
By NooFakeIshh

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Two people, on two different waves in life. An icon who is desperately trying to reinvent himself. While this... More

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t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
f o u r t e e n
f i f t e e n
s i x t e e n

t e n

293 27 10
By NooFakeIshh


"Do I need to be worried that you like to be up early before me?"

When I stretched myself awake I seen Savon dressed and ready to go for the day, she was sitting in the suite chair with her notebook and pen. Quietly, she was up already talking to herself as she caught a hit of inspiration immersed in her notebook. I had to repeat my question just for her to notice I was talking to her.

"I don't normally sleep long," she answered.

"For real," I planted my feet on the floor as I rose up to sit on the side of the bed. "What, you afraid of me seeing what you look like in the morning?"

Savon cut her eyes up at me as if I had the audacity insinuating, she was ugly. "I woke up like this," she cut me a smile knowing that wasn't completely true.

"What the hell you doing up early anyway writing? You know you don't have to impress me anymore right? We established already that you hail from music royalty, you're a workaholic."

"No offense, but I'm not trying to impress you. The album is almost finished and the way I'm feeling about it, it's one of those ones that need to be on it. Besides, my family has nothing to do with me trying to deliver on my job."

"I didn't bring you on this trip to work."

"But you do keep me around to finish this project, it's not my fault this arrangement in my mind is driving me insane."

"You have till I get out this shower, I was a little distracted throughout this trip but don't think I forgot I told you before that you need to flow. You turned into my personal assistant overnight, my collaborator by day, my songwriter by night. Hit the pause button for me, please. I wanted to enjoy you, enjoying yourself."

"You have a promotional performance today, you'll be swept up in work. You won't notice that I'm off somewhere writing."

"That's the problem, you off somewhere instead of being present in the moment. At the music video shoot you were off in the corner."

"No I wasn't in no damn corner, I sat front and center and watch you dance. Acting like a damn fan seeing you being the creative that you are. Since we on the topic, what the hell was that. 'See, there she go running' comment you made about me. Were you talking about me?"

I walked off to the bathroom as I waved off her concern, "that wasn't what you thought."

"Then what was it then?"

"I wasn't talking about anything personal, I talked highly of you. I only said that you were shy, I told her before you came over that you were going to say hello and dip, that's it."

"For the sake of not wanting to fuck up the vibe for the rest of the trip. I won't cause a big ass deal out of this, but unless you're inside my head. Don't assume what you don't know, I don't have an issue networking. That wasn't my moment, that woman was focusing on getting her steps down and directing her video so she could get the hell home to her family. She wasn't interested in shit I had to say."

"You didn't say shit to begin with so how would you have known?"

Savon shut her book closed, she stood up to grab her things. "Again, this isn't about me. I'm here for you. With that being said, I'll be downstairs in the car."

Savon exited out the room and managed to not slam the door on her way out. What the fuck did I say? I don't understand these females.


Chris woke up tweaking a little less this morning than yesterday. I didn't intend on having a stupid ass argument, so I decided to leave before I said something I wouldn't be able to take back. The song was almost finished, I didn't mind the silence as I waited for everyone to join me in the car.

Breakfast at least was normal, I made sure I kept an upbeat personality. Once we got back to the car, I zoned out as I put finishing touches on the lyrics. Even though Chris didn't want me to work, I felt extremely positive that he would love this song. We didn't speak much even when we were at breakfast with everyone.

At least that changed when it came time for him to perform, he had a short time to test the sound quality before the show. When the time finally came, the crowd out there roared in excitement waiting to see him.

With his background dancers, friends, and myself held hands as he prayed before hitting the stage.

"Have a great show," I slid him a kiss on the cheek as he gave me a quick hug.

He was eating that stage the fuck up! This wasn't his sole show, so he only had fifteen minutes to perform a few songs. This man walks around hearing praise all damn day, which he deserves. But I can't help but think how many people tell him what his needs to hear instead of what he wants. Chris had his little black bag from yesterday, I couldn't see what was in it still. But five minutes later I seen him on the slick pop something in his mouth. Followed up with a blunt as we headed to the studio.

There was no one waiting to collab with him, this was time he setup for himself. When we walked in I felt like my heart jumped out my chest. When we walked in Vinyl was walking in the next studio over with young artist on his arm.

"How the hell is this nigga in the same circles I run?" I panicked.

"Savon, you alright?" Blick was ready to step into action if needed.

"I'll manage," I sulked in the chair as we moved into our private studio.

"Manage to beat that nigga ass, this is exactly what I wanted." Chris sprung up ready to see him.

It was as if I flew across the room to stop him from leaving, "Chris wait, this isn't the right place. I don't want you to get caught up in my mess. That nigga will run to his lawyer office if you lay a finger on him."

"That ain't nothing he got to worry about Savon," Blick suggested. "I'll handle that shit myself."

"Nah, I want this one!" Chris said ready to leave the room.

But before he made it out, Vinyl's artist had squeezed past him and entered our session. "I'm so sorry to interrupt, but I heard you were right next door. I seen the door open so I thought I say hello, I'm a huge fan."

"It's nice to meet you and all, but now isn't a good time." Chris said.

"Do you know who you're working with?" I asked.

"Yeah, Vinyl is a dope producer. He's helping me produce my album, he's given me full creative control."

"That's how he got me too. He promised that I would be able to have full creative direction, but that price came with pussy. Did he fuck you yet or he hasn't reached that moment."

"Excuse me?" she was offended.

"Savon," Chris held me back as I stood up in the heat of the moment.

