Child of Project Apple

By How_Ambergreen

59.1K 2.1K 521

Spyxfamily Genius reader insert Demetrius Desmond x reader Every other Sunday (Y/n) (L/n) a child prodigy... More

๐ŸฉตLove Samuel๐Ÿฉต


1.4K 64 27
By How_Ambergreen

If that meeting showed me anything it was that I was slacking off to much, I was only able to report observations and guesses. As far as actual data I have nothing, I've been spending all my time trying to figure out what I can from Loid because he won't tell me anything, he's more of hinderance then a partner.

Loid opened the apartment door "we're home," with that opened it wider for me to walk through but the sight before me made me freeze. Loid took his hat off and hung it up along with his jacket before turning to see the scene unfolding.

Both Anya and Yor hand their hair tied back and we're dressed for working out. They held a stance and were throwing punches Loid tilted his head "what are you two doing?" Yor looked over with a smile "getting ready for school," I could feel Loid deflating next to me as he watched them.

I slowly nodded "right well, I'm beat so I'm going to bed," and with that turned to head down the hallway when Yor's voice stopped me "Oh (Y/n) I left your uniform on the desk in your room make sure it fits before you go to bed please," this made Loid snap out of it and turn to look at me. "That's right don't forget about the open ceremony," I groaned in return and fell into my room closing the door behind me.


The sound of banging on my door was the first sign of the day that it was going to suck. I slid out of bed and went to open the door to be face to face with loid dressed and ready to go Yor and Anya behind also dressed and standing by the door "(Y/n) we have less then ten minutes, you were supposed to be up hours ago we warned you about this," I slowly blinked at him "give me like three minutes I'll be out, get me some coffee in the mean time okay?" And with that I closed my door and groggily started to put on my new uniform.

It fit but not in the way I would have liked, the collar had a chock hold on me that it wasn't going to release and the shorts made me look like a Boy Scout. After seeing them I switched them with the long slacks instead taking church boy over Boy Scout any day and unbutton the top two buttons of the uniform before stepping out still half asleep.

Loid heard the door and turned to look at me, his face falling "button up your shirt, you need to look proper (Y/n) this isn't some joke," he rushed over and buttoned the shirt all the way up "where is my coffee?" Loid's eyebrows shot up "we don't have time for this we need to go," he then started pushing my practically out of the door and into the car. Once in I again unbuttoned the top of my shirt and looked over at Anya who was staring at me with wide eyes.

"What's up short stack? Need something?" She shook her head but continued to stare at me, I tilted my head "ready for orientation?" She gave me a bright smile "I'm supper strong now so there's nothing to worry about, so you don't need to be scared Sib, I'll protect you," I patted her head messing her hair up a little and smiled at her "my hero," in reality, I'm most likely going to be the one saving her as well, I'm twice her size and way stronger but I would let her have this. If she thought she could protect me then who was I to tell her she couldn't.

The rest of the car ride was mostly Anya trying to catch me up on spy wars, witch I'm honestly starting to think she knows how much I hate it and she just tells me about it to torture me in her own six year old mind. Loid did lecture me about the importance of waking up on time and how I need to work on my morning mood and such but I ignored the better half of what he was saying.

We arrived shortly after the lecture and were immediately pulled into a room with a man preaching about the school and how we were the chosen few. I sat between Loid and Anya who wouldn't sit still as she looked around at all of the other students all if not most where her age, almost none where mine but that was to be expected the test that we took was much more then any 9th grader should know going beyond to complex equations and asking about classical literature that made little to no sense.

Anya looked around "papa everyone is wearing what I'm wearing," Anya said as she peered at all the students scanning them Loid stayed stoic and stared forward "that's how uniforms work, yes," With that Loid seemed to check out lost in his own world as the old man began to speak "I will now announce the class and homeroom teacher assigned, when called step forward, I will start with Class one Specter house," I toned him out. As a transfer student I would be given my own tour later and not be called to the front so waiting for my name was pointless.

I was to follow my parents out to their meeting of other parents before being found and guided around by my homeroom teacher. "I wonder witch one you guys will be assigned to?" I looked to Yor and shrugged as Loid piped up "who knows?" Witch of course was a lie.

I was placed in the same class as Demetrius Desmond the first Desmond son and Anya with "Damian Desmond," I peered down at the boy. He looked smug witch for a six year old was a strange sight, he walked with such a step of self imposed importance that it made me want to gag. My face scrunched if the second son is that bad how much worse is the first, Anya looked up at me with her own look of fear but she quickly turned it to Loid as in toning into his own personal thoughts channel, her face dropping lower.

"Anya Forger," Loid turned to Anya "go on up," as of that was any form of encouragement, I rolled my eyes at him "you'll do great short stack, kick their butts," Loid glared at me for a moment before turning his attention back to the front "if she dose I blame you," I scoff in my head, like that would happen, Anya? In a fight? On her first day? As if.

Loid stared down at Anya watching as she mingled with the other students in her class as a sort of delightful look passed his face "make lots of friends Anya," I lifted an eyebrow "what about me? Don't you want me to make friends," Loid gave me a slight side eye "I don't think that possible," my eyes widened before slowly falling back and a smirk grew on my face "is that a challenge?" Loid sat up "sure but I know I'll win," I leaned back in the seats "game on," the old man's voice cut threw our conversation.

"The 29 students of Cecilia Hall will be under the care of Mr. Henderson," the man before who had showed us the list stepped forward and walked over to the students. I looked over at Loid for an expression but he seemed not to have one ether. The ceremony continued as the younger students were lead out of the room but Anya Froze and looked up at Loid and solutes her before immediately getting in trouble. I could see the life in Loid's eyes drain "I feel queasy," I shrug "she'll be fine," and Yor smiled "it can be hard to send them off into the world," and with that we were filed into another room and I was left to wait for my own tour.

(AN: Thank you for all the love! I appreciate it all and I'm so excited to actually be in the school finally, Demetrius will be entering the picture soon and that'll be such a vibe, tell then much love)

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