Reincarnated as the Starborn

By KonoXwrite

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Reborn into the world as his favorite TV series' main lead character, the Starborn, Josh's heart raced with e... More

Prelude - The Show's last Episode
Chapter - Prologue
Chapter One: Wishing Star, Baby
Chapter Two: Across Sea of Stars
Chapter Three: Explain Systematic Access
Chapter Five: Academic Success Pt.2
Chapter Six: Outlined Path
Chapter Seven: Uprising Demands
Chapter Eight: Knowing is Boredom

Chapter Four: Academic Success Pt.1

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By KonoXwrite

The day at Hero's Academy felt incredibly bleak without Globby. I had grown so attached to him that it felt like we were a couple, inseparable. What added to my concern was that I hadn't seen Klanie this morning. Anxiety was building up within me as I pondered her absence. It took a moment, but then I realized what day it was – for me, it meant only half-day classes, while Globby and Klanie had the day off. Many students had already left to visit their parents, but I remained behind, a sense of unease creeping in.

Hero's Academy had a curriculum structured according to students' ages. Currently, I was placed in seminar sessions due to my age. The academic system was divided into categories, and for my age group (Preparatory Division, ages 10-13), it entailed basic education and early power training, along with lessons on ethics, responsibility, and understanding our abilities. My current class resembled a home room for kids, with only eight of us in total. The initial introductions hadn't shed enough light on what we were meant to do here. It became evident that every child in the class was exceptionally intelligent, and I couldn't help but feel that I was among the privileged protégés of the rich kids' program. I couldn't help but wonder why Globby hadn't made it into this program, a question that lingered in my mind.

My musings were interrupted when Vesper, the famed hero of the world, entered our classroom. Excitement rippled through the students as they met this iconic figure. Vesper was known for his power, intelligence, and, above all, his wisdom. His only vice seemed to be his obsession, but in this universe, distinct from the series I used to watch in my past life, if he wasn't obsessed with me, Vesper could potentially be an unstoppable force for good. However, I couldn't easily accept that notion.

As expected, the world seemed to freeze as Vesper addressed me directly. "Oceus, you've crossed boundaries. I know you're a reincarnation from another universe, and you've complicated things by discovering, or rather, embarrassing me in front of Klanie. I'm not saying I'll be your adversary, but if you persist in seeing me as a threat, I will make sure you don't succeed, even though I know you have the potential to do great things. I don't know what your previous universe was like, but I'm not your enemy unless you make me one."

I couldn't help but chuckle in response. "Professor, isn't it? You speak as if you're innocent. This situation is exactly what I anticipated – you using your abilities to privately address your concerns. I'm not claiming you're automatically my enemy, and honestly, I don't care. I'm just trying to live a life that won't cost me mine, which is precisely what happened in my previous universe."

Vesper gazed at me silently before letting out a sigh. "I understand that I may need to prove I'm not who you think I am."

I nodded, "It's unlikely, but I genuinely hope it's true. Is Klanie alright?"

Vesper reassured me, "I haven't done anything to harm her. I merely addressed her complaints and concerns, guiding her to understand her experiences and the truth. She decided to speak with her family on her own accord. Your presence in this class was not my decision; we have responsibilities and staff obligations to maintain high expectations. You're currently on our board of advisors, a priority for us to ensure your success, as it could benefit the entire country. I've aged considerably, and eventually, we will need a new hero to replace me." This revelation about his age caught me off guard; in the show, Vesper was portrayed as a young bastard who tragically met his end in his early thirties during a confrontation with Emirah.

"I'm curious, now that you're aware of my origins, I'd like to ask – how long have you been on Farth?" I inquired. Vesper looked at me for a moment, understanding that falsehoods would only complicate matters. "I've been on Farth for roughly three thousand years."

In the TV series, Vesper had spent a mere thousand years on Farth, constantly shifting shapes to keep pace with time. In this universe, it seemed I had arrived much later. The era of this world closely mirrored the show, with minor adjustments for realism. "Three thousand years..." I murmured, recalling details from the data book of my favorite series. Vesper's alien race was known to live for approximately three thousand years, never longer. However, confirming one's true age wasn't straightforward. To do so, a shapeshifter would need to revert to their original form, and trust in such a circumstance was hard to come by. What detail could provide the most convincing evidence? As I contemplated, he'd suggest, "We can discuss this further in my office, if you'd prefer."