"No, she needs to know exactly who the fuck she's working with. That nigga held my songs, he held my life, over some pussy. When he didn't get any voluntarily, he tried to take it. That nigga isn't trying to help you baby, he's trying to help himself!"

"Sis, I don't know you and you don't know me. You telling that shit to the wrong person baby," shawty did that little air hand grab and had set me off.

I lunged at her as I called her a bitch, Chris caught me right before I laid a finger on her. He carried me over to the corner till I calmed down. When Vinyl came to see what was taking her so long that's when it all went to shit.

"Yami, come on. I'm sorry, Chris, I thought she was going to keep it cute and professional."

Chris did a slow walk up to Vinyl, "Blick get her out of here now!" I demanded.

Blick scooped this Yami chick up and carried her out the room. When Chris stood in front of him, Chris had smirked for a brief second right before he swung his face into Vinyl's jaw. Chris wopped on Vinyl, I had to get in on this too so I got a few licks in before Chris had pulled me off and Red finished the job off.

"Get him the fuck up out of here!" Chris demanded.

A range of emotions had washed over me, I laughed at first when I Chris pulled me into a hug to comfort me. But I broke into a cry when it was said and done. Blick and Red joined into the hug to make sure that I was straight.

"Blick, y'all go in there and make that nigga either give us that fucking laptop or transfer over her music."

It took a little convincing, but the guys took Vinyl's laptop and sent me an email typed up as if he wrote it stating it was time to right his wrongs. It was my early stages of music right there, I don't know if that would be able to hold up after today but it meant a lot I received what I wanted. It did me good to at least see him defenseless and in pain like how he left me.

We were not going to let him mess up our vibe, he continued on with the session. Chris pleaded with me to hear the song I was working on, it sounded amazing when he finally jumped on it. It took under an hour for him to finish the song. He knocked out four more songs that had potential to be on the album.

As I tried penning another song, Chris had pulled Blick and Red away to talk for a little while. When he came back to me, the two of them had left.

"What happened to them, food break?"

"I sent them out for a little while." He said, then pulled the arm of my rolling chair closer to him.

"What's up?" I asked not knowing to expect.

"Are you okay?"

"That was the last person I expected to run into today, but I feel good right now. Nothing can blow my high. Thank you for helping me, for real. You don't know what you did for me."

"You don't have to thank me."

"But I do, in more ways than one." I leaned over to kiss him.

Before anything else transpired, someone accidently walked into the studio which caused us to separate. When we left the studio we headed back to the hotel. Chris began gathering all his things packing them up.

"What's going on?" I asked confused. "I thought we had another week out here?"

"Change of plans, I need to get back home. I decided to do what I could on my agenda, but everything else can be rescheduled. I have a newborn baby at home, it's selfish of me not to be there regardless of business. I'm a father first and foremost, that other shit can wait."


Savon realized once we got to the private that the rest of the crew wasn't riding back with us. "What happen to everyone else?"

"I sent them home back when we were at the studio, I wanted it to be a surprise that I wanted you all to myself before I go into daddy mode."

Savon handed her bags off to the flight attendant before we board the jet, back at the suite she changed out of her comfortable attire and had on a dress and heels. I felt she had more confidence in her walk, she dressed down this trip to move around with me. Once she was able to flaunt again, it was over. And I do mean over. Savon was drop dead gorgeous, the lose curls in her hair sat just right. Her makeup was minimal but still made a statement.

At 35,000 ft in the air, we were on our way flying over Georgia. Savon had poured us a glass of champagne to toast. "Here to a successful day and to a successful man. Like you said, you have the Midas touch. You did amazing today, we're almost at the finish line."

"Thank you, I'm thankful that you helped get me to this point."

"I'm almost nervous to finish, what's going to happen to next?"

"Tour, you know I'm going to want you apart of that too."

"You know that isn't what I mean. I want to flow Chris, but I'm someone who moves who purpose and plans. You know I was raised to be polished. Uncertainty give me anxiety. I want to know is my job done with your after this album wraps, or is there something else you need me for?" Savon asked putting her hand on my chest.

"I'm not throwing you away after this album wraps, I want you as long as you want me."

Savon stood up from her seat to stand in front of me, she placed her heel up between my legs. Her dress that she wore was fitted to her curves and was long to her ankles. "Move the dress up for me," she requested.

As directed, I slid my hand up her dress to bring the bottom of it up to her. My hand had caressed its way up her thigh, till I lightly brushed my fingertips up past her lips. I knew she had no panties on underneath her dress. My fingertips caught some of her juices, I had licked my fingers with a satisfying smile.

Savon slid her dress over he head, she had on a sheer bra that exposed her breast through the material. She leaned me back on the couch and straddled my lap, I hit the button above to dim the lights in the jet.

I took off my shirt, wanting to feel her body pressed against mine. Savon's manicured hand had cupped the side of my cheek as she kissed me, she made the move to unfasten my pants. As she continued to kiss me, she had pulled out my shaft and began to jerk me.


The kissing stopped as she took a second to spit on my dick, she motioned her hands up and down and added some twist while she jerked me around.

"I want to fuck you as we fly over state to state."

I wasn't expecting her to say some shit like that, but it turned me the fuck on. Savon shimmied down my pants further to get to what she wanted, her perfect lips had cupped the tip, sending chills down my spine. But I had to cover myself for assurance first.

"You don't have to do that." I said.

"I know what I want to do, I told you that I wanted to thank you in more ways than one. So let me."

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