Against Nature's Laws

De SkyeJanes

86 18 11

When Lorraine Tate comes back after the summer, ready to start her junior year at the Mystic Falls High Schoo... Mais

New guys and old crushes
Animal attack
The Night of the Comet
Harbinger of Evil
Dark Premonitions

Go Timberwolves!

1 1 0
De SkyeJanes

The atmosphere was electrifying when I reached the school on game night even though it wasn't dark yet. The sun was on its way down and people were busy building the bonfire and getting everything else ready before the other team arrived. Caroline was of course running the whole show and running from place to place to make sure everything was perfect. I quickly went over to her offering to help, which she gladly accepted. She sent me over to the drinks station to help Bonnie set everything up.

„How is it that Caroline still manages to rope you into helping when you're not even part of the squad anymore?" Bonnie asked shaking her head when she saw me approaching. The drink station was nothing more than a picnic table and beverage refrigerator under a small pavilion tent. I moved one of the tent's walls to duck inside.

„I offered," I shrugged, hip-bumping her lightly. „I can't very well abandon you and Elena to Caroline's mercy when she's in organiser mode."

Bonnie snorted and handed me cans of soda to fill in the clear fridge. We both knew all too well how scary Caroline could get, but to her credit she was effective and her perfectionism practically always resulted in flawless events. I more than often thought she should open an event planning business after we'd finish school.

„Speaking of... have you seen Elena?" Bonnie interrupted my train of thought.

I furrowed my eyebrows. „No, why?"

Bonnie shrugged and bit her lip. „It's probably nothing, but she wasn't there when Caroline gave out assignments and she was supposed to be helping me here."

I paused at her words. It wasn't like Elena to flunk out like that without giving notice.

„She was probably just late and Caroline assigned her to another post," I said, grabbing more cans from Bonnie.

„Yeah, probably."

We continued working for a little while after that, chatting away about school and boys, and the old times when I used to be on the squad. I had to admit that every time I'd see Bonnie, Caroline or Elena in their cheer uniforms I felt nostalgic. I still had my old maroon uniform in my closet, which still fit perfectly. I remember the times we would hang out in mine or Caroline's backyard and go over the routines and particular challenging moves. It was easier times back then, less drama, less heartache. But then I had the accident. It was the middle of last year's season. I was a flyer and a stunt went wrong. My right shoulder got dislocated and I had a tear in my ligaments. I was completely out of commission for the rest of the season.

„You miss it, huh?" Bonnie asked, having caught me staring.

„I do, but I'm also scared. The pain is still vivid in my memory," I murmured, while I rubbed my shoulder.

„You could start out small again. Staying on the ground, no tumbling that puts too much strain on your shoulder... I'm sure Caroline could find ways to arrange routines so you could be back in the squad," she suggested. „We all miss you."

I smiled at Bonnie, she truly always knew what was going on in my mind and what to say.

„Maybe..." I said, shrugging my shoulders. „I did look hot in uniform."

We both exploded in giggles.

It didn't take too long after that to finish setting up the booth and for someone to come and man it, relieving us from the task. Bonnie went to find Caroline, while I decided to look around for familiar faces. It didn't take me long to find someone, but they weren't in the attire I suspected.

„Elena?" I called.

The brunette turned and waved as I jogged up to meet her. Unlike Bonnie, Caroline and other members of the cheer squad, she wasn't wearing her uniform, instead wearing a dark green tank-top and a black denim skirt.

„Hey, Bonnie and Caroline have been looking for you," I said when I was in front of her. „What happened to your uniform?"

She grimaced. „I quit. It's just not something I can still see myself doing after everything, you know?"

My face softened. It was normal that after something as traumatic as becoming an orphan, her interests would change, but I was surprised she hadn't mentioned anything to us before.

„I get it, but did you let Caroline know? She didn't mention anything to me when I talked to her earlier."

Elena now looked down, guilt on her face. „It was kind of a spur-of-the-moment decision."


„I know," she whined. „Caroline's going to be furious, but she put me in the back anyway, so it shouldn't mess up too much."

I sighed. „You know, I'd support you either way but not letting Care know right away is not cool. Bonnie even worried because she hadn't seen you at roll call."

Elena looked even guiltier at my words but I didn't want to make her feel worse so I gave her a hug.

„You should go and find Caroline," I murmured and let her go.

She nodded and took a step back.

„I like your outfit by the way," she said pointing to the dark floral mini dress I wore. It was one of my favourites and since it was a straight cut A-line dress, I had cinched it at the waist with a thin belt. Over it I wore a thin cardigan that would keep me warm when the sun would set and also covered the last remnants of my bruises.

„Thanks," I said, with a smile, before I gave her a mock stern look. „But no deflecting, go!"

Elena laughed, raising her hands. „Alright, alright! I'm on my way."

I watched her go, shaking my head slightly, a small smile on my lips.

Almost everything seemed to be set up now and more and more players and cheerleaders were walking around, finished with their tasks before the game started. Across the parking lot, the football team erected a pyre for the bonfire later. Recognising Tyler and Matt among them, I quickly made my way there.

They were already in their jerseys, protection and all, which made their shoulders look even larger than they already were. Matt turned and we locked gazes for a moment, my heart skipping a beat. He waved at me, making Tyler turn to me also.

„Hey, guys!" I greeted them. „Ready for the game?"

To my surprise, Tyler pulled a face. „Sure..." he sneered before walking off.

I frowned and turned to Matt who was shaking his head dejectedly, while he threw a few more branches on the pyre.

„Did I say something wrong?" I asked.

He sighed. „Don't mind him, he's just being a dick."

He threw the branch he was holding with more force than necessary as he watched the retreating form of his best friend.

„Well, what else is new?" I said lightly, shrugging one shoulder, in hopes to lift the mood.

That actually made him crack a smile. „You would know," he said with a chuckle.

I scoffed. „Me? Oh, please! He's your best friend." I drilled my index finger into his chest, only hitting his protective gear.

His eyes twinkled as he looked down at me, and I couldn't deny the butterflies that were fluttering inside my stomach. I loved the easy back-and-forth, the playful banter that flowed freely between us. Those moments were glimpses of what could be and they gave me a little spark of hope that just maybe my hopes were not entirely unfounded or impossible. If he would just see that...

„And you're the one who shared cribs with him", he retorted, and gently flicked my forehead.

I scowled, and caught his hand before he could flick me again. I felt him laughing, before I heard it. It was a low rumbling as he tried to hide it, but the mirth in his eyes and the large grin were evidence enough. It was then that I noticed just how close we were standing, my hand around his, and blushed. I let go of his hand and moved a small step back, averting my gaze before I would get lost in his deep blue eyes again.

„Don't remind me," I said with a fake groan. „I bet his mum still has pictures of us sitting in the kiddie pool together, naked."

My mum had been very active in the various town committees, especially the Mystic Falls Historical Society, and had been a good friend of Tyler's mum. She'd often bring me and my brother along to the Lockwood's when they were planning yet another event. However, after my mum's death visits had gotten rare.

My smile dropped as I was reminded of her absence again. It happened so long ago, that I couldn't even remember her voice anymore, but it still hurt. Matt had noticed my mood shift and stopped laughing as well.

He shot me a comforting look. „So... I can't help but notice— no uniform?"

„Shouldn't you be used to it by now?" I challenged, glad for the topic change.

„I thought maybe ‚New Year, New Luck'?" Matt smiled sheepishly. I bit my lip, not meeting his gaze. My earlier conversation with Bonnie was still fresh in my mind. „You have thought about it!" he exclaimed, with round eyes.

I shushed him quickly, afraid any talk about my potential return to cheerleading would somehow magically summon Caroline. That girl had a sixth sense for that kind of stuff.

„I haven't decided yet. I'm not even sure if I'd get cleared by my doctor," I admitted quietly.

Next to me, Matt shuddered. „I get it, don't worry. Either way is fine with me, really. You scared the living daylights out of me that day. I could do without hearing you scream like that ever again."