With the world returning to motion, the other students bombarded Vesper with questions, while I remained deep in thought at the back of the class. Another instructor took notice and approached me, inquiring if I had any questions. I dismissed her with a curt hand gesture, lost in my thoughts. Unbeknownst to me, she formed an unflattering opinion of me, labeling me as a 'stuck-up' brat.

I couldn't help but mull over why Globby, with his remarkable abilities, hadn't been chosen for the prestigious program. Globby's powers centered around manipulating the mind, emotions, and even the fabric of reality to some extent. His subtle mental influence allowed him to guide conflicts toward more peaceful and constructive resolutions. His mastery of the psychological color spectrum not only showcased his deep understanding of emotions but also enabled him to evoke specific emotional responses in people. His powers had no effect on me due to my immunity, which vastly limited his potential for evil in this life. In the TV series, he started as a misunderstood villain, driven by his upbringing as a spoiled brat who controlled his own life, including his parents.

Globby was far from weak, but he had emerged as a product of life's unfortunate circumstances. Eventually, he became a formidable ally to the justice system, only to meet his demise at the hands of another villain during the ill-fated journey to Mars.

Furthermore, Globby possessed the unique ability to sense intentions, allowing him to maintain a keen awareness of the truth in any situation. This gift was a curse against me, as intentions were rooted in the physical realm, unlike the spiritual domain where my mind resided, protected by my soul.

His extraordinary physical abilities rendered him a capable combatant when the need arose, establishing him as a well-rounded hero. Nonetheless, it was Gloppy's psychic projection that truly set him apart, transforming emotions into tangible manifestations. With this power, he could craft intricate strategies for both defense and offense. Gloppy's ability to manipulate the emotional landscape and bend reality using a spectrum of colors was a remarkable and formidable force for good. He did briefly encounter Emirah during the eighth season, but he paled in comparison to a Starian.

When comparing his superhuman feats to mine, it was like assessing the strength of a human bodybuilder with combat experience against a purpose-built combat machine. This stark contrast highlighted the potential I held in the future, even though I was currently at a relatively nascent stage of development. Vesper seemed to understand this and maintained clear intentions, possibly in preparation for the future when I'd realize my full potential. Knowledge, in my case, translated to a significant advantage over the expected norms.

After the sessions of rather uneventful school discussions, we were given the freedom to enjoy the rest of our day. As I exited the classroom, I spotted Globby and Klanie together. Joy surged through me, and I sprinted toward them, only to collide with an unexpected black, shiny shield. "Ouch! What was that for?" I protested.

Klanie swiftly explained, "I calculated the likelihood of you wanting to hug me and him simultaneously, considering the odds of either evasion or concealment. Unfortunately, our proximity was too short for an effective maneuver, leaving a barrier as the sole viable option to safeguard my personal space." Her explanation flowed seamlessly, and it left Globby in stitches on the floor, tears streaming down his face.

Frustrated, I contemplated blasting his knee, but he simply gazed at me in shock and continued to laugh uproariously. "Globby!!" I exclaimed in mock exasperation.

Just like carefree kids, we ran around, and I chased after Globby while Klanie quietly observed the antics of the youngsters. Later that afternoon, Globby revealed that my father had come by, but he couldn't enter the academy until later in the evening. As they both looked at me, a sense of fear and nervousness welled up within me. We were on the brink of discussing my origins, something I yearned to share with my parents, but would they truly comprehend? I had no recollection of anyone or anything significant from my past life, except for my girlfriend. The prospect of returning to that place and potentially recovering memories of my old family and friends weighed heavily on me. I feared altering how I felt about the people who had raised and loved me.

The weight of this experience was daunting, and I made an internal vow never to undergo another soul domain transition. If I were to live in this new life, it seemed like the only way to protect the relationships I cherished. I contemplated these thoughts silently. "Are you stressed about things you've already experienced?" Klanie's comment startled me. It was as if she could read my mind, while someone I had known for most of my life couldn't. I glanced at Globby, who seemed more interested in observing outside where some teens were engaged in a superhero-themed football game.

