

(Y/n) let's go of Damocles as the Emperor scrambles out the building as (Y/n) closes the door and faces Kobayashi and Tohru as she slithers closer to them Tohru crumpled into Kobayashi's chest as they make their way to the floor making Tohru lay in the human's lap

Kobayashi: I'm sorry if I messed thing's up...

Tohru: how can I ever repay you, the both of you? Gold, jewels... I'll give you both everything

Kobayashi: I don't need a thing

(Y/n): you don't need to do that *notices Kanna and slithers over to her* yes Kanna?

Kanna: what happened? I heard Kobayashi yelling...

(Y/n): it's nothing to worry about, sweetie. But I suggest you give Kobayashi and Tohru some time with themselves, okay?

Kanna: okay

(Y/n) then places a kiss on the young Dragon's forehead as she then picks up Kanna and holds her on the side of her body as (Y/n) makes a portal to a pop up carnival and enter through it and that ends today's chapter I hoped that you enjoyed it and I hope to see you soon bye bye

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