Someone is come to "visit"~(S...

By _CarlezMin_

575 16 3

Hey! This my first story in Lmk, I hope this is great! This story is about someone to visit, it was CarlezMin... More

• Chapter 1 | "Someone is coming to visit~"
• Chapter 2 | "Get Along"

• Explanation:

233 9 3
By _CarlezMin_

-Hey everyone! Carlez's here! And I will explain you more about CarlezMin's character in Lmk and as Macaque's son too! Here's the picture of myself:

(Picture/painting+"+character by: (Me) CarlezMin)


(Had purple hair and left purple eyes and right "X" eye)

• Name: "CarlezMin" (Just call me Carlez for normally)

• Age: 20 years old (Like Mk&Mei I guess)

• Explanation of the adopted: "Macaque had found "CarlezMin" in a park at evening and he found out that CarlezMin's parents have abandoned him there and CarlezMin was actually only 4 at that time, and he decide to take and adopted Carlez as his own son and they have so much time together!".

• Secret&Powers: "Carlez had a bad past and he had this unique and special powers like Macaque, he had Purple and Shadows powers! He hide that powers from anyone expect his father ofc, and his biological parents doesn't even knew about it. And he had his "x" eye cause of accident when he was fighting with some demons that after him idk for what? Maybe just try to killing him. And then his powers got mix like purple and the shadows-powers got mixed and then there appear an "x" eye in his right eye. He still can see but not really same as his left eye. And CarlezMin got training by Macaque and he's learn to make a big shadow monster just like Macaque, and it really similar like Macaque's shadow monster."

• -"CarlezMin had left Macaque when he was 14 cause Macaque had some troubles and problems with something and had to send his child to a safe place, and he already training CarlezMin with his powers so he could protect himself when he's alone or when something happened to Macaque."

"....": When it/they were talking or mention someone.

(....): When it/they talking to it's/their mind or a explanation.

*....*: When it/they do something.
-....   : When someone talking (they name).

((Sorry about the cover of the story- Not original by me+I don't have any idea) If you guys had some questions about Carlez or anyone just try to comment below and don't forget to press this "★ " button okay? Not forcing! And I hope you guys enjoy!! Have a nice day everyone!👋)

Words: 380

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