Klanie continued, offering her wisdom, "Listen, Oceus, you're not like us in age. You'll have to be open about the hopes and fears that we can't fully understand. We have a glimpse of who you are, nothing more." Her words brought a smile to my face. Now, Globby turned to me, expressing his concern, "You're not planning on running away again, are you?"

I responded, "I was, but not anymore. Would you both be by my side, as always?" Globby scoffed, as if it wasn't already obvious. I felt my eyes welling up with tears. It puzzled me why a grown man like myself could be so emotional. I felt a gentle pat from Klanie as Globby turned shy and looked away. "Thank you, thank you both."

When the time came for family interaction, I found myself unconsciously stalling, running around to claim that I needed to prepare myself and my room, plan the areas to tour, and so on. Globby nodded and leaned against a wall, letting out a sigh as he left me alone. Inside my room, I cleaned and reorganized everything for the millionth time, my heart pounding. Then came a knock on the door, and I could see through the walls to identify who was on the other side.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I stood facing the door, knowing my family was on the other side, eagerly awaiting my response. Globby had a mischievous grin on his face as he anticipated my reaction. "We know you're in there, and Globby told us quite a lot," my father called out. "We're also aware that you can now see through walls!"

"Globby!" I exclaimed, feeling a bit embarrassed that my newfound ability had been disclosed. I opened the door, and my mother immediately embraced me while I sobbed. My father ruffled my hair, and my sister paid little attention to the emotional reunion, busily exploring the dormitory she had always dreamt of.

After the initial emotional outburst and a good scolding for not leaving a note, my family appeared genuinely pleased with my decision. They had received a recording display of my assessment test and were astonished by the extent of my abilities. I reassured them that the simulation had allowed me to perform tasks I couldn't have imagined doing in reality. It was a technological marvel that permitted users to showcase their knowledge, drawing insights from their subconscious mind's truth, and utilizing genetic wavelength signals to calculate hidden potential under lenient conditions.

Globby nodded in agreement, explaining that had I not informed him about his own abilities and what he could do, he might never have believed me. He displayed his own record, and his parents gazed at it in wonder. Globby's mother possessed superpowers, while his father did not. This was a rare occurrence, as it was typically a genetic disorder that could cause a superhero to lose their powers as certain genes deactivated during growth. Globby's father found himself in this uncommon situation, but he took pride in his son's achievements, exceeding what he could have ever imagined.

In our secret body language, Globby and I understood that our parents couldn't know the full truth just yet. We needed to reveal the story about me, but it had to be done in a different manner since we weren't speaking in private within the campus. I couldn't share more than what Vesper already knew. Klanie had indirectly informed me that this was the narrative I needed to adopt.

So, I told our parents the story – that I had been reincarnated into the soul of a Starian clone, a lesser being sent here as a vessel to scout possible life in a specific solar system. I explained that this clone belonged to a race of evil, conquest-hungry fascists, but I hailed from a different life on Farth where I couldn't remember certain things from the past, including my friends and family. Nevertheless, I retained knowledge about that world that mirrored certain aspects of our world. Globby nodded in agreement to lend authenticity to the tale, causing my parents to fall silent, while his parents chuckled and nodded, as if it all made perfect sense.

As the night wore on, I walked around the campus with my sister, who offered words of encouragement. "You better graduate and then make sure I get a position too! Don't worry about Mother and Father; I'll ensure they're treated well and not taken advantage of like we always were."

I hugged her, and she smiled. "Do you think you can fly faster than me?"

Stepping back and considering her, I knew she was still much faster than me. "Two years, no, actually, four years! You won't even notice me flying or moving."

She replied with a challenge, "I'll believe it when I see it. Why didn't you tell me about my powers, huh? Were you afraid you'd never beat me?"

I shook my head, "Trust me, I would have if I had known you from my past life. Those I told were probably widely known, like they were in data books, because they had made headlines, much like Globby's antics on 'I always get free bread.'" She laughed, understanding the reference I had made.

