Which Way

By jenner_kylie_kendall

18.7K 716 51

They were once a happy couple but no one knew about it because Kylie wanted it that way, at least that's why... More

Meeting Again
Everything Hurts
New Beginnings


1.1K 60 7
By jenner_kylie_kendall


I'm sitting by my brother spacing out as everyone talks to each other until Timothee walks in with Travis and Lando. Everyone says hi to them while I get up and walk over to Lando giving him a hug, were talking to each other when I see Kendall walking towards us out of the corner of my eye. "Hey Lando, do you mind if I steal Y/N for a minute?" Ken ask and Lando nods saying he'll see me downstairs. "What's up Ken?" I ask. "Why haven't you said hi to Timothee and Travis, I thought you guys got along?" she said. I sigh before answering, "Did you not see Timothee sweat shirt, and Travis I just haven't got to yet but we get along." She look over at Timothee and saw what I'm talking about turning to me and giving me a sad look. "Hey don't take it to heart you didn't know, nobody did until a few months ago when she finally told us. Your kids love you and all the time you spent with them during your break while still training is slowly making up for the years you missed." I nod realizing she's right and that I shouldn't be worried about it. "Now what I actually came over here for is Kylie wants you with her to put Aire to bed, since she doesn't know where you room is." I nod going over there to talk to Kylie.

"Hey Kendall said you wanted to put Aire to bed." I say to Kylie as I sit down by here while Aire walks straight to me wanting to sit on my lap. I pick Aire up why Kylie tells me, "Ya I figured we could put him in your room and Stormi can stay up late this once to watch her mama race, since she begged me to as long as it's ok with you." I nod thinking about. "Yes that's fine with me, and ya we can put Aire down in my room but it looks like he's already asleep." I say looking down at Aire cuddled into me holding onto my shirt for dear life. I carefully get up while holding Aire and wait for Kylie to get up, walking to my room I stop at the door asking Kylie to open it. Once it's open, I set Aire on the bed tucking him in and making sure he won't fall off. I wait for Kylie to kiss his forehead before leaving the room with her and as I go to walk back to everyone she grabs my wrist to stop me. "I overheard you and Kendall, it isn't what you think it is, he didn't know about it till I made that post today about you being their mother." I just nod saying, "Ya it was stupid of me to think that, I got to get going though so I'll see you after." She nods as I walk away I tell everyone I'm heading to the gradge getting goodlucks and bend down to give Stormi a hug. "Goodluck mama"

I'm listening to music getting ready for the race while looking at the forcast making sure we don't have to change plans last minute. While getting all of my stuff ready I hear my name being called and look over at the guest area to see everyone but my parents, Kris, and Corey. I wave setting my stuff down putting my airpods in the case. Putting in my ears for coms then slipping on my head mask fixing my hair and connecting the wires, once I have the rest of my gear on I get waighed and then get into the car. I started second behing ferrair but at turn three I overtake going into to first place for the majority of the race, but being at lap 47 out of 50 and Leclerc is catching up to me. "Two laps to go Leclerc 1.070 behind you, how is grip?" "Grips fine just trying to stay in front no coms from here on out beside telling me time and laps." I'm now on the last lap and turn 15 and 16 with Leclerc right behind me trying to overtake, I go as fast as I can till turn 17 when he passes me on the outside taking first place leaving me with second and Sergio with third. Finishing up with all the interveiws and post race talk it's nearly 3 a.m. Getting into my hotel room wanting to go to bed I see Kris sitting on the couch almost asleep while Stormi and Aire are on the second bed past out.

"Hey Kris, I thought Kylie said she was going to keep then tonight because she knew I would be back late." I say giving her a quick hug walking her to the door when she has all of her stuff. "She was but then ened up going out with Hailey, Justin, Ken, Zayn, Gigi, Timothee and all of them to the after party of the race. She said she was going to text you about it." "I haven't checked my phone yet just really wanted to get back and go to bed. Thank you for staying with them I'm sorry it was so late." "It's no problem at all sweetie, now I'm going to go letting you sleep and getting some sleep myself." I nod giving her one last hug and close the door behing her and seeing the text from Kylie on my phone confirming what Kris said. Looking over at my kids I sigh knowing she told me for sure she would have then but seems like partying with Timothee is more important to her than watching our kids. Once I'm in sleeping close I kiss both Stormi and Aire forheads before getting into bed and falling asleep as soon as my head hit's the pillow.

Getting woke up by Stormi poking my cheek saying mama over and over agian, while Aire is sitting on my stomach laughing at her is my top three ways of being woke up by then since finding out. Once were all ready for the day I let Stormi and Aire watch tv while I call Kylie trying to reach her to figure out if the plane for today is still the same. "You don't have to call me when I'm right here." I hear looking over while hanging up to see her walking in using the card I gave her. "Mommy!" Stormi runs to her so I let them have there moment still mad about last night with the pictures I found this morning. She sits down beside me on my bed looking at me while I look at our kids watching tv before she breaks the silence. "I'm sorry I didn't keep the kids last night like I said I would, they all beged me to go wanting to spend more time with me so I caved brought the kids back here making sure they were asleep before I left. I know your most likley mad at me and I'm sorry." "I am mad Kylie, actually pissed but were going to have this conversation later and not in front of our kids. Now are we leaving today like we planned?"

After we finshed taking about what we were doing today, and Kylie spent time with the kids while I finshed packing and putting it all in my car. Now were all in the private place heading back home, I'm currently watching Stormi and True play with toys before I decide to go pull Kylie into the bedroom on here. Walking over to were Kylie is sitting with Ken, Bella, and Gigi I say, "Hey guys, sorry to interupt but can I borrow Kylie for a minute please?" They all nod and Kylie gets up following me into the back to the bedroom. I sit down on the chair while she sits on the bed, "So what did you want to borrow me for?" She ask. "I want to talk about how you left our kids with your mom after we talked about you keeping them for the night, that involves you being in the room with them Kylie." She stays quite so I continue, "Not at a party getting a hickey from your new boyfriend that thinks he's going to take over my role of their other parent, not to mention that you didn't even ask me if it was ok to leave them with me and just inform me by text. I wasn't back to my room until three in the morning Kylie!" "So what if I was at a party with my boyfriend and our friends yes I promised to keep the kids like we talked about but plans change last minute, I have a life to you know I couln't just do whatever for the past five years. Not everyone can go and have fun and diffrent parts of the world while racing a car in diffrent countries, were not all lucky like that to be so carefree."

"Damit Kylie that's not what I'm saying, all I'm saying is it felt like to me that you think since I'm in the picture I'll drop everything to take then, which I will if I'm not in the middle of doing my job. Me racing in all diffrent countries is my job I do that for a living and ya it may be fun but it's dangerous, drivers have died in fatle accendents during a race me being almost one of them. I just want to be honest and when we make a plane around the kids that we stick to it no matter what, I get Kris willing to watch them for the few hours I was still at work doing interveiws and an after race talk with drivers like we always do. Plus I didn't know about the kids being mine until you told me, yes I thought it was possible but everyone belived that they were Travis's but I know and I'll always be there for them and rais them from here on out. This conversation is done, just start staying trueful to plans we set about the kids." I walk out to my seat still mad at her basically calling me a bad parent and that I was having fun while not even knowing for sure if they were mine because I was still not talking to her, and focusing everything on my career to try and get over her.


Hey guys, sorry that it's a late update but I justed remembered to publish this chapter. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I will have another one out as soon as I can. As always you can comment ideas you want to happen and I will try to put them in. Thank you for still reading this story and I appreave the support.

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