His eyes were warm and while he said it with a chuckle I could see he truly cared. I was blushing again. Maybe— Don't get your hopes up, of course, he cares but he'll always only see you as a friend, nothing more! The rational part of my brain quickly interjected. And yet, while I felt myself getting lost in his eyes again, a part of me still had hope.

A snicker close to us broke the moment if you could even call it that. It came from a group of my least favourite people: Travis Nelson and his little gang. Surprisingly, Duke was conspicuously absent.

„I bet I could make her scream," he sneered. „All night."

Raucous laughter erupted from the group and I narrowed my eyes in annoyance.

„Shut it, Nelson!" Matt and I said in unison.

The rebuke from his team captain didn't seem to deter Travis in the slightest. On the contrary, our reaction encouraged him only further.

„There's no need to play coy with me, sweet cheeks. You know it's true."

Sweet cheeks? Oh, now he had it coming. Matt was about to defend me but I stopped him, giving him a look that said ‚I've got this'. He only raised his eyebrows but let me handle it. I took a step forward, turning fully to Travis, who looked at me with a salacious grin.

„That's awfully confident of you," I said giving him an unimpressed once over. „Especially since, according to Jessica—" Travis blanched, his smirk gone while mine grew. „—the only thing you managed to do was to bore her to death, and that was after you struggled to even get it up in the first place and had to take a blue pill from your dad's stash."

He sputtered, face growing red in anger and humiliation. Around us, people were laughing loudly and I was sure I had heard Chad yell „Burn!" from across the wooden pyre. Travis shot me a last withering glare before walking away. Satisfied, I turned back around to Matt.

„Ouch!" he said looking impressed. „Remind me to never piss you off."

We talked for a few moments more before I heard my name being called. Caroline was approaching us at a fast pace. She had a deep scowl on her face and snapped at a freshman who had dared get in her way.

„She seems in a good mood," Matt whispered.

„I guess she talked with Elena," I replied in hushed tones. „She quit cheerleading," I added after seeing his confusion.

To be honest, I could understand why Caroline was upset — dropping out so suddenly was a dick move from Elena — but it didn't mean that I wanted to deal with the blonde hurricane either.

„I need to borrow her," Caroline said curtly, not even waiting for any reply, before dragging me away. Matt shot me a helpless look, mouthing a ‚good luck', he knew better than to interfere when she was in this mood.

„Ugh! I swear, the universe is plotting against me," she started once we were out of earshot. „I finally made cheer captain and I lost our best flyer—" She shot me a pointed look. „—and now Elena decides to quit on the day of our first game!" Her voice rose higher in pitch as she vented.

Caroline was nothing if not a perfectionist and she took her roles as cheer captain and head of various committees very seriously. I rubbed her arm comfortingly as she continued her rant.

„I mean, would it have killed her to give me a heads-up? I worked so hard on these routines and now it will look all wrong. What will the people think? What will Damon think?"

She was getting worked up and I did my best to calm her down before she would start hyperventilating. Knowing Caroline, I reckoned an action-oriented approach to solve her problems would be best. I grabbed her by the shoulders forcing her to look at me.

„Breathe, Caroline," I ordered. „Now what was the plan for tonight, walk me through the routines."

She quickly explained the different stunts and formations she had planned and let me know Elena's part in all of them. We managed to rearrange the routines without them changing too much. Only the placements and a few stunts had to be adjusted. It was a good thing that Elena was in the back for most of it due to her struggles.

„You're a lifesaver, Lori!" Caroline said after we finalised the last few bits. „I could not have handled it if I'd embarrass myself in front of everyone, and especially Damon."

I gave a wry smile. Damon. How could I forget? With my luck, I'd run into him tonight and I'd rather avoid that. I blanked out as she gushed over him once again and only snapped back when she clapped in her hands.

„Anyways, I need to go see the squad, let them know of the changes. Thanks so much again!" She gave me a tight hug and skipped away.

Looking after her, I started to feel tingling at the back of my neck. I turned around and locked eyes with Duke. He stood some 50-odd feet away, can of coke in hand and just stared at me, unblinking, unwavering. It was unsettling, to say the least. I tore my gaze away and walked in the opposite direction. I wondered if I should make my way back to Matt, but when he was in sight again he was in an animated discussion with Chad and Andre from his team. Not wanting to intrude, I decided to get myself something to drink. The late summer heat had caught me by surprise and my throat felt parched. I went back to the booth I had set up earlier with Bonnie which was now manned by a sophomore band kid.

„Hey, can I get a coke, please?" I asked as I stepped up to the covered picnic folding table serving as a counter.

„That'd be $3.50," the kid—Oliver, if I remembered correctly—said in a bored tone. He was playing a game on his phone, not even looking up.

„Oh no, it's okay. I helped with set up," I explained with a smile.

He shot me a small glance before returning to his screen. „Uh uh, that's nice. It's still $3.50."

At the same time, one of the football players walked up and he wordlessly handed him a can of Dr. Pepper. I gaped at the exchange.

„And what was that?"

„Drinks are free for the team and the cheerleaders," he answered with an annoyed sigh. „You are wearing neither jersey nor pompoms, so either pay up or leave me alone."

„As I told you," I said through gritted teeth. „I helped with set up. Caroline assured—"

„Hey man, a coke please."

I looked up to who just interrupted me and saw Tyler. Oliver's demeanour changed completely. He put on a smile and handed him a can he pulled from the back of the fridge.

„Here you go, Tyler. I just refilled the cokes, but this one should be cooled enough. Do you need anything else?"

„Nah, it's good. Thanks."

„Oh okay, well good luck with the game, tonight," Oliver said, a blush creeping on his cheeks. And did he just giggle?

I stood dumbfounded. Gone was the bored moody kid and replaced by a hormonal teenager who was clearly pining after my childhood friend. Well, maybe I could use my friendship with Tyler then, to get my free drink. However, before I could resume my argument, Tyler dragged me away to some nearby benches.

„Here," he said, shoving the can in my hands.

„Thanks," I said, surprised he'd go out of his way to help me.

He picked up a cup from the bench and took a swig out of it. „I heard about your outburst with Nelson," he said, the corners of his mouth tilting up. „Couldn't let poor... what's-his-name suffer the same tragic fate."

„Haha," I said dryly, opening my can. Looking back to the booth, I caught Oliver still looking over at Tyler. „You realise he has a crush on you, don't you?"

Tyler almost spat out his drink. „What?"

Rude boy, over there" I supplied after taking a sip, pointing my head to Oliver who was trying hard not to look like he was watching us. „Totally has the hots for you. I think his name's Oliver by the way," I continued in a chipper tone. „You know, in case you want to get his number."

Tyler wrinkled his nose in disgust, looking a little green in the face. „Shut up," he growled. „Don't make me regret helping you out."

I simply smiled innocently up at him while sipping on my coke. Under normal circumstances, I would have teased him to death, but I could tell that his mood was still sullen and I let it be. For now. We fell into a companionable silence, neither of us feeling the need to fill it with small talk, just watching the people around us. It has been a while since we shared moments like this.

„Where's Vicki?", I asked, noting the absence of the girl that would otherwise have monopolised Tyler's attention.

„Finishing her shift at the grill."

„Is that why you're sulking?"

He turned to me, with furrowed brows and a clenched jaw. „I'm not sulking!"

„Could have fooled me," I answered in a sing-song voice.

He let out a scoff, turning away from me again, but I noticed his hand gripping his drink just a little bit tighter. Then, his eyes hardened and I followed his line of sight. Stefan had joined the other football players who were standing close to us, mainly talking to Tyrone and Logan.

I raised my eyebrows. „You're mad at Stefan?" I asked, surprise colouring my voice. „Why?"


„Is it still about the football you tried to throw at him?"

Still giving me the silent treatment.

„Or is it some ‚Bro Code' thing because he's dating Elena?"

That at least got a scoff out of him. „I just don't like him, okay? Stop pestering me about it!"

I could still tell there was something off about the way he said it. Then it clicked. My eyes became wide.

„You're jealous!" I exclaimed in a hushed voice.

„What? No! I don't give a damn about Elena," he answered indignantly.

„Not Elena," I continued, with an eye roll. „You're jealous of the attention he's getting."

His gaze darkened, proving my theory. He clenched his left hand, crumpling his empty can and suddenly I felt less giddy about my discovery. Tyler did have a temper.

„Relax," I said quickly, raising my arms in a placatingly manner. „I'm not going to tell anyone."

He seemed to calm down a tad, at least he didn't look murderous anymore.

„I get it, kinda," I continued. „High school pecking order—or something like that..."

Tyler shook his head, his shoulders slumped down in a relaxed position and I could see he was fighting a small grin. Situation defused!

„Tanner's been treating him like Christ reborn," he scoffed, and threw the crumpled can into the trashcan next to the bench.

„Well Tanner's an ass, we knew that already. Also, Stefan is not only good at football but also this huge history nerd," I said laughing. „You should have seen him annihilate Tanner on dates. I actually thought it would put him in his bad books, but figures that Tanner would love him in the end."

„Yeah, I heard," Tyler said a smile on his face now. „God, I wished I'd seen Tanner's face though!"

We both laughed and it was nice seeing his frustration melt away.

I nudged him playfully. „There, much better," I said while running my thumb down his forehead, smoothing some non-existent wrinkles. „We wouldn't want any premature frown lines up there, now would we?"

„You're such a nuisance, Tate!", he said with a sigh that was too loud to be taken seriously.

Then, all of a sudden, the moment was gone. His face lost its mirth and he tensed slightly. I was about to ask what was going on but he beat me to it.

„Nelson's heading this way," he said quietly and I groaned. Great.

I turned and faced him, my gaze challenging, but Travis wasn't looking at me at all. In fact, he seemed to purposefully avoid me. That works too, I thought, relaxing slightly.

„The other team's arrived," he said loud enough for all players around to hear. „Coach wants to see us."

The people around us nodded and finished their drinks if they had some, preparing to go. I patted Tyler encouragingly on the arm and made to leave. However, when I reached Travis' level he blocked my way. Rolling my eyes I tried to move around him, but he grabbed my upper arm, stopping me.

„You'll pay for earlier," he snarled, quietly enough that only I would hear his threat.

This didn't make me feel very secure, but I knew that showing any weakness would do more harm than good. I shot him a dark look, standing a little taller.

„Let go," I ordered, voice deep and steady, but loud enough for the other guys to hear without it sounding like I was scared.

It didn't take long for one of them to pipe up.

„Hey man, what are you doing?" Tyrone, a tall African-American guy with an undercut afro, said. Not that it helped.

„That's enough, leave her alone," Tyler said, placing his hand warningly around Travis' wrist until he let go of my arm.

„So brave when you have your friends to protect you..." Travis sneered. „You know, Duke told me quite the interesting story of what happened at the back-to-school party."

I could feel my blood drain from my face at his words. What had Duke told him? My eyes flickered to Stefan who looked at me with worried eyes. Obviously, Travis enjoyed the reaction he saw in my face and he turned away, laughing, back to where Tanner wanted to see the team. The other players followed, not without giving me some weird glances. Only Tyler remained by my side, Stefan lingering a few steps away.

„What is he talking about, Ray?", his brows furrowed again.

I quickly shook my head. „Nothing, don't worry. Travis is just being an ass, as usual."

He didn't seem convinced but he didn't push me either, he gave me a nod and a tight smile and headed after the group.

„Coming, Salvatore?" He asked cooly as he walked past Stefan.

Stefan's gaze still lingered on me, frown lines marring his forehead, eyeing me up as if he wondered if I'd have a breakdown in the next thirty seconds. I gave him a silent go-ahead to follow Tyler, who looked at him impatiently.

„Yeah," he answered Tyler, before turning back to me once more. „You should go and find Elena, I'm sure she'd like the company."

I nodded and waved them goodbye.

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