The following day arrived with an unexpected tranquility that filled the air. Having bid farewell to our families, Globby and I found ourselves confined to our respective rooms throughout the morning. We were enveloped in a heavy sense of solitude, deeply missing the warmth of home and the cherished moments spent with our loved ones. In our solitude, we couldn't help but succumb to an overwhelming sense of homesickness.

Like clockwork, Klanie initiated our daily group chat, sending her customary morning messages. Her emotional resilience was a stark contrast to our own vulnerability. For her, reconnecting with her family after extended periods of absence was simply another facet of life, one that left her unfazed.

As the day progressed, we shared meals together, yet conversation remained sparse. Each of us retreated to our individual dormitories, seeking solace in the embrace of sleep. Klanie, however, spent a considerable amount of time in Globby's room. Her curiosity about his unique abilities had piqued after my revelations. Since I had freed her from the constraints of her psychic mind hive, she had become more attuned to her humanity. This newfound vulnerability made her susceptible to psychic attacks, prompting her to spend time with Globby in a bid to strengthen her psychic defenses.

Klanie was characterized by an unyielding determination, armed with a daily agenda and an unwavering commitment to her goals. In stark contrast, Globby embodied a polar opposite personality type, drawing them together with a magnetic attraction. I, on the other hand, seemed to occupy a neutral ground, not entirely opposing or mirroring their distinctive personalities.

In the following days, our journey at the Academy gradually transitioned into the reality of our new lives. Fortunately, we had arrived during the academy's off-season, which provided us with a smooth transition. As I moved through the entrance halls, I noticed many others attempting to participate in the entrance examinations.

For Globby and me, the initial stages seemed relatively easy, thanks to my prior knowledge of the academy's inner workings. Without my guidance, it's safe to say we wouldn't have made it this far. We both sported the standard academy uniform – a blue coat and black pants. While we shared our excitement, we were also aware that our class schedules would differ, although we hadn't exchanged them with each other. Our plan was to meet during our elective classes, a promise we had made, although we understood that the odds might not always be in our favor.

My curriculum for the day was as follows:
The first and second periods consisted of core subjects, specifically Mathematics and History, with a focus on superhuman-related topics. However, today's classes primarily involved introductions and meeting our instructors. Like the majority of students, most came from privileged backgrounds, far removed from the harsh realities of the slum city ports. Yet, this reality didn't apply to Globby and me, having shared our education in the challenging environment of the ghetto slums.

Following lunch, we naturally shifted our mental focus, preparing for the most intense part of the day. Our third period class was Power Training, emphasizing practical lessons in safely controlling and using our superhuman abilities. It was common knowledge that the academy classified students based on the versatility and potency of their abilities, making it a cornerstone of the campus's social hierarchy.

The fourth period, taught by the same instructor, covered Superhuman Law and Government. Since we were still in our youth, the class mainly revolved around the basics of understanding the Superhuman Rights Act and its implications. Personally, I knew I had to pay extra attention in this class, as I lacked the common sense grounding of this world, having been reborn from a world where superpowers didn't exist.

After the break, during our fifth period, we would have a chance to relax, either in our dormitories or at the campus park, savoring the moments of the day. It was essential to grab snacks during this break since the next class would be the longest. This class, Crisis Management, also involved introductory sessions, laying the foundation for understanding how to handle emergency situations and disaster response, as indicated by our ID card's hologram projection.

Finally, after enduring the prolonged lectures and presentations, we were to move on to our last period at the academy – Electives. Today, every student had the opportunity to explore their interests and join various club sessions afterwards. The elective topics covered a range of academic pursuits, allowing students to choose based on their interests. It was a thrilling prospect, and I was especially eager because I knew I could be with my best friend.

The electives on offer were diverse. They included Superhuman Artwork and Visual Effects, delving into the world of costume culture and the historical significance of different pieces of hero armor. There was also the option of Advanced Combat Techniques and Skill Integrations, which even involved training with companions, such as pets or other sentient beings to ally with as heroes. Less thrilling, but still valuable, were classes in Diplomacy and Negotiation for International Cooperation and Technological Courses tailored for inventors and gadget-users.

As we reached our parting point, Globby playfully urged, "Oceus, you better choose the Advanced Combat elective class!" I grinned and nodded in agreement, sealing the deal with a fist bump. He dashed off with a wave, and I turned to begin my journey to my first actual lesson of the day.

Moments later, I found myself amidst the bustling hallways, where some students zipped through the air on their way to class. I had now entered the Classroom Area of the academy, a sprawling space encompassing multiple levels of classrooms, each equipped with state-of-the-art technology for various subjects, including hero ethics and science. In the hallways, I spotted the lecturer rooms, spacious classrooms, and more. Each level was distinguished by its own number and letter designation for classrooms and areas. Floating guideboards provided directions, and I noticed that Globby had headed to the training centers area. He likely had training classes early in the day, while I had seated classes for my first period. We had kept our training schedules separate and secret, turning every chance encounter into a thrilling reunion.

Utilizing my identification card, I accessed my class schedule once more. Upon the digital screen, the details of my upcoming class were revealed. "Ah, 83-S-A1," I muttered to myself, mentally taking note of it. As I navigated through the bustling college campus, I couldn't help but notice how effortlessly other students moved around, almost appearing to glide or blink from place to place. It dawned on me that they were utilizing their unique abilities for efficient mobility, which explained the relatively short intervals between classes. I, on the other hand, would undoubtedly be late unless I harnessed my own ability. My designated classroom was situated on an upper level, and while there were teleportation elevators available, they were reserved for handicapped students.

Realizing that mere seconds separated me from being tardy, I finally noticed a sense of urgency in the expressions of my peers. Oblivious to the situation, I levitated off the ground, propelling myself forward along the labyrinthine hallways. Without a map, it was easy to imagine getting lost amidst the intricate network of corridors.

Soon, I spotted the classroom, and with a controlled descent, I approached the door. Just as I arrived, I overheard a head count being conducted inside. While I technically wasn't late, with less than a minute to spare, it might as well have been the case. I pushed the door open and entered the room, where I was met with a group of students roughly my age, all clad in the same blue uniforms. The teacher, dressed in black and sporting a cape, seemed indifferent to my discreet entrance. Glancing to the far left, I noticed a transparent cylindrical teleportation capsule.

The classroom itself lacked a traditional floor, as it was situated on a light wall accessible only to those who possessed the ability to fly or some alternative means of access. After a brief survey of the available seats, I realized that most were unoccupied, particularly in the front row, directly in front of the teacher. With a resigned sigh, I made my way to one of the front seats.

Reviewing my identification card, I realized I had barely made it on time. The teacher, whose name was prominently displayed on the board as 'Prof. Simera,' voiced his displeasure. "Oceus, this is your first day, next time I won't be as lenient regarding your punctuality. Be here fifteen minutes prior to the start of the class, like everyone else."

He chided me as I observed his stern expression. I quickly gestured an apology, clasping my hands together. "I am sorry, professor."

His disapproval was evident as he continued with the roll call, checking off each student's name. As I scanned my surroundings in the hopes of identifying a familiar face, it became evident that I didn't recognize anyone. The class was predominantly female, with a total of eighteen students, and to my chagrin, I was the sole individual who arrived late.

To my left, there were two girls, and behind me sat a young man. I quickly surveyed the room, finding no solace in the absence of familiar faces. The professor's stern voice snapped me back to reality. "OCEUS! Answer me when called."

With a nervous gulp, I turned to face Professor Black. His appearance was nothing short of striking, giving off an eerie semblance of a vampire with fangs that protruded not from the top, but rather from the bottom of his lips. His pale complexion, in contrast with his dark skin, accentuated his cold and stern countenance. His hair was predominantly gray, interspersed with fine streaks of black. His nails were long and sharply colored in black, and he was better known to me as Professor Black.

"Yes! Present!" I hastily responded, my impeccable memory replaying the events of the past few seconds when I had been absorbed in scanning the classroom, inadvertently prompting some giggles from my classmates. Professor Black grumbled as he took note of my initial absence.

"I'll be your instructor for the summer semester," he continued, his tone demanding respect and professionalism in his class. "You are required to request permission to leave my classroom, to speak, and even to retrieve your books or resources from the lockers. Responsibility rests with you. Grades carry significant weight in this academy, and if you cannot maintain them, seek education elsewhere. I will serve as your math and history teacher, and we will also delve into English grammar as part of our historical studies."

After delivering his expectations, he settled back at his desk to focus on his work. The classroom fell eerily quiet, and I couldn't help but think that this might be the most disciplined class I had ever been in.

"You may now converse, leave to go where you need, and speak with whomever you wish. Just be mindful of the time. I will commence the lesson in twenty-five minutes. It starts now," he announced, turning to activate the clock, which came to life with a silent countdown. As the seconds ticked away, the room buzzed with students chattering and moving about, a few even flying out of the classroom. Chaos seemed imminent, but the students adhered to the professor's rules.

Some of my classmates attempted to strike up conversations with me, but I gestured that I wasn't particularly interested in making friends, or I outright expressed my preference for solitude. My reservations stemmed from my apprehensions about Vesper. I wasn't sure whom else to trust, having seen how he manipulated Emirah in the earlier seasons of his growth. It was only through the defiance of Emirah's friends in the show that his manipulations were exposed. While main characters in television series might possess plot armor, the reality I faced was far less forgiving, and I couldn't afford to rely on luck as they did.

It was evident that the teacher, Professor Black, was meticulously studying us. His observations found a secure place in his ominous black book, and when I happened to focus on it, he cast a stern glare in my direction, prompting me to quickly divert my gaze to the floor or the ceiling. He exuded an air of calculated coldness, and it was increasingly apparent that his role went beyond that of a typical staff member, likely in the service of someone like Vesper.

Then, in the midst of the hushed classroom, Professor Black singled me out for a moment, capturing the attention of my fellow students. Some murmured, predicting that I might be reprimanded for my tardiness. "Oceus, I'll share one thing about myself," he began, his piercing eyes locked onto mine. "I possess the ability to discern one's true interests. I'm not sure where your loyalties lie, but I won't deceive you. So, focus on the class and make the most of your time here."

His enigmatic statement hung in the air, leaving the rest of the students to wonder why he had addressed me personally. Was it because of my refusal to socialize, or did it hint at something deeper? Suddenly, a familiar name, "Simera," flashed in my mind. It was in the database created by the series author. Prof. Simera, The Bloodhound Scientist.

"Oh! You know something?" He'd blurt out, fear coursing through me as he smiled in response. The rest of the class appeared bewildered as he swiftly checked the clock and resumed his teaching duties, typing away on his system pad. The other students gradually returned to their discussions on various mundane topics, the kind that held no interest for me.

I bowed my head, realizing that I was now in the presence of one of the "good" characters from the series. In the show, Professor Simera was the mentor who saved Emirah from failure and helped him become a hero. He provided valuable lessons on using one's abilities and mastering gravity manipulation, although I didn't require such guidance. It was nonetheless comforting to know that I had someone of this caliber in my midst.

Professor Simera possessed an extraordinary sensory perception, enabling him to discern the interests and intentions of those in his proximity. This unique ability endowed him with an uncanny talent for anticipating and comprehending the motivations and actions of individuals, making him an exceptional detective and strategist. I, too, fell within the sphere of his interest-sensing abilities, rendering me a walking enigma whose changing nature was evident to him. As I met his gaze, he would fix his eyes upon me for a moment, then swiftly return to his electronic pad. A few moments later, our class commenced.

Upon the conclusion of the lesson, I had dutifully taken notes, though my indifference toward basic mathematics was evident, given my background as a college-level graduate from a previous life. Instead, I focused my efforts on delving into the differences between Earth and Farth within the realm of history. Despite my strong desire to seek clarification on numerous matters, I chose to remain silent. Professor Simera, however, seemed to have perceived my unspoken questions. "Oceus, if you wish for private counsel, I am here to assist you," he offered.

With that invitation, I made my exit, effortlessly floating on my way. While he occasionally gave notices to other students, he seldom addressed them directly to offer personal guidance. It appeared as though I occupied a unique position in the professor's eyes, perhaps perceived as either lacking or special, depending on one's perspective. I had no intention of mingling with my fellow students, who, despite being roughly the same age, seemed like children compared to me. My demeanor might have come across as aloof, but as long as they didn't provoke any unwarranted trouble, I remained undisturbed by their perceptions.

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