Love At First Word

By RisenDemon3221

66.7K 3.3K 650

Nothing ever changed in Karakura Town. Nothing. Ever. So when a new student comes for the first time since ki... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Christmas Special!

Chapter 18

2.4K 123 43
By RisenDemon3221

~ Urahara ~

I guided Ichigo to sit down on a bench away from the party after having taken him from the water.

"Ichigo...why don't you tell me what's going on?" I asked.
Surprisingly, instead of mumbling that he was fine, he turned and curled into my side, much like Yachiru did when she was frightened or confused.

"I don't know why..." he whimpered, and I gently stroked his hair.

"Don't know why what, Ichi?"

"Why I wanna kiss him! I've only known him for...for almost two weeks! I feel so worthless.."

I sat up in astonishment, pulling Ichigo's face from my side.
"Why do you feel worthless?" I asked, befuddled.

"Because...because I don't just trust people. No matter how badly my brain knows how much I want - how much I need to trust someone, I can't do it. And then along comes that fucking devil and he's...he just knows! He knows how to live with me and how to take care of me and I find myself thinking I want to curl up next to him and never move or do anything for myself and I shouldn't because he's my friend and the first one I've had in a while that I made on my own and I can't...I can' him.."
Once again, he sniffled and hid his face in his hands.

"Oh...Ichigo.." I pulled him towards me and let him sob into my shoulder as I rubbed his back soothingly.

"I think you should give it a try, kid."
I started a bit at my spouse's voice, and my eyes followed him as he moved to sit down on the other side of Ichigo. He looked out at the sky that was just beginning to turn the slightest shade of orange over the lake, and I smiled when I noticed his hand set on Ichigo's back as well.

"It'd take a blind man to miss the kinda likin' he's taken to you. No, it ain't love, but ya got something goin', someone that can care for ya the way you and your family can't. He's a good kid, average brains and a hellova wide receiver. Ya stick with him and you'll be alright."

Even I was startled at the deep care and sincerity in Kenpachi's little speech, and Ichigo hugged him gratefully.

"Now stop your cryin' kid. It ain't becomin' of you."
Ichigo nodded and I kissed his head.

"Why don't you and Yachiru go and clean your face up, hmm? Can't have red eyes while you're asking a boy out, now can you?" When Ichigo nodded warily, I smiled.
"YACHI!" I called, a soaking pink blob settling itself in my lap not a minute later.
"Take Ichigo up to his room and help him clean up, please dear. When he lays down in bed, you can come back down."

"Yes Daddy! C'mon, Ichi! You need some sleep. You can't be worn out if you're gonna dance later!"

All three of us smiled at her endearing nature, Ichigo happily taking her small hand and allowing her to lead him back inside.

I was then pulled into a warm embrace, and when I looked up at Kenpachi, he grinned down at me and pecked my lips.
"I love kids." He murmured, burying his node in my dripping blonde locks.

"Me too, you really think he'll be okay? I mean, Grimmjow's possessiveness is obvious to anyone with functioning eyes, but..but Ichi's got to sit and wonder how Grimmjow looks at him, what faces he makes, what makes him annoyed, the whole nine yards -"

"Kisuke, he'll be fine. Like I said, it would take Nelliel in rainstorm standing by tornado sirens with her eyes closed not to notice their affection for each other. Trust me, either Jeagerjaques is in denial or he's a bigger idiot than I thought." Kenpachi stroked my hair similar to the way I had petted Ichigo's and I then found myself in the air, staring a wet, muscled back.

"Kenpachi Zaraki, you wouldn't dare."

"Oh, but my charming Kisuke Zaraki, I. would."

With that, I was shifted to a bridal carry before being tossed into the lake, a large slash following after me. When I came up, my eyes locked onto the malicious grin I loved so much and I gave one back.

~ Grimmjow ~

It had been almost an hour since Ichigo had disappeared with his uncle and I sighed, slouching more on the bench I had taken residence on.

I didn't open my eyes to see who sat down beside me until I heard a quiet, familiar voice.


"Yachiru? You okay?" I mumbled back, peeking a blue eye open at her.

"I'm fine. But Ichi's not."

That made me sit up. "Why isn't Ichigo okay?"

"Papa says he has a hole in his heart. Daddy says his head hurts. Ichi says his body hurts. I don't know if I should believe Papa or Daddy." She told me nonchalantly as she watched boats motor by.

"Why, uh..why can't you believe Ichigo?"

"Because Papa told me Ichi lies when he starts crying and that he's 'not really fine' when he says he is." I would've laughed at her air quotes, had I not been stuck on the fact that Ichigo was crying.

"Do you know why he's crying?"

"Well...I think both Papa and Daddy are right. When Ichi thinks too much, his head hurts and he has to sleep for lots of hours - that's what Daddy said. Papa said that since Ichi lost his Daddy and his baby sisters Ichi has a hole in his heart that's really hard to fill." Yachiru told me, swinging her legs. After a short pause, she continued.
"I really want Ichi to be fixed. Even though his daddy and his little sisters didn't really talk to him...I remember he told me that he liked waking up to Yuzu's laugh and Karin's complaining about their daddy. He told me when we watched them get buried that they were in a better place and that they were with his mommy but he was crying when he told me that so I don't think he was happy they were in heaven like he said he was because Papa said he lies when he cries."
She looked at me with an expression I couldn't decipher, and I frowned.

"That's...that's a lotta words, kid-"

"I think you can fix Ichi. I want to but I'm only seven and Papa and Daddy are too old because they already fixed each other and I think if they fix someone else they'll get hurt again but nobody's ever tried to fix Ichi and I think you need to be fixed too."

I sat quietly as I let her words sink in deep. When I looked back to ask her if she knew where Ichigo had gone, she was skipping away to Yoruichi.

I bent over, setting my elbows on my knees and my face in my hands. "Ugh..." I groaned, and I shook my head minutely as I tried to figure out what to do.

Minutes passed, but I eventually noticed the change in atmosphere.

The music had been toned down and changed to slower songs, the deck lights had been turned off to reveal the beginning of a beautiful sunset, and everyone was backing off to the edges of the deck.

"Ahem! Hello, hello!" Yoruichi came on over the speaker, and I guessed she's taken it from the radio man. "Alright guys. This is the annual couples dance we give everyone so that all those family members get something to do that's not so crazy! Now, since we have a tradition of having the hosting couple dance first, Kisuke and Kenny will dance for a while and anyone else can join at their own pleasure."

I watched, stunned, as my Coach and Psych teacher stepped into the middle of the deck, hand in hand. They stared into each other's eyes and, when the music started, they glided across the floor in perfect harmony. Everyone watched in awe for a few minutes before an elderly couple joined in, and then more and more.

After a while, the music slowed down, everyone swaying comfortably while the remaining few people on the sidelines watched in awe, transfixed on the couples so in love on the deck.

Someone cleared their throat from the bench beside me and I turned my head, ripping my eyes away from the beautiful scene as slowly as possible.

When I finally saw the head of red hair from the corner of my eye, my neck swiveled so fast I though I had whiplash.

"Ichigo! Are you okay? You're not crying anymore right?"

Ichigo was quiet for a few, agonizing moments, a slow, easy smile spreading tenderly on his lips.
"That's got to be my very favorite thing about you."

"Um...what?" I mumbled, utterly bumfuzzled.

"The way you immediately make sure I'm okay. The way you protect me. That's my favorite thing about you, because, despite the tough guy act you put on during school, you're this big teddy bear that loves kids and you're really attentive. That's so amazing..." Ichigo tilted his head towards his lap, where his hands were folded across his crossed legs.

"Ichigo...what are you talking about?"

"I like you. I like you...a lot. And I...I had as much clue as a cow when it came to what to do about that. But then, when it finally got to be too much for parents helped me out. Yachiru, too, bless her heart. Told me, 'Grimm-monster can fix your head, Ichi-bear. You just gotta trust him like you trust Daddy and Papa and Ren-monster.'" Ichigo laid a hand over his mouth and laughed lightly into it.

"Yeah...she came and talked to me about fixing you and you fixing me. I dunno what she meant-"

I looked up, back to Ichigo, when a hand gripped the hair at the nape of my neck.
"Grimmjow. I'm going to kiss you. You are going to tell me no, or guide me to your lips."

Needless to say, no wasn't an option when he looked so hopeful yet so torn, so excited yet so scared...

It happened before either of us knew what was going on.
Yes, I'd kissed people. Hell, I'd done much worse with people.

But kissing Ichigo was nothing like that because...he couldn't look at me and see what he needed to do to get me interested. He just kissed me and I kissed him and it was amazing and so extraordinarily simple that when I pulled away for breath, my stomach was churning with feelings so good they hurt, but it wasn't what I thought it was. Sure, Ichigo was definitely hot, but the kiss we'd shared wasn't. It was just meant. Whatever the fuck that meant because apparently Ichigo's poetry knowledge leaked into my thoughts through his lips.

"Ichigo, I dunno what to say-"

He grabbed my hand and yanked me off the bench, looking up at me pleadingly.
"Then shut up and dance with me."


Yes...yes I went there. Do not judge me. ;D

IMPORTANT: those of you wondering, there's a reason Yachiru speaks the way she does - i.e., no proper punctuation separating breaths. Children tend to rush their words. They don't put a lot of emphasis on one thing or the other. They. Just. Speak. *sigh* learned that one the hard way.

Kids also tend to be the ones to deliver the most heart-striking words, whether they be good or bad and whether the kid knows it or not. They see things differently because they're still learning what it means to be part of the human race. They put words together the way it makes sense to them and everything imprints on them.
A Psychologist as a Papa? Yeah...the kid's gonna learn fast and probably grow up really open minded.
I've kinda tried to make Yachiru an example of Kenpachi and Urahara's coupling.

I love you guys!! G'night!! (Finally..😓😴